'use strict'; var retrieveBSON = require('./utils').retrieveBSON; var BSON = retrieveBSON(); var Long = BSON.Long; const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; // Incrementing request id var _requestId = 0; // Wire command operation ids var opcodes = require('../wireprotocol/shared').opcodes; // Query flags var OPTS_TAILABLE_CURSOR = 2; var OPTS_SLAVE = 4; var OPTS_OPLOG_REPLAY = 8; var OPTS_NO_CURSOR_TIMEOUT = 16; var OPTS_AWAIT_DATA = 32; var OPTS_EXHAUST = 64; var OPTS_PARTIAL = 128; // Response flags var CURSOR_NOT_FOUND = 1; var QUERY_FAILURE = 2; var SHARD_CONFIG_STALE = 4; var AWAIT_CAPABLE = 8; /************************************************************** * QUERY **************************************************************/ var Query = function(bson, ns, query, options) { var self = this; // Basic options needed to be passed in if (ns == null) throw new Error('ns must be specified for query'); if (query == null) throw new Error('query must be specified for query'); // Validate that we are not passing 0x00 in the collection name if (ns.indexOf('\x00') !== -1) { throw new Error('namespace cannot contain a null character'); } // Basic options this.bson = bson; this.ns = ns; this.query = query; // Additional options this.numberToSkip = options.numberToSkip || 0; this.numberToReturn = options.numberToReturn || 0; this.returnFieldSelector = options.returnFieldSelector || null; this.requestId = Query.getRequestId(); // special case for pre-3.2 find commands, delete ASAP this.pre32Limit = options.pre32Limit; // Serialization option this.serializeFunctions = typeof options.serializeFunctions === 'boolean' ? options.serializeFunctions : false; this.ignoreUndefined = typeof options.ignoreUndefined === 'boolean' ? options.ignoreUndefined : false; this.maxBsonSize = options.maxBsonSize || 1024 * 1024 * 16; this.checkKeys = typeof options.checkKeys === 'boolean' ? options.checkKeys : true; this.batchSize = self.numberToReturn; // Flags this.tailable = false; this.slaveOk = typeof options.slaveOk === 'boolean' ? options.slaveOk : false; this.oplogReplay = false; this.noCursorTimeout = false; this.awaitData = false; this.exhaust = false; this.partial = false; }; // // Assign a new request Id Query.prototype.incRequestId = function() { this.requestId = _requestId++; }; // // Assign a new request Id Query.nextRequestId = function() { return _requestId + 1; }; // // Uses a single allocated buffer for the process, avoiding multiple memory allocations Query.prototype.toBin = function() { var self = this; var buffers = []; var projection = null; // Set up the flags var flags = 0; if (this.tailable) { flags |= OPTS_TAILABLE_CURSOR; } if (this.slaveOk) { flags |= OPTS_SLAVE; } if (this.oplogReplay) { flags |= OPTS_OPLOG_REPLAY; } if (this.noCursorTimeout) { flags |= OPTS_NO_CURSOR_TIMEOUT; } if (this.awaitData) { flags |= OPTS_AWAIT_DATA; } if (this.exhaust) { flags |= OPTS_EXHAUST; } if (this.partial) { flags |= OPTS_PARTIAL; } // If batchSize is different to self.numberToReturn if (self.batchSize !== self.numberToReturn) self.numberToReturn = self.batchSize; // Allocate write protocol header buffer var header = Buffer.alloc( 4 * 4 + // Header 4 + // Flags Buffer.byteLength(self.ns) + 1 + // namespace 4 + // numberToSkip 4 // numberToReturn ); // Add header to buffers buffers.push(header); // Serialize the query var query = self.bson.serialize(this.query, { checkKeys: this.checkKeys, serializeFunctions: this.serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined: this.ignoreUndefined }); // Add query document buffers.push(query); if (self.returnFieldSelector && Object.keys(self.returnFieldSelector).length > 0) { // Serialize the projection document projection = self.bson.serialize(this.returnFieldSelector, { checkKeys: this.checkKeys, serializeFunctions: this.serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined: this.ignoreUndefined }); // Add projection document buffers.push(projection); } // Total message size var totalLength = header.length + query.length + (projection ? projection.length : 0); // Set up the index var index = 4; // Write total document length header[3] = (totalLength >> 24) & 0xff; header[2] = (totalLength >> 16) & 0xff; header[1] = (totalLength >> 8) & 0xff; header[0] = totalLength & 0xff; // Write header information requestId header[index + 3] = (this.requestId >> 24) & 0xff; header[index + 2] = (this.requestId >> 16) & 0xff; header[index + 1] = (this.requestId >> 8) & 0xff; header[index] = this.requestId & 0xff; index = index + 4; // Write header information responseTo header[index + 3] = (0 >> 24) & 0xff; header[index + 2] = (0 >> 16) & 0xff; header[index + 1] = (0 >> 8) & 0xff; header[index] = 0 & 0xff; index = index + 4; // Write header information OP_QUERY header[index + 3] = (opcodes.OP_QUERY >> 24) & 0xff; header[index + 2] = (opcodes.OP_QUERY >> 16) & 0xff; header[index + 1] = (opcodes.OP_QUERY >> 8) & 0xff; header[index] = opcodes.OP_QUERY & 0xff; index = index + 4; // Write header information flags header[index + 3] = (flags >> 24) & 0xff; header[index + 2] = (flags >> 16) & 0xff; header[index + 1] = (flags >> 8) & 0xff; header[index] = flags & 0xff; index = index + 4; // Write collection name index = index + header.write(this.ns, index, 'utf8') + 1; header[index - 1] = 0; // Write header information flags numberToSkip header[index + 3] = (this.numberToSkip >> 24) & 0xff; header[index + 2] = (this.numberToSkip >> 16) & 0xff; header[index + 1] = (this.numberToSkip >> 8) & 0xff; header[index] = this.numberToSkip & 0xff; index = index + 4; // Write header information flags numberToReturn header[index + 3] = (this.numberToReturn >> 24) & 0xff; header[index + 2] = (this.numberToReturn >> 16) & 0xff; header[index + 1] = (this.numberToReturn >> 8) & 0xff; header[index] = this.numberToReturn & 0xff; index = index + 4; // Return the buffers return buffers; }; Query.getRequestId = function() { return ++_requestId; }; /************************************************************** * GETMORE **************************************************************/ var GetMore = function(bson, ns, cursorId, opts) { opts = opts || {}; this.numberToReturn = opts.numberToReturn || 0; this.requestId = _requestId++; this.bson = bson; this.ns = ns; this.cursorId = cursorId; }; // // Uses a single allocated buffer for the process, avoiding multiple memory allocations GetMore.prototype.toBin = function() { var length = 4 + Buffer.byteLength(this.ns) + 1 + 4 + 8 + 4 * 4; // Create command buffer var index = 0; // Allocate buffer var _buffer = Buffer.alloc(length); // Write header information // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, length); _buffer[index + 3] = (length >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (length >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (length >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = length & 0xff; index = index + 4; // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, requestId); _buffer[index + 3] = (this.requestId >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (this.requestId >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (this.requestId >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = this.requestId & 0xff; index = index + 4; // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, 0); _buffer[index + 3] = (0 >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (0 >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (0 >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = 0 & 0xff; index = index + 4; // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, OP_GETMORE); _buffer[index + 3] = (opcodes.OP_GETMORE >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (opcodes.OP_GETMORE >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (opcodes.OP_GETMORE >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = opcodes.OP_GETMORE & 0xff; index = index + 4; // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, 0); _buffer[index + 3] = (0 >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (0 >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (0 >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = 0 & 0xff; index = index + 4; // Write collection name index = index + _buffer.write(this.ns, index, 'utf8') + 1; _buffer[index - 1] = 0; // Write batch size // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, numberToReturn); _buffer[index + 3] = (this.numberToReturn >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (this.numberToReturn >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (this.numberToReturn >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = this.numberToReturn & 0xff; index = index + 4; // Write cursor id // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, cursorId.getLowBits()); _buffer[index + 3] = (this.cursorId.getLowBits() >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (this.cursorId.getLowBits() >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (this.cursorId.getLowBits() >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = this.cursorId.getLowBits() & 0xff; index = index + 4; // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, cursorId.getHighBits()); _buffer[index + 3] = (this.cursorId.getHighBits() >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (this.cursorId.getHighBits() >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (this.cursorId.getHighBits() >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = this.cursorId.getHighBits() & 0xff; index = index + 4; // Return buffer return _buffer; }; /************************************************************** * KILLCURSOR **************************************************************/ var KillCursor = function(bson, ns, cursorIds) { this.ns = ns; this.requestId = _requestId++; this.cursorIds = cursorIds; }; // // Uses a single allocated buffer for the process, avoiding multiple memory allocations KillCursor.prototype.toBin = function() { var length = 4 + 4 + 4 * 4 + this.cursorIds.length * 8; // Create command buffer var index = 0; var _buffer = Buffer.alloc(length); // Write header information // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, length); _buffer[index + 3] = (length >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (length >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (length >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = length & 0xff; index = index + 4; // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, requestId); _buffer[index + 3] = (this.requestId >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (this.requestId >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (this.requestId >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = this.requestId & 0xff; index = index + 4; // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, 0); _buffer[index + 3] = (0 >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (0 >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (0 >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = 0 & 0xff; index = index + 4; // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, OP_KILL_CURSORS); _buffer[index + 3] = (opcodes.OP_KILL_CURSORS >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (opcodes.OP_KILL_CURSORS >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (opcodes.OP_KILL_CURSORS >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = opcodes.OP_KILL_CURSORS & 0xff; index = index + 4; // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, 0); _buffer[index + 3] = (0 >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (0 >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (0 >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = 0 & 0xff; index = index + 4; // Write batch size // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, this.cursorIds.length); _buffer[index + 3] = (this.cursorIds.length >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (this.cursorIds.length >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (this.cursorIds.length >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = this.cursorIds.length & 0xff; index = index + 4; // Write all the cursor ids into the array for (var i = 0; i < this.cursorIds.length; i++) { // Write cursor id // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, cursorIds[i].getLowBits()); _buffer[index + 3] = (this.cursorIds[i].getLowBits() >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (this.cursorIds[i].getLowBits() >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (this.cursorIds[i].getLowBits() >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = this.cursorIds[i].getLowBits() & 0xff; index = index + 4; // index = write32bit(index, _buffer, cursorIds[i].getHighBits()); _buffer[index + 3] = (this.cursorIds[i].getHighBits() >> 24) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 2] = (this.cursorIds[i].getHighBits() >> 16) & 0xff; _buffer[index + 1] = (this.cursorIds[i].getHighBits() >> 8) & 0xff; _buffer[index] = this.cursorIds[i].getHighBits() & 0xff; index = index + 4; } // Return buffer return _buffer; }; var Response = function(bson, message, msgHeader, msgBody, opts) { opts = opts || { promoteLongs: true, promoteValues: true, promoteBuffers: false }; this.parsed = false; this.raw = message; this.data = msgBody; this.bson = bson; this.opts = opts; // Read the message header this.length = msgHeader.length; this.requestId = msgHeader.requestId; this.responseTo = msgHeader.responseTo; this.opCode = msgHeader.opCode; this.fromCompressed = msgHeader.fromCompressed; // Read the message body this.responseFlags = msgBody.readInt32LE(0); this.cursorId = new Long(msgBody.readInt32LE(4), msgBody.readInt32LE(8)); this.startingFrom = msgBody.readInt32LE(12); this.numberReturned = msgBody.readInt32LE(16); // Preallocate document array this.documents = new Array(this.numberReturned); // Flag values this.cursorNotFound = (this.responseFlags & CURSOR_NOT_FOUND) !== 0; this.queryFailure = (this.responseFlags & QUERY_FAILURE) !== 0; this.shardConfigStale = (this.responseFlags & SHARD_CONFIG_STALE) !== 0; this.awaitCapable = (this.responseFlags & AWAIT_CAPABLE) !== 0; this.promoteLongs = typeof opts.promoteLongs === 'boolean' ? opts.promoteLongs : true; this.promoteValues = typeof opts.promoteValues === 'boolean' ? opts.promoteValues : true; this.promoteBuffers = typeof opts.promoteBuffers === 'boolean' ? opts.promoteBuffers : false; }; Response.prototype.isParsed = function() { return this.parsed; }; Response.prototype.parse = function(options) { // Don't parse again if not needed if (this.parsed) return; options = options || {}; // Allow the return of raw documents instead of parsing var raw = options.raw || false; var documentsReturnedIn = options.documentsReturnedIn || null; var promoteLongs = typeof options.promoteLongs === 'boolean' ? options.promoteLongs : this.opts.promoteLongs; var promoteValues = typeof options.promoteValues === 'boolean' ? options.promoteValues : this.opts.promoteValues; var promoteBuffers = typeof options.promoteBuffers === 'boolean' ? options.promoteBuffers : this.opts.promoteBuffers; var bsonSize, _options; // Set up the options _options = { promoteLongs: promoteLongs, promoteValues: promoteValues, promoteBuffers: promoteBuffers }; // Position within OP_REPLY at which documents start // (See https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/mongodb-wire-protocol/#wire-op-reply) this.index = 20; // // Parse Body // for (var i = 0; i < this.numberReturned; i++) { bsonSize = this.data[this.index] | (this.data[this.index + 1] << 8) | (this.data[this.index + 2] << 16) | (this.data[this.index + 3] << 24); // If we have raw results specified slice the return document if (raw) { this.documents[i] = this.data.slice(this.index, this.index + bsonSize); } else { this.documents[i] = this.bson.deserialize( this.data.slice(this.index, this.index + bsonSize), _options ); } // Adjust the index this.index = this.index + bsonSize; } if (this.documents.length === 1 && documentsReturnedIn != null && raw) { const fieldsAsRaw = {}; fieldsAsRaw[documentsReturnedIn] = true; _options.fieldsAsRaw = fieldsAsRaw; const doc = this.bson.deserialize(this.documents[0], _options); this.documents = [doc]; } // Set parsed this.parsed = true; }; module.exports = { Query: Query, GetMore: GetMore, Response: Response, KillCursor: KillCursor };