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// Copyright (c) 2012 Mathieu Turcotte
// Licensed under the MIT license.
var events = require('events');
var precond = require('precond');
var util = require('util');
var Backoff = require('./backoff');
var FibonacciBackoffStrategy = require('./strategy/fibonacci');
// Wraps a function to be called in a backoff loop.
function FunctionCall(fn, args, callback) {
precond.checkIsFunction(fn, 'Expected fn to be a function.');
precond.checkIsArray(args, 'Expected args to be an array.');
precond.checkIsFunction(callback, 'Expected callback to be a function.');
this.function_ = fn;
this.arguments_ = args;
this.callback_ = callback;
this.lastResult_ = [];
this.numRetries_ = 0;
this.backoff_ = null;
this.strategy_ = null;
this.failAfter_ = -1;
this.retryPredicate_ = FunctionCall.DEFAULT_RETRY_PREDICATE_;
this.state_ = FunctionCall.State_.PENDING;
util.inherits(FunctionCall, events.EventEmitter);
// States in which the call can be.
FunctionCall.State_ = {
// Call isn't started yet.
// Call is in progress.
// Call completed successfully which means that either the wrapped function
// returned successfully or the maximal number of backoffs was reached.
// The call was aborted.
// The default retry predicate which considers any error as retriable.
FunctionCall.DEFAULT_RETRY_PREDICATE_ = function(err) {
return true;
// Checks whether the call is pending.
FunctionCall.prototype.isPending = function() {
return this.state_ == FunctionCall.State_.PENDING;
// Checks whether the call is in progress.
FunctionCall.prototype.isRunning = function() {
return this.state_ == FunctionCall.State_.RUNNING;
// Checks whether the call is completed.
FunctionCall.prototype.isCompleted = function() {
return this.state_ == FunctionCall.State_.COMPLETED;
// Checks whether the call is aborted.
FunctionCall.prototype.isAborted = function() {
return this.state_ == FunctionCall.State_.ABORTED;
// Sets the backoff strategy to use. Can only be called before the call is
// started otherwise an exception will be thrown.
FunctionCall.prototype.setStrategy = function(strategy) {
precond.checkState(this.isPending(), 'FunctionCall in progress.');
this.strategy_ = strategy;
return this; // Return this for chaining.
// Sets the predicate which will be used to determine whether the errors
// returned from the wrapped function should be retried or not, e.g. a
// network error would be retriable while a type error would stop the
// function call.
FunctionCall.prototype.retryIf = function(retryPredicate) {
precond.checkState(this.isPending(), 'FunctionCall in progress.');
this.retryPredicate_ = retryPredicate;
return this;
// Returns all intermediary results returned by the wrapped function since
// the initial call.
FunctionCall.prototype.getLastResult = function() {
return this.lastResult_.concat();
// Returns the number of times the wrapped function call was retried.
FunctionCall.prototype.getNumRetries = function() {
return this.numRetries_;
// Sets the backoff limit.
FunctionCall.prototype.failAfter = function(maxNumberOfRetry) {
precond.checkState(this.isPending(), 'FunctionCall in progress.');
this.failAfter_ = maxNumberOfRetry;
return this; // Return this for chaining.
// Aborts the call.
FunctionCall.prototype.abort = function() {
if (this.isCompleted() || this.isAborted()) {
if (this.isRunning()) {
this.state_ = FunctionCall.State_.ABORTED;
this.lastResult_ = [new Error('Backoff aborted.')];
// Initiates the call to the wrapped function. Accepts an optional factory
// function used to create the backoff instance; used when testing.
FunctionCall.prototype.start = function(backoffFactory) {
precond.checkState(!this.isAborted(), 'FunctionCall is aborted.');
precond.checkState(this.isPending(), 'FunctionCall already started.');
var strategy = this.strategy_ || new FibonacciBackoffStrategy();
this.backoff_ = backoffFactory ?
backoffFactory(strategy) :
new Backoff(strategy);
this.backoff_.on('ready', this.doCall_.bind(this, true /* isRetry */));
this.backoff_.on('fail', this.doCallback_.bind(this));
this.backoff_.on('backoff', this.handleBackoff_.bind(this));
if (this.failAfter_ > 0) {
this.state_ = FunctionCall.State_.RUNNING;
this.doCall_(false /* isRetry */);
// Calls the wrapped function.
FunctionCall.prototype.doCall_ = function(isRetry) {
if (isRetry) {
var eventArgs = ['call'].concat(this.arguments_);
events.EventEmitter.prototype.emit.apply(this, eventArgs);
var callback = this.handleFunctionCallback_.bind(this);
this.function_.apply(null, this.arguments_.concat(callback));
// Calls the wrapped function's callback with the last result returned by the
// wrapped function.
FunctionCall.prototype.doCallback_ = function() {
this.callback_.apply(null, this.lastResult_);
// Handles wrapped function's completion. This method acts as a replacement
// for the original callback function.
FunctionCall.prototype.handleFunctionCallback_ = function() {
if (this.isAborted()) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
this.lastResult_ = args; // Save last callback arguments.
events.EventEmitter.prototype.emit.apply(this, ['callback'].concat(args));
var err = args[0];
if (err && this.retryPredicate_(err)) {
} else {
this.state_ = FunctionCall.State_.COMPLETED;
// Handles the backoff event by reemitting it.
FunctionCall.prototype.handleBackoff_ = function(number, delay, err) {
this.emit('backoff', number, delay, err);
module.exports = FunctionCall;