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  1. # ldapjs Changelog
  2. ## 1.0.2
  3. - Update dtrace-provider dependency
  4. ## 1.0.1
  5. - Update dependencies
  6. * assert-plus to 1.0.0
  7. * bunyan to 1.8.3
  8. * dashdash to 1.14.0
  9. * backoff to 2.5.0
  10. * once to 1.4.0
  11. * vasync to 1.6.4
  12. * verror to 1.8.1
  13. * dtrace-provider to 0.7.0
  14. - Drop any semblence of support for node 0.8.x
  15. ## 1.0.0
  16. - Update dependencies
  17. * asn1 to 0.2.3
  18. * bunyan to 1.5.1
  19. * dtrace-provider to 0.6.0
  20. - Removed pooled client
  21. - Removed custom formatting for GUIDs
  22. - Completely overhaul DN parsing/formatting
  23. - Add options for format preservation
  24. - Removed `spaced()` and `rndSpaced` from DN API
  25. - Fix parent/child rules regarding empty DNs
  26. - Request routing overhaul
  27. * #154 Route lookups do not depend on object property order
  28. * #111 Null ('') DN will act as catch-all
  29. - Add StartTLS support to client (Sponsored by: DoubleCheck Email Manager)
  30. - Improve robustness of client reconnect logic
  31. - Add 'resultError' event to client
  32. - Update paged search automation in client
  33. - Add Change.apply method for modifying objects
  34. - #143 Preserve raw Buffer value in Control objects
  35. - Test code coverage with node-istanbul
  36. - Convert tests to node-tape
  37. - Add controls for server-side sorting
  38. - #201 Replace nopt with dashdash
  39. - #134 Allow configuration of derefAliases client option
  40. - #197 Properly dispatch unbind requests
  41. - #196 Handle string ports properly in server.listen
  42. - Add basic server API tests
  43. - Store EqualityFilter value as Buffer
  44. - Run full test suite during 'make test'
  45. - #190 Add error code 123 from RFC4370
  46. - #178 Perform strict presence testing on attribute vals
  47. - #183 Accept buffers or strings for cert/key in createServer
  48. - #180 Add '-i, --insecure' option and to all ldapjs-\* CLIs
  49. - #254 Allow simple client bind with empty credentials
  50. ## 0.7.1
  51. - #169 Update dependencies
  52. * asn1 to 0.2.1
  53. * pooling to 0.4.6
  54. * assert-plus to 0.1.5
  55. * bunyan to 0.22.1
  56. - #173 Make dtrace-provider an optional dependency
  57. - #142 Improve parser error handling
  58. - #161 Properly handle close events on tls sockets
  59. - #163 Remove buffertools dependency
  60. - #162 Fix error event handling for pooled clients
  61. - #159 Allow ext request message to have a buffer value
  62. - #155 Make \*Filter.matches case insensitive for attrs
  63. ## 0.7.0
  64. - #87 Minor update to ClientPool event pass-through
  65. - #145 Update pooling to 0.4.5
  66. - #144 Fix unhandled error during client connection
  67. - Output ldapi:// URLs for UNIX domain sockets
  68. - Support extensible matching of caseIgnore and caseIgnoreSubstrings
  69. - Fix some ClientPool event handling
  70. - Improve DN formatting flexibility
  71. * Add 'spaced' function to DN objects allowing toggle of inter-RDN when
  72. rendering to a string. ('dc=test,dc=tld' vs 'dc=test, dc=tld')
  73. * Detect RDN spacing when parsing DN.
  74. - #128 Fix user can't bind with inmemory example
  75. - #139 Bump required tap version to 0.4.1
  76. - Allow binding ldap server on an ephemeral port
  77. ## 0.6.3
  78. - Update bunyan to 0.21.1
  79. - Remove listeners on the right object (s/client/res/)
  80. - Replace log4js with bunyan for binaries
  81. - #127 socket is closed issue with pools
  82. - #122 Allow changing TLS connection options in client
  83. - #120 Fix a bug with formatting digits less than 16.
  84. - #118 Fix "failed to instantiate provider" warnings in console on SmartOS
  85. ## 0.6.2 - 0.1.0
  86. **See git history**