import { Observable } from '../Observable';
import { ObservableInput, OperatorFunction, MonoTypeOperatorFunction } from '../types';
 * Catches errors on the observable to be handled by returning a new observable or throwing an error.
 * ![](catch.png)
 * ## Examples
 * Continues with a different Observable when there's an error
 * ```javascript
 * of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).pipe(
 *     map(n => {
 *   	   if (n == 4) {
 * 	       throw 'four!';
 *       }
 *	     return n;
 *     }),
 *     catchError(err => of('I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V')),
 *   )
 *   .subscribe(x => console.log(x));
 *   // 1, 2, 3, I, II, III, IV, V
 * ```
 * Retries the caught source Observable again in case of error, similar to retry() operator
 * ```javascript
 * of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).pipe(
 *     map(n => {
 *   	   if (n === 4) {
 *   	     throw 'four!';
 *       }
 * 	     return n;
 *     }),
 *     catchError((err, caught) => caught),
 *     take(30),
 *   )
 *   .subscribe(x => console.log(x));
 *   // 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, ...
 * ```
 * Throws a new error when the source Observable throws an error
 * ```javascript
 * of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).pipe(
 *     map(n => {
 *       if (n == 4) {
 *         throw 'four!';
 *       }
 *       return n;
 *     }),
 *     catchError(err => {
 *       throw 'error in source. Details: ' + err;
 *     }),
 *   )
 *   .subscribe(
 *     x => console.log(x),
 *     err => console.log(err)
 *   );
 *   // 1, 2, 3, error in source. Details: four!
 * ```
 *  @param {function} selector a function that takes as arguments `err`, which is the error, and `caught`, which
 *  is the source observable, in case you'd like to "retry" that observable by returning it again. Whatever observable
 *  is returned by the `selector` will be used to continue the observable chain.
 * @return {Observable} An observable that originates from either the source or the observable returned by the
 *  catch `selector` function.
 * @name catchError
export declare function catchError<T>(selector: (err: any, caught: Observable<T>) => never): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<T>;
export declare function catchError<T, R>(selector: (err: any, caught: Observable<T>) => ObservableInput<R>): OperatorFunction<T, T | R>;