2019-02-01 14:06:44 +01:00
'use strict' ;
const ChangeStream = require ( './change_stream' ) ;
const Db = require ( './db' ) ;
const EventEmitter = require ( 'events' ) . EventEmitter ;
const executeOperation = require ( './utils' ) . executeOperation ;
const inherits = require ( 'util' ) . inherits ;
const MongoError = require ( 'mongodb-core' ) . MongoError ;
2019-07-02 16:05:15 +02:00
const deprecate = require ( 'util' ) . deprecate ;
2019-02-01 14:06:44 +01:00
// Operations
const connectOp = require ( './operations/mongo_client_ops' ) . connectOp ;
const validOptions = require ( './operations/mongo_client_ops' ) . validOptions ;
2019-07-02 16:05:15 +02:00
const closeOperation = require ( './operations/mongo_client_ops' ) . closeOperation ;
2019-02-01 14:06:44 +01:00
/ * *
* @ fileOverview The * * MongoClient * * class is a class that allows for making Connections to MongoDB .
* @ example
* // Connect using a MongoClient instance
* const MongoClient = require ( 'mongodb' ) . MongoClient ;
* const test = require ( 'assert' ) ;
* // Connection url
* const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017' ;
* // Database Name
* const dbName = 'test' ;
* // Connect using MongoClient
* const mongoClient = new MongoClient ( url ) ;
* mongoClient . connect ( function ( err , client ) {
* const db = client . db ( dbName ) ;
* client . close ( ) ;
* } ) ;
* @ example
* // Connect using the MongoClient.connect static method
* const MongoClient = require ( 'mongodb' ) . MongoClient ;
* const test = require ( 'assert' ) ;
* // Connection url
* const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017' ;
* // Database Name
* const dbName = 'test' ;
* // Connect using MongoClient
* MongoClient . connect ( url , function ( err , client ) {
* const db = client . db ( dbName ) ;
* client . close ( ) ;
* } ) ;
* /
2019-07-02 16:05:15 +02:00
/ * *
* A string specifying the level of a ReadConcern
* @ typedef { 'local' | 'available' | 'majority' | 'linearizable' | 'snapshot' } ReadConcernLevel
* @ see https : //docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/read-concern/index.html#read-concern-levels
* /
2019-02-01 14:06:44 +01:00
/ * *
* Creates a new MongoClient instance
* @ class
* @ param { string } url The connection URI string
* @ param { object } [ options ] Optional settings
* @ param { number } [ options . poolSize = 5 ] The maximum size of the individual server pool
* @ param { boolean } [ options . ssl = false ] Enable SSL connection .
2019-07-02 16:05:15 +02:00
* @ param { boolean } [ options . sslValidate = false ] Validate mongod server certificate against Certificate Authority
2019-02-01 14:06:44 +01:00
* @ param { buffer } [ options . sslCA = undefined ] SSL Certificate store binary buffer
* @ param { buffer } [ options . sslCert = undefined ] SSL Certificate binary buffer
* @ param { buffer } [ options . sslKey = undefined ] SSL Key file binary buffer
* @ param { string } [ options . sslPass = undefined ] SSL Certificate pass phrase
* @ param { buffer } [ options . sslCRL = undefined ] SSL Certificate revocation list binary buffer
* @ param { boolean } [ options . autoReconnect = true ] Enable autoReconnect for single server instances
* @ param { boolean } [ options . noDelay = true ] TCP Connection no delay
* @ param { boolean } [ options . keepAlive = true ] TCP Connection keep alive enabled
* @ param { number } [ options . keepAliveInitialDelay = 30000 ] The number of milliseconds to wait before initiating keepAlive on the TCP socket
* @ param { number } [ options . connectTimeoutMS = 30000 ] TCP Connection timeout setting
* @ param { number } [ options . family ] Version of IP stack . Can be 4 , 6 or null ( default ) .
* If null , will attempt to connect with IPv6 , and will fall back to IPv4 on failure
* @ param { number } [ options . socketTimeoutMS = 360000 ] TCP Socket timeout setting
* @ param { number } [ options . reconnectTries = 30 ] Server attempt to reconnect # times
* @ param { number } [ options . reconnectInterval = 1000 ] Server will wait # milliseconds between retries
* @ param { boolean } [ options . ha = true ] Control if high availability monitoring runs for Replicaset or Mongos proxies
* @ param { number } [ options . haInterval = 10000 ] The High availability period for replicaset inquiry
* @ param { string } [ options . replicaSet = undefined ] The Replicaset set name
* @ param { number } [ options . secondaryAcceptableLatencyMS = 15 ] Cutoff latency point in MS for Replicaset member selection
* @ param { number } [ options . acceptableLatencyMS = 15 ] Cutoff latency point in MS for Mongos proxies selection
* @ param { boolean } [ options . connectWithNoPrimary = false ] Sets if the driver should connect even if no primary is available
* @ param { string } [ options . authSource = undefined ] Define the database to authenticate against
* @ param { ( number | string ) } [ options . w ] The write concern
* @ param { number } [ options . wtimeout ] The write concern timeout
* @ param { boolean } [ options . j = false ] Specify a journal write concern
* @ param { boolean } [ options . forceServerObjectId = false ] Force server to assign _id values instead of driver
* @ param { boolean } [ options . serializeFunctions = false ] Serialize functions on any object
* @ param { Boolean } [ options . ignoreUndefined = false ] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields
* @ param { boolean } [ options . raw = false ] Return document results as raw BSON buffers
* @ param { number } [ options . bufferMaxEntries = - 1 ] Sets a cap on how many operations the driver will buffer up before giving up on getting a working connection , default is - 1 which is unlimited
* @ param { ( ReadPreference | string ) } [ options . readPreference ] The preferred read preference ( ReadPreference . PRIMARY , ReadPreference . PRIMARY _PREFERRED , ReadPreference . SECONDARY , ReadPreference . SECONDARY _PREFERRED , ReadPreference . NEAREST )
* @ param { object } [ options . pkFactory ] A primary key factory object for generation of custom _id keys
* @ param { object } [ options . promiseLibrary ] A Promise library class the application wishes to use such as Bluebird , must be ES6 compatible
* @ param { object } [ options . readConcern ] Specify a read concern for the collection ( only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported )
2019-07-02 16:05:15 +02:00
* @ param { ReadConcernLevel } [ options . readConcern . level = 'local' ] Specify a read concern level for the collection operations ( only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported )
2019-02-01 14:06:44 +01:00
* @ param { number } [ options . maxStalenessSeconds = undefined ] The max staleness to secondary reads ( values under 10 seconds cannot be guaranteed )
* @ param { string } [ options . loggerLevel = undefined ] The logging level ( error / warn / info / debug )
* @ param { object } [ options . logger = undefined ] Custom logger object
* @ param { boolean } [ options . promoteValues = true ] Promotes BSON values to native types where possible , set to false to only receive wrapper types
* @ param { boolean } [ options . promoteBuffers = false ] Promotes Binary BSON values to native Node Buffers
* @ param { boolean } [ options . promoteLongs = true ] Promotes long values to number if they fit inside the 53 bits resolution
* @ param { boolean } [ options . domainsEnabled = false ] Enable the wrapping of the callback in the current domain , disabled by default to avoid perf hit
* @ param { boolean | function } [ options . checkServerIdentity = true ] Ensure we check server identify during SSL , set to false to disable checking . Only works for Node 0.12 . x or higher . You can pass in a boolean or your own checkServerIdentity override function
* @ param { object } [ options . validateOptions = false ] Validate MongoClient passed in options for correctness
* @ param { string } [ options . appname = undefined ] The name of the application that created this MongoClient instance . MongoDB 3.4 and newer will print this value in the server log upon establishing each connection . It is also recorded in the slow query log and profile collections
* @ param { string } [ options . auth . user = undefined ] The username for auth
* @ param { string } [ options . auth . password = undefined ] The password for auth
* @ param { string } [ options . authMechanism = undefined ] Mechanism for authentication : MDEFAULT , GSSAPI , PLAIN , MONGODB - X509 , or SCRAM - SHA - 1
* @ param { object } [ options . compression ] Type of compression to use : snappy or zlib
* @ param { boolean } [ options . fsync = false ] Specify a file sync write concern
* @ param { array } [ options . readPreferenceTags ] Read preference tags
* @ param { number } [ options . numberOfRetries = 5 ] The number of retries for a tailable cursor
* @ param { boolean } [ options . auto _reconnect = true ] Enable auto reconnecting for single server instances
* @ param { boolean } [ options . monitorCommands = false ] Enable command monitoring for this client
* @ param { number } [ options . minSize ] If present , the connection pool will be initialized with minSize connections , and will never dip below minSize connections
* @ param { boolean } [ options . useNewUrlParser = false ] Determines whether or not to use the new url parser . Enables the new , spec - compliant , url parser shipped in the core driver . This url parser fixes a number of problems with the original parser , and aims to outright replace that parser in the near future .
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* @ param { boolean } [ options . useUnifiedTopology ] Enables the new unified topology layer
2019-02-01 14:06:44 +01:00
* @ param { MongoClient ~ connectCallback } [ callback ] The command result callback
* @ return { MongoClient } a MongoClient instance
* /
function MongoClient ( url , options ) {
if ( ! ( this instanceof MongoClient ) ) return new MongoClient ( url , options ) ;
// Set up event emitter
EventEmitter . call ( this ) ;
// The internal state
this . s = {
url : url ,
options : options || { } ,
promiseLibrary : null ,
dbCache : { } ,
sessions : [ ]
} ;
// Get the promiseLibrary
const promiseLibrary = this . s . options . promiseLibrary || Promise ;
// Add the promise to the internal state
this . s . promiseLibrary = promiseLibrary ;
/ * *
* @ ignore
* /
inherits ( MongoClient , EventEmitter ) ;
/ * *
* The callback format for results
* @ callback MongoClient ~ connectCallback
* @ param { MongoError } error An error instance representing the error during the execution .
* @ param { MongoClient } client The connected client .
* /
/ * *
* Connect to MongoDB using a url as documented at
* docs . mongodb . org / manual / reference / connection - string /
* Note that for replicasets the replicaSet query parameter is required in the 2.0 driver
* @ method
* @ param { MongoClient ~ connectCallback } [ callback ] The command result callback
* @ return { Promise < MongoClient > } returns Promise if no callback passed
* /
MongoClient . prototype . connect = function ( callback ) {
// Validate options object
const err = validOptions ( this . s . options ) ;
if ( typeof callback === 'string' ) {
throw new TypeError ( '`connect` only accepts a callback' ) ;
return executeOperation ( this , connectOp , [ this , err , callback ] , {
skipSessions : true
} ) ;
} ;
2019-07-02 16:05:15 +02:00
MongoClient . prototype . logout = deprecate ( function ( options , callback ) {
2019-02-01 14:06:44 +01:00
if ( typeof options === 'function' ) ( callback = options ) , ( options = { } ) ;
2019-07-02 16:05:15 +02:00
if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) callback ( null , true ) ;
} , 'Multiple authentication is prohibited on a connected client, please only authenticate once per MongoClient' ) ;
2019-02-01 14:06:44 +01:00
/ * *
* Close the db and its underlying connections
* @ method
2019-07-02 16:05:15 +02:00
* @ param { boolean } [ force = false ] Force close , emitting no events
2019-02-01 14:06:44 +01:00
* @ param { Db ~ noResultCallback } [ callback ] The result callback
* @ return { Promise } returns Promise if no callback passed
* /
MongoClient . prototype . close = function ( force , callback ) {
if ( typeof force === 'function' ) ( callback = force ) , ( force = false ) ;
2019-07-02 16:05:15 +02:00
return executeOperation ( this , closeOperation , [ this , force , callback ] , {
skipSessions : true
2019-02-01 14:06:44 +01:00
} ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Create a new Db instance sharing the current socket connections . Be aware that the new db instances are
* related in a parent - child relationship to the original instance so that events are correctly emitted on child
* db instances . Child db instances are cached so performing db ( 'db1' ) twice will return the same instance .
* You can control these behaviors with the options noListener and returnNonCachedInstance .
* @ method
* @ param { string } [ dbName ] The name of the database we want to use . If not provided , use database name from connection string .
* @ param { object } [ options ] Optional settings .
* @ param { boolean } [ options . noListener = false ] Do not make the db an event listener to the original connection .
* @ param { boolean } [ options . returnNonCachedInstance = false ] Control if you want to return a cached instance or have a new one created
* @ return { Db }
* /
MongoClient . prototype . db = function ( dbName , options ) {
options = options || { } ;
// Default to db from connection string if not provided
if ( ! dbName ) {
dbName = this . s . options . dbName ;
// Copy the options and add out internal override of the not shared flag
const finalOptions = Object . assign ( { } , this . s . options , options ) ;
// Do we have the db in the cache already
if ( this . s . dbCache [ dbName ] && finalOptions . returnNonCachedInstance !== true ) {
return this . s . dbCache [ dbName ] ;
// Add promiseLibrary
finalOptions . promiseLibrary = this . s . promiseLibrary ;
// If no topology throw an error message
if ( ! this . topology ) {
throw new MongoError ( 'MongoClient must be connected before calling MongoClient.prototype.db' ) ;
// Return the db object
const db = new Db ( dbName , this . topology , finalOptions ) ;
// Add the db to the cache
this . s . dbCache [ dbName ] = db ;
// Return the database
return db ;
} ;
/ * *
* Check if MongoClient is connected
* @ method
* @ param { object } [ options ] Optional settings .
* @ param { boolean } [ options . noListener = false ] Do not make the db an event listener to the original connection .
* @ param { boolean } [ options . returnNonCachedInstance = false ] Control if you want to return a cached instance or have a new one created
* @ return { boolean }
* /
MongoClient . prototype . isConnected = function ( options ) {
options = options || { } ;
if ( ! this . topology ) return false ;
return this . topology . isConnected ( options ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Connect to MongoDB using a url as documented at
* docs . mongodb . org / manual / reference / connection - string /
* Note that for replicasets the replicaSet query parameter is required in the 2.0 driver
* @ method
* @ static
* @ param { string } url The connection URI string
* @ param { object } [ options ] Optional settings
* @ param { number } [ options . poolSize = 5 ] The maximum size of the individual server pool
* @ param { boolean } [ options . ssl = false ] Enable SSL connection .
2019-07-02 16:05:15 +02:00
* @ param { boolean } [ options . sslValidate = false ] Validate mongod server certificate against Certificate Authority
2019-02-01 14:06:44 +01:00
* @ param { buffer } [ options . sslCA = undefined ] SSL Certificate store binary buffer
* @ param { buffer } [ options . sslCert = undefined ] SSL Certificate binary buffer
* @ param { buffer } [ options . sslKey = undefined ] SSL Key file binary buffer
* @ param { string } [ options . sslPass = undefined ] SSL Certificate pass phrase
* @ param { buffer } [ options . sslCRL = undefined ] SSL Certificate revocation list binary buffer
* @ param { boolean } [ options . autoReconnect = true ] Enable autoReconnect for single server instances
* @ param { boolean } [ options . noDelay = true ] TCP Connection no delay
* @ param { boolean } [ options . keepAlive = true ] TCP Connection keep alive enabled
* @ param { boolean } [ options . keepAliveInitialDelay = 30000 ] The number of milliseconds to wait before initiating keepAlive on the TCP socket
* @ param { number } [ options . connectTimeoutMS = 30000 ] TCP Connection timeout setting
* @ param { number } [ options . family ] Version of IP stack . Can be 4 , 6 or null ( default ) .
* If null , will attempt to connect with IPv6 , and will fall back to IPv4 on failure
* @ param { number } [ options . socketTimeoutMS = 360000 ] TCP Socket timeout setting
* @ param { number } [ options . reconnectTries = 30 ] Server attempt to reconnect # times
* @ param { number } [ options . reconnectInterval = 1000 ] Server will wait # milliseconds between retries
* @ param { boolean } [ options . ha = true ] Control if high availability monitoring runs for Replicaset or Mongos proxies
* @ param { number } [ options . haInterval = 10000 ] The High availability period for replicaset inquiry
* @ param { string } [ options . replicaSet = undefined ] The Replicaset set name
* @ param { number } [ options . secondaryAcceptableLatencyMS = 15 ] Cutoff latency point in MS for Replicaset member selection
* @ param { number } [ options . acceptableLatencyMS = 15 ] Cutoff latency point in MS for Mongos proxies selection
* @ param { boolean } [ options . connectWithNoPrimary = false ] Sets if the driver should connect even if no primary is available
* @ param { string } [ options . authSource = undefined ] Define the database to authenticate against
* @ param { ( number | string ) } [ options . w ] The write concern
* @ param { number } [ options . wtimeout ] The write concern timeout
* @ param { boolean } [ options . j = false ] Specify a journal write concern
* @ param { boolean } [ options . forceServerObjectId = false ] Force server to assign _id values instead of driver
* @ param { boolean } [ options . serializeFunctions = false ] Serialize functions on any object
* @ param { Boolean } [ options . ignoreUndefined = false ] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields
* @ param { boolean } [ options . raw = false ] Return document results as raw BSON buffers
* @ param { number } [ options . bufferMaxEntries = - 1 ] Sets a cap on how many operations the driver will buffer up before giving up on getting a working connection , default is - 1 which is unlimited
* @ param { ( ReadPreference | string ) } [ options . readPreference ] The preferred read preference ( ReadPreference . PRIMARY , ReadPreference . PRIMARY _PREFERRED , ReadPreference . SECONDARY , ReadPreference . SECONDARY _PREFERRED , ReadPreference . NEAREST )
* @ param { object } [ options . pkFactory ] A primary key factory object for generation of custom _id keys
* @ param { object } [ options . promiseLibrary ] A Promise library class the application wishes to use such as Bluebird , must be ES6 compatible
* @ param { object } [ options . readConcern ] Specify a read concern for the collection ( only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported )
2019-07-02 16:05:15 +02:00
* @ param { ReadConcernLevel } [ options . readConcern . level = 'local' ] Specify a read concern level for the collection operations ( only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported )
2019-02-01 14:06:44 +01:00
* @ param { number } [ options . maxStalenessSeconds = undefined ] The max staleness to secondary reads ( values under 10 seconds cannot be guaranteed )
* @ param { string } [ options . loggerLevel = undefined ] The logging level ( error / warn / info / debug )
* @ param { object } [ options . logger = undefined ] Custom logger object
* @ param { boolean } [ options . promoteValues = true ] Promotes BSON values to native types where possible , set to false to only receive wrapper types
* @ param { boolean } [ options . promoteBuffers = false ] Promotes Binary BSON values to native Node Buffers
* @ param { boolean } [ options . promoteLongs = true ] Promotes long values to number if they fit inside the 53 bits resolution
* @ param { boolean } [ options . domainsEnabled = false ] Enable the wrapping of the callback in the current domain , disabled by default to avoid perf hit
* @ param { boolean | function } [ options . checkServerIdentity = true ] Ensure we check server identify during SSL , set to false to disable checking . Only works for Node 0.12 . x or higher . You can pass in a boolean or your own checkServerIdentity override function
* @ param { object } [ options . validateOptions = false ] Validate MongoClient passed in options for correctness
* @ param { string } [ options . appname = undefined ] The name of the application that created this MongoClient instance . MongoDB 3.4 and newer will print this value in the server log upon establishing each connection . It is also recorded in the slow query log and profile collections
* @ param { string } [ options . auth . user = undefined ] The username for auth
* @ param { string } [ options . auth . password = undefined ] The password for auth
* @ param { string } [ options . authMechanism = undefined ] Mechanism for authentication : MDEFAULT , GSSAPI , PLAIN , MONGODB - X509 , or SCRAM - SHA - 1
* @ param { object } [ options . compression ] Type of compression to use : snappy or zlib
* @ param { boolean } [ options . fsync = false ] Specify a file sync write concern
* @ param { array } [ options . readPreferenceTags ] Read preference tags
* @ param { number } [ options . numberOfRetries = 5 ] The number of retries for a tailable cursor
* @ param { boolean } [ options . auto _reconnect = true ] Enable auto reconnecting for single server instances
* @ param { number } [ options . minSize ] If present , the connection pool will be initialized with minSize connections , and will never dip below minSize connections
* @ param { MongoClient ~ connectCallback } [ callback ] The command result callback
* @ return { Promise < MongoClient > } returns Promise if no callback passed
* /
MongoClient . connect = function ( url , options , callback ) {
const args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments , 1 ) ;
callback = typeof args [ args . length - 1 ] === 'function' ? args . pop ( ) : undefined ;
options = args . length ? args . shift ( ) : null ;
options = options || { } ;
// Create client
const mongoClient = new MongoClient ( url , options ) ;
// Execute the connect method
return mongoClient . connect ( callback ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Starts a new session on the server
* @ param { SessionOptions } [ options ] optional settings for a driver session
* @ return { ClientSession } the newly established session
* /
MongoClient . prototype . startSession = function ( options ) {
options = Object . assign ( { explicit : true } , options ) ;
if ( ! this . topology ) {
throw new MongoError ( 'Must connect to a server before calling this method' ) ;
if ( ! this . topology . hasSessionSupport ( ) ) {
throw new MongoError ( 'Current topology does not support sessions' ) ;
return this . topology . startSession ( options , this . s . options ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Runs a given operation with an implicitly created session . The lifetime of the session
* will be handled without the need for user interaction .
* NOTE : presently the operation MUST return a Promise ( either explicit or implicity as an async function )
* @ param { Object } [ options ] Optional settings to be appled to implicitly created session
* @ param { Function } operation An operation to execute with an implicitly created session . The signature of this MUST be ` (session) => {} `
* @ return { Promise }
* /
MongoClient . prototype . withSession = function ( options , operation ) {
if ( typeof options === 'function' ) ( operation = options ) , ( options = undefined ) ;
const session = this . startSession ( options ) ;
let cleanupHandler = ( err , result , opts ) => {
// prevent multiple calls to cleanupHandler
cleanupHandler = ( ) => {
throw new ReferenceError ( 'cleanupHandler was called too many times' ) ;
} ;
opts = Object . assign ( { throw : true } , opts ) ;
session . endSession ( ) ;
if ( err ) {
if ( opts . throw ) throw err ;
return Promise . reject ( err ) ;
} ;
try {
const result = operation ( session ) ;
return Promise . resolve ( result )
. then ( result => cleanupHandler ( null , result ) )
. catch ( err => cleanupHandler ( err , null , { throw : true } ) ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
return cleanupHandler ( err , null , { throw : false } ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Create a new Change Stream , watching for new changes ( insertions , updates , replacements , deletions , and invalidations ) in this cluster . Will ignore all changes to system collections , as well as the local , admin ,
* and config databases .
* @ method
* @ since 3.1 . 0
* @ param { Array } [ pipeline ] An array of { @ link https : //docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/aggregation-pipeline/|aggregation pipeline stages} through which to pass change stream documents. This allows for filtering (using $match) and manipulating the change stream documents.
* @ param { object } [ options ] Optional settings
* @ param { string } [ options . fullDocument = 'default' ] Allowed values : ‘ default ’ , ‘ updateLookup ’ . When set to ‘ updateLookup ’ , the change stream will include both a delta describing the changes to the document , as well as a copy of the entire document that was changed from some time after the change occurred .
* @ param { object } [ options . resumeAfter ] Specifies the logical starting point for the new change stream . This should be the _id field from a previously returned change stream document .
* @ param { number } [ options . maxAwaitTimeMS ] The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a change stream query
* @ param { number } [ options . batchSize ] The number of documents to return per batch . See { @ link https : //docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/aggregate|aggregation documentation}.
* @ param { object } [ options . collation ] Specify collation settings for operation . See { @ link https : //docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/aggregate|aggregation documentation}.
* @ param { ReadPreference } [ options . readPreference ] The read preference . See { @ link https : //docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/read-preference|read preference documentation}.
* @ param { Timestamp } [ options . startAtClusterTime ] receive change events that occur after the specified timestamp
* @ param { ClientSession } [ options . session ] optional session to use for this operation
* @ return { ChangeStream } a ChangeStream instance .
* /
MongoClient . prototype . watch = function ( pipeline , options ) {
pipeline = pipeline || [ ] ;
options = options || { } ;
// Allow optionally not specifying a pipeline
if ( ! Array . isArray ( pipeline ) ) {
options = pipeline ;
pipeline = [ ] ;
return new ChangeStream ( this , pipeline , options ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Return the mongo client logger
* @ method
* @ return { Logger } return the mongo client logger
* @ ignore
* /
MongoClient . prototype . getLogger = function ( ) {
return this . s . options . logger ;
} ;
module . exports = MongoClient ;