# flat-cache - Changelog ## v1.3.4 - **Refactoring** - Add del.js and utils.js to the list of files to be beautified - [9d0ca9b]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/9d0ca9b ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 14/11/2018 12:19:02 ## v1.3.3 - **Refactoring** - Make sure package-lock.json is up to date - [a7d2598]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/a7d2598 ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 14/11/2018 11:36:08 - **Other changes** - Removed the need for del ([#33](https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/33)) - [c429012]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/c429012 ), [S. Gilroy](https://github.com/S. Gilroy), 13/11/2018 13:56:37 * Removed the need for del Removed the need for del as newer versions have broken backwards compatibility. del mainly uses rimraf for deleting folders and files, replaceing it with rimraf only is a minimal change. * Disable glob on rimraf calls * Added glob disable to wrong call * Wrapped rimraf to simplify solution ## v1.3.2 - **Refactoring** - remove yarn.lock file - [704c6c4]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/704c6c4 ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 07/11/2018 15:41:08 - **undefined** - replace circular-json with flatted ([#23](https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/23))" - [db12d74]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/db12d74 ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 07/11/2018 15:40:39 This reverts commit 00f689277a75e85fef28e6a048fad227afc525e6. ## v1.3.1 - **Refactoring** - upgrade deps to remove some security warnings - [f405719]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/f405719 ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 06/11/2018 12:07:31 - **Bug Fixes** - replace circular-json with flatted ([#23](https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/23)) - [00f6892]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/00f6892 ), [Terry](https://github.com/Terry), 05/11/2018 18:44:16 - **undefined** - update del to v3.0.0 ([#26](https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/26)) - [d42883f]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/d42883f ), [Patrick Silva](https://github.com/Patrick Silva), 03/11/2018 01:00:44 Closes <a target="_blank" class="info-link" href="https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/25"><span>#25</span></a> ## v1.3.0 - **Other changes** - Added #all method ([#16](https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/16)) - [12293be]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/12293be ), [Ozair Patel](https://github.com/Ozair Patel), 25/09/2017 14:46:38 * Added #all method * Added #all method test * Updated readme * Added yarn.lock * Added more keys for #all test * Beautified file - fix changelog title style ([#14](https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/14)) - [af8338a]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/af8338a ), [前端小武](https://github.com/前端小武), 19/12/2016 20:34:48 ## v1.2.2 - **Bug Fixes** - Do not crash if cache file is invalid JSON. ([#13](https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/13)) - [87beaa6]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/87beaa6 ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 19/12/2016 18:03:35 Fixes <a target="_blank" class="info-link" href="https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/12"><span>#12</span></a> Not sure under which situations a cache file might exist that does not contain a valid JSON structure, but just in case to cover the possibility of this happening a try catch block has been added If the cache is somehow not valid the cache will be discarded an a a new cache will be stored instead - **Other changes** - Added travis ci support for modern node versions ([#11](https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/11)) - [1c2b1f7]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/1c2b1f7 ), [Amila Welihinda](https://github.com/Amila Welihinda), 10/11/2016 23:47:52 - Bumping `circular-son` version ([#10](https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/10)) - [4d5e861]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/4d5e861 ), [Andrea Giammarchi](https://github.com/Andrea Giammarchi), 02/08/2016 07:13:52 As mentioned in https://github.com/WebReflection/circular-json/issues/25 `circular-json` wan't rightly implementing the license field. Latest version bump changed only that bit so that ESLint should now be happy. ## v1.2.1 - **Bug Fixes** - Add missing utils.js file to the package. closes [#8](https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/8) - [ec10cf2]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/ec10cf2 ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 01/08/2016 02:18:57 ## v1.2.0 - **Documentation** - Add documentation about noPrune option - [23e11f9]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/23e11f9 ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 01/08/2016 02:06:49 ## v1.1.0 - **Features** - Add noPrune option to cache.save() method. closes [#7](https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/7) - [2c8016a]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/2c8016a ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 01/08/2016 02:00:29 - Add json read and write utility based on circular-json - [c31081e]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/c31081e ), [Jean Ponchon](https://github.com/Jean Ponchon), 28/07/2016 08:58:17 - **Bug Fixes** - Remove UTF16 BOM stripping - [4a41e22]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/4a41e22 ), [Jean Ponchon](https://github.com/Jean Ponchon), 29/07/2016 02:18:06 Since we control both writing and reading of JSON stream, there no needs to handle unicode BOM. - Use circular-json to handle circular references (fix [#5](https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/5)) - [cd7aeed]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/cd7aeed ), [Jean Ponchon](https://github.com/Jean Ponchon), 25/07/2016 11:11:59 - **Tests Related fixes** - Add missing file from eslint test - [d6fa3c3]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/d6fa3c3 ), [Jean Ponchon](https://github.com/Jean Ponchon), 29/07/2016 02:15:51 - Add test for circular json serialization / deserialization - [07d2ddd]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/07d2ddd ), [Jean Ponchon](https://github.com/Jean Ponchon), 28/07/2016 08:59:36 - **Refactoring** - Remove unused read-json-sync - [2be1c24]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/2be1c24 ), [Jean Ponchon](https://github.com/Jean Ponchon), 28/07/2016 08:59:18 - **Build Scripts Changes** - travis tests on 0.12 and 4x - [3a613fd]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/3a613fd ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 15/11/2015 14:34:40 - add eslint-fix task - [fd29e52]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/fd29e52 ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 01/11/2015 15:04:08 - make sure the test script also verify beautification and linting of files before running tests - [e94e176]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/e94e176 ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 01/11/2015 11:54:48 - **Other changes** - add clearAll for cacheDir - [97383d9]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/97383d9 ), [xieyaowu](https://github.com/xieyaowu), 31/10/2015 21:02:18 ## v1.0.9 - **Bug Fixes** - wrong default values for changelogx user repo name - [7bb52d1]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/7bb52d1 ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 11/09/2015 15:59:30 ## v1.0.8 - **Build Scripts Changes** - test against node 4 - [c395b66]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/c395b66 ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 11/09/2015 15:51:39 ## v1.0.7 - **Other changes** - Move dependencies into devDep - [7e47099]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/7e47099 ), [Bogdan Chadkin](https://github.com/Bogdan Chadkin), 11/09/2015 15:10:57 - **Documentation** - Add missing changelog link - [f51197a]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/f51197a ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 11/09/2015 14:48:05 ## v1.0.6 - **Build Scripts Changes** - Add helpers/code check scripts - [bdb82f3]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/bdb82f3 ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 11/09/2015 14:44:31 ## v1.0.5 - **Documentation** - better description for the module - [436817f]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/436817f ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 11/09/2015 14:35:33 - **Other changes** - Update dependencies - [be88aa3]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/be88aa3 ), [Bogdan Chadkin](https://github.com/Bogdan Chadkin), 11/09/2015 13:47:41 ## v1.0.11 - **Features** - Add noPrune option to cache.save() method. closes [#7](https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/7) - [2c8016a]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/2c8016a ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 01/08/2016 02:00:29 - Add json read and write utility based on circular-json - [c31081e]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/c31081e ), [Jean Ponchon](https://github.com/Jean Ponchon), 28/07/2016 08:58:17 - **Bug Fixes** - Remove UTF16 BOM stripping - [4a41e22]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/4a41e22 ), [Jean Ponchon](https://github.com/Jean Ponchon), 29/07/2016 02:18:06 Since we control both writing and reading of JSON stream, there no needs to handle unicode BOM. - Use circular-json to handle circular references (fix [#5](https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/issues/5)) - [cd7aeed]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/cd7aeed ), [Jean Ponchon](https://github.com/Jean Ponchon), 25/07/2016 11:11:59 - **Tests Related fixes** - Add missing file from eslint test - [d6fa3c3]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/d6fa3c3 ), [Jean Ponchon](https://github.com/Jean Ponchon), 29/07/2016 02:15:51 - Add test for circular json serialization / deserialization - [07d2ddd]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/07d2ddd ), [Jean Ponchon](https://github.com/Jean Ponchon), 28/07/2016 08:59:36 - **Refactoring** - Remove unused read-json-sync - [2be1c24]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/2be1c24 ), [Jean Ponchon](https://github.com/Jean Ponchon), 28/07/2016 08:59:18 - **Build Scripts Changes** - travis tests on 0.12 and 4x - [3a613fd]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/3a613fd ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 15/11/2015 14:34:40 ## v1.0.10 - **Build Scripts Changes** - add eslint-fix task - [fd29e52]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/fd29e52 ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 01/11/2015 15:04:08 - make sure the test script also verify beautification and linting of files before running tests - [e94e176]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/e94e176 ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 01/11/2015 11:54:48 - test against node 4 - [c395b66]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/c395b66 ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 11/09/2015 15:51:39 - Add helpers/code check scripts - [bdb82f3]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/bdb82f3 ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 11/09/2015 14:44:31 - **Other changes** - add clearAll for cacheDir - [97383d9]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/97383d9 ), [xieyaowu](https://github.com/xieyaowu), 31/10/2015 21:02:18 - Move dependencies into devDep - [7e47099]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/7e47099 ), [Bogdan Chadkin](https://github.com/Bogdan Chadkin), 11/09/2015 15:10:57 - Update dependencies - [be88aa3]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/be88aa3 ), [Bogdan Chadkin](https://github.com/Bogdan Chadkin), 11/09/2015 13:47:41 - **Bug Fixes** - wrong default values for changelogx user repo name - [7bb52d1]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/7bb52d1 ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 11/09/2015 15:59:30 - **Documentation** - Add missing changelog link - [f51197a]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/f51197a ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 11/09/2015 14:48:05 - better description for the module - [436817f]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/436817f ), [royriojas](https://github.com/royriojas), 11/09/2015 14:35:33 - Add documentation about `clearAll` and `clearCacheById` - [13947c1]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/13947c1 ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 01/03/2015 23:44:05 - **Refactoring** - load a cache file using the full filepath - [b8f68c2]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/b8f68c2 ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 30/08/2015 04:19:14 - **Features** - Add methods to remove the cache documents created - [af40443]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/af40443 ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 01/03/2015 23:39:27 ## v1.0.1 - **Other changes** - Update README.md - [c2b6805]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/c2b6805 ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 26/02/2015 04:28:07 ## v1.0.0 - **Refactoring** - flat-cache v.1.0.0 - [c984274]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/c984274 ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 26/02/2015 04:11:50 - **Other changes** - Initial commit - [d43cccf]( https://github.com/royriojas/flat-cache/commit/d43cccf ), [Roy Riojas](https://github.com/Roy Riojas), 26/02/2015 01:12:16