var assert = require('assert-plus'); var util = require('util'); var asn1 = require('asn1'); var Control = require('./control'); var CODES = require('../errors/codes'); ///--- Globals var BerReader = asn1.BerReader; var BerWriter = asn1.BerWriter; var VALID_CODES = [ CODES.LDAP_SUCCESS, CODES.LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR, CODES.LDAP_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, CODES.LDAP_STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED, CODES.LDAP_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, CODES.LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE, CODES.LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING, CODES.LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS, CODES.LDAP_BUSY, CODES.LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, CODES.LDAP_OTHER ]; function ServerSideSortingResponseControl(options) { assert.optionalObject(options); options = options || {}; options.type = ServerSideSortingResponseControl.OID; options.criticality = false; if (options.value) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(options.value)) { this.parse(options.value); } else if (typeof (options.value) === 'object') { if (VALID_CODES.indexOf(options.value.result) === -1) { throw new Error('Invalid result code'); } if (options.value.failedAttribute && typeof (options.value.failedAttribute) !== 'string') { throw new Error('failedAttribute must be String'); } this._value = options.value; } else { throw new TypeError('options.value must be a Buffer or Object'); } options.value = null; }, options); } util.inherits(ServerSideSortingResponseControl, Control); Object.defineProperties(ServerSideSortingResponseControl.prototype, { value: { get: function () { return this._value || {}; }, configurable: false } }); ServerSideSortingResponseControl.prototype.parse = function parse(buffer) { assert.ok(buffer); var ber = new BerReader(buffer); if (ber.readSequence(0x30)) { this._value = {}; this._value.result = ber.readEnumeration(); if (ber.peek() == 0x80) { this._value.failedAttribute = ber.readString(0x80); } return true; } return false; }; ServerSideSortingResponseControl.prototype._toBer = function (ber) { assert.ok(ber); if (!this._value || this.value.length === 0) return; var writer = new BerWriter(); writer.startSequence(0x30); writer.writeEnumeration(this.value.result); if (this.value.result !== CODES.LDAP_SUCCESS && this.value.failedAttribute) { writer.writeString(this.value.failedAttribute, 0x80); } writer.endSequence(); ber.writeBuffer(writer.buffer, 0x04); }; ServerSideSortingResponseControl.prototype._json = function (obj) { obj.controlValue = this.value; return obj; }; ServerSideSortingResponseControl.OID = '1.2.840.113556.1.4.474'; ///--- Exports module.exports = ServerSideSortingResponseControl;