import '../../../src/stylus/components/_snackbars.styl'; import Colorable from '../../mixins/colorable'; import Toggleable from '../../mixins/toggleable'; import { factory as PositionableFactory } from '../../mixins/positionable'; import mixins from '../../util/mixins'; export default mixins(Colorable, Toggleable, PositionableFactory(['absolute', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']) /* @vue/component */ ).extend({ name: 'v-snackbar', props: { autoHeight: Boolean, multiLine: Boolean, // TODO: change this to closeDelay to match other API in delayable.js timeout: { type: Number, default: 6000 }, vertical: Boolean }, data: function data() { return { activeTimeout: -1 }; }, computed: { classes: function classes() { return { 'v-snack--active': this.isActive, 'v-snack--absolute': this.absolute, 'v-snack--auto-height': this.autoHeight, 'v-snack--bottom': this.bottom || !, 'v-snack--left': this.left, 'v-snack--multi-line': this.multiLine && !this.vertical, 'v-snack--right': this.right, 'v-snack--top':, 'v-snack--vertical': this.vertical }; } }, watch: { isActive: function isActive() { this.setTimeout(); } }, mounted: function mounted() { this.setTimeout(); }, methods: { setTimeout: function setTimeout() { var _this = this; window.clearTimeout(this.activeTimeout); if (this.isActive && this.timeout) { this.activeTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () { _this.isActive = false; }, this.timeout); } } }, render: function render(h) { return h('transition', { attrs: { name: 'v-snack-transition' } }, this.isActive && [h('div', { staticClass: 'v-snack', class: this.classes, on: this.$listeners }, [h('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, { staticClass: 'v-snack__wrapper' }), [h('div', { staticClass: 'v-snack__content' }, this.$slots.default)])])]); } }); //#