'use strict'; const inherits = require('util').inherits; const MongoError = require('mongodb-core').MongoError; const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const CoreCursor = require('./cursor'); const deprecate = require('util').deprecate; const SUPPORTS = require('./utils').SUPPORTS; /** * @fileOverview The **AggregationCursor** class is an internal class that embodies an aggregation cursor on MongoDB * allowing for iteration over the results returned from the underlying query. It supports * one by one document iteration, conversion to an array or can be iterated as a Node 4.X * or higher stream * * **AGGREGATIONCURSOR Cannot directly be instantiated** * @example * const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; * const test = require('assert'); * // Connection url * const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017'; * // Database Name * const dbName = 'test'; * // Connect using MongoClient * MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, client) { * // Create a collection we want to drop later * const col = client.db(dbName).collection('createIndexExample1'); * // Insert a bunch of documents * col.insert([{a:1, b:1} * , {a:2, b:2}, {a:3, b:3} * , {a:4, b:4}], {w:1}, function(err, result) { * test.equal(null, err); * // Show that duplicate records got dropped * col.aggregation({}, {cursor: {}}).toArray(function(err, items) { * test.equal(null, err); * test.equal(4, items.length); * client.close(); * }); * }); * }); */ /** * Namespace provided by the browser. * @external Readable */ /** * Creates a new Aggregation Cursor instance (INTERNAL TYPE, do not instantiate directly) * @class AggregationCursor * @extends external:Readable * @fires AggregationCursor#data * @fires AggregationCursor#end * @fires AggregationCursor#close * @fires AggregationCursor#readable * @return {AggregationCursor} an AggregationCursor instance. */ var AggregationCursor = function(bson, ns, cmd, options, topology, topologyOptions) { CoreCursor.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); var state = AggregationCursor.INIT; var streamOptions = {}; // MaxTimeMS var maxTimeMS = null; // Get the promiseLibrary var promiseLibrary = options.promiseLibrary || Promise; // Set up Readable.call(this, { objectMode: true }); // Internal state this.s = { // MaxTimeMS maxTimeMS: maxTimeMS, // State state: state, // Stream options streamOptions: streamOptions, // BSON bson: bson, // Namespace ns: ns, // Command cmd: cmd, // Options options: options, // Topology topology: topology, // Topology Options topologyOptions: topologyOptions, // Promise library promiseLibrary: promiseLibrary, // Optional ClientSession session: options.session }; }; /** * AggregationCursor stream data event, fired for each document in the cursor. * * @event AggregationCursor#data * @type {object} */ /** * AggregationCursor stream end event * * @event AggregationCursor#end * @type {null} */ /** * AggregationCursor stream close event * * @event AggregationCursor#close * @type {null} */ /** * AggregationCursor stream readable event * * @event AggregationCursor#readable * @type {null} */ // Inherit from Readable inherits(AggregationCursor, Readable); // Extend the Cursor for (var name in CoreCursor.prototype) { AggregationCursor.prototype[name] = CoreCursor.prototype[name]; } if (SUPPORTS.ASYNC_ITERATOR) { AggregationCursor.prototype[ Symbol.asyncIterator ] = require('./async/async_iterator').asyncIterator; } /** * Set the batch size for the cursor. * @method * @param {number} value The batchSize for the cursor. * @throws {MongoError} * @return {AggregationCursor} */ AggregationCursor.prototype.batchSize = function(value) { if (this.s.state === AggregationCursor.CLOSED || this.isDead()) throw MongoError.create({ message: 'Cursor is closed', driver: true }); if (typeof value !== 'number') throw MongoError.create({ message: 'batchSize requires an integer', driver: true }); if (this.s.cmd.cursor) this.s.cmd.cursor.batchSize = value; this.setCursorBatchSize(value); return this; }; /** * Add a geoNear stage to the aggregation pipeline * @method * @param {object} document The geoNear stage document. * @return {AggregationCursor} */ AggregationCursor.prototype.geoNear = deprecate(function(document) { this.s.cmd.pipeline.push({ $geoNear: document }); return this; }, 'The `$geoNear` stage is deprecated in MongoDB 4.0, and removed in version 4.2.'); /** * Add a group stage to the aggregation pipeline * @method * @param {object} document The group stage document. * @return {AggregationCursor} */ AggregationCursor.prototype.group = function(document) { this.s.cmd.pipeline.push({ $group: document }); return this; }; /** * Add a limit stage to the aggregation pipeline * @method * @param {number} value The state limit value. * @return {AggregationCursor} */ AggregationCursor.prototype.limit = function(value) { this.s.cmd.pipeline.push({ $limit: value }); return this; }; /** * Add a match stage to the aggregation pipeline * @method * @param {object} document The match stage document. * @return {AggregationCursor} */ AggregationCursor.prototype.match = function(document) { this.s.cmd.pipeline.push({ $match: document }); return this; }; /** * Add a maxTimeMS stage to the aggregation pipeline * @method * @param {number} value The state maxTimeMS value. * @return {AggregationCursor} */ AggregationCursor.prototype.maxTimeMS = function(value) { if (this.s.topology.lastIsMaster().minWireVersion > 2) { this.s.cmd.maxTimeMS = value; } return this; }; /** * Add a out stage to the aggregation pipeline * @method * @param {number} destination The destination name. * @return {AggregationCursor} */ AggregationCursor.prototype.out = function(destination) { this.s.cmd.pipeline.push({ $out: destination }); return this; }; /** * Add a project stage to the aggregation pipeline * @method * @param {object} document The project stage document. * @return {AggregationCursor} */ AggregationCursor.prototype.project = function(document) { this.s.cmd.pipeline.push({ $project: document }); return this; }; /** * Add a lookup stage to the aggregation pipeline * @method * @param {object} document The lookup stage document. * @return {AggregationCursor} */ AggregationCursor.prototype.lookup = function(document) { this.s.cmd.pipeline.push({ $lookup: document }); return this; }; /** * Add a redact stage to the aggregation pipeline * @method * @param {object} document The redact stage document. * @return {AggregationCursor} */ AggregationCursor.prototype.redact = function(document) { this.s.cmd.pipeline.push({ $redact: document }); return this; }; /** * Add a skip stage to the aggregation pipeline * @method * @param {number} value The state skip value. * @return {AggregationCursor} */ AggregationCursor.prototype.skip = function(value) { this.s.cmd.pipeline.push({ $skip: value }); return this; }; /** * Add a sort stage to the aggregation pipeline * @method * @param {object} document The sort stage document. * @return {AggregationCursor} */ AggregationCursor.prototype.sort = function(document) { this.s.cmd.pipeline.push({ $sort: document }); return this; }; /** * Add a unwind stage to the aggregation pipeline * @method * @param {number} field The unwind field name. * @return {AggregationCursor} */ AggregationCursor.prototype.unwind = function(field) { this.s.cmd.pipeline.push({ $unwind: field }); return this; }; /** * Return the cursor logger * @method * @return {Logger} return the cursor logger * @ignore */ AggregationCursor.prototype.getLogger = function() { return this.logger; }; AggregationCursor.prototype.get = AggregationCursor.prototype.toArray; /** * Get the next available document from the cursor, returns null if no more documents are available. * @function AggregationCursor.prototype.next * @param {AggregationCursor~resultCallback} [callback] The result callback. * @throws {MongoError} * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed */ /** * Check if there is any document still available in the cursor * @function AggregationCursor.prototype.hasNext * @param {AggregationCursor~resultCallback} [callback] The result callback. * @throws {MongoError} * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed */ /** * The callback format for results * @callback AggregationCursor~toArrayResultCallback * @param {MongoError} error An error instance representing the error during the execution. * @param {object[]} documents All the documents the satisfy the cursor. */ /** * Returns an array of documents. The caller is responsible for making sure that there * is enough memory to store the results. Note that the array only contain partial * results when this cursor had been previously accessed. In that case, * cursor.rewind() can be used to reset the cursor. * @method AggregationCursor.prototype.toArray * @param {AggregationCursor~toArrayResultCallback} [callback] The result callback. * @throws {MongoError} * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed */ /** * The callback format for results * @callback AggregationCursor~resultCallback * @param {MongoError} error An error instance representing the error during the execution. * @param {(object|null)} result The result object if the command was executed successfully. */ /** * Iterates over all the documents for this cursor. As with **{cursor.toArray}**, * not all of the elements will be iterated if this cursor had been previously accessed. * In that case, **{cursor.rewind}** can be used to reset the cursor. However, unlike * **{cursor.toArray}**, the cursor will only hold a maximum of batch size elements * at any given time if batch size is specified. Otherwise, the caller is responsible * for making sure that the entire result can fit the memory. * @method AggregationCursor.prototype.each * @param {AggregationCursor~resultCallback} callback The result callback. * @throws {MongoError} * @return {null} */ /** * Close the cursor, sending a AggregationCursor command and emitting close. * @method AggregationCursor.prototype.close * @param {AggregationCursor~resultCallback} [callback] The result callback. * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed */ /** * Is the cursor closed * @method AggregationCursor.prototype.isClosed * @return {boolean} */ /** * Execute the explain for the cursor * @method AggregationCursor.prototype.explain * @param {AggregationCursor~resultCallback} [callback] The result callback. * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed */ /** * Clone the cursor * @function AggregationCursor.prototype.clone * @return {AggregationCursor} */ /** * Resets the cursor * @function AggregationCursor.prototype.rewind * @return {AggregationCursor} */ /** * The callback format for the forEach iterator method * @callback AggregationCursor~iteratorCallback * @param {Object} doc An emitted document for the iterator */ /** * The callback error format for the forEach iterator method * @callback AggregationCursor~endCallback * @param {MongoError} error An error instance representing the error during the execution. */ /* * Iterates over all the documents for this cursor using the iterator, callback pattern. * @method AggregationCursor.prototype.forEach * @param {AggregationCursor~iteratorCallback} iterator The iteration callback. * @param {AggregationCursor~endCallback} callback The end callback. * @throws {MongoError} * @return {null} */ AggregationCursor.INIT = 0; AggregationCursor.OPEN = 1; AggregationCursor.CLOSED = 2; module.exports = AggregationCursor;