'use strict'; // An enumeration of server types we know about const ServerType = { Standalone: 'Standalone', Mongos: 'Mongos', PossiblePrimary: 'PossiblePrimary', RSPrimary: 'RSPrimary', RSSecondary: 'RSSecondary', RSArbiter: 'RSArbiter', RSOther: 'RSOther', RSGhost: 'RSGhost', Unknown: 'Unknown' }; const WRITABLE_SERVER_TYPES = new Set([ ServerType.RSPrimary, ServerType.Standalone, ServerType.Mongos ]); const ISMASTER_FIELDS = [ 'minWireVersion', 'maxWireVersion', 'maxBsonObjectSize', 'maxMessageSizeBytes', 'maxWriteBatchSize', 'compression', 'me', 'hosts', 'passives', 'arbiters', 'tags', 'setName', 'setVersion', 'electionId', 'primary', 'logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes', 'saslSupportedMechs', '__nodejs_mock_server__', '$clusterTime' ]; /** * The client's view of a single server, based on the most recent ismaster outcome. * * Internal type, not meant to be directly instantiated */ class ServerDescription { /** * Create a ServerDescription * @param {String} address The address of the server * @param {Object} [ismaster] An optional ismaster response for this server * @param {Object} [options] Optional settings * @param {Number} [options.roundTripTime] The round trip time to ping this server (in ms) */ constructor(address, ismaster, options) { options = options || {}; ismaster = Object.assign( { minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 0, hosts: [], passives: [], arbiters: [], tags: [] }, ismaster ); this.address = address; this.error = options.error || null; this.roundTripTime = options.roundTripTime || 0; this.lastUpdateTime = Date.now(); this.lastWriteDate = ismaster.lastWrite ? ismaster.lastWrite.lastWriteDate : null; this.opTime = ismaster.lastWrite ? ismaster.lastWrite.opTime : null; this.type = parseServerType(ismaster); // direct mappings ISMASTER_FIELDS.forEach(field => { if (typeof ismaster[field] !== 'undefined') this[field] = ismaster[field]; }); // normalize case for hosts if (this.me) this.me = this.me.toLowerCase(); this.hosts = this.hosts.map(host => host.toLowerCase()); this.passives = this.passives.map(host => host.toLowerCase()); this.arbiters = this.arbiters.map(host => host.toLowerCase()); } get allHosts() { return this.hosts.concat(this.arbiters).concat(this.passives); } /** * @return {Boolean} Is this server available for reads */ get isReadable() { return this.type === ServerType.RSSecondary || this.isWritable; } /** * @return {Boolean} Is this server available for writes */ get isWritable() { return WRITABLE_SERVER_TYPES.has(this.type); } } /** * Parses an `ismaster` message and determines the server type * * @param {Object} ismaster The `ismaster` message to parse * @return {ServerType} */ function parseServerType(ismaster) { if (!ismaster || !ismaster.ok) { return ServerType.Unknown; } if (ismaster.isreplicaset) { return ServerType.RSGhost; } if (ismaster.msg && ismaster.msg === 'isdbgrid') { return ServerType.Mongos; } if (ismaster.setName) { if (ismaster.hidden) { return ServerType.RSOther; } else if (ismaster.ismaster) { return ServerType.RSPrimary; } else if (ismaster.secondary) { return ServerType.RSSecondary; } else if (ismaster.arbiterOnly) { return ServerType.RSArbiter; } else { return ServerType.RSOther; } } return ServerType.Standalone; } module.exports = { ServerDescription, ServerType };