Ohm-Management - Projektarbeit B-ME
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

buefy-0.7.5.js 380KB

  1. /*! Buefy v0.7.4 | MIT License | github.com/buefy/buefy */
  2. (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
  3. if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
  4. module.exports = factory(require("vue"));
  5. else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
  6. define(["vue"], factory);
  7. else if(typeof exports === 'object')
  8. exports["Buefy"] = factory(require("vue"));
  9. else
  10. root["Buefy"] = factory(root["Vue"]);
  11. })(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this, function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_18__) {
  12. return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
  13. /******/ // The module cache
  14. /******/ var installedModules = {};
  15. /******/
  16. /******/ // The require function
  17. /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
  18. /******/
  19. /******/ // Check if module is in cache
  20. /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
  21. /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
  22. /******/ }
  23. /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
  24. /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
  25. /******/ i: moduleId,
  26. /******/ l: false,
  27. /******/ exports: {}
  28. /******/ };
  29. /******/
  30. /******/ // Execute the module function
  31. /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
  32. /******/
  33. /******/ // Flag the module as loaded
  34. /******/ module.l = true;
  35. /******/
  36. /******/ // Return the exports of the module
  37. /******/ return module.exports;
  38. /******/ }
  39. /******/
  40. /******/
  41. /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
  42. /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
  43. /******/
  44. /******/ // expose the module cache
  45. /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
  46. /******/
  47. /******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
  48. /******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
  49. /******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
  50. /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
  51. /******/ configurable: false,
  52. /******/ enumerable: true,
  53. /******/ get: getter
  54. /******/ });
  55. /******/ }
  56. /******/ };
  57. /******/
  58. /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
  59. /******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
  60. /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
  61. /******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
  62. /******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
  63. /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
  64. /******/ return getter;
  65. /******/ };
  66. /******/
  67. /******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call
  68. /******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };
  69. /******/
  70. /******/ // __webpack_public_path__
  71. /******/ __webpack_require__.p = "/";
  72. /******/
  73. /******/ // Load entry module and return exports
  74. /******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 69);
  75. /******/ })
  76. /************************************************************************/
  77. /******/ ([
  78. /* 0 */
  79. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  80. /* globals __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ */
  81. // this module is a runtime utility for cleaner component module output and will
  82. // be included in the final webpack user bundle
  83. module.exports = function normalizeComponent (
  84. rawScriptExports,
  85. compiledTemplate,
  86. injectStyles,
  87. scopeId,
  88. moduleIdentifier /* server only */
  89. ) {
  90. var esModule
  91. var scriptExports = rawScriptExports = rawScriptExports || {}
  92. // ES6 modules interop
  93. var type = typeof rawScriptExports.default
  94. if (type === 'object' || type === 'function') {
  95. esModule = rawScriptExports
  96. scriptExports = rawScriptExports.default
  97. }
  98. // Vue.extend constructor export interop
  99. var options = typeof scriptExports === 'function'
  100. ? scriptExports.options
  101. : scriptExports
  102. // render functions
  103. if (compiledTemplate) {
  104. options.render = compiledTemplate.render
  105. options.staticRenderFns = compiledTemplate.staticRenderFns
  106. }
  107. // scopedId
  108. if (scopeId) {
  109. options._scopeId = scopeId
  110. }
  111. var hook
  112. if (moduleIdentifier) { // server build
  113. hook = function (context) {
  114. // 2.3 injection
  115. context =
  116. context || // cached call
  117. (this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext) || // stateful
  118. (this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext) // functional
  119. // 2.2 with runInNewContext: true
  120. if (!context && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ !== 'undefined') {
  121. context = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__
  122. }
  123. // inject component styles
  124. if (injectStyles) {
  125. injectStyles.call(this, context)
  126. }
  127. // register component module identifier for async chunk inferrence
  128. if (context && context._registeredComponents) {
  129. context._registeredComponents.add(moduleIdentifier)
  130. }
  131. }
  132. // used by ssr in case component is cached and beforeCreate
  133. // never gets called
  134. options._ssrRegister = hook
  135. } else if (injectStyles) {
  136. hook = injectStyles
  137. }
  138. if (hook) {
  139. var functional = options.functional
  140. var existing = functional
  141. ? options.render
  142. : options.beforeCreate
  143. if (!functional) {
  144. // inject component registration as beforeCreate hook
  145. options.beforeCreate = existing
  146. ? [].concat(existing, hook)
  147. : [hook]
  148. } else {
  149. // register for functioal component in vue file
  150. options.render = function renderWithStyleInjection (h, context) {
  151. hook.call(context)
  152. return existing(h, context)
  153. }
  154. }
  155. }
  156. return {
  157. esModule: esModule,
  158. exports: scriptExports,
  159. options: options
  160. }
  161. }
  162. /***/ }),
  163. /* 1 */
  164. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  165. "use strict";
  166. exports.__esModule = true;
  167. var _defineProperty = __webpack_require__(101);
  168. var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(_defineProperty);
  169. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
  170. exports.default = function (obj, key, value) {
  171. if (key in obj) {
  172. (0, _defineProperty2.default)(obj, key, {
  173. value: value,
  174. enumerable: true,
  175. configurable: true,
  176. writable: true
  177. });
  178. } else {
  179. obj[key] = value;
  180. }
  181. return obj;
  182. };
  183. /***/ }),
  184. /* 2 */
  185. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  186. "use strict";
  187. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return setOptions; });
  188. var config = {
  189. defaultContainerElement: null,
  190. defaultIconPack: 'mdi',
  191. defaultIconComponent: null,
  192. defaultDialogConfirmText: null,
  193. defaultDialogCancelText: null,
  194. defaultSnackbarDuration: 3500,
  195. defaultSnackbarPosition: null,
  196. defaultToastDuration: 2000,
  197. defaultToastPosition: null,
  198. detaultNotificationDuration: 2000,
  199. defaultNotificationPosition: null,
  200. defaultTooltipType: 'is-primary',
  201. defaultTooltipAnimated: false,
  202. defaultInputAutocomplete: 'on',
  203. defaultDateFormatter: null,
  204. defaultDateParser: null,
  205. defaultDateCreator: null,
  206. defaultDayNames: null,
  207. defaultMonthNames: null,
  208. defaultFirstDayOfWeek: null,
  209. defaultUnselectableDaysOfWeek: null,
  210. defaultTimeFormatter: null,
  211. defaultTimeParser: null,
  212. defaultModalCanCancel: null,
  213. defaultModalScroll: null,
  214. defaultDatepickerMobileNative: true,
  215. defaultTimepickerMobileNative: true,
  216. defaultNoticeQueue: true,
  217. defaultInputHasCounter: true,
  218. defaultUseHtml5Validation: true
  219. };
  220. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (config);
  221. var setOptions = function setOptions(options) {
  222. config = options;
  223. };
  224. /***/ }),
  225. /* 3 */
  226. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  227. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  228. /* script */
  229. __webpack_require__(105),
  230. /* template */
  231. __webpack_require__(106),
  232. /* styles */
  233. null,
  234. /* scopeId */
  235. null,
  236. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  237. null
  238. )
  239. module.exports = Component.exports
  240. /***/ }),
  241. /* 4 */
  242. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  243. var store = __webpack_require__(37)('wks');
  244. var uid = __webpack_require__(26);
  245. var Symbol = __webpack_require__(8).Symbol;
  246. var USE_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol == 'function';
  247. var $exports = module.exports = function (name) {
  248. return store[name] || (store[name] =
  249. USE_SYMBOL && Symbol[name] || (USE_SYMBOL ? Symbol : uid)('Symbol.' + name));
  250. };
  251. $exports.store = store;
  252. /***/ }),
  253. /* 5 */
  254. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  255. module.exports = { "default": __webpack_require__(88), __esModule: true };
  256. /***/ }),
  257. /* 6 */
  258. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  259. var core = module.exports = { version: '2.5.7' };
  260. if (typeof __e == 'number') __e = core; // eslint-disable-line no-undef
  261. /***/ }),
  262. /* 7 */
  263. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  264. "use strict";
  265. /* harmony export (immutable) */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = getValueByPath;
  266. /* harmony export (immutable) */ __webpack_exports__["b"] = indexOf;
  267. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return isMobile; });
  268. /* harmony export (immutable) */ __webpack_exports__["d"] = removeElement;
  269. /* unused harmony export escapeRegExpChars */
  270. /**
  271. * Get value of an object property/path even if it's nested
  272. */
  273. function getValueByPath(obj, path) {
  274. var value = path.split('.').reduce(function (o, i) {
  275. return o[i];
  276. }, obj);
  277. return value;
  278. }
  279. /**
  280. * Extension of indexOf method by equality function if specified
  281. */
  282. function indexOf(array, obj, fn) {
  283. if (!array) return -1;
  284. if (!fn || typeof fn !== 'function') return array.indexOf(obj);
  285. for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
  286. if (fn(array[i], obj)) {
  287. return i;
  288. }
  289. }
  290. return -1;
  291. }
  292. /**
  293. * Mobile detection
  294. * https://www.abeautifulsite.net/detecting-mobile-devices-with-javascript
  295. */
  296. var isMobile = {
  297. Android: function Android() {
  298. return typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i);
  299. },
  300. BlackBerry: function BlackBerry() {
  301. return typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i);
  302. },
  303. iOS: function iOS() {
  304. return typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i);
  305. },
  306. Opera: function Opera() {
  307. return typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i);
  308. },
  309. Windows: function Windows() {
  310. return typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i);
  311. },
  312. any: function any() {
  313. return isMobile.Android() || isMobile.BlackBerry() || isMobile.iOS() || isMobile.Opera() || isMobile.Windows();
  314. }
  315. };
  316. function removeElement(el) {
  317. if (typeof el.remove !== 'undefined') {
  318. el.remove();
  319. } else if (typeof el.parentNode !== 'undefined') {
  320. el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
  321. }
  322. }
  323. /**
  324. * Escape regex characters
  325. * http://stackoverflow.com/a/6969486
  326. */
  327. function escapeRegExpChars(value) {
  328. if (!value) return value;
  329. // eslint-disable-next-line
  330. return value.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&');
  331. }
  332. /***/ }),
  333. /* 8 */
  334. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  335. // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/86#issuecomment-115759028
  336. var global = module.exports = typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math
  337. ? window : typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math ? self
  338. // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
  339. : Function('return this')();
  340. if (typeof __g == 'number') __g = global; // eslint-disable-line no-undef
  341. /***/ }),
  342. /* 9 */
  343. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  344. var anObject = __webpack_require__(15);
  345. var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = __webpack_require__(47);
  346. var toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(32);
  347. var dP = Object.defineProperty;
  348. exports.f = __webpack_require__(12) ? Object.defineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) {
  349. anObject(O);
  350. P = toPrimitive(P, true);
  351. anObject(Attributes);
  352. if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try {
  353. return dP(O, P, Attributes);
  354. } catch (e) { /* empty */ }
  355. if ('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes) throw TypeError('Accessors not supported!');
  356. if ('value' in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value;
  357. return O;
  358. };
  359. /***/ }),
  360. /* 10 */
  361. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  362. "use strict";
  363. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_config__ = __webpack_require__(2);
  364. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = ({
  365. props: {
  366. size: String,
  367. expanded: Boolean,
  368. loading: Boolean,
  369. rounded: Boolean,
  370. icon: String,
  371. iconPack: String,
  372. // Native options to use in HTML5 validation
  373. autocomplete: String,
  374. maxlength: [Number, String],
  375. useHtml5Validation: {
  376. type: Boolean,
  377. default: function _default() {
  378. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultUseHtml5Validation;
  379. }
  380. }
  381. },
  382. data: function data() {
  383. return {
  384. isValid: true,
  385. isFocused: false,
  386. newIconPack: this.iconPack || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultIconPack
  387. };
  388. },
  389. computed: {
  390. /**
  391. * Find parent Field, max 3 levels deep.
  392. */
  393. parentField: function parentField() {
  394. var parent = this.$parent;
  395. for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  396. if (parent && !parent.$data._isField) {
  397. parent = parent.$parent;
  398. }
  399. }
  400. return parent;
  401. },
  402. /**
  403. * Get the type prop from parent if it's a Field.
  404. */
  405. statusType: function statusType() {
  406. if (!this.parentField) return;
  407. if (!this.parentField.newType) return;
  408. if (typeof this.parentField.newType === 'string') {
  409. return this.parentField.newType;
  410. } else {
  411. for (var key in this.parentField.newType) {
  412. if (this.parentField.newType[key]) {
  413. return key;
  414. }
  415. }
  416. }
  417. },
  418. /**
  419. * Get the message prop from parent if it's a Field.
  420. */
  421. statusMessage: function statusMessage() {
  422. if (!this.parentField) return;
  423. return this.parentField.newMessage;
  424. },
  425. /**
  426. * Fix icon size for inputs, large was too big
  427. */
  428. iconSize: function iconSize() {
  429. switch (this.size) {
  430. case 'is-small':
  431. return this.size;
  432. case 'is-medium':
  433. return;
  434. case 'is-large':
  435. return this.newIconPack === 'mdi' ? 'is-medium' : '';
  436. }
  437. }
  438. },
  439. methods: {
  440. /**
  441. * Focus method that work dynamically depending on the component.
  442. */
  443. focus: function focus() {
  444. var _this = this;
  445. if (this.$data._elementRef === undefined) return;
  446. this.$nextTick(function () {
  447. var el = _this.$el.querySelector(_this.$data._elementRef);
  448. if (el) el.focus();
  449. });
  450. },
  451. onBlur: function onBlur($event) {
  452. this.isFocused = false;
  453. this.$emit('blur', $event);
  454. this.checkHtml5Validity();
  455. },
  456. onFocus: function onFocus($event) {
  457. this.isFocused = true;
  458. this.$emit('focus', $event);
  459. },
  460. /**
  461. * Check HTML5 validation, set isValid property.
  462. * If validation fail, send 'is-danger' type,
  463. * and error message to parent if it's a Field.
  464. */
  465. checkHtml5Validity: function checkHtml5Validity() {
  466. var _this2 = this;
  467. if (!this.useHtml5Validation) return;
  468. if (this.$refs[this.$data._elementRef] === undefined) return;
  469. var el = this.$el.querySelector(this.$data._elementRef);
  470. var type = null;
  471. var message = null;
  472. var isValid = true;
  473. if (!el.checkValidity()) {
  474. type = 'is-danger';
  475. message = el.validationMessage;
  476. isValid = false;
  477. }
  478. this.isValid = isValid;
  479. this.$nextTick(function () {
  480. if (_this2.parentField) {
  481. // Set type only if not defined
  482. if (!_this2.parentField.type) {
  483. _this2.parentField.newType = type;
  484. }
  485. // Set message only if not defined
  486. if (!_this2.parentField.message) {
  487. _this2.parentField.newMessage = message;
  488. }
  489. }
  490. });
  491. return this.isValid;
  492. }
  493. }
  494. });
  495. /***/ }),
  496. /* 11 */
  497. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  498. module.exports = { "default": __webpack_require__(70), __esModule: true };
  499. /***/ }),
  500. /* 12 */
  501. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  502. // Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty
  503. module.exports = !__webpack_require__(21)(function () {
  504. return Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7;
  505. });
  506. /***/ }),
  507. /* 13 */
  508. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  509. var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty;
  510. module.exports = function (it, key) {
  511. return hasOwnProperty.call(it, key);
  512. };
  513. /***/ }),
  514. /* 14 */
  515. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  516. var dP = __webpack_require__(9);
  517. var createDesc = __webpack_require__(22);
  518. module.exports = __webpack_require__(12) ? function (object, key, value) {
  519. return dP.f(object, key, createDesc(1, value));
  520. } : function (object, key, value) {
  521. object[key] = value;
  522. return object;
  523. };
  524. /***/ }),
  525. /* 15 */
  526. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  527. var isObject = __webpack_require__(20);
  528. module.exports = function (it) {
  529. if (!isObject(it)) throw TypeError(it + ' is not an object!');
  530. return it;
  531. };
  532. /***/ }),
  533. /* 16 */
  534. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  535. // to indexed object, toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings
  536. var IObject = __webpack_require__(50);
  537. var defined = __webpack_require__(34);
  538. module.exports = function (it) {
  539. return IObject(defined(it));
  540. };
  541. /***/ }),
  542. /* 17 */
  543. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  544. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  545. /* script */
  546. __webpack_require__(104),
  547. /* template */
  548. __webpack_require__(107),
  549. /* styles */
  550. null,
  551. /* scopeId */
  552. null,
  553. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  554. null
  555. )
  556. module.exports = Component.exports
  557. /***/ }),
  558. /* 18 */
  559. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  560. module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_18__;
  561. /***/ }),
  562. /* 19 */
  563. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  564. var global = __webpack_require__(8);
  565. var core = __webpack_require__(6);
  566. var ctx = __webpack_require__(46);
  567. var hide = __webpack_require__(14);
  568. var has = __webpack_require__(13);
  569. var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype';
  570. var $export = function (type, name, source) {
  571. var IS_FORCED = type & $export.F;
  572. var IS_GLOBAL = type & $export.G;
  573. var IS_STATIC = type & $export.S;
  574. var IS_PROTO = type & $export.P;
  575. var IS_BIND = type & $export.B;
  576. var IS_WRAP = type & $export.W;
  577. var exports = IS_GLOBAL ? core : core[name] || (core[name] = {});
  578. var expProto = exports[PROTOTYPE];
  579. var target = IS_GLOBAL ? global : IS_STATIC ? global[name] : (global[name] || {})[PROTOTYPE];
  580. var key, own, out;
  581. if (IS_GLOBAL) source = name;
  582. for (key in source) {
  583. // contains in native
  584. own = !IS_FORCED && target && target[key] !== undefined;
  585. if (own && has(exports, key)) continue;
  586. // export native or passed
  587. out = own ? target[key] : source[key];
  588. // prevent global pollution for namespaces
  589. exports[key] = IS_GLOBAL && typeof target[key] != 'function' ? source[key]
  590. // bind timers to global for call from export context
  591. : IS_BIND && own ? ctx(out, global)
  592. // wrap global constructors for prevent change them in library
  593. : IS_WRAP && target[key] == out ? (function (C) {
  594. var F = function (a, b, c) {
  595. if (this instanceof C) {
  596. switch (arguments.length) {
  597. case 0: return new C();
  598. case 1: return new C(a);
  599. case 2: return new C(a, b);
  600. } return new C(a, b, c);
  601. } return C.apply(this, arguments);
  602. };
  604. return F;
  605. // make static versions for prototype methods
  606. })(out) : IS_PROTO && typeof out == 'function' ? ctx(Function.call, out) : out;
  607. // export proto methods to core.%CONSTRUCTOR%.methods.%NAME%
  608. if (IS_PROTO) {
  609. (exports.virtual || (exports.virtual = {}))[key] = out;
  610. // export proto methods to core.%CONSTRUCTOR%.prototype.%NAME%
  611. if (type & $export.R && expProto && !expProto[key]) hide(expProto, key, out);
  612. }
  613. }
  614. };
  615. // type bitmap
  616. $export.F = 1; // forced
  617. $export.G = 2; // global
  618. $export.S = 4; // static
  619. $export.P = 8; // proto
  620. $export.B = 16; // bind
  621. $export.W = 32; // wrap
  622. $export.U = 64; // safe
  623. $export.R = 128; // real proto method for `library`
  624. module.exports = $export;
  625. /***/ }),
  626. /* 20 */
  627. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  628. module.exports = function (it) {
  629. return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function';
  630. };
  631. /***/ }),
  632. /* 21 */
  633. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  634. module.exports = function (exec) {
  635. try {
  636. return !!exec();
  637. } catch (e) {
  638. return true;
  639. }
  640. };
  641. /***/ }),
  642. /* 22 */
  643. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  644. module.exports = function (bitmap, value) {
  645. return {
  646. enumerable: !(bitmap & 1),
  647. configurable: !(bitmap & 2),
  648. writable: !(bitmap & 4),
  649. value: value
  650. };
  651. };
  652. /***/ }),
  653. /* 23 */
  654. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  655. module.exports = {};
  656. /***/ }),
  657. /* 24 */
  658. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  659. // / Object.keys(O)
  660. var $keys = __webpack_require__(49);
  661. var enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(38);
  662. module.exports = Object.keys || function keys(O) {
  663. return $keys(O, enumBugKeys);
  664. };
  665. /***/ }),
  666. /* 25 */
  667. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  668. module.exports = true;
  669. /***/ }),
  670. /* 26 */
  671. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  672. var id = 0;
  673. var px = Math.random();
  674. module.exports = function (key) {
  675. return 'Symbol('.concat(key === undefined ? '' : key, ')_', (++id + px).toString(36));
  676. };
  677. /***/ }),
  678. /* 27 */
  679. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  680. exports.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable;
  681. /***/ }),
  682. /* 28 */
  683. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  684. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  685. /* script */
  686. __webpack_require__(122),
  687. /* template */
  688. __webpack_require__(123),
  689. /* styles */
  690. null,
  691. /* scopeId */
  692. null,
  693. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  694. null
  695. )
  696. module.exports = Component.exports
  697. /***/ }),
  698. /* 29 */
  699. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  700. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  701. /* script */
  702. __webpack_require__(124),
  703. /* template */
  704. __webpack_require__(125),
  705. /* styles */
  706. null,
  707. /* scopeId */
  708. null,
  709. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  710. null
  711. )
  712. module.exports = Component.exports
  713. /***/ }),
  714. /* 30 */
  715. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  716. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  717. /* script */
  718. __webpack_require__(126),
  719. /* template */
  720. __webpack_require__(129),
  721. /* styles */
  722. null,
  723. /* scopeId */
  724. null,
  725. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  726. null
  727. )
  728. module.exports = Component.exports
  729. /***/ }),
  730. /* 31 */
  731. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  732. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  733. /* script */
  734. __webpack_require__(136),
  735. /* template */
  736. __webpack_require__(137),
  737. /* styles */
  738. null,
  739. /* scopeId */
  740. null,
  741. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  742. null
  743. )
  744. module.exports = Component.exports
  745. /***/ }),
  746. /* 32 */
  747. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  748. // 7.1.1 ToPrimitive(input [, PreferredType])
  749. var isObject = __webpack_require__(20);
  750. // instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case
  751. // and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string
  752. module.exports = function (it, S) {
  753. if (!isObject(it)) return it;
  754. var fn, val;
  755. if (S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;
  756. if (typeof (fn = it.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;
  757. if (!S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;
  758. throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value");
  759. };
  760. /***/ }),
  761. /* 33 */
  762. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  763. var toString = {}.toString;
  764. module.exports = function (it) {
  765. return toString.call(it).slice(8, -1);
  766. };
  767. /***/ }),
  768. /* 34 */
  769. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  770. // 7.2.1 RequireObjectCoercible(argument)
  771. module.exports = function (it) {
  772. if (it == undefined) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + it);
  773. return it;
  774. };
  775. /***/ }),
  776. /* 35 */
  777. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  778. // 7.1.4 ToInteger
  779. var ceil = Math.ceil;
  780. var floor = Math.floor;
  781. module.exports = function (it) {
  782. return isNaN(it = +it) ? 0 : (it > 0 ? floor : ceil)(it);
  783. };
  784. /***/ }),
  785. /* 36 */
  786. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  787. var shared = __webpack_require__(37)('keys');
  788. var uid = __webpack_require__(26);
  789. module.exports = function (key) {
  790. return shared[key] || (shared[key] = uid(key));
  791. };
  792. /***/ }),
  793. /* 37 */
  794. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  795. var core = __webpack_require__(6);
  796. var global = __webpack_require__(8);
  797. var SHARED = '__core-js_shared__';
  798. var store = global[SHARED] || (global[SHARED] = {});
  799. (module.exports = function (key, value) {
  800. return store[key] || (store[key] = value !== undefined ? value : {});
  801. })('versions', []).push({
  802. version: core.version,
  803. mode: __webpack_require__(25) ? 'pure' : 'global',
  804. copyright: '© 2018 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)'
  805. });
  806. /***/ }),
  807. /* 38 */
  808. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  809. // IE 8- don't enum bug keys
  810. module.exports = (
  811. 'constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf'
  812. ).split(',');
  813. /***/ }),
  814. /* 39 */
  815. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  816. exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
  817. /***/ }),
  818. /* 40 */
  819. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  820. // 7.1.13 ToObject(argument)
  821. var defined = __webpack_require__(34);
  822. module.exports = function (it) {
  823. return Object(defined(it));
  824. };
  825. /***/ }),
  826. /* 41 */
  827. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  828. "use strict";
  829. var $at = __webpack_require__(80)(true);
  830. // String.prototype[@@iterator]()
  831. __webpack_require__(54)(String, 'String', function (iterated) {
  832. this._t = String(iterated); // target
  833. this._i = 0; // next index
  834. // %StringIteratorPrototype%.next()
  835. }, function () {
  836. var O = this._t;
  837. var index = this._i;
  838. var point;
  839. if (index >= O.length) return { value: undefined, done: true };
  840. point = $at(O, index);
  841. this._i += point.length;
  842. return { value: point, done: false };
  843. });
  844. /***/ }),
  845. /* 42 */
  846. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  847. var def = __webpack_require__(9).f;
  848. var has = __webpack_require__(13);
  849. var TAG = __webpack_require__(4)('toStringTag');
  850. module.exports = function (it, tag, stat) {
  851. if (it && !has(it = stat ? it : it.prototype, TAG)) def(it, TAG, { configurable: true, value: tag });
  852. };
  853. /***/ }),
  854. /* 43 */
  855. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  856. exports.f = __webpack_require__(4);
  857. /***/ }),
  858. /* 44 */
  859. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  860. var global = __webpack_require__(8);
  861. var core = __webpack_require__(6);
  862. var LIBRARY = __webpack_require__(25);
  863. var wksExt = __webpack_require__(43);
  864. var defineProperty = __webpack_require__(9).f;
  865. module.exports = function (name) {
  866. var $Symbol = core.Symbol || (core.Symbol = LIBRARY ? {} : global.Symbol || {});
  867. if (name.charAt(0) != '_' && !(name in $Symbol)) defineProperty($Symbol, name, { value: wksExt.f(name) });
  868. };
  869. /***/ }),
  870. /* 45 */
  871. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  872. "use strict";
  873. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__config__ = __webpack_require__(2);
  874. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__helpers__ = __webpack_require__(7);
  875. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = ({
  876. props: {
  877. type: {
  878. type: String,
  879. default: 'is-dark'
  880. },
  881. message: String,
  882. duration: Number,
  883. queue: {
  884. type: Boolean,
  885. default: undefined
  886. },
  887. position: {
  888. type: String,
  889. default: 'is-top',
  890. validator: function validator(value) {
  891. return ['is-top-right', 'is-top', 'is-top-left', 'is-bottom-right', 'is-bottom', 'is-bottom-left'].indexOf(value) > -1;
  892. }
  893. },
  894. container: String
  895. },
  896. data: function data() {
  897. return {
  898. isActive: false,
  899. parentTop: null,
  900. parentBottom: null,
  901. newContainer: this.container || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__config__["a" /* default */].defaultContainerElement
  902. };
  903. },
  904. computed: {
  905. correctParent: function correctParent() {
  906. switch (this.position) {
  907. case 'is-top-right':
  908. case 'is-top':
  909. case 'is-top-left':
  910. return this.parentTop;
  911. case 'is-bottom-right':
  912. case 'is-bottom':
  913. case 'is-bottom-left':
  914. return this.parentBottom;
  915. }
  916. },
  917. transition: function transition() {
  918. switch (this.position) {
  919. case 'is-top-right':
  920. case 'is-top':
  921. case 'is-top-left':
  922. return {
  923. enter: 'fadeInDown',
  924. leave: 'fadeOut'
  925. };
  926. case 'is-bottom-right':
  927. case 'is-bottom':
  928. case 'is-bottom-left':
  929. return {
  930. enter: 'fadeInUp',
  931. leave: 'fadeOut'
  932. };
  933. }
  934. }
  935. },
  936. methods: {
  937. shouldQueue: function shouldQueue() {
  938. var queue = this.queue !== undefined ? this.queue : __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__config__["a" /* default */].defaultNoticeQueue;
  939. if (!queue) return false;
  940. return this.parentTop.childElementCount > 0 || this.parentBottom.childElementCount > 0;
  941. },
  942. close: function close() {
  943. var _this = this;
  944. clearTimeout(this.timer);
  945. this.isActive = false;
  946. // Timeout for the animation complete before destroying
  947. setTimeout(function () {
  948. _this.$destroy();
  949. Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__helpers__["d" /* removeElement */])(_this.$el);
  950. }, 150);
  951. },
  952. showNotice: function showNotice() {
  953. var _this2 = this;
  954. if (this.shouldQueue()) {
  955. // Call recursively if should queue
  956. setTimeout(function () {
  957. return _this2.showNotice();
  958. }, 250);
  959. return;
  960. }
  961. this.correctParent.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', this.$el);
  962. this.isActive = true;
  963. if (!this.indefinite) {
  964. this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
  965. return _this2.close();
  966. }, this.newDuration);
  967. }
  968. },
  969. setupContainer: function setupContainer() {
  970. this.parentTop = document.querySelector('.notices.is-top');
  971. this.parentBottom = document.querySelector('.notices.is-bottom');
  972. if (this.parentTop && this.parentBottom) return;
  973. if (!this.parentTop) {
  974. this.parentTop = document.createElement('div');
  975. this.parentTop.className = 'notices is-top';
  976. }
  977. if (!this.parentBottom) {
  978. this.parentBottom = document.createElement('div');
  979. this.parentBottom.className = 'notices is-bottom';
  980. }
  981. var container = document.querySelector(this.newContainer) || document.body;
  982. container.appendChild(this.parentTop);
  983. container.appendChild(this.parentBottom);
  984. if (this.newContainer) {
  985. this.parentTop.classList.add('has-custom-container');
  986. this.parentBottom.classList.add('has-custom-container');
  987. }
  988. }
  989. },
  990. beforeMount: function beforeMount() {
  991. this.setupContainer();
  992. },
  993. mounted: function mounted() {
  994. this.showNotice();
  995. }
  996. });
  997. /***/ }),
  998. /* 46 */
  999. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1000. // optional / simple context binding
  1001. var aFunction = __webpack_require__(72);
  1002. module.exports = function (fn, that, length) {
  1003. aFunction(fn);
  1004. if (that === undefined) return fn;
  1005. switch (length) {
  1006. case 1: return function (a) {
  1007. return fn.call(that, a);
  1008. };
  1009. case 2: return function (a, b) {
  1010. return fn.call(that, a, b);
  1011. };
  1012. case 3: return function (a, b, c) {
  1013. return fn.call(that, a, b, c);
  1014. };
  1015. }
  1016. return function (/* ...args */) {
  1017. return fn.apply(that, arguments);
  1018. };
  1019. };
  1020. /***/ }),
  1021. /* 47 */
  1022. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1023. module.exports = !__webpack_require__(12) && !__webpack_require__(21)(function () {
  1024. return Object.defineProperty(__webpack_require__(48)('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7;
  1025. });
  1026. /***/ }),
  1027. /* 48 */
  1028. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1029. var isObject = __webpack_require__(20);
  1030. var document = __webpack_require__(8).document;
  1031. // typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE
  1032. var is = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement);
  1033. module.exports = function (it) {
  1034. return is ? document.createElement(it) : {};
  1035. };
  1036. /***/ }),
  1037. /* 49 */
  1038. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1039. var has = __webpack_require__(13);
  1040. var toIObject = __webpack_require__(16);
  1041. var arrayIndexOf = __webpack_require__(74)(false);
  1042. var IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(36)('IE_PROTO');
  1043. module.exports = function (object, names) {
  1044. var O = toIObject(object);
  1045. var i = 0;
  1046. var result = [];
  1047. var key;
  1048. for (key in O) if (key != IE_PROTO) has(O, key) && result.push(key);
  1049. // Don't enum bug & hidden keys
  1050. while (names.length > i) if (has(O, key = names[i++])) {
  1051. ~arrayIndexOf(result, key) || result.push(key);
  1052. }
  1053. return result;
  1054. };
  1055. /***/ }),
  1056. /* 50 */
  1057. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1058. // fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings
  1059. var cof = __webpack_require__(33);
  1060. // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
  1061. module.exports = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (it) {
  1062. return cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it);
  1063. };
  1064. /***/ }),
  1065. /* 51 */
  1066. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1067. // 7.1.15 ToLength
  1068. var toInteger = __webpack_require__(35);
  1069. var min = Math.min;
  1070. module.exports = function (it) {
  1071. return it > 0 ? min(toInteger(it), 0x1fffffffffffff) : 0; // pow(2, 53) - 1 == 9007199254740991
  1072. };
  1073. /***/ }),
  1074. /* 52 */
  1075. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1076. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  1077. /* script */
  1078. __webpack_require__(77),
  1079. /* template */
  1080. __webpack_require__(108),
  1081. /* styles */
  1082. null,
  1083. /* scopeId */
  1084. null,
  1085. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  1086. null
  1087. )
  1088. module.exports = Component.exports
  1089. /***/ }),
  1090. /* 53 */
  1091. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1092. "use strict";
  1093. exports.__esModule = true;
  1094. var _iterator = __webpack_require__(78);
  1095. var _iterator2 = _interopRequireDefault(_iterator);
  1096. var _symbol = __webpack_require__(5);
  1097. var _symbol2 = _interopRequireDefault(_symbol);
  1098. var _typeof = typeof _symbol2.default === "function" && typeof _iterator2.default === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof _symbol2.default === "function" && obj.constructor === _symbol2.default && obj !== _symbol2.default.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
  1099. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
  1100. exports.default = typeof _symbol2.default === "function" && _typeof(_iterator2.default) === "symbol" ? function (obj) {
  1101. return typeof obj === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(obj);
  1102. } : function (obj) {
  1103. return obj && typeof _symbol2.default === "function" && obj.constructor === _symbol2.default && obj !== _symbol2.default.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(obj);
  1104. };
  1105. /***/ }),
  1106. /* 54 */
  1107. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1108. "use strict";
  1109. var LIBRARY = __webpack_require__(25);
  1110. var $export = __webpack_require__(19);
  1111. var redefine = __webpack_require__(55);
  1112. var hide = __webpack_require__(14);
  1113. var Iterators = __webpack_require__(23);
  1114. var $iterCreate = __webpack_require__(81);
  1115. var setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(42);
  1116. var getPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(84);
  1117. var ITERATOR = __webpack_require__(4)('iterator');
  1118. var BUGGY = !([].keys && 'next' in [].keys()); // Safari has buggy iterators w/o `next`
  1119. var FF_ITERATOR = '@@iterator';
  1120. var KEYS = 'keys';
  1121. var VALUES = 'values';
  1122. var returnThis = function () { return this; };
  1123. module.exports = function (Base, NAME, Constructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCED) {
  1124. $iterCreate(Constructor, NAME, next);
  1125. var getMethod = function (kind) {
  1126. if (!BUGGY && kind in proto) return proto[kind];
  1127. switch (kind) {
  1128. case KEYS: return function keys() { return new Constructor(this, kind); };
  1129. case VALUES: return function values() { return new Constructor(this, kind); };
  1130. } return function entries() { return new Constructor(this, kind); };
  1131. };
  1132. var TAG = NAME + ' Iterator';
  1134. var VALUES_BUG = false;
  1135. var proto = Base.prototype;
  1136. var $native = proto[ITERATOR] || proto[FF_ITERATOR] || DEFAULT && proto[DEFAULT];
  1137. var $default = $native || getMethod(DEFAULT);
  1138. var $entries = DEFAULT ? !DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod('entries') : undefined;
  1139. var $anyNative = NAME == 'Array' ? proto.entries || $native : $native;
  1140. var methods, key, IteratorPrototype;
  1141. // Fix native
  1142. if ($anyNative) {
  1143. IteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf($anyNative.call(new Base()));
  1144. if (IteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype && IteratorPrototype.next) {
  1145. // Set @@toStringTag to native iterators
  1146. setToStringTag(IteratorPrototype, TAG, true);
  1147. // fix for some old engines
  1148. if (!LIBRARY && typeof IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR] != 'function') hide(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis);
  1149. }
  1150. }
  1151. // fix Array#{values, @@iterator}.name in V8 / FF
  1152. if (DEF_VALUES && $native && $native.name !== VALUES) {
  1153. VALUES_BUG = true;
  1154. $default = function values() { return $native.call(this); };
  1155. }
  1156. // Define iterator
  1157. if ((!LIBRARY || FORCED) && (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG || !proto[ITERATOR])) {
  1158. hide(proto, ITERATOR, $default);
  1159. }
  1160. // Plug for library
  1161. Iterators[NAME] = $default;
  1162. Iterators[TAG] = returnThis;
  1163. if (DEFAULT) {
  1164. methods = {
  1165. values: DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod(VALUES),
  1166. keys: IS_SET ? $default : getMethod(KEYS),
  1167. entries: $entries
  1168. };
  1169. if (FORCED) for (key in methods) {
  1170. if (!(key in proto)) redefine(proto, key, methods[key]);
  1171. } else $export($export.P + $export.F * (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG), NAME, methods);
  1172. }
  1173. return methods;
  1174. };
  1175. /***/ }),
  1176. /* 55 */
  1177. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1178. module.exports = __webpack_require__(14);
  1179. /***/ }),
  1180. /* 56 */
  1181. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1182. // / Object.create(O [, Properties])
  1183. var anObject = __webpack_require__(15);
  1184. var dPs = __webpack_require__(82);
  1185. var enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(38);
  1186. var IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(36)('IE_PROTO');
  1187. var Empty = function () { /* empty */ };
  1188. var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype';
  1189. // Create object with fake `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype
  1190. var createDict = function () {
  1191. // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug
  1192. var iframe = __webpack_require__(48)('iframe');
  1193. var i = enumBugKeys.length;
  1194. var lt = '<';
  1195. var gt = '>';
  1196. var iframeDocument;
  1197. iframe.style.display = 'none';
  1198. __webpack_require__(83).appendChild(iframe);
  1199. iframe.src = 'javascript:'; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url
  1200. // createDict = iframe.contentWindow.Object;
  1201. // html.removeChild(iframe);
  1202. iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document;
  1203. iframeDocument.open();
  1204. iframeDocument.write(lt + 'script' + gt + 'document.F=Object' + lt + '/script' + gt);
  1205. iframeDocument.close();
  1206. createDict = iframeDocument.F;
  1207. while (i--) delete createDict[PROTOTYPE][enumBugKeys[i]];
  1208. return createDict();
  1209. };
  1210. module.exports = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) {
  1211. var result;
  1212. if (O !== null) {
  1213. Empty[PROTOTYPE] = anObject(O);
  1214. result = new Empty();
  1215. Empty[PROTOTYPE] = null;
  1216. // add "__proto__" for Object.getPrototypeOf polyfill
  1217. result[IE_PROTO] = O;
  1218. } else result = createDict();
  1219. return Properties === undefined ? result : dPs(result, Properties);
  1220. };
  1221. /***/ }),
  1222. /* 57 */
  1223. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1224. __webpack_require__(85);
  1225. var global = __webpack_require__(8);
  1226. var hide = __webpack_require__(14);
  1227. var Iterators = __webpack_require__(23);
  1228. var TO_STRING_TAG = __webpack_require__(4)('toStringTag');
  1229. var DOMIterables = ('CSSRuleList,CSSStyleDeclaration,CSSValueList,ClientRectList,DOMRectList,DOMStringList,' +
  1230. 'DOMTokenList,DataTransferItemList,FileList,HTMLAllCollection,HTMLCollection,HTMLFormElement,HTMLSelectElement,' +
  1231. 'MediaList,MimeTypeArray,NamedNodeMap,NodeList,PaintRequestList,Plugin,PluginArray,SVGLengthList,SVGNumberList,' +
  1232. 'SVGPathSegList,SVGPointList,SVGStringList,SVGTransformList,SourceBufferList,StyleSheetList,TextTrackCueList,' +
  1233. 'TextTrackList,TouchList').split(',');
  1234. for (var i = 0; i < DOMIterables.length; i++) {
  1235. var NAME = DOMIterables[i];
  1236. var Collection = global[NAME];
  1237. var proto = Collection && Collection.prototype;
  1238. if (proto && !proto[TO_STRING_TAG]) hide(proto, TO_STRING_TAG, NAME);
  1239. Iterators[NAME] = Iterators.Array;
  1240. }
  1241. /***/ }),
  1242. /* 58 */
  1243. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1244. // / Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O)
  1245. var $keys = __webpack_require__(49);
  1246. var hiddenKeys = __webpack_require__(38).concat('length', 'prototype');
  1247. exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O) {
  1248. return $keys(O, hiddenKeys);
  1249. };
  1250. /***/ }),
  1251. /* 59 */
  1252. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1253. module.exports = { "default": __webpack_require__(98), __esModule: true };
  1254. /***/ }),
  1255. /* 60 */
  1256. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1257. var classof = __webpack_require__(100);
  1258. var ITERATOR = __webpack_require__(4)('iterator');
  1259. var Iterators = __webpack_require__(23);
  1260. module.exports = __webpack_require__(6).getIteratorMethod = function (it) {
  1261. if (it != undefined) return it[ITERATOR]
  1262. || it['@@iterator']
  1263. || Iterators[classof(it)];
  1264. };
  1265. /***/ }),
  1266. /* 61 */
  1267. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1268. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  1269. /* script */
  1270. __webpack_require__(112),
  1271. /* template */
  1272. __webpack_require__(113),
  1273. /* styles */
  1274. null,
  1275. /* scopeId */
  1276. null,
  1277. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  1278. null
  1279. )
  1280. module.exports = Component.exports
  1281. /***/ }),
  1282. /* 62 */
  1283. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1284. "use strict";
  1285. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__FormElementMixin__ = __webpack_require__(10);
  1286. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__helpers__ = __webpack_require__(7);
  1287. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__config__ = __webpack_require__(2);
  1288. var _this = this;
  1289. var AM = 'AM';
  1290. var PM = 'PM';
  1291. var HOUR_FORMAT_24 = '24';
  1292. var HOUR_FORMAT_12 = '12';
  1293. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = ({
  1294. mixins: [__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__FormElementMixin__["a" /* default */]],
  1295. inheritAttrs: false,
  1296. props: {
  1297. value: Date,
  1298. inline: Boolean,
  1299. minTime: Date,
  1300. maxTime: Date,
  1301. placeholder: String,
  1302. editable: Boolean,
  1303. disabled: Boolean,
  1304. hourFormat: {
  1305. type: String,
  1306. default: HOUR_FORMAT_24,
  1307. validator: function validator(value) {
  1308. return value === HOUR_FORMAT_24 || value === HOUR_FORMAT_12;
  1309. }
  1310. },
  1311. incrementMinutes: {
  1312. type: Number,
  1313. default: 1
  1314. },
  1315. timeFormatter: {
  1316. type: Function,
  1317. default: function _default(date) {
  1318. _this.formatTime(date);
  1319. }
  1320. },
  1321. timeParser: {
  1322. type: Function,
  1323. default: function _default(date) {
  1324. _this.parseTime(date);
  1325. }
  1326. },
  1327. mobileNative: {
  1328. type: Boolean,
  1329. default: function _default() {
  1330. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__config__["a" /* default */].defaultTimepickerMobileNative;
  1331. }
  1332. },
  1333. position: String,
  1334. unselectableTimes: Array
  1335. },
  1336. data: function data() {
  1337. return {
  1338. dateSelected: this.value,
  1339. hoursSelected: null,
  1340. minutesSelected: null,
  1341. meridienSelected: null,
  1342. _elementRef: 'input',
  1343. AM: AM,
  1344. PM: PM,
  1347. };
  1348. },
  1349. computed: {
  1350. hours: function hours() {
  1351. var hours = [];
  1352. var numberOfHours = this.isHourFormat24 ? 24 : 12;
  1353. for (var i = 0; i < numberOfHours; i++) {
  1354. var value = i;
  1355. var label = value;
  1356. if (!this.isHourFormat24) {
  1357. value = i + 1;
  1358. label = value;
  1359. if (this.meridienSelected === this.AM) {
  1360. if (value === 12) {
  1361. value = 0;
  1362. }
  1363. } else if (this.meridienSelected === this.PM) {
  1364. if (value !== 12) {
  1365. value += 12;
  1366. }
  1367. }
  1368. }
  1369. hours.push({
  1370. label: this.formatNumber(label),
  1371. value: value
  1372. });
  1373. }
  1374. return hours;
  1375. },
  1376. minutes: function minutes() {
  1377. var minutes = [];
  1378. for (var i = 0; i < 60; i += this.incrementMinutes) {
  1379. minutes.push({
  1380. label: this.formatNumber(i),
  1381. value: i
  1382. });
  1383. }
  1384. return minutes;
  1385. },
  1386. meridiens: function meridiens() {
  1387. return [AM, PM];
  1388. },
  1389. isMobile: function isMobile() {
  1390. return this.mobileNative && __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__helpers__["c" /* isMobile */].any();
  1391. },
  1392. isHourFormat24: function isHourFormat24() {
  1393. return this.hourFormat === HOUR_FORMAT_24;
  1394. }
  1395. },
  1396. watch: {
  1397. hourFormat: function hourFormat(value) {
  1398. if (this.hoursSelected !== null) {
  1399. this.meridienSelected = this.hoursSelected >= 12 ? PM : AM;
  1400. }
  1401. },
  1402. /**
  1403. * Emit input event with selected date as payload.
  1404. */
  1405. dateSelected: function dateSelected(value) {
  1406. this.$emit('input', value);
  1407. },
  1408. /**
  1409. * When v-model is changed:
  1410. * 1. Update internal value.
  1411. * 2. If it's invalid, validate again.
  1412. */
  1413. value: function value(_value) {
  1414. this.updateInternalState(_value);
  1415. this.dateSelected = _value;
  1416. !this.isValid && this.$refs.input.checkHtml5Validity();
  1417. }
  1418. },
  1419. methods: {
  1420. onMeridienChange: function onMeridienChange(value) {
  1421. if (this.hoursSelected !== null) {
  1422. if (value === PM) {
  1423. this.hoursSelected += 12;
  1424. } else if (value === AM) {
  1425. this.hoursSelected -= 12;
  1426. }
  1427. }
  1428. this.updateDateSelected(this.hoursSelected, this.minutesSelected, value);
  1429. },
  1430. onHoursChange: function onHoursChange(value) {
  1431. this.updateDateSelected(parseInt(value, 10), this.minutesSelected, this.meridienSelected);
  1432. },
  1433. onMinutesChange: function onMinutesChange(value) {
  1434. this.updateDateSelected(this.hoursSelected, parseInt(value, 10), this.meridienSelected);
  1435. },
  1436. updateDateSelected: function updateDateSelected(hours, minutes, meridiens) {
  1437. if (hours != null && minutes != null && (!this.isHourFormat24 && meridiens !== null || this.isHourFormat24)) {
  1438. if (this.dateSelected && !isNaN(this.dateSelected)) {
  1439. this.dateSelected = new Date(this.dateSelected);
  1440. } else {
  1441. this.dateSelected = new Date();
  1442. this.dateSelected.setMilliseconds(0);
  1443. this.dateSelected.setSeconds(0);
  1444. }
  1445. this.dateSelected.setHours(hours);
  1446. this.dateSelected.setMinutes(minutes);
  1447. }
  1448. },
  1449. updateInternalState: function updateInternalState(value) {
  1450. if (value) {
  1451. this.hoursSelected = value.getHours();
  1452. this.minutesSelected = value.getMinutes();
  1453. this.meridienSelected = value.getHours() >= 12 ? PM : AM;
  1454. } else {
  1455. this.hoursSelected = null;
  1456. this.minutesSelected = null;
  1457. this.meridienSelected = AM;
  1458. }
  1459. },
  1460. isHourDisabled: function isHourDisabled(hour) {
  1461. var _this2 = this;
  1462. var disabled = false;
  1463. if (this.minTime) {
  1464. var minHours = this.minTime.getHours();
  1465. disabled = hour < minHours;
  1466. }
  1467. if (this.maxTime) {
  1468. if (!disabled) {
  1469. var maxHours = this.maxTime.getHours();
  1470. disabled = hour > maxHours;
  1471. }
  1472. }
  1473. if (this.unselectableTimes) {
  1474. if (!disabled) {
  1475. if (this.minutesSelected !== null) {
  1476. var unselectable = this.unselectableTimes.filter(function (time) {
  1477. return time.getHours() === hour && time.getMinutes() === _this2.minutesSelected;
  1478. });
  1479. disabled = unselectable.length > 0;
  1480. } else {
  1481. var _unselectable = this.unselectableTimes.filter(function (time) {
  1482. return time.getHours() === hour;
  1483. });
  1484. disabled = _unselectable.length === this.minutes.length;
  1485. }
  1486. }
  1487. }
  1488. return disabled;
  1489. },
  1490. isMinuteDisabled: function isMinuteDisabled(minute) {
  1491. var _this3 = this;
  1492. var disabled = false;
  1493. if (this.hoursSelected !== null) {
  1494. if (this.isHourDisabled(this.hoursSelected)) {
  1495. disabled = true;
  1496. } else {
  1497. if (this.minTime) {
  1498. var minHours = this.minTime.getHours();
  1499. var minMinutes = this.minTime.getMinutes();
  1500. disabled = this.hoursSelected === minHours && minute < minMinutes;
  1501. }
  1502. if (this.maxTime) {
  1503. if (!disabled) {
  1504. var maxHours = this.maxTime.getHours();
  1505. var _minMinutes = this.maxTime.getMinutes();
  1506. disabled = this.hoursSelected === maxHours && minute > _minMinutes;
  1507. }
  1508. }
  1509. }
  1510. if (this.unselectableTimes) {
  1511. if (!disabled) {
  1512. var unselectable = this.unselectableTimes.filter(function (time) {
  1513. return time.getHours() === _this3.hoursSelected && time.getMinutes() === minute;
  1514. });
  1515. disabled = unselectable.length > 0;
  1516. }
  1517. }
  1518. }
  1519. return disabled;
  1520. },
  1521. /*
  1522. * Parse string into date
  1523. */
  1524. onChange: function onChange(value) {
  1525. var date = this.parseTime(value);
  1526. this.updateInternalState(date);
  1527. if (date && !isNaN(date)) {
  1528. this.dateSelected = date;
  1529. } else {
  1530. // Force refresh input value when not valid date
  1531. this.dateSelected = null;
  1532. this.$refs.input.newValue = this.dateSelected;
  1533. }
  1534. },
  1535. /*
  1536. * Close dropdown time picker
  1537. */
  1538. close: function close() {
  1539. if (this.$refs.dropdown) {
  1540. this.$refs.dropdown.isActive = false;
  1541. }
  1542. },
  1543. /*
  1544. * Format date into string 'HH-MM-SS'
  1545. */
  1546. formatHHMMSS: function formatHHMMSS(value) {
  1547. var date = new Date(value);
  1548. if (value && !isNaN(date)) {
  1549. var hours = date.getHours();
  1550. var minutes = date.getMinutes();
  1551. return this.formatNumber(hours) + ':' + this.formatNumber(minutes, true) + ':00';
  1552. }
  1553. return '';
  1554. },
  1555. /*
  1556. * Parse time from string
  1557. */
  1558. onChangeNativePicker: function onChangeNativePicker(event) {
  1559. var date = event.target.value;
  1560. if (date) {
  1561. if (this.dateSelected && !isNaN(this.dateSelected)) {
  1562. this.dateSelected = new Date(this.dateSelected);
  1563. } else {
  1564. this.dateSelected = new Date();
  1565. this.dateSelected.setMilliseconds(0);
  1566. this.dateSelected.setSeconds(0);
  1567. }
  1568. var time = date.split(':');
  1569. this.dateSelected.setHours(parseInt(time[0], 10));
  1570. this.dateSelected.setMinutes(parseInt(time[1], 10));
  1571. } else {
  1572. this.dateSelected = null;
  1573. }
  1574. },
  1575. formatNumber: function formatNumber(value, isMinute) {
  1576. return this.isHourFormat24 || isMinute ? this.pad(value) : value;
  1577. },
  1578. pad: function pad(value) {
  1579. return (value < 10 ? '0' : '') + value;
  1580. },
  1581. /*
  1582. * Format date into string
  1583. */
  1584. formatValue: function formatValue(date) {
  1585. if (date && !isNaN(date)) {
  1586. return this.formatTime(date);
  1587. } else {
  1588. return null;
  1589. }
  1590. },
  1591. formatTime: function formatTime(date) {
  1592. if (typeof __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__config__["a" /* default */].defaultTimeFormatter === 'function') {
  1593. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__config__["a" /* default */].defaultTimeFormatter(date);
  1594. } else {
  1595. return this.defaultTimeFormatter(date);
  1596. }
  1597. },
  1598. parseTime: function parseTime(date) {
  1599. if (typeof __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__config__["a" /* default */].defaultTimeParser === 'function') {
  1600. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__config__["a" /* default */].defaultTimeParser(date);
  1601. } else {
  1602. return this.defaultTimeParser(date);
  1603. }
  1604. },
  1605. defaultTimeFormatter: function defaultTimeFormatter(date) {
  1606. var hours = date.getHours();
  1607. var minutes = date.getMinutes();
  1608. var period = '';
  1609. if (this.hourFormat === HOUR_FORMAT_12) {
  1610. period = ' ' + (hours < 12 ? AM : PM);
  1611. if (hours > 12) {
  1612. hours -= 12;
  1613. } else if (hours === 0) {
  1614. hours = 12;
  1615. }
  1616. }
  1617. return this.pad(hours) + ':' + this.pad(minutes) + period;
  1618. },
  1619. defaultTimeParser: function defaultTimeParser(timeString) {
  1620. if (timeString) {
  1621. var am = false;
  1622. if (this.hourFormat === HOUR_FORMAT_12) {
  1623. var dateString12 = timeString.split(' ');
  1624. timeString = dateString12[0];
  1625. am = dateString12[1] === AM;
  1626. }
  1627. var time = timeString.split(':');
  1628. var hours = parseInt(time[0], 10);
  1629. var minutes = parseInt(time[1], 10);
  1630. if (isNaN(hours) || hours < 0 || hours > 23 || this.hourFormat === HOUR_FORMAT_12 && (hours < 1 || hours > 12) || isNaN(minutes) || minutes < 0 || minutes > 59) {
  1631. return null;
  1632. }
  1633. var d = null;
  1634. if (this.dateSelected && !isNaN(this.dateSelected)) {
  1635. d = new Date(this.dateSelected);
  1636. } else {
  1637. d = new Date();
  1638. d.setMilliseconds(0);
  1639. d.setSeconds(0);
  1640. }
  1641. d.setMinutes(minutes);
  1642. if (this.hourFormat === HOUR_FORMAT_12) {
  1643. if (am && hours === 12) {
  1644. hours = 0;
  1645. } else if (!am && hours !== 12) {
  1646. hours += 12;
  1647. }
  1648. }
  1649. d.setHours(hours);
  1650. return d;
  1651. }
  1652. return null;
  1653. }
  1654. },
  1655. mounted: function mounted() {
  1656. this.updateInternalState(this.value);
  1657. }
  1658. });
  1659. /***/ }),
  1660. /* 63 */
  1661. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1662. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  1663. /* script */
  1664. __webpack_require__(147),
  1665. /* template */
  1666. __webpack_require__(148),
  1667. /* styles */
  1668. null,
  1669. /* scopeId */
  1670. null,
  1671. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  1672. null
  1673. )
  1674. module.exports = Component.exports
  1675. /***/ }),
  1676. /* 64 */
  1677. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1678. "use strict";
  1679. /* unused harmony export isSSR */
  1680. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return HTMLElement; });
  1681. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return File; });
  1682. // Polyfills for SSR
  1683. var isSSR = typeof window === 'undefined';
  1684. var HTMLElement = isSSR ? Object : window.HTMLElement;
  1685. var File = isSSR ? Object : window.File;
  1686. /***/ }),
  1687. /* 65 */
  1688. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1689. "use strict";
  1690. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
  1691. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__);
  1692. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__components_icon_Icon__ = __webpack_require__(3);
  1693. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__components_icon_Icon___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__components_icon_Icon__);
  1694. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = ({
  1695. components: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()({}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__components_icon_Icon___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__components_icon_Icon___default.a),
  1696. props: {
  1697. active: {
  1698. type: Boolean,
  1699. default: true
  1700. },
  1701. title: String,
  1702. closable: {
  1703. type: Boolean,
  1704. default: true
  1705. },
  1706. message: String,
  1707. type: String,
  1708. hasIcon: Boolean,
  1709. size: String,
  1710. iconPack: String,
  1711. iconSize: String,
  1712. autoClose: {
  1713. type: Boolean,
  1714. default: false
  1715. },
  1716. duration: {
  1717. type: Number,
  1718. default: 2000
  1719. }
  1720. },
  1721. data: function data() {
  1722. return {
  1723. isActive: this.active
  1724. };
  1725. },
  1726. watch: {
  1727. active: function active(value) {
  1728. this.isActive = value;
  1729. },
  1730. isActive: function isActive(value) {
  1731. if (value) {
  1732. this.setAutoClose();
  1733. } else {
  1734. if (this.timer) {
  1735. clearTimeout(this.timer);
  1736. }
  1737. }
  1738. }
  1739. },
  1740. computed: {
  1741. /**
  1742. * Icon name (MDI) based on type.
  1743. */
  1744. icon: function icon() {
  1745. switch (this.type) {
  1746. case 'is-info':
  1747. return 'information';
  1748. case 'is-success':
  1749. return 'check-circle';
  1750. case 'is-warning':
  1751. return 'alert';
  1752. case 'is-danger':
  1753. return 'alert-circle';
  1754. default:
  1755. return null;
  1756. }
  1757. }
  1758. },
  1759. methods: {
  1760. /**
  1761. * Close the Message and emit events.
  1762. */
  1763. close: function close() {
  1764. this.isActive = false;
  1765. this.$emit('close');
  1766. this.$emit('update:active', false);
  1767. },
  1768. /**
  1769. * Set timer to auto close message
  1770. */
  1771. setAutoClose: function setAutoClose() {
  1772. var _this = this;
  1773. if (this.autoClose) {
  1774. this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
  1775. if (_this.isActive) {
  1776. _this.close();
  1777. }
  1778. }, this.duration);
  1779. }
  1780. }
  1781. },
  1782. mounted: function mounted() {
  1783. this.setAutoClose();
  1784. }
  1785. });
  1786. /***/ }),
  1787. /* 66 */
  1788. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1789. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  1790. /* script */
  1791. __webpack_require__(165),
  1792. /* template */
  1793. __webpack_require__(166),
  1794. /* styles */
  1795. null,
  1796. /* scopeId */
  1797. null,
  1798. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  1799. null
  1800. )
  1801. module.exports = Component.exports
  1802. /***/ }),
  1803. /* 67 */
  1804. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1805. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  1806. /* script */
  1807. __webpack_require__(192),
  1808. /* template */
  1809. __webpack_require__(193),
  1810. /* styles */
  1811. null,
  1812. /* scopeId */
  1813. null,
  1814. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  1815. null
  1816. )
  1817. module.exports = Component.exports
  1818. /***/ }),
  1819. /* 68 */
  1820. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  1821. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  1822. /* script */
  1823. __webpack_require__(200),
  1824. /* template */
  1825. __webpack_require__(201),
  1826. /* styles */
  1827. null,
  1828. /* scopeId */
  1829. null,
  1830. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  1831. null
  1832. )
  1833. module.exports = Component.exports
  1834. /***/ }),
  1835. /* 69 */
  1836. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1837. "use strict";
  1838. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  1839. var components_namespaceObject = {};
  1840. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Autocomplete", function() { return autocomplete; });
  1841. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Button", function() { return components_button; });
  1842. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Checkbox", function() { return components_checkbox; });
  1843. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Clockpicker", function() { return clockpicker; });
  1844. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Collapse", function() { return collapse; });
  1845. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Datepicker", function() { return datepicker; });
  1846. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Dialog", function() { return dialog; });
  1847. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Dropdown", function() { return dropdown; });
  1848. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Field", function() { return field; });
  1849. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Icon", function() { return icon; });
  1850. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Input", function() { return input; });
  1851. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Loading", function() { return loading; });
  1852. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Message", function() { return components_message; });
  1853. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Modal", function() { return modal; });
  1854. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Notification", function() { return notification; });
  1855. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Numberinput", function() { return numberinput; });
  1856. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Pagination", function() { return pagination; });
  1857. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Radio", function() { return components_radio; });
  1858. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Select", function() { return components_select; });
  1859. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Snackbar", function() { return snackbar; });
  1860. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Switch", function() { return components_switch; });
  1861. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Table", function() { return table; });
  1862. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Tabs", function() { return tabs; });
  1863. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Tag", function() { return tag; });
  1864. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Taginput", function() { return taginput; });
  1865. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Timepicker", function() { return timepicker; });
  1866. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Toast", function() { return toast; });
  1867. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Tooltip", function() { return tooltip; });
  1868. __webpack_require__.d(components_namespaceObject, "Upload", function() { return upload; });
  1869. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/babel-runtime/core-js/object/assign.js
  1870. var object_assign = __webpack_require__(11);
  1871. var assign_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(object_assign);
  1872. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/scss/buefy-build.scss
  1873. var buefy_build = __webpack_require__(76);
  1874. var buefy_build_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(buefy_build);
  1875. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/autocomplete/Autocomplete.vue
  1876. var Autocomplete = __webpack_require__(52);
  1877. var Autocomplete_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Autocomplete);
  1878. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/utils/plugins.js
  1879. var use = function use(plugin) {
  1880. if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) {
  1881. window.Vue.use(plugin);
  1882. }
  1883. };
  1884. var registerComponent = function registerComponent(Vue, component) {
  1885. Vue.component(component.name, component);
  1886. };
  1887. var registerComponentProgrammatic = function registerComponentProgrammatic(Vue, property, component) {
  1888. Vue.prototype[property] = component;
  1889. };
  1890. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/autocomplete/index.js
  1891. var Plugin = {
  1892. install: function install(Vue) {
  1893. registerComponent(Vue, Autocomplete_default.a);
  1894. }
  1895. };
  1896. use(Plugin);
  1897. /* harmony default export */ var autocomplete = (Plugin);
  1898. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/button/Button.vue
  1899. var Button = __webpack_require__(109);
  1900. var Button_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Button);
  1901. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/button/index.js
  1902. var button_Plugin = {
  1903. install: function install(Vue) {
  1904. registerComponent(Vue, Button_default.a);
  1905. }
  1906. };
  1907. use(button_Plugin);
  1908. /* harmony default export */ var components_button = (button_Plugin);
  1909. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/checkbox/Checkbox.vue
  1910. var Checkbox = __webpack_require__(61);
  1911. var Checkbox_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Checkbox);
  1912. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/checkbox/CheckboxButton.vue
  1913. var CheckboxButton = __webpack_require__(114);
  1914. var CheckboxButton_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(CheckboxButton);
  1915. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/checkbox/index.js
  1916. var checkbox_Plugin = {
  1917. install: function install(Vue) {
  1918. registerComponent(Vue, Checkbox_default.a);
  1919. registerComponent(Vue, CheckboxButton_default.a);
  1920. }
  1921. };
  1922. use(checkbox_Plugin);
  1923. /* harmony default export */ var components_checkbox = (checkbox_Plugin);
  1924. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/collapse/Collapse.vue
  1925. var Collapse = __webpack_require__(117);
  1926. var Collapse_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Collapse);
  1927. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/collapse/index.js
  1928. var collapse_Plugin = {
  1929. install: function install(Vue) {
  1930. registerComponent(Vue, Collapse_default.a);
  1931. }
  1932. };
  1933. use(collapse_Plugin);
  1934. /* harmony default export */ var collapse = (collapse_Plugin);
  1935. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/clockpicker/Clockpicker.vue
  1936. var Clockpicker = __webpack_require__(120);
  1937. var Clockpicker_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Clockpicker);
  1938. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/clockpicker/index.js
  1939. var clockpicker_Plugin = {
  1940. install: function install(Vue) {
  1941. registerComponent(Vue, Clockpicker_default.a);
  1942. }
  1943. };
  1944. use(clockpicker_Plugin);
  1945. /* harmony default export */ var clockpicker = (clockpicker_Plugin);
  1946. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/datepicker/Datepicker.vue
  1947. var Datepicker = __webpack_require__(134);
  1948. var Datepicker_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Datepicker);
  1949. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/datepicker/index.js
  1950. var datepicker_Plugin = {
  1951. install: function install(Vue) {
  1952. registerComponent(Vue, Datepicker_default.a);
  1953. }
  1954. };
  1955. use(datepicker_Plugin);
  1956. /* harmony default export */ var datepicker = (datepicker_Plugin);
  1957. // EXTERNAL MODULE: external {"commonjs":"vue","commonjs2":"vue","amd":"vue","root":"Vue"}
  1958. var external___commonjs___vue___commonjs2___vue___amd___vue___root___Vue__ = __webpack_require__(18);
  1959. var external___commonjs___vue___commonjs2___vue___amd___vue___root___Vue___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external___commonjs___vue___commonjs2___vue___amd___vue___root___Vue__);
  1960. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/dialog/Dialog.vue
  1961. var Dialog = __webpack_require__(145);
  1962. var Dialog_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Dialog);
  1963. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/dialog/index.js
  1964. function dialog_open(propsData) {
  1965. var vm = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue ? window.Vue : external___commonjs___vue___commonjs2___vue___amd___vue___root___Vue___default.a;
  1966. var DialogComponent = vm.extend(Dialog_default.a);
  1967. return new DialogComponent({
  1968. el: document.createElement('div'),
  1969. propsData: propsData
  1970. });
  1971. }
  1972. var DialogProgrammatic = {
  1973. alert: function alert(params) {
  1974. var message = void 0;
  1975. if (typeof params === 'string') message = params;
  1976. var defaultParam = {
  1977. canCancel: false,
  1978. message: message
  1979. };
  1980. var propsData = assign_default()(defaultParam, params);
  1981. return dialog_open(propsData);
  1982. },
  1983. confirm: function confirm(params) {
  1984. var defaultParam = {};
  1985. var propsData = assign_default()(defaultParam, params);
  1986. return dialog_open(propsData);
  1987. },
  1988. prompt: function prompt(params) {
  1989. var defaultParam = {
  1990. hasInput: true,
  1991. confirmText: 'Done'
  1992. };
  1993. var propsData = assign_default()(defaultParam, params);
  1994. return dialog_open(propsData);
  1995. }
  1996. };
  1997. var dialog_Plugin = {
  1998. install: function install(Vue) {
  1999. registerComponent(Vue, Dialog_default.a);
  2000. registerComponentProgrammatic(Vue, '$dialog', DialogProgrammatic);
  2001. }
  2002. };
  2003. use(dialog_Plugin);
  2004. /* harmony default export */ var dialog = (dialog_Plugin);
  2005. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/dropdown/Dropdown.vue
  2006. var Dropdown = __webpack_require__(28);
  2007. var Dropdown_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Dropdown);
  2008. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/dropdown/DropdownItem.vue
  2009. var DropdownItem = __webpack_require__(29);
  2010. var DropdownItem_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(DropdownItem);
  2011. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/dropdown/index.js
  2012. var dropdown_Plugin = {
  2013. install: function install(Vue) {
  2014. registerComponent(Vue, Dropdown_default.a);
  2015. registerComponent(Vue, DropdownItem_default.a);
  2016. }
  2017. };
  2018. use(dropdown_Plugin);
  2019. /* harmony default export */ var dropdown = (dropdown_Plugin);
  2020. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/field/Field.vue
  2021. var Field = __webpack_require__(30);
  2022. var Field_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Field);
  2023. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/field/index.js
  2024. var field_Plugin = {
  2025. install: function install(Vue) {
  2026. registerComponent(Vue, Field_default.a);
  2027. }
  2028. };
  2029. use(field_Plugin);
  2030. /* harmony default export */ var field = (field_Plugin);
  2031. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/icon/Icon.vue
  2032. var Icon = __webpack_require__(3);
  2033. var Icon_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Icon);
  2034. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/icon/index.js
  2035. var icon_Plugin = {
  2036. install: function install(Vue) {
  2037. registerComponent(Vue, Icon_default.a);
  2038. }
  2039. };
  2040. use(icon_Plugin);
  2041. /* harmony default export */ var icon = (icon_Plugin);
  2042. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/input/Input.vue
  2043. var Input = __webpack_require__(17);
  2044. var Input_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Input);
  2045. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/input/index.js
  2046. var input_Plugin = {
  2047. install: function install(Vue) {
  2048. registerComponent(Vue, Input_default.a);
  2049. }
  2050. };
  2051. use(input_Plugin);
  2052. /* harmony default export */ var input = (input_Plugin);
  2053. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/loading/Loading.vue
  2054. var Loading = __webpack_require__(150);
  2055. var Loading_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Loading);
  2056. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/loading/index.js
  2057. var LoadingProgrammatic = {
  2058. open: function open(params) {
  2059. var defaultParam = {
  2060. programmatic: true
  2061. };
  2062. var propsData = assign_default()(defaultParam, params);
  2063. var vm = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue ? window.Vue : external___commonjs___vue___commonjs2___vue___amd___vue___root___Vue___default.a;
  2064. var LoadingComponent = vm.extend(Loading_default.a);
  2065. return new LoadingComponent({
  2066. el: document.createElement('div'),
  2067. propsData: propsData
  2068. });
  2069. }
  2070. };
  2071. var loading_Plugin = {
  2072. install: function install(Vue) {
  2073. registerComponent(Vue, Loading_default.a);
  2074. registerComponentProgrammatic(Vue, '$loading', LoadingProgrammatic);
  2075. }
  2076. };
  2077. use(loading_Plugin);
  2078. /* harmony default export */ var loading = (loading_Plugin);
  2079. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/message/Message.vue
  2080. var Message = __webpack_require__(153);
  2081. var Message_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Message);
  2082. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/message/index.js
  2083. var message_Plugin = {
  2084. install: function install(Vue) {
  2085. registerComponent(Vue, Message_default.a);
  2086. }
  2087. };
  2088. use(message_Plugin);
  2089. /* harmony default export */ var components_message = (message_Plugin);
  2090. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/modal/Modal.vue
  2091. var Modal = __webpack_require__(63);
  2092. var Modal_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Modal);
  2093. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/modal/index.js
  2094. var ModalProgrammatic = {
  2095. open: function open(params) {
  2096. var content = void 0;
  2097. var parent = void 0;
  2098. if (typeof params === 'string') content = params;
  2099. var defaultParam = {
  2100. programmatic: true,
  2101. content: content
  2102. };
  2103. if (params.parent) {
  2104. parent = params.parent;
  2105. delete params.parent;
  2106. }
  2107. var propsData = assign_default()(defaultParam, params);
  2108. var vm = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue ? window.Vue : external___commonjs___vue___commonjs2___vue___amd___vue___root___Vue___default.a;
  2109. var ModalComponent = vm.extend(Modal_default.a);
  2110. return new ModalComponent({
  2111. parent: parent,
  2112. el: document.createElement('div'),
  2113. propsData: propsData
  2114. });
  2115. }
  2116. };
  2117. var modal_Plugin = {
  2118. install: function install(Vue) {
  2119. registerComponent(Vue, Modal_default.a);
  2120. registerComponentProgrammatic(Vue, '$modal', ModalProgrammatic);
  2121. }
  2122. };
  2123. use(modal_Plugin);
  2124. /* harmony default export */ var modal = (modal_Plugin);
  2125. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/notification/Notification.vue
  2126. var Notification = __webpack_require__(156);
  2127. var Notification_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Notification);
  2128. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/notification/NotificationNotice.vue
  2129. var NotificationNotice = __webpack_require__(159);
  2130. var NotificationNotice_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(NotificationNotice);
  2131. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/utils/config.js
  2132. var config = __webpack_require__(2);
  2133. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/notification/index.js
  2134. var NotificationProgrammatic = {
  2135. open: function open(params) {
  2136. var message = void 0;
  2137. var parent = void 0;
  2138. if (typeof params === 'string') message = params;
  2139. var defaultParam = {
  2140. message: message,
  2141. position: config["a" /* default */].defaultNotificationPosition || 'is-top-right'
  2142. };
  2143. if (params.parent) {
  2144. parent = params.parent;
  2145. delete params.parent;
  2146. }
  2147. var propsData = assign_default()(defaultParam, typeof params === 'string' ? {} : params);
  2148. var vm = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue ? window.Vue : external___commonjs___vue___commonjs2___vue___amd___vue___root___Vue___default.a;
  2149. var NotificationNoticeComponent = vm.extend(NotificationNotice_default.a);
  2150. return new NotificationNoticeComponent({
  2151. parent: parent,
  2152. el: document.createElement('div'),
  2153. propsData: propsData
  2154. });
  2155. }
  2156. };
  2157. var notification_Plugin = {
  2158. install: function install(Vue) {
  2159. registerComponent(Vue, Notification_default.a);
  2160. registerComponentProgrammatic(Vue, '$notification', NotificationProgrammatic);
  2161. }
  2162. };
  2163. use(notification_Plugin);
  2164. /* harmony default export */ var notification = (notification_Plugin);
  2165. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/numberinput/Numberinput.vue
  2166. var Numberinput = __webpack_require__(162);
  2167. var Numberinput_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Numberinput);
  2168. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/numberinput/index.js
  2169. var numberinput_Plugin = {
  2170. install: function install(Vue) {
  2171. registerComponent(Vue, Numberinput_default.a);
  2172. }
  2173. };
  2174. use(numberinput_Plugin);
  2175. /* harmony default export */ var numberinput = (numberinput_Plugin);
  2176. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/pagination/Pagination.vue
  2177. var Pagination = __webpack_require__(66);
  2178. var Pagination_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Pagination);
  2179. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/pagination/index.js
  2180. var pagination_Plugin = {
  2181. install: function install(Vue) {
  2182. registerComponent(Vue, Pagination_default.a);
  2183. }
  2184. };
  2185. use(pagination_Plugin);
  2186. /* harmony default export */ var pagination = (pagination_Plugin);
  2187. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/radio/Radio.vue
  2188. var Radio = __webpack_require__(167);
  2189. var Radio_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Radio);
  2190. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/radio/RadioButton.vue
  2191. var RadioButton = __webpack_require__(170);
  2192. var RadioButton_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(RadioButton);
  2193. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/radio/index.js
  2194. var radio_Plugin = {
  2195. install: function install(Vue) {
  2196. registerComponent(Vue, Radio_default.a);
  2197. registerComponent(Vue, RadioButton_default.a);
  2198. }
  2199. };
  2200. use(radio_Plugin);
  2201. /* harmony default export */ var components_radio = (radio_Plugin);
  2202. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/select/Select.vue
  2203. var Select = __webpack_require__(31);
  2204. var Select_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Select);
  2205. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/select/index.js
  2206. var select_Plugin = {
  2207. install: function install(Vue) {
  2208. registerComponent(Vue, Select_default.a);
  2209. }
  2210. };
  2211. use(select_Plugin);
  2212. /* harmony default export */ var components_select = (select_Plugin);
  2213. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/snackbar/Snackbar.vue
  2214. var Snackbar = __webpack_require__(173);
  2215. var Snackbar_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Snackbar);
  2216. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/snackbar/index.js
  2217. var SnackbarProgrammatic = {
  2218. open: function open(params) {
  2219. var message = void 0;
  2220. var parent = void 0;
  2221. if (typeof params === 'string') message = params;
  2222. var defaultParam = {
  2223. type: 'is-success',
  2224. position: config["a" /* default */].defaultSnackbarPosition || 'is-bottom-right',
  2225. message: message
  2226. };
  2227. if (params.parent) {
  2228. parent = params.parent;
  2229. delete params.parent;
  2230. }
  2231. var propsData = assign_default()(defaultParam, params);
  2232. var vm = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue ? window.Vue : external___commonjs___vue___commonjs2___vue___amd___vue___root___Vue___default.a;
  2233. var SnackbarComponent = vm.extend(Snackbar_default.a);
  2234. return new SnackbarComponent({
  2235. parent: parent,
  2236. el: document.createElement('div'),
  2237. propsData: propsData
  2238. });
  2239. }
  2240. };
  2241. var snackbar_Plugin = {
  2242. install: function install(Vue) {
  2243. registerComponentProgrammatic(Vue, '$snackbar', SnackbarProgrammatic);
  2244. }
  2245. };
  2246. use(snackbar_Plugin);
  2247. /* harmony default export */ var snackbar = (snackbar_Plugin);
  2248. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/switch/Switch.vue
  2249. var Switch = __webpack_require__(176);
  2250. var Switch_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Switch);
  2251. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/switch/index.js
  2252. var switch_Plugin = {
  2253. install: function install(Vue) {
  2254. registerComponent(Vue, Switch_default.a);
  2255. }
  2256. };
  2257. use(switch_Plugin);
  2258. /* harmony default export */ var components_switch = (switch_Plugin);
  2259. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/table/Table.vue
  2260. var Table = __webpack_require__(179);
  2261. var Table_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Table);
  2262. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/table/TableColumn.vue
  2263. var TableColumn = __webpack_require__(67);
  2264. var TableColumn_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(TableColumn);
  2265. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/table/index.js
  2266. var table_Plugin = {
  2267. install: function install(Vue) {
  2268. registerComponent(Vue, Table_default.a);
  2269. registerComponent(Vue, TableColumn_default.a);
  2270. }
  2271. };
  2272. use(table_Plugin);
  2273. /* harmony default export */ var table = (table_Plugin);
  2274. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/tabs/Tabs.vue
  2275. var Tabs = __webpack_require__(195);
  2276. var Tabs_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Tabs);
  2277. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/tabs/TabItem.vue
  2278. var TabItem = __webpack_require__(198);
  2279. var TabItem_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(TabItem);
  2280. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/tabs/index.js
  2281. var tabs_Plugin = {
  2282. install: function install(Vue) {
  2283. registerComponent(Vue, Tabs_default.a);
  2284. registerComponent(Vue, TabItem_default.a);
  2285. }
  2286. };
  2287. use(tabs_Plugin);
  2288. /* harmony default export */ var tabs = (tabs_Plugin);
  2289. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/tag/Tag.vue
  2290. var Tag = __webpack_require__(68);
  2291. var Tag_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Tag);
  2292. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/tag/Taglist.vue
  2293. var Taglist = __webpack_require__(202);
  2294. var Taglist_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Taglist);
  2295. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/tag/index.js
  2296. var tag_Plugin = {
  2297. install: function install(Vue) {
  2298. registerComponent(Vue, Tag_default.a);
  2299. registerComponent(Vue, Taglist_default.a);
  2300. }
  2301. };
  2302. use(tag_Plugin);
  2303. /* harmony default export */ var tag = (tag_Plugin);
  2304. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/taginput/Taginput.vue
  2305. var Taginput = __webpack_require__(205);
  2306. var Taginput_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Taginput);
  2307. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/taginput/index.js
  2308. var taginput_Plugin = {
  2309. install: function install(Vue) {
  2310. registerComponent(Vue, Taginput_default.a);
  2311. }
  2312. };
  2313. use(taginput_Plugin);
  2314. /* harmony default export */ var taginput = (taginput_Plugin);
  2315. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/timepicker/Timepicker.vue
  2316. var Timepicker = __webpack_require__(208);
  2317. var Timepicker_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Timepicker);
  2318. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/timepicker/index.js
  2319. var timepicker_Plugin = {
  2320. install: function install(Vue) {
  2321. registerComponent(Vue, Timepicker_default.a);
  2322. }
  2323. };
  2324. use(timepicker_Plugin);
  2325. /* harmony default export */ var timepicker = (timepicker_Plugin);
  2326. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/toast/Toast.vue
  2327. var Toast = __webpack_require__(211);
  2328. var Toast_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Toast);
  2329. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/toast/index.js
  2330. var ToastProgrammatic = {
  2331. open: function open(params) {
  2332. var message = void 0;
  2333. var parent = void 0;
  2334. if (typeof params === 'string') message = params;
  2335. var defaultParam = {
  2336. message: message,
  2337. position: config["a" /* default */].defaultToastPosition || 'is-top'
  2338. };
  2339. if (params.parent) {
  2340. parent = params.parent;
  2341. delete params.parent;
  2342. }
  2343. var propsData = assign_default()(defaultParam, params);
  2344. var vm = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue ? window.Vue : external___commonjs___vue___commonjs2___vue___amd___vue___root___Vue___default.a;
  2345. var ToastComponent = vm.extend(Toast_default.a);
  2346. return new ToastComponent({
  2347. parent: parent,
  2348. el: document.createElement('div'),
  2349. propsData: propsData
  2350. });
  2351. }
  2352. };
  2353. var toast_Plugin = {
  2354. install: function install(Vue) {
  2355. registerComponentProgrammatic(Vue, '$toast', ToastProgrammatic);
  2356. }
  2357. };
  2358. use(toast_Plugin);
  2359. /* harmony default export */ var toast = (toast_Plugin);
  2360. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/tooltip/Tooltip.vue
  2361. var Tooltip = __webpack_require__(214);
  2362. var Tooltip_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Tooltip);
  2363. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/tooltip/index.js
  2364. var tooltip_Plugin = {
  2365. install: function install(Vue) {
  2366. registerComponent(Vue, Tooltip_default.a);
  2367. }
  2368. };
  2369. use(tooltip_Plugin);
  2370. /* harmony default export */ var tooltip = (tooltip_Plugin);
  2371. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/upload/Upload.vue
  2372. var Upload = __webpack_require__(217);
  2373. var Upload_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Upload);
  2374. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/upload/index.js
  2375. var upload_Plugin = {
  2376. install: function install(Vue) {
  2377. registerComponent(Vue, Upload_default.a);
  2378. }
  2379. };
  2380. use(upload_Plugin);
  2381. /* harmony default export */ var upload = (upload_Plugin);
  2382. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/index.js
  2383. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/index.js
  2384. var Buefy = {
  2385. install: function install(Vue) {
  2386. var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
  2387. // Options
  2388. Object(config["b" /* setOptions */])(assign_default()(config["a" /* default */], options));
  2389. // Components
  2390. for (var componentKey in components_namespaceObject) {
  2391. Vue.use(components_namespaceObject[componentKey]);
  2392. }
  2393. // Config component
  2394. var BuefyProgrammatic = {
  2395. setOptions: function setOptions(options) {
  2396. Object(config["b" /* setOptions */])(assign_default()(config["a" /* default */], options));
  2397. }
  2398. };
  2399. registerComponentProgrammatic(Vue, '$buefy', BuefyProgrammatic);
  2400. }
  2401. };
  2402. use(Buefy);
  2403. /* harmony default export */ var src = __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Buefy);
  2404. /***/ }),
  2405. /* 70 */
  2406. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2407. __webpack_require__(71);
  2408. module.exports = __webpack_require__(6).Object.assign;
  2409. /***/ }),
  2410. /* 71 */
  2411. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2412. // Object.assign(target, source)
  2413. var $export = __webpack_require__(19);
  2414. $export($export.S + $export.F, 'Object', { assign: __webpack_require__(73) });
  2415. /***/ }),
  2416. /* 72 */
  2417. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  2418. module.exports = function (it) {
  2419. if (typeof it != 'function') throw TypeError(it + ' is not a function!');
  2420. return it;
  2421. };
  2422. /***/ }),
  2423. /* 73 */
  2424. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2425. "use strict";
  2426. // Object.assign(target, source, ...)
  2427. var getKeys = __webpack_require__(24);
  2428. var gOPS = __webpack_require__(39);
  2429. var pIE = __webpack_require__(27);
  2430. var toObject = __webpack_require__(40);
  2431. var IObject = __webpack_require__(50);
  2432. var $assign = Object.assign;
  2433. // should work with symbols and should have deterministic property order (V8 bug)
  2434. module.exports = !$assign || __webpack_require__(21)(function () {
  2435. var A = {};
  2436. var B = {};
  2437. // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
  2438. var S = Symbol();
  2439. var K = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst';
  2440. A[S] = 7;
  2441. K.split('').forEach(function (k) { B[k] = k; });
  2442. return $assign({}, A)[S] != 7 || Object.keys($assign({}, B)).join('') != K;
  2443. }) ? function assign(target, source) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
  2444. var T = toObject(target);
  2445. var aLen = arguments.length;
  2446. var index = 1;
  2447. var getSymbols = gOPS.f;
  2448. var isEnum = pIE.f;
  2449. while (aLen > index) {
  2450. var S = IObject(arguments[index++]);
  2451. var keys = getSymbols ? getKeys(S).concat(getSymbols(S)) : getKeys(S);
  2452. var length = keys.length;
  2453. var j = 0;
  2454. var key;
  2455. while (length > j) if (isEnum.call(S, key = keys[j++])) T[key] = S[key];
  2456. } return T;
  2457. } : $assign;
  2458. /***/ }),
  2459. /* 74 */
  2460. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2461. // false -> Array#indexOf
  2462. // true -> Array#includes
  2463. var toIObject = __webpack_require__(16);
  2464. var toLength = __webpack_require__(51);
  2465. var toAbsoluteIndex = __webpack_require__(75);
  2466. module.exports = function (IS_INCLUDES) {
  2467. return function ($this, el, fromIndex) {
  2468. var O = toIObject($this);
  2469. var length = toLength(O.length);
  2470. var index = toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length);
  2471. var value;
  2472. // Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm
  2473. // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare
  2474. if (IS_INCLUDES && el != el) while (length > index) {
  2475. value = O[index++];
  2476. // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare
  2477. if (value != value) return true;
  2478. // Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not
  2479. } else for (;length > index; index++) if (IS_INCLUDES || index in O) {
  2480. if (O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0;
  2481. } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1;
  2482. };
  2483. };
  2484. /***/ }),
  2485. /* 75 */
  2486. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2487. var toInteger = __webpack_require__(35);
  2488. var max = Math.max;
  2489. var min = Math.min;
  2490. module.exports = function (index, length) {
  2491. index = toInteger(index);
  2492. return index < 0 ? max(index + length, 0) : min(index, length);
  2493. };
  2494. /***/ }),
  2495. /* 76 */
  2496. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  2497. // removed by extract-text-webpack-plugin
  2498. /***/ }),
  2499. /* 77 */
  2500. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  2501. "use strict";
  2502. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  2503. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_typeof__ = __webpack_require__(53);
  2504. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_typeof___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_typeof__);
  2505. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_core_js_get_iterator__ = __webpack_require__(59);
  2506. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_core_js_get_iterator___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_core_js_get_iterator__);
  2507. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
  2508. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__);
  2509. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_helpers__ = __webpack_require__(7);
  2510. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__utils_FormElementMixin__ = __webpack_require__(10);
  2511. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__input_Input__ = __webpack_require__(17);
  2512. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__input_Input___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__input_Input__);
  2513. //
  2514. //
  2515. //
  2516. //
  2517. //
  2518. //
  2519. //
  2520. //
  2521. //
  2522. //
  2523. //
  2524. //
  2525. //
  2526. //
  2527. //
  2528. //
  2529. //
  2530. //
  2531. //
  2532. //
  2533. //
  2534. //
  2535. //
  2536. //
  2537. //
  2538. //
  2539. //
  2540. //
  2541. //
  2542. //
  2543. //
  2544. //
  2545. //
  2546. //
  2547. //
  2548. //
  2549. //
  2550. //
  2551. //
  2552. //
  2553. //
  2554. //
  2555. //
  2556. //
  2557. //
  2558. //
  2559. //
  2560. //
  2561. //
  2562. //
  2563. //
  2564. //
  2565. //
  2566. //
  2567. //
  2568. //
  2569. //
  2570. //
  2571. //
  2572. //
  2573. //
  2574. //
  2575. //
  2576. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  2577. name: 'BAutocomplete',
  2578. components: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()({}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__input_Input___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__input_Input___default.a),
  2579. mixins: [__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__utils_FormElementMixin__["a" /* default */]],
  2580. inheritAttrs: false,
  2581. props: {
  2582. value: [Number, String],
  2583. data: {
  2584. type: Array,
  2585. default: function _default() {
  2586. return [];
  2587. }
  2588. },
  2589. field: {
  2590. type: String,
  2591. default: 'value'
  2592. },
  2593. keepFirst: Boolean,
  2594. clearOnSelect: Boolean,
  2595. openOnFocus: Boolean,
  2596. customFormatter: Function
  2597. },
  2598. data: function data() {
  2599. return {
  2600. selected: null,
  2601. hovered: null,
  2602. isActive: false,
  2603. newValue: this.value,
  2604. newAutocomplete: this.autocomplete || 'off',
  2605. isListInViewportVertically: true,
  2606. hasFocus: false,
  2607. _isAutocomplete: true,
  2608. _elementRef: 'input'
  2609. };
  2610. },
  2611. computed: {
  2612. /**
  2613. * White-listed items to not close when clicked.
  2614. * Add input, dropdown and all children.
  2615. */
  2616. whiteList: function whiteList() {
  2617. var whiteList = [];
  2618. whiteList.push(this.$refs.input.$el.querySelector('input'));
  2619. whiteList.push(this.$refs.dropdown);
  2620. // Add all chidren from dropdown
  2621. if (this.$refs.dropdown !== undefined) {
  2622. var children = this.$refs.dropdown.querySelectorAll('*');
  2623. var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
  2624. var _didIteratorError = false;
  2625. var _iteratorError = undefined;
  2626. try {
  2627. for (var _iterator = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_core_js_get_iterator___default()(children), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step = _iterator.next()).done); _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
  2628. var child = _step.value;
  2629. whiteList.push(child);
  2630. }
  2631. } catch (err) {
  2632. _didIteratorError = true;
  2633. _iteratorError = err;
  2634. } finally {
  2635. try {
  2636. if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
  2637. _iterator.return();
  2638. }
  2639. } finally {
  2640. if (_didIteratorError) {
  2641. throw _iteratorError;
  2642. }
  2643. }
  2644. }
  2645. }
  2646. return whiteList;
  2647. },
  2648. /**
  2649. * Check if exists default slot
  2650. */
  2651. hasDefaultSlot: function hasDefaultSlot() {
  2652. return !!this.$scopedSlots.default;
  2653. },
  2654. /**
  2655. * Check if exists "empty" slot
  2656. */
  2657. hasEmptySlot: function hasEmptySlot() {
  2658. return !!this.$slots.empty;
  2659. },
  2660. /**
  2661. * Check if exists "header" slot
  2662. */
  2663. hasHeaderSlot: function hasHeaderSlot() {
  2664. return !!this.$slots.header;
  2665. }
  2666. },
  2667. watch: {
  2668. /**
  2669. * When dropdown is toggled, check the visibility to know when
  2670. * to open upwards.
  2671. */
  2672. isActive: function isActive(active) {
  2673. var _this = this;
  2674. if (active) {
  2675. this.calcDropdownInViewportVertical();
  2676. } else {
  2677. this.$nextTick(function () {
  2678. return _this.setHovered(null);
  2679. });
  2680. // Timeout to wait for the animation to finish before recalculating
  2681. setTimeout(function () {
  2682. _this.calcDropdownInViewportVertical();
  2683. }, 100);
  2684. }
  2685. },
  2686. /**
  2687. * When updating input's value
  2688. * 1. Emit changes
  2689. * 2. If value isn't the same as selected, set null
  2690. * 3. Close dropdown if value is clear or else open it
  2691. */
  2692. newValue: function newValue(value) {
  2693. this.$emit('input', value);
  2694. // Check if selected is invalid
  2695. var currentValue = this.getValue(this.selected);
  2696. if (currentValue && currentValue !== value) {
  2697. this.setSelected(null, false);
  2698. }
  2699. // Close dropdown if input is clear or else open it
  2700. if (this.hasFocus && (!this.openOnFocus || value)) {
  2701. this.isActive = !!value;
  2702. }
  2703. },
  2704. /**
  2705. * When v-model is changed:
  2706. * 1. Update internal value.
  2707. * 2. If it's invalid, validate again.
  2708. */
  2709. value: function value(_value) {
  2710. this.newValue = _value;
  2711. !this.isValid && this.$refs.input.checkHtml5Validity();
  2712. },
  2713. /**
  2714. * Select first option if "keep-first
  2715. */
  2716. data: function data(value) {
  2717. // Keep first option always pre-selected
  2718. if (this.keepFirst) {
  2719. this.selectFirstOption(value);
  2720. }
  2721. }
  2722. },
  2723. methods: {
  2724. /**
  2725. * Set which option is currently hovered.
  2726. */
  2727. setHovered: function setHovered(option) {
  2728. if (option === undefined) return;
  2729. this.hovered = option;
  2730. },
  2731. /**
  2732. * Set which option is currently selected, update v-model,
  2733. * update input value and close dropdown.
  2734. */
  2735. setSelected: function setSelected(option) {
  2736. var _this2 = this;
  2737. var closeDropdown = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true;
  2738. if (option === undefined) return;
  2739. this.selected = option;
  2740. this.$emit('select', this.selected);
  2741. if (this.selected !== null) {
  2742. this.newValue = this.clearOnSelect ? '' : this.getValue(this.selected);
  2743. }
  2744. closeDropdown && this.$nextTick(function () {
  2745. _this2.isActive = false;
  2746. });
  2747. },
  2748. /**
  2749. * Select first option
  2750. */
  2751. selectFirstOption: function selectFirstOption(options) {
  2752. var _this3 = this;
  2753. this.$nextTick(function () {
  2754. if (options.length) {
  2755. // If has visible data or open on focus, keep updating the hovered
  2756. if (_this3.openOnFocus || _this3.newValue !== '' && _this3.hovered !== options[0]) {
  2757. _this3.setHovered(options[0]);
  2758. }
  2759. } else {
  2760. _this3.setHovered(null);
  2761. }
  2762. });
  2763. },
  2764. /**
  2765. * Enter key listener.
  2766. * Select the hovered option.
  2767. */
  2768. enterPressed: function enterPressed() {
  2769. if (this.hovered === null) return;
  2770. this.setSelected(this.hovered);
  2771. },
  2772. /**
  2773. * Tab key listener.
  2774. * Select hovered option if it exists, close dropdown, then allow
  2775. * native handling to move to next tabbable element.
  2776. */
  2777. tabPressed: function tabPressed() {
  2778. if (this.hovered === null) {
  2779. this.isActive = false;
  2780. return;
  2781. }
  2782. this.setSelected(this.hovered);
  2783. },
  2784. /**
  2785. * Close dropdown if clicked outside.
  2786. */
  2787. clickedOutside: function clickedOutside(event) {
  2788. if (this.whiteList.indexOf(event.target) < 0) this.isActive = false;
  2789. },
  2790. /**
  2791. * Return display text for the input.
  2792. * If object, get value from path, or else just the value.
  2793. */
  2794. getValue: function getValue(option) {
  2795. if (!option) return;
  2796. if (typeof this.customFormatter !== 'undefined') {
  2797. return this.customFormatter(option);
  2798. }
  2799. return (typeof option === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_typeof___default()(option)) === 'object' ? Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_helpers__["a" /* getValueByPath */])(option, this.field) : option;
  2800. },
  2801. /**
  2802. * Calculate if the dropdown is vertically visible when activated,
  2803. * otherwise it is openened upwards.
  2804. */
  2805. calcDropdownInViewportVertical: function calcDropdownInViewportVertical() {
  2806. var _this4 = this;
  2807. this.$nextTick(function () {
  2808. /**
  2809. * this.$refs.dropdown may be undefined
  2810. * when Autocomplete is conditional rendered
  2811. */
  2812. if (_this4.$refs.dropdown === undefined) return;
  2813. var rect = _this4.$refs.dropdown.getBoundingClientRect();
  2814. _this4.isListInViewportVertically = rect.top >= 0 && rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight);
  2815. });
  2816. },
  2817. /**
  2818. * Arrows keys listener.
  2819. * If dropdown is active, set hovered option, or else just open.
  2820. */
  2821. keyArrows: function keyArrows(direction) {
  2822. var sum = direction === 'down' ? 1 : -1;
  2823. if (this.isActive) {
  2824. var index = this.data.indexOf(this.hovered) + sum;
  2825. index = index > this.data.length - 1 ? this.data.length : index;
  2826. index = index < 0 ? 0 : index;
  2827. this.setHovered(this.data[index]);
  2828. var list = this.$refs.dropdown.querySelector('.dropdown-content');
  2829. var element = list.querySelectorAll('a.dropdown-item:not(.is-disabled)')[index];
  2830. if (!element) return;
  2831. var visMin = list.scrollTop;
  2832. var visMax = list.scrollTop + list.clientHeight - element.clientHeight;
  2833. if (element.offsetTop < visMin) {
  2834. list.scrollTop = element.offsetTop;
  2835. } else if (element.offsetTop >= visMax) {
  2836. list.scrollTop = element.offsetTop - list.clientHeight + element.clientHeight;
  2837. }
  2838. } else {
  2839. this.isActive = true;
  2840. }
  2841. },
  2842. /**
  2843. * Focus listener.
  2844. * If value is the same as selected, select all text.
  2845. */
  2846. focused: function focused(event) {
  2847. if (this.getValue(this.selected) === this.newValue) {
  2848. this.$el.querySelector('input').select();
  2849. }
  2850. if (this.openOnFocus) {
  2851. this.isActive = true;
  2852. if (this.keepFirst) {
  2853. this.selectFirstOption(this.data);
  2854. }
  2855. }
  2856. this.hasFocus = true;
  2857. this.$emit('focus', event);
  2858. },
  2859. /**
  2860. * Blur listener.
  2861. */
  2862. onBlur: function onBlur(event) {
  2863. this.hasFocus = false;
  2864. this.$emit('blur', event);
  2865. },
  2866. onInput: function onInput(event) {
  2867. var currentValue = this.getValue(this.selected);
  2868. if (currentValue && currentValue === this.newValue) return;
  2869. this.$emit('typing', this.newValue);
  2870. }
  2871. },
  2872. created: function created() {
  2873. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  2874. document.addEventListener('click', this.clickedOutside);
  2875. window.addEventListener('resize', this.calcDropdownInViewportVertical);
  2876. }
  2877. },
  2878. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  2879. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  2880. document.removeEventListener('click', this.clickedOutside);
  2881. window.removeEventListener('resize', this.calcDropdownInViewportVertical);
  2882. }
  2883. }
  2884. });
  2885. /***/ }),
  2886. /* 78 */
  2887. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2888. module.exports = { "default": __webpack_require__(79), __esModule: true };
  2889. /***/ }),
  2890. /* 79 */
  2891. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2892. __webpack_require__(41);
  2893. __webpack_require__(57);
  2894. module.exports = __webpack_require__(43).f('iterator');
  2895. /***/ }),
  2896. /* 80 */
  2897. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2898. var toInteger = __webpack_require__(35);
  2899. var defined = __webpack_require__(34);
  2900. // true -> String#at
  2901. // false -> String#codePointAt
  2902. module.exports = function (TO_STRING) {
  2903. return function (that, pos) {
  2904. var s = String(defined(that));
  2905. var i = toInteger(pos);
  2906. var l = s.length;
  2907. var a, b;
  2908. if (i < 0 || i >= l) return TO_STRING ? '' : undefined;
  2909. a = s.charCodeAt(i);
  2910. return a < 0xd800 || a > 0xdbff || i + 1 === l || (b = s.charCodeAt(i + 1)) < 0xdc00 || b > 0xdfff
  2911. ? TO_STRING ? s.charAt(i) : a
  2912. : TO_STRING ? s.slice(i, i + 2) : (a - 0xd800 << 10) + (b - 0xdc00) + 0x10000;
  2913. };
  2914. };
  2915. /***/ }),
  2916. /* 81 */
  2917. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2918. "use strict";
  2919. var create = __webpack_require__(56);
  2920. var descriptor = __webpack_require__(22);
  2921. var setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(42);
  2922. var IteratorPrototype = {};
  2923. // %IteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]()
  2924. __webpack_require__(14)(IteratorPrototype, __webpack_require__(4)('iterator'), function () { return this; });
  2925. module.exports = function (Constructor, NAME, next) {
  2926. Constructor.prototype = create(IteratorPrototype, { next: descriptor(1, next) });
  2927. setToStringTag(Constructor, NAME + ' Iterator');
  2928. };
  2929. /***/ }),
  2930. /* 82 */
  2931. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2932. var dP = __webpack_require__(9);
  2933. var anObject = __webpack_require__(15);
  2934. var getKeys = __webpack_require__(24);
  2935. module.exports = __webpack_require__(12) ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O, Properties) {
  2936. anObject(O);
  2937. var keys = getKeys(Properties);
  2938. var length = keys.length;
  2939. var i = 0;
  2940. var P;
  2941. while (length > i) dP.f(O, P = keys[i++], Properties[P]);
  2942. return O;
  2943. };
  2944. /***/ }),
  2945. /* 83 */
  2946. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2947. var document = __webpack_require__(8).document;
  2948. module.exports = document && document.documentElement;
  2949. /***/ }),
  2950. /* 84 */
  2951. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2952. // / Object.getPrototypeOf(O)
  2953. var has = __webpack_require__(13);
  2954. var toObject = __webpack_require__(40);
  2955. var IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(36)('IE_PROTO');
  2956. var ObjectProto = Object.prototype;
  2957. module.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (O) {
  2958. O = toObject(O);
  2959. if (has(O, IE_PROTO)) return O[IE_PROTO];
  2960. if (typeof O.constructor == 'function' && O instanceof O.constructor) {
  2961. return O.constructor.prototype;
  2962. } return O instanceof Object ? ObjectProto : null;
  2963. };
  2964. /***/ }),
  2965. /* 85 */
  2966. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2967. "use strict";
  2968. var addToUnscopables = __webpack_require__(86);
  2969. var step = __webpack_require__(87);
  2970. var Iterators = __webpack_require__(23);
  2971. var toIObject = __webpack_require__(16);
  2972. // Array.prototype.entries()
  2973. // Array.prototype.keys()
  2974. // Array.prototype.values()
  2975. // Array.prototype[@@iterator]()
  2976. module.exports = __webpack_require__(54)(Array, 'Array', function (iterated, kind) {
  2977. this._t = toIObject(iterated); // target
  2978. this._i = 0; // next index
  2979. this._k = kind; // kind
  2980. // %ArrayIteratorPrototype%.next()
  2981. }, function () {
  2982. var O = this._t;
  2983. var kind = this._k;
  2984. var index = this._i++;
  2985. if (!O || index >= O.length) {
  2986. this._t = undefined;
  2987. return step(1);
  2988. }
  2989. if (kind == 'keys') return step(0, index);
  2990. if (kind == 'values') return step(0, O[index]);
  2991. return step(0, [index, O[index]]);
  2992. }, 'values');
  2993. // argumentsList[@@iterator] is %ArrayProto_values% (,
  2994. Iterators.Arguments = Iterators.Array;
  2995. addToUnscopables('keys');
  2996. addToUnscopables('values');
  2997. addToUnscopables('entries');
  2998. /***/ }),
  2999. /* 86 */
  3000. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  3001. module.exports = function () { /* empty */ };
  3002. /***/ }),
  3003. /* 87 */
  3004. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  3005. module.exports = function (done, value) {
  3006. return { value: value, done: !!done };
  3007. };
  3008. /***/ }),
  3009. /* 88 */
  3010. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3011. __webpack_require__(89);
  3012. __webpack_require__(95);
  3013. __webpack_require__(96);
  3014. __webpack_require__(97);
  3015. module.exports = __webpack_require__(6).Symbol;
  3016. /***/ }),
  3017. /* 89 */
  3018. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3019. "use strict";
  3020. // ECMAScript 6 symbols shim
  3021. var global = __webpack_require__(8);
  3022. var has = __webpack_require__(13);
  3023. var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(12);
  3024. var $export = __webpack_require__(19);
  3025. var redefine = __webpack_require__(55);
  3026. var META = __webpack_require__(90).KEY;
  3027. var $fails = __webpack_require__(21);
  3028. var shared = __webpack_require__(37);
  3029. var setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(42);
  3030. var uid = __webpack_require__(26);
  3031. var wks = __webpack_require__(4);
  3032. var wksExt = __webpack_require__(43);
  3033. var wksDefine = __webpack_require__(44);
  3034. var enumKeys = __webpack_require__(91);
  3035. var isArray = __webpack_require__(92);
  3036. var anObject = __webpack_require__(15);
  3037. var isObject = __webpack_require__(20);
  3038. var toIObject = __webpack_require__(16);
  3039. var toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(32);
  3040. var createDesc = __webpack_require__(22);
  3041. var _create = __webpack_require__(56);
  3042. var gOPNExt = __webpack_require__(93);
  3043. var $GOPD = __webpack_require__(94);
  3044. var $DP = __webpack_require__(9);
  3045. var $keys = __webpack_require__(24);
  3046. var gOPD = $GOPD.f;
  3047. var dP = $DP.f;
  3048. var gOPN = gOPNExt.f;
  3049. var $Symbol = global.Symbol;
  3050. var $JSON = global.JSON;
  3051. var _stringify = $JSON && $JSON.stringify;
  3052. var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype';
  3053. var HIDDEN = wks('_hidden');
  3054. var TO_PRIMITIVE = wks('toPrimitive');
  3055. var isEnum = {}.propertyIsEnumerable;
  3056. var SymbolRegistry = shared('symbol-registry');
  3057. var AllSymbols = shared('symbols');
  3058. var OPSymbols = shared('op-symbols');
  3059. var ObjectProto = Object[PROTOTYPE];
  3060. var USE_NATIVE = typeof $Symbol == 'function';
  3061. var QObject = global.QObject;
  3062. // Don't use setters in Qt Script, https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/173
  3063. var setter = !QObject || !QObject[PROTOTYPE] || !QObject[PROTOTYPE].findChild;
  3064. // fallback for old Android, https://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=687
  3065. var setSymbolDesc = DESCRIPTORS && $fails(function () {
  3066. return _create(dP({}, 'a', {
  3067. get: function () { return dP(this, 'a', { value: 7 }).a; }
  3068. })).a != 7;
  3069. }) ? function (it, key, D) {
  3070. var protoDesc = gOPD(ObjectProto, key);
  3071. if (protoDesc) delete ObjectProto[key];
  3072. dP(it, key, D);
  3073. if (protoDesc && it !== ObjectProto) dP(ObjectProto, key, protoDesc);
  3074. } : dP;
  3075. var wrap = function (tag) {
  3076. var sym = AllSymbols[tag] = _create($Symbol[PROTOTYPE]);
  3077. sym._k = tag;
  3078. return sym;
  3079. };
  3080. var isSymbol = USE_NATIVE && typeof $Symbol.iterator == 'symbol' ? function (it) {
  3081. return typeof it == 'symbol';
  3082. } : function (it) {
  3083. return it instanceof $Symbol;
  3084. };
  3085. var $defineProperty = function defineProperty(it, key, D) {
  3086. if (it === ObjectProto) $defineProperty(OPSymbols, key, D);
  3087. anObject(it);
  3088. key = toPrimitive(key, true);
  3089. anObject(D);
  3090. if (has(AllSymbols, key)) {
  3091. if (!D.enumerable) {
  3092. if (!has(it, HIDDEN)) dP(it, HIDDEN, createDesc(1, {}));
  3093. it[HIDDEN][key] = true;
  3094. } else {
  3095. if (has(it, HIDDEN) && it[HIDDEN][key]) it[HIDDEN][key] = false;
  3096. D = _create(D, { enumerable: createDesc(0, false) });
  3097. } return setSymbolDesc(it, key, D);
  3098. } return dP(it, key, D);
  3099. };
  3100. var $defineProperties = function defineProperties(it, P) {
  3101. anObject(it);
  3102. var keys = enumKeys(P = toIObject(P));
  3103. var i = 0;
  3104. var l = keys.length;
  3105. var key;
  3106. while (l > i) $defineProperty(it, key = keys[i++], P[key]);
  3107. return it;
  3108. };
  3109. var $create = function create(it, P) {
  3110. return P === undefined ? _create(it) : $defineProperties(_create(it), P);
  3111. };
  3112. var $propertyIsEnumerable = function propertyIsEnumerable(key) {
  3113. var E = isEnum.call(this, key = toPrimitive(key, true));
  3114. if (this === ObjectProto && has(AllSymbols, key) && !has(OPSymbols, key)) return false;
  3115. return E || !has(this, key) || !has(AllSymbols, key) || has(this, HIDDEN) && this[HIDDEN][key] ? E : true;
  3116. };
  3117. var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(it, key) {
  3118. it = toIObject(it);
  3119. key = toPrimitive(key, true);
  3120. if (it === ObjectProto && has(AllSymbols, key) && !has(OPSymbols, key)) return;
  3121. var D = gOPD(it, key);
  3122. if (D && has(AllSymbols, key) && !(has(it, HIDDEN) && it[HIDDEN][key])) D.enumerable = true;
  3123. return D;
  3124. };
  3125. var $getOwnPropertyNames = function getOwnPropertyNames(it) {
  3126. var names = gOPN(toIObject(it));
  3127. var result = [];
  3128. var i = 0;
  3129. var key;
  3130. while (names.length > i) {
  3131. if (!has(AllSymbols, key = names[i++]) && key != HIDDEN && key != META) result.push(key);
  3132. } return result;
  3133. };
  3134. var $getOwnPropertySymbols = function getOwnPropertySymbols(it) {
  3135. var IS_OP = it === ObjectProto;
  3136. var names = gOPN(IS_OP ? OPSymbols : toIObject(it));
  3137. var result = [];
  3138. var i = 0;
  3139. var key;
  3140. while (names.length > i) {
  3141. if (has(AllSymbols, key = names[i++]) && (IS_OP ? has(ObjectProto, key) : true)) result.push(AllSymbols[key]);
  3142. } return result;
  3143. };
  3144. // Symbol([description])
  3145. if (!USE_NATIVE) {
  3146. $Symbol = function Symbol() {
  3147. if (this instanceof $Symbol) throw TypeError('Symbol is not a constructor!');
  3148. var tag = uid(arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined);
  3149. var $set = function (value) {
  3150. if (this === ObjectProto) $set.call(OPSymbols, value);
  3151. if (has(this, HIDDEN) && has(this[HIDDEN], tag)) this[HIDDEN][tag] = false;
  3152. setSymbolDesc(this, tag, createDesc(1, value));
  3153. };
  3154. if (DESCRIPTORS && setter) setSymbolDesc(ObjectProto, tag, { configurable: true, set: $set });
  3155. return wrap(tag);
  3156. };
  3157. redefine($Symbol[PROTOTYPE], 'toString', function toString() {
  3158. return this._k;
  3159. });
  3160. $GOPD.f = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
  3161. $DP.f = $defineProperty;
  3162. __webpack_require__(58).f = gOPNExt.f = $getOwnPropertyNames;
  3163. __webpack_require__(27).f = $propertyIsEnumerable;
  3164. __webpack_require__(39).f = $getOwnPropertySymbols;
  3165. if (DESCRIPTORS && !__webpack_require__(25)) {
  3166. redefine(ObjectProto, 'propertyIsEnumerable', $propertyIsEnumerable, true);
  3167. }
  3168. wksExt.f = function (name) {
  3169. return wrap(wks(name));
  3170. };
  3171. }
  3172. $export($export.G + $export.W + $export.F * !USE_NATIVE, { Symbol: $Symbol });
  3173. for (var es6Symbols = (
  3174. //,,,,,,,,,,
  3175. 'hasInstance,isConcatSpreadable,iterator,match,replace,search,species,split,toPrimitive,toStringTag,unscopables'
  3176. ).split(','), j = 0; es6Symbols.length > j;)wks(es6Symbols[j++]);
  3177. for (var wellKnownSymbols = $keys(wks.store), k = 0; wellKnownSymbols.length > k;) wksDefine(wellKnownSymbols[k++]);
  3178. $export($export.S + $export.F * !USE_NATIVE, 'Symbol', {
  3179. // Symbol.for(key)
  3180. 'for': function (key) {
  3181. return has(SymbolRegistry, key += '')
  3182. ? SymbolRegistry[key]
  3183. : SymbolRegistry[key] = $Symbol(key);
  3184. },
  3185. // Symbol.keyFor(sym)
  3186. keyFor: function keyFor(sym) {
  3187. if (!isSymbol(sym)) throw TypeError(sym + ' is not a symbol!');
  3188. for (var key in SymbolRegistry) if (SymbolRegistry[key] === sym) return key;
  3189. },
  3190. useSetter: function () { setter = true; },
  3191. useSimple: function () { setter = false; }
  3192. });
  3193. $export($export.S + $export.F * !USE_NATIVE, 'Object', {
  3194. // Object.create(O [, Properties])
  3195. create: $create,
  3196. // Object.defineProperty(O, P, Attributes)
  3197. defineProperty: $defineProperty,
  3198. // Object.defineProperties(O, Properties)
  3199. defineProperties: $defineProperties,
  3200. // Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P)
  3201. getOwnPropertyDescriptor: $getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
  3202. // Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O)
  3203. getOwnPropertyNames: $getOwnPropertyNames,
  3204. // Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(O)
  3205. getOwnPropertySymbols: $getOwnPropertySymbols
  3206. });
  3207. // 24.3.2 JSON.stringify(value [, replacer [, space]])
  3208. $JSON && $export($export.S + $export.F * (!USE_NATIVE || $fails(function () {
  3209. var S = $Symbol();
  3210. // MS Edge converts symbol values to JSON as {}
  3211. // WebKit converts symbol values to JSON as null
  3212. // V8 throws on boxed symbols
  3213. return _stringify([S]) != '[null]' || _stringify({ a: S }) != '{}' || _stringify(Object(S)) != '{}';
  3214. })), 'JSON', {
  3215. stringify: function stringify(it) {
  3216. var args = [it];
  3217. var i = 1;
  3218. var replacer, $replacer;
  3219. while (arguments.length > i) args.push(arguments[i++]);
  3220. $replacer = replacer = args[1];
  3221. if (!isObject(replacer) && it === undefined || isSymbol(it)) return; // IE8 returns string on undefined
  3222. if (!isArray(replacer)) replacer = function (key, value) {
  3223. if (typeof $replacer == 'function') value = $replacer.call(this, key, value);
  3224. if (!isSymbol(value)) return value;
  3225. };
  3226. args[1] = replacer;
  3227. return _stringify.apply($JSON, args);
  3228. }
  3229. });
  3230. // Symbol.prototype[@@toPrimitive](hint)
  3231. $Symbol[PROTOTYPE][TO_PRIMITIVE] || __webpack_require__(14)($Symbol[PROTOTYPE], TO_PRIMITIVE, $Symbol[PROTOTYPE].valueOf);
  3232. // Symbol.prototype[@@toStringTag]
  3233. setToStringTag($Symbol, 'Symbol');
  3234. // Math[@@toStringTag]
  3235. setToStringTag(Math, 'Math', true);
  3236. // 24.3.3 JSON[@@toStringTag]
  3237. setToStringTag(global.JSON, 'JSON', true);
  3238. /***/ }),
  3239. /* 90 */
  3240. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3241. var META = __webpack_require__(26)('meta');
  3242. var isObject = __webpack_require__(20);
  3243. var has = __webpack_require__(13);
  3244. var setDesc = __webpack_require__(9).f;
  3245. var id = 0;
  3246. var isExtensible = Object.isExtensible || function () {
  3247. return true;
  3248. };
  3249. var FREEZE = !__webpack_require__(21)(function () {
  3250. return isExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({}));
  3251. });
  3252. var setMeta = function (it) {
  3253. setDesc(it, META, { value: {
  3254. i: 'O' + ++id, // object ID
  3255. w: {} // weak collections IDs
  3256. } });
  3257. };
  3258. var fastKey = function (it, create) {
  3259. // return primitive with prefix
  3260. if (!isObject(it)) return typeof it == 'symbol' ? it : (typeof it == 'string' ? 'S' : 'P') + it;
  3261. if (!has(it, META)) {
  3262. // can't set metadata to uncaught frozen object
  3263. if (!isExtensible(it)) return 'F';
  3264. // not necessary to add metadata
  3265. if (!create) return 'E';
  3266. // add missing metadata
  3267. setMeta(it);
  3268. // return object ID
  3269. } return it[META].i;
  3270. };
  3271. var getWeak = function (it, create) {
  3272. if (!has(it, META)) {
  3273. // can't set metadata to uncaught frozen object
  3274. if (!isExtensible(it)) return true;
  3275. // not necessary to add metadata
  3276. if (!create) return false;
  3277. // add missing metadata
  3278. setMeta(it);
  3279. // return hash weak collections IDs
  3280. } return it[META].w;
  3281. };
  3282. // add metadata on freeze-family methods calling
  3283. var onFreeze = function (it) {
  3284. if (FREEZE && meta.NEED && isExtensible(it) && !has(it, META)) setMeta(it);
  3285. return it;
  3286. };
  3287. var meta = module.exports = {
  3288. KEY: META,
  3289. NEED: false,
  3290. fastKey: fastKey,
  3291. getWeak: getWeak,
  3292. onFreeze: onFreeze
  3293. };
  3294. /***/ }),
  3295. /* 91 */
  3296. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3297. // all enumerable object keys, includes symbols
  3298. var getKeys = __webpack_require__(24);
  3299. var gOPS = __webpack_require__(39);
  3300. var pIE = __webpack_require__(27);
  3301. module.exports = function (it) {
  3302. var result = getKeys(it);
  3303. var getSymbols = gOPS.f;
  3304. if (getSymbols) {
  3305. var symbols = getSymbols(it);
  3306. var isEnum = pIE.f;
  3307. var i = 0;
  3308. var key;
  3309. while (symbols.length > i) if (isEnum.call(it, key = symbols[i++])) result.push(key);
  3310. } return result;
  3311. };
  3312. /***/ }),
  3313. /* 92 */
  3314. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3315. // 7.2.2 IsArray(argument)
  3316. var cof = __webpack_require__(33);
  3317. module.exports = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) {
  3318. return cof(arg) == 'Array';
  3319. };
  3320. /***/ }),
  3321. /* 93 */
  3322. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3323. // fallback for IE11 buggy Object.getOwnPropertyNames with iframe and window
  3324. var toIObject = __webpack_require__(16);
  3325. var gOPN = __webpack_require__(58).f;
  3326. var toString = {}.toString;
  3327. var windowNames = typeof window == 'object' && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames
  3328. ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : [];
  3329. var getWindowNames = function (it) {
  3330. try {
  3331. return gOPN(it);
  3332. } catch (e) {
  3333. return windowNames.slice();
  3334. }
  3335. };
  3336. module.exports.f = function getOwnPropertyNames(it) {
  3337. return windowNames && toString.call(it) == '[object Window]' ? getWindowNames(it) : gOPN(toIObject(it));
  3338. };
  3339. /***/ }),
  3340. /* 94 */
  3341. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3342. var pIE = __webpack_require__(27);
  3343. var createDesc = __webpack_require__(22);
  3344. var toIObject = __webpack_require__(16);
  3345. var toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(32);
  3346. var has = __webpack_require__(13);
  3347. var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = __webpack_require__(47);
  3348. var gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
  3349. exports.f = __webpack_require__(12) ? gOPD : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) {
  3350. O = toIObject(O);
  3351. P = toPrimitive(P, true);
  3352. if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try {
  3353. return gOPD(O, P);
  3354. } catch (e) { /* empty */ }
  3355. if (has(O, P)) return createDesc(!pIE.f.call(O, P), O[P]);
  3356. };
  3357. /***/ }),
  3358. /* 95 */
  3359. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  3360. /***/ }),
  3361. /* 96 */
  3362. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3363. __webpack_require__(44)('asyncIterator');
  3364. /***/ }),
  3365. /* 97 */
  3366. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3367. __webpack_require__(44)('observable');
  3368. /***/ }),
  3369. /* 98 */
  3370. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3371. __webpack_require__(57);
  3372. __webpack_require__(41);
  3373. module.exports = __webpack_require__(99);
  3374. /***/ }),
  3375. /* 99 */
  3376. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3377. var anObject = __webpack_require__(15);
  3378. var get = __webpack_require__(60);
  3379. module.exports = __webpack_require__(6).getIterator = function (it) {
  3380. var iterFn = get(it);
  3381. if (typeof iterFn != 'function') throw TypeError(it + ' is not iterable!');
  3382. return anObject(iterFn.call(it));
  3383. };
  3384. /***/ }),
  3385. /* 100 */
  3386. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3387. // getting tag from Object.prototype.toString()
  3388. var cof = __webpack_require__(33);
  3389. var TAG = __webpack_require__(4)('toStringTag');
  3390. // ES3 wrong here
  3391. var ARG = cof(function () { return arguments; }()) == 'Arguments';
  3392. // fallback for IE11 Script Access Denied error
  3393. var tryGet = function (it, key) {
  3394. try {
  3395. return it[key];
  3396. } catch (e) { /* empty */ }
  3397. };
  3398. module.exports = function (it) {
  3399. var O, T, B;
  3400. return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null'
  3401. // @@toStringTag case
  3402. : typeof (T = tryGet(O = Object(it), TAG)) == 'string' ? T
  3403. // builtinTag case
  3404. : ARG ? cof(O)
  3405. // ES3 arguments fallback
  3406. : (B = cof(O)) == 'Object' && typeof O.callee == 'function' ? 'Arguments' : B;
  3407. };
  3408. /***/ }),
  3409. /* 101 */
  3410. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3411. module.exports = { "default": __webpack_require__(102), __esModule: true };
  3412. /***/ }),
  3413. /* 102 */
  3414. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3415. __webpack_require__(103);
  3416. var $Object = __webpack_require__(6).Object;
  3417. module.exports = function defineProperty(it, key, desc) {
  3418. return $Object.defineProperty(it, key, desc);
  3419. };
  3420. /***/ }),
  3421. /* 103 */
  3422. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3423. var $export = __webpack_require__(19);
  3424. // / Object.defineProperty(O, P, Attributes)
  3425. $export($export.S + $export.F * !__webpack_require__(12), 'Object', { defineProperty: __webpack_require__(9).f });
  3426. /***/ }),
  3427. /* 104 */
  3428. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3429. "use strict";
  3430. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  3431. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
  3432. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__);
  3433. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon__ = __webpack_require__(3);
  3434. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon__);
  3435. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_config__ = __webpack_require__(2);
  3436. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_FormElementMixin__ = __webpack_require__(10);
  3437. //
  3438. //
  3439. //
  3440. //
  3441. //
  3442. //
  3443. //
  3444. //
  3445. //
  3446. //
  3447. //
  3448. //
  3449. //
  3450. //
  3451. //
  3452. //
  3453. //
  3454. //
  3455. //
  3456. //
  3457. //
  3458. //
  3459. //
  3460. //
  3461. //
  3462. //
  3463. //
  3464. //
  3465. //
  3466. //
  3467. //
  3468. //
  3469. //
  3470. //
  3471. //
  3472. //
  3473. //
  3474. //
  3475. //
  3476. //
  3477. //
  3478. //
  3479. //
  3480. //
  3481. //
  3482. //
  3483. //
  3484. //
  3485. //
  3486. //
  3487. //
  3488. //
  3489. //
  3490. //
  3491. //
  3492. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  3493. name: 'BInput',
  3494. components: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()({}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default.a),
  3495. mixins: [__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_FormElementMixin__["a" /* default */]],
  3496. inheritAttrs: false,
  3497. props: {
  3498. value: [Number, String],
  3499. type: {
  3500. type: String,
  3501. default: 'text'
  3502. },
  3503. passwordReveal: Boolean,
  3504. hasCounter: {
  3505. type: Boolean,
  3506. default: function _default() {
  3507. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultInputHasCounter;
  3508. }
  3509. },
  3510. customClass: {
  3511. type: String,
  3512. default: ''
  3513. }
  3514. },
  3515. data: function data() {
  3516. return {
  3517. newValue: this.value,
  3518. newType: this.type,
  3519. newAutocomplete: this.autocomplete || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultInputAutocomplete,
  3520. isPasswordVisible: false,
  3521. _elementRef: this.type === 'textarea' ? 'textarea' : 'input'
  3522. };
  3523. },
  3524. computed: {
  3525. computedValue: {
  3526. get: function get() {
  3527. return this.newValue;
  3528. },
  3529. set: function set(value) {
  3530. this.newValue = value;
  3531. this.$emit('input', value);
  3532. !this.isValid && this.checkHtml5Validity();
  3533. }
  3534. },
  3535. rootClasses: function rootClasses() {
  3536. return [this.iconPosition, this.size, {
  3537. 'is-expanded': this.expanded,
  3538. 'is-loading': this.loading,
  3539. 'is-clearfix': !this.hasMessage
  3540. }];
  3541. },
  3542. inputClasses: function inputClasses() {
  3543. return [this.statusType, this.size, { 'is-rounded': this.rounded }];
  3544. },
  3545. hasIconRight: function hasIconRight() {
  3546. return this.passwordReveal || this.loading || this.statusType;
  3547. },
  3548. /**
  3549. * Position of the icon or if it's both sides.
  3550. */
  3551. iconPosition: function iconPosition() {
  3552. if (this.icon && this.hasIconRight) {
  3553. return 'has-icons-left has-icons-right';
  3554. } else if (!this.icon && this.hasIconRight) {
  3555. return 'has-icons-right';
  3556. } else if (this.icon) {
  3557. return 'has-icons-left';
  3558. }
  3559. },
  3560. /**
  3561. * Icon name (MDI) based on the type.
  3562. */
  3563. statusTypeIcon: function statusTypeIcon() {
  3564. switch (this.statusType) {
  3565. case 'is-success':
  3566. return 'check';
  3567. case 'is-danger':
  3568. return 'alert-circle';
  3569. case 'is-info':
  3570. return 'information';
  3571. case 'is-warning':
  3572. return 'alert';
  3573. }
  3574. },
  3575. /**
  3576. * Check if have any message prop from parent if it's a Field.
  3577. */
  3578. hasMessage: function hasMessage() {
  3579. return !!this.statusMessage;
  3580. },
  3581. /**
  3582. * Current password-reveal icon name.
  3583. */
  3584. passwordVisibleIcon: function passwordVisibleIcon() {
  3585. return !this.isPasswordVisible ? 'eye' : 'eye-off';
  3586. },
  3587. /**
  3588. * Get value length
  3589. */
  3590. valueLength: function valueLength() {
  3591. if (typeof this.computedValue === 'string') {
  3592. return this.computedValue.length;
  3593. } else if (typeof this.computedValue === 'number') {
  3594. return this.computedValue.toString().length;
  3595. }
  3596. return 0;
  3597. }
  3598. },
  3599. watch: {
  3600. /**
  3601. * When v-model is changed:
  3602. * 1. Set internal value.
  3603. */
  3604. value: function value(_value) {
  3605. this.newValue = _value;
  3606. }
  3607. },
  3608. methods: {
  3609. /**
  3610. * Toggle the visibility of a password-reveal input
  3611. * by changing the type and focus the input right away.
  3612. */
  3613. togglePasswordVisibility: function togglePasswordVisibility() {
  3614. var _this = this;
  3615. this.isPasswordVisible = !this.isPasswordVisible;
  3616. this.newType = this.isPasswordVisible ? 'text' : 'password';
  3617. this.$nextTick(function () {
  3618. _this.$refs.input.focus();
  3619. });
  3620. },
  3621. /**
  3622. * Input's 'input' event listener, 'nextTick' is used to prevent event firing
  3623. * before ui update, helps when using masks (Cleavejs and potentially others).
  3624. */
  3625. onInput: function onInput(event) {
  3626. var _this2 = this;
  3627. this.$nextTick(function () {
  3628. if (event.target) {
  3629. _this2.computedValue = event.target.value;
  3630. }
  3631. });
  3632. }
  3633. }
  3634. });
  3635. /***/ }),
  3636. /* 105 */
  3637. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3638. "use strict";
  3639. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  3640. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_config__ = __webpack_require__(2);
  3641. //
  3642. //
  3643. //
  3644. //
  3645. //
  3646. //
  3647. //
  3648. //
  3649. //
  3650. //
  3651. //
  3652. //
  3653. //
  3654. //
  3655. //
  3656. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  3657. name: 'BIcon',
  3658. props: {
  3659. type: [String, Object],
  3660. pack: String,
  3661. icon: String,
  3662. size: String,
  3663. customSize: String,
  3664. customClass: String,
  3665. both: Boolean // This is used internally to show both MDI and FA icon
  3666. },
  3667. computed: {
  3668. /**
  3669. * Internal icon name based on the pack.
  3670. * If pack is 'fa', gets the equivalent FA icon name of the MDI,
  3671. * internal icons are always MDI.
  3672. */
  3673. newIcon: function newIcon() {
  3674. return this.newPack === 'mdi' ? this.newPack + '-' + this.icon : this.addFAPrefix(this.getEquivalentIconOf(this.icon));
  3675. },
  3676. newPack: function newPack() {
  3677. return this.pack || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultIconPack;
  3678. },
  3679. newType: function newType() {
  3680. if (!this.type) return;
  3681. var splitType = [];
  3682. if (typeof this.type === 'string') {
  3683. splitType = this.type.split('-');
  3684. } else {
  3685. for (var key in this.type) {
  3686. if (this.type[key]) {
  3687. splitType = key.split('-');
  3688. break;
  3689. }
  3690. }
  3691. }
  3692. if (splitType.length <= 1) return;
  3693. return 'has-text-' + splitType[1];
  3694. },
  3695. newCustomSize: function newCustomSize() {
  3696. return this.customSize || this.customSizeByPack;
  3697. },
  3698. customSizeByPack: function customSizeByPack() {
  3699. var defaultSize = this.newPack === 'mdi' ? 'mdi-24px' : this.addFAPrefix('lg');
  3700. var mediumSize = this.newPack === 'mdi' ? 'mdi-36px' : this.addFAPrefix('2x');
  3701. var largeSize = this.newPack === 'mdi' ? 'mdi-48px' : this.addFAPrefix('3x');
  3702. switch (this.size) {
  3703. case 'is-small':
  3704. return;
  3705. case 'is-medium':
  3706. return mediumSize;
  3707. case 'is-large':
  3708. return largeSize;
  3709. default:
  3710. return defaultSize;
  3711. }
  3712. },
  3713. useIconComponent: function useIconComponent() {
  3714. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultIconComponent;
  3715. }
  3716. },
  3717. methods: {
  3718. addFAPrefix: function addFAPrefix(value) {
  3719. if (this.useIconComponent) {
  3720. return value;
  3721. }
  3722. return 'fa-' + value;
  3723. },
  3724. /**
  3725. * Equivalent FA icon name of the MDI.
  3726. */
  3727. getEquivalentIconOf: function getEquivalentIconOf(value) {
  3728. // Only transform the class if the both prop is set to true
  3729. if (!this.both) {
  3730. return value;
  3731. }
  3732. switch (value) {
  3733. case 'check':
  3734. return 'check';
  3735. case 'information':
  3736. return 'info-circle';
  3737. case 'check-circle':
  3738. return 'check-circle';
  3739. case 'alert':
  3740. return 'exclamation-triangle';
  3741. case 'alert-circle':
  3742. return 'exclamation-circle';
  3743. case 'arrow-up':
  3744. return 'arrow-up';
  3745. case 'chevron-right':
  3746. return 'angle-right';
  3747. case 'chevron-left':
  3748. return 'angle-left';
  3749. case 'chevron-down':
  3750. return 'angle-down';
  3751. case 'eye':
  3752. return 'eye';
  3753. case 'eye-off':
  3754. return 'eye-slash';
  3755. case 'menu-down':
  3756. return 'caret-down';
  3757. case 'menu-up':
  3758. return 'caret-up';
  3759. default:
  3760. return value;
  3761. }
  3762. }
  3763. }
  3764. });
  3765. /***/ }),
  3766. /* 106 */
  3767. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  3768. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  3769. return _c('span', {
  3770. staticClass: "icon",
  3771. class: [_vm.newType, _vm.size]
  3772. }, [(!_vm.useIconComponent) ? _c('i', {
  3773. class: [_vm.newPack, _vm.newIcon, _vm.newCustomSize, _vm.customClass]
  3774. }) : _c(_vm.useIconComponent, {
  3775. tag: "component",
  3776. class: [_vm.customClass],
  3777. attrs: {
  3778. "icon": [_vm.newPack, _vm.newIcon],
  3779. "size": _vm.newCustomSize
  3780. }
  3781. })], 1)
  3782. },staticRenderFns: []}
  3783. /***/ }),
  3784. /* 107 */
  3785. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  3786. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  3787. return _c('div', {
  3788. staticClass: "control",
  3789. class: _vm.rootClasses
  3790. }, [(_vm.type !== 'textarea') ? _c('input', _vm._b({
  3791. ref: "input",
  3792. staticClass: "input",
  3793. class: [_vm.inputClasses, _vm.customClass],
  3794. attrs: {
  3795. "type": _vm.newType,
  3796. "autocomplete": _vm.newAutocomplete,
  3797. "maxlength": _vm.maxlength
  3798. },
  3799. domProps: {
  3800. "value": _vm.computedValue
  3801. },
  3802. on: {
  3803. "input": _vm.onInput,
  3804. "blur": _vm.onBlur,
  3805. "focus": _vm.onFocus
  3806. }
  3807. }, 'input', _vm.$attrs, false)) : _c('textarea', _vm._b({
  3808. ref: "textarea",
  3809. staticClass: "textarea",
  3810. class: [_vm.inputClasses, _vm.customClass],
  3811. attrs: {
  3812. "maxlength": _vm.maxlength
  3813. },
  3814. domProps: {
  3815. "value": _vm.computedValue
  3816. },
  3817. on: {
  3818. "input": _vm.onInput,
  3819. "blur": _vm.onBlur,
  3820. "focus": _vm.onFocus
  3821. }
  3822. }, 'textarea', _vm.$attrs, false)), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.icon) ? _c('b-icon', {
  3823. staticClass: "is-left",
  3824. attrs: {
  3825. "icon": _vm.icon,
  3826. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  3827. "size": _vm.iconSize
  3828. }
  3829. }) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), (!_vm.loading && (_vm.passwordReveal || _vm.statusType)) ? _c('b-icon', {
  3830. staticClass: "is-right",
  3831. class: {
  3832. 'is-clickable': _vm.passwordReveal
  3833. },
  3834. attrs: {
  3835. "icon": _vm.passwordReveal ? _vm.passwordVisibleIcon : _vm.statusTypeIcon,
  3836. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  3837. "size": _vm.iconSize,
  3838. "type": !_vm.passwordReveal ? _vm.statusType : 'is-primary',
  3839. "both": ""
  3840. },
  3841. nativeOn: {
  3842. "click": function($event) {
  3843. _vm.togglePasswordVisibility($event)
  3844. }
  3845. }
  3846. }) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.maxlength && _vm.hasCounter && _vm.type !== 'number') ? _c('small', {
  3847. staticClass: "help counter",
  3848. class: {
  3849. 'is-invisible': !_vm.isFocused
  3850. }
  3851. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.valueLength) + " / " + _vm._s(_vm.maxlength) + "\n ")]) : _vm._e()], 1)
  3852. },staticRenderFns: []}
  3853. /***/ }),
  3854. /* 108 */
  3855. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  3856. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  3857. return _c('div', {
  3858. staticClass: "autocomplete control",
  3859. class: {
  3860. 'is-expanded': _vm.expanded
  3861. }
  3862. }, [_c('b-input', _vm._b({
  3863. ref: "input",
  3864. attrs: {
  3865. "type": "text",
  3866. "size": _vm.size,
  3867. "loading": _vm.loading,
  3868. "rounded": _vm.rounded,
  3869. "icon": _vm.icon,
  3870. "icon-pack": _vm.iconPack,
  3871. "maxlength": _vm.maxlength,
  3872. "autocomplete": _vm.newAutocomplete
  3873. },
  3874. on: {
  3875. "input": _vm.onInput,
  3876. "focus": _vm.focused,
  3877. "blur": _vm.onBlur
  3878. },
  3879. nativeOn: {
  3880. "keyup": function($event) {
  3881. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "esc", 27, $event.key)) { return null; }
  3882. $event.preventDefault();
  3883. _vm.isActive = false
  3884. },
  3885. "keydown": [function($event) {
  3886. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "tab", 9, $event.key)) { return null; }
  3887. _vm.tabPressed($event)
  3888. }, function($event) {
  3889. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "enter", 13, $event.key)) { return null; }
  3890. $event.preventDefault();
  3891. _vm.enterPressed($event)
  3892. }, function($event) {
  3893. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "up", 38, $event.key)) { return null; }
  3894. $event.preventDefault();
  3895. _vm.keyArrows('up')
  3896. }, function($event) {
  3897. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "down", 40, $event.key)) { return null; }
  3898. $event.preventDefault();
  3899. _vm.keyArrows('down')
  3900. }]
  3901. },
  3902. model: {
  3903. value: (_vm.newValue),
  3904. callback: function($$v) {
  3905. _vm.newValue = $$v
  3906. },
  3907. expression: "newValue"
  3908. }
  3909. }, 'b-input', _vm.$attrs, false)), _vm._v(" "), _c('transition', {
  3910. attrs: {
  3911. "name": "fade"
  3912. }
  3913. }, [_c('div', {
  3914. directives: [{
  3915. name: "show",
  3916. rawName: "v-show",
  3917. value: (_vm.isActive && (_vm.data.length > 0 || _vm.hasEmptySlot || _vm.hasHeaderSlot)),
  3918. expression: "isActive && (data.length > 0 || hasEmptySlot || hasHeaderSlot)"
  3919. }],
  3920. ref: "dropdown",
  3921. staticClass: "dropdown-menu",
  3922. class: {
  3923. 'is-opened-top': !_vm.isListInViewportVertically
  3924. }
  3925. }, [_c('div', {
  3926. directives: [{
  3927. name: "show",
  3928. rawName: "v-show",
  3929. value: (_vm.isActive),
  3930. expression: "isActive"
  3931. }],
  3932. staticClass: "dropdown-content"
  3933. }, [(_vm.hasHeaderSlot) ? _c('div', {
  3934. staticClass: "dropdown-item"
  3935. }, [_vm._t("header")], 2) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _vm._l((_vm.data), function(option, index) {
  3936. return _c('a', {
  3937. key: index,
  3938. staticClass: "dropdown-item",
  3939. class: {
  3940. 'is-hovered': option === _vm.hovered
  3941. },
  3942. on: {
  3943. "click": function($event) {
  3944. _vm.setSelected(option)
  3945. }
  3946. }
  3947. }, [(_vm.hasDefaultSlot) ? _vm._t("default", null, {
  3948. option: option,
  3949. index: index
  3950. }) : _c('span', [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.getValue(option, true)) + "\n ")])], 2)
  3951. }), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.data.length === 0 && _vm.hasEmptySlot) ? _c('div', {
  3952. staticClass: "dropdown-item is-disabled"
  3953. }, [_vm._t("empty")], 2) : _vm._e()], 2)])])], 1)
  3954. },staticRenderFns: []}
  3955. /***/ }),
  3956. /* 109 */
  3957. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  3958. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  3959. /* script */
  3960. __webpack_require__(110),
  3961. /* template */
  3962. __webpack_require__(111),
  3963. /* styles */
  3964. null,
  3965. /* scopeId */
  3966. null,
  3967. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  3968. null
  3969. )
  3970. module.exports = Component.exports
  3971. /***/ }),
  3972. /* 110 */
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  3977. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__);
  3978. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon__ = __webpack_require__(3);
  3979. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon__);
  3980. //
  3981. //
  3982. //
  3983. //
  3984. //
  3985. //
  3986. //
  3987. //
  3988. //
  3989. //
  3990. //
  3991. //
  3992. //
  3993. //
  3994. //
  3995. //
  3996. //
  3997. //
  3998. //
  3999. //
  4000. //
  4001. //
  4002. //
  4003. //
  4004. //
  4005. //
  4006. //
  4007. //
  4008. //
  4009. //
  4010. //
  4011. //
  4012. //
  4013. //
  4014. //
  4015. //
  4016. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  4017. name: 'BButton',
  4018. components: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()({}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default.a),
  4019. props: {
  4020. type: [String, Object],
  4021. size: String,
  4022. label: String,
  4023. iconPack: String,
  4024. iconLeft: String,
  4025. iconRight: String,
  4026. rounded: Boolean,
  4027. loading: Boolean,
  4028. outlined: Boolean,
  4029. inverted: Boolean,
  4030. focused: Boolean,
  4031. active: Boolean,
  4032. hovered: Boolean,
  4033. selected: Boolean,
  4034. nativeType: {
  4035. type: String,
  4036. default: 'button',
  4037. validator: function validator(value) {
  4038. return ['button', 'submit', 'reset'].indexOf(value) >= 0;
  4039. }
  4040. },
  4041. tag: {
  4042. type: String,
  4043. default: 'button',
  4044. validator: function validator(value) {
  4045. return ['button', 'a', 'input'].indexOf(value) >= 0;
  4046. }
  4047. }
  4048. },
  4049. computed: {
  4050. iconSize: function iconSize() {
  4051. if (!this.size || this.size === 'is-medium') {
  4052. return 'is-small';
  4053. } else if (this.size === 'is-large') {
  4054. return 'is-medium';
  4055. }
  4056. return this.size;
  4057. }
  4058. }
  4059. });
  4060. /***/ }),
  4061. /* 111 */
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  4063. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  4064. return _c(_vm.tag, {
  4065. tag: "component",
  4066. staticClass: "button",
  4067. class: [_vm.size, _vm.type, {
  4068. 'is-rounded': _vm.rounded,
  4069. 'is-loading': _vm.loading,
  4070. 'is-outlined': _vm.outlined,
  4071. 'is-inverted': _vm.inverted,
  4072. 'is-focused': _vm.focused,
  4073. 'is-active': _vm.active,
  4074. 'is-hovered': _vm.hovered,
  4075. 'is-selected': _vm.selected
  4076. }],
  4077. attrs: {
  4078. "type": _vm.nativeType
  4079. },
  4080. on: {
  4081. "click": function($event) {
  4082. _vm.$emit('click', $event)
  4083. }
  4084. }
  4085. }, [(_vm.iconLeft) ? _c('b-icon', {
  4086. attrs: {
  4087. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  4088. "icon": _vm.iconLeft,
  4089. "size": _vm.iconSize
  4090. }
  4091. }) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.label) ? _c('span', [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.label))]) : (_vm.$slots.default) ? _c('span', [_vm._t("default")], 2) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.iconRight) ? _c('b-icon', {
  4092. attrs: {
  4093. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  4094. "icon": _vm.iconRight,
  4095. "size": _vm.iconSize
  4096. }
  4097. }) : _vm._e()], 1)
  4098. },staticRenderFns: []}
  4099. /***/ }),
  4100. /* 112 */
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  4103. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  4104. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol__ = __webpack_require__(5);
  4105. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol__);
  4106. //
  4107. //
  4108. //
  4109. //
  4110. //
  4111. //
  4112. //
  4113. //
  4114. //
  4115. //
  4116. //
  4117. //
  4118. //
  4119. //
  4120. //
  4121. //
  4122. //
  4123. //
  4124. //
  4125. //
  4126. //
  4127. //
  4128. //
  4129. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  4130. name: 'BCheckbox',
  4131. props: {
  4132. value: [String, Number, Boolean, Function, Object, Array, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default.a],
  4133. nativeValue: [String, Number, Boolean, Function, Object, Array, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default.a],
  4134. indeterminate: Boolean,
  4135. type: String,
  4136. disabled: Boolean,
  4137. required: Boolean,
  4138. name: String,
  4139. size: String,
  4140. trueValue: {
  4141. type: [String, Number, Boolean, Function, Object, Array, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default.a],
  4142. default: true
  4143. },
  4144. falseValue: {
  4145. type: [String, Number, Boolean, Function, Object, Array, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default.a],
  4146. default: false
  4147. }
  4148. },
  4149. data: function data() {
  4150. return {
  4151. newValue: this.value
  4152. };
  4153. },
  4154. computed: {
  4155. computedValue: {
  4156. get: function get() {
  4157. return this.newValue;
  4158. },
  4159. set: function set(value) {
  4160. this.newValue = value;
  4161. this.$emit('input', value);
  4162. }
  4163. }
  4164. },
  4165. watch: {
  4166. /**
  4167. * When v-model change, set internal value.
  4168. */
  4169. value: function value(_value) {
  4170. this.newValue = _value;
  4171. }
  4172. }
  4173. });
  4174. /***/ }),
  4175. /* 113 */
  4176. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  4177. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  4178. return _c('label', {
  4179. ref: "label",
  4180. staticClass: "b-checkbox checkbox",
  4181. class: [_vm.size, {
  4182. 'is-disabled': _vm.disabled
  4183. }],
  4184. attrs: {
  4185. "disabled": _vm.disabled
  4186. },
  4187. on: {
  4188. "keydown": function($event) {
  4189. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "enter", 13, $event.key)) { return null; }
  4190. $event.preventDefault();
  4191. _vm.$refs.label.click()
  4192. }
  4193. }
  4194. }, [_c('input', {
  4195. directives: [{
  4196. name: "model",
  4197. rawName: "v-model",
  4198. value: (_vm.computedValue),
  4199. expression: "computedValue"
  4200. }],
  4201. attrs: {
  4202. "type": "checkbox",
  4203. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  4204. "required": _vm.required,
  4205. "name": _vm.name,
  4206. "true-value": _vm.trueValue,
  4207. "false-value": _vm.falseValue
  4208. },
  4209. domProps: {
  4210. "indeterminate": _vm.indeterminate,
  4211. "value": _vm.nativeValue,
  4212. "checked": Array.isArray(_vm.computedValue) ? _vm._i(_vm.computedValue, _vm.nativeValue) > -1 : _vm._q(_vm.computedValue, _vm.trueValue)
  4213. },
  4214. on: {
  4215. "click": function($event) {
  4216. $event.stopPropagation();
  4217. },
  4218. "change": function($event) {
  4219. var $$a = _vm.computedValue,
  4220. $$el = $event.target,
  4221. $$c = $$el.checked ? (_vm.trueValue) : (_vm.falseValue);
  4222. if (Array.isArray($$a)) {
  4223. var $$v = _vm.nativeValue,
  4224. $$i = _vm._i($$a, $$v);
  4225. if ($$el.checked) {
  4226. $$i < 0 && (_vm.computedValue = $$a.concat([$$v]))
  4227. } else {
  4228. $$i > -1 && (_vm.computedValue = $$a.slice(0, $$i).concat($$a.slice($$i + 1)))
  4229. }
  4230. } else {
  4231. _vm.computedValue = $$c
  4232. }
  4233. }
  4234. }
  4235. }), _vm._v(" "), _c('span', {
  4236. staticClass: "check",
  4237. class: _vm.type
  4238. }), _vm._v(" "), _c('span', {
  4239. staticClass: "control-label"
  4240. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2)])
  4241. },staticRenderFns: []}
  4242. /***/ }),
  4243. /* 114 */
  4244. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  4245. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  4246. /* script */
  4247. __webpack_require__(115),
  4248. /* template */
  4249. __webpack_require__(116),
  4250. /* styles */
  4251. null,
  4252. /* scopeId */
  4253. null,
  4254. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  4255. null
  4256. )
  4257. module.exports = Component.exports
  4258. /***/ }),
  4259. /* 115 */
  4260. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  4261. "use strict";
  4262. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  4263. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol__ = __webpack_require__(5);
  4264. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol__);
  4265. //
  4266. //
  4267. //
  4268. //
  4269. //
  4270. //
  4271. //
  4272. //
  4273. //
  4274. //
  4275. //
  4276. //
  4277. //
  4278. //
  4279. //
  4280. //
  4281. //
  4282. //
  4283. //
  4284. //
  4285. //
  4286. //
  4287. //
  4288. //
  4289. //
  4290. //
  4291. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  4292. name: 'BCheckboxButton',
  4293. props: {
  4294. value: [String, Number, Boolean, Function, Object, Array, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default.a],
  4295. nativeValue: [String, Number, Boolean, Function, Object, Array, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default.a],
  4296. disabled: Boolean,
  4297. required: Boolean,
  4298. name: String,
  4299. size: String,
  4300. type: {
  4301. type: String,
  4302. default: 'is-primary'
  4303. }
  4304. },
  4305. data: function data() {
  4306. return {
  4307. newValue: this.value,
  4308. isFocused: false
  4309. };
  4310. },
  4311. computed: {
  4312. computedValue: {
  4313. get: function get() {
  4314. return this.newValue;
  4315. },
  4316. set: function set(value) {
  4317. this.newValue = value;
  4318. this.$emit('input', value);
  4319. }
  4320. },
  4321. checked: function checked() {
  4322. if (Array.isArray(this.newValue)) {
  4323. return this.newValue.indexOf(this.nativeValue) >= 0;
  4324. }
  4325. return this.newValue === this.nativeValue;
  4326. }
  4327. },
  4328. watch: {
  4329. /**
  4330. * When v-model change, set internal value.
  4331. */
  4332. value: function value(_value) {
  4333. this.newValue = _value;
  4334. }
  4335. }
  4336. });
  4337. /***/ }),
  4338. /* 116 */
  4339. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  4340. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  4341. return _c('div', {
  4342. staticClass: "control"
  4343. }, [_c('label', {
  4344. ref: "label",
  4345. staticClass: "b-checkbox checkbox button",
  4346. class: [_vm.checked ? _vm.type : null, _vm.size, {
  4347. 'is-disabled': _vm.disabled,
  4348. 'is-focused': _vm.isFocused
  4349. }],
  4350. attrs: {
  4351. "disabled": _vm.disabled
  4352. },
  4353. on: {
  4354. "keydown": function($event) {
  4355. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "enter", 13, $event.key)) { return null; }
  4356. $event.preventDefault();
  4357. _vm.$refs.label.click()
  4358. }
  4359. }
  4360. }, [_vm._t("default"), _vm._v(" "), _c('input', {
  4361. directives: [{
  4362. name: "model",
  4363. rawName: "v-model",
  4364. value: (_vm.computedValue),
  4365. expression: "computedValue"
  4366. }],
  4367. attrs: {
  4368. "type": "checkbox",
  4369. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  4370. "required": _vm.required,
  4371. "name": _vm.name
  4372. },
  4373. domProps: {
  4374. "value": _vm.nativeValue,
  4375. "checked": Array.isArray(_vm.computedValue) ? _vm._i(_vm.computedValue, _vm.nativeValue) > -1 : (_vm.computedValue)
  4376. },
  4377. on: {
  4378. "click": function($event) {
  4379. $event.stopPropagation();
  4380. },
  4381. "focus": function($event) {
  4382. _vm.isFocused = true
  4383. },
  4384. "blur": function($event) {
  4385. _vm.isFocused = false
  4386. },
  4387. "change": function($event) {
  4388. var $$a = _vm.computedValue,
  4389. $$el = $event.target,
  4390. $$c = $$el.checked ? (true) : (false);
  4391. if (Array.isArray($$a)) {
  4392. var $$v = _vm.nativeValue,
  4393. $$i = _vm._i($$a, $$v);
  4394. if ($$el.checked) {
  4395. $$i < 0 && (_vm.computedValue = $$a.concat([$$v]))
  4396. } else {
  4397. $$i > -1 && (_vm.computedValue = $$a.slice(0, $$i).concat($$a.slice($$i + 1)))
  4398. }
  4399. } else {
  4400. _vm.computedValue = $$c
  4401. }
  4402. }
  4403. }
  4404. })], 2)])
  4405. },staticRenderFns: []}
  4406. /***/ }),
  4407. /* 117 */
  4408. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  4409. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  4410. /* script */
  4411. __webpack_require__(118),
  4412. /* template */
  4413. __webpack_require__(119),
  4414. /* styles */
  4415. null,
  4416. /* scopeId */
  4417. null,
  4418. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  4419. null
  4420. )
  4421. module.exports = Component.exports
  4422. /***/ }),
  4423. /* 118 */
  4424. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  4425. "use strict";
  4426. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  4427. //
  4428. //
  4429. //
  4430. //
  4431. //
  4432. //
  4433. //
  4434. //
  4435. //
  4436. //
  4437. //
  4438. //
  4439. //
  4440. //
  4441. //
  4442. //
  4443. //
  4444. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  4445. name: 'BCollapse',
  4446. props: {
  4447. open: {
  4448. type: Boolean,
  4449. default: true
  4450. },
  4451. animation: {
  4452. type: String,
  4453. default: 'fade'
  4454. },
  4455. ariaId: {
  4456. type: String,
  4457. default: ''
  4458. }
  4459. },
  4460. data: function data() {
  4461. return {
  4462. isOpen: this.open
  4463. };
  4464. },
  4465. watch: {
  4466. open: function open(value) {
  4467. this.isOpen = value;
  4468. }
  4469. },
  4470. methods: {
  4471. /**
  4472. * Toggle and emit events
  4473. */
  4474. toggle: function toggle() {
  4475. this.isOpen = !this.isOpen;
  4476. this.$emit('update:open', this.isOpen);
  4477. this.$emit(this.isOpen ? 'open' : 'close');
  4478. }
  4479. }
  4480. });
  4481. /***/ }),
  4482. /* 119 */
  4483. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  4484. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  4485. return _c('div', {
  4486. staticClass: "collapse"
  4487. }, [_c('div', {
  4488. staticClass: "collapse-trigger",
  4489. on: {
  4490. "click": _vm.toggle
  4491. }
  4492. }, [_vm._t("trigger", null, {
  4493. open: _vm.isOpen
  4494. })], 2), _vm._v(" "), _c('transition', {
  4495. attrs: {
  4496. "name": _vm.animation
  4497. }
  4498. }, [_c('div', {
  4499. directives: [{
  4500. name: "show",
  4501. rawName: "v-show",
  4502. value: (_vm.isOpen),
  4503. expression: "isOpen"
  4504. }],
  4505. staticClass: "collapse-content",
  4506. attrs: {
  4507. "id": _vm.ariaId,
  4508. "aria-expanded": _vm.isOpen
  4509. }
  4510. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2)])], 1)
  4511. },staticRenderFns: []}
  4512. /***/ }),
  4513. /* 120 */
  4514. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  4515. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  4516. /* script */
  4517. __webpack_require__(121),
  4518. /* template */
  4519. __webpack_require__(133),
  4520. /* styles */
  4521. null,
  4522. /* scopeId */
  4523. null,
  4524. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  4525. null
  4526. )
  4527. module.exports = Component.exports
  4528. /***/ }),
  4529. /* 121 */
  4530. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  4531. "use strict";
  4532. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  4533. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
  4534. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__);
  4535. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_TimepickerMixin__ = __webpack_require__(62);
  4536. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__dropdown_Dropdown__ = __webpack_require__(28);
  4537. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__dropdown_Dropdown___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__dropdown_Dropdown__);
  4538. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__dropdown_DropdownItem__ = __webpack_require__(29);
  4539. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__dropdown_DropdownItem___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__dropdown_DropdownItem__);
  4540. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__input_Input__ = __webpack_require__(17);
  4541. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__input_Input___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__input_Input__);
  4542. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__field_Field__ = __webpack_require__(30);
  4543. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__field_Field___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__field_Field__);
  4544. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__icon_Icon__ = __webpack_require__(3);
  4545. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__icon_Icon___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__icon_Icon__);
  4546. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ClockpickerFace__ = __webpack_require__(130);
  4547. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ClockpickerFace___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ClockpickerFace__);
  4548. var _components;
  4549. //
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  4669. //
  4670. //
  4671. var outerPadding = 12;
  4672. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  4673. name: 'BClockpicker',
  4674. components: (_components = {}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ClockpickerFace___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ClockpickerFace___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__input_Input___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__input_Input___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__field_Field___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__field_Field___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__icon_Icon___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__icon_Icon___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__dropdown_Dropdown___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__dropdown_Dropdown___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__dropdown_DropdownItem___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__dropdown_DropdownItem___default.a), _components),
  4675. mixins: [__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_TimepickerMixin__["a" /* default */]],
  4676. props: {
  4677. pickerSize: {
  4678. type: Number,
  4679. default: 290
  4680. },
  4681. hourFormat: {
  4682. type: String,
  4683. default: '12',
  4684. validator: function validator(value) {
  4685. return value === '24' || value === '12';
  4686. }
  4687. },
  4688. incrementMinutes: {
  4689. type: Number,
  4690. default: 5
  4691. },
  4692. autoSwitch: {
  4693. type: Boolean,
  4694. default: true
  4695. },
  4696. type: {
  4697. type: String,
  4698. default: 'is-primary'
  4699. }
  4700. },
  4701. data: function data() {
  4702. return {
  4703. isSelectingHour: true,
  4704. isDragging: false,
  4705. _isClockpicker: true
  4706. };
  4707. },
  4708. computed: {
  4709. hoursDisplay: function hoursDisplay() {
  4710. if (this.hoursSelected == null) return '--';
  4711. if (this.isHourFormat24) return this.pad(this.hoursSelected);
  4712. var display = this.hoursSelected;
  4713. if (this.meridienSelected === this.PM) display -= 12;
  4714. if (display === 0) display = 12;
  4715. return display;
  4716. },
  4717. minutesDisplay: function minutesDisplay() {
  4718. return this.minutesSelected == null ? '--' : this.pad(this.minutesSelected);
  4719. },
  4720. minFaceValue: function minFaceValue() {
  4721. return this.isSelectingHour && !this.isHourFormat24 && this.meridienSelected === this.PM ? 12 : 0;
  4722. },
  4723. maxFaceValue: function maxFaceValue() {
  4724. return this.isSelectingHour ? !this.isHourFormat24 && this.meridienSelected === this.AM ? 11 : 23 : 59;
  4725. },
  4726. faceFormatter: function faceFormatter() {
  4727. return this.isSelectingHour && !this.isHourFormat24 ? function (val) {
  4728. return val;
  4729. } : this.formatNumber;
  4730. },
  4731. faceSize: function faceSize() {
  4732. return this.pickerSize - outerPadding * 2;
  4733. }
  4734. },
  4735. methods: {
  4736. onClockInput: function onClockInput(value) {
  4737. if (this.isSelectingHour) {
  4738. this.hoursSelected = value;
  4739. this.onHoursChange(value);
  4740. } else {
  4741. this.minutesSelected = value;
  4742. this.onMinutesChange(value);
  4743. }
  4744. },
  4745. onClockChange: function onClockChange(value) {
  4746. if (this.autoSwitch && this.isSelectingHour) {
  4747. this.isSelectingHour = !this.isSelectingHour;
  4748. }
  4749. },
  4750. onMeridienClick: function onMeridienClick(value) {
  4751. if (this.meridienSelected !== value) {
  4752. this.meridienSelected = value;
  4753. this.onMeridienChange(value);
  4754. }
  4755. },
  4756. faceDisabledValues: function faceDisabledValues() {
  4757. return this.isSelectingHour ? this.isHourDisabled : this.isMinuteDisabled;
  4758. }
  4759. },
  4760. created: function created() {
  4761. this.incrementMinutes = 5;
  4762. }
  4763. });
  4764. /***/ }),
  4765. /* 122 */
  4766. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  4767. "use strict";
  4768. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  4769. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_get_iterator__ = __webpack_require__(59);
  4770. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_get_iterator___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_get_iterator__);
  4771. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol__ = __webpack_require__(5);
  4772. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol__);
  4773. //
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  4806. //
  4807. //
  4808. //
  4809. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  4810. name: 'BDropdown',
  4811. props: {
  4812. value: {
  4813. type: [String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default.a, Function],
  4814. default: null
  4815. },
  4816. disabled: Boolean,
  4817. hoverable: Boolean,
  4818. inline: Boolean,
  4819. position: {
  4820. type: String,
  4821. validator: function validator(value) {
  4822. return ['is-top-right', 'is-top-left', 'is-bottom-left'].indexOf(value) > -1;
  4823. }
  4824. },
  4825. mobileModal: {
  4826. type: Boolean,
  4827. default: true
  4828. },
  4829. ariaRole: {
  4830. type: String,
  4831. default: ''
  4832. },
  4833. animation: {
  4834. type: String,
  4835. default: 'fade'
  4836. }
  4837. },
  4838. data: function data() {
  4839. return {
  4840. selected: this.value,
  4841. isActive: false,
  4842. _isDropdown: true // Used internally by DropdownItem
  4843. };
  4844. },
  4845. computed: {
  4846. rootClasses: function rootClasses() {
  4847. return [this.position, {
  4848. 'is-disabled': this.disabled,
  4849. 'is-hoverable': this.hoverable,
  4850. 'is-inline': this.inline,
  4851. 'is-active': this.isActive || this.inline,
  4852. 'is-mobile-modal': this.isMobileModal
  4853. }];
  4854. },
  4855. isMobileModal: function isMobileModal() {
  4856. return this.mobileModal && !this.inline && !this.hoverable;
  4857. },
  4858. ariaRoleMenu: function ariaRoleMenu() {
  4859. return this.ariaRole === 'menu' || this.ariaRole === 'list' ? this.ariaRole : null;
  4860. }
  4861. },
  4862. watch: {
  4863. /**
  4864. * When v-model is changed set the new selected item.
  4865. */
  4866. value: function value(_value) {
  4867. this.selected = _value;
  4868. },
  4869. /**
  4870. * Emit event when isActive value is changed.
  4871. */
  4872. isActive: function isActive(value) {
  4873. this.$emit('active-change', value);
  4874. }
  4875. },
  4876. methods: {
  4877. /**
  4878. * Click listener from DropdownItem.
  4879. * 1. Set new selected item.
  4880. * 2. Emit input event to update the user v-model.
  4881. * 3. Close the dropdown.
  4882. */
  4883. selectItem: function selectItem(value) {
  4884. if (this.selected !== value) {
  4885. this.$emit('change', value);
  4886. this.selected = value;
  4887. }
  4888. this.$emit('input', value);
  4889. this.isActive = false;
  4890. },
  4891. /**
  4892. * White-listed items to not close when clicked.
  4893. */
  4894. isInWhiteList: function isInWhiteList(el) {
  4895. if (el === this.$refs.dropdownMenu) return true;
  4896. if (el === this.$refs.trigger) return true;
  4897. // All chidren from dropdown
  4898. if (this.$refs.dropdownMenu !== undefined) {
  4899. var children = this.$refs.dropdownMenu.querySelectorAll('*');
  4900. var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
  4901. var _didIteratorError = false;
  4902. var _iteratorError = undefined;
  4903. try {
  4904. for (var _iterator = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_get_iterator___default()(children), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step = _iterator.next()).done); _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
  4905. var child = _step.value;
  4906. if (el === child) {
  4907. return true;
  4908. }
  4909. }
  4910. } catch (err) {
  4911. _didIteratorError = true;
  4912. _iteratorError = err;
  4913. } finally {
  4914. try {
  4915. if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
  4916. _iterator.return();
  4917. }
  4918. } finally {
  4919. if (_didIteratorError) {
  4920. throw _iteratorError;
  4921. }
  4922. }
  4923. }
  4924. }
  4925. // All children from trigger
  4926. if (this.$refs.trigger !== undefined) {
  4927. var _children = this.$refs.trigger.querySelectorAll('*');
  4928. var _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true;
  4929. var _didIteratorError2 = false;
  4930. var _iteratorError2 = undefined;
  4931. try {
  4932. for (var _iterator2 = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_get_iterator___default()(_children), _step2; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion2 = (_step2 = _iterator2.next()).done); _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true) {
  4933. var _child = _step2.value;
  4934. if (el === _child) {
  4935. return true;
  4936. }
  4937. }
  4938. } catch (err) {
  4939. _didIteratorError2 = true;
  4940. _iteratorError2 = err;
  4941. } finally {
  4942. try {
  4943. if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion2 && _iterator2.return) {
  4944. _iterator2.return();
  4945. }
  4946. } finally {
  4947. if (_didIteratorError2) {
  4948. throw _iteratorError2;
  4949. }
  4950. }
  4951. }
  4952. }
  4953. return false;
  4954. },
  4955. /**
  4956. * Close dropdown if clicked outside.
  4957. */
  4958. clickedOutside: function clickedOutside(event) {
  4959. if (this.inline) return;
  4960. if (!this.isInWhiteList(event.target)) this.isActive = false;
  4961. },
  4962. /**
  4963. * Toggle dropdown if it's not disabled.
  4964. */
  4965. toggle: function toggle() {
  4966. var _this = this;
  4967. if (this.disabled || this.hoverable) return;
  4968. if (!this.isActive) {
  4969. // if not active, toggle after clickOutside event
  4970. // this fixes toggling programmatic
  4971. this.$nextTick(function () {
  4972. _this.isActive = !_this.isActive;
  4973. });
  4974. } else {
  4975. this.isActive = !this.isActive;
  4976. }
  4977. }
  4978. },
  4979. created: function created() {
  4980. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  4981. document.addEventListener('click', this.clickedOutside);
  4982. }
  4983. },
  4984. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  4985. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  4986. document.removeEventListener('click', this.clickedOutside);
  4987. }
  4988. }
  4989. });
  4990. /***/ }),
  4991. /* 123 */
  4992. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  4993. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  4994. return _c('div', {
  4995. staticClass: "dropdown",
  4996. class: _vm.rootClasses
  4997. }, [(!_vm.inline) ? _c('div', {
  4998. ref: "trigger",
  4999. staticClass: "dropdown-trigger",
  5000. attrs: {
  5001. "role": "button",
  5002. "aria-haspopup": "true"
  5003. },
  5004. on: {
  5005. "click": _vm.toggle
  5006. }
  5007. }, [_vm._t("trigger")], 2) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('transition', {
  5008. attrs: {
  5009. "name": _vm.animation
  5010. }
  5011. }, [(_vm.isMobileModal) ? _c('div', {
  5012. directives: [{
  5013. name: "show",
  5014. rawName: "v-show",
  5015. value: (_vm.isActive),
  5016. expression: "isActive"
  5017. }],
  5018. staticClass: "background",
  5019. attrs: {
  5020. "aria-hidden": !_vm.isActive
  5021. }
  5022. }) : _vm._e()]), _vm._v(" "), _c('transition', {
  5023. attrs: {
  5024. "name": _vm.animation
  5025. }
  5026. }, [_c('div', {
  5027. directives: [{
  5028. name: "show",
  5029. rawName: "v-show",
  5030. value: ((!_vm.disabled && (_vm.isActive || _vm.hoverable)) || _vm.inline),
  5031. expression: "(!disabled && (isActive || hoverable)) || inline"
  5032. }],
  5033. ref: "dropdownMenu",
  5034. staticClass: "dropdown-menu",
  5035. attrs: {
  5036. "aria-hidden": !_vm.isActive
  5037. }
  5038. }, [_c('div', {
  5039. staticClass: "dropdown-content",
  5040. attrs: {
  5041. "role": _vm.ariaRoleMenu
  5042. }
  5043. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2)])])], 1)
  5044. },staticRenderFns: []}
  5045. /***/ }),
  5046. /* 124 */
  5047. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5048. "use strict";
  5049. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  5050. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol__ = __webpack_require__(5);
  5051. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol__);
  5052. //
  5053. //
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  5067. //
  5068. //
  5069. //
  5070. //
  5071. //
  5072. //
  5073. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  5074. name: 'BDropdownItem',
  5075. props: {
  5076. value: {
  5077. type: [String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default.a, Function],
  5078. default: null
  5079. },
  5080. separator: Boolean,
  5081. disabled: Boolean,
  5082. custom: Boolean,
  5083. paddingless: Boolean,
  5084. hasLink: Boolean,
  5085. ariaRole: {
  5086. type: String,
  5087. default: ''
  5088. }
  5089. },
  5090. computed: {
  5091. anchorClasses: function anchorClasses() {
  5092. return {
  5093. 'is-disabled': this.$parent.disabled || this.disabled,
  5094. 'is-paddingless': this.paddingless,
  5095. 'is-active': this.value !== null && this.value === this.$parent.selected
  5096. };
  5097. },
  5098. itemClasses: function itemClasses() {
  5099. return {
  5100. 'dropdown-item': !this.hasLink,
  5101. 'is-disabled': this.disabled,
  5102. 'is-paddingless': this.paddingless,
  5103. 'is-active': this.value !== null && this.value === this.$parent.selected,
  5104. 'has-link': this.hasLink
  5105. };
  5106. },
  5107. ariaRoleItem: function ariaRoleItem() {
  5108. return this.ariaRole === 'menuitem' || this.ariaRole === 'listitem' ? this.ariaRole : null;
  5109. },
  5110. /**
  5111. * Check if item can be clickable.
  5112. */
  5113. isClickable: function isClickable() {
  5114. return !this.$parent.disabled && !this.separator && !this.disabled && !this.custom;
  5115. }
  5116. },
  5117. methods: {
  5118. /**
  5119. * Click listener, select the item.
  5120. */
  5121. selectItem: function selectItem() {
  5122. if (!this.isClickable) return;
  5123. this.$parent.selectItem(this.value);
  5124. this.$emit('click');
  5125. }
  5126. },
  5127. created: function created() {
  5128. if (!this.$parent.$data._isDropdown) {
  5129. this.$destroy();
  5130. throw new Error('You should wrap bDropdownItem on a bDropdown');
  5131. }
  5132. }
  5133. });
  5134. /***/ }),
  5135. /* 125 */
  5136. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  5137. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  5138. return (_vm.separator) ? _c('hr', {
  5139. staticClass: "dropdown-divider"
  5140. }) : (!_vm.custom && !_vm.hasLink) ? _c('a', {
  5141. staticClass: "dropdown-item",
  5142. class: _vm.anchorClasses,
  5143. attrs: {
  5144. "role": _vm.ariaRoleItem,
  5145. "tabindex": "0"
  5146. },
  5147. on: {
  5148. "click": _vm.selectItem
  5149. }
  5150. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2) : _c('div', {
  5151. class: _vm.itemClasses,
  5152. attrs: {
  5153. "role": _vm.ariaRoleItem,
  5154. "tabindex": "0"
  5155. },
  5156. on: {
  5157. "click": _vm.selectItem
  5158. }
  5159. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2)
  5160. },staticRenderFns: []}
  5161. /***/ }),
  5162. /* 126 */
  5163. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5164. "use strict";
  5165. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  5166. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
  5167. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__);
  5168. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__FieldBody__ = __webpack_require__(127);
  5169. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__FieldBody___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__FieldBody__);
  5170. //
  5171. //
  5172. //
  5173. //
  5174. //
  5175. //
  5176. //
  5177. //
  5178. //
  5179. //
  5180. //
  5181. //
  5182. //
  5183. //
  5184. //
  5185. //
  5186. //
  5187. //
  5188. //
  5189. //
  5190. //
  5191. //
  5192. //
  5193. //
  5194. //
  5195. //
  5196. //
  5197. //
  5198. //
  5199. //
  5200. //
  5201. //
  5202. //
  5203. //
  5204. //
  5205. //
  5206. //
  5207. //
  5208. //
  5209. //
  5210. //
  5211. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  5212. name: 'BField',
  5213. components: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()({}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__FieldBody___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__FieldBody___default.a),
  5214. props: {
  5215. type: [String, Object],
  5216. label: String,
  5217. labelFor: String,
  5218. message: [String, Array, Object],
  5219. grouped: Boolean,
  5220. groupMultiline: Boolean,
  5221. position: String,
  5222. expanded: Boolean,
  5223. horizontal: Boolean,
  5224. addons: {
  5225. type: Boolean,
  5226. default: true
  5227. },
  5228. customClass: String
  5229. },
  5230. data: function data() {
  5231. return {
  5232. newType: this.type,
  5233. newMessage: this.message,
  5234. fieldLabelSize: null,
  5235. _isField: true // Used internally by Input and Select
  5236. };
  5237. },
  5238. computed: {
  5239. rootClasses: function rootClasses() {
  5240. return [this.newPosition, {
  5241. 'is-expanded': this.expanded,
  5242. 'is-grouped-multiline': this.groupMultiline,
  5243. 'is-horizontal': this.horizontal
  5244. }];
  5245. },
  5246. /**
  5247. * Correct Bulma class for the side of the addon or group.
  5248. *
  5249. * This is not kept like the others (is-small, etc.),
  5250. * because since 'has-addons' is set automatically it
  5251. * doesn't make sense to teach users what addons are exactly.
  5252. */
  5253. newPosition: function newPosition() {
  5254. if (this.position === undefined) return;
  5255. var position = this.position.split('-');
  5256. if (position.length < 1) return;
  5257. var prefix = this.grouped ? 'is-grouped-' : 'has-addons-';
  5258. if (this.position) return prefix + position[1];
  5259. },
  5260. /**
  5261. * Formatted message in case it's an array
  5262. * (each element is separated by <br> tag)
  5263. */
  5264. formattedMessage: function formattedMessage() {
  5265. if (typeof this.newMessage === 'string') {
  5266. return this.newMessage;
  5267. } else {
  5268. var messages = [];
  5269. if (Array.isArray(this.newMessage)) {
  5270. this.newMessage.forEach(function (message) {
  5271. if (typeof message === 'string') {
  5272. messages.push(message);
  5273. } else {
  5274. for (var key in message) {
  5275. if (message[key]) {
  5276. messages.push(key);
  5277. }
  5278. }
  5279. }
  5280. });
  5281. } else {
  5282. for (var key in this.newMessage) {
  5283. if (this.newMessage[key]) {
  5284. messages.push(key);
  5285. }
  5286. }
  5287. }
  5288. return messages.filter(function (m) {
  5289. if (m) return m;
  5290. }).join(' <br> ');
  5291. }
  5292. }
  5293. },
  5294. watch: {
  5295. /**
  5296. * Set internal type when prop change.
  5297. */
  5298. type: function type(value) {
  5299. this.newType = value;
  5300. },
  5301. /**
  5302. * Set internal message when prop change.
  5303. */
  5304. message: function message(value) {
  5305. this.newMessage = value;
  5306. }
  5307. },
  5308. methods: {
  5309. /**
  5310. * Field has addons if there are more than one slot
  5311. * (element / component) in the Field.
  5312. * Or is grouped when prop is set.
  5313. * Is a method to be called when component re-render.
  5314. */
  5315. fieldType: function fieldType() {
  5316. if (this.grouped) return 'is-grouped';
  5317. var renderedNode = 0;
  5318. if (this.$slots.default) {
  5319. renderedNode = this.$slots.default.reduce(function (i, node) {
  5320. return node.tag ? i + 1 : i;
  5321. }, 0);
  5322. }
  5323. if (renderedNode > 1 && this.addons && !this.horizontal) {
  5324. return 'has-addons';
  5325. }
  5326. }
  5327. },
  5328. mounted: function mounted() {
  5329. if (this.horizontal) {
  5330. // Bulma docs: .is-normal for any .input or .button
  5331. var elements = this.$el.querySelectorAll('.input, .select, .button, .textarea');
  5332. if (elements.length > 0) {
  5333. this.fieldLabelSize = 'is-normal';
  5334. }
  5335. }
  5336. }
  5337. });
  5338. /***/ }),
  5339. /* 127 */
  5340. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  5341. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  5342. /* script */
  5343. __webpack_require__(128),
  5344. /* template */
  5345. null,
  5346. /* styles */
  5347. null,
  5348. /* scopeId */
  5349. null,
  5350. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  5351. null
  5352. )
  5353. module.exports = Component.exports
  5354. /***/ }),
  5355. /* 128 */
  5356. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5357. "use strict";
  5358. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  5359. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  5360. name: 'BFieldBody',
  5361. props: {
  5362. message: {
  5363. type: String
  5364. },
  5365. type: {
  5366. type: [String, Object]
  5367. }
  5368. },
  5369. render: function render(createElement) {
  5370. var _this = this;
  5371. return createElement('div', { attrs: { 'class': 'field-body' } }, this.$slots.default.map(function (element) {
  5372. // skip returns and comments
  5373. if (!element.tag) {
  5374. return element;
  5375. }
  5376. if (_this.message) {
  5377. return createElement('b-field', { attrs: { message: _this.message, 'type': _this.type } }, [element]);
  5378. }
  5379. return createElement('b-field', { attrs: { 'type': _this.type } }, [element]);
  5380. }));
  5381. }
  5382. });
  5383. /***/ }),
  5384. /* 129 */
  5385. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  5386. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  5387. return _c('div', {
  5388. staticClass: "field",
  5389. class: [_vm.rootClasses, _vm.fieldType()]
  5390. }, [(_vm.horizontal) ? _c('div', {
  5391. staticClass: "field-label",
  5392. class: [_vm.customClass, _vm.fieldLabelSize]
  5393. }, [(_vm.label) ? _c('label', {
  5394. staticClass: "label",
  5395. class: _vm.customClass,
  5396. attrs: {
  5397. "for": _vm.labelFor
  5398. }
  5399. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.label) + "\n ")]) : _vm._e()]) : [(_vm.label) ? _c('label', {
  5400. staticClass: "label",
  5401. class: _vm.customClass,
  5402. attrs: {
  5403. "for": _vm.labelFor
  5404. }
  5405. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.label) + "\n ")]) : _vm._e()], _vm._v(" "), (_vm.horizontal) ? _c('b-field-body', {
  5406. attrs: {
  5407. "message": _vm.newMessage ? _vm.formattedMessage : '',
  5408. "type": _vm.newType
  5409. }
  5410. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2) : [_vm._t("default")], _vm._v(" "), (_vm.newMessage && !_vm.horizontal) ? _c('p', {
  5411. staticClass: "help",
  5412. class: _vm.newType,
  5413. domProps: {
  5414. "innerHTML": _vm._s(_vm.formattedMessage)
  5415. }
  5416. }) : _vm._e()], 2)
  5417. },staticRenderFns: []}
  5418. /***/ }),
  5419. /* 130 */
  5420. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  5421. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  5422. /* script */
  5423. __webpack_require__(131),
  5424. /* template */
  5425. __webpack_require__(132),
  5426. /* styles */
  5427. null,
  5428. /* scopeId */
  5429. null,
  5430. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  5431. null
  5432. )
  5433. module.exports = Component.exports
  5434. /***/ }),
  5435. /* 131 */
  5436. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5437. "use strict";
  5438. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  5439. //
  5440. //
  5441. //
  5442. //
  5443. //
  5444. //
  5445. //
  5446. //
  5447. //
  5448. //
  5449. //
  5450. //
  5451. //
  5452. //
  5453. //
  5454. //
  5455. //
  5456. //
  5457. //
  5458. //
  5459. //
  5460. //
  5461. //
  5462. //
  5463. //
  5464. //
  5465. //
  5466. // These should match the variables in clockpicker.scss
  5467. var indicatorSize = 40;
  5468. var paddingInner = 5;
  5469. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  5470. name: 'BClockpickerFace',
  5471. props: {
  5472. pickerSize: Number,
  5473. min: Number,
  5474. max: Number,
  5475. double: Boolean,
  5476. value: Number,
  5477. faceNumbers: Array,
  5478. disabledValues: Function
  5479. },
  5480. data: function data() {
  5481. return {
  5482. isDragging: false,
  5483. inputValue: this.value,
  5484. prevAngle: 720
  5485. };
  5486. },
  5487. computed: {
  5488. /**
  5489. * How many number indicators are shown on the face
  5490. */
  5491. count: function count() {
  5492. return this.max - this.min + 1;
  5493. },
  5494. /**
  5495. * How many number indicators are shown per ring on the face
  5496. */
  5497. countPerRing: function countPerRing() {
  5498. return this.double ? this.count / 2 : this.count;
  5499. },
  5500. /**
  5501. * Radius of the clock face
  5502. */
  5503. radius: function radius() {
  5504. return this.pickerSize / 2;
  5505. },
  5506. /**
  5507. * Radius of the outer ring of number indicators
  5508. */
  5509. outerRadius: function outerRadius() {
  5510. return this.radius - paddingInner - indicatorSize / 2;
  5511. },
  5512. /**
  5513. * Radius of the inner ring of number indicators
  5514. */
  5515. innerRadius: function innerRadius() {
  5516. return Math.max(this.outerRadius * 0.6, this.outerRadius - paddingInner - indicatorSize);
  5517. // 48px gives enough room for the outer ring of numbers
  5518. },
  5519. /**
  5520. * The angle for each selectable value
  5521. * For hours this ends up being 30 degrees, for minutes 6 degrees
  5522. */
  5523. degreesPerUnit: function degreesPerUnit() {
  5524. return 360 / this.countPerRing;
  5525. },
  5526. /**
  5527. * Used for calculating x/y grid location based on degrees
  5528. */
  5529. degrees: function degrees() {
  5530. return this.degreesPerUnit * Math.PI / 180;
  5531. },
  5532. /**
  5533. * Calculates the angle the clock hand should be rotated for the
  5534. * selected value
  5535. */
  5536. handRotateAngle: function handRotateAngle() {
  5537. var currentAngle = this.prevAngle;
  5538. while (currentAngle < 0) {
  5539. currentAngle += 360;
  5540. }var targetAngle = this.calcHandAngle(this.displayedValue);
  5541. var degreesDiff = this.shortestDistanceDegrees(currentAngle, targetAngle);
  5542. var angle = this.prevAngle + degreesDiff;
  5543. return angle;
  5544. },
  5545. /**
  5546. * Determines how long the selector hand is based on if the
  5547. * selected value is located along the outer or inner ring
  5548. */
  5549. handScale: function handScale() {
  5550. return this.calcHandScale(this.displayedValue);
  5551. },
  5552. handStyle: function handStyle() {
  5553. return {
  5554. transform: 'rotate(' + this.handRotateAngle + 'deg) scaleY(' + this.handScale + ')',
  5555. transition: '.3s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.50,1)'
  5556. };
  5557. },
  5558. /**
  5559. * The value the hand should be pointing at
  5560. */
  5561. displayedValue: function displayedValue() {
  5562. return this.inputValue == null ? this.min : this.inputValue;
  5563. }
  5564. },
  5565. watch: {
  5566. value: function value(_value) {
  5567. if (_value !== this.inputValue) {
  5568. this.prevAngle = this.handRotateAngle;
  5569. }
  5570. this.inputValue = _value;
  5571. }
  5572. },
  5573. methods: {
  5574. isDisabled: function isDisabled(value) {
  5575. return this.disabledValues && this.disabledValues(value);
  5576. },
  5577. /**
  5578. * Calculates the distance between two points
  5579. */
  5580. euclidean: function euclidean(p0, p1) {
  5581. var dx = p1.x - p0.x;
  5582. var dy = p1.y - p0.y;
  5583. return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
  5584. },
  5585. shortestDistanceDegrees: function shortestDistanceDegrees(start, stop) {
  5586. var modDiff = (stop - start) % 360;
  5587. var shortestDistance = 180 - Math.abs(Math.abs(modDiff) - 180);
  5588. return (modDiff + 360) % 360 < 180 ? shortestDistance * 1 : shortestDistance * -1;
  5589. },
  5590. /**
  5591. * Calculates the angle of the line from the center point
  5592. * to the given point.
  5593. */
  5594. coordToAngle: function coordToAngle(center, p1) {
  5595. var value = 2 * Math.atan2(p1.y - center.y - this.euclidean(center, p1), p1.x - center.x);
  5596. return Math.abs(value * 180 / Math.PI);
  5597. },
  5598. /**
  5599. * Generates the inline style translate() property for a
  5600. * number indicator, which determines it's location on the
  5601. * clock face
  5602. */
  5603. getNumberTranslate: function getNumberTranslate(value) {
  5604. var _getNumberCoords = this.getNumberCoords(value),
  5605. x = _getNumberCoords.x,
  5606. y = _getNumberCoords.y;
  5607. return 'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px)';
  5608. },
  5609. /***
  5610. * Calculates the coordinates on the clock face for a number
  5611. * indicator value
  5612. */
  5613. getNumberCoords: function getNumberCoords(value) {
  5614. var radius = this.isInnerRing(value) ? this.innerRadius : this.outerRadius;
  5615. return {
  5616. x: Math.round(radius * Math.sin((value - this.min) * this.degrees)),
  5617. y: Math.round(-radius * Math.cos((value - this.min) * this.degrees))
  5618. };
  5619. },
  5620. getFaceNumberClasses: function getFaceNumberClasses(num) {
  5621. return {
  5622. 'active': num.value === this.displayedValue,
  5623. 'disabled': this.isDisabled(num.value)
  5624. };
  5625. },
  5626. /**
  5627. * Determines if a value resides on the inner ring
  5628. */
  5629. isInnerRing: function isInnerRing(value) {
  5630. return this.double && value - this.min >= this.countPerRing;
  5631. },
  5632. calcHandAngle: function calcHandAngle(value) {
  5633. var angle = this.degreesPerUnit * (value - this.min);
  5634. if (this.isInnerRing(value)) angle -= 360;
  5635. return angle;
  5636. },
  5637. calcHandScale: function calcHandScale(value) {
  5638. return this.isInnerRing(value) ? this.innerRadius / this.outerRadius : 1;
  5639. },
  5640. onMouseDown: function onMouseDown(e) {
  5641. e.preventDefault();
  5642. this.isDragging = true;
  5643. this.onDragMove(e);
  5644. },
  5645. onMouseUp: function onMouseUp() {
  5646. this.isDragging = false;
  5647. if (!this.isDisabled(this.inputValue)) {
  5648. this.$emit('change', this.inputValue);
  5649. }
  5650. },
  5651. onDragMove: function onDragMove(e) {
  5652. e.preventDefault();
  5653. if (!this.isDragging && e.type !== 'click') return;
  5654. var _$refs$clock$getBound = this.$refs.clock.getBoundingClientRect(),
  5655. width = _$refs$clock$getBound.width,
  5656. top = _$refs$clock$getBound.top,
  5657. left = _$refs$clock$getBound.left;
  5658. var _ref = 'touches' in e ? e.touches[0] : e,
  5659. clientX = _ref.clientX,
  5660. clientY = _ref.clientY;
  5661. var center = { x: width / 2, y: -width / 2 };
  5662. var coords = { x: clientX - left, y: top - clientY };
  5663. var handAngle = Math.round(this.coordToAngle(center, coords) + 360) % 360;
  5664. var insideClick = this.double && this.euclidean(center, coords) < (this.outerRadius + this.innerRadius) / 2 - 16;
  5665. var value = Math.round(handAngle / this.degreesPerUnit) + this.min + (insideClick ? this.countPerRing : 0);
  5666. // Necessary to fix edge case when selecting left part of max value
  5667. if (handAngle >= 360 - this.degreesPerUnit / 2) {
  5668. value = insideClick ? this.max : this.min;
  5669. }
  5670. this.update(value);
  5671. },
  5672. update: function update(value) {
  5673. if (this.inputValue !== value && !this.isDisabled(value)) {
  5674. this.prevAngle = this.handRotateAngle;
  5675. this.inputValue = value;
  5676. this.$emit('input', value);
  5677. }
  5678. }
  5679. }
  5680. });
  5681. /***/ }),
  5682. /* 132 */
  5683. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  5684. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  5685. return _c('div', {
  5686. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-face",
  5687. on: {
  5688. "mousedown": _vm.onMouseDown,
  5689. "mouseup": _vm.onMouseUp,
  5690. "mousemove": _vm.onDragMove,
  5691. "touchstart": _vm.onMouseDown,
  5692. "touchend": _vm.onMouseUp,
  5693. "touchmove": _vm.onDragMove
  5694. }
  5695. }, [_c('div', {
  5696. ref: "clock",
  5697. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-face-outer-ring"
  5698. }, [_c('div', {
  5699. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-face-hand",
  5700. style: (_vm.handStyle)
  5701. }), _vm._v(" "), _vm._l((_vm.faceNumbers), function(num, index) {
  5702. return _c('span', {
  5703. key: index,
  5704. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-face-number",
  5705. class: _vm.getFaceNumberClasses(num),
  5706. style: ({
  5707. transform: _vm.getNumberTranslate(num.value)
  5708. })
  5709. }, [_c('span', [_vm._v(_vm._s(num.label))])])
  5710. })], 2)])
  5711. },staticRenderFns: []}
  5712. /***/ }),
  5713. /* 133 */
  5714. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  5715. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  5716. return _c('div', {
  5717. staticClass: "b-clockpicker control",
  5718. class: [_vm.size, _vm.type, {
  5719. 'is-expanded': _vm.expanded
  5720. }]
  5721. }, [(!_vm.isMobile || _vm.inline) ? _c('b-dropdown', {
  5722. ref: "dropdown",
  5723. attrs: {
  5724. "position": _vm.position,
  5725. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  5726. "inline": _vm.inline
  5727. }
  5728. }, [(!_vm.inline) ? _c('b-input', _vm._b({
  5729. ref: "input",
  5730. attrs: {
  5731. "slot": "trigger",
  5732. "autocomplete": "off",
  5733. "value": _vm.formatValue(_vm.dateSelected),
  5734. "placeholder": _vm.placeholder,
  5735. "size": _vm.size,
  5736. "icon": _vm.icon,
  5737. "icon-pack": _vm.iconPack,
  5738. "loading": _vm.loading,
  5739. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  5740. "readonly": !_vm.editable,
  5741. "rounded": _vm.rounded
  5742. },
  5743. on: {
  5744. "focus": function($event) {
  5745. _vm.$emit('focus', $event)
  5746. },
  5747. "blur": function($event) {
  5748. _vm.$emit('blur', $event) && _vm.checkHtml5Validity()
  5749. }
  5750. },
  5751. nativeOn: {
  5752. "change": function($event) {
  5753. _vm.onChange($event.target.value)
  5754. }
  5755. },
  5756. slot: "trigger"
  5757. }, 'b-input', _vm.$attrs, false)) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  5758. staticClass: "card",
  5759. attrs: {
  5760. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  5761. "custom": ""
  5762. }
  5763. }, [(_vm.inline) ? _c('header', {
  5764. staticClass: "card-header"
  5765. }, [_c('div', {
  5766. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-header card-header-title"
  5767. }, [_c('div', {
  5768. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-time"
  5769. }, [_c('span', {
  5770. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-btn",
  5771. class: {
  5772. active: _vm.isSelectingHour
  5773. },
  5774. on: {
  5775. "click": function($event) {
  5776. _vm.isSelectingHour = true
  5777. }
  5778. }
  5779. }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.hoursDisplay))]), _vm._v(" "), _c('span', [_vm._v(":")]), _vm._v(" "), _c('span', {
  5780. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-btn",
  5781. class: {
  5782. active: !_vm.isSelectingHour
  5783. },
  5784. on: {
  5785. "click": function($event) {
  5786. _vm.isSelectingHour = false
  5787. }
  5788. }
  5789. }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.minutesDisplay))])]), _vm._v(" "), (!_vm.isHourFormat24) ? _c('div', {
  5790. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-period"
  5791. }, [_c('div', {
  5792. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-btn",
  5793. class: {
  5794. active: _vm.meridienSelected == _vm.AM
  5795. },
  5796. on: {
  5797. "click": function($event) {
  5798. _vm.onMeridienClick(_vm.AM)
  5799. }
  5800. }
  5801. }, [_vm._v("am")]), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  5802. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-btn",
  5803. class: {
  5804. active: _vm.meridienSelected == _vm.PM
  5805. },
  5806. on: {
  5807. "click": function($event) {
  5808. _vm.onMeridienClick(_vm.PM)
  5809. }
  5810. }
  5811. }, [_vm._v("pm")])]) : _vm._e()])]) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  5812. staticClass: "card-content"
  5813. }, [_c('div', {
  5814. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-body",
  5815. style: ({
  5816. width: _vm.faceSize + 'px',
  5817. height: _vm.faceSize + 'px'
  5818. })
  5819. }, [(!_vm.inline) ? _c('div', {
  5820. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-time"
  5821. }, [_c('div', {
  5822. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-btn",
  5823. class: {
  5824. active: _vm.isSelectingHour
  5825. },
  5826. on: {
  5827. "click": function($event) {
  5828. _vm.isSelectingHour = true
  5829. }
  5830. }
  5831. }, [_vm._v("Hours")]), _vm._v(" "), _c('span', {
  5832. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-btn",
  5833. class: {
  5834. active: !_vm.isSelectingHour
  5835. },
  5836. on: {
  5837. "click": function($event) {
  5838. _vm.isSelectingHour = false
  5839. }
  5840. }
  5841. }, [_vm._v("Min")])]) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), (!_vm.isHourFormat24 && !_vm.inline) ? _c('div', {
  5842. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-period"
  5843. }, [_c('div', {
  5844. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-btn",
  5845. class: {
  5846. active: _vm.meridienSelected == _vm.AM
  5847. },
  5848. on: {
  5849. "click": function($event) {
  5850. _vm.onMeridienClick(_vm.AM)
  5851. }
  5852. }
  5853. }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.AM))]), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  5854. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-btn",
  5855. class: {
  5856. active: _vm.meridienSelected == _vm.PM
  5857. },
  5858. on: {
  5859. "click": function($event) {
  5860. _vm.onMeridienClick(_vm.PM)
  5861. }
  5862. }
  5863. }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.PM))])]) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('b-clockpicker-face', {
  5864. attrs: {
  5865. "picker-size": _vm.faceSize,
  5866. "min": _vm.minFaceValue,
  5867. "max": _vm.maxFaceValue,
  5868. "face-numbers": _vm.isSelectingHour ? _vm.hours : _vm.minutes,
  5869. "disabled-values": _vm.faceDisabledValues(),
  5870. "double": _vm.isSelectingHour && _vm.isHourFormat24,
  5871. "value": _vm.isSelectingHour ? _vm.hoursSelected : _vm.minutesSelected
  5872. },
  5873. on: {
  5874. "input": _vm.onClockInput,
  5875. "change": _vm.onClockChange
  5876. }
  5877. })], 1)]), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.$slots.default !== undefined && _vm.$slots.default.length) ? _c('footer', {
  5878. staticClass: "b-clockpicker-footer card-footer"
  5879. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2) : _vm._e()])], 1) : _c('b-input', _vm._b({
  5880. ref: "input",
  5881. attrs: {
  5882. "type": "time",
  5883. "autocomplete": "off",
  5884. "value": _vm.formatHHMMSS(_vm.value),
  5885. "placeholder": _vm.placeholder,
  5886. "size": _vm.size,
  5887. "icon": _vm.icon,
  5888. "icon-pack": _vm.iconPack,
  5889. "loading": _vm.loading,
  5890. "max": _vm.formatHHMMSS(_vm.maxTime),
  5891. "min": _vm.formatHHMMSS(_vm.minTime),
  5892. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  5893. "readonly": false
  5894. },
  5895. on: {
  5896. "focus": function($event) {
  5897. _vm.$emit('focus', $event)
  5898. },
  5899. "blur": function($event) {
  5900. _vm.$emit('blur', $event) && _vm.checkHtml5Validity()
  5901. }
  5902. },
  5903. nativeOn: {
  5904. "change": function($event) {
  5905. _vm.onChangeNativePicker($event)
  5906. }
  5907. }
  5908. }, 'b-input', _vm.$attrs, false))], 1)
  5909. },staticRenderFns: []}
  5910. /***/ }),
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  5915. __webpack_require__(135),
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  5917. __webpack_require__(144),
  5918. /* styles */
  5919. null,
  5920. /* scopeId */
  5921. null,
  5922. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  5923. null
  5924. )
  5925. module.exports = Component.exports
  5926. /***/ }),
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  5929. "use strict";
  5930. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  5931. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
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  5933. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_FormElementMixin__ = __webpack_require__(10);
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  5937. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__dropdown_Dropdown___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__dropdown_Dropdown__);
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  5943. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__field_Field___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__field_Field__);
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  5945. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__select_Select___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__select_Select__);
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  5948. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__DatepickerTable__ = __webpack_require__(138);
  5949. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__DatepickerTable___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__DatepickerTable__);
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  6099. //
  6100. //
  6101. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  6102. name: 'BDatepicker',
  6103. components: (_components = {}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__DatepickerTable___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__DatepickerTable___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__input_Input___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__input_Input___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__field_Field___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__field_Field___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__select_Select___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__select_Select___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__icon_Icon___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__icon_Icon___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__dropdown_Dropdown___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__dropdown_Dropdown___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__dropdown_DropdownItem___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__dropdown_DropdownItem___default.a), _components),
  6104. mixins: [__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_FormElementMixin__["a" /* default */]],
  6105. inheritAttrs: false,
  6106. props: {
  6107. value: Date,
  6108. dayNames: {
  6109. type: Array,
  6110. default: function _default() {
  6111. if (Array.isArray(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultDayNames)) {
  6112. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultDayNames;
  6113. } else {
  6114. return ['Su', 'M', 'Tu', 'W', 'Th', 'F', 'S'];
  6115. }
  6116. }
  6117. },
  6118. monthNames: {
  6119. type: Array,
  6120. default: function _default() {
  6121. if (Array.isArray(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultMonthNames)) {
  6122. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultMonthNames;
  6123. } else {
  6124. return ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];
  6125. }
  6126. }
  6127. },
  6128. firstDayOfWeek: {
  6129. type: Number,
  6130. default: function _default() {
  6131. if (typeof __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultFirstDayOfWeek === 'number') {
  6132. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultFirstDayOfWeek;
  6133. } else {
  6134. return 0;
  6135. }
  6136. }
  6137. },
  6138. inline: Boolean,
  6139. minDate: Date,
  6140. maxDate: Date,
  6141. focusedDate: Date,
  6142. placeholder: String,
  6143. editable: Boolean,
  6144. disabled: Boolean,
  6145. unselectableDates: Array,
  6146. unselectableDaysOfWeek: {
  6147. type: Array,
  6148. default: function _default() {
  6149. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultUnselectableDaysOfWeek;
  6150. }
  6151. },
  6152. selectableDates: Array,
  6153. dateFormatter: {
  6154. type: Function,
  6155. default: function _default(date) {
  6156. if (typeof __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultDateFormatter === 'function') {
  6157. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultDateFormatter(date);
  6158. } else {
  6159. var yyyyMMdd = date.getFullYear() + '/' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + date.getDate();
  6160. var d = new Date(yyyyMMdd);
  6161. return d.toLocaleDateString();
  6162. }
  6163. }
  6164. },
  6165. dateParser: {
  6166. type: Function,
  6167. default: function _default(date) {
  6168. if (typeof __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultDateParser === 'function') {
  6169. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultDateParser(date);
  6170. } else {
  6171. return new Date(Date.parse(date));
  6172. }
  6173. }
  6174. },
  6175. dateCreator: {
  6176. type: Function,
  6177. default: function _default() {
  6178. if (typeof __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultDateCreator === 'function') {
  6179. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultDateCreator();
  6180. } else {
  6181. return new Date();
  6182. }
  6183. }
  6184. },
  6185. mobileNative: {
  6186. type: Boolean,
  6187. default: function _default() {
  6188. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultDatepickerMobileNative;
  6189. }
  6190. },
  6191. position: String,
  6192. events: Array,
  6193. indicators: {
  6194. type: String,
  6195. default: 'dots'
  6196. },
  6197. openOnFocus: Boolean
  6198. },
  6199. data: function data() {
  6200. var focusedDate = this.value || this.focusedDate || this.dateCreator();
  6201. return {
  6202. dateSelected: this.value,
  6203. focusedDateData: {
  6204. month: focusedDate.getMonth(),
  6205. year: focusedDate.getFullYear()
  6206. },
  6207. _elementRef: 'input',
  6208. _isDatepicker: true
  6209. };
  6210. },
  6211. computed: {
  6212. /*
  6213. * Returns an array of years for the year dropdown. If earliest/latest
  6214. * dates are set by props, range of years will fall within those dates.
  6215. */
  6216. listOfYears: function listOfYears() {
  6217. var latestYear = this.focusedDateData.year + 3;
  6218. if (this.maxDate && this.maxDate.getFullYear() < latestYear) {
  6219. latestYear = this.maxDate.getFullYear();
  6220. }
  6221. var earliestYear = latestYear - 100 + 3;
  6222. if (this.minDate && this.minDate.getFullYear() > earliestYear) {
  6223. earliestYear = this.minDate.getFullYear();
  6224. }
  6225. var arrayOfYears = [];
  6226. for (var i = earliestYear; i <= latestYear; i++) {
  6227. arrayOfYears.push(i);
  6228. }
  6229. return arrayOfYears.reverse();
  6230. },
  6231. isFirstMonth: function isFirstMonth() {
  6232. if (!this.minDate) return false;
  6233. var dateToCheck = new Date(this.focusedDateData.year, this.focusedDateData.month);
  6234. var date = new Date(this.minDate.getFullYear(), this.minDate.getMonth());
  6235. return dateToCheck <= date;
  6236. },
  6237. isLastMonth: function isLastMonth() {
  6238. if (!this.maxDate) return false;
  6239. var dateToCheck = new Date(this.focusedDateData.year, this.focusedDateData.month);
  6240. var date = new Date(this.maxDate.getFullYear(), this.maxDate.getMonth());
  6241. return dateToCheck >= date;
  6242. },
  6243. isMobile: function isMobile() {
  6244. return this.mobileNative && __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_helpers__["c" /* isMobile */].any();
  6245. }
  6246. },
  6247. watch: {
  6248. /*
  6249. * Emit input event with selected date as payload, set isActive to false.
  6250. * Update internal focusedDateData
  6251. */
  6252. dateSelected: function dateSelected(value) {
  6253. var currentDate = !value ? this.dateCreator() : value;
  6254. this.focusedDateData = {
  6255. month: currentDate.getMonth(),
  6256. year: currentDate.getFullYear()
  6257. };
  6258. this.$emit('input', value);
  6259. this.toggle();
  6260. },
  6261. /**
  6262. * When v-model is changed:
  6263. * 1. Update internal value.
  6264. * 2. If it's invalid, validate again.
  6265. */
  6266. value: function value(_value) {
  6267. this.dateSelected = _value;
  6268. !this.isValid && this.$refs.input.checkHtml5Validity();
  6269. },
  6270. focusedDate: function focusedDate(value) {
  6271. if (value) {
  6272. this.focusedDateData = {
  6273. month: value.getMonth(),
  6274. year: value.getFullYear()
  6275. };
  6276. }
  6277. },
  6278. /*
  6279. * Emit input event on month and/or year change
  6280. */
  6281. 'focusedDateData.month': function focusedDateDataMonth(value) {
  6282. this.$emit('change-month', value);
  6283. },
  6284. 'focusedDateData.year': function focusedDateDataYear(value) {
  6285. this.$emit('change-year', value);
  6286. }
  6287. },
  6288. methods: {
  6289. /*
  6290. * Emit input event with selected date as payload for v-model in parent
  6291. */
  6292. updateSelectedDate: function updateSelectedDate(date) {
  6293. this.dateSelected = date;
  6294. },
  6295. /*
  6296. * Parse string into date
  6297. */
  6298. onChange: function onChange(value) {
  6299. var date = this.dateParser(value);
  6300. if (date && !isNaN(date)) {
  6301. this.dateSelected = date;
  6302. } else {
  6303. // Force refresh input value when not valid date
  6304. this.dateSelected = null;
  6305. this.$refs.input.newValue = this.dateSelected;
  6306. }
  6307. },
  6308. /*
  6309. * Format date into string
  6310. */
  6311. formatValue: function formatValue(value) {
  6312. if (value && !isNaN(value)) {
  6313. return this.dateFormatter(value);
  6314. } else {
  6315. return null;
  6316. }
  6317. },
  6318. /*
  6319. * Either decrement month by 1 if not January or decrement year by 1
  6320. * and set month to 11 (December)
  6321. */
  6322. decrementMonth: function decrementMonth() {
  6323. if (this.disabled) return;
  6324. if (this.focusedDateData.month > 0) {
  6325. this.focusedDateData.month -= 1;
  6326. } else {
  6327. this.focusedDateData.month = 11;
  6328. this.focusedDateData.year -= 1;
  6329. }
  6330. },
  6331. /*
  6332. * Either increment month by 1 if not December or increment year by 1
  6333. * and set month to 0 (January)
  6334. */
  6335. incrementMonth: function incrementMonth() {
  6336. if (this.disabled) return;
  6337. if (this.focusedDateData.month < 11) {
  6338. this.focusedDateData.month += 1;
  6339. } else {
  6340. this.focusedDateData.month = 0;
  6341. this.focusedDateData.year += 1;
  6342. }
  6343. },
  6344. /*
  6345. * Format date into string 'YYYY-MM-DD'
  6346. */
  6347. formatYYYYMMDD: function formatYYYYMMDD(value) {
  6348. var date = new Date(value);
  6349. if (value && !isNaN(date)) {
  6350. var year = date.getFullYear();
  6351. var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
  6352. var day = date.getDate();
  6353. return year + '-' + ((month < 10 ? '0' : '') + month) + '-' + ((day < 10 ? '0' : '') + day);
  6354. }
  6355. return '';
  6356. },
  6357. /*
  6358. * Parse date from string
  6359. */
  6360. onChangeNativePicker: function onChangeNativePicker(event) {
  6361. var date = event.target.value;
  6362. this.dateSelected = date ? new Date(date.replace(/-/g, '/')) : null;
  6363. },
  6364. /*
  6365. * Toggle datepicker
  6366. */
  6367. toggle: function toggle(active) {
  6368. if (this.$refs.dropdown) {
  6369. this.$refs.dropdown.isActive = typeof active === 'boolean' ? active : !this.$refs.dropdown.isActive;
  6370. }
  6371. },
  6372. /*
  6373. * Call default onFocus method and show datepicker
  6374. */
  6375. handleOnFocus: function handleOnFocus() {
  6376. this.onFocus();
  6377. if (this.openOnFocus) {
  6378. this.toggle(true);
  6379. }
  6380. },
  6381. /**
  6382. * Keypress event that is bound to the document.
  6383. */
  6384. keyPress: function keyPress(event) {
  6385. // Esc key
  6386. if (this.$refs.dropdown.isActive && event.keyCode === 27) {
  6387. this.toggle(false);
  6388. }
  6389. }
  6390. },
  6391. created: function created() {
  6392. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  6393. document.addEventListener('keyup', this.keyPress);
  6394. }
  6395. },
  6396. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  6397. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  6398. document.removeEventListener('keyup', this.keyPress);
  6399. }
  6400. }
  6401. });
  6402. /***/ }),
  6403. /* 136 */
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  6408. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol__);
  6409. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
  6410. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__);
  6411. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__icon_Icon__ = __webpack_require__(3);
  6412. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__icon_Icon___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__icon_Icon__);
  6413. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_FormElementMixin__ = __webpack_require__(10);
  6414. //
  6415. //
  6416. //
  6417. //
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  6445. //
  6446. //
  6447. //
  6448. //
  6449. //
  6450. //
  6451. //
  6452. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  6453. name: 'BSelect',
  6454. components: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()({}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__icon_Icon___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__icon_Icon___default.a),
  6455. mixins: [__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_FormElementMixin__["a" /* default */]],
  6456. inheritAttrs: false,
  6457. props: {
  6458. value: {
  6459. type: [String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default.a, Function],
  6460. default: null
  6461. },
  6462. placeholder: String,
  6463. multiple: Boolean,
  6464. nativeSize: [String, Number]
  6465. },
  6466. data: function data() {
  6467. return {
  6468. selected: this.value,
  6469. _elementRef: 'select'
  6470. };
  6471. },
  6472. computed: {
  6473. computedValue: {
  6474. get: function get() {
  6475. return this.selected;
  6476. },
  6477. set: function set(value) {
  6478. this.selected = value;
  6479. this.$emit('input', value);
  6480. !this.isValid && this.checkHtml5Validity();
  6481. }
  6482. },
  6483. spanClasses: function spanClasses() {
  6484. return [this.size, this.statusType, {
  6485. 'is-fullwidth': this.expanded,
  6486. 'is-loading': this.loading,
  6487. 'is-multiple': this.multiple,
  6488. 'is-rounded': this.rounded,
  6489. 'is-empty': this.selected === null
  6490. }];
  6491. }
  6492. },
  6493. watch: {
  6494. /**
  6495. * When v-model is changed:
  6496. * 1. Set the selected option.
  6497. * 2. If it's invalid, validate again.
  6498. */
  6499. value: function value(_value) {
  6500. this.selected = _value;
  6501. !this.isValid && this.checkHtml5Validity();
  6502. }
  6503. }
  6504. });
  6505. /***/ }),
  6506. /* 137 */
  6507. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  6508. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  6509. return _c('div', {
  6510. staticClass: "control",
  6511. class: {
  6512. 'is-expanded': _vm.expanded, 'has-icons-left': _vm.icon
  6513. }
  6514. }, [_c('span', {
  6515. staticClass: "select",
  6516. class: _vm.spanClasses
  6517. }, [_c('select', _vm._b({
  6518. directives: [{
  6519. name: "model",
  6520. rawName: "v-model",
  6521. value: (_vm.computedValue),
  6522. expression: "computedValue"
  6523. }],
  6524. ref: "select",
  6525. attrs: {
  6526. "multiple": _vm.multiple,
  6527. "size": _vm.nativeSize
  6528. },
  6529. on: {
  6530. "blur": function($event) {
  6531. _vm.$emit('blur', $event) && _vm.checkHtml5Validity()
  6532. },
  6533. "focus": function($event) {
  6534. _vm.$emit('focus', $event)
  6535. },
  6536. "change": function($event) {
  6537. var $$selectedVal = Array.prototype.filter.call($event.target.options, function(o) {
  6538. return o.selected
  6539. }).map(function(o) {
  6540. var val = "_value" in o ? o._value : o.value;
  6541. return val
  6542. });
  6543. _vm.computedValue = $event.target.multiple ? $$selectedVal : $$selectedVal[0]
  6544. }
  6545. }
  6546. }, 'select', _vm.$attrs, false), [(_vm.placeholder) ? [(_vm.computedValue == null) ? _c('option', {
  6547. attrs: {
  6548. "disabled": "",
  6549. "hidden": ""
  6550. },
  6551. domProps: {
  6552. "value": null
  6553. }
  6554. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.placeholder) + "\n ")]) : _vm._e()] : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _vm._t("default")], 2)]), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.icon) ? _c('b-icon', {
  6555. staticClass: "is-left",
  6556. attrs: {
  6557. "icon": _vm.icon,
  6558. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  6559. "size": _vm.iconSize
  6560. }
  6561. }) : _vm._e()], 1)
  6562. },staticRenderFns: []}
  6563. /***/ }),
  6564. /* 138 */
  6565. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  6566. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  6567. /* script */
  6568. __webpack_require__(139),
  6569. /* template */
  6570. __webpack_require__(143),
  6571. /* styles */
  6572. null,
  6573. /* scopeId */
  6574. null,
  6575. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  6576. null
  6577. )
  6578. module.exports = Component.exports
  6579. /***/ }),
  6580. /* 139 */
  6581. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6582. "use strict";
  6583. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  6584. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
  6585. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__);
  6586. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__DatepickerTableRow__ = __webpack_require__(140);
  6587. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__DatepickerTableRow___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__DatepickerTableRow__);
  6588. //
  6589. //
  6590. //
  6591. //
  6592. //
  6593. //
  6594. //
  6595. //
  6596. //
  6597. //
  6598. //
  6599. //
  6600. //
  6601. //
  6602. //
  6603. //
  6604. //
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  6606. //
  6607. //
  6608. //
  6609. //
  6610. //
  6611. //
  6612. //
  6613. //
  6614. //
  6615. //
  6616. //
  6617. //
  6618. //
  6619. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  6620. name: 'BDatepickerTable',
  6621. components: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()({}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__DatepickerTableRow___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__DatepickerTableRow___default.a),
  6622. props: {
  6623. value: Date,
  6624. dayNames: Array,
  6625. monthNames: Array,
  6626. firstDayOfWeek: Number,
  6627. events: Array,
  6628. indicators: String,
  6629. minDate: Date,
  6630. maxDate: Date,
  6631. focused: Object,
  6632. disabled: Boolean,
  6633. dateCreator: Function,
  6634. unselectableDates: Array,
  6635. unselectableDaysOfWeek: Array,
  6636. selectableDates: Array
  6637. },
  6638. computed: {
  6639. visibleDayNames: function visibleDayNames() {
  6640. var visibleDayNames = [];
  6641. var index = this.firstDayOfWeek;
  6642. while (visibleDayNames.length < this.dayNames.length) {
  6643. var currentDayName = this.dayNames[index % this.dayNames.length];
  6644. visibleDayNames.push(currentDayName);
  6645. index++;
  6646. }
  6647. return visibleDayNames;
  6648. },
  6649. hasEvents: function hasEvents() {
  6650. return this.events && this.events.length;
  6651. },
  6652. /*
  6653. * Return array of all events in the specified month
  6654. */
  6655. eventsInThisMonth: function eventsInThisMonth() {
  6656. if (!this.events) return [];
  6657. var monthEvents = [];
  6658. for (var i = 0; i < this.events.length; i++) {
  6659. var event = this.events[i];
  6660. if (!event.hasOwnProperty('date')) {
  6661. event = { date: event };
  6662. }
  6663. if (!event.hasOwnProperty('type')) {
  6664. event.type = 'is-primary';
  6665. }
  6666. if (event.date.getMonth() === this.focused.month && event.date.getFullYear() === this.focused.year) {
  6667. monthEvents.push(event);
  6668. }
  6669. }
  6670. return monthEvents;
  6671. },
  6672. /*
  6673. * Return array of all weeks in the specified month
  6674. */
  6675. weeksInThisMonth: function weeksInThisMonth() {
  6676. var month = this.focused.month;
  6677. var year = this.focused.year;
  6678. var weeksInThisMonth = [];
  6679. var daysInThisMonth = new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate();
  6680. var startingDay = 1;
  6681. while (startingDay <= daysInThisMonth + 6) {
  6682. var newWeek = this.weekBuilder(startingDay, month, year);
  6683. var weekValid = false;
  6684. newWeek.forEach(function (day) {
  6685. if (day.getMonth() === month) {
  6686. weekValid = true;
  6687. }
  6688. });
  6689. if (weekValid) {
  6690. weeksInThisMonth.push(newWeek);
  6691. }
  6692. startingDay += 7;
  6693. }
  6694. return weeksInThisMonth;
  6695. }
  6696. },
  6697. methods: {
  6698. /*
  6699. * Emit input event with selected date as payload for v-model in parent
  6700. */
  6701. updateSelectedDate: function updateSelectedDate(date) {
  6702. this.$emit('input', date);
  6703. },
  6704. /*
  6705. * Return array of all days in the week that the startingDate is within
  6706. */
  6707. weekBuilder: function weekBuilder(startingDate, month, year) {
  6708. var thisMonth = new Date(year, month);
  6709. var thisWeek = [];
  6710. var dayOfWeek = new Date(year, month, startingDate).getDay();
  6711. var end = dayOfWeek >= this.firstDayOfWeek ? dayOfWeek - this.firstDayOfWeek : 7 - this.firstDayOfWeek + dayOfWeek;
  6712. var daysAgo = 1;
  6713. for (var i = 0; i < end; i++) {
  6714. thisWeek.unshift(new Date(thisMonth.getFullYear(), thisMonth.getMonth(), startingDate - daysAgo));
  6715. daysAgo++;
  6716. }
  6717. thisWeek.push(new Date(year, month, startingDate));
  6718. var daysForward = 1;
  6719. while (thisWeek.length < 7) {
  6720. thisWeek.push(new Date(year, month, startingDate + daysForward));
  6721. daysForward++;
  6722. }
  6723. return thisWeek;
  6724. },
  6725. eventsInThisWeek: function eventsInThisWeek(week) {
  6726. return this.eventsInThisMonth.filter(function (event) {
  6727. var stripped = new Date(Date.parse(event.date));
  6728. stripped.setHours(0);
  6729. stripped.setMinutes(0);
  6730. stripped.setSeconds(0);
  6731. stripped.setMilliseconds(0);
  6732. var timed = stripped.getTime();
  6733. return week.some(function (weekDate) {
  6734. return weekDate.getTime() === timed;
  6735. });
  6736. });
  6737. }
  6738. }
  6739. });
  6740. /***/ }),
  6741. /* 140 */
  6742. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  6743. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  6744. /* script */
  6745. __webpack_require__(141),
  6746. /* template */
  6747. __webpack_require__(142),
  6748. /* styles */
  6749. null,
  6750. /* scopeId */
  6751. null,
  6752. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  6753. null
  6754. )
  6755. module.exports = Component.exports
  6756. /***/ }),
  6757. /* 141 */
  6758. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6759. "use strict";
  6760. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  6761. //
  6762. //
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  6786. //
  6787. //
  6788. //
  6789. //
  6790. //
  6791. //
  6792. //
  6793. //
  6794. //
  6795. //
  6796. //
  6797. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  6798. name: 'BDatepickerTableRow',
  6799. props: {
  6800. selectedDate: Date,
  6801. week: {
  6802. type: Array,
  6803. required: true
  6804. },
  6805. month: {
  6806. type: Number,
  6807. required: true
  6808. },
  6809. minDate: Date,
  6810. maxDate: Date,
  6811. disabled: Boolean,
  6812. unselectableDates: Array,
  6813. unselectableDaysOfWeek: Array,
  6814. selectableDates: Array,
  6815. events: Array,
  6816. indicators: String,
  6817. dateCreator: Function
  6818. },
  6819. methods: {
  6820. /*
  6821. * Check that selected day is within earliest/latest params and
  6822. * is within this month
  6823. */
  6824. selectableDate: function selectableDate(day) {
  6825. var validity = [];
  6826. if (this.minDate) {
  6827. validity.push(day >= this.minDate);
  6828. }
  6829. if (this.maxDate) {
  6830. validity.push(day <= this.maxDate);
  6831. }
  6832. validity.push(day.getMonth() === this.month);
  6833. if (this.selectableDates) {
  6834. for (var i = 0; i < this.selectableDates.length; i++) {
  6835. var enabledDate = this.selectableDates[i];
  6836. if (day.getDate() === enabledDate.getDate() && day.getFullYear() === enabledDate.getFullYear() && day.getMonth() === enabledDate.getMonth()) {
  6837. return true;
  6838. } else {
  6839. validity.push(false);
  6840. }
  6841. }
  6842. }
  6843. if (this.unselectableDates) {
  6844. for (var _i = 0; _i < this.unselectableDates.length; _i++) {
  6845. var disabledDate = this.unselectableDates[_i];
  6846. validity.push(day.getDate() !== disabledDate.getDate() || day.getFullYear() !== disabledDate.getFullYear() || day.getMonth() !== disabledDate.getMonth());
  6847. }
  6848. }
  6849. if (this.unselectableDaysOfWeek) {
  6850. for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < this.unselectableDaysOfWeek.length; _i2++) {
  6851. var dayOfWeek = this.unselectableDaysOfWeek[_i2];
  6852. validity.push(day.getDay() !== dayOfWeek);
  6853. }
  6854. }
  6855. return validity.indexOf(false) < 0;
  6856. },
  6857. /*
  6858. * Emit select event with chosen date as payload
  6859. */
  6860. emitChosenDate: function emitChosenDate(day) {
  6861. if (this.disabled) return;
  6862. if (this.selectableDate(day)) {
  6863. this.$emit('select', day);
  6864. }
  6865. },
  6866. eventsDateMatch: function eventsDateMatch(day) {
  6867. if (!this.events.length) return false;
  6868. var dayEvents = [];
  6869. for (var i = 0; i < this.events.length; i++) {
  6870. if (this.events[i].date.getDay() === day.getDay()) {
  6871. dayEvents.push(this.events[i]);
  6872. }
  6873. }
  6874. if (!dayEvents.length) {
  6875. return false;
  6876. }
  6877. return dayEvents;
  6878. },
  6879. /*
  6880. * Build classObject for cell using validations
  6881. */
  6882. classObject: function classObject(day) {
  6883. function dateMatch(dateOne, dateTwo) {
  6884. // if either date is null or undefined, return false
  6885. if (!dateOne || !dateTwo) {
  6886. return false;
  6887. }
  6888. return dateOne.getDate() === dateTwo.getDate() && dateOne.getFullYear() === dateTwo.getFullYear() && dateOne.getMonth() === dateTwo.getMonth();
  6889. }
  6890. return {
  6891. 'is-selected': dateMatch(day, this.selectedDate),
  6892. 'is-today': dateMatch(day, this.dateCreator()),
  6893. 'is-selectable': this.selectableDate(day) && !this.disabled,
  6894. 'is-unselectable': !this.selectableDate(day) || this.disabled
  6895. };
  6896. }
  6897. }
  6898. });
  6899. /***/ }),
  6900. /* 142 */
  6901. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  6902. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  6903. return _c('div', {
  6904. staticClass: "datepicker-row"
  6905. }, [_vm._l((_vm.week), function(day, index) {
  6906. return [(_vm.selectableDate(day) && !_vm.disabled) ? _c('a', {
  6907. key: index,
  6908. staticClass: "datepicker-cell",
  6909. class: [_vm.classObject(day), {
  6910. 'has-event': _vm.eventsDateMatch(day)
  6911. }, _vm.indicators],
  6912. attrs: {
  6913. "role": "button",
  6914. "href": "#",
  6915. "disabled": _vm.disabled
  6916. },
  6917. on: {
  6918. "click": function($event) {
  6919. $event.preventDefault();
  6920. _vm.emitChosenDate(day)
  6921. },
  6922. "keydown": [function($event) {
  6923. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "enter", 13, $event.key)) { return null; }
  6924. $event.preventDefault();
  6925. _vm.emitChosenDate(day)
  6926. }, function($event) {
  6927. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "space", 32, $event.key)) { return null; }
  6928. $event.preventDefault();
  6929. _vm.emitChosenDate(day)
  6930. }]
  6931. }
  6932. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(day.getDate()) + "\n\n "), (_vm.eventsDateMatch(day)) ? _c('div', {
  6933. staticClass: "events"
  6934. }, _vm._l((_vm.eventsDateMatch(day)), function(event, index) {
  6935. return _c('div', {
  6936. key: index,
  6937. staticClass: "event",
  6938. class: event.type
  6939. })
  6940. })) : _vm._e()]) : _c('div', {
  6941. key: index,
  6942. staticClass: "datepicker-cell",
  6943. class: _vm.classObject(day)
  6944. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(day.getDate()) + "\n ")])]
  6945. })], 2)
  6946. },staticRenderFns: []}
  6947. /***/ }),
  6948. /* 143 */
  6949. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  6950. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  6951. return _c('section', {
  6952. staticClass: "datepicker-table"
  6953. }, [_c('header', {
  6954. staticClass: "datepicker-header"
  6955. }, _vm._l((_vm.visibleDayNames), function(day, index) {
  6956. return _c('div', {
  6957. key: index,
  6958. staticClass: "datepicker-cell"
  6959. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(day) + "\n ")])
  6960. })), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  6961. staticClass: "datepicker-body",
  6962. class: {
  6963. 'has-events': _vm.hasEvents
  6964. }
  6965. }, _vm._l((_vm.weeksInThisMonth), function(week, index) {
  6966. return _c('b-datepicker-table-row', {
  6967. key: index,
  6968. attrs: {
  6969. "selected-date": _vm.value,
  6970. "week": week,
  6971. "month": _vm.focused.month,
  6972. "min-date": _vm.minDate,
  6973. "max-date": _vm.maxDate,
  6974. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  6975. "unselectable-dates": _vm.unselectableDates,
  6976. "unselectable-days-of-week": _vm.unselectableDaysOfWeek,
  6977. "selectable-dates": _vm.selectableDates,
  6978. "events": _vm.eventsInThisWeek(week),
  6979. "indicators": _vm.indicators,
  6980. "date-creator": _vm.dateCreator
  6981. },
  6982. on: {
  6983. "select": _vm.updateSelectedDate
  6984. }
  6985. })
  6986. }))])
  6987. },staticRenderFns: []}
  6988. /***/ }),
  6989. /* 144 */
  6990. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  6991. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  6992. return _c('div', {
  6993. staticClass: "datepicker control",
  6994. class: [_vm.size, {
  6995. 'is-expanded': _vm.expanded
  6996. }]
  6997. }, [(!_vm.isMobile || _vm.inline) ? _c('b-dropdown', {
  6998. ref: "dropdown",
  6999. attrs: {
  7000. "position": _vm.position,
  7001. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  7002. "inline": _vm.inline
  7003. }
  7004. }, [(!_vm.inline) ? _c('b-input', _vm._b({
  7005. ref: "input",
  7006. attrs: {
  7007. "slot": "trigger",
  7008. "autocomplete": "off",
  7009. "value": _vm.formatValue(_vm.dateSelected),
  7010. "placeholder": _vm.placeholder,
  7011. "size": _vm.size,
  7012. "icon": _vm.icon,
  7013. "icon-pack": _vm.iconPack,
  7014. "rounded": _vm.rounded,
  7015. "loading": _vm.loading,
  7016. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  7017. "readonly": !_vm.editable
  7018. },
  7019. on: {
  7020. "focus": _vm.handleOnFocus,
  7021. "blur": _vm.onBlur
  7022. },
  7023. nativeOn: {
  7024. "click": function($event) {
  7025. $event.stopPropagation();
  7026. _vm.toggle(true)
  7027. },
  7028. "keyup": function($event) {
  7029. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "enter", 13, $event.key)) { return null; }
  7030. _vm.toggle(true)
  7031. },
  7032. "change": function($event) {
  7033. _vm.onChange($event.target.value)
  7034. }
  7035. },
  7036. slot: "trigger"
  7037. }, 'b-input', _vm.$attrs, false)) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('b-dropdown-item', {
  7038. attrs: {
  7039. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  7040. "custom": ""
  7041. }
  7042. }, [_c('header', {
  7043. staticClass: "datepicker-header"
  7044. }, [(_vm.$slots.header !== undefined && _vm.$slots.header.length) ? [_vm._t("header")] : _c('div', {
  7045. staticClass: "pagination field is-centered",
  7046. class: _vm.size
  7047. }, [_c('a', {
  7048. directives: [{
  7049. name: "show",
  7050. rawName: "v-show",
  7051. value: (!_vm.isFirstMonth && !_vm.disabled),
  7052. expression: "!isFirstMonth && !disabled"
  7053. }],
  7054. staticClass: "pagination-previous",
  7055. attrs: {
  7056. "role": "button",
  7057. "href": "#",
  7058. "disabled": _vm.disabled
  7059. },
  7060. on: {
  7061. "click": function($event) {
  7062. $event.preventDefault();
  7063. _vm.decrementMonth($event)
  7064. },
  7065. "keydown": [function($event) {
  7066. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "enter", 13, $event.key)) { return null; }
  7067. $event.preventDefault();
  7068. _vm.decrementMonth($event)
  7069. }, function($event) {
  7070. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "space", 32, $event.key)) { return null; }
  7071. $event.preventDefault();
  7072. _vm.decrementMonth($event)
  7073. }]
  7074. }
  7075. }, [_c('b-icon', {
  7076. attrs: {
  7077. "icon": "chevron-left",
  7078. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  7079. "both": "",
  7080. "type": "is-primary is-clickable"
  7081. }
  7082. })], 1), _vm._v(" "), _c('a', {
  7083. directives: [{
  7084. name: "show",
  7085. rawName: "v-show",
  7086. value: (!_vm.isLastMonth && !_vm.disabled),
  7087. expression: "!isLastMonth && !disabled"
  7088. }],
  7089. staticClass: "pagination-next",
  7090. attrs: {
  7091. "role": "button",
  7092. "href": "#",
  7093. "disabled": _vm.disabled
  7094. },
  7095. on: {
  7096. "click": function($event) {
  7097. $event.preventDefault();
  7098. _vm.incrementMonth($event)
  7099. },
  7100. "keydown": [function($event) {
  7101. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "enter", 13, $event.key)) { return null; }
  7102. $event.preventDefault();
  7103. _vm.incrementMonth($event)
  7104. }, function($event) {
  7105. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "space", 32, $event.key)) { return null; }
  7106. $event.preventDefault();
  7107. _vm.incrementMonth($event)
  7108. }]
  7109. }
  7110. }, [_c('b-icon', {
  7111. attrs: {
  7112. "icon": "chevron-right",
  7113. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  7114. "both": "",
  7115. "type": "is-primary is-clickable"
  7116. }
  7117. })], 1), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  7118. staticClass: "pagination-list"
  7119. }, [_c('b-field', [_c('b-select', {
  7120. attrs: {
  7121. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  7122. "size": _vm.size
  7123. },
  7124. model: {
  7125. value: (_vm.focusedDateData.month),
  7126. callback: function($$v) {
  7127. _vm.$set(_vm.focusedDateData, "month", $$v)
  7128. },
  7129. expression: "focusedDateData.month"
  7130. }
  7131. }, _vm._l((_vm.monthNames), function(month, index) {
  7132. return _c('option', {
  7133. key: month,
  7134. domProps: {
  7135. "value": index
  7136. }
  7137. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(month) + "\n ")])
  7138. })), _vm._v(" "), _c('b-select', {
  7139. attrs: {
  7140. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  7141. "size": _vm.size
  7142. },
  7143. model: {
  7144. value: (_vm.focusedDateData.year),
  7145. callback: function($$v) {
  7146. _vm.$set(_vm.focusedDateData, "year", $$v)
  7147. },
  7148. expression: "focusedDateData.year"
  7149. }
  7150. }, _vm._l((_vm.listOfYears), function(year) {
  7151. return _c('option', {
  7152. key: year,
  7153. domProps: {
  7154. "value": year
  7155. }
  7156. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(year) + "\n ")])
  7157. }))], 1)], 1)])], 2), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  7158. staticClass: "datepicker-content"
  7159. }, [_c('b-datepicker-table', {
  7160. attrs: {
  7161. "day-names": _vm.dayNames,
  7162. "month-names": _vm.monthNames,
  7163. "first-day-of-week": _vm.firstDayOfWeek,
  7164. "min-date": _vm.minDate,
  7165. "max-date": _vm.maxDate,
  7166. "focused": _vm.focusedDateData,
  7167. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  7168. "unselectable-dates": _vm.unselectableDates,
  7169. "unselectable-days-of-week": _vm.unselectableDaysOfWeek,
  7170. "selectable-dates": _vm.selectableDates,
  7171. "events": _vm.events,
  7172. "indicators": _vm.indicators,
  7173. "date-creator": _vm.dateCreator
  7174. },
  7175. on: {
  7176. "close": function($event) {
  7177. _vm.toggle(false)
  7178. }
  7179. },
  7180. model: {
  7181. value: (_vm.dateSelected),
  7182. callback: function($$v) {
  7183. _vm.dateSelected = $$v
  7184. },
  7185. expression: "dateSelected"
  7186. }
  7187. })], 1), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.$slots.default !== undefined && _vm.$slots.default.length) ? _c('footer', {
  7188. staticClass: "datepicker-footer"
  7189. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2) : _vm._e()])], 1) : _c('b-input', _vm._b({
  7190. ref: "input",
  7191. attrs: {
  7192. "type": "date",
  7193. "autocomplete": "off",
  7194. "value": _vm.formatYYYYMMDD(_vm.value),
  7195. "placeholder": _vm.placeholder,
  7196. "size": _vm.size,
  7197. "icon": _vm.icon,
  7198. "icon-pack": _vm.iconPack,
  7199. "loading": _vm.loading,
  7200. "max": _vm.formatYYYYMMDD(_vm.maxDate),
  7201. "min": _vm.formatYYYYMMDD(_vm.minDate),
  7202. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  7203. "readonly": false
  7204. },
  7205. on: {
  7206. "focus": _vm.handleOnFocus,
  7207. "blur": _vm.onBlur
  7208. },
  7209. nativeOn: {
  7210. "change": function($event) {
  7211. _vm.onChangeNativePicker($event)
  7212. },
  7213. "click": function($event) {
  7214. $event.stopPropagation();
  7215. _vm.toggle(true)
  7216. },
  7217. "keyup": function($event) {
  7218. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "enter", 13, $event.key)) { return null; }
  7219. _vm.toggle(true)
  7220. }
  7221. }
  7222. }, 'b-input', _vm.$attrs, false))], 1)
  7223. },staticRenderFns: []}
  7224. /***/ }),
  7225. /* 145 */
  7226. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  7227. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  7228. /* script */
  7229. __webpack_require__(146),
  7230. /* template */
  7231. __webpack_require__(149),
  7232. /* styles */
  7233. null,
  7234. /* scopeId */
  7235. null,
  7236. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  7237. null
  7238. )
  7239. module.exports = Component.exports
  7240. /***/ }),
  7241. /* 146 */
  7242. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  7243. "use strict";
  7244. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  7245. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
  7246. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__);
  7247. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon__ = __webpack_require__(3);
  7248. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon__);
  7249. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__modal_Modal__ = __webpack_require__(63);
  7250. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__modal_Modal___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__modal_Modal__);
  7251. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__ = __webpack_require__(2);
  7252. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__utils_helpers__ = __webpack_require__(7);
  7253. //
  7254. //
  7255. //
  7256. //
  7257. //
  7258. //
  7259. //
  7260. //
  7261. //
  7262. //
  7263. //
  7264. //
  7265. //
  7266. //
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  7271. //
  7272. //
  7273. //
  7274. //
  7275. //
  7276. //
  7277. //
  7278. //
  7279. //
  7280. //
  7281. //
  7282. //
  7283. //
  7284. //
  7285. //
  7286. //
  7287. //
  7288. //
  7289. //
  7290. //
  7291. //
  7292. //
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  7294. //
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  7296. //
  7297. //
  7298. //
  7299. //
  7300. //
  7301. //
  7302. //
  7303. //
  7304. //
  7305. //
  7306. //
  7307. //
  7308. //
  7309. //
  7310. //
  7311. //
  7312. //
  7313. //
  7314. //
  7315. //
  7316. //
  7317. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  7318. name: 'BDialog',
  7319. components: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()({}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default.a),
  7320. extends: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__modal_Modal___default.a,
  7321. props: {
  7322. title: String,
  7323. message: String,
  7324. icon: String,
  7325. iconPack: String,
  7326. hasIcon: Boolean,
  7327. type: {
  7328. type: String,
  7329. default: 'is-primary'
  7330. },
  7331. size: String,
  7332. confirmText: {
  7333. type: String,
  7334. default: function _default() {
  7335. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultDialogConfirmText ? __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultDialogConfirmText : 'OK';
  7336. }
  7337. },
  7338. cancelText: {
  7339. type: String,
  7340. default: function _default() {
  7341. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultDialogCancelText ? __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultDialogCancelText : 'Cancel';
  7342. }
  7343. },
  7344. hasInput: Boolean, // Used internally to know if it's prompt
  7345. inputAttrs: {
  7346. type: Object,
  7347. default: function _default() {
  7348. return {};
  7349. }
  7350. },
  7351. onConfirm: {
  7352. type: Function,
  7353. default: function _default() {}
  7354. },
  7355. focusOn: {
  7356. type: String,
  7357. default: 'confirm'
  7358. }
  7359. },
  7360. data: function data() {
  7361. var prompt = this.hasInput ? this.inputAttrs.value || '' : '';
  7362. return {
  7363. prompt: prompt,
  7364. isActive: false,
  7365. validationMessage: ''
  7366. };
  7367. },
  7368. computed: {
  7369. /**
  7370. * Icon name (MDI) based on the type.
  7371. */
  7372. iconByType: function iconByType() {
  7373. switch (this.type) {
  7374. case 'is-info':
  7375. return 'information';
  7376. case 'is-success':
  7377. return 'check-circle';
  7378. case 'is-warning':
  7379. return 'alert';
  7380. case 'is-danger':
  7381. return 'alert-circle';
  7382. default:
  7383. return null;
  7384. }
  7385. },
  7386. showCancel: function showCancel() {
  7387. return this.cancelOptions.indexOf('button') >= 0;
  7388. }
  7389. },
  7390. methods: {
  7391. /**
  7392. * If it's a prompt Dialog, validate the input.
  7393. * Call the onConfirm prop (function) and close the Dialog.
  7394. */
  7395. confirm: function confirm() {
  7396. var _this = this;
  7397. if (this.$refs.input !== undefined) {
  7398. if (!this.$refs.input.checkValidity()) {
  7399. this.validationMessage = this.$refs.input.validationMessage;
  7400. this.$nextTick(function () {
  7401. return _this.$refs.input.select();
  7402. });
  7403. return;
  7404. }
  7405. }
  7406. this.onConfirm(this.prompt);
  7407. this.close();
  7408. },
  7409. /**
  7410. * Close the Dialog.
  7411. */
  7412. close: function close() {
  7413. var _this2 = this;
  7414. this.isActive = false;
  7415. // Timeout for the animation complete before destroying
  7416. setTimeout(function () {
  7417. _this2.$destroy();
  7418. Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__utils_helpers__["d" /* removeElement */])(_this2.$el);
  7419. }, 150);
  7420. }
  7421. },
  7422. beforeMount: function beforeMount() {
  7423. var _this3 = this;
  7424. // Insert the Dialog component in body tag
  7425. this.$nextTick(function () {
  7426. document.body.appendChild(_this3.$el);
  7427. });
  7428. },
  7429. mounted: function mounted() {
  7430. var _this4 = this;
  7431. this.isActive = true;
  7432. if (typeof this.inputAttrs.required === 'undefined') {
  7433. this.$set(this.inputAttrs, 'required', true);
  7434. }
  7435. this.$nextTick(function () {
  7436. // Handle which element receives focus
  7437. if (_this4.hasInput) {
  7438. _this4.$refs.input.focus();
  7439. } else if (_this4.focusOn === 'cancel' && _this4.showCancel) {
  7440. _this4.$refs.cancelButton.focus();
  7441. } else {
  7442. _this4.$refs.confirmButton.focus();
  7443. }
  7444. });
  7445. }
  7446. });
  7447. /***/ }),
  7448. /* 147 */
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  7450. "use strict";
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  7452. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_helpers__ = __webpack_require__(7);
  7453. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_config__ = __webpack_require__(2);
  7454. //
  7455. //
  7456. //
  7457. //
  7458. //
  7459. //
  7460. //
  7461. //
  7462. //
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  7464. //
  7465. //
  7466. //
  7467. //
  7468. //
  7469. //
  7470. //
  7471. //
  7472. //
  7473. //
  7474. //
  7475. //
  7476. //
  7477. //
  7478. //
  7479. //
  7480. //
  7481. //
  7482. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  7483. name: 'BModal',
  7484. props: {
  7485. active: Boolean,
  7486. component: [Object, Function],
  7487. content: String,
  7488. programmatic: Boolean,
  7489. props: Object,
  7490. events: Object,
  7491. width: {
  7492. type: [String, Number],
  7493. default: 960
  7494. },
  7495. hasModalCard: Boolean,
  7496. animation: {
  7497. type: String,
  7498. default: 'zoom-out'
  7499. },
  7500. canCancel: {
  7501. type: [Array, Boolean],
  7502. default: function _default() {
  7503. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultModalCanCancel ? __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultModalCanCancel : ['escape', 'x', 'outside', 'button'];
  7504. }
  7505. },
  7506. onCancel: {
  7507. type: Function,
  7508. default: function _default() {}
  7509. },
  7510. scroll: {
  7511. type: String,
  7512. default: function _default() {
  7513. return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultModalScroll ? __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultModalScroll : 'clip';
  7514. },
  7515. validator: function validator(value) {
  7516. return ['clip', 'keep'].indexOf(value) >= 0;
  7517. }
  7518. }
  7519. },
  7520. data: function data() {
  7521. return {
  7522. isActive: this.active || false,
  7523. savedScrollTop: null,
  7524. newWidth: typeof this.width === 'number' ? this.width + 'px' : this.width
  7525. };
  7526. },
  7527. computed: {
  7528. cancelOptions: function cancelOptions() {
  7529. return typeof this.canCancel === 'boolean' ? this.canCancel ? ['escape', 'x', 'outside', 'button'] : [] : this.canCancel;
  7530. },
  7531. showX: function showX() {
  7532. return this.cancelOptions.indexOf('x') >= 0;
  7533. }
  7534. },
  7535. watch: {
  7536. active: function active(value) {
  7537. this.isActive = value;
  7538. },
  7539. isActive: function isActive() {
  7540. this.handleScroll();
  7541. }
  7542. },
  7543. methods: {
  7544. handleScroll: function handleScroll() {
  7545. if (typeof window === 'undefined') return;
  7546. if (this.scroll === 'clip') {
  7547. if (this.isActive) {
  7548. document.documentElement.classList.add('is-clipped');
  7549. } else {
  7550. document.documentElement.classList.remove('is-clipped');
  7551. }
  7552. return;
  7553. }
  7554. this.savedScrollTop = !this.savedScrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : this.savedScrollTop;
  7555. if (this.isActive) {
  7556. document.body.classList.add('is-noscroll');
  7557. } else {
  7558. document.body.classList.remove('is-noscroll');
  7559. }
  7560. if (this.isActive) {
  7561. document.body.style.top = '-' + this.savedScrollTop + 'px';
  7562. return;
  7563. }
  7564. document.documentElement.scrollTop = this.savedScrollTop;
  7565. document.body.style.top = null;
  7566. this.savedScrollTop = null;
  7567. },
  7568. /**
  7569. * Close the Modal if canCancel and call the onCancel prop (function).
  7570. */
  7571. cancel: function cancel(method) {
  7572. if (this.cancelOptions.indexOf(method) < 0) return;
  7573. this.onCancel.apply(null, arguments);
  7574. this.close();
  7575. },
  7576. /**
  7577. * Call the onCancel prop (function).
  7578. * Emit events, and destroy modal if it's programmatic.
  7579. */
  7580. close: function close() {
  7581. var _this = this;
  7582. this.$emit('close');
  7583. this.$emit('update:active', false);
  7584. // Timeout for the animation complete before destroying
  7585. if (this.programmatic) {
  7586. this.isActive = false;
  7587. setTimeout(function () {
  7588. _this.$destroy();
  7589. Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_helpers__["d" /* removeElement */])(_this.$el);
  7590. }, 150);
  7591. }
  7592. },
  7593. /**
  7594. * Keypress event that is bound to the document.
  7595. */
  7596. keyPress: function keyPress(event) {
  7597. // Esc key
  7598. if (this.isActive && event.keyCode === 27) this.cancel('escape');
  7599. }
  7600. },
  7601. created: function created() {
  7602. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  7603. document.addEventListener('keyup', this.keyPress);
  7604. }
  7605. },
  7606. beforeMount: function beforeMount() {
  7607. // Insert the Modal component in body tag
  7608. // only if it's programmatic
  7609. this.programmatic && document.body.appendChild(this.$el);
  7610. },
  7611. mounted: function mounted() {
  7612. if (this.programmatic) this.isActive = true;else if (this.isActive) this.handleScroll();
  7613. },
  7614. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  7615. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  7616. document.removeEventListener('keyup', this.keyPress);
  7617. // reset scroll
  7618. document.documentElement.classList.remove('is-clipped');
  7619. var savedScrollTop = !this.savedScrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : this.savedScrollTop;
  7620. document.body.classList.remove('is-noscroll');
  7621. document.documentElement.scrollTop = savedScrollTop;
  7622. document.body.style.top = null;
  7623. }
  7624. }
  7625. });
  7626. /***/ }),
  7627. /* 148 */
  7628. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  7629. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  7630. return _c('transition', {
  7631. attrs: {
  7632. "name": _vm.animation
  7633. }
  7634. }, [(_vm.isActive) ? _c('div', {
  7635. staticClass: "modal is-active"
  7636. }, [_c('div', {
  7637. staticClass: "modal-background",
  7638. on: {
  7639. "click": function($event) {
  7640. _vm.cancel('outside')
  7641. }
  7642. }
  7643. }), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  7644. staticClass: "animation-content",
  7645. class: {
  7646. 'modal-content': !_vm.hasModalCard
  7647. },
  7648. style: ({
  7649. maxWidth: _vm.newWidth
  7650. })
  7651. }, [(_vm.component) ? _c(_vm.component, _vm._g(_vm._b({
  7652. tag: "component",
  7653. on: {
  7654. "close": _vm.close
  7655. }
  7656. }, 'component', _vm.props, false), _vm.events)) : (_vm.content) ? _c('div', {
  7657. domProps: {
  7658. "innerHTML": _vm._s(_vm.content)
  7659. }
  7660. }) : _vm._t("default")], 2), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.showX) ? _c('button', {
  7661. staticClass: "modal-close is-large",
  7662. attrs: {
  7663. "type": "button"
  7664. },
  7665. on: {
  7666. "click": function($event) {
  7667. _vm.cancel('x')
  7668. }
  7669. }
  7670. }) : _vm._e()]) : _vm._e()])
  7671. },staticRenderFns: []}
  7672. /***/ }),
  7673. /* 149 */
  7674. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  7675. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  7676. return _c('transition', {
  7677. attrs: {
  7678. "name": _vm.animation
  7679. }
  7680. }, [(_vm.isActive) ? _c('div', {
  7681. staticClass: "dialog modal is-active",
  7682. class: _vm.size
  7683. }, [_c('div', {
  7684. staticClass: "modal-background",
  7685. on: {
  7686. "click": function($event) {
  7687. _vm.cancel('outside')
  7688. }
  7689. }
  7690. }), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  7691. staticClass: "modal-card animation-content"
  7692. }, [(_vm.title) ? _c('header', {
  7693. staticClass: "modal-card-head"
  7694. }, [_c('p', {
  7695. staticClass: "modal-card-title"
  7696. }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))])]) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('section', {
  7697. staticClass: "modal-card-body",
  7698. class: {
  7699. 'is-titleless': !_vm.title, 'is-flex': _vm.hasIcon
  7700. }
  7701. }, [_c('div', {
  7702. staticClass: "media"
  7703. }, [(_vm.hasIcon) ? _c('div', {
  7704. staticClass: "media-left"
  7705. }, [_c('b-icon', {
  7706. attrs: {
  7707. "icon": _vm.icon ? _vm.icon : _vm.iconByType,
  7708. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  7709. "type": _vm.type,
  7710. "both": !_vm.icon,
  7711. "size": "is-large"
  7712. }
  7713. })], 1) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  7714. staticClass: "media-content"
  7715. }, [_c('p', {
  7716. domProps: {
  7717. "innerHTML": _vm._s(_vm.message)
  7718. }
  7719. }), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.hasInput) ? _c('div', {
  7720. staticClass: "field"
  7721. }, [_c('div', {
  7722. staticClass: "control"
  7723. }, [_c('input', _vm._b({
  7724. directives: [{
  7725. name: "model",
  7726. rawName: "v-model",
  7727. value: (_vm.prompt),
  7728. expression: "prompt"
  7729. }],
  7730. ref: "input",
  7731. staticClass: "input",
  7732. class: {
  7733. 'is-danger': _vm.validationMessage
  7734. },
  7735. domProps: {
  7736. "value": (_vm.prompt)
  7737. },
  7738. on: {
  7739. "keyup": function($event) {
  7740. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "enter", 13, $event.key)) { return null; }
  7741. _vm.confirm($event)
  7742. },
  7743. "input": function($event) {
  7744. if ($event.target.composing) { return; }
  7745. _vm.prompt = $event.target.value
  7746. }
  7747. }
  7748. }, 'input', _vm.inputAttrs, false))]), _vm._v(" "), _c('p', {
  7749. staticClass: "help is-danger"
  7750. }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.validationMessage))])]) : _vm._e()])])]), _vm._v(" "), _c('footer', {
  7751. staticClass: "modal-card-foot"
  7752. }, [(_vm.showCancel) ? _c('button', {
  7753. ref: "cancelButton",
  7754. staticClass: "button",
  7755. on: {
  7756. "click": function($event) {
  7757. _vm.cancel('button')
  7758. }
  7759. }
  7760. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.cancelText) + "\n ")]) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('button', {
  7761. ref: "confirmButton",
  7762. staticClass: "button",
  7763. class: _vm.type,
  7764. on: {
  7765. "click": _vm.confirm
  7766. }
  7767. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.confirmText) + "\n ")])])])]) : _vm._e()])
  7768. },staticRenderFns: []}
  7769. /***/ }),
  7770. /* 150 */
  7771. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  7772. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  7773. /* script */
  7774. __webpack_require__(151),
  7775. /* template */
  7776. __webpack_require__(152),
  7777. /* styles */
  7778. null,
  7779. /* scopeId */
  7780. null,
  7781. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  7782. null
  7783. )
  7784. module.exports = Component.exports
  7785. /***/ }),
  7786. /* 151 */
  7787. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  7788. "use strict";
  7789. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  7790. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_helpers__ = __webpack_require__(7);
  7791. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_ssr__ = __webpack_require__(64);
  7792. //
  7793. //
  7794. //
  7795. //
  7796. //
  7797. //
  7798. //
  7799. //
  7800. //
  7801. //
  7802. //
  7803. //
  7804. //
  7805. //
  7806. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  7807. name: 'BLoading',
  7808. props: {
  7809. active: Boolean,
  7810. programmatic: Boolean,
  7811. container: [Object, Function, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_ssr__["b" /* HTMLElement */]],
  7812. isFullPage: {
  7813. type: Boolean,
  7814. default: true
  7815. },
  7816. animation: {
  7817. type: String,
  7818. default: 'fade'
  7819. },
  7820. canCancel: {
  7821. type: Boolean,
  7822. default: false
  7823. },
  7824. onCancel: {
  7825. type: Function,
  7826. default: function _default() {}
  7827. }
  7828. },
  7829. data: function data() {
  7830. return {
  7831. isActive: this.active || false
  7832. };
  7833. },
  7834. watch: {
  7835. active: function active(value) {
  7836. this.isActive = value;
  7837. }
  7838. },
  7839. methods: {
  7840. /**
  7841. * Close the Modal if canCancel.
  7842. */
  7843. cancel: function cancel() {
  7844. if (!this.canCancel || !this.isActive) return;
  7845. this.close();
  7846. },
  7847. /**
  7848. * Emit events, and destroy modal if it's programmatic.
  7849. */
  7850. close: function close() {
  7851. var _this = this;
  7852. this.onCancel.apply(null, arguments);
  7853. this.$emit('close');
  7854. this.$emit('update:active', false);
  7855. // Timeout for the animation complete before destroying
  7856. if (this.programmatic) {
  7857. this.isActive = false;
  7858. setTimeout(function () {
  7859. _this.$destroy();
  7860. Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_helpers__["d" /* removeElement */])(_this.$el);
  7861. }, 150);
  7862. }
  7863. },
  7864. /**
  7865. * Keypress event that is bound to the document.
  7866. */
  7867. keyPress: function keyPress(event) {
  7868. // Esc key
  7869. if (event.keyCode === 27) this.cancel();
  7870. }
  7871. },
  7872. created: function created() {
  7873. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  7874. document.addEventListener('keyup', this.keyPress);
  7875. }
  7876. },
  7877. beforeMount: function beforeMount() {
  7878. // Insert the Loading component in body tag
  7879. // only if it's programmatic
  7880. if (this.programmatic) {
  7881. if (!this.container) {
  7882. document.body.appendChild(this.$el);
  7883. } else {
  7884. this.isFullPage = false;
  7885. this.container.appendChild(this.$el);
  7886. }
  7887. }
  7888. },
  7889. mounted: function mounted() {
  7890. if (this.programmatic) this.isActive = true;
  7891. },
  7892. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  7893. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  7894. document.removeEventListener('keyup', this.keyPress);
  7895. }
  7896. }
  7897. });
  7898. /***/ }),
  7899. /* 152 */
  7900. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  7901. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  7902. return _c('transition', {
  7903. attrs: {
  7904. "name": _vm.animation
  7905. }
  7906. }, [(_vm.isActive) ? _c('div', {
  7907. staticClass: "loading-overlay is-active",
  7908. class: {
  7909. 'is-full-page': _vm.isFullPage
  7910. }
  7911. }, [_c('div', {
  7912. staticClass: "loading-background",
  7913. on: {
  7914. "click": _vm.cancel
  7915. }
  7916. }), _vm._v(" "), _vm._t("default", [_c('div', {
  7917. staticClass: "loading-icon"
  7918. })])], 2) : _vm._e()])
  7919. },staticRenderFns: []}
  7920. /***/ }),
  7921. /* 153 */
  7922. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  7923. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  7924. /* script */
  7925. __webpack_require__(154),
  7926. /* template */
  7927. __webpack_require__(155),
  7928. /* styles */
  7929. null,
  7930. /* scopeId */
  7931. null,
  7932. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  7933. null
  7934. )
  7935. module.exports = Component.exports
  7936. /***/ }),
  7937. /* 154 */
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  7939. "use strict";
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  7941. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_MessageMixin_js__ = __webpack_require__(65);
  7942. //
  7943. //
  7944. //
  7945. //
  7946. //
  7947. //
  7948. //
  7949. //
  7950. //
  7951. //
  7952. //
  7953. //
  7954. //
  7955. //
  7956. //
  7957. //
  7958. //
  7959. //
  7960. //
  7961. //
  7962. //
  7963. //
  7964. //
  7965. //
  7966. //
  7967. //
  7968. //
  7969. //
  7970. //
  7971. //
  7972. //
  7973. //
  7974. //
  7975. //
  7976. //
  7977. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  7978. name: 'BMessage',
  7979. mixins: [__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_MessageMixin_js__["a" /* default */]],
  7980. props: {
  7981. ariaCloseLabel: String
  7982. },
  7983. data: function data() {
  7984. return {
  7985. newIconSize: this.iconSize || this.size || 'is-large'
  7986. };
  7987. }
  7988. });
  7989. /***/ }),
  7990. /* 155 */
  7991. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  7992. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  7993. return _c('transition', {
  7994. attrs: {
  7995. "name": "fade"
  7996. }
  7997. }, [(_vm.isActive) ? _c('article', {
  7998. staticClass: "message",
  7999. class: [_vm.type, _vm.size]
  8000. }, [(_vm.title) ? _c('header', {
  8001. staticClass: "message-header"
  8002. }, [_c('p', [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.closable) ? _c('button', {
  8003. staticClass: "delete",
  8004. attrs: {
  8005. "type": "button",
  8006. "aria-label": _vm.ariaCloseLabel
  8007. },
  8008. on: {
  8009. "click": _vm.close
  8010. }
  8011. }) : _vm._e()]) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('section', {
  8012. staticClass: "message-body"
  8013. }, [_c('div', {
  8014. staticClass: "media"
  8015. }, [(_vm.icon && _vm.hasIcon) ? _c('div', {
  8016. staticClass: "media-left"
  8017. }, [_c('b-icon', {
  8018. class: _vm.type,
  8019. attrs: {
  8020. "icon": _vm.icon,
  8021. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  8022. "both": "",
  8023. "size": _vm.newIconSize
  8024. }
  8025. })], 1) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  8026. staticClass: "media-content"
  8027. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2)])])]) : _vm._e()])
  8028. },staticRenderFns: []}
  8029. /***/ }),
  8030. /* 156 */
  8031. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  8032. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  8033. /* script */
  8034. __webpack_require__(157),
  8035. /* template */
  8036. __webpack_require__(158),
  8037. /* styles */
  8038. null,
  8039. /* scopeId */
  8040. null,
  8041. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  8042. null
  8043. )
  8044. module.exports = Component.exports
  8045. /***/ }),
  8046. /* 157 */
  8047. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8048. "use strict";
  8049. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  8050. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_MessageMixin_js__ = __webpack_require__(65);
  8051. //
  8052. //
  8053. //
  8054. //
  8055. //
  8056. //
  8057. //
  8058. //
  8059. //
  8060. //
  8061. //
  8062. //
  8063. //
  8064. //
  8065. //
  8066. //
  8067. //
  8068. //
  8069. //
  8070. //
  8071. //
  8072. //
  8073. //
  8074. //
  8075. //
  8076. //
  8077. //
  8078. //
  8079. //
  8080. //
  8081. //
  8082. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  8083. name: 'BNotification',
  8084. mixins: [__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_MessageMixin_js__["a" /* default */]],
  8085. props: {
  8086. position: String,
  8087. ariaCloseLabel: String
  8088. }
  8089. });
  8090. /***/ }),
  8091. /* 158 */
  8092. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  8093. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  8094. return _c('transition', {
  8095. attrs: {
  8096. "name": "fade"
  8097. }
  8098. }, [_c('article', {
  8099. directives: [{
  8100. name: "show",
  8101. rawName: "v-show",
  8102. value: (_vm.isActive),
  8103. expression: "isActive"
  8104. }],
  8105. staticClass: "notification",
  8106. class: [_vm.type, _vm.position]
  8107. }, [(_vm.closable) ? _c('button', {
  8108. staticClass: "delete",
  8109. attrs: {
  8110. "type": "button",
  8111. "aria-label": _vm.ariaCloseLabel
  8112. },
  8113. on: {
  8114. "click": _vm.close
  8115. }
  8116. }) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  8117. staticClass: "media"
  8118. }, [(_vm.icon && _vm.hasIcon) ? _c('div', {
  8119. staticClass: "media-left"
  8120. }, [_c('b-icon', {
  8121. attrs: {
  8122. "icon": _vm.icon,
  8123. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  8124. "both": "",
  8125. "size": "is-large",
  8126. "aria-hidden": ""
  8127. }
  8128. })], 1) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  8129. staticClass: "media-content"
  8130. }, [(_vm.message) ? _c('p', {
  8131. staticClass: "text"
  8132. }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.message))]) : _vm._t("default")], 2)])])])
  8133. },staticRenderFns: []}
  8134. /***/ }),
  8135. /* 159 */
  8136. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  8137. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  8138. /* script */
  8139. __webpack_require__(160),
  8140. /* template */
  8141. __webpack_require__(161),
  8142. /* styles */
  8143. null,
  8144. /* scopeId */
  8145. null,
  8146. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  8147. null
  8148. )
  8149. module.exports = Component.exports
  8150. /***/ }),
  8151. /* 160 */
  8152. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8153. "use strict";
  8154. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  8155. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_config__ = __webpack_require__(2);
  8156. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_NoticeMixin_js__ = __webpack_require__(45);
  8157. //
  8158. //
  8159. //
  8160. //
  8161. //
  8162. //
  8163. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  8164. name: 'BNotificationNotice',
  8165. mixins: [__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_NoticeMixin_js__["a" /* default */]],
  8166. props: {
  8167. indefinite: {
  8168. type: Boolean,
  8169. default: false
  8170. }
  8171. },
  8172. data: function data() {
  8173. return {
  8174. newDuration: this.duration || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_config__["a" /* default */].detaultNotificationDuration
  8175. };
  8176. }
  8177. });
  8178. /***/ }),
  8179. /* 161 */
  8180. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  8181. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  8182. return _c('b-notification', _vm._b({
  8183. on: {
  8184. "close": _vm.close
  8185. }
  8186. }, 'b-notification', _vm.$options.propsData, false))
  8187. },staticRenderFns: []}
  8188. /***/ }),
  8189. /* 162 */
  8190. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  8191. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  8192. /* script */
  8193. __webpack_require__(163),
  8194. /* template */
  8195. __webpack_require__(164),
  8196. /* styles */
  8197. null,
  8198. /* scopeId */
  8199. null,
  8200. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  8201. null
  8202. )
  8203. module.exports = Component.exports
  8204. /***/ }),
  8205. /* 163 */
  8206. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8207. "use strict";
  8208. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  8209. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
  8210. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__);
  8211. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon__ = __webpack_require__(3);
  8212. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon__);
  8213. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__input_Input__ = __webpack_require__(17);
  8214. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__input_Input___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__input_Input__);
  8215. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_FormElementMixin__ = __webpack_require__(10);
  8216. var _components;
  8217. //
  8218. //
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  8220. //
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  8274. //
  8275. //
  8276. //
  8277. //
  8278. //
  8279. //
  8280. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  8281. name: 'BNumberinput',
  8282. components: (_components = {}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__input_Input___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__input_Input___default.a), _components),
  8283. mixins: [__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_FormElementMixin__["a" /* default */]],
  8284. inheritAttrs: false,
  8285. props: {
  8286. value: Number,
  8287. min: [Number, String],
  8288. max: [Number, String],
  8289. step: [Number, String],
  8290. disabled: Boolean,
  8291. type: {
  8292. type: String,
  8293. default: 'is-primary'
  8294. },
  8295. editable: {
  8296. type: Boolean,
  8297. default: true
  8298. },
  8299. controlsRounded: {
  8300. type: Boolean,
  8301. default: false
  8302. },
  8303. controlsPosition: String
  8304. },
  8305. data: function data() {
  8306. return {
  8307. newValue: this.value || parseFloat(this.min) || 0,
  8308. newStep: this.step || 1,
  8309. _elementRef: 'input'
  8310. };
  8311. },
  8312. computed: {
  8313. computedValue: {
  8314. get: function get() {
  8315. return this.newValue;
  8316. },
  8317. set: function set(value) {
  8318. this.newValue = value;
  8319. this.$emit('input', value);
  8320. !this.isValid && this.checkHtml5Validity();
  8321. }
  8322. },
  8323. fieldClasses: function fieldClasses() {
  8324. return [{ 'has-addons': this.controlsPosition === 'compact' }, { 'is-grouped': this.controlsPosition !== 'compact' }];
  8325. },
  8326. buttonClasses: function buttonClasses() {
  8327. return [this.type, this.size, { 'is-rounded': this.controlsRounded }];
  8328. },
  8329. minNumber: function minNumber() {
  8330. return typeof this.min === 'string' ? parseFloat(this.min) : this.min;
  8331. },
  8332. maxNumber: function maxNumber() {
  8333. return typeof this.max === 'string' ? parseFloat(this.max) : this.max;
  8334. },
  8335. stepNumber: function stepNumber() {
  8336. return typeof this.newStep === 'string' ? parseFloat(this.newStep) : this.newStep;
  8337. },
  8338. disabledMin: function disabledMin() {
  8339. return this.computedValue - this.stepNumber < this.minNumber;
  8340. },
  8341. disabledMax: function disabledMax() {
  8342. return this.computedValue + this.stepNumber > this.maxNumber;
  8343. },
  8344. stepDecimals: function stepDecimals() {
  8345. var step = this.stepNumber.toString();
  8346. var index = step.indexOf('.');
  8347. if (index >= 0) {
  8348. return step.substring(index + 1).length;
  8349. }
  8350. return 0;
  8351. }
  8352. },
  8353. watch: {
  8354. /**
  8355. * When v-model is changed:
  8356. * 1. Set internal value.
  8357. */
  8358. value: function value(_value) {
  8359. this.newValue = _value;
  8360. }
  8361. },
  8362. methods: {
  8363. decrement: function decrement() {
  8364. if (typeof this.minNumber === 'undefined' || this.computedValue - this.stepNumber >= this.minNumber) {
  8365. var value = this.computedValue - this.stepNumber;
  8366. this.computedValue = parseFloat(value.toFixed(this.stepDecimals));
  8367. }
  8368. },
  8369. increment: function increment() {
  8370. if (typeof this.maxNumber === 'undefined' || this.computedValue + this.stepNumber <= this.maxNumber) {
  8371. var value = this.computedValue + this.stepNumber;
  8372. this.computedValue = parseFloat(value.toFixed(this.stepDecimals));
  8373. }
  8374. },
  8375. onControlClick: function onControlClick(event, inc) {
  8376. if (event.detail !== 0) return;
  8377. if (inc) this.increment();else this.decrement();
  8378. },
  8379. onStartLongPress: function onStartLongPress(event, inc) {
  8380. var _this = this;
  8381. if (event.button !== 0 && event.type !== 'touchstart') return;
  8382. this._$intervalTime = new Date();
  8383. clearInterval(this._$intervalRef);
  8384. this._$intervalRef = this._$intervalRef = setInterval(function () {
  8385. if (inc) _this.increment();else _this.decrement();
  8386. }, 100);
  8387. },
  8388. onStopLongPress: function onStopLongPress(inc) {
  8389. var d = new Date();
  8390. if (d - this._$intervalTime < 100) {
  8391. if (inc) this.increment();else this.decrement();
  8392. }
  8393. clearInterval(this._$intervalRef);
  8394. this._$intervalRef = null;
  8395. },
  8396. onChange: function onChange(event) {
  8397. var value = event.target.value;
  8398. if (value) {
  8399. var number = parseFloat(value);
  8400. if (number < this.minNumber) {
  8401. this.computedValue = this.minNumber;
  8402. } else if (number > this.maxNumber) {
  8403. this.computedValue = this.maxNumber;
  8404. }
  8405. }
  8406. }
  8407. }
  8408. });
  8409. /***/ }),
  8410. /* 164 */
  8411. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  8412. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  8413. return _c('div', {
  8414. staticClass: "b-numberinput field",
  8415. class: _vm.fieldClasses
  8416. }, [_c('p', {
  8417. staticClass: "control"
  8418. }, [_c('button', {
  8419. staticClass: "button",
  8420. class: _vm.buttonClasses,
  8421. attrs: {
  8422. "type": "button",
  8423. "disabled": _vm.disabled || _vm.disabledMin
  8424. },
  8425. on: {
  8426. "mousedown": function($event) {
  8427. _vm.onStartLongPress($event, false)
  8428. },
  8429. "mouseup": function($event) {
  8430. _vm.onStopLongPress(false)
  8431. },
  8432. "mouseleave": function($event) {
  8433. _vm.onStopLongPress(false)
  8434. },
  8435. "touchstart": function($event) {
  8436. $event.preventDefault();
  8437. _vm.onStartLongPress($event, false)
  8438. },
  8439. "touchend": function($event) {
  8440. _vm.onStopLongPress(false)
  8441. },
  8442. "touchcancel": function($event) {
  8443. _vm.onStopLongPress(false)
  8444. },
  8445. "click": function($event) {
  8446. _vm.onControlClick($event, false)
  8447. }
  8448. }
  8449. }, [_c('b-icon', {
  8450. attrs: {
  8451. "icon": "minus",
  8452. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  8453. "size": _vm.iconSize
  8454. }
  8455. })], 1)]), _vm._v(" "), _c('b-input', _vm._b({
  8456. attrs: {
  8457. "type": "number",
  8458. "step": _vm.newStep,
  8459. "max": _vm.max,
  8460. "min": _vm.min,
  8461. "size": _vm.size,
  8462. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  8463. "readonly": !_vm.editable,
  8464. "loading": _vm.loading,
  8465. "rounded": _vm.rounded,
  8466. "icon": _vm.icon,
  8467. "icon-pack": _vm.iconPack,
  8468. "autocomplete": _vm.autocomplete,
  8469. "expanded": _vm.expanded
  8470. },
  8471. on: {
  8472. "focus": function($event) {
  8473. _vm.$emit('focus', $event)
  8474. },
  8475. "blur": function($event) {
  8476. _vm.$emit('blur', $event)
  8477. }
  8478. },
  8479. model: {
  8480. value: (_vm.computedValue),
  8481. callback: function($$v) {
  8482. _vm.computedValue = _vm._n($$v)
  8483. },
  8484. expression: "computedValue"
  8485. }
  8486. }, 'b-input', _vm.$attrs, false)), _vm._v(" "), _c('p', {
  8487. staticClass: "control"
  8488. }, [_c('button', {
  8489. staticClass: "button",
  8490. class: _vm.buttonClasses,
  8491. attrs: {
  8492. "type": "button",
  8493. "disabled": _vm.disabled || _vm.disabledMax
  8494. },
  8495. on: {
  8496. "mousedown": function($event) {
  8497. _vm.onStartLongPress($event, true)
  8498. },
  8499. "mouseup": function($event) {
  8500. _vm.onStopLongPress(true)
  8501. },
  8502. "mouseleave": function($event) {
  8503. _vm.onStopLongPress(true)
  8504. },
  8505. "touchstart": function($event) {
  8506. $event.preventDefault();
  8507. _vm.onStartLongPress($event, true)
  8508. },
  8509. "touchend": function($event) {
  8510. _vm.onStopLongPress(true)
  8511. },
  8512. "touchcancel": function($event) {
  8513. _vm.onStopLongPress(true)
  8514. },
  8515. "click": function($event) {
  8516. _vm.onControlClick($event, true)
  8517. }
  8518. }
  8519. }, [_c('b-icon', {
  8520. attrs: {
  8521. "icon": "plus",
  8522. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  8523. "size": _vm.iconSize
  8524. }
  8525. })], 1)])], 1)
  8526. },staticRenderFns: []}
  8527. /***/ }),
  8528. /* 165 */
  8529. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8530. "use strict";
  8531. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  8532. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
  8533. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__);
  8534. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon__ = __webpack_require__(3);
  8535. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon__);
  8536. //
  8537. //
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  8610. //
  8611. //
  8612. //
  8613. //
  8614. //
  8615. //
  8616. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  8617. name: 'BPagination',
  8618. components: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()({}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__icon_Icon___default.a),
  8619. props: {
  8620. total: [Number, String],
  8621. perPage: {
  8622. type: [Number, String],
  8623. default: 20
  8624. },
  8625. current: {
  8626. type: [Number, String],
  8627. default: 1
  8628. },
  8629. size: String,
  8630. simple: Boolean,
  8631. rounded: Boolean,
  8632. order: String,
  8633. iconPack: String,
  8634. ariaNextLabel: String,
  8635. ariaPreviousLabel: String,
  8636. ariaPageLabel: String,
  8637. ariaCurrentLabel: String
  8638. },
  8639. computed: {
  8640. rootClasses: function rootClasses() {
  8641. return [this.order, this.size, {
  8642. 'is-simple': this.simple,
  8643. 'is-rounded': this.rounded
  8644. }];
  8645. },
  8646. /**
  8647. * Total page size (count).
  8648. */
  8649. pageCount: function pageCount() {
  8650. return Math.ceil(this.total / this.perPage);
  8651. },
  8652. /**
  8653. * First item of the page (count).
  8654. */
  8655. firstItem: function firstItem() {
  8656. var firstItem = this.current * this.perPage - this.perPage + 1;
  8657. return firstItem >= 0 ? firstItem : 0;
  8658. },
  8659. /**
  8660. * Check if previous button is available.
  8661. */
  8662. hasPrev: function hasPrev() {
  8663. return this.current > 1;
  8664. },
  8665. /**
  8666. * Check if first page button should be visible.
  8667. */
  8668. hasFirst: function hasFirst() {
  8669. return this.current >= 3;
  8670. },
  8671. /**
  8672. * Check if first ellipsis should be visible.
  8673. */
  8674. hasFirstEllipsis: function hasFirstEllipsis() {
  8675. return this.current >= 4;
  8676. },
  8677. /**
  8678. * Check if last page button should be visible.
  8679. */
  8680. hasLast: function hasLast() {
  8681. return this.current <= this.pageCount - 2;
  8682. },
  8683. /**
  8684. * Check if last ellipsis should be visible.
  8685. */
  8686. hasLastEllipsis: function hasLastEllipsis() {
  8687. return this.current < this.pageCount - 2 && this.current <= this.pageCount - 3;
  8688. },
  8689. /**
  8690. * Check if next button is available.
  8691. */
  8692. hasNext: function hasNext() {
  8693. return this.current < this.pageCount;
  8694. },
  8695. /**
  8696. * Get near pages, 1 before and 1 after the current.
  8697. * Also add the click event to the array.
  8698. */
  8699. pagesInRange: function pagesInRange() {
  8700. var _this = this;
  8701. if (this.simple) return;
  8702. var left = Math.max(1, this.current - 1);
  8703. var right = Math.min(this.current + 1, this.pageCount);
  8704. var pages = [];
  8705. var _loop = function _loop(i) {
  8706. pages.push({
  8707. number: i,
  8708. isCurrent: _this.current === i,
  8709. click: function click(event) {
  8710. if (_this.current === i) return;
  8711. _this.$emit('change', i);
  8712. _this.$emit('update:current', i);
  8713. // Set focus on element to keep tab order
  8714. _this.$nextTick(function () {
  8715. return event.target.focus();
  8716. });
  8717. }
  8718. });
  8719. };
  8720. for (var i = left; i <= right; i++) {
  8721. _loop(i);
  8722. }
  8723. return pages;
  8724. }
  8725. },
  8726. watch: {
  8727. /**
  8728. * If current page is trying to be greater than page count, set to last.
  8729. */
  8730. pageCount: function pageCount(value) {
  8731. if (this.current > value) this.last();
  8732. }
  8733. },
  8734. methods: {
  8735. /**
  8736. * Previous button click listener.
  8737. */
  8738. prev: function prev() {
  8739. if (!this.hasPrev) return;
  8740. this.$emit('change', this.current - 1);
  8741. this.$emit('update:current', this.current - 1);
  8742. },
  8743. /**
  8744. * First button click listener.
  8745. */
  8746. first: function first() {
  8747. this.$emit('change', 1);
  8748. this.$emit('update:current', 1);
  8749. },
  8750. /**
  8751. * Last button click listener.
  8752. */
  8753. last: function last() {
  8754. this.$emit('change', this.pageCount);
  8755. this.$emit('update:current', this.pageCount);
  8756. },
  8757. /**
  8758. * Next button click listener.
  8759. */
  8760. next: function next() {
  8761. if (!this.hasNext) return;
  8762. this.$emit('change', this.current + 1);
  8763. this.$emit('update:current', this.current + 1);
  8764. },
  8765. /**
  8766. * Get text for aria-label according to page number.
  8767. */
  8768. getAriaPageLabel: function getAriaPageLabel(pageNumber, isCurrent) {
  8769. if (this.ariaPageLabel && (!isCurrent || !this.ariaCurrentLabel)) {
  8770. return this.ariaPageLabel + ' ' + pageNumber + '.';
  8771. } else if (this.ariaPageLabel && isCurrent && this.ariaCurrentLabel) {
  8772. return this.ariaCurrentLabel + ', ' + this.ariaPageLabel + ' ' + pageNumber + '.';
  8773. }
  8774. return null;
  8775. }
  8776. }
  8777. });
  8778. /***/ }),
  8779. /* 166 */
  8780. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  8781. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  8782. return _c('nav', {
  8783. staticClass: "pagination",
  8784. class: _vm.rootClasses
  8785. }, [_c('a', {
  8786. staticClass: "pagination-previous",
  8787. attrs: {
  8788. "role": "button",
  8789. "href": "#",
  8790. "disabled": !_vm.hasPrev,
  8791. "aria-label": _vm.ariaPreviousLabel
  8792. },
  8793. on: {
  8794. "click": function($event) {
  8795. $event.preventDefault();
  8796. _vm.prev($event)
  8797. }
  8798. }
  8799. }, [_c('b-icon', {
  8800. attrs: {
  8801. "icon": "chevron-left",
  8802. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  8803. "both": "",
  8804. "aria-hidden": ""
  8805. }
  8806. })], 1), _vm._v(" "), _c('a', {
  8807. staticClass: "pagination-next",
  8808. attrs: {
  8809. "role": "button",
  8810. "href": "#",
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  8864. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(page.number) + "\n ")])])
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  8880. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.pageCount) + "\n ")])]) : _vm._e()], 2) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.simple) ? _c('small', {
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  8889. __webpack_require__(168),
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  8891. __webpack_require__(169),
  8892. /* styles */
  8893. null,
  8894. /* scopeId */
  8895. null,
  8896. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  8897. null
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  8914. //
  8915. //
  8916. //
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  8937. name: String,
  8938. size: String
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  8941. return {
  8942. newValue: this.value
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  8947. get: function get() {
  8948. return this.newValue;
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  8952. this.$emit('input', value);
  8953. }
  8954. }
  8955. },
  8956. watch: {
  8957. /**
  8958. * When v-model change, set internal value.
  8959. */
  8960. value: function value(_value) {
  8961. this.newValue = _value;
  8962. }
  8963. }
  8964. });
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  8973. 'is-disabled': _vm.disabled
  8974. }],
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  8983. _vm.$refs.label.click()
  8984. }
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  8990. value: (_vm.computedValue),
  8991. expression: "computedValue"
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  9006. $event.stopPropagation();
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  9008. "change": function($event) {
  9009. _vm.computedValue = _vm.nativeValue
  9010. }
  9011. }
  9012. }), _vm._v(" "), _c('span', {
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  9014. class: _vm.type
  9015. }), _vm._v(" "), _c('span', {
  9016. staticClass: "control-label"
  9017. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2)])
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  9024. __webpack_require__(171),
  9025. /* template */
  9026. __webpack_require__(172),
  9027. /* styles */
  9028. null,
  9029. /* scopeId */
  9030. null,
  9031. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  9032. null
  9033. )
  9034. module.exports = Component.exports
  9035. /***/ }),
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  9047. //
  9048. //
  9049. //
  9050. //
  9051. //
  9052. //
  9053. //
  9054. //
  9055. //
  9056. //
  9057. //
  9058. //
  9059. //
  9060. //
  9061. //
  9062. //
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  9071. type: String,
  9072. default: 'is-primary'
  9073. },
  9074. disabled: Boolean,
  9075. required: Boolean,
  9076. name: String,
  9077. size: String
  9078. },
  9079. data: function data() {
  9080. return {
  9081. newValue: this.value
  9082. };
  9083. },
  9084. computed: {
  9085. computedValue: {
  9086. get: function get() {
  9087. return this.newValue;
  9088. },
  9089. set: function set(value) {
  9090. this.newValue = value;
  9091. this.$emit('input', value);
  9092. }
  9093. }
  9094. },
  9095. watch: {
  9096. /**
  9097. * When v-model change, set internal value.
  9098. */
  9099. value: function value(_value) {
  9100. this.newValue = _value;
  9101. }
  9102. }
  9103. });
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  9105. /* 172 */
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  9109. staticClass: "control"
  9110. }, [_c('label', {
  9111. ref: "label",
  9112. staticClass: "b-radio radio button",
  9113. class: [_vm.newValue === _vm.nativeValue ? _vm.type : null, _vm.size],
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  9115. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  9116. "tabindex": _vm.disabled ? false : 0
  9117. },
  9118. on: {
  9119. "keydown": function($event) {
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  9121. $event.preventDefault();
  9122. _vm.$refs.label.click()
  9123. }
  9124. }
  9125. }, [_vm._t("default"), _vm._v(" "), _c('input', {
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  9128. rawName: "v-model",
  9129. value: (_vm.computedValue),
  9130. expression: "computedValue"
  9131. }],
  9132. attrs: {
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  9134. "type": "radio",
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  9136. "required": _vm.required,
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  9138. },
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  9141. "checked": _vm._q(_vm.computedValue, _vm.nativeValue)
  9142. },
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  9145. $event.stopPropagation();
  9146. },
  9147. "change": function($event) {
  9148. _vm.computedValue = _vm.nativeValue
  9149. }
  9150. }
  9151. })], 2)])
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  9157. /* script */
  9158. __webpack_require__(174),
  9159. /* template */
  9160. __webpack_require__(175),
  9161. /* styles */
  9162. null,
  9163. /* scopeId */
  9164. null,
  9165. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  9166. null
  9167. )
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  9177. //
  9178. //
  9179. //
  9180. //
  9181. //
  9182. //
  9183. //
  9184. //
  9185. //
  9186. //
  9187. //
  9188. //
  9189. //
  9190. //
  9191. //
  9192. //
  9193. //
  9194. //
  9195. //
  9196. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
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  9199. props: {
  9200. actionText: {
  9201. type: String,
  9202. default: 'OK'
  9203. },
  9204. onAction: {
  9205. type: Function,
  9206. default: function _default() {}
  9207. },
  9208. indefinite: {
  9209. type: Boolean,
  9210. default: false
  9211. }
  9212. },
  9213. data: function data() {
  9214. return {
  9215. newDuration: this.duration || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultSnackbarDuration
  9216. };
  9217. },
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  9219. /**
  9220. * Click listener.
  9221. * Call action prop before closing (from Mixin).
  9222. */
  9223. action: function action() {
  9224. this.onAction();
  9225. this.close();
  9226. }
  9227. }
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  9237. }
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  9241. rawName: "v-show",
  9242. value: (_vm.isActive),
  9243. expression: "isActive"
  9244. }],
  9245. staticClass: "snackbar",
  9246. class: [_vm.type, _vm.position]
  9247. }, [_c('p', {
  9248. staticClass: "text"
  9249. }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.message))]), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.actionText) ? _c('div', {
  9250. staticClass: "action",
  9251. class: _vm.type,
  9252. on: {
  9253. "click": _vm.action
  9254. }
  9255. }, [_c('button', {
  9256. staticClass: "button"
  9257. }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.actionText))])]) : _vm._e()])])
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  9263. /* script */
  9264. __webpack_require__(177),
  9265. /* template */
  9266. __webpack_require__(178),
  9267. /* styles */
  9268. null,
  9269. /* scopeId */
  9270. null,
  9271. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  9272. null
  9273. )
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  9283. //
  9284. //
  9285. //
  9286. //
  9287. //
  9288. //
  9289. //
  9290. //
  9291. //
  9292. //
  9293. //
  9294. //
  9295. //
  9296. //
  9297. //
  9298. //
  9299. //
  9300. //
  9301. //
  9302. //
  9303. //
  9304. //
  9305. //
  9306. //
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  9309. name: 'BSwitch',
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  9311. value: [String, Number, Boolean, Function, Object, Array, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default.a],
  9312. nativeValue: [String, Number, Boolean, Function, Object, Array, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default.a],
  9313. disabled: Boolean,
  9314. type: String,
  9315. name: String,
  9316. required: Boolean,
  9317. size: String,
  9318. trueValue: {
  9319. type: [String, Number, Boolean, Function, Object, Array, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default.a],
  9320. default: true
  9321. },
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  9323. type: [String, Number, Boolean, Function, Object, Array, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default.a],
  9324. default: false
  9325. }
  9326. },
  9327. data: function data() {
  9328. return {
  9329. newValue: this.value,
  9330. isMouseDown: false
  9331. };
  9332. },
  9333. computed: {
  9334. computedValue: {
  9335. get: function get() {
  9336. return this.newValue;
  9337. },
  9338. set: function set(value) {
  9339. this.newValue = value;
  9340. this.$emit('input', value);
  9341. }
  9342. }
  9343. },
  9344. watch: {
  9345. /**
  9346. * When v-model change, set internal value.
  9347. */
  9348. value: function value(_value) {
  9349. this.newValue = _value;
  9350. }
  9351. }
  9352. });
  9353. /***/ }),
  9354. /* 178 */
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  9356. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  9357. return _c('label', {
  9358. ref: "label",
  9359. staticClass: "switch",
  9360. class: [_vm.size, {
  9361. 'is-disabled': _vm.disabled
  9362. }],
  9363. attrs: {
  9364. "disabled": _vm.disabled
  9365. },
  9366. on: {
  9367. "keydown": function($event) {
  9368. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "enter", 13, $event.key)) { return null; }
  9369. $event.preventDefault();
  9370. _vm.$refs.label.click()
  9371. },
  9372. "mousedown": function($event) {
  9373. _vm.isMouseDown = true
  9374. },
  9375. "mouseup": function($event) {
  9376. _vm.isMouseDown = false
  9377. },
  9378. "mouseout": function($event) {
  9379. _vm.isMouseDown = false
  9380. },
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  9382. _vm.isMouseDown = false
  9383. }
  9384. }
  9385. }, [_c('input', {
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  9388. rawName: "v-model",
  9389. value: (_vm.computedValue),
  9390. expression: "computedValue"
  9391. }],
  9392. attrs: {
  9393. "type": "checkbox",
  9394. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  9395. "name": _vm.name,
  9396. "required": _vm.required,
  9397. "true-value": _vm.trueValue,
  9398. "false-value": _vm.falseValue
  9399. },
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  9402. "checked": Array.isArray(_vm.computedValue) ? _vm._i(_vm.computedValue, _vm.nativeValue) > -1 : _vm._q(_vm.computedValue, _vm.trueValue)
  9403. },
  9404. on: {
  9405. "click": function($event) {
  9406. $event.stopPropagation();
  9407. },
  9408. "change": function($event) {
  9409. var $$a = _vm.computedValue,
  9410. $$el = $event.target,
  9411. $$c = $$el.checked ? (_vm.trueValue) : (_vm.falseValue);
  9412. if (Array.isArray($$a)) {
  9413. var $$v = _vm.nativeValue,
  9414. $$i = _vm._i($$a, $$v);
  9415. if ($$el.checked) {
  9416. $$i < 0 && (_vm.computedValue = $$a.concat([$$v]))
  9417. } else {
  9418. $$i > -1 && (_vm.computedValue = $$a.slice(0, $$i).concat($$a.slice($$i + 1)))
  9419. }
  9420. } else {
  9421. _vm.computedValue = $$c
  9422. }
  9423. }
  9424. }
  9425. }), _vm._v(" "), _c('span', {
  9426. staticClass: "check",
  9427. class: [{
  9428. 'is-elastic': _vm.isMouseDown && !_vm.disabled
  9429. }, _vm.type]
  9430. }), _vm._v(" "), _c('span', {
  9431. staticClass: "control-label"
  9432. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2)])
  9433. },staticRenderFns: []}
  9434. /***/ }),
  9435. /* 179 */
  9436. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  9437. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  9438. /* script */
  9439. __webpack_require__(180),
  9440. /* template */
  9441. __webpack_require__(194),
  9442. /* styles */
  9443. null,
  9444. /* scopeId */
  9445. null,
  9446. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  9447. null
  9448. )
  9449. module.exports = Component.exports
  9450. /***/ }),
  9451. /* 180 */
  9452. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9453. "use strict";
  9454. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  9455. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_toConsumableArray__ = __webpack_require__(181);
  9456. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_toConsumableArray___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_toConsumableArray__);
  9457. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
  9458. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__);
  9459. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_helpers__ = __webpack_require__(7);
  9460. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__checkbox_Checkbox__ = __webpack_require__(61);
  9461. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__checkbox_Checkbox___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__checkbox_Checkbox__);
  9462. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__icon_Icon__ = __webpack_require__(3);
  9463. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__icon_Icon___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__icon_Icon__);
  9464. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__pagination_Pagination__ = __webpack_require__(66);
  9465. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__pagination_Pagination___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__pagination_Pagination__);
  9466. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__TableMobileSort__ = __webpack_require__(189);
  9467. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__TableMobileSort___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__TableMobileSort__);
  9468. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__TableColumn__ = __webpack_require__(67);
  9469. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__TableColumn___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__TableColumn__);
  9470. var _components;
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  9660. //
  9661. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  9662. name: 'BTable',
  9663. components: (_components = {}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__checkbox_Checkbox___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__checkbox_Checkbox___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__icon_Icon___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__icon_Icon___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__pagination_Pagination___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__pagination_Pagination___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__TableMobileSort___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__TableMobileSort___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__TableColumn___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__TableColumn___default.a), _components),
  9664. props: {
  9665. data: {
  9666. type: Array,
  9667. default: function _default() {
  9668. return [];
  9669. }
  9670. },
  9671. columns: {
  9672. type: Array,
  9673. default: function _default() {
  9674. return [];
  9675. }
  9676. },
  9677. bordered: Boolean,
  9678. striped: Boolean,
  9679. narrowed: Boolean,
  9680. hoverable: Boolean,
  9681. loading: Boolean,
  9682. detailed: Boolean,
  9683. checkable: Boolean,
  9684. selected: Object,
  9685. focusable: Boolean,
  9686. customIsChecked: Function,
  9687. isRowCheckable: {
  9688. type: Function,
  9689. default: function _default() {
  9690. return true;
  9691. }
  9692. },
  9693. checkedRows: {
  9694. type: Array,
  9695. default: function _default() {
  9696. return [];
  9697. }
  9698. },
  9699. mobileCards: {
  9700. type: Boolean,
  9701. default: true
  9702. },
  9703. defaultSort: [String, Array],
  9704. defaultSortDirection: {
  9705. type: String,
  9706. default: 'asc'
  9707. },
  9708. paginated: Boolean,
  9709. currentPage: {
  9710. type: Number,
  9711. default: 1
  9712. },
  9713. perPage: {
  9714. type: [Number, String],
  9715. default: 20
  9716. },
  9717. showDetailIcon: {
  9718. type: Boolean,
  9719. default: true
  9720. },
  9721. paginationSimple: Boolean,
  9722. paginationSize: String,
  9723. backendSorting: Boolean,
  9724. rowClass: {
  9725. type: Function,
  9726. default: function _default() {
  9727. return '';
  9728. }
  9729. },
  9730. openedDetailed: {
  9731. type: Array,
  9732. default: function _default() {
  9733. return [];
  9734. }
  9735. },
  9736. hasDetailedVisible: {
  9737. type: Function,
  9738. default: function _default() {
  9739. return true;
  9740. }
  9741. },
  9742. detailKey: {
  9743. type: String,
  9744. default: ''
  9745. },
  9746. customDetailRow: {
  9747. type: Boolean,
  9748. default: false
  9749. },
  9750. backendPagination: Boolean,
  9751. total: {
  9752. type: [Number, String],
  9753. default: 0
  9754. },
  9755. iconPack: String,
  9756. mobileSortPlaceholder: String,
  9757. customRowKey: String,
  9758. draggable: {
  9759. type: Boolean,
  9760. defualt: false
  9761. },
  9762. ariaNextLabel: String,
  9763. ariaPreviousLabel: String,
  9764. ariaPageLabel: String,
  9765. ariaCurrentLabel: String
  9766. },
  9767. data: function data() {
  9768. return {
  9769. getValueByPath: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_helpers__["a" /* getValueByPath */],
  9770. newColumns: [].concat(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_toConsumableArray___default()(this.columns)),
  9771. visibleDetailRows: this.openedDetailed,
  9772. newData: this.data,
  9773. newDataTotal: this.backendPagination ? this.total : this.data.length,
  9774. newCheckedRows: [].concat(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_toConsumableArray___default()(this.checkedRows)),
  9775. newCurrentPage: this.currentPage,
  9776. currentSortColumn: {},
  9777. isAsc: true,
  9778. firstTimeSort: true, // Used by first time initSort
  9779. _isTable: true // Used by TableColumn
  9780. };
  9781. },
  9782. computed: {
  9783. /**
  9784. * return if detailed row tabled
  9785. * will be with chevron column & icon or not
  9786. */
  9787. showDetailRowIcon: function showDetailRowIcon() {
  9788. return this.detailed && this.showDetailIcon;
  9789. },
  9790. tableClasses: function tableClasses() {
  9791. return {
  9792. 'is-bordered': this.bordered,
  9793. 'is-striped': this.striped,
  9794. 'is-narrow': this.narrowed,
  9795. 'has-mobile-cards': this.mobileCards,
  9796. 'is-hoverable': (this.hoverable || this.focusable) && this.visibleData.length
  9797. };
  9798. },
  9799. /**
  9800. * Splitted data based on the pagination.
  9801. */
  9802. visibleData: function visibleData() {
  9803. if (!this.paginated) return this.newData;
  9804. var currentPage = this.newCurrentPage;
  9805. var perPage = this.perPage;
  9806. if (this.newData.length <= perPage) {
  9807. return this.newData;
  9808. } else {
  9809. var start = (currentPage - 1) * perPage;
  9810. var end = parseInt(start, 10) + parseInt(perPage, 10);
  9811. return this.newData.slice(start, end);
  9812. }
  9813. },
  9814. visibleColumns: function visibleColumns() {
  9815. if (!this.newColumns) return this.newColumns;
  9816. return this.newColumns.filter(function (column) {
  9817. return column.visible || column.visible === undefined;
  9818. });
  9819. },
  9820. /**
  9821. * Check if all rows in the page are checked.
  9822. */
  9823. isAllChecked: function isAllChecked() {
  9824. var _this = this;
  9825. var validVisibleData = this.visibleData.filter(function (row) {
  9826. return _this.isRowCheckable(row);
  9827. });
  9828. if (validVisibleData.length === 0) return false;
  9829. var isAllChecked = validVisibleData.some(function (currentVisibleRow) {
  9830. return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_helpers__["b" /* indexOf */])(_this.newCheckedRows, currentVisibleRow, _this.customIsChecked) < 0;
  9831. });
  9832. return !isAllChecked;
  9833. },
  9834. /**
  9835. * Check if all rows in the page are checkable.
  9836. */
  9837. isAllUncheckable: function isAllUncheckable() {
  9838. var _this2 = this;
  9839. var validVisibleData = this.visibleData.filter(function (row) {
  9840. return _this2.isRowCheckable(row);
  9841. });
  9842. return validVisibleData.length === 0;
  9843. },
  9844. /**
  9845. * Check if has any sortable column.
  9846. */
  9847. hasSortablenewColumns: function hasSortablenewColumns() {
  9848. return this.newColumns.some(function (column) {
  9849. return column.sortable;
  9850. });
  9851. },
  9852. /**
  9853. * Return total column count based if it's checkable or expanded
  9854. */
  9855. columnCount: function columnCount() {
  9856. var count = this.newColumns.length;
  9857. count += this.checkable ? 1 : 0;
  9858. count += this.detailed ? 1 : 0;
  9859. return count;
  9860. }
  9861. },
  9862. watch: {
  9863. /**
  9864. * When data prop change:
  9865. * 1. Update internal value.
  9866. * 2. Reset newColumns (thead), in case it's on a v-for loop.
  9867. * 3. Sort again if it's not backend-sort.
  9868. * 4. Set new total if it's not backend-paginated.
  9869. */
  9870. data: function data(value) {
  9871. var _this3 = this;
  9872. // Save newColumns before resetting
  9873. var newColumns = this.newColumns;
  9874. this.newColumns = [];
  9875. this.newData = value;
  9876. // Prevent table from being headless, data could change and created hook
  9877. // on column might not trigger
  9878. this.$nextTick(function () {
  9879. if (!_this3.newColumns.length) _this3.newColumns = newColumns;
  9880. });
  9881. if (!this.backendSorting) {
  9882. this.sort(this.currentSortColumn, true);
  9883. }
  9884. if (!this.backendPagination) {
  9885. this.newDataTotal = value.length;
  9886. }
  9887. },
  9888. /**
  9889. * When Pagination total change, update internal total
  9890. * only if it's backend-paginated.
  9891. */
  9892. total: function total(newTotal) {
  9893. if (!this.backendPagination) return;
  9894. this.newDataTotal = newTotal;
  9895. },
  9896. /**
  9897. * When checkedRows prop change, update internal value without
  9898. * mutating original data.
  9899. */
  9900. checkedRows: function checkedRows(rows) {
  9901. this.newCheckedRows = [].concat(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_toConsumableArray___default()(rows));
  9902. },
  9903. columns: function columns(value) {
  9904. this.newColumns = [].concat(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_toConsumableArray___default()(value));
  9905. },
  9906. newColumns: function newColumns(value) {
  9907. this.checkSort();
  9908. },
  9909. /**
  9910. * When the user wants to control the detailed rows via props.
  9911. * Or wants to open the details of certain row with the router for example.
  9912. */
  9913. openedDetailed: function openedDetailed(expandedRows) {
  9914. this.visibleDetailRows = expandedRows;
  9915. },
  9916. currentPage: function currentPage(newVal) {
  9917. this.newCurrentPage = newVal;
  9918. }
  9919. },
  9920. methods: {
  9921. /**
  9922. * Sort an array by key without mutating original data.
  9923. * Call the user sort function if it was passed.
  9924. */
  9925. sortBy: function sortBy(array, key, fn, isAsc) {
  9926. var sorted = [];
  9927. // Sorting without mutating original data
  9928. if (fn && typeof fn === 'function') {
  9929. sorted = [].concat(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_toConsumableArray___default()(array)).sort(function (a, b) {
  9930. return fn(a, b, isAsc);
  9931. });
  9932. } else {
  9933. sorted = [].concat(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_toConsumableArray___default()(array)).sort(function (a, b) {
  9934. // Get nested values from objects
  9935. var newA = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_helpers__["a" /* getValueByPath */])(a, key);
  9936. var newB = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_helpers__["a" /* getValueByPath */])(b, key);
  9937. // sort boolean type
  9938. if (typeof newA === 'boolean' && typeof newB === 'boolean') {
  9939. return isAsc ? newA - newB : newB - newA;
  9940. }
  9941. if (!newA && newA !== 0) return 1;
  9942. if (!newB && newB !== 0) return -1;
  9943. if (newA === newB) return 0;
  9944. newA = typeof newA === 'string' ? newA.toUpperCase() : newA;
  9945. newB = typeof newB === 'string' ? newB.toUpperCase() : newB;
  9946. return isAsc ? newA > newB ? 1 : -1 : newA > newB ? -1 : 1;
  9947. });
  9948. }
  9949. return sorted;
  9950. },
  9951. /**
  9952. * Sort the column.
  9953. * Toggle current direction on column if it's sortable
  9954. * and not just updating the prop.
  9955. */
  9956. sort: function sort(column) {
  9957. var updatingData = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
  9958. if (!column || !column.sortable) return;
  9959. if (!updatingData) {
  9960. this.isAsc = column === this.currentSortColumn ? !this.isAsc : this.defaultSortDirection.toLowerCase() !== 'desc';
  9961. }
  9962. if (!this.firstTimeSort) {
  9963. this.$emit('sort', column.field, this.isAsc ? 'asc' : 'desc');
  9964. }
  9965. if (!this.backendSorting) {
  9966. this.newData = this.sortBy(this.newData, column.field, column.customSort, this.isAsc);
  9967. }
  9968. this.currentSortColumn = column;
  9969. },
  9970. /**
  9971. * Check if the row is checked (is added to the array).
  9972. */
  9973. isRowChecked: function isRowChecked(row) {
  9974. return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_helpers__["b" /* indexOf */])(this.newCheckedRows, row, this.customIsChecked) >= 0;
  9975. },
  9976. /**
  9977. * Remove a checked row from the array.
  9978. */
  9979. removeCheckedRow: function removeCheckedRow(row) {
  9980. var index = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_helpers__["b" /* indexOf */])(this.newCheckedRows, row, this.customIsChecked);
  9981. if (index >= 0) {
  9982. this.newCheckedRows.splice(index, 1);
  9983. }
  9984. },
  9985. /**
  9986. * Header checkbox click listener.
  9987. * Add or remove all rows in current page.
  9988. */
  9989. checkAll: function checkAll() {
  9990. var _this4 = this;
  9991. var isAllChecked = this.isAllChecked;
  9992. this.visibleData.forEach(function (currentRow) {
  9993. _this4.removeCheckedRow(currentRow);
  9994. if (!isAllChecked) {
  9995. if (_this4.isRowCheckable(currentRow)) {
  9996. _this4.newCheckedRows.push(currentRow);
  9997. }
  9998. }
  9999. });
  10000. this.$emit('check', this.newCheckedRows);
  10001. this.$emit('check-all', this.newCheckedRows);
  10002. // Emit checked rows to update user variable
  10003. this.$emit('update:checkedRows', this.newCheckedRows);
  10004. },
  10005. /**
  10006. * Row checkbox click listener.
  10007. * Add or remove a single row.
  10008. */
  10009. checkRow: function checkRow(row) {
  10010. if (!this.isRowChecked(row)) {
  10011. this.newCheckedRows.push(row);
  10012. } else {
  10013. this.removeCheckedRow(row);
  10014. }
  10015. this.$emit('check', this.newCheckedRows, row);
  10016. // Emit checked rows to update user variable
  10017. this.$emit('update:checkedRows', this.newCheckedRows);
  10018. },
  10019. /**
  10020. * Row click listener.
  10021. * Emit all necessary events.
  10022. */
  10023. selectRow: function selectRow(row, index) {
  10024. this.$emit('click', row);
  10025. if (this.selected === row) return;
  10026. // Emit new and old row
  10027. this.$emit('select', row, this.selected);
  10028. // Emit new row to update user variable
  10029. this.$emit('update:selected', row);
  10030. },
  10031. /**
  10032. * Paginator change listener.
  10033. */
  10034. pageChanged: function pageChanged(page) {
  10035. this.newCurrentPage = page > 0 ? page : 1;
  10036. this.$emit('page-change', this.newCurrentPage);
  10037. this.$emit('update:currentPage', this.newCurrentPage);
  10038. },
  10039. /**
  10040. * Toggle to show/hide details slot
  10041. */
  10042. toggleDetails: function toggleDetails(obj) {
  10043. var found = this.isVisibleDetailRow(obj);
  10044. if (found) {
  10045. this.closeDetailRow(obj);
  10046. this.$emit('details-close', obj);
  10047. } else {
  10048. this.openDetailRow(obj);
  10049. this.$emit('details-open', obj);
  10050. }
  10051. // Syncs the detailed rows with the parent component
  10052. this.$emit('update:openedDetailed', this.visibleDetailRows);
  10053. },
  10054. openDetailRow: function openDetailRow(obj) {
  10055. var index = this.handleDetailKey(obj);
  10056. this.visibleDetailRows.push(index);
  10057. },
  10058. closeDetailRow: function closeDetailRow(obj) {
  10059. var index = this.handleDetailKey(obj);
  10060. var i = this.visibleDetailRows.indexOf(index);
  10061. this.visibleDetailRows.splice(i, 1);
  10062. },
  10063. isVisibleDetailRow: function isVisibleDetailRow(obj) {
  10064. var index = this.handleDetailKey(obj);
  10065. var result = this.visibleDetailRows.indexOf(index) >= 0;
  10066. return result;
  10067. },
  10068. isActiveDetailRow: function isActiveDetailRow(row) {
  10069. return this.detailed && !this.customDetailRow && this.isVisibleDetailRow(row);
  10070. },
  10071. isActiveCustomDetailRow: function isActiveCustomDetailRow(row) {
  10072. return this.detailed && this.customDetailRow && this.isVisibleDetailRow(row);
  10073. },
  10074. /**
  10075. * When the detailKey is defined we use the object[detailKey] as index.
  10076. * If not, use the object reference by default.
  10077. */
  10078. handleDetailKey: function handleDetailKey(index) {
  10079. var key = this.detailKey;
  10080. return !key.length ? index : index[key];
  10081. },
  10082. checkPredefinedDetailedRows: function checkPredefinedDetailedRows() {
  10083. var defaultExpandedRowsDefined = this.openedDetailed.length > 0;
  10084. if (defaultExpandedRowsDefined && !this.detailKey.length) {
  10085. throw new Error('If you set a predefined opened-detailed, you must provide a unique key using the prop "detail-key"');
  10086. }
  10087. },
  10088. /**
  10089. * Call initSort only first time (For example async data).
  10090. */
  10091. checkSort: function checkSort() {
  10092. if (this.newColumns.length && this.firstTimeSort) {
  10093. this.initSort();
  10094. this.firstTimeSort = false;
  10095. } else if (this.newColumns.length) {
  10096. if (this.currentSortColumn.field) {
  10097. for (var i = 0; i < this.newColumns.length; i++) {
  10098. if (this.newColumns[i].field === this.currentSortColumn.field) {
  10099. this.currentSortColumn = this.newColumns[i];
  10100. break;
  10101. }
  10102. }
  10103. }
  10104. }
  10105. },
  10106. /**
  10107. * Check if footer slot has custom content.
  10108. */
  10109. hasCustomFooterSlot: function hasCustomFooterSlot() {
  10110. if (this.$slots.footer.length > 1) return true;
  10111. var tag = this.$slots.footer[0].tag;
  10112. if (tag !== 'th' && tag !== 'td') return false;
  10113. return true;
  10114. },
  10115. /**
  10116. * Check if bottom-left slot exists.
  10117. */
  10118. hasBottomLeftSlot: function hasBottomLeftSlot() {
  10119. return typeof this.$slots['bottom-left'] !== 'undefined';
  10120. },
  10121. /**
  10122. * Table arrow keys listener, change selection.
  10123. */
  10124. pressedArrow: function pressedArrow(pos) {
  10125. if (!this.visibleData.length) return;
  10126. var index = this.visibleData.indexOf(this.selected) + pos;
  10127. // Prevent from going up from first and down from last
  10128. index = index < 0 ? 0 : index > this.visibleData.length - 1 ? this.visibleData.length - 1 : index;
  10129. this.selectRow(this.visibleData[index]);
  10130. },
  10131. /**
  10132. * Focus table element if has selected prop.
  10133. */
  10134. focus: function focus() {
  10135. if (!this.focusable) return;
  10136. this.$el.querySelector('table').focus();
  10137. },
  10138. /**
  10139. * Initial sorted column based on the default-sort prop.
  10140. */
  10141. initSort: function initSort() {
  10142. var _this5 = this;
  10143. if (!this.defaultSort) return;
  10144. var sortField = '';
  10145. var sortDirection = this.defaultSortDirection;
  10146. if (Array.isArray(this.defaultSort)) {
  10147. sortField = this.defaultSort[0];
  10148. if (this.defaultSort[1]) {
  10149. sortDirection = this.defaultSort[1];
  10150. }
  10151. } else {
  10152. sortField = this.defaultSort;
  10153. }
  10154. this.newColumns.forEach(function (column) {
  10155. if (column.field === sortField) {
  10156. _this5.isAsc = sortDirection.toLowerCase() !== 'desc';
  10157. _this5.sort(column, true);
  10158. }
  10159. });
  10160. },
  10161. /**
  10162. * Emits drag start event
  10163. */
  10164. handleDragStart: function handleDragStart(event, row, index) {
  10165. this.$emit('dragstart', { event: event, row: row, index: index });
  10166. },
  10167. /**
  10168. * Emits drop event
  10169. */
  10170. handleDrop: function handleDrop(event, row, index) {
  10171. this.$emit('drop', { event: event, row: row, index: index });
  10172. },
  10173. /**
  10174. * Emits drag over event
  10175. */
  10176. handleDragOver: function handleDragOver(event, row, index) {
  10177. this.$emit('dragover', { event: event, row: row, index: index });
  10178. },
  10179. /**
  10180. * Emits drag leave event
  10181. */
  10182. handleDragLeave: function handleDragLeave(event, row, index) {
  10183. this.$emit('dragleave', { event: event, row: row, index: index });
  10184. }
  10185. },
  10186. mounted: function mounted() {
  10187. this.checkPredefinedDetailedRows();
  10188. this.checkSort();
  10189. }
  10190. });
  10191. /***/ }),
  10192. /* 181 */
  10193. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  10194. "use strict";
  10195. exports.__esModule = true;
  10196. var _from = __webpack_require__(182);
  10197. var _from2 = _interopRequireDefault(_from);
  10198. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
  10199. exports.default = function (arr) {
  10200. if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
  10201. for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) {
  10202. arr2[i] = arr[i];
  10203. }
  10204. return arr2;
  10205. } else {
  10206. return (0, _from2.default)(arr);
  10207. }
  10208. };
  10209. /***/ }),
  10210. /* 182 */
  10211. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  10212. module.exports = { "default": __webpack_require__(183), __esModule: true };
  10213. /***/ }),
  10214. /* 183 */
  10215. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  10216. __webpack_require__(41);
  10217. __webpack_require__(184);
  10218. module.exports = __webpack_require__(6).Array.from;
  10219. /***/ }),
  10220. /* 184 */
  10221. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  10222. "use strict";
  10223. var ctx = __webpack_require__(46);
  10224. var $export = __webpack_require__(19);
  10225. var toObject = __webpack_require__(40);
  10226. var call = __webpack_require__(185);
  10227. var isArrayIter = __webpack_require__(186);
  10228. var toLength = __webpack_require__(51);
  10229. var createProperty = __webpack_require__(187);
  10230. var getIterFn = __webpack_require__(60);
  10231. $export($export.S + $export.F * !__webpack_require__(188)(function (iter) { Array.from(iter); }), 'Array', {
  10232. // Array.from(arrayLike, mapfn = undefined, thisArg = undefined)
  10233. from: function from(arrayLike /* , mapfn = undefined, thisArg = undefined */) {
  10234. var O = toObject(arrayLike);
  10235. var C = typeof this == 'function' ? this : Array;
  10236. var aLen = arguments.length;
  10237. var mapfn = aLen > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
  10238. var mapping = mapfn !== undefined;
  10239. var index = 0;
  10240. var iterFn = getIterFn(O);
  10241. var length, result, step, iterator;
  10242. if (mapping) mapfn = ctx(mapfn, aLen > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined, 2);
  10243. // if object isn't iterable or it's array with default iterator - use simple case
  10244. if (iterFn != undefined && !(C == Array && isArrayIter(iterFn))) {
  10245. for (iterator = iterFn.call(O), result = new C(); !(step = iterator.next()).done; index++) {
  10246. createProperty(result, index, mapping ? call(iterator, mapfn, [step.value, index], true) : step.value);
  10247. }
  10248. } else {
  10249. length = toLength(O.length);
  10250. for (result = new C(length); length > index; index++) {
  10251. createProperty(result, index, mapping ? mapfn(O[index], index) : O[index]);
  10252. }
  10253. }
  10254. result.length = index;
  10255. return result;
  10256. }
  10257. });
  10258. /***/ }),
  10259. /* 185 */
  10260. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  10261. // call something on iterator step with safe closing on error
  10262. var anObject = __webpack_require__(15);
  10263. module.exports = function (iterator, fn, value, entries) {
  10264. try {
  10265. return entries ? fn(anObject(value)[0], value[1]) : fn(value);
  10266. // 7.4.6 IteratorClose(iterator, completion)
  10267. } catch (e) {
  10268. var ret = iterator['return'];
  10269. if (ret !== undefined) anObject(ret.call(iterator));
  10270. throw e;
  10271. }
  10272. };
  10273. /***/ }),
  10274. /* 186 */
  10275. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  10276. // check on default Array iterator
  10277. var Iterators = __webpack_require__(23);
  10278. var ITERATOR = __webpack_require__(4)('iterator');
  10279. var ArrayProto = Array.prototype;
  10280. module.exports = function (it) {
  10281. return it !== undefined && (Iterators.Array === it || ArrayProto[ITERATOR] === it);
  10282. };
  10283. /***/ }),
  10284. /* 187 */
  10285. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  10286. "use strict";
  10287. var $defineProperty = __webpack_require__(9);
  10288. var createDesc = __webpack_require__(22);
  10289. module.exports = function (object, index, value) {
  10290. if (index in object) $defineProperty.f(object, index, createDesc(0, value));
  10291. else object[index] = value;
  10292. };
  10293. /***/ }),
  10294. /* 188 */
  10295. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  10296. var ITERATOR = __webpack_require__(4)('iterator');
  10297. var SAFE_CLOSING = false;
  10298. try {
  10299. var riter = [7][ITERATOR]();
  10300. riter['return'] = function () { SAFE_CLOSING = true; };
  10301. // eslint-disable-next-line no-throw-literal
  10302. Array.from(riter, function () { throw 2; });
  10303. } catch (e) { /* empty */ }
  10304. module.exports = function (exec, skipClosing) {
  10305. if (!skipClosing && !SAFE_CLOSING) return false;
  10306. var safe = false;
  10307. try {
  10308. var arr = [7];
  10309. var iter = arr[ITERATOR]();
  10310. iter.next = function () { return { done: safe = true }; };
  10311. arr[ITERATOR] = function () { return iter; };
  10312. exec(arr);
  10313. } catch (e) { /* empty */ }
  10314. return safe;
  10315. };
  10316. /***/ }),
  10317. /* 189 */
  10318. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  10319. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  10320. /* script */
  10321. __webpack_require__(190),
  10322. /* template */
  10323. __webpack_require__(191),
  10324. /* styles */
  10325. null,
  10326. /* scopeId */
  10327. null,
  10328. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  10329. null
  10330. )
  10331. module.exports = Component.exports
  10332. /***/ }),
  10333. /* 190 */
  10334. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  10335. "use strict";
  10336. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  10337. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
  10338. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__);
  10339. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__select_Select__ = __webpack_require__(31);
  10340. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__select_Select___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__select_Select__);
  10341. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__icon_Icon__ = __webpack_require__(3);
  10342. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__icon_Icon___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__icon_Icon__);
  10343. var _components;
  10344. //
  10345. //
  10346. //
  10347. //
  10348. //
  10349. //
  10350. //
  10351. //
  10352. //
  10353. //
  10354. //
  10355. //
  10356. //
  10357. //
  10358. //
  10359. //
  10360. //
  10361. //
  10362. //
  10363. //
  10364. //
  10365. //
  10366. //
  10367. //
  10368. //
  10369. //
  10370. //
  10371. //
  10372. //
  10373. //
  10374. //
  10375. //
  10376. //
  10377. //
  10378. //
  10379. //
  10380. //
  10381. //
  10382. //
  10383. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  10384. name: 'BTableMobileSort',
  10385. components: (_components = {}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__select_Select___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__select_Select___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__icon_Icon___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__icon_Icon___default.a), _components),
  10386. props: {
  10387. currentSortColumn: Object,
  10388. isAsc: Boolean,
  10389. columns: Array,
  10390. placeholder: String
  10391. },
  10392. data: function data() {
  10393. return {
  10394. mobileSort: this.currentSortColumn
  10395. };
  10396. },
  10397. computed: {
  10398. showPlaceholder: function showPlaceholder() {
  10399. var _this = this;
  10400. return !this.columns || !this.columns.some(function (column) {
  10401. return column === _this.mobileSort;
  10402. });
  10403. }
  10404. },
  10405. watch: {
  10406. mobileSort: function mobileSort(column) {
  10407. if (this.currentSortColumn === column) return;
  10408. this.$emit('sort', column);
  10409. },
  10410. currentSortColumn: function currentSortColumn(column) {
  10411. this.mobileSort = column;
  10412. }
  10413. },
  10414. methods: {
  10415. sort: function sort() {
  10416. this.$emit('sort', this.mobileSort);
  10417. }
  10418. }
  10419. });
  10420. /***/ }),
  10421. /* 191 */
  10422. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  10423. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  10424. return _c('div', {
  10425. staticClass: "field table-mobile-sort"
  10426. }, [_c('div', {
  10427. staticClass: "field has-addons"
  10428. }, [_c('b-select', {
  10429. attrs: {
  10430. "expanded": ""
  10431. },
  10432. model: {
  10433. value: (_vm.mobileSort),
  10434. callback: function($$v) {
  10435. _vm.mobileSort = $$v
  10436. },
  10437. expression: "mobileSort"
  10438. }
  10439. }, [(_vm.placeholder) ? [_c('option', {
  10440. directives: [{
  10441. name: "show",
  10442. rawName: "v-show",
  10443. value: (_vm.showPlaceholder),
  10444. expression: "showPlaceholder"
  10445. }],
  10446. attrs: {
  10447. "selected": "",
  10448. "disabled": "",
  10449. "hidden": ""
  10450. },
  10451. domProps: {
  10452. "value": {}
  10453. }
  10454. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.placeholder) + "\n ")])] : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _vm._l((_vm.columns), function(column, index) {
  10455. return (column.sortable) ? _c('option', {
  10456. key: index,
  10457. domProps: {
  10458. "value": column
  10459. }
  10460. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(column.label) + "\n ")]) : _vm._e()
  10461. })], 2), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  10462. staticClass: "control"
  10463. }, [_c('button', {
  10464. staticClass: "button is-primary",
  10465. on: {
  10466. "click": _vm.sort
  10467. }
  10468. }, [_c('b-icon', {
  10469. directives: [{
  10470. name: "show",
  10471. rawName: "v-show",
  10472. value: (_vm.currentSortColumn === _vm.mobileSort),
  10473. expression: "currentSortColumn === mobileSort"
  10474. }],
  10475. class: {
  10476. 'is-desc': !_vm.isAsc
  10477. },
  10478. attrs: {
  10479. "icon": "arrow-up",
  10480. "size": "is-small",
  10481. "both": ""
  10482. }
  10483. })], 1)])], 1)])
  10484. },staticRenderFns: []}
  10485. /***/ }),
  10486. /* 192 */
  10487. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  10488. "use strict";
  10489. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  10490. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol__ = __webpack_require__(5);
  10491. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol__);
  10492. //
  10493. //
  10494. //
  10495. //
  10496. //
  10497. //
  10498. //
  10499. //
  10500. //
  10501. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  10502. name: 'BTableColumn',
  10503. props: {
  10504. label: String,
  10505. customKey: [String, Number],
  10506. field: String,
  10507. meta: [String, Number, Boolean, Function, Object, Array, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_symbol___default.a],
  10508. width: [Number, String],
  10509. numeric: Boolean,
  10510. centered: Boolean,
  10511. sortable: Boolean,
  10512. visible: {
  10513. type: Boolean,
  10514. default: true
  10515. },
  10516. customSort: Function,
  10517. internal: Boolean // Used internally by Table
  10518. },
  10519. data: function data() {
  10520. return {
  10521. newKey: this.customKey || this.label
  10522. };
  10523. },
  10524. computed: {
  10525. rootClasses: function rootClasses() {
  10526. return {
  10527. 'has-text-right': this.numeric && !this.centered,
  10528. 'has-text-centered': this.centered
  10529. };
  10530. }
  10531. },
  10532. methods: {
  10533. addRefToTable: function addRefToTable() {
  10534. var _this = this;
  10535. if (!this.$parent.$data._isTable) {
  10536. this.$destroy();
  10537. throw new Error('You should wrap bTableColumn on a bTable');
  10538. }
  10539. if (this.internal) return;
  10540. // Since we're using scoped prop the columns gonna be multiplied,
  10541. // this finds when to stop based on the newKey property.
  10542. var repeated = this.$parent.newColumns.some(function (column) {
  10543. return column.newKey === _this.newKey;
  10544. });
  10545. !repeated && this.$parent.newColumns.push(this);
  10546. }
  10547. },
  10548. beforeMount: function beforeMount() {
  10549. this.addRefToTable();
  10550. },
  10551. beforeUpdate: function beforeUpdate() {
  10552. this.addRefToTable();
  10553. },
  10554. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  10555. var index = this.$parent.newColumns.map(function (column) {
  10556. return column.newKey;
  10557. }).indexOf(this.newKey);
  10558. if (index >= 0) {
  10559. this.$parent.newColumns.splice(index, 1);
  10560. }
  10561. }
  10562. });
  10563. /***/ }),
  10564. /* 193 */
  10565. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  10566. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  10567. return (_vm.visible) ? _c('td', {
  10568. class: _vm.rootClasses,
  10569. attrs: {
  10570. "data-label": _vm.label
  10571. }
  10572. }, [_c('span', [_vm._t("default")], 2)]) : _vm._e()
  10573. },staticRenderFns: []}
  10574. /***/ }),
  10575. /* 194 */
  10576. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  10577. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  10578. return _c('div', {
  10579. staticClass: "b-table",
  10580. class: {
  10581. 'is-loading': _vm.loading
  10582. }
  10583. }, [(_vm.mobileCards && _vm.hasSortablenewColumns) ? _c('b-table-mobile-sort', {
  10584. attrs: {
  10585. "current-sort-column": _vm.currentSortColumn,
  10586. "is-asc": _vm.isAsc,
  10587. "columns": _vm.newColumns,
  10588. "placeholder": _vm.mobileSortPlaceholder
  10589. },
  10590. on: {
  10591. "sort": function (column) { return _vm.sort(column); }
  10592. }
  10593. }) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  10594. staticClass: "table-wrapper"
  10595. }, [_c('table', {
  10596. staticClass: "table",
  10597. class: _vm.tableClasses,
  10598. attrs: {
  10599. "tabindex": !_vm.focusable ? false : 0
  10600. },
  10601. on: {
  10602. "keydown": [function($event) {
  10603. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "up", 38, $event.key)) { return null; }
  10604. if ($event.target !== $event.currentTarget) { return null; }
  10605. $event.preventDefault();
  10606. _vm.pressedArrow(-1)
  10607. }, function($event) {
  10608. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "down", 40, $event.key)) { return null; }
  10609. if ($event.target !== $event.currentTarget) { return null; }
  10610. $event.preventDefault();
  10611. _vm.pressedArrow(1)
  10612. }]
  10613. }
  10614. }, [(_vm.newColumns.length) ? _c('thead', [_c('tr', [(_vm.showDetailRowIcon) ? _c('th', {
  10615. attrs: {
  10616. "width": "40px"
  10617. }
  10618. }) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.checkable) ? _c('th', {
  10619. staticClass: "checkbox-cell"
  10620. }, [_c('b-checkbox', {
  10621. attrs: {
  10622. "value": _vm.isAllChecked,
  10623. "disabled": _vm.isAllUncheckable
  10624. },
  10625. nativeOn: {
  10626. "change": function($event) {
  10627. _vm.checkAll($event)
  10628. }
  10629. }
  10630. })], 1) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _vm._l((_vm.visibleColumns), function(column, index) {
  10631. return _c('th', {
  10632. key: index,
  10633. class: {
  10634. 'is-current-sort': _vm.currentSortColumn === column,
  10635. 'is-sortable': column.sortable
  10636. },
  10637. style: ({
  10638. width: column.width + 'px'
  10639. }),
  10640. on: {
  10641. "click": function($event) {
  10642. $event.stopPropagation();
  10643. _vm.sort(column)
  10644. }
  10645. }
  10646. }, [_c('div', {
  10647. staticClass: "th-wrap",
  10648. class: {
  10649. 'is-numeric': column.numeric,
  10650. 'is-centered': column.centered
  10651. }
  10652. }, [(_vm.$scopedSlots.header) ? _vm._t("header", null, {
  10653. column: column,
  10654. index: index
  10655. }) : [_vm._v(_vm._s(column.label))], _vm._v(" "), _c('b-icon', {
  10656. directives: [{
  10657. name: "show",
  10658. rawName: "v-show",
  10659. value: (_vm.currentSortColumn === column),
  10660. expression: "currentSortColumn === column"
  10661. }],
  10662. class: {
  10663. 'is-desc': !_vm.isAsc
  10664. },
  10665. attrs: {
  10666. "icon": "arrow-up",
  10667. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  10668. "both": "",
  10669. "size": "is-small"
  10670. }
  10671. })], 2)])
  10672. })], 2)]) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.visibleData.length) ? _c('tbody', [_vm._l((_vm.visibleData), function(row, index) {
  10673. return [_c('tr', {
  10674. key: _vm.customRowKey ? row[_vm.customRowKey] : index,
  10675. class: [_vm.rowClass(row, index), {
  10676. 'is-selected': row === _vm.selected,
  10677. 'is-checked': _vm.isRowChecked(row),
  10678. }],
  10679. attrs: {
  10680. "draggable": _vm.draggable
  10681. },
  10682. on: {
  10683. "click": function($event) {
  10684. _vm.selectRow(row)
  10685. },
  10686. "dblclick": function($event) {
  10687. _vm.$emit('dblclick', row)
  10688. },
  10689. "contextmenu": function($event) {
  10690. _vm.$emit('contextmenu', row, $event)
  10691. },
  10692. "dragstart": function($event) {
  10693. _vm.handleDragStart($event, row, index)
  10694. },
  10695. "drop": function($event) {
  10696. _vm.handleDrop($event, row, index)
  10697. },
  10698. "dragover": function($event) {
  10699. _vm.handleDragOver($event, row, index)
  10700. },
  10701. "dragleave": function($event) {
  10702. _vm.handleDragLeave($event, row, index)
  10703. }
  10704. }
  10705. }, [(_vm.showDetailRowIcon) ? _c('td', {
  10706. staticClass: "chevron-cell"
  10707. }, [(_vm.hasDetailedVisible(row)) ? _c('a', {
  10708. attrs: {
  10709. "role": "button"
  10710. },
  10711. on: {
  10712. "click": function($event) {
  10713. $event.stopPropagation();
  10714. _vm.toggleDetails(row)
  10715. }
  10716. }
  10717. }, [_c('b-icon', {
  10718. class: {
  10719. 'is-expanded': _vm.isVisibleDetailRow(row)
  10720. },
  10721. attrs: {
  10722. "icon": "chevron-right",
  10723. "pack": _vm.iconPack,
  10724. "both": ""
  10725. }
  10726. })], 1) : _vm._e()]) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.checkable) ? _c('td', {
  10727. staticClass: "checkbox-cell"
  10728. }, [_c('b-checkbox', {
  10729. attrs: {
  10730. "disabled": !_vm.isRowCheckable(row),
  10731. "value": _vm.isRowChecked(row)
  10732. },
  10733. nativeOn: {
  10734. "change": function($event) {
  10735. _vm.checkRow(row)
  10736. },
  10737. "click": function($event) {
  10738. $event.stopPropagation();
  10739. }
  10740. }
  10741. })], 1) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.$scopedSlots.default) ? _vm._t("default", null, {
  10742. row: row,
  10743. index: index
  10744. }) : _vm._l((_vm.newColumns), function(column) {
  10745. return _c('BTableColumn', _vm._b({
  10746. key: column.field,
  10747. attrs: {
  10748. "internal": ""
  10749. }
  10750. }, 'BTableColumn', column, false), [(column.renderHtml) ? _c('span', {
  10751. domProps: {
  10752. "innerHTML": _vm._s(_vm.getValueByPath(row, column.field))
  10753. }
  10754. }) : [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.getValueByPath(row, column.field)) + "\n ")]], 2)
  10755. })], 2), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.isActiveDetailRow(row)) ? _c('tr', {
  10756. staticClass: "detail"
  10757. }, [_c('td', {
  10758. attrs: {
  10759. "colspan": _vm.columnCount
  10760. }
  10761. }, [_c('div', {
  10762. staticClass: "detail-container"
  10763. }, [_vm._t("detail", null, {
  10764. row: row,
  10765. index: index
  10766. })], 2)])]) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.isActiveCustomDetailRow(row)) ? _vm._t("detail", null, {
  10767. row: row,
  10768. index: index
  10769. }) : _vm._e()]
  10770. })], 2) : _c('tbody', [_c('tr', {
  10771. staticClass: "is-empty"
  10772. }, [_c('td', {
  10773. attrs: {
  10774. "colspan": _vm.columnCount
  10775. }
  10776. }, [_vm._t("empty")], 2)])]), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.$slots.footer !== undefined) ? _c('tfoot', [_c('tr', {
  10777. staticClass: "table-footer"
  10778. }, [(_vm.hasCustomFooterSlot()) ? _vm._t("footer") : _c('th', {
  10779. attrs: {
  10780. "colspan": _vm.columnCount
  10781. }
  10782. }, [_vm._t("footer")], 2)], 2)]) : _vm._e()])]), _vm._v(" "), ((_vm.checkable && _vm.hasBottomLeftSlot()) || _vm.paginated) ? _c('div', {
  10783. staticClass: "level"
  10784. }, [_c('div', {
  10785. staticClass: "level-left"
  10786. }, [_vm._t("bottom-left")], 2), _vm._v(" "), _c('div', {
  10787. staticClass: "level-right"
  10788. }, [(_vm.paginated) ? _c('div', {
  10789. staticClass: "level-item"
  10790. }, [_c('b-pagination', {
  10791. attrs: {
  10792. "icon-pack": _vm.iconPack,
  10793. "total": _vm.newDataTotal,
  10794. "per-page": _vm.perPage,
  10795. "simple": _vm.paginationSimple,
  10796. "size": _vm.paginationSize,
  10797. "current": _vm.newCurrentPage,
  10798. "aria-next-label": _vm.ariaNextLabel,
  10799. "aria-previous-label": _vm.ariaPreviousLabel,
  10800. "aria-page-label": _vm.ariaPageLabel,
  10801. "aria-current-label": _vm.ariaCurrentLabel
  10802. },
  10803. on: {
  10804. "change": _vm.pageChanged
  10805. }
  10806. })], 1) : _vm._e()])]) : _vm._e()], 1)
  10807. },staticRenderFns: []}
  10808. /***/ }),
  10809. /* 195 */
  10810. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  10811. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  10812. /* script */
  10813. __webpack_require__(196),
  10814. /* template */
  10815. __webpack_require__(197),
  10816. /* styles */
  10817. null,
  10818. /* scopeId */
  10819. null,
  10820. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  10821. null
  10822. )
  10823. module.exports = Component.exports
  10824. /***/ }),
  10825. /* 196 */
  10826. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  10827. "use strict";
  10828. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  10829. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/babel-runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js
  10830. var defineProperty = __webpack_require__(1);
  10831. var defineProperty_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(defineProperty);
  10832. // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/components/icon/Icon.vue
  10833. var Icon = __webpack_require__(3);
  10834. var Icon_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(Icon);
  10835. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/utils/SlotComponent.js
  10836. /* harmony default export */ var SlotComponent = ({
  10837. name: 'BSlotComponent',
  10838. props: {
  10839. component: {
  10840. type: Object,
  10841. required: true
  10842. },
  10843. name: {
  10844. type: String,
  10845. default: 'default'
  10846. },
  10847. tag: {
  10848. type: String,
  10849. default: 'div'
  10850. },
  10851. event: {
  10852. type: String,
  10853. default: 'hook:updated'
  10854. }
  10855. },
  10856. methods: {
  10857. refresh: function refresh() {
  10858. this.$forceUpdate();
  10859. },
  10860. isVueComponent: function isVueComponent() {
  10861. return this.component && this.component._isVue;
  10862. }
  10863. },
  10864. created: function created() {
  10865. if (this.isVueComponent()) {
  10866. this.component.$on(this.event, this.refresh);
  10867. }
  10868. },
  10869. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  10870. if (this.isVueComponent()) {
  10871. this.component.$off(this.event, this.refresh);
  10872. }
  10873. },
  10874. render: function render(h) {
  10875. if (this.isVueComponent()) {
  10876. var slots = this.component.$slots[this.name];
  10877. return h(this.tag, {}, slots);
  10878. }
  10879. }
  10880. });
  10881. // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./src/components/tabs/Tabs.vue
  10882. var _components;
  10883. //
  10884. //
  10885. //
  10886. //
  10887. //
  10888. //
  10889. //
  10890. //
  10891. //
  10892. //
  10893. //
  10894. //
  10895. //
  10896. //
  10897. //
  10898. //
  10899. //
  10900. //
  10901. //
  10902. //
  10903. //
  10904. //
  10905. //
  10906. //
  10907. //
  10908. //
  10909. //
  10910. //
  10911. //
  10912. //
  10913. //
  10914. //
  10915. //
  10916. //
  10917. /* harmony default export */ var Tabs = __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  10918. name: 'BTabs',
  10919. components: (_components = {}, defineProperty_default()(_components, Icon_default.a.name, Icon_default.a), defineProperty_default()(_components, SlotComponent.name, SlotComponent), _components),
  10920. props: {
  10921. value: Number,
  10922. expanded: Boolean,
  10923. type: String,
  10924. size: String,
  10925. position: String,
  10926. animated: {
  10927. type: Boolean,
  10928. default: true
  10929. },
  10930. destroyOnHide: {
  10931. type: Boolean,
  10932. default: false
  10933. }
  10934. },
  10935. data: function data() {
  10936. return {
  10937. activeTab: this.value || 0,
  10938. tabItems: [],
  10939. contentHeight: 0,
  10940. isTransitioning: false,
  10941. _isTabs: true // Used internally by TabItem
  10942. };
  10943. },
  10944. computed: {
  10945. navClasses: function navClasses() {
  10946. return [this.type, this.size, this.position, {
  10947. 'is-fullwidth': this.expanded,
  10948. 'is-toggle-rounded is-toggle': this.type === 'is-toggle-rounded'
  10949. }];
  10950. }
  10951. },
  10952. watch: {
  10953. /**
  10954. * When v-model is changed set the new active tab.
  10955. */
  10956. value: function value(_value) {
  10957. this.changeTab(_value);
  10958. },
  10959. /**
  10960. * When tab-items are updated, set active one.
  10961. */
  10962. tabItems: function tabItems() {
  10963. if (this.activeTab < this.tabItems.length) {
  10964. this.tabItems[this.activeTab].isActive = true;
  10965. }
  10966. }
  10967. },
  10968. methods: {
  10969. /**
  10970. * Change the active tab and emit change event.
  10971. */
  10972. changeTab: function changeTab(newIndex) {
  10973. if (this.activeTab === newIndex) return;
  10974. if (this.activeTab < this.tabItems.length) {
  10975. this.tabItems[this.activeTab].deactivate(this.activeTab, newIndex);
  10976. }
  10977. this.tabItems[newIndex].activate(this.activeTab, newIndex);
  10978. this.activeTab = newIndex;
  10979. this.$emit('change', newIndex);
  10980. },
  10981. /**
  10982. * Tab click listener, emit input event and change active tab.
  10983. */
  10984. tabClick: function tabClick(value) {
  10985. this.$emit('input', value);
  10986. this.changeTab(value);
  10987. }
  10988. },
  10989. mounted: function mounted() {
  10990. if (this.activeTab < this.tabItems.length) {
  10991. this.tabItems[this.activeTab].isActive = true;
  10992. }
  10993. }
  10994. });
  10995. /***/ }),
  10996. /* 197 */
  10997. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  10998. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  10999. return _c('div', {
  11000. staticClass: "b-tabs",
  11001. class: {
  11002. 'is-fullwidth': _vm.expanded
  11003. }
  11004. }, [_c('nav', {
  11005. staticClass: "tabs",
  11006. class: _vm.navClasses
  11007. }, [_c('ul', _vm._l((_vm.tabItems), function(tabItem, index) {
  11008. return _c('li', {
  11009. directives: [{
  11010. name: "show",
  11011. rawName: "v-show",
  11012. value: (tabItem.visible),
  11013. expression: "tabItem.visible"
  11014. }],
  11015. key: index,
  11016. class: {
  11017. 'is-active': _vm.activeTab === index, 'is-disabled': tabItem.disabled
  11018. }
  11019. }, [_c('a', {
  11020. on: {
  11021. "click": function($event) {
  11022. _vm.tabClick(index)
  11023. }
  11024. }
  11025. }, [(tabItem.$slots.header) ? [_c('b-slot-component', {
  11026. attrs: {
  11027. "component": tabItem,
  11028. "name": "header",
  11029. "tag": "span"
  11030. }
  11031. })] : [(tabItem.icon) ? _c('b-icon', {
  11032. attrs: {
  11033. "icon": tabItem.icon,
  11034. "pack": tabItem.iconPack,
  11035. "size": _vm.size
  11036. }
  11037. }) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('span', [_vm._v(_vm._s(tabItem.label))])]], 2)])
  11038. }))]), _vm._v(" "), _c('section', {
  11039. staticClass: "tab-content",
  11040. class: {
  11041. 'is-transitioning': _vm.isTransitioning
  11042. }
  11043. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2)])
  11044. },staticRenderFns: []}
  11045. /***/ }),
  11046. /* 198 */
  11047. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  11048. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  11049. /* script */
  11050. __webpack_require__(199),
  11051. /* template */
  11052. null,
  11053. /* styles */
  11054. null,
  11055. /* scopeId */
  11056. null,
  11057. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  11058. null
  11059. )
  11060. module.exports = Component.exports
  11061. /***/ }),
  11062. /* 199 */
  11063. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  11064. "use strict";
  11065. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  11066. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  11067. name: 'BTabItem',
  11068. props: {
  11069. label: String,
  11070. icon: String,
  11071. iconPack: String,
  11072. disabled: Boolean,
  11073. visible: {
  11074. type: Boolean,
  11075. default: true
  11076. }
  11077. },
  11078. data: function data() {
  11079. return {
  11080. isActive: false,
  11081. transitionName: null
  11082. };
  11083. },
  11084. methods: {
  11085. /**
  11086. * Activate tab, alter animation name based on the index.
  11087. */
  11088. activate: function activate(oldIndex, index) {
  11089. this.transitionName = index < oldIndex ? 'slide-next' : 'slide-prev';
  11090. this.isActive = true;
  11091. },
  11092. /**
  11093. * Deactivate tab, alter animation name based on the index.
  11094. */
  11095. deactivate: function deactivate(oldIndex, index) {
  11096. this.transitionName = index < oldIndex ? 'slide-next' : 'slide-prev';
  11097. this.isActive = false;
  11098. }
  11099. },
  11100. created: function created() {
  11101. if (!this.$parent.$data._isTabs) {
  11102. this.$destroy();
  11103. throw new Error('You should wrap bTabItem on a bTabs');
  11104. }
  11105. this.$parent.tabItems.push(this);
  11106. },
  11107. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  11108. var index = this.$parent.tabItems.indexOf(this);
  11109. if (index >= 0) {
  11110. this.$parent.tabItems.splice(index, 1);
  11111. }
  11112. },
  11113. render: function render(createElement) {
  11114. var _this = this;
  11115. // if destroy apply v-if
  11116. if (this.$parent.destroyOnHide) {
  11117. if (!this.isActive || !this.visible) {
  11118. return;
  11119. }
  11120. }
  11121. var vnode = createElement('div', {
  11122. directives: [{
  11123. name: 'show',
  11124. value: this.isActive && this.visible
  11125. }],
  11126. attrs: { 'class': 'tab-item' }
  11127. }, this.$slots.default);
  11128. // check animated prop
  11129. if (this.$parent.animated) {
  11130. return createElement('transition', {
  11131. props: {
  11132. 'name': this.transitionName
  11133. },
  11134. on: {
  11135. 'before-enter': function beforeEnter() {
  11136. _this.$parent.isTransitioning = true;
  11137. },
  11138. 'after-enter': function afterEnter() {
  11139. _this.$parent.isTransitioning = false;
  11140. }
  11141. }
  11142. }, [vnode]);
  11143. }
  11144. return vnode;
  11145. }
  11146. });
  11147. /***/ }),
  11148. /* 200 */
  11149. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  11150. "use strict";
  11151. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  11152. //
  11153. //
  11154. //
  11155. //
  11156. //
  11157. //
  11158. //
  11159. //
  11160. //
  11161. //
  11162. //
  11163. //
  11164. //
  11165. //
  11166. //
  11167. //
  11168. //
  11169. //
  11170. //
  11171. //
  11172. //
  11173. //
  11174. //
  11175. //
  11176. //
  11177. //
  11178. //
  11179. //
  11180. //
  11181. //
  11182. //
  11183. //
  11184. //
  11185. //
  11186. //
  11187. //
  11188. //
  11189. //
  11190. //
  11191. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  11192. name: 'BTag',
  11193. props: {
  11194. attached: Boolean,
  11195. closable: Boolean,
  11196. type: String,
  11197. size: String,
  11198. rounded: Boolean,
  11199. disabled: Boolean,
  11200. ellipsis: Boolean,
  11201. tabstop: {
  11202. type: Boolean,
  11203. default: true
  11204. }
  11205. },
  11206. methods: {
  11207. /**
  11208. * Emit close event when delete button is clicked
  11209. * or delete key is pressed.
  11210. */
  11211. close: function close() {
  11212. if (this.disabled) return;
  11213. this.$emit('close');
  11214. }
  11215. }
  11216. });
  11217. /***/ }),
  11218. /* 201 */
  11219. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  11220. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  11221. return (_vm.attached && _vm.closable) ? _c('div', {
  11222. staticClass: "tags has-addons"
  11223. }, [_c('span', {
  11224. staticClass: "tag",
  11225. class: [_vm.type, _vm.size, {
  11226. 'is-rounded': _vm.rounded
  11227. }]
  11228. }, [_c('span', {
  11229. class: {
  11230. 'has-ellipsis': _vm.ellipsis
  11231. }
  11232. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2)]), _vm._v(" "), _c('a', {
  11233. staticClass: "tag is-delete",
  11234. class: [_vm.size, {
  11235. 'is-rounded': _vm.rounded
  11236. }],
  11237. attrs: {
  11238. "role": "button",
  11239. "tabindex": _vm.tabstop ? 0 : false,
  11240. "disabled": _vm.disabled
  11241. },
  11242. on: {
  11243. "click": function($event) {
  11244. _vm.close()
  11245. },
  11246. "keyup": function($event) {
  11247. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "delete", [8, 46], $event.key)) { return null; }
  11248. $event.preventDefault();
  11249. _vm.close()
  11250. }
  11251. }
  11252. })]) : _c('span', {
  11253. staticClass: "tag",
  11254. class: [_vm.type, _vm.size, {
  11255. 'is-rounded': _vm.rounded
  11256. }]
  11257. }, [_c('span', {
  11258. class: {
  11259. 'has-ellipsis': _vm.ellipsis
  11260. }
  11261. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.closable) ? _c('a', {
  11262. staticClass: "delete is-small",
  11263. attrs: {
  11264. "role": "button",
  11265. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  11266. "tabindex": _vm.tabstop ? 0 : false
  11267. },
  11268. on: {
  11269. "click": function($event) {
  11270. _vm.close()
  11271. },
  11272. "keyup": function($event) {
  11273. if (!('button' in $event) && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "delete", [8, 46], $event.key)) { return null; }
  11274. $event.preventDefault();
  11275. _vm.close()
  11276. }
  11277. }
  11278. }) : _vm._e()])
  11279. },staticRenderFns: []}
  11280. /***/ }),
  11281. /* 202 */
  11282. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  11283. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  11284. /* script */
  11285. __webpack_require__(203),
  11286. /* template */
  11287. __webpack_require__(204),
  11288. /* styles */
  11289. null,
  11290. /* scopeId */
  11291. null,
  11292. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  11293. null
  11294. )
  11295. module.exports = Component.exports
  11296. /***/ }),
  11297. /* 203 */
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  11299. "use strict";
  11300. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  11301. //
  11302. //
  11303. //
  11304. //
  11305. //
  11306. //
  11307. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  11308. name: 'BTaglist',
  11309. props: {
  11310. attached: Boolean
  11311. }
  11312. });
  11313. /***/ }),
  11314. /* 204 */
  11315. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  11316. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  11317. return _c('div', {
  11318. staticClass: "tags",
  11319. class: {
  11320. 'has-addons': _vm.attached
  11321. }
  11322. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2)
  11323. },staticRenderFns: []}
  11324. /***/ }),
  11325. /* 205 */
  11326. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  11327. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  11328. /* script */
  11329. __webpack_require__(206),
  11330. /* template */
  11331. __webpack_require__(207),
  11332. /* styles */
  11333. null,
  11334. /* scopeId */
  11335. null,
  11336. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  11337. null
  11338. )
  11339. module.exports = Component.exports
  11340. /***/ }),
  11341. /* 206 */
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  11343. "use strict";
  11344. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  11345. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_typeof__ = __webpack_require__(53);
  11346. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_typeof___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_typeof__);
  11347. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
  11348. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__);
  11349. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_helpers__ = __webpack_require__(7);
  11350. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__tag_Tag__ = __webpack_require__(68);
  11351. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__tag_Tag___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__tag_Tag__);
  11352. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__autocomplete_Autocomplete__ = __webpack_require__(52);
  11353. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__autocomplete_Autocomplete___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__autocomplete_Autocomplete__);
  11354. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__utils_FormElementMixin__ = __webpack_require__(10);
  11355. var _components;
  11356. //
  11357. //
  11358. //
  11359. //
  11360. //
  11361. //
  11362. //
  11363. //
  11364. //
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  11399. //
  11400. //
  11401. //
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  11406. //
  11407. //
  11408. //
  11409. //
  11410. //
  11411. //
  11412. //
  11413. //
  11414. //
  11415. //
  11416. //
  11417. //
  11418. //
  11419. //
  11420. //
  11421. //
  11422. //
  11423. //
  11424. //
  11425. //
  11426. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  11427. name: 'BTaginput',
  11428. components: (_components = {}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__autocomplete_Autocomplete___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__autocomplete_Autocomplete___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__tag_Tag___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__tag_Tag___default.a), _components),
  11429. mixins: [__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__utils_FormElementMixin__["a" /* default */]],
  11430. inheritAttrs: false,
  11431. props: {
  11432. value: {
  11433. type: Array,
  11434. default: function _default() {
  11435. return [];
  11436. }
  11437. },
  11438. data: {
  11439. type: Array,
  11440. default: function _default() {
  11441. return [];
  11442. }
  11443. },
  11444. type: String,
  11445. rounded: {
  11446. type: Boolean,
  11447. default: false
  11448. },
  11449. attached: {
  11450. type: Boolean,
  11451. default: false
  11452. },
  11453. maxtags: {
  11454. type: [Number, String],
  11455. required: false
  11456. },
  11457. field: {
  11458. type: String,
  11459. default: 'value'
  11460. },
  11461. autocomplete: Boolean,
  11462. nativeAutocomplete: String,
  11463. disabled: Boolean,
  11464. ellipsis: Boolean,
  11465. closable: {
  11466. type: Boolean,
  11467. default: true
  11468. },
  11469. confirmKeyCodes: {
  11470. type: Array,
  11471. default: function _default() {
  11472. return [13, 188];
  11473. }
  11474. },
  11475. removeOnKeys: {
  11476. type: Array,
  11477. default: function _default() {
  11478. return [8];
  11479. }
  11480. },
  11481. allowNew: Boolean,
  11482. onPasteSeparators: {
  11483. type: Array,
  11484. default: function _default() {
  11485. return [','];
  11486. }
  11487. },
  11488. beforeAdding: {
  11489. type: Function,
  11490. default: function _default() {
  11491. return true;
  11492. }
  11493. },
  11494. allowDuplicates: {
  11495. type: Boolean,
  11496. default: false
  11497. }
  11498. },
  11499. data: function data() {
  11500. return {
  11501. tags: this.value || [],
  11502. newTag: '',
  11503. _elementRef: 'input',
  11504. _isTaginput: true
  11505. };
  11506. },
  11507. computed: {
  11508. rootClasses: function rootClasses() {
  11509. return {
  11510. 'is-expanded': this.expanded
  11511. };
  11512. },
  11513. containerClasses: function containerClasses() {
  11514. return {
  11515. 'is-focused': this.isFocused,
  11516. 'is-focusable': this.hasInput
  11517. };
  11518. },
  11519. valueLength: function valueLength() {
  11520. return this.newTag.trim().length;
  11521. },
  11522. defaultSlotName: function defaultSlotName() {
  11523. return this.hasDefaultSlot ? 'default' : 'dontrender';
  11524. },
  11525. emptySlotName: function emptySlotName() {
  11526. return this.hasEmptySlot ? 'empty' : 'dontrender';
  11527. },
  11528. headerSlotName: function headerSlotName() {
  11529. return this.hasHeaderSlot ? 'header' : 'dontrender';
  11530. },
  11531. hasDefaultSlot: function hasDefaultSlot() {
  11532. return !!this.$scopedSlots.default;
  11533. },
  11534. hasEmptySlot: function hasEmptySlot() {
  11535. return !!this.$slots.empty;
  11536. },
  11537. hasHeaderSlot: function hasHeaderSlot() {
  11538. return !!this.$slots.header;
  11539. },
  11540. /**
  11541. * Show the input field if a maxtags hasn't been set or reached.
  11542. */
  11543. hasInput: function hasInput() {
  11544. return this.maxtags == null || this.tagsLength < this.maxtags;
  11545. },
  11546. tagsLength: function tagsLength() {
  11547. return this.tags.length;
  11548. },
  11549. /**
  11550. * If Taginput has onPasteSeparators prop,
  11551. * returning new RegExp used to split pasted string.
  11552. */
  11553. separatorsAsRegExp: function separatorsAsRegExp() {
  11554. var sep = this.onPasteSeparators;
  11555. return sep.length ? new RegExp(sep.map(function (s) {
  11556. return s ? s.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&') : null;
  11557. }).join('|'), 'g') : null;
  11558. }
  11559. },
  11560. watch: {
  11561. /**
  11562. * When v-model is changed set internal value.
  11563. */
  11564. value: function value(_value) {
  11565. this.tags = _value;
  11566. },
  11567. hasInput: function hasInput() {
  11568. if (!this.hasInput) this.onBlur();
  11569. }
  11570. },
  11571. methods: {
  11572. addTag: function addTag(tag) {
  11573. var tagToAdd = tag || this.newTag.trim();
  11574. if (tagToAdd) {
  11575. if (!this.autocomplete) {
  11576. var reg = this.separatorsAsRegExp;
  11577. if (reg && tagToAdd.match(reg)) {
  11578. tagToAdd.split(reg).map(function (t) {
  11579. return t.trim();
  11580. }).filter(function (t) {
  11581. return t.length !== 0;
  11582. }).map(this.addTag);
  11583. return;
  11584. }
  11585. }
  11586. // Add the tag input if it is not blank
  11587. // or previously added (if not allowDuplicates).
  11588. var add = !this.allowDuplicates ? this.tags.indexOf(tagToAdd) === -1 : true;
  11589. if (add && this.beforeAdding(tagToAdd)) {
  11590. this.tags.push(tagToAdd);
  11591. this.$emit('input', this.tags);
  11592. this.$emit('add', tagToAdd);
  11593. }
  11594. }
  11595. this.newTag = '';
  11596. },
  11597. getNormalizedTagText: function getNormalizedTagText(tag) {
  11598. if ((typeof tag === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_typeof___default()(tag)) === 'object') {
  11599. return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_helpers__["a" /* getValueByPath */])(tag, this.field);
  11600. }
  11601. return tag;
  11602. },
  11603. customOnBlur: function customOnBlur($event) {
  11604. // Add tag on-blur if not select only
  11605. if (!this.autocomplete) this.addTag();
  11606. this.onBlur($event);
  11607. },
  11608. onSelect: function onSelect(option) {
  11609. var _this = this;
  11610. if (!option) return;
  11611. this.addTag(option);
  11612. this.$nextTick(function () {
  11613. _this.newTag = '';
  11614. });
  11615. },
  11616. removeTag: function removeTag(index) {
  11617. var tag = this.tags.splice(index, 1)[0];
  11618. this.$emit('input', this.tags);
  11619. this.$emit('remove', tag);
  11620. return tag;
  11621. },
  11622. removeLastTag: function removeLastTag() {
  11623. if (this.tagsLength > 0) {
  11624. this.removeTag(this.tagsLength - 1);
  11625. }
  11626. },
  11627. keydown: function keydown(event) {
  11628. if (this.removeOnKeys.indexOf(event.keyCode) !== -1 && !this.newTag.length) {
  11629. this.removeLastTag();
  11630. }
  11631. // Stop if is to accept select only
  11632. if (this.autocomplete && !this.allowNew) return;
  11633. if (this.confirmKeyCodes.indexOf(event.keyCode) >= 0) {
  11634. event.preventDefault();
  11635. this.addTag();
  11636. }
  11637. },
  11638. onTyping: function onTyping($event) {
  11639. this.$emit('typing', $event.trim());
  11640. }
  11641. }
  11642. });
  11643. /***/ }),
  11644. /* 207 */
  11645. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  11646. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  11647. return _c('div', {
  11648. staticClass: "taginput control",
  11649. class: _vm.rootClasses
  11650. }, [_c('div', {
  11651. staticClass: "taginput-container",
  11652. class: [_vm.statusType, _vm.size, _vm.containerClasses],
  11653. attrs: {
  11654. "disabled": _vm.disabled
  11655. },
  11656. on: {
  11657. "click": function($event) {
  11658. _vm.hasInput && _vm.focus($event)
  11659. }
  11660. }
  11661. }, [_vm._l((_vm.tags), function(tag, index) {
  11662. return _c('b-tag', {
  11663. key: index,
  11664. attrs: {
  11665. "type": _vm.type,
  11666. "size": _vm.size,
  11667. "rounded": _vm.rounded,
  11668. "attached": _vm.attached,
  11669. "tabstop": false,
  11670. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  11671. "ellipsis": _vm.ellipsis,
  11672. "closable": _vm.closable
  11673. },
  11674. on: {
  11675. "close": function($event) {
  11676. _vm.removeTag(index)
  11677. }
  11678. }
  11679. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.getNormalizedTagText(tag)) + "\n ")])
  11680. }), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.hasInput) ? _c('b-autocomplete', _vm._b({
  11681. ref: "autocomplete",
  11682. attrs: {
  11683. "data": _vm.data,
  11684. "field": _vm.field,
  11685. "icon": _vm.icon,
  11686. "icon-pack": _vm.iconPack,
  11687. "maxlength": _vm.maxlength,
  11688. "has-counter": false,
  11689. "size": _vm.size,
  11690. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  11691. "loading": _vm.loading,
  11692. "autocomplete": _vm.nativeAutocomplete,
  11693. "keep-first": !_vm.allowNew
  11694. },
  11695. on: {
  11696. "typing": _vm.onTyping,
  11697. "focus": _vm.onFocus,
  11698. "blur": _vm.customOnBlur,
  11699. "select": _vm.onSelect
  11700. },
  11701. nativeOn: {
  11702. "keydown": function($event) {
  11703. _vm.keydown($event)
  11704. }
  11705. },
  11706. scopedSlots: _vm._u([{
  11707. key: _vm.defaultSlotName,
  11708. fn: function(props) {
  11709. return [_vm._t("default", null, {
  11710. option: props.option,
  11711. index: props.index
  11712. })]
  11713. }
  11714. }]),
  11715. model: {
  11716. value: (_vm.newTag),
  11717. callback: function($$v) {
  11718. _vm.newTag = $$v
  11719. },
  11720. expression: "newTag"
  11721. }
  11722. }, 'b-autocomplete', _vm.$attrs, false), [_c('template', {
  11723. slot: _vm.headerSlotName
  11724. }, [_vm._t("header")], 2), _vm._v(" "), _c('template', {
  11725. slot: _vm.emptySlotName
  11726. }, [_vm._t("empty")], 2)], 2) : _vm._e()], 2), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.maxtags || _vm.maxlength) ? _c('p', {
  11727. staticClass: "help counter"
  11728. }, [(_vm.maxlength && _vm.valueLength > 0) ? [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.valueLength) + " / " + _vm._s(_vm.maxlength) + "\n ")] : (_vm.maxtags) ? [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.tagsLength) + " / " + _vm._s(_vm.maxtags) + "\n ")] : _vm._e()], 2) : _vm._e()])
  11729. },staticRenderFns: []}
  11730. /***/ }),
  11731. /* 208 */
  11732. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  11733. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  11734. /* script */
  11735. __webpack_require__(209),
  11736. /* template */
  11737. __webpack_require__(210),
  11738. /* styles */
  11739. null,
  11740. /* scopeId */
  11741. null,
  11742. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  11743. null
  11744. )
  11745. module.exports = Component.exports
  11746. /***/ }),
  11747. /* 209 */
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  11749. "use strict";
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  11751. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(1);
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  11753. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_TimepickerMixin__ = __webpack_require__(62);
  11754. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__dropdown_Dropdown__ = __webpack_require__(28);
  11755. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__dropdown_Dropdown___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__dropdown_Dropdown__);
  11756. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__dropdown_DropdownItem__ = __webpack_require__(29);
  11757. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__dropdown_DropdownItem___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__dropdown_DropdownItem__);
  11758. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__input_Input__ = __webpack_require__(17);
  11759. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__input_Input___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__input_Input__);
  11760. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__field_Field__ = __webpack_require__(30);
  11761. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__field_Field___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__field_Field__);
  11762. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__select_Select__ = __webpack_require__(31);
  11763. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__select_Select___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__select_Select__);
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  11765. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__icon_Icon___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__icon_Icon__);
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  11767. //
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  11860. //
  11861. //
  11862. //
  11863. //
  11864. //
  11865. //
  11866. //
  11867. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  11868. name: 'BTimepicker',
  11869. components: (_components = {}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__input_Input___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__input_Input___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__field_Field___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__field_Field___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__select_Select___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__select_Select___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__icon_Icon___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__icon_Icon___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__dropdown_Dropdown___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__dropdown_Dropdown___default.a), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_components, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__dropdown_DropdownItem___default.a.name, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__dropdown_DropdownItem___default.a), _components),
  11870. mixins: [__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_TimepickerMixin__["a" /* default */]],
  11871. inheritAttrs: false,
  11872. data: function data() {
  11873. return {
  11874. _isTimepicker: true
  11875. };
  11876. }
  11877. });
  11878. /***/ }),
  11879. /* 210 */
  11880. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  11881. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  11882. return _c('div', {
  11883. staticClass: "timepicker control",
  11884. class: [_vm.size, {
  11885. 'is-expanded': _vm.expanded
  11886. }]
  11887. }, [(!_vm.isMobile || _vm.inline) ? _c('b-dropdown', {
  11888. ref: "dropdown",
  11889. attrs: {
  11890. "position": _vm.position,
  11891. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  11892. "inline": _vm.inline
  11893. }
  11894. }, [(!_vm.inline) ? _c('b-input', _vm._b({
  11895. ref: "input",
  11896. attrs: {
  11897. "slot": "trigger",
  11898. "autocomplete": "off",
  11899. "value": _vm.formatValue(_vm.dateSelected),
  11900. "placeholder": _vm.placeholder,
  11901. "size": _vm.size,
  11902. "icon": _vm.icon,
  11903. "icon-pack": _vm.iconPack,
  11904. "loading": _vm.loading,
  11905. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  11906. "readonly": !_vm.editable,
  11907. "rounded": _vm.rounded
  11908. },
  11909. on: {
  11910. "focus": function($event) {
  11911. _vm.$emit('focus', $event)
  11912. },
  11913. "blur": function($event) {
  11914. _vm.$emit('blur', $event) && _vm.checkHtml5Validity()
  11915. }
  11916. },
  11917. nativeOn: {
  11918. "change": function($event) {
  11919. _vm.onChange($event.target.value)
  11920. }
  11921. },
  11922. slot: "trigger"
  11923. }, 'b-input', _vm.$attrs, false)) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _c('b-dropdown-item', {
  11924. attrs: {
  11925. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  11926. "custom": ""
  11927. }
  11928. }, [_c('b-field', {
  11929. attrs: {
  11930. "grouped": "",
  11931. "position": "is-centered"
  11932. }
  11933. }, [_c('b-select', {
  11934. attrs: {
  11935. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  11936. "placeholder": "00"
  11937. },
  11938. nativeOn: {
  11939. "change": function($event) {
  11940. _vm.onHoursChange($event.target.value)
  11941. }
  11942. },
  11943. model: {
  11944. value: (_vm.hoursSelected),
  11945. callback: function($$v) {
  11946. _vm.hoursSelected = $$v
  11947. },
  11948. expression: "hoursSelected"
  11949. }
  11950. }, _vm._l((_vm.hours), function(hour) {
  11951. return _c('option', {
  11952. key: hour.value,
  11953. attrs: {
  11954. "disabled": _vm.isHourDisabled(hour.value)
  11955. },
  11956. domProps: {
  11957. "value": hour.value
  11958. }
  11959. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(hour.label) + "\n ")])
  11960. })), _vm._v(" "), _c('span', {
  11961. staticClass: "control is-colon"
  11962. }, [_vm._v(":")]), _vm._v(" "), _c('b-select', {
  11963. attrs: {
  11964. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  11965. "placeholder": "00"
  11966. },
  11967. nativeOn: {
  11968. "change": function($event) {
  11969. _vm.onMinutesChange($event.target.value)
  11970. }
  11971. },
  11972. model: {
  11973. value: (_vm.minutesSelected),
  11974. callback: function($$v) {
  11975. _vm.minutesSelected = $$v
  11976. },
  11977. expression: "minutesSelected"
  11978. }
  11979. }, _vm._l((_vm.minutes), function(minute) {
  11980. return _c('option', {
  11981. key: minute.value,
  11982. attrs: {
  11983. "disabled": _vm.isMinuteDisabled(minute.value)
  11984. },
  11985. domProps: {
  11986. "value": minute.value
  11987. }
  11988. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(minute.label) + "\n ")])
  11989. })), _vm._v(" "), (!_vm.isHourFormat24) ? _c('b-select', {
  11990. attrs: {
  11991. "disabled": _vm.disabled
  11992. },
  11993. nativeOn: {
  11994. "change": function($event) {
  11995. _vm.onMeridienChange($event.target.value)
  11996. }
  11997. },
  11998. model: {
  11999. value: (_vm.meridienSelected),
  12000. callback: function($$v) {
  12001. _vm.meridienSelected = $$v
  12002. },
  12003. expression: "meridienSelected"
  12004. }
  12005. }, _vm._l((_vm.meridiens), function(meridien) {
  12006. return _c('option', {
  12007. key: meridien,
  12008. domProps: {
  12009. "value": meridien
  12010. }
  12011. }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(meridien) + "\n ")])
  12012. })) : _vm._e()], 1), _vm._v(" "), (_vm.$slots.default !== undefined && _vm.$slots.default.length) ? _c('footer', {
  12013. staticClass: "timepicker-footer"
  12014. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2) : _vm._e()], 1)], 1) : _c('b-input', _vm._b({
  12015. ref: "input",
  12016. attrs: {
  12017. "type": "time",
  12018. "autocomplete": "off",
  12019. "value": _vm.formatHHMMSS(_vm.value),
  12020. "placeholder": _vm.placeholder,
  12021. "size": _vm.size,
  12022. "icon": _vm.icon,
  12023. "icon-pack": _vm.iconPack,
  12024. "loading": _vm.loading,
  12025. "max": _vm.formatHHMMSS(_vm.maxTime),
  12026. "min": _vm.formatHHMMSS(_vm.minTime),
  12027. "disabled": _vm.disabled,
  12028. "readonly": false
  12029. },
  12030. on: {
  12031. "focus": function($event) {
  12032. _vm.$emit('focus', $event)
  12033. },
  12034. "blur": function($event) {
  12035. _vm.$emit('blur', $event) && _vm.checkHtml5Validity()
  12036. }
  12037. },
  12038. nativeOn: {
  12039. "change": function($event) {
  12040. _vm.onChangeNativePicker($event)
  12041. }
  12042. }
  12043. }, 'b-input', _vm.$attrs, false))], 1)
  12044. },staticRenderFns: []}
  12045. /***/ }),
  12046. /* 211 */
  12047. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  12048. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  12049. /* script */
  12050. __webpack_require__(212),
  12051. /* template */
  12052. __webpack_require__(213),
  12053. /* styles */
  12054. null,
  12055. /* scopeId */
  12056. null,
  12057. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  12058. null
  12059. )
  12060. module.exports = Component.exports
  12061. /***/ }),
  12062. /* 212 */
  12063. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  12064. "use strict";
  12065. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  12066. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_config__ = __webpack_require__(2);
  12067. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_NoticeMixin_js__ = __webpack_require__(45);
  12068. //
  12069. //
  12070. //
  12071. //
  12072. //
  12073. //
  12074. //
  12075. //
  12076. //
  12077. //
  12078. //
  12079. //
  12080. //
  12081. //
  12082. //
  12083. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  12084. name: 'BToast',
  12085. mixins: [__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_NoticeMixin_js__["a" /* default */]],
  12086. data: function data() {
  12087. return {
  12088. newDuration: this.duration || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultToastDuration
  12089. };
  12090. }
  12091. });
  12092. /***/ }),
  12093. /* 213 */
  12094. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  12095. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  12096. return _c('transition', {
  12097. attrs: {
  12098. "enter-active-class": _vm.transition.enter,
  12099. "leave-active-class": _vm.transition.leave
  12100. }
  12101. }, [_c('div', {
  12102. directives: [{
  12103. name: "show",
  12104. rawName: "v-show",
  12105. value: (_vm.isActive),
  12106. expression: "isActive"
  12107. }],
  12108. staticClass: "toast",
  12109. class: [_vm.type, _vm.position],
  12110. attrs: {
  12111. "aria-hidden": !_vm.isActive,
  12112. "role": "alert"
  12113. }
  12114. }, [_c('div', {
  12115. domProps: {
  12116. "innerHTML": _vm._s(_vm.message)
  12117. }
  12118. })])])
  12119. },staticRenderFns: []}
  12120. /***/ }),
  12121. /* 214 */
  12122. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  12123. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  12124. /* script */
  12125. __webpack_require__(215),
  12126. /* template */
  12127. __webpack_require__(216),
  12128. /* styles */
  12129. null,
  12130. /* scopeId */
  12131. null,
  12132. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  12133. null
  12134. )
  12135. module.exports = Component.exports
  12136. /***/ }),
  12137. /* 215 */
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  12139. "use strict";
  12140. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  12141. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_config__ = __webpack_require__(2);
  12142. //
  12143. //
  12144. //
  12145. //
  12146. //
  12147. //
  12148. //
  12149. //
  12150. //
  12151. //
  12152. //
  12153. //
  12154. //
  12155. //
  12156. //
  12157. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  12158. name: 'BTooltip',
  12159. props: {
  12160. active: {
  12161. type: Boolean,
  12162. default: true
  12163. },
  12164. type: String,
  12165. label: String,
  12166. position: {
  12167. type: String,
  12168. default: 'is-top',
  12169. validator: function validator(value) {
  12170. return ['is-top', 'is-bottom', 'is-left', 'is-right'].indexOf(value) > -1;
  12171. }
  12172. },
  12173. always: Boolean,
  12174. animated: Boolean,
  12175. square: Boolean,
  12176. dashed: Boolean,
  12177. multilined: Boolean,
  12178. size: {
  12179. type: String,
  12180. default: 'is-medium'
  12181. }
  12182. },
  12183. computed: {
  12184. newType: function newType() {
  12185. return this.type || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultTooltipType;
  12186. },
  12187. newAnimated: function newAnimated() {
  12188. return this.animated || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_config__["a" /* default */].defaultTooltipAnimated;
  12189. }
  12190. }
  12191. });
  12192. /***/ }),
  12193. /* 216 */
  12194. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  12195. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  12196. return _c('span', {
  12197. class: [_vm.newType, _vm.position, _vm.size, {
  12198. 'b-tooltip': _vm.active,
  12199. 'is-square': _vm.square,
  12200. 'is-animated': _vm.newAnimated,
  12201. 'is-always': _vm.always,
  12202. 'is-multiline': _vm.multilined,
  12203. 'is-dashed': _vm.dashed
  12204. }],
  12205. attrs: {
  12206. "data-label": _vm.label
  12207. }
  12208. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2)
  12209. },staticRenderFns: []}
  12210. /***/ }),
  12211. /* 217 */
  12212. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  12213. var Component = __webpack_require__(0)(
  12214. /* script */
  12215. __webpack_require__(218),
  12216. /* template */
  12217. __webpack_require__(219),
  12218. /* styles */
  12219. null,
  12220. /* scopeId */
  12221. null,
  12222. /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
  12223. null
  12224. )
  12225. module.exports = Component.exports
  12226. /***/ }),
  12227. /* 218 */
  12228. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  12229. "use strict";
  12230. Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
  12231. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_FormElementMixin__ = __webpack_require__(10);
  12232. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_ssr__ = __webpack_require__(64);
  12233. //
  12234. //
  12235. //
  12236. //
  12237. //
  12238. //
  12239. //
  12240. //
  12241. //
  12242. //
  12243. //
  12244. //
  12245. //
  12246. //
  12247. //
  12248. //
  12249. //
  12250. //
  12251. //
  12252. //
  12253. //
  12254. //
  12255. //
  12256. //
  12257. //
  12258. //
  12259. //
  12260. //
  12261. //
  12262. //
  12263. //
  12264. //
  12265. //
  12266. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  12267. name: 'BUpload',
  12268. mixins: [__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_FormElementMixin__["a" /* default */]],
  12269. inheritAttrs: false,
  12270. props: {
  12271. value: {
  12272. type: [Object, Function, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_ssr__["a" /* File */], Array]
  12273. },
  12274. multiple: Boolean,
  12275. disabled: Boolean,
  12276. accept: String,
  12277. dragDrop: Boolean,
  12278. type: {
  12279. type: String,
  12280. default: 'is-primary'
  12281. },
  12282. native: {
  12283. type: Boolean,
  12284. default: false
  12285. }
  12286. },
  12287. data: function data() {
  12288. return {
  12289. newValue: this.value,
  12290. dragDropFocus: false,
  12291. _elementRef: 'input'
  12292. };
  12293. },
  12294. watch: {
  12295. /**
  12296. * When v-model is changed:
  12297. * 1. Set internal value.
  12298. * 2. Reset input value if array is empty
  12299. * 3. If it's invalid, validate again.
  12300. */
  12301. value: function value(_value) {
  12302. this.newValue = _value;
  12303. if (!this.newValue || Array.isArray(this.newValue) && this.newValue.length === 0) {
  12304. this.$refs.input.value = null;
  12305. }
  12306. !this.isValid && !this.dragDrop && this.checkHtml5Validity();
  12307. }
  12308. },
  12309. methods: {
  12310. /**
  12311. * Listen change event on input type 'file',
  12312. * emit 'input' event and validate
  12313. */
  12314. onFileChange: function onFileChange(event) {
  12315. if (this.disabled || this.loading) return;
  12316. if (this.dragDrop) {
  12317. this.updateDragDropFocus(false);
  12318. }
  12319. var value = event.target.files || event.dataTransfer.files;
  12320. if (value.length === 0) {
  12321. if (!this.newValue) {
  12322. return;
  12323. }
  12324. this.newValue = null;
  12325. } else if (!this.multiple) {
  12326. // only one element in case drag drop mode and isn't multiple
  12327. if (this.dragDrop && value.length !== 1) return;else {
  12328. var file = value[0];
  12329. if (this.checkType(file)) {
  12330. this.newValue = file;
  12331. } else if (this.newValue) {
  12332. this.newValue = null;
  12333. } else {
  12334. return;
  12335. }
  12336. }
  12337. } else {
  12338. // always new values if native or undefined local
  12339. var newValues = false;
  12340. if (this.native || !this.newValue) {
  12341. this.newValue = [];
  12342. newValues = true;
  12343. }
  12344. for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
  12345. var _file = value[i];
  12346. if (this.checkType(_file)) {
  12347. this.newValue.push(_file);
  12348. newValues = true;
  12349. }
  12350. }
  12351. if (!newValues) {
  12352. return;
  12353. }
  12354. }
  12355. this.$emit('input', this.newValue);
  12356. !this.dragDrop && this.checkHtml5Validity();
  12357. },
  12358. /**
  12359. * Listen drag-drop to update internal variable
  12360. */
  12361. updateDragDropFocus: function updateDragDropFocus(focus) {
  12362. if (!this.disabled && !this.loading) {
  12363. this.dragDropFocus = focus;
  12364. }
  12365. },
  12366. /**
  12367. * Check mime type of file
  12368. */
  12369. checkType: function checkType(file) {
  12370. if (!this.accept) return true;
  12371. var types = this.accept.split(',');
  12372. if (types.length === 0) return true;
  12373. var valid = false;
  12374. for (var i = 0; i < types.length && !valid; i++) {
  12375. var type = types[i].trim();
  12376. if (type) {
  12377. if (type.substring(0, 1) === '.') {
  12378. // check extension
  12379. var extIndex = file.name.lastIndexOf('.');
  12380. var extension = extIndex >= 0 ? file.name.substring(extIndex) : '';
  12381. if (extension.toLowerCase() === type.toLowerCase()) {
  12382. valid = true;
  12383. }
  12384. } else {
  12385. // check mime type
  12386. if (file.type.match(type)) {
  12387. valid = true;
  12388. }
  12389. }
  12390. }
  12391. }
  12392. return valid;
  12393. }
  12394. }
  12395. });
  12396. /***/ }),
  12397. /* 219 */
  12398. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  12399. module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
  12400. return _c('label', {
  12401. staticClass: "upload control"
  12402. }, [(!_vm.dragDrop) ? [_vm._t("default")] : _c('div', {
  12403. staticClass: "upload-draggable",
  12404. class: [_vm.type, {
  12405. 'is-loading': _vm.loading,
  12406. 'is-disabled': _vm.disabled,
  12407. 'is-hovered': _vm.dragDropFocus
  12408. }],
  12409. on: {
  12410. "dragover": function($event) {
  12411. $event.preventDefault();
  12412. _vm.updateDragDropFocus(true)
  12413. },
  12414. "dragleave": function($event) {
  12415. $event.preventDefault();
  12416. _vm.updateDragDropFocus(false)
  12417. },
  12418. "dragenter": function($event) {
  12419. $event.preventDefault();
  12420. _vm.updateDragDropFocus(true)
  12421. },
  12422. "drop": function($event) {
  12423. $event.preventDefault();
  12424. _vm.onFileChange($event)
  12425. }
  12426. }
  12427. }, [_vm._t("default")], 2), _vm._v(" "), _c('input', _vm._b({
  12428. ref: "input",
  12429. class: {
  12430. 'file-draggable': _vm.dragDrop
  12431. },
  12432. attrs: {
  12433. "type": "file",
  12434. "multiple": _vm.multiple,
  12435. "accept": _vm.accept,
  12436. "disabled": _vm.disabled
  12437. },
  12438. on: {
  12439. "change": _vm.onFileChange
  12440. }
  12441. }, 'input', _vm.$attrs, false))], 2)
  12442. },staticRenderFns: []}
  12443. /***/ })
  12444. /******/ ]);
  12445. });