'use strict'; const common = require('./common'); const BulkOperationBase = common.BulkOperationBase; const utils = require('../utils'); const toError = utils.toError; const handleCallback = utils.handleCallback; const BulkWriteResult = common.BulkWriteResult; const Batch = common.Batch; const mergeBatchResults = common.mergeBatchResults; const executeOperation = utils.executeOperation; const MongoWriteConcernError = require('mongodb-core').MongoWriteConcernError; const handleMongoWriteConcernError = require('./common').handleMongoWriteConcernError; const bson = common.bson; const isPromiseLike = require('../utils').isPromiseLike; /** * Add to internal list of Operations * * @param {OrderedBulkOperation} bulkOperation * @param {number} docType number indicating the document type * @param {object} document * @return {OrderedBulkOperation} */ function addToOperationsList(bulkOperation, docType, document) { // Get the bsonSize const bsonSize = bson.calculateObjectSize(document, { checkKeys: false }); // Throw error if the doc is bigger than the max BSON size if (bsonSize >= bulkOperation.s.maxBatchSizeBytes) throw toError('document is larger than the maximum size ' + bulkOperation.s.maxBatchSizeBytes); // Create a new batch object if we don't have a current one if (bulkOperation.s.currentBatch == null) bulkOperation.s.currentBatch = new Batch(docType, bulkOperation.s.currentIndex); const maxKeySize = bulkOperation.s.maxKeySize; // Check if we need to create a new batch if ( bulkOperation.s.currentBatchSize + 1 >= bulkOperation.s.maxWriteBatchSize || bulkOperation.s.currentBatchSizeBytes + maxKeySize + bsonSize >= bulkOperation.s.maxBatchSizeBytes || bulkOperation.s.currentBatch.batchType !== docType ) { // Save the batch to the execution stack bulkOperation.s.batches.push(bulkOperation.s.currentBatch); // Create a new batch bulkOperation.s.currentBatch = new Batch(docType, bulkOperation.s.currentIndex); // Reset the current size trackers bulkOperation.s.currentBatchSize = 0; bulkOperation.s.currentBatchSizeBytes = 0; } if (docType === common.INSERT) { bulkOperation.s.bulkResult.insertedIds.push({ index: bulkOperation.s.currentIndex, _id: document._id }); } // We have an array of documents if (Array.isArray(document)) { throw toError('operation passed in cannot be an Array'); } bulkOperation.s.currentBatch.originalIndexes.push(bulkOperation.s.currentIndex); bulkOperation.s.currentBatch.operations.push(document); bulkOperation.s.currentBatchSize += 1; bulkOperation.s.currentBatchSizeBytes += maxKeySize + bsonSize; bulkOperation.s.currentIndex += 1; // Return bulkOperation return bulkOperation; } /** * Create a new OrderedBulkOperation instance (INTERNAL TYPE, do not instantiate directly) * @class * @property {number} length Get the number of operations in the bulk. * @return {OrderedBulkOperation} a OrderedBulkOperation instance. */ class OrderedBulkOperation extends BulkOperationBase { constructor(topology, collection, options) { options = options || {}; options = Object.assign(options, { addToOperationsList }); super(topology, collection, options, true); } /** * The callback format for results * @callback OrderedBulkOperation~resultCallback * @param {MongoError} error An error instance representing the error during the execution. * @param {BulkWriteResult} result The bulk write result. */ /** * Execute the ordered bulk operation * * @method * @param {object} [options] Optional settings. * @param {(number|string)} [options.w] The write concern. * @param {number} [options.wtimeout] The write concern timeout. * @param {boolean} [options.j=false] Specify a journal write concern. * @param {boolean} [options.fsync=false] Specify a file sync write concern. * @param {OrderedBulkOperation~resultCallback} [callback] The result callback * @throws {MongoError} * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed */ execute(_writeConcern, options, callback) { const ret = this.bulkExecute(_writeConcern, options, callback); if (isPromiseLike(ret)) { return ret; } options = ret.options; callback = ret.callback; return executeOperation(this.s.topology, executeCommands, [this, options, callback]); } } /** * Execute next write command in a chain * * @param {OrderedBulkOperation} bulkOperation * @param {object} options * @param {function} callback */ function executeCommands(bulkOperation, options, callback) { if (bulkOperation.s.batches.length === 0) { return handleCallback(callback, null, new BulkWriteResult(bulkOperation.s.bulkResult)); } // Ordered execution of the command const batch = bulkOperation.s.batches.shift(); function resultHandler(err, result) { // Error is a driver related error not a bulk op error, terminate if (((err && err.driver) || (err && err.message)) && !(err instanceof MongoWriteConcernError)) { return handleCallback(callback, err); } // If we have and error if (err) err.ok = 0; if (err instanceof MongoWriteConcernError) { return handleMongoWriteConcernError(batch, bulkOperation.s.bulkResult, true, err, callback); } // Merge the results together const writeResult = new BulkWriteResult(bulkOperation.s.bulkResult); const mergeResult = mergeBatchResults(true, batch, bulkOperation.s.bulkResult, err, result); if (mergeResult != null) { return handleCallback(callback, null, writeResult); } if (bulkOperation.handleWriteError(callback, writeResult)) return; // Execute the next command in line executeCommands(bulkOperation, options, callback); } bulkOperation.finalOptionsHandler({ options, batch, resultHandler }, callback); } /** * Returns an unordered batch object * @ignore */ function initializeOrderedBulkOp(topology, collection, options) { return new OrderedBulkOperation(topology, collection, options); } initializeOrderedBulkOp.OrderedBulkOperation = OrderedBulkOperation; module.exports = initializeOrderedBulkOp; module.exports.Bulk = OrderedBulkOperation;