var Stream = require('stream') var tap = require('tap') var MS = require('../mute.js') // some marker objects var END = {} var PAUSE = {} var RESUME = {} function PassThrough () { this.readable = this.writable = true } PassThrough.prototype = Object.create(Stream.prototype, { constructor: { value: PassThrough }, write: { value: function (c) { this.emit('data', c) return true } }, end: { value: function (c) { if (c) this.write(c) this.emit('end') } }, pause: { value: function () { this.emit('pause') } }, resume: { value: function () { this.emit('resume') } } }) tap.test('incoming', function (t) { var ms = new MS var str = new PassThrough str.pipe(ms) var expect = ['foo', 'boo', END] ms.on('data', function (c) { t.equal(c, expect.shift()) }) ms.on('end', function () { t.equal(END, expect.shift()) t.end() }) str.write('foo') ms.mute() str.write('bar') ms.unmute() str.write('boo') ms.mute() str.write('blaz') str.end('grelb') }) tap.test('outgoing', function (t) { var ms = new MS var str = new PassThrough ms.pipe(str) var expect = ['foo', 'boo', END] str.on('data', function (c) { t.equal(c, expect.shift()) }) str.on('end', function () { t.equal(END, expect.shift()) t.end() }) ms.write('foo') ms.mute() ms.write('bar') ms.unmute() ms.write('boo') ms.mute() ms.write('blaz') ms.end('grelb') }) tap.test('isTTY', function (t) { var str = new PassThrough str.isTTY = true str.columns=80 str.rows=24 var ms = new MS t.equal(ms.isTTY, false) t.equal(ms.columns, undefined) t.equal(ms.rows, undefined) ms.pipe(str) t.equal(ms.isTTY, true) t.equal(ms.columns, 80) t.equal(ms.rows, 24) str.isTTY = false t.equal(ms.isTTY, false) t.equal(ms.columns, 80) t.equal(ms.rows, 24) str.isTTY = true t.equal(ms.isTTY, true) t.equal(ms.columns, 80) t.equal(ms.rows, 24) ms.isTTY = false t.equal(ms.isTTY, false) t.equal(ms.columns, 80) t.equal(ms.rows, 24) ms = new MS t.equal(ms.isTTY, false) str.pipe(ms) t.equal(ms.isTTY, true) str.isTTY = false t.equal(ms.isTTY, false) str.isTTY = true t.equal(ms.isTTY, true) ms.isTTY = false t.equal(ms.isTTY, false) t.end() }) tap.test('pause/resume incoming', function (t) { var str = new PassThrough var ms = new MS str.on('pause', function () { t.equal(PAUSE, expect.shift()) }) str.on('resume', function () { t.equal(RESUME, expect.shift()) }) var expect = [PAUSE, RESUME, PAUSE, RESUME] str.pipe(ms) ms.pause() ms.resume() ms.pause() ms.resume() t.equal(expect.length, 0, 'saw all events') t.end() }) tap.test('replace with *', function (t) { var str = new PassThrough var ms = new MS({replace: '*'}) str.pipe(ms) var expect = ['foo', '*****', 'bar', '***', 'baz', 'boo', '**', '****'] ms.on('data', function (c) { t.equal(c, expect.shift()) }) str.write('foo') ms.mute() str.write('12345') ms.unmute() str.write('bar') ms.mute() str.write('baz') ms.unmute() str.write('baz') str.write('boo') ms.mute() str.write('xy') str.write('xyzΩ') t.equal(expect.length, 0) t.end() }) tap.test('replace with ~YARG~', function (t) { var str = new PassThrough var ms = new MS({replace: '~YARG~'}) str.pipe(ms) var expect = ['foo', '~YARG~~YARG~~YARG~~YARG~~YARG~', 'bar', '~YARG~~YARG~~YARG~', 'baz', 'boo', '~YARG~~YARG~', '~YARG~~YARG~~YARG~~YARG~'] ms.on('data', function (c) { t.equal(c, expect.shift()) }) // also throw some unicode in there, just for good measure. str.write('foo') ms.mute() str.write('ΩΩ') ms.unmute() str.write('bar') ms.mute() str.write('Ω') ms.unmute() str.write('baz') str.write('boo') ms.mute() str.write('Ω') str.write('ΩΩ') t.equal(expect.length, 0) t.end() })