'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const Kareem = require('../'); describe('execPost', function() { var hooks; beforeEach(function() { hooks = new Kareem(); }); it('handles errors', function(done) { hooks.post('cook', function(eggs, callback) { callback('error!'); }); hooks.execPost('cook', null, [4], function(error, eggs) { assert.equal('error!', error); assert.ok(!eggs); done(); }); }); it('unshift', function() { var f1 = function() {}; var f2 = function() {}; hooks.post('cook', f1); hooks.post('cook', f2, true); assert.strictEqual(hooks._posts.get('cook')[0].fn, f2); assert.strictEqual(hooks._posts.get('cook')[1].fn, f1); }); it('arbitrary options', function() { const f1 = function() {}; const f2 = function() {}; hooks.post('cook', { foo: 'bar' }, f1); hooks.post('cook', { bar: 'baz' }, f2, true); assert.equal(hooks._posts.get('cook')[1].foo, 'bar'); assert.equal(hooks._posts.get('cook')[0].bar, 'baz'); }); it('multiple posts', function(done) { hooks.post('cook', function(eggs, callback) { setTimeout( function() { callback(); }, 5); }); hooks.post('cook', function(eggs, callback) { setTimeout( function() { callback(); }, 5); }); hooks.execPost('cook', null, [4], function(error, eggs) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(4, eggs); done(); }); }); it('error posts', function(done) { var called = {}; hooks.post('cook', function(eggs, callback) { called.first = true; callback(); }); hooks.post('cook', function(eggs, callback) { called.second = true; callback(new Error('fail')); }); hooks.post('cook', function(eggs, callback) { assert.ok(false); }); hooks.post('cook', function(error, eggs, callback) { called.fourth = true; assert.equal(error.message, 'fail'); callback(new Error('fourth')); }); hooks.post('cook', function(error, eggs, callback) { called.fifth = true; assert.equal(error.message, 'fourth'); callback(new Error('fifth')); }); hooks.execPost('cook', null, [4], function(error, eggs) { assert.ok(error); assert.equal(error.message, 'fifth'); assert.deepEqual(called, { first: true, second: true, fourth: true, fifth: true }); done(); }); }); it('error posts with initial error', function(done) { var called = {}; hooks.post('cook', function(eggs, callback) { assert.ok(false); }); hooks.post('cook', function(error, eggs, callback) { called.second = true; assert.equal(error.message, 'fail'); callback(new Error('second')); }); hooks.post('cook', function(error, eggs, callback) { called.third = true; assert.equal(error.message, 'second'); callback(new Error('third')); }); hooks.post('cook', function(error, eggs, callback) { called.fourth = true; assert.equal(error.message, 'third'); callback(); }); var options = { error: new Error('fail') }; hooks.execPost('cook', null, [4], options, function(error, eggs) { assert.ok(error); assert.equal(error.message, 'third'); assert.deepEqual(called, { second: true, third: true, fourth: true }); done(); }); }); it('supports returning a promise', function(done) { var calledPost = 0; hooks.post('cook', function() { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { ++calledPost; resolve(); }, 100); }); }); hooks.execPost('cook', null, [], {}, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(calledPost, 1); done(); }); }); }); describe('execPostSync', function() { var hooks; beforeEach(function() { hooks = new Kareem(); }); it('executes hooks synchronously', function() { var execed = {}; hooks.post('cook', function() { execed.first = true; }); hooks.post('cook', function() { execed.second = true; }); hooks.execPostSync('cook', null); assert.ok(execed.first); assert.ok(execed.second); }); it('works with no hooks specified', function() { assert.doesNotThrow(function() { hooks.execPostSync('cook', null); }); }); });