/* * vasync.js: utilities for observable asynchronous control flow */ var mod_assert = require('assert'); var mod_events = require('events'); var mod_util = require('util'); var mod_verror = require('verror'); /* * Public interface */ exports.parallel = parallel; exports.forEachParallel = forEachParallel; exports.pipeline = pipeline; exports.forEachPipeline = forEachPipeline; exports.queue = queue; exports.queuev = queuev; exports.barrier = barrier; exports.waterfall = waterfall; if (!global.setImmediate) { global.setImmediate = function (func) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); args.unshift(0); args.unshift(func); setTimeout.apply(this, args); }; } /* * This is incorporated here from jsprim because jsprim ends up pulling in a lot * of dependencies. If we end up needing more from jsprim, though, we should * add it back and rip out this function. */ function isEmpty(obj) { var key; for (key in obj) return (false); return (true); } /* * Given a set of functions that complete asynchronously using the standard * callback(err, result) pattern, invoke them all and merge the results. See * README.md for details. */ function parallel(args, callback) { var funcs, rv, doneOne, i; mod_assert.equal(typeof (args), 'object', '"args" must be an object'); mod_assert.ok(Array.isArray(args['funcs']), '"args.funcs" must be specified and must be an array'); mod_assert.equal(typeof (callback), 'function', 'callback argument must be specified and must be a function'); funcs = args['funcs'].slice(0); rv = { 'operations': new Array(funcs.length), 'successes': [], 'ndone': 0, 'nerrors': 0 }; if (funcs.length === 0) { setImmediate(function () { callback(null, rv); }); return (rv); } doneOne = function (entry) { return (function (err, result) { mod_assert.equal(entry['status'], 'pending'); entry['err'] = err; entry['result'] = result; entry['status'] = err ? 'fail' : 'ok'; if (err) rv['nerrors']++; else rv['successes'].push(result); if (++rv['ndone'] < funcs.length) return; var errors = rv['operations'].filter(function (ent) { return (ent['status'] == 'fail'); }).map(function (ent) { return (ent['err']); }); if (errors.length > 0) callback(new mod_verror.MultiError(errors), rv); else callback(null, rv); }); }; for (i = 0; i < funcs.length; i++) { rv['operations'][i] = { 'func': funcs[i], 'funcname': funcs[i].name || '(anon)', 'status': 'pending' }; funcs[i](doneOne(rv['operations'][i])); } return (rv); } /* * Exactly like parallel, except that the input is specified as a single * function to invoke on N different inputs (rather than N functions). "args" * must have the following fields: * * func asynchronous function to invoke on each input value * * inputs array of input values */ function forEachParallel(args, callback) { var func, funcs; mod_assert.equal(typeof (args), 'object', '"args" must be an object'); mod_assert.equal(typeof (args['func']), 'function', '"args.func" must be specified and must be a function'); mod_assert.ok(Array.isArray(args['inputs']), '"args.inputs" must be specified and must be an array'); func = args['func']; funcs = args['inputs'].map(function (input) { return (function (subcallback) { return (func(input, subcallback)); }); }); return (parallel({ 'funcs': funcs }, callback)); } /* * Like parallel, but invokes functions in sequence rather than in parallel * and aborts if any function exits with failure. Arguments include: * * funcs invoke the functions in parallel * * arg first argument to each pipeline function */ function pipeline(args, callback) { var funcs, uarg, rv, next; mod_assert.equal(typeof (args), 'object', '"args" must be an object'); mod_assert.ok(Array.isArray(args['funcs']), '"args.funcs" must be specified and must be an array'); funcs = args['funcs'].slice(0); uarg = args['arg']; rv = { 'operations': funcs.map(function (func) { return ({ 'func': func, 'funcname': func.name || '(anon)', 'status': 'waiting' }); }), 'successes': [], 'ndone': 0, 'nerrors': 0 }; if (funcs.length === 0) { setImmediate(function () { callback(null, rv); }); return (rv); } next = function (err, result) { if (rv['nerrors'] > 0 || rv['ndone'] >= rv['operations'].length) { throw new mod_verror.VError('pipeline callback ' + 'invoked after the pipeline has already ' + 'completed (%j)', rv); } var entry = rv['operations'][rv['ndone']++]; mod_assert.equal(entry['status'], 'pending'); entry['status'] = err ? 'fail' : 'ok'; entry['err'] = err; entry['result'] = result; if (err) rv['nerrors']++; else rv['successes'].push(result); if (err || rv['ndone'] == funcs.length) { callback(err, rv); } else { var nextent = rv['operations'][rv['ndone']]; nextent['status'] = 'pending'; /* * We invoke the next function on the next tick so that * the caller (stage N) need not worry about the case * that the next stage (stage N + 1) runs in its own * context. */ setImmediate(function () { nextent['func'](uarg, next); }); } }; rv['operations'][0]['status'] = 'pending'; funcs[0](uarg, next); return (rv); } /* * Exactly like pipeline, except that the input is specified as a single * function to invoke on N different inputs (rather than N functions). "args" * must have the following fields: * * func asynchronous function to invoke on each input value * * inputs array of input values */ function forEachPipeline(args, callback) { mod_assert.equal(typeof (args), 'object', '"args" must be an object'); mod_assert.equal(typeof (args['func']), 'function', '"args.func" must be specified and must be a function'); mod_assert.ok(Array.isArray(args['inputs']), '"args.inputs" must be specified and must be an array'); mod_assert.equal(typeof (callback), 'function', 'callback argument must be specified and must be a function'); var func = args['func']; var funcs = args['inputs'].map(function (input) { return (function (_, subcallback) { return (func(input, subcallback)); }); }); return (pipeline({'funcs': funcs}, callback)); } /* * async-compatible "queue" function. */ function queue(worker, concurrency) { return (new WorkQueue({ 'worker': worker, 'concurrency': concurrency })); } function queuev(args) { return (new WorkQueue(args)); } function WorkQueue(args) { mod_assert.ok(args.hasOwnProperty('worker')); mod_assert.equal(typeof (args['worker']), 'function'); mod_assert.ok(args.hasOwnProperty('concurrency')); mod_assert.equal(typeof (args['concurrency']), 'number'); mod_assert.equal(Math.floor(args['concurrency']), args['concurrency']); mod_assert.ok(args['concurrency'] > 0); mod_events.EventEmitter.call(this); this.nextid = 0; this.worker = args['worker']; this.worker_name = args['worker'].name || 'anon'; this.npending = 0; this.pending = {}; this.queued = []; this.closed = false; this.ended = false; /* user-settable fields inherited from "async" interface */ this.concurrency = args['concurrency']; this.saturated = undefined; this.empty = undefined; this.drain = undefined; } mod_util.inherits(WorkQueue, mod_events.EventEmitter); WorkQueue.prototype.push = function (tasks, callback) { if (!Array.isArray(tasks)) return (this.pushOne(tasks, callback)); var wq = this; return (tasks.map(function (task) { return (wq.pushOne(task, callback)); })); }; WorkQueue.prototype.updateConcurrency = function (concurrency) { if (this.closed) throw new mod_verror.VError( 'update concurrency invoked after queue closed'); this.concurrency = concurrency; this.dispatchNext(); }; WorkQueue.prototype.close = function () { var wq = this; if (wq.closed) return; wq.closed = true; /* * If the queue is already empty, just fire the "end" event on the * next tick. */ if (wq.npending === 0 && wq.queued.length === 0) { setImmediate(function () { if (!wq.ended) { wq.ended = true; wq.emit('end'); } }); } }; /* private */ WorkQueue.prototype.pushOne = function (task, callback) { if (this.closed) throw new mod_verror.VError('push invoked after queue closed'); var id = ++this.nextid; var entry = { 'id': id, 'task': task, 'callback': callback }; this.queued.push(entry); this.dispatchNext(); return (id); }; /* private */ WorkQueue.prototype.dispatchNext = function () { var wq = this; if (wq.npending === 0 && wq.queued.length === 0) { if (wq.drain) wq.drain(); wq.emit('drain'); /* * The queue is closed; emit the final "end" * event before we come to rest: */ if (wq.closed) { wq.ended = true; wq.emit('end'); } } else if (wq.queued.length > 0) { while (wq.queued.length > 0 && wq.npending < wq.concurrency) { var next = wq.queued.shift(); wq.dispatch(next); if (wq.queued.length === 0) { if (wq.empty) wq.empty(); wq.emit('empty'); } } } }; WorkQueue.prototype.dispatch = function (entry) { var wq = this; mod_assert.ok(!this.pending.hasOwnProperty(entry['id'])); mod_assert.ok(this.npending < this.concurrency); mod_assert.ok(!this.ended); this.npending++; this.pending[entry['id']] = entry; if (this.npending === this.concurrency) { if (this.saturated) this.saturated(); this.emit('saturated'); } /* * We invoke the worker function on the next tick so that callers can * always assume that the callback is NOT invoked during the call to * push() even if the queue is not at capacity. It also avoids O(n) * stack usage when used with synchronous worker functions. */ setImmediate(function () { wq.worker(entry['task'], function (err) { --wq.npending; delete (wq.pending[entry['id']]); if (entry['callback']) entry['callback'].apply(null, arguments); wq.dispatchNext(); }); }); }; WorkQueue.prototype.length = function () { return (this.queued.length); }; WorkQueue.prototype.kill = function () { this.killed = true; this.queued = []; this.drain = undefined; this.close(); }; /* * Barriers coordinate multiple concurrent operations. */ function barrier(args) { return (new Barrier(args)); } function Barrier(args) { mod_assert.ok(!args || !args['nrecent'] || typeof (args['nrecent']) == 'number', '"nrecent" must have type "number"'); mod_events.EventEmitter.call(this); var nrecent = args && args['nrecent'] ? args['nrecent'] : 10; if (nrecent > 0) { this.nrecent = nrecent; this.recent = []; } this.pending = {}; this.scheduled = false; } mod_util.inherits(Barrier, mod_events.EventEmitter); Barrier.prototype.start = function (name) { mod_assert.ok(!this.pending.hasOwnProperty(name), 'operation "' + name + '" is already pending'); this.pending[name] = Date.now(); }; Barrier.prototype.done = function (name) { mod_assert.ok(this.pending.hasOwnProperty(name), 'operation "' + name + '" is not pending'); if (this.recent) { this.recent.push({ 'name': name, 'start': this.pending[name], 'done': Date.now() }); if (this.recent.length > this.nrecent) this.recent.shift(); } delete (this.pending[name]); /* * If we executed at least one operation and we're now empty, we should * emit "drain". But most code doesn't deal well with events being * processed while they're executing, so we actually schedule this event * for the next tick. * * We use the "scheduled" flag to avoid emitting multiple "drain" events * on consecutive ticks if the user starts and ends another task during * this tick. */ if (!isEmpty(this.pending) || this.scheduled) return; this.scheduled = true; var self = this; setImmediate(function () { self.scheduled = false; /* * It's also possible that the user has started another task on * the previous tick, in which case we really shouldn't emit * "drain". */ if (isEmpty(self.pending)) self.emit('drain'); }); }; /* * waterfall([ funcs ], callback): invoke each of the asynchronous functions * "funcs" in series. Each function is passed any values emitted by the * previous function (none for the first function), followed by the callback to * invoke upon completion. This callback must be invoked exactly once, * regardless of success or failure. As conventional in Node, the first * argument to the callback indicates an error (if non-null). Subsequent * arguments are passed to the next function in the "funcs" chain. * * If any function fails (i.e., calls its callback with an Error), then the * remaining functions are not invoked and "callback" is invoked with the error. * * The only difference between waterfall() and pipeline() are the arguments * passed to each function in the chain. pipeline() always passes the same * argument followed by the callback, while waterfall() passes whatever values * were emitted by the previous function followed by the callback. */ function waterfall(funcs, callback) { var rv, current, next; mod_assert.ok(Array.isArray(funcs)); mod_assert.ok(arguments.length == 1 || typeof (callback) == 'function'); funcs = funcs.slice(0); rv = { 'operations': funcs.map(function (func) { return ({ 'func': func, 'funcname': func.name || '(anon)', 'status': 'waiting' }); }), 'successes': [], 'ndone': 0, 'nerrors': 0 }; if (funcs.length === 0) { if (callback) setImmediate(function () { callback(null, rv); }); return (rv); } next = function (idx, err) { var args, entry, nextentry; if (err === undefined) err = null; if (idx != current) { throw (new mod_verror.VError( 'vasync.waterfall: function %d ("%s") invoked ' + 'its callback twice', idx, rv['operations'][idx].funcname)); } mod_assert.equal(idx, rv['ndone']); entry = rv['operations'][rv['ndone']++]; args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); mod_assert.equal(entry['status'], 'pending'); entry['status'] = err ? 'fail' : 'ok'; entry['err'] = err; entry['results'] = args; if (err) rv['nerrors']++; else rv['successes'].push(args); if (err || rv['ndone'] == funcs.length) { if (callback) { args.unshift(err); callback.apply(null, args); } } else { nextentry = rv['operations'][rv['ndone']]; nextentry['status'] = 'pending'; current++; args.push(next.bind(null, current)); setImmediate(function () { nextentry['func'].apply(null, args); }); } }; rv['operations'][0]['status'] = 'pending'; current = 0; funcs[0](next.bind(null, current)); return (rv); }