'use strict'; /*! * Module dependencies. */ const CoreMongooseArray = require('./core_array'); const Document = require('../document'); const MongooseArray = require('./array'); const ObjectId = require('./objectid'); const castObjectId = require('../cast/objectid'); const getDiscriminatorByValue = require('../queryhelpers').getDiscriminatorByValue; const internalToObjectOptions = require('../options').internalToObjectOptions; const util = require('util'); const utils = require('../utils'); const arrayAtomicsSymbol = require('../helpers/symbols').arrayAtomicsSymbol; const arrayParentSymbol = require('../helpers/symbols').arrayParentSymbol; const arrayPathSymbol = require('../helpers/symbols').arrayPathSymbol; const arraySchemaSymbol = require('../helpers/symbols').arraySchemaSymbol; const documentArrayParent = require('../helpers/symbols').documentArrayParent; /** * DocumentArray constructor * * @param {Array} values * @param {String} path the path to this array * @param {Document} doc parent document * @api private * @return {MongooseDocumentArray} * @inherits MongooseArray * @see http://bit.ly/f6CnZU */ function MongooseDocumentArray(values, path, doc) { // TODO: replace this with `new CoreMongooseArray().concat()` when we remove // support for node 4.x and 5.x, see https://i.imgur.com/UAAHk4S.png const arr = new CoreMongooseArray(); const props = { isMongooseDocumentArray: true, validators: [], _handlers: void 0 }; arr[arrayAtomicsSymbol] = {}; arr[arraySchemaSymbol] = void 0; if (Array.isArray(values)) { if (values instanceof CoreMongooseArray && values[arrayPathSymbol] === path && values[arrayParentSymbol] === doc) { arr[arrayAtomicsSymbol] = Object.assign({}, values[arrayAtomicsSymbol]); } values.forEach(v => { arr.push(v); }); } arr[arrayPathSymbol] = path; // Values always have to be passed to the constructor to initialize, since // otherwise MongooseArray#push will mark the array as modified to the parent. const keysMA = Object.keys(MongooseArray.mixin); let numKeys = keysMA.length; for (let j = 0; j < numKeys; ++j) { arr[keysMA[j]] = MongooseArray.mixin[keysMA[j]]; } const keysMDA = Object.keys(MongooseDocumentArray.mixin); numKeys = keysMDA.length; for (let i = 0; i < numKeys; ++i) { arr[keysMDA[i]] = MongooseDocumentArray.mixin[keysMDA[i]]; } if (util.inspect.custom) { props[util.inspect.custom] = arr.inspect; } const keysP = Object.keys(props); numKeys = keysP.length; for (let k = 0; k < numKeys; ++k) { arr[keysP[k]] = props[keysP[k]]; } // Because doc comes from the context of another function, doc === global // can happen if there was a null somewhere up the chain (see #3020 && #3034) // RB Jun 17, 2015 updated to check for presence of expected paths instead // to make more proof against unusual node environments if (doc && doc instanceof Document) { arr[arrayParentSymbol] = doc; arr[arraySchemaSymbol] = doc.schema.path(path); // `schema.path()` doesn't drill into nested arrays properly yet, see // gh-6398, gh-6602. This is a workaround because nested arrays are // always plain non-document arrays, so once you get to a document array // nesting is done. Matryoshka code. while (arr != null && arr[arraySchemaSymbol] != null && arr[arraySchemaSymbol].$isMongooseArray && !arr[arraySchemaSymbol].$isMongooseDocumentArray) { arr[arraySchemaSymbol] = arr[arraySchemaSymbol].casterConstructor; } // Tricky but this may be a document array embedded in a normal array, // in which case `path` would point to the embedded array. See #6405, #6398 if (arr[arraySchemaSymbol] && !arr[arraySchemaSymbol].$isMongooseDocumentArray) { arr[arraySchemaSymbol] = arr[arraySchemaSymbol].casterConstructor; } arr._handlers = { isNew: arr.notify('isNew'), save: arr.notify('save') }; doc.on('save', arr._handlers.save); doc.on('isNew', arr._handlers.isNew); } return arr; } /*! * Inherits from MongooseArray */ MongooseDocumentArray.mixin = { /*! * ignore */ toBSON: function() { return this.toObject(internalToObjectOptions); }, /** * Overrides MongooseArray#cast * * @method _cast * @api private * @receiver MongooseDocumentArray */ _cast: function(value, index) { let Constructor = this[arraySchemaSymbol].casterConstructor; const isInstance = Constructor.$isMongooseDocumentArray ? value && value.isMongooseDocumentArray : value instanceof Constructor; if (isInstance || // Hack re: #5001, see #5005 (value && value.constructor && value.constructor.baseCasterConstructor === Constructor)) { if (!(value[documentArrayParent] && value.__parentArray)) { // value may have been created using array.create() value[documentArrayParent] = this[arrayParentSymbol]; value.__parentArray = this; } value.$setIndex(index); return value; } if (value === undefined || value === null) { return null; } // handle cast('string') or cast(ObjectId) etc. // only objects are permitted so we can safely assume that // non-objects are to be interpreted as _id if (Buffer.isBuffer(value) || value instanceof ObjectId || !utils.isObject(value)) { value = {_id: value}; } if (value && Constructor.discriminators && Constructor.schema && Constructor.schema.options && Constructor.schema.options.discriminatorKey) { if (typeof value[Constructor.schema.options.discriminatorKey] === 'string' && Constructor.discriminators[value[Constructor.schema.options.discriminatorKey]]) { Constructor = Constructor.discriminators[value[Constructor.schema.options.discriminatorKey]]; } else { const constructorByValue = getDiscriminatorByValue(Constructor, value[Constructor.schema.options.discriminatorKey]); if (constructorByValue) { Constructor = constructorByValue; } } } if (Constructor.$isMongooseDocumentArray) { return Constructor.cast(value, this, undefined, undefined, index); } return new Constructor(value, this, undefined, undefined, index); }, /** * Searches array items for the first document with a matching _id. * * ####Example: * * var embeddedDoc = m.array.id(some_id); * * @return {EmbeddedDocument|null} the subdocument or null if not found. * @param {ObjectId|String|Number|Buffer} id * @TODO cast to the _id based on schema for proper comparison * @method id * @api public * @receiver MongooseDocumentArray */ id: function(id) { let casted; let sid; let _id; try { casted = castObjectId(id).toString(); } catch (e) { casted = null; } for (let i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (!this[i]) { continue; } _id = this[i].get('_id'); if (_id === null || typeof _id === 'undefined') { continue; } else if (_id instanceof Document) { sid || (sid = String(id)); if (sid == _id._id) { return this[i]; } } else if (!(id instanceof ObjectId) && !(_id instanceof ObjectId)) { if (utils.deepEqual(id, _id)) { return this[i]; } } else if (casted == _id) { return this[i]; } } return null; }, /** * Returns a native js Array of plain js objects * * ####NOTE: * * _Each sub-document is converted to a plain object by calling its `#toObject` method._ * * @param {Object} [options] optional options to pass to each documents `toObject` method call during conversion * @return {Array} * @method toObject * @api public * @receiver MongooseDocumentArray */ toObject: function(options) { return this.map(function(doc) { try { return doc.toObject(options); } catch (e) { return doc || null; } }); }, /** * Helper for console.log * * @method inspect * @api public * @receiver MongooseDocumentArray */ inspect: function() { return this.toObject(); }, /** * Creates a subdocument casted to this schema. * * This is the same subdocument constructor used for casting. * * @param {Object} obj the value to cast to this arrays SubDocument schema * @method create * @api public * @receiver MongooseDocumentArray */ create: function(obj) { let Constructor = this[arraySchemaSymbol].casterConstructor; if (obj && Constructor.discriminators && Constructor.schema && Constructor.schema.options && Constructor.schema.options.discriminatorKey) { if (typeof obj[Constructor.schema.options.discriminatorKey] === 'string' && Constructor.discriminators[obj[Constructor.schema.options.discriminatorKey]]) { Constructor = Constructor.discriminators[obj[Constructor.schema.options.discriminatorKey]]; } else { const constructorByValue = getDiscriminatorByValue(Constructor, obj[Constructor.schema.options.discriminatorKey]); if (constructorByValue) { Constructor = constructorByValue; } } } return new Constructor(obj, this); }, /** * Creates a fn that notifies all child docs of `event`. * * @param {String} event * @return {Function} * @method notify * @api private * @receiver MongooseDocumentArray */ notify: function notify(event) { const _this = this; return function notify(val, _arr) { _arr = _arr || _this; let i = _arr.length; while (i--) { if (_arr[i] == null) { continue; } switch (event) { // only swap for save event for now, we may change this to all event types later case 'save': val = _this[i]; break; default: // NO-OP break; } if (_arr[i].isMongooseArray) { notify(val, _arr[i]); } else if (_arr[i]) { _arr[i].emit(event, val); } } }; } }; /*! * Module exports. */ module.exports = MongooseDocumentArray;