[](http://travis-ci.org/andrewrk/node-mv) Usage: ------ ```js var mv = require('mv'); mv('source/file', 'dest/file', function(err) { // done. it tried fs.rename first, and then falls back to // piping the source file to the dest file and then unlinking // the source file. }); ``` Another example: ```js mv('source/dir', 'dest/a/b/c/dir', {mkdirp: true}, function(err) { // done. it first created all the necessary directories, and then // tried fs.rename, then falls back to using ncp to copy the dir // to dest and then rimraf to remove the source dir }); ``` Another example: ```js mv('source/file', 'dest/file', {clobber: false}, function(err) { // done. If 'dest/file' exists, an error is returned // with err.code === 'EEXIST'. }); ```