'use strict'; const ServerDescription = require('./server_description').ServerDescription; const calculateDurationInMs = require('../utils').calculateDurationInMs; /** * Published when server description changes, but does NOT include changes to the RTT. * * @property {Object} topologyId A unique identifier for the topology * @property {ServerAddress} address The address (host/port pair) of the server * @property {ServerDescription} previousDescription The previous server description * @property {ServerDescription} newDescription The new server description */ class ServerDescriptionChangedEvent { constructor(topologyId, address, previousDescription, newDescription) { Object.assign(this, { topologyId, address, previousDescription, newDescription }); } } /** * Published when server is initialized. * * @property {Object} topologyId A unique identifier for the topology * @property {ServerAddress} address The address (host/port pair) of the server */ class ServerOpeningEvent { constructor(topologyId, address) { Object.assign(this, { topologyId, address }); } } /** * Published when server is closed. * * @property {ServerAddress} address The address (host/port pair) of the server * @property {Object} topologyId A unique identifier for the topology */ class ServerClosedEvent { constructor(topologyId, address) { Object.assign(this, { topologyId, address }); } } /** * Published when topology description changes. * * @property {Object} topologyId * @property {TopologyDescription} previousDescription The old topology description * @property {TopologyDescription} newDescription The new topology description */ class TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent { constructor(topologyId, previousDescription, newDescription) { Object.assign(this, { topologyId, previousDescription, newDescription }); } } /** * Published when topology is initialized. * * @param {Object} topologyId A unique identifier for the topology */ class TopologyOpeningEvent { constructor(topologyId) { Object.assign(this, { topologyId }); } } /** * Published when topology is closed. * * @param {Object} topologyId A unique identifier for the topology */ class TopologyClosedEvent { constructor(topologyId) { Object.assign(this, { topologyId }); } } /** * Fired when the server monitor’s ismaster command is started - immediately before * the ismaster command is serialized into raw BSON and written to the socket. * * @property {Object} connectionId The connection id for the command */ class ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent { constructor(connectionId) { Object.assign(this, { connectionId }); } } /** * Fired when the server monitor’s ismaster succeeds. * * @param {Number} duration The execution time of the event in ms * @param {Object} reply The command reply * @param {Object} connectionId The connection id for the command */ class ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent { constructor(duration, reply, connectionId) { Object.assign(this, { duration, reply, connectionId }); } } /** * Fired when the server monitor’s ismaster fails, either with an “ok: 0” or a socket exception. * * @param {Number} duration The execution time of the event in ms * @param {MongoError|Object} failure The command failure * @param {Object} connectionId The connection id for the command */ class ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent { constructor(duration, failure, connectionId) { Object.assign(this, { duration, failure, connectionId }); } } /** * Performs a server check as described by the SDAM spec. * * NOTE: This method automatically reschedules itself, so that there is always an active * monitoring process * * @param {Server} server The server to monitor */ function monitorServer(server, options) { options = options || {}; const heartbeatFrequencyMS = options.heartbeatFrequencyMS || 10000; if (options.initial === true) { server.s.monitorId = setTimeout(() => monitorServer(server), heartbeatFrequencyMS); return; } // executes a single check of a server const checkServer = callback => { let start = process.hrtime(); // emit a signal indicating we have started the heartbeat server.emit('serverHeartbeatStarted', new ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent(server.name)); // NOTE: legacy monitoring event process.nextTick(() => server.emit('monitoring', server)); server.command( 'admin.$cmd', { ismaster: true }, { monitoring: true, socketTimeout: server.s.options.connectionTimeout || 2000 }, (err, result) => { let duration = calculateDurationInMs(start); if (err) { server.emit( 'serverHeartbeatFailed', new ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent(duration, err, server.name) ); return callback(err, null); } const isMaster = result.result; server.emit( 'serverHeartbeatSucceded', new ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent(duration, isMaster, server.name) ); return callback(null, isMaster); } ); }; const successHandler = isMaster => { server.s.monitoring = false; // emit an event indicating that our description has changed server.emit('descriptionReceived', new ServerDescription(server.description.address, isMaster)); // schedule the next monitoring process server.s.monitorId = setTimeout(() => monitorServer(server), heartbeatFrequencyMS); }; // run the actual monitoring loop server.s.monitoring = true; checkServer((err, isMaster) => { if (!err) { successHandler(isMaster); return; } // According to the SDAM specification's "Network error during server check" section, if // an ismaster call fails we reset the server's pool. If a server was once connected, // change its type to `Unknown` only after retrying once. server.s.pool.reset(() => { // otherwise re-attempt monitoring once checkServer((error, isMaster) => { if (error) { server.s.monitoring = false; // we revert to an `Unknown` by emitting a default description with no isMaster server.emit( 'descriptionReceived', new ServerDescription(server.description.address, null, { error }) ); // we do not reschedule monitoring in this case return; } successHandler(isMaster); }); }); }); } module.exports = { ServerDescriptionChangedEvent, ServerOpeningEvent, ServerClosedEvent, TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent, TopologyOpeningEvent, TopologyClosedEvent, ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent, ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent, ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent, monitorServer };