'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.VTreeviewNodeProps = undefined; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; // Components // Mixins // Utils var _transitions = require('../transitions'); var _VIcon = require('../VIcon'); var _VTreeviewNode = require('./VTreeviewNode'); var _VTreeviewNode2 = _interopRequireDefault(_VTreeviewNode); var _registrable = require('../../mixins/registrable'); var _mixins = require('../../util/mixins'); var _mixins2 = _interopRequireDefault(_mixins); var _helpers = require('../../util/helpers'); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } var VTreeviewNodeProps = exports.VTreeviewNodeProps = { activatable: Boolean, activeClass: { type: String, default: 'v-treeview-node--active' }, selectable: Boolean, selectedColor: { type: String, default: 'accent' }, indeterminateIcon: { type: String, default: '$vuetify.icons.checkboxIndeterminate' }, onIcon: { type: String, default: '$vuetify.icons.checkboxOn' }, offIcon: { type: String, default: '$vuetify.icons.checkboxOff' }, expandIcon: { type: String, default: '$vuetify.icons.subgroup' }, loadingIcon: { type: String, default: '$vuetify.icons.loading' }, itemKey: { type: String, default: 'id' }, itemText: { type: String, default: 'name' }, itemChildren: { type: String, default: 'children' }, loadChildren: Function, openOnClick: Boolean, transition: Boolean }; exports.default = (0, _mixins2.default)((0, _registrable.inject)('treeview') /* @vue/component */ ).extend({ name: 'v-treeview-node', inject: { treeview: { default: null } }, props: _extends({ item: { type: Object, default: function _default() { return null; } } }, VTreeviewNodeProps), data: function data() { return { isOpen: false, isSelected: false, isIndeterminate: false, isActive: false, isLoading: false, hasLoaded: false }; }, computed: { key: function key() { return (0, _helpers.getObjectValueByPath)(this.item, this.itemKey); }, children: function children() { return (0, _helpers.getObjectValueByPath)(this.item, this.itemChildren); }, text: function text() { return (0, _helpers.getObjectValueByPath)(this.item, this.itemText); }, scopedProps: function scopedProps() { return { item: this.item, leaf: !this.children, selected: this.isSelected, indeterminate: this.isIndeterminate, active: this.isActive, open: this.isOpen }; }, computedIcon: function computedIcon() { if (this.isIndeterminate) return this.indeterminateIcon;else if (this.isSelected) return this.onIcon;else return this.offIcon; }, hasChildren: function hasChildren() { return !!this.children && (!!this.children.length || !!this.loadChildren); } }, created: function created() { this.treeview.register(this); }, beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() { this.treeview.unregister(this); }, methods: { checkChildren: function checkChildren() { var _this = this; return new Promise(function (resolve) { // TODO: Potential issue with always trying // to load children if response is empty? if (!_this.children || _this.children.length || !_this.loadChildren || _this.hasLoaded) return resolve(); _this.isLoading = true; resolve(_this.loadChildren(_this.item)); }).then(function () { _this.isLoading = false; _this.hasLoaded = true; }); }, open: function open() { this.isOpen = !this.isOpen; this.treeview.updateOpen(this.key, this.isOpen); this.treeview.emitOpen(); }, genLabel: function genLabel() { var children = []; if (this.$scopedSlots.label) children.push(this.$scopedSlots.label(this.scopedProps));else children.push(this.text); return this.$createElement('div', { slot: 'label', staticClass: 'v-treeview-node__label' }, children); }, genContent: function genContent() { var children = [this.$scopedSlots.prepend && this.$scopedSlots.prepend(this.scopedProps), this.genLabel(), this.$scopedSlots.append && this.$scopedSlots.append(this.scopedProps)]; return this.$createElement('div', { staticClass: 'v-treeview-node__content' }, children); }, genToggle: function genToggle() { var _this2 = this; return this.$createElement(_VIcon.VIcon, { staticClass: 'v-treeview-node__toggle', class: { 'v-treeview-node__toggle--open': this.isOpen, 'v-treeview-node__toggle--loading': this.isLoading }, slot: 'prepend', on: { click: function click(e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (_this2.isLoading) return; _this2.checkChildren().then(function () { return _this2.open(); }); } } }, [this.isLoading ? this.loadingIcon : this.expandIcon]); }, genCheckbox: function genCheckbox() { var _this3 = this; return this.$createElement(_VIcon.VIcon, { staticClass: 'v-treeview-node__checkbox', props: { color: this.isSelected ? this.selectedColor : undefined }, on: { click: function click(e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (_this3.isLoading) return; _this3.checkChildren().then(function () { // We nextTick here so that items watch in VTreeview has a chance to run first _this3.$nextTick(function () { _this3.isSelected = !_this3.isSelected; _this3.isIndeterminate = false; _this3.treeview.updateSelected(_this3.key, _this3.isSelected); _this3.treeview.emitSelected(); }); }); } } }, [this.computedIcon]); }, genNode: function genNode() { var _this4 = this; var children = [this.genContent()]; if (this.selectable) children.unshift(this.genCheckbox()); if (this.hasChildren) children.unshift(this.genToggle()); return this.$createElement('div', { staticClass: 'v-treeview-node__root', class: _defineProperty({}, this.activeClass, this.isActive), on: { click: function click() { if (_this4.openOnClick && _this4.children) { _this4.open(); } else if (_this4.activatable) { _this4.isActive = !_this4.isActive; _this4.treeview.updateActive(_this4.key, _this4.isActive); _this4.treeview.emitActive(); } } } }, children); }, genChild: function genChild(item) { return this.$createElement(_VTreeviewNode2.default, { key: (0, _helpers.getObjectValueByPath)(item, this.itemKey), props: { activatable: this.activatable, activeClass: this.activeClass, item: item, selectable: this.selectable, selectedColor: this.selectedColor, expandIcon: this.expandIcon, indeterminateIcon: this.indeterminateIcon, offIcon: this.offIcon, onIcon: this.onIcon, loadingIcon: this.loadingIcon, itemKey: this.itemKey, itemText: this.itemText, itemChildren: this.itemChildren, loadChildren: this.loadChildren, transition: this.transition, openOnClick: this.openOnClick }, scopedSlots: this.$scopedSlots }); }, genChildrenWrapper: function genChildrenWrapper() { if (!this.isOpen || !this.children) return null; var children = [this.children.map(this.genChild)]; return this.$createElement('div', { staticClass: 'v-treeview-node__children' }, children); }, genTransition: function genTransition() { return this.$createElement(_transitions.VExpandTransition, [this.genChildrenWrapper()]); } }, render: function render(h) { var children = [this.genNode()]; if (this.transition) children.push(this.genTransition());else children.push(this.genChildrenWrapper()); return h('div', { staticClass: 'v-treeview-node', class: { 'v-treeview-node--leaf': !this.hasChildren, 'v-treeview-node--click': this.openOnClick, 'v-treeview-node--selected': this.isSelected, 'v-treeview-node--excluded': this.treeview.isExcluded(this.key) } }, children); } }); //# sourceMappingURL=VTreeviewNode.js.map