Ohm-Management - Projektarbeit B-ME
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

vuetify-1.5.14.js 1.1MB

  1. (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
  2. if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
  3. module.exports = factory(require("vue"));
  4. else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
  5. define(["vue"], factory);
  6. else if(typeof exports === 'object')
  7. exports["Vuetify"] = factory(require("vue"));
  8. else
  9. root["Vuetify"] = factory(root["Vue"]);
  10. })(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this, function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_vue__) {
  11. return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
  12. /******/ // The module cache
  13. /******/ var installedModules = {};
  14. /******/
  15. /******/ // The require function
  16. /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
  17. /******/
  18. /******/ // Check if module is in cache
  19. /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
  20. /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
  21. /******/ }
  22. /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
  23. /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
  24. /******/ i: moduleId,
  25. /******/ l: false,
  26. /******/ exports: {}
  27. /******/ };
  28. /******/
  29. /******/ // Execute the module function
  30. /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
  31. /******/
  32. /******/ // Flag the module as loaded
  33. /******/ module.l = true;
  34. /******/
  35. /******/ // Return the exports of the module
  36. /******/ return module.exports;
  37. /******/ }
  38. /******/
  39. /******/
  40. /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
  41. /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
  42. /******/
  43. /******/ // expose the module cache
  44. /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
  45. /******/
  46. /******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
  47. /******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
  48. /******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
  49. /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });
  50. /******/ }
  51. /******/ };
  52. /******/
  53. /******/ // define __esModule on exports
  54. /******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
  55. /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
  56. /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
  57. /******/ }
  58. /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
  59. /******/ };
  60. /******/
  61. /******/ // create a fake namespace object
  62. /******/ // mode & 1: value is a module id, require it
  63. /******/ // mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns
  64. /******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object
  65. /******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require
  66. /******/ __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {
  67. /******/ if(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);
  68. /******/ if(mode & 8) return value;
  69. /******/ if((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;
  70. /******/ var ns = Object.create(null);
  71. /******/ __webpack_require__.r(ns);
  72. /******/ Object.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });
  73. /******/ if(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));
  74. /******/ return ns;
  75. /******/ };
  76. /******/
  77. /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
  78. /******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
  79. /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
  80. /******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
  81. /******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
  82. /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
  83. /******/ return getter;
  84. /******/ };
  85. /******/
  86. /******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call
  87. /******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };
  88. /******/
  89. /******/ // __webpack_public_path__
  90. /******/ __webpack_require__.p = "/dist/";
  91. /******/
  92. /******/
  93. /******/ // Load entry module and return exports
  94. /******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = "./src/index.ts");
  95. /******/ })
  96. /************************************************************************/
  97. /******/ ({
  98. /***/ "./src/components/VAlert/VAlert.ts":
  99. /*!*****************************************!*\
  100. !*** ./src/components/VAlert/VAlert.ts ***!
  101. \*****************************************/
  102. /*! exports provided: default */
  103. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  104. "use strict";
  105. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  106. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_alerts_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_alerts.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_alerts.styl");
  107. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_alerts_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_alerts_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  108. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  109. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  110. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/toggleable */ "./src/mixins/toggleable.ts");
  111. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_transitionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/transitionable */ "./src/mixins/transitionable.ts");
  112. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  113. // Styles
  114. // Components
  115. // Mixins
  116. /* @vue/component */
  117. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_transitionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]).extend({
  118. name: 'v-alert',
  119. props: {
  120. dismissible: Boolean,
  121. icon: String,
  122. outline: Boolean,
  123. type: {
  124. type: String,
  125. validator: function validator(val) {
  126. return ['info', 'error', 'success', 'warning'].includes(val);
  127. }
  128. }
  129. },
  130. computed: {
  131. computedColor: function computedColor() {
  132. return this.type && !this.color ? this.type : this.color || 'error';
  133. },
  134. computedIcon: function computedIcon() {
  135. if (this.icon || !this.type) return this.icon;
  136. switch (this.type) {
  137. case 'info':
  138. return '$vuetify.icons.info';
  139. case 'error':
  140. return '$vuetify.icons.error';
  141. case 'success':
  142. return '$vuetify.icons.success';
  143. case 'warning':
  144. return '$vuetify.icons.warning';
  145. }
  146. }
  147. },
  148. methods: {
  149. genIcon: function genIcon() {
  150. if (!this.computedIcon) return null;
  151. return this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], {
  152. 'class': 'v-alert__icon'
  153. }, this.computedIcon);
  154. },
  155. genDismissible: function genDismissible() {
  156. var _this = this;
  157. if (!this.dismissible) return null;
  158. return this.$createElement('a', {
  159. 'class': 'v-alert__dismissible',
  160. on: { click: function click() {
  161. _this.isActive = false;
  162. } }
  163. }, [this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], {
  164. props: {
  165. right: true
  166. }
  167. }, '$vuetify.icons.cancel')]);
  168. }
  169. },
  170. render: function render(h) {
  171. var children = [this.genIcon(), h('div', this.$slots.default), this.genDismissible()];
  172. var setColor = this.outline ? this.setTextColor : this.setBackgroundColor;
  173. var alert = h('div', setColor(this.computedColor, {
  174. staticClass: 'v-alert',
  175. 'class': {
  176. 'v-alert--outline': this.outline
  177. },
  178. directives: [{
  179. name: 'show',
  180. value: this.isActive
  181. }],
  182. on: this.$listeners
  183. }), children);
  184. if (!this.transition) return alert;
  185. return h('transition', {
  186. props: {
  187. name: this.transition,
  188. origin: this.origin,
  189. mode: this.mode
  190. }
  191. }, [alert]);
  192. }
  193. }));
  194. /***/ }),
  195. /***/ "./src/components/VAlert/index.ts":
  196. /*!****************************************!*\
  197. !*** ./src/components/VAlert/index.ts ***!
  198. \****************************************/
  199. /*! exports provided: VAlert, default */
  200. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  201. "use strict";
  202. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  203. /* harmony import */ var _VAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VAlert */ "./src/components/VAlert/VAlert.ts");
  204. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VAlert", function() { return _VAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  205. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  206. /***/ }),
  207. /***/ "./src/components/VApp/VApp.js":
  208. /*!*************************************!*\
  209. !*** ./src/components/VApp/VApp.js ***!
  210. \*************************************/
  211. /*! exports provided: default */
  212. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  213. "use strict";
  214. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  215. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_app_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_app.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_app.styl");
  216. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_app_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_app_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  217. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_app_theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/app-theme */ "./src/components/VApp/mixins/app-theme.js");
  218. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  219. /* harmony import */ var _directives_resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/resize */ "./src/directives/resize.ts");
  220. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  221. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  222. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  223. s = arguments[i];
  224. for (var p in s) {
  225. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  226. }
  227. }
  228. return t;
  229. };
  230. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  231. };
  232. // Component level mixins
  233. // Directives
  234. /* @vue/component */
  235. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  236. name: 'v-app',
  237. directives: {
  238. Resize: _directives_resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]
  239. },
  240. mixins: [_mixins_app_theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]],
  241. props: {
  242. id: {
  243. type: String,
  244. default: 'app'
  245. },
  246. dark: Boolean
  247. },
  248. computed: {
  249. classes: function classes() {
  250. return __assign({ 'application--is-rtl': this.$vuetify.rtl }, this.themeClasses);
  251. }
  252. },
  253. watch: {
  254. dark: function dark() {
  255. this.$vuetify.dark = this.dark;
  256. }
  257. },
  258. mounted: function mounted() {
  259. this.$vuetify.dark = this.dark;
  260. },
  261. render: function render(h) {
  262. var data = {
  263. staticClass: 'application',
  264. 'class': this.classes,
  265. attrs: { 'data-app': true },
  266. domProps: { id: this.id }
  267. };
  268. var wrapper = h('div', { staticClass: 'application--wrap' }, this.$slots.default);
  269. return h('div', data, [wrapper]);
  270. }
  271. });
  272. /***/ }),
  273. /***/ "./src/components/VApp/index.js":
  274. /*!**************************************!*\
  275. !*** ./src/components/VApp/index.js ***!
  276. \**************************************/
  277. /*! exports provided: VApp, default */
  278. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  279. "use strict";
  280. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  281. /* harmony import */ var _VApp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VApp */ "./src/components/VApp/VApp.js");
  282. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VApp", function() { return _VApp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  283. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VApp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  284. /***/ }),
  285. /***/ "./src/components/VApp/mixins/app-theme.js":
  286. /*!*************************************************!*\
  287. !*** ./src/components/VApp/mixins/app-theme.js ***!
  288. \*************************************************/
  289. /*! exports provided: default */
  290. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  291. "use strict";
  292. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  293. /* harmony import */ var _util_theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../util/theme */ "./src/util/theme.ts");
  294. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  295. data: function data() {
  296. return {
  297. style: null
  298. };
  299. },
  300. computed: {
  301. parsedTheme: function parsedTheme() {
  302. return _util_theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["parse"](this.$vuetify.theme);
  303. },
  304. /** @return string */
  305. generatedStyles: function generatedStyles() {
  306. var theme = this.parsedTheme;
  307. var css;
  308. if (this.$vuetify.options.themeCache != null) {
  309. css = this.$vuetify.options.themeCache.get(theme);
  310. if (css != null) return css;
  311. }
  312. css = _util_theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["genStyles"](theme, this.$vuetify.options.customProperties);
  313. if (this.$vuetify.options.minifyTheme != null) {
  314. css = this.$vuetify.options.minifyTheme(css);
  315. }
  316. if (this.$vuetify.options.themeCache != null) {
  317. this.$vuetify.options.themeCache.set(theme, css);
  318. }
  319. return css;
  320. },
  321. vueMeta: function vueMeta() {
  322. if (this.$vuetify.theme === false) return {};
  323. var options = {
  324. cssText: this.generatedStyles,
  325. id: 'vuetify-theme-stylesheet',
  326. type: 'text/css'
  327. };
  328. if (this.$vuetify.options.cspNonce) {
  329. options.nonce = this.$vuetify.options.cspNonce;
  330. }
  331. return {
  332. style: [options]
  333. };
  334. }
  335. },
  336. // Regular vue-meta
  337. metaInfo: function metaInfo() {
  338. return this.vueMeta;
  339. },
  340. // Nuxt
  341. head: function head() {
  342. return this.vueMeta;
  343. },
  344. watch: {
  345. generatedStyles: function generatedStyles() {
  346. !this.meta && this.applyTheme();
  347. }
  348. },
  349. created: function created() {
  350. if (this.$vuetify.theme === false) return;
  351. if (this.$meta) {
  352. // Vue-meta
  353. // Handled by metaInfo()/nuxt()
  354. } else if (typeof document === 'undefined' && this.$ssrContext) {
  355. // SSR
  356. var nonce = this.$vuetify.options.cspNonce ? " nonce=\"" + this.$vuetify.options.cspNonce + "\"" : '';
  357. this.$ssrContext.head = this.$ssrContext.head || '';
  358. this.$ssrContext.head += "<style type=\"text/css\" id=\"vuetify-theme-stylesheet\"" + nonce + ">" + this.generatedStyles + "</style>";
  359. } else if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
  360. // Client-side
  361. this.genStyle();
  362. this.applyTheme();
  363. }
  364. },
  365. methods: {
  366. applyTheme: function applyTheme() {
  367. if (this.style) this.style.innerHTML = this.generatedStyles;
  368. },
  369. genStyle: function genStyle() {
  370. var style = document.getElementById('vuetify-theme-stylesheet');
  371. if (!style) {
  372. style = document.createElement('style');
  373. style.type = 'text/css';
  374. style.id = 'vuetify-theme-stylesheet';
  375. if (this.$vuetify.options.cspNonce) {
  376. style.setAttribute('nonce', this.$vuetify.options.cspNonce);
  377. }
  378. document.head.appendChild(style);
  379. }
  380. this.style = style;
  381. }
  382. }
  383. });
  384. /***/ }),
  385. /***/ "./src/components/VAutocomplete/VAutocomplete.js":
  386. /*!*******************************************************!*\
  387. !*** ./src/components/VAutocomplete/VAutocomplete.js ***!
  388. \*******************************************************/
  389. /*! exports provided: default */
  390. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  391. "use strict";
  392. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  393. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_autocompletes_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_autocompletes.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_autocompletes.styl");
  394. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_autocompletes_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_autocompletes_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  395. /* harmony import */ var _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VSelect/VSelect */ "./src/components/VSelect/VSelect.js");
  396. /* harmony import */ var _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VTextField/VTextField */ "./src/components/VTextField/VTextField.js");
  397. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  398. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  399. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  400. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  401. s = arguments[i];
  402. for (var p in s) {
  403. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  404. }
  405. }
  406. return t;
  407. };
  408. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  409. };
  410. // Styles
  411. // Extensions
  412. // Utils
  413. var defaultMenuProps = __assign({}, _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["defaultMenuProps"], { offsetY: true, offsetOverflow: true, transition: false });
  414. /* @vue/component */
  415. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].extend({
  416. name: 'v-autocomplete',
  417. props: {
  418. allowOverflow: {
  419. type: Boolean,
  420. default: true
  421. },
  422. browserAutocomplete: {
  423. type: String,
  424. default: 'off'
  425. },
  426. filter: {
  427. type: Function,
  428. default: function _default(item, queryText, itemText) {
  429. return itemText.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(queryText.toLocaleLowerCase()) > -1;
  430. }
  431. },
  432. hideNoData: Boolean,
  433. noFilter: Boolean,
  434. searchInput: {
  435. default: undefined
  436. },
  437. menuProps: {
  438. type: _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.props.menuProps.type,
  439. default: function _default() {
  440. return defaultMenuProps;
  441. }
  442. },
  443. autoSelectFirst: {
  444. type: Boolean,
  445. default: false
  446. }
  447. },
  448. data: function data(vm) {
  449. return {
  450. attrsInput: null,
  451. lazySearch: vm.searchInput
  452. };
  453. },
  454. computed: {
  455. classes: function classes() {
  456. return Object.assign({}, _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.computed.classes.call(this), {
  457. 'v-autocomplete': true,
  458. 'v-autocomplete--is-selecting-index': this.selectedIndex > -1
  459. });
  460. },
  461. computedItems: function computedItems() {
  462. return this.filteredItems;
  463. },
  464. selectedValues: function selectedValues() {
  465. var _this = this;
  466. return this.selectedItems.map(function (item) {
  467. return _this.getValue(item);
  468. });
  469. },
  470. hasDisplayedItems: function hasDisplayedItems() {
  471. var _this = this;
  472. return this.hideSelected ? this.filteredItems.some(function (item) {
  473. return !_this.hasItem(item);
  474. }) : this.filteredItems.length > 0;
  475. },
  476. /**
  477. * The range of the current input text
  478. *
  479. * @return {Number}
  480. */
  481. currentRange: function currentRange() {
  482. if (this.selectedItem == null) return 0;
  483. return this.getText(this.selectedItem).toString().length;
  484. },
  485. filteredItems: function filteredItems() {
  486. var _this = this;
  487. if (!this.isSearching || this.noFilter || this.internalSearch == null) return this.allItems;
  488. return this.allItems.filter(function (item) {
  489. return _this.filter(item, _this.internalSearch.toString(), _this.getText(item).toString());
  490. });
  491. },
  492. internalSearch: {
  493. get: function get() {
  494. return this.lazySearch;
  495. },
  496. set: function set(val) {
  497. this.lazySearch = val;
  498. this.$emit('update:searchInput', val);
  499. }
  500. },
  501. isAnyValueAllowed: function isAnyValueAllowed() {
  502. return false;
  503. },
  504. isDirty: function isDirty() {
  505. return this.searchIsDirty || this.selectedItems.length > 0;
  506. },
  507. isSearching: function isSearching() {
  508. if (this.multiple) return this.searchIsDirty;
  509. return this.searchIsDirty && this.internalSearch !== this.getText(this.selectedItem);
  510. },
  511. menuCanShow: function menuCanShow() {
  512. if (!this.isFocused) return false;
  513. return this.hasDisplayedItems || !this.hideNoData;
  514. },
  515. $_menuProps: function $_menuProps() {
  516. var props = _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.computed.$_menuProps.call(this);
  517. props.contentClass = ("v-autocomplete__content " + (props.contentClass || '')).trim();
  518. return __assign({}, defaultMenuProps, props);
  519. },
  520. searchIsDirty: function searchIsDirty() {
  521. return this.internalSearch != null && this.internalSearch !== '';
  522. },
  523. selectedItem: function selectedItem() {
  524. var _this = this;
  525. if (this.multiple) return null;
  526. return this.selectedItems.find(function (i) {
  527. return _this.valueComparator(_this.getValue(i), _this.getValue(_this.internalValue));
  528. });
  529. },
  530. listData: function listData() {
  531. var data = _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.computed.listData.call(this);
  532. Object.assign(data.props, {
  533. items: this.virtualizedItems,
  534. noFilter: this.noFilter || !this.isSearching || !this.filteredItems.length,
  535. searchInput: this.internalSearch
  536. });
  537. return data;
  538. }
  539. },
  540. watch: {
  541. filteredItems: function filteredItems(val) {
  542. this.onFilteredItemsChanged(val);
  543. },
  544. internalValue: function internalValue() {
  545. this.setSearch();
  546. },
  547. isFocused: function isFocused(val) {
  548. if (val) {
  549. this.$refs.input && this.$refs.input.select();
  550. } else {
  551. this.updateSelf();
  552. }
  553. },
  554. isMenuActive: function isMenuActive(val) {
  555. if (val || !this.hasSlot) return;
  556. this.lazySearch = null;
  557. },
  558. items: function items(val, oldVal) {
  559. // If we are focused, the menu
  560. // is not active, hide no data is enabled,
  561. // and items change
  562. // User is probably async loading
  563. // items, try to activate the menu
  564. if (!(oldVal && oldVal.length) && this.hideNoData && this.isFocused && !this.isMenuActive && val.length) this.activateMenu();
  565. },
  566. searchInput: function searchInput(val) {
  567. this.lazySearch = val;
  568. },
  569. internalSearch: function internalSearch(val) {
  570. this.onInternalSearchChanged(val);
  571. },
  572. itemText: function itemText() {
  573. this.updateSelf();
  574. }
  575. },
  576. created: function created() {
  577. this.setSearch();
  578. },
  579. methods: {
  580. onFilteredItemsChanged: function onFilteredItemsChanged(val) {
  581. var _this = this;
  582. this.setMenuIndex(-1);
  583. this.$nextTick(function () {
  584. _this.setMenuIndex(val.length > 0 && (val.length === 1 || _this.autoSelectFirst) ? 0 : -1);
  585. });
  586. },
  587. onInternalSearchChanged: function onInternalSearchChanged(val) {
  588. this.updateMenuDimensions();
  589. },
  590. updateMenuDimensions: function updateMenuDimensions() {
  591. if (this.isMenuActive && this.$refs.menu) {
  592. this.$refs.menu.updateDimensions();
  593. }
  594. },
  595. changeSelectedIndex: function changeSelectedIndex(keyCode) {
  596. // Do not allow changing of selectedIndex
  597. // when search is dirty
  598. if (this.searchIsDirty) return;
  599. if (![_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["keyCodes"].backspace, _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["keyCodes"].left, _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["keyCodes"].right, _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["keyCodes"].delete].includes(keyCode)) return;
  600. var indexes = this.selectedItems.length - 1;
  601. if (keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["keyCodes"].left) {
  602. this.selectedIndex = this.selectedIndex === -1 ? indexes : this.selectedIndex - 1;
  603. } else if (keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["keyCodes"].right) {
  604. this.selectedIndex = this.selectedIndex >= indexes ? -1 : this.selectedIndex + 1;
  605. } else if (this.selectedIndex === -1) {
  606. this.selectedIndex = indexes;
  607. return;
  608. }
  609. var currentItem = this.selectedItems[this.selectedIndex];
  610. if ([_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["keyCodes"].backspace, _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["keyCodes"].delete].includes(keyCode) && !this.getDisabled(currentItem)) {
  611. var newIndex = this.selectedIndex === indexes ? this.selectedIndex - 1 : this.selectedItems[this.selectedIndex + 1] ? this.selectedIndex : -1;
  612. if (newIndex === -1) {
  613. this.setValue(this.multiple ? [] : undefined);
  614. } else {
  615. this.selectItem(currentItem);
  616. }
  617. this.selectedIndex = newIndex;
  618. }
  619. },
  620. clearableCallback: function clearableCallback() {
  621. this.internalSearch = undefined;
  622. _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.clearableCallback.call(this);
  623. },
  624. genInput: function genInput() {
  625. var input = _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"].options.methods.genInput.call(this);
  626. input.data.attrs.role = 'combobox';
  627. input.data.domProps.value = this.internalSearch;
  628. return input;
  629. },
  630. genSelections: function genSelections() {
  631. return this.hasSlot || this.multiple ? _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.genSelections.call(this) : [];
  632. },
  633. onClick: function onClick() {
  634. if (this.isDisabled) return;
  635. this.selectedIndex > -1 ? this.selectedIndex = -1 : this.onFocus();
  636. this.activateMenu();
  637. },
  638. onEnterDown: function onEnterDown() {
  639. // Avoid invoking this method
  640. // will cause updateSelf to
  641. // be called emptying search
  642. },
  643. onInput: function onInput(e) {
  644. if (this.selectedIndex > -1) return;
  645. // If typing and menu is not currently active
  646. if (e.target.value) {
  647. this.activateMenu();
  648. if (!this.isAnyValueAllowed) this.setMenuIndex(0);
  649. }
  650. this.mask && this.resetSelections(e.target);
  651. this.internalSearch = e.target.value;
  652. this.badInput = e.target.validity && e.target.validity.badInput;
  653. },
  654. onKeyDown: function onKeyDown(e) {
  655. var keyCode = e.keyCode;
  656. _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.onKeyDown.call(this, e);
  657. // The ordering is important here
  658. // allows new value to be updated
  659. // and then moves the index to the
  660. // proper location
  661. this.changeSelectedIndex(keyCode);
  662. },
  663. onTabDown: function onTabDown(e) {
  664. _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.onTabDown.call(this, e);
  665. this.updateSelf();
  666. },
  667. setSelectedItems: function setSelectedItems() {
  668. _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.setSelectedItems.call(this);
  669. // #4273 Don't replace if searching
  670. // #4403 Don't replace if focused
  671. if (!this.isFocused) this.setSearch();
  672. },
  673. setSearch: function setSearch() {
  674. var _this = this;
  675. // Wait for nextTick so selectedItem
  676. // has had time to update
  677. this.$nextTick(function () {
  678. _this.internalSearch = _this.multiple && _this.internalSearch && _this.isMenuActive ? _this.internalSearch : !_this.selectedItems.length || _this.multiple || _this.hasSlot ? null : _this.getText(_this.selectedItem);
  679. });
  680. },
  681. updateSelf: function updateSelf() {
  682. this.updateAutocomplete();
  683. },
  684. updateAutocomplete: function updateAutocomplete() {
  685. if (!this.searchIsDirty && !this.internalValue) return;
  686. if (!this.valueComparator(this.internalSearch, this.getValue(this.internalValue))) {
  687. this.setSearch();
  688. }
  689. },
  690. hasItem: function hasItem(item) {
  691. return this.selectedValues.indexOf(this.getValue(item)) > -1;
  692. }
  693. }
  694. }));
  695. /***/ }),
  696. /***/ "./src/components/VAutocomplete/index.js":
  697. /*!***********************************************!*\
  698. !*** ./src/components/VAutocomplete/index.js ***!
  699. \***********************************************/
  700. /*! exports provided: VAutocomplete, default */
  701. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  702. "use strict";
  703. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  704. /* harmony import */ var _VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VAutocomplete */ "./src/components/VAutocomplete/VAutocomplete.js");
  705. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VAutocomplete", function() { return _VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  706. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  707. /***/ }),
  708. /***/ "./src/components/VAvatar/VAvatar.ts":
  709. /*!*******************************************!*\
  710. !*** ./src/components/VAvatar/VAvatar.ts ***!
  711. \*******************************************/
  712. /*! exports provided: default */
  713. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  714. "use strict";
  715. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  716. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_avatars_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_avatars.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_avatars.styl");
  717. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_avatars_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_avatars_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  718. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  719. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  720. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  721. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  722. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  723. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  724. s = arguments[i];
  725. for (var p in s) {
  726. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  727. }
  728. }
  729. return t;
  730. };
  731. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  732. };
  733. // Mixins
  734. /* @vue/component */
  735. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]).extend({
  736. name: 'v-avatar',
  737. functional: true,
  738. props: {
  739. // TODO: inherit these
  740. color: String,
  741. size: {
  742. type: [Number, String],
  743. default: 48
  744. },
  745. tile: Boolean
  746. },
  747. render: function render(h, _a) {
  748. var data = _a.data,
  749. props = _a.props,
  750. children = _a.children;
  751. data.staticClass = ("v-avatar " + (data.staticClass || '')).trim();
  752. if (props.tile) data.staticClass += ' v-avatar--tile';
  753. var size = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["convertToUnit"])(props.size);
  754. data.style = __assign({ height: size, width: size }, data.style);
  755. return h('div', _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.setBackgroundColor(props.color, data), children);
  756. }
  757. }));
  758. /***/ }),
  759. /***/ "./src/components/VAvatar/index.ts":
  760. /*!*****************************************!*\
  761. !*** ./src/components/VAvatar/index.ts ***!
  762. \*****************************************/
  763. /*! exports provided: VAvatar, default */
  764. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  765. "use strict";
  766. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  767. /* harmony import */ var _VAvatar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VAvatar */ "./src/components/VAvatar/VAvatar.ts");
  768. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VAvatar", function() { return _VAvatar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  769. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VAvatar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  770. /***/ }),
  771. /***/ "./src/components/VBadge/VBadge.ts":
  772. /*!*****************************************!*\
  773. !*** ./src/components/VBadge/VBadge.ts ***!
  774. \*****************************************/
  775. /*! exports provided: default */
  776. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  777. "use strict";
  778. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  779. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_badges_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_badges.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_badges.styl");
  780. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_badges_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_badges_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  781. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  782. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/toggleable */ "./src/mixins/toggleable.ts");
  783. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_positionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/positionable */ "./src/mixins/positionable.ts");
  784. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_transitionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/transitionable */ "./src/mixins/transitionable.ts");
  785. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  786. // Styles
  787. // Mixins
  788. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], Object(_mixins_positionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["factory"])(['left', 'bottom']), _mixins_transitionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]
  789. /* @vue/component */
  790. ).extend({
  791. name: 'v-badge',
  792. props: {
  793. color: {
  794. type: String,
  795. default: 'primary'
  796. },
  797. overlap: Boolean,
  798. transition: {
  799. type: String,
  800. default: 'fab-transition'
  801. },
  802. value: {
  803. default: true
  804. }
  805. },
  806. computed: {
  807. classes: function classes() {
  808. return {
  809. 'v-badge--bottom': this.bottom,
  810. 'v-badge--left': this.left,
  811. 'v-badge--overlap': this.overlap
  812. };
  813. }
  814. },
  815. render: function render(h) {
  816. var badge = this.$slots.badge && [h('span', this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, {
  817. staticClass: 'v-badge__badge',
  818. attrs: this.$attrs,
  819. directives: [{
  820. name: 'show',
  821. value: this.isActive
  822. }]
  823. }), this.$slots.badge)];
  824. return h('span', {
  825. staticClass: 'v-badge',
  826. 'class': this.classes
  827. }, [this.$slots.default, h('transition', {
  828. props: {
  829. name: this.transition,
  830. origin: this.origin,
  831. mode: this.mode
  832. }
  833. }, badge)]);
  834. }
  835. }));
  836. /***/ }),
  837. /***/ "./src/components/VBadge/index.ts":
  838. /*!****************************************!*\
  839. !*** ./src/components/VBadge/index.ts ***!
  840. \****************************************/
  841. /*! exports provided: VBadge, default */
  842. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  843. "use strict";
  844. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  845. /* harmony import */ var _VBadge__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VBadge */ "./src/components/VBadge/VBadge.ts");
  846. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBadge", function() { return _VBadge__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  847. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VBadge__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  848. /***/ }),
  849. /***/ "./src/components/VBottomNav/VBottomNav.ts":
  850. /*!*************************************************!*\
  851. !*** ./src/components/VBottomNav/VBottomNav.ts ***!
  852. \*************************************************/
  853. /*! exports provided: default */
  854. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  855. "use strict";
  856. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  857. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_bottom_navs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_bottom-navs.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_bottom-navs.styl");
  858. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_bottom_navs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_bottom_navs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  859. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_applicationable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/applicationable */ "./src/mixins/applicationable.ts");
  860. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_button_group__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/button-group */ "./src/mixins/button-group.ts");
  861. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  862. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  863. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  864. // Styles
  865. // Mixins
  866. // Util
  867. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])(Object(_mixins_applicationable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])('bottom', ['height', 'value']), _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]
  868. /* @vue/component */
  869. ).extend({
  870. name: 'v-bottom-nav',
  871. props: {
  872. active: [Number, String],
  873. mandatory: Boolean,
  874. height: {
  875. default: 56,
  876. type: [Number, String],
  877. validator: function validator(v) {
  878. return !isNaN(parseInt(v));
  879. }
  880. },
  881. shift: Boolean,
  882. value: null
  883. },
  884. computed: {
  885. classes: function classes() {
  886. return {
  887. 'v-bottom-nav--absolute': this.absolute,
  888. 'v-bottom-nav--fixed': !this.absolute && (this.app || this.fixed),
  889. 'v-bottom-nav--shift': this.shift,
  890. 'v-bottom-nav--active': this.value
  891. };
  892. },
  893. computedHeight: function computedHeight() {
  894. return parseInt(this.height);
  895. }
  896. },
  897. methods: {
  898. updateApplication: function updateApplication() {
  899. return !this.value ? 0 : this.computedHeight;
  900. },
  901. updateValue: function updateValue(val) {
  902. this.$emit('update:active', val);
  903. }
  904. },
  905. render: function render(h) {
  906. return h(_mixins_button_group__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, {
  907. staticClass: 'v-bottom-nav',
  908. class: this.classes,
  909. style: {
  910. height: parseInt(this.computedHeight) + "px"
  911. },
  912. props: {
  913. mandatory: Boolean(this.mandatory || this.active !== undefined),
  914. value: this.active
  915. },
  916. on: { change: this.updateValue }
  917. }), this.$slots.default);
  918. }
  919. }));
  920. /***/ }),
  921. /***/ "./src/components/VBottomNav/index.ts":
  922. /*!********************************************!*\
  923. !*** ./src/components/VBottomNav/index.ts ***!
  924. \********************************************/
  925. /*! exports provided: VBottomNav, default */
  926. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  927. "use strict";
  928. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  929. /* harmony import */ var _VBottomNav__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VBottomNav */ "./src/components/VBottomNav/VBottomNav.ts");
  930. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBottomNav", function() { return _VBottomNav__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  931. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VBottomNav__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  932. /***/ }),
  933. /***/ "./src/components/VBottomSheet/VBottomSheet.js":
  934. /*!*****************************************************!*\
  935. !*** ./src/components/VBottomSheet/VBottomSheet.js ***!
  936. \*****************************************************/
  937. /*! exports provided: default */
  938. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  939. "use strict";
  940. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  941. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_bottom_sheets_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_bottom-sheets.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_bottom-sheets.styl");
  942. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_bottom_sheets_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_bottom_sheets_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  943. /* harmony import */ var _VDialog_VDialog__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VDialog/VDialog */ "./src/components/VDialog/VDialog.js");
  944. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  945. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  946. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  947. s = arguments[i];
  948. for (var p in s) {
  949. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  950. }
  951. }
  952. return t;
  953. };
  954. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  955. };
  956. /* @vue/component */
  957. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  958. name: 'v-bottom-sheet',
  959. props: {
  960. disabled: Boolean,
  961. fullWidth: Boolean,
  962. hideOverlay: Boolean,
  963. inset: Boolean,
  964. lazy: Boolean,
  965. maxWidth: {
  966. type: [String, Number],
  967. default: 'auto'
  968. },
  969. persistent: Boolean,
  970. value: null
  971. },
  972. render: function render(h) {
  973. var activator = h('template', {
  974. slot: 'activator'
  975. }, this.$slots.activator);
  976. var contentClass = ['v-bottom-sheet', this.inset ? 'v-bottom-sheet--inset' : ''].join(' ');
  977. return h(_VDialog_VDialog__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], {
  978. attrs: __assign({}, this.$props),
  979. on: __assign({}, this.$listeners),
  980. props: {
  981. contentClass: contentClass,
  982. noClickAnimation: true,
  983. transition: 'bottom-sheet-transition',
  984. value: this.value
  985. }
  986. }, [activator, this.$slots.default]);
  987. }
  988. });
  989. /***/ }),
  990. /***/ "./src/components/VBottomSheet/index.js":
  991. /*!**********************************************!*\
  992. !*** ./src/components/VBottomSheet/index.js ***!
  993. \**********************************************/
  994. /*! exports provided: VBottomSheet, default */
  995. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  996. "use strict";
  997. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  998. /* harmony import */ var _VBottomSheet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VBottomSheet */ "./src/components/VBottomSheet/VBottomSheet.js");
  999. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBottomSheet", function() { return _VBottomSheet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  1000. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VBottomSheet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  1001. /***/ }),
  1002. /***/ "./src/components/VBreadcrumbs/VBreadcrumbs.ts":
  1003. /*!*****************************************************!*\
  1004. !*** ./src/components/VBreadcrumbs/VBreadcrumbs.ts ***!
  1005. \*****************************************************/
  1006. /*! exports provided: default */
  1007. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1008. "use strict";
  1009. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  1010. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_breadcrumbs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_breadcrumbs.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_breadcrumbs.styl");
  1011. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_breadcrumbs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_breadcrumbs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  1012. /* harmony import */ var ___WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! . */ "./src/components/VBreadcrumbs/index.ts");
  1013. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  1014. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  1015. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  1016. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  1017. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  1018. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  1019. s = arguments[i];
  1020. for (var p in s) {
  1021. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  1022. }
  1023. }
  1024. return t;
  1025. };
  1026. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  1027. };
  1028. // Styles
  1029. // Components
  1030. // Mixins
  1031. // Utils
  1032. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(_mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]
  1033. /* @vue/component */
  1034. ).extend({
  1035. name: 'v-breadcrumbs',
  1036. props: {
  1037. divider: {
  1038. type: String,
  1039. default: '/'
  1040. },
  1041. items: {
  1042. type: Array,
  1043. default: function _default() {
  1044. return [];
  1045. }
  1046. },
  1047. large: Boolean,
  1048. justifyCenter: Boolean,
  1049. justifyEnd: Boolean
  1050. },
  1051. computed: {
  1052. classes: function classes() {
  1053. return __assign({ 'v-breadcrumbs--large': this.large, 'justify-center': this.justifyCenter, 'justify-end': this.justifyEnd }, this.themeClasses);
  1054. }
  1055. },
  1056. mounted: function mounted() {
  1057. if (this.justifyCenter) Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["deprecate"])('justify-center', 'class="justify-center"', this);
  1058. if (this.justifyEnd) Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["deprecate"])('justify-end', 'class="justify-end"', this);
  1059. if (this.$slots.default) Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["deprecate"])('default slot', ':items and scoped slot "item"', this);
  1060. },
  1061. methods: {
  1062. /* @deprecated */
  1063. genChildren /* istanbul ignore next */: function genChildren() {
  1064. if (!this.$slots.default) return undefined;
  1065. var children = [];
  1066. var createDividers = false;
  1067. for (var i = 0; i < this.$slots.default.length; i++) {
  1068. var elm = this.$slots.default[i];
  1069. if (!elm.componentOptions || elm.componentOptions.Ctor.options.name !== 'v-breadcrumbs-item') {
  1070. children.push(elm);
  1071. } else {
  1072. if (createDividers) {
  1073. children.push(this.genDivider());
  1074. }
  1075. children.push(elm);
  1076. createDividers = true;
  1077. }
  1078. }
  1079. return children;
  1080. },
  1081. genDivider: function genDivider() {
  1082. return this.$createElement(___WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["VBreadcrumbsDivider"], this.$slots.divider ? this.$slots.divider : this.divider);
  1083. },
  1084. genItems: function genItems() {
  1085. var items = [];
  1086. var hasSlot = !!this.$scopedSlots.item;
  1087. var keys = [];
  1088. for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
  1089. var item = this.items[i];
  1090. keys.push(item.text);
  1091. if (hasSlot) items.push(this.$scopedSlots.item({ item: item }));else items.push(this.$createElement(___WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["VBreadcrumbsItem"], { key: keys.join('.'), props: item }, [item.text]));
  1092. if (i < this.items.length - 1) items.push(this.genDivider());
  1093. }
  1094. return items;
  1095. }
  1096. },
  1097. render: function render(h) {
  1098. var children = this.$slots.default ? this.genChildren() : this.genItems();
  1099. return h('ul', {
  1100. staticClass: 'v-breadcrumbs',
  1101. 'class': this.classes
  1102. }, children);
  1103. }
  1104. }));
  1105. /***/ }),
  1106. /***/ "./src/components/VBreadcrumbs/VBreadcrumbsItem.ts":
  1107. /*!*********************************************************!*\
  1108. !*** ./src/components/VBreadcrumbs/VBreadcrumbsItem.ts ***!
  1109. \*********************************************************/
  1110. /*! exports provided: default */
  1111. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1112. "use strict";
  1113. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  1114. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_routable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/routable */ "./src/mixins/routable.ts");
  1115. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  1116. /* @vue/component */
  1117. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(_mixins_routable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]).extend({
  1118. name: 'v-breadcrumbs-item',
  1119. props: {
  1120. // In a breadcrumb, the currently
  1121. // active item should be dimmed
  1122. activeClass: {
  1123. type: String,
  1124. default: 'v-breadcrumbs__item--disabled'
  1125. }
  1126. },
  1127. computed: {
  1128. classes: function classes() {
  1129. var _a;
  1130. return _a = {
  1131. 'v-breadcrumbs__item': true
  1132. }, _a[this.activeClass] = this.disabled, _a;
  1133. }
  1134. },
  1135. render: function render(h) {
  1136. var _a = this.generateRouteLink(this.classes),
  1137. tag = _a.tag,
  1138. data = _a.data;
  1139. return h('li', [h(tag, data, this.$slots.default)]);
  1140. }
  1141. }));
  1142. /***/ }),
  1143. /***/ "./src/components/VBreadcrumbs/index.ts":
  1144. /*!**********************************************!*\
  1145. !*** ./src/components/VBreadcrumbs/index.ts ***!
  1146. \**********************************************/
  1147. /*! exports provided: VBreadcrumbs, VBreadcrumbsItem, VBreadcrumbsDivider, default */
  1148. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1149. "use strict";
  1150. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  1151. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBreadcrumbsDivider", function() { return VBreadcrumbsDivider; });
  1152. /* harmony import */ var _VBreadcrumbs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VBreadcrumbs */ "./src/components/VBreadcrumbs/VBreadcrumbs.ts");
  1153. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBreadcrumbs", function() { return _VBreadcrumbs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  1154. /* harmony import */ var _VBreadcrumbsItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VBreadcrumbsItem */ "./src/components/VBreadcrumbs/VBreadcrumbsItem.ts");
  1155. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBreadcrumbsItem", function() { return _VBreadcrumbsItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  1156. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  1157. var VBreadcrumbsDivider = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["createSimpleFunctional"])('v-breadcrumbs__divider', 'li');
  1158. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  1159. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  1160. VBreadcrumbs: _VBreadcrumbs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  1161. VBreadcrumbsItem: _VBreadcrumbsItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  1162. VBreadcrumbsDivider: VBreadcrumbsDivider
  1163. }
  1164. });
  1165. /***/ }),
  1166. /***/ "./src/components/VBtn/VBtn.ts":
  1167. /*!*************************************!*\
  1168. !*** ./src/components/VBtn/VBtn.ts ***!
  1169. \*************************************/
  1170. /*! exports provided: default */
  1171. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1172. "use strict";
  1173. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  1174. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_buttons_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_buttons.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_buttons.styl");
  1175. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_buttons_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_buttons_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  1176. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  1177. /* harmony import */ var _VProgressCircular__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VProgressCircular */ "./src/components/VProgressCircular/index.ts");
  1178. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  1179. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_groupable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/groupable */ "./src/mixins/groupable.ts");
  1180. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_positionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/positionable */ "./src/mixins/positionable.ts");
  1181. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_routable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/routable */ "./src/mixins/routable.ts");
  1182. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  1183. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/toggleable */ "./src/mixins/toggleable.ts");
  1184. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  1185. var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
  1186. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  1187. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  1188. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  1189. s = arguments[i];
  1190. for (var p in s) {
  1191. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  1192. }
  1193. }
  1194. return t;
  1195. };
  1196. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  1197. };
  1198. // Styles
  1199. // Components
  1200. // Mixins
  1201. // Utilities
  1202. var baseMixins = Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_routable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"], _mixins_positionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["default"], Object(_mixins_groupable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["factory"])('btnToggle'), Object(_mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["factory"])('inputValue')
  1203. /* @vue/component */
  1204. );
  1205. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (baseMixins.extend().extend({
  1206. name: 'v-btn',
  1207. props: {
  1208. activeClass: {
  1209. type: String,
  1210. default: 'v-btn--active'
  1211. },
  1212. block: Boolean,
  1213. depressed: Boolean,
  1214. fab: Boolean,
  1215. flat: Boolean,
  1216. icon: Boolean,
  1217. large: Boolean,
  1218. loading: Boolean,
  1219. outline: Boolean,
  1220. ripple: {
  1221. type: [Boolean, Object],
  1222. default: null
  1223. },
  1224. round: Boolean,
  1225. small: Boolean,
  1226. tag: {
  1227. type: String,
  1228. default: 'button'
  1229. },
  1230. type: {
  1231. type: String,
  1232. default: 'button'
  1233. },
  1234. value: null
  1235. },
  1236. computed: {
  1237. classes: function classes() {
  1238. var _a;
  1239. return __assign((_a = { 'v-btn': true }, _a[this.activeClass] = this.isActive, _a['v-btn--absolute'] = this.absolute, _a['v-btn--block'] = this.block, _a['v-btn--bottom'] = this.bottom, _a['v-btn--disabled'] = this.disabled, _a['v-btn--flat'] = this.flat, _a['v-btn--floating'] = this.fab, _a['v-btn--fixed'] = this.fixed, _a['v-btn--icon'] = this.icon, _a['v-btn--large'] = this.large, _a['v-btn--left'] = this.left, _a['v-btn--loader'] = this.loading, _a['v-btn--outline'] = this.outline, _a['v-btn--depressed'] = this.depressed && !this.flat || this.outline, _a['v-btn--right'] = this.right, _a['v-btn--round'] = this.round, _a['v-btn--router'] = this.to, _a['v-btn--small'] = this.small, _a['v-btn--top'] = this.top, _a), this.themeClasses);
  1240. },
  1241. computedRipple: function computedRipple() {
  1242. var defaultRipple = this.icon || this.fab ? { circle: true } : true;
  1243. if (this.disabled) return false;else return this.ripple !== null ? this.ripple : defaultRipple;
  1244. }
  1245. },
  1246. watch: {
  1247. '$route': 'onRouteChange'
  1248. },
  1249. methods: {
  1250. // Prevent focus to match md spec
  1251. click: function click(e) {
  1252. !this.fab && e.detail && this.$el.blur();
  1253. this.$emit('click', e);
  1254. this.btnToggle && this.toggle();
  1255. },
  1256. genContent: function genContent() {
  1257. return this.$createElement('div', { 'class': 'v-btn__content' }, this.$slots.default);
  1258. },
  1259. genLoader: function genLoader() {
  1260. return this.$createElement('span', {
  1261. class: 'v-btn__loading'
  1262. }, this.$slots.loader || [this.$createElement(_VProgressCircular__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], {
  1263. props: {
  1264. indeterminate: true,
  1265. size: 23,
  1266. width: 2
  1267. }
  1268. })]);
  1269. },
  1270. onRouteChange: function onRouteChange() {
  1271. var _this = this;
  1272. if (!this.to || !this.$refs.link) return;
  1273. var path = "_vnode.data.class." + this.activeClass;
  1274. this.$nextTick(function () {
  1275. if (Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["getObjectValueByPath"])(_this.$refs.link, path)) {
  1276. _this.toggle();
  1277. }
  1278. });
  1279. }
  1280. },
  1281. render: function render(h) {
  1282. var setColor = !this.outline && !this.flat && !this.disabled ? this.setBackgroundColor : this.setTextColor;
  1283. var _a = this.generateRouteLink(this.classes),
  1284. tag = _a.tag,
  1285. data = _a.data;
  1286. var children = [this.genContent(), this.loading && this.genLoader()];
  1287. if (tag === 'button') data.attrs.type = this.type;
  1288. data.attrs.value = ['string', 'number'].includes(_typeof(this.value)) ? this.value : JSON.stringify(this.value);
  1289. if (this.btnToggle) {
  1290. data.ref = 'link';
  1291. }
  1292. return h(tag, setColor(this.color, data), children);
  1293. }
  1294. }));
  1295. /***/ }),
  1296. /***/ "./src/components/VBtn/index.ts":
  1297. /*!**************************************!*\
  1298. !*** ./src/components/VBtn/index.ts ***!
  1299. \**************************************/
  1300. /*! exports provided: VBtn, default */
  1301. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1302. "use strict";
  1303. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  1304. /* harmony import */ var _VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VBtn */ "./src/components/VBtn/VBtn.ts");
  1305. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBtn", function() { return _VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  1306. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  1307. /***/ }),
  1308. /***/ "./src/components/VBtnToggle/VBtnToggle.ts":
  1309. /*!*************************************************!*\
  1310. !*** ./src/components/VBtnToggle/VBtnToggle.ts ***!
  1311. \*************************************************/
  1312. /*! exports provided: default */
  1313. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1314. "use strict";
  1315. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  1316. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_button_toggle_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_button-toggle.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_button-toggle.styl");
  1317. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_button_toggle_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_button_toggle_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  1318. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_button_group__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/button-group */ "./src/mixins/button-group.ts");
  1319. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  1320. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  1321. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  1322. s = arguments[i];
  1323. for (var p in s) {
  1324. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  1325. }
  1326. }
  1327. return t;
  1328. };
  1329. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  1330. };
  1331. // Styles
  1332. // Mixins
  1333. /* @vue/component */
  1334. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_mixins_button_group__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].extend({
  1335. name: 'v-btn-toggle',
  1336. props: {
  1337. activeClass: {
  1338. type: String,
  1339. default: 'v-btn--active'
  1340. }
  1341. },
  1342. computed: {
  1343. classes: function classes() {
  1344. return __assign({}, _mixins_button_group__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.computed.classes.call(this), { 'v-btn-toggle': true, 'v-btn-toggle--only-child': this.selectedItems.length === 1, 'v-btn-toggle--selected': this.selectedItems.length > 0 });
  1345. }
  1346. }
  1347. }));
  1348. /***/ }),
  1349. /***/ "./src/components/VBtnToggle/index.ts":
  1350. /*!********************************************!*\
  1351. !*** ./src/components/VBtnToggle/index.ts ***!
  1352. \********************************************/
  1353. /*! exports provided: VBtnToggle, default */
  1354. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1355. "use strict";
  1356. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  1357. /* harmony import */ var _VBtnToggle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VBtnToggle */ "./src/components/VBtnToggle/VBtnToggle.ts");
  1358. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBtnToggle", function() { return _VBtnToggle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  1359. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VBtnToggle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  1360. /***/ }),
  1361. /***/ "./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendar.ts":
  1362. /*!***********************************************!*\
  1363. !*** ./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendar.ts ***!
  1364. \***********************************************/
  1365. /*! exports provided: default */
  1366. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1367. "use strict";
  1368. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  1369. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_calendar_base__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/calendar-base */ "./src/components/VCalendar/mixins/calendar-base.ts");
  1370. /* harmony import */ var _util_props__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/props */ "./src/components/VCalendar/util/props.ts");
  1371. /* harmony import */ var _util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/timestamp */ "./src/components/VCalendar/util/timestamp.ts");
  1372. /* harmony import */ var _VCalendarMonthly__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCalendarMonthly */ "./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendarMonthly.ts");
  1373. /* harmony import */ var _VCalendarDaily__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCalendarDaily */ "./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendarDaily.ts");
  1374. /* harmony import */ var _VCalendarWeekly__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCalendarWeekly */ "./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendarWeekly.ts");
  1375. // Styles
  1376. // import '../../stylus/components/_calendar-daily.styl'
  1377. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  1378. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  1379. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  1380. s = arguments[i];
  1381. for (var p in s) {
  1382. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  1383. }
  1384. }
  1385. return t;
  1386. };
  1387. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  1388. };
  1389. // Mixins
  1390. // Util
  1391. // Calendars
  1392. /* @vue/component */
  1393. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_mixins_calendar_base__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"].extend({
  1394. name: 'v-calendar',
  1395. props: __assign({}, _util_props__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].calendar, _util_props__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].weeks, _util_props__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].intervals),
  1396. data: function data() {
  1397. return {
  1398. lastStart: null,
  1399. lastEnd: null
  1400. };
  1401. },
  1402. computed: {
  1403. parsedValue: function parsedValue() {
  1404. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["parseTimestamp"])(this.value) || this.parsedStart || this.times.today;
  1405. },
  1406. renderProps: function renderProps() {
  1407. var around = this.parsedValue;
  1408. var component = 'div';
  1409. var maxDays = this.maxDays;
  1410. var start = around;
  1411. var end = around;
  1412. switch (this.type) {
  1413. case 'month':
  1414. component = _VCalendarMonthly__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"];
  1415. start = Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["getStartOfMonth"])(around);
  1416. end = Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["getEndOfMonth"])(around);
  1417. break;
  1418. case 'week':
  1419. component = _VCalendarDaily__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"];
  1420. start = this.getStartOfWeek(around);
  1421. end = this.getEndOfWeek(around);
  1422. maxDays = 7;
  1423. break;
  1424. case 'day':
  1425. component = _VCalendarDaily__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"];
  1426. maxDays = 1;
  1427. break;
  1428. case '4day':
  1429. component = _VCalendarDaily__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"];
  1430. end = Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["relativeDays"])(Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["copyTimestamp"])(end), _util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["nextDay"], 4);
  1431. Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["updateFormatted"])(end);
  1432. maxDays = 4;
  1433. break;
  1434. case 'custom-weekly':
  1435. component = _VCalendarWeekly__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"];
  1436. start = this.parsedStart || around;
  1437. end = this.parsedEnd;
  1438. break;
  1439. case 'custom-daily':
  1440. component = _VCalendarDaily__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"];
  1441. start = this.parsedStart || around;
  1442. end = this.parsedEnd;
  1443. break;
  1444. }
  1445. return { component: component, start: start, end: end, maxDays: maxDays };
  1446. }
  1447. },
  1448. watch: {
  1449. renderProps: 'checkChange'
  1450. },
  1451. methods: {
  1452. checkChange: function checkChange() {
  1453. var _a = this.renderProps,
  1454. start = _a.start,
  1455. end = _a.end;
  1456. if (start !== this.lastStart || end !== this.lastEnd) {
  1457. this.lastStart = start;
  1458. this.lastEnd = end;
  1459. this.$emit('change', { start: start, end: end });
  1460. }
  1461. },
  1462. move: function move(amount) {
  1463. if (amount === void 0) {
  1464. amount = 1;
  1465. }
  1466. var moved = Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["copyTimestamp"])(this.parsedValue);
  1467. var forward = amount > 0;
  1468. var mover = forward ? _util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["nextDay"] : _util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["prevDay"];
  1469. var limit = forward ? _util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["DAYS_IN_MONTH_MAX"] : _util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["DAY_MIN"];
  1470. var times = forward ? amount : -amount;
  1471. while (--times >= 0) {
  1472. switch (this.type) {
  1473. case 'month':
  1474. moved.day = limit;
  1475. mover(moved);
  1476. break;
  1477. case 'week':
  1478. Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["relativeDays"])(moved, mover, _util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["DAYS_IN_WEEK"]);
  1479. break;
  1480. case 'day':
  1481. mover(moved);
  1482. break;
  1483. case '4day':
  1484. Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["relativeDays"])(moved, mover, 4);
  1485. break;
  1486. }
  1487. }
  1488. Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["updateWeekday"])(moved);
  1489. Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["updateFormatted"])(moved);
  1490. Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["updateRelative"])(moved, this.times.now);
  1491. this.$emit('input', moved.date);
  1492. this.$emit('moved', moved);
  1493. },
  1494. next: function next(amount) {
  1495. if (amount === void 0) {
  1496. amount = 1;
  1497. }
  1498. this.move(amount);
  1499. },
  1500. prev: function prev(amount) {
  1501. if (amount === void 0) {
  1502. amount = 1;
  1503. }
  1504. this.move(-amount);
  1505. },
  1506. timeToY: function timeToY(time, clamp) {
  1507. if (clamp === void 0) {
  1508. clamp = true;
  1509. }
  1510. var c = this.$children[0];
  1511. if (c && c.timeToY) {
  1512. return c.timeToY(time, clamp);
  1513. } else {
  1514. return false;
  1515. }
  1516. },
  1517. minutesToPixels: function minutesToPixels(minutes) {
  1518. var c = this.$children[0];
  1519. if (c && c.minutesToPixels) {
  1520. return c.minutesToPixels(minutes);
  1521. } else {
  1522. return -1;
  1523. }
  1524. },
  1525. scrollToTime: function scrollToTime(time) {
  1526. var c = this.$children[0];
  1527. if (c && c.scrollToTime) {
  1528. return c.scrollToTime(time);
  1529. } else {
  1530. return false;
  1531. }
  1532. }
  1533. },
  1534. render: function render(h) {
  1535. var _this = this;
  1536. var _a = this.renderProps,
  1537. start = _a.start,
  1538. end = _a.end,
  1539. maxDays = _a.maxDays,
  1540. component = _a.component;
  1541. return h(component, {
  1542. staticClass: 'v-calendar',
  1543. props: __assign({}, this.$props, { start: start.date, end: end.date, maxDays: maxDays }),
  1544. on: __assign({}, this.$listeners, { 'click:date': function clickDate(day) {
  1545. if (_this.$listeners['input']) {
  1546. _this.$emit('input', day.date);
  1547. }
  1548. if (_this.$listeners['click:date']) {
  1549. _this.$emit('click:date', day);
  1550. }
  1551. } }),
  1552. scopedSlots: this.$scopedSlots
  1553. });
  1554. }
  1555. }));
  1556. /***/ }),
  1557. /***/ "./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendarDaily.ts":
  1558. /*!****************************************************!*\
  1559. !*** ./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendarDaily.ts ***!
  1560. \****************************************************/
  1561. /*! exports provided: default */
  1562. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1563. "use strict";
  1564. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  1565. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_calendar_daily_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_calendar-daily.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_calendar-daily.styl");
  1566. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_calendar_daily_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_calendar_daily_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  1567. /* harmony import */ var _directives_resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/resize */ "./src/directives/resize.ts");
  1568. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_calendar_with_intervals__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/calendar-with-intervals */ "./src/components/VCalendar/mixins/calendar-with-intervals.ts");
  1569. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  1570. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  1571. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  1572. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  1573. s = arguments[i];
  1574. for (var p in s) {
  1575. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  1576. }
  1577. }
  1578. return t;
  1579. };
  1580. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  1581. };
  1582. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  1583. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  1584. if (!m) return o;
  1585. var i = m.call(o),
  1586. r,
  1587. ar = [],
  1588. e;
  1589. try {
  1590. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  1591. ar.push(r.value);
  1592. }
  1593. } catch (error) {
  1594. e = { error: error };
  1595. } finally {
  1596. try {
  1597. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  1598. } finally {
  1599. if (e) throw e.error;
  1600. }
  1601. }
  1602. return ar;
  1603. };
  1604. var __spread = undefined && undefined.__spread || function () {
  1605. for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  1606. ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  1607. }return ar;
  1608. };
  1609. // Styles
  1610. // Directives
  1611. // Mixins
  1612. // Util
  1613. /* @vue/component */
  1614. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_mixins_calendar_with_intervals__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"].extend({
  1615. name: 'v-calendar-daily',
  1616. directives: { Resize: _directives_resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"] },
  1617. data: function data() {
  1618. return {
  1619. scrollPush: 0
  1620. };
  1621. },
  1622. computed: {
  1623. classes: function classes() {
  1624. return __assign({ 'v-calendar-daily': true }, this.themeClasses);
  1625. }
  1626. },
  1627. mounted: function mounted() {
  1628. this.init();
  1629. },
  1630. methods: {
  1631. init: function init() {
  1632. this.$nextTick(this.onResize);
  1633. },
  1634. onResize: function onResize() {
  1635. this.scrollPush = this.getScrollPush();
  1636. },
  1637. getScrollPush: function getScrollPush() {
  1638. var area = this.$refs.scrollArea;
  1639. var pane = this.$refs.pane;
  1640. return area && pane ? area.offsetWidth - pane.offsetWidth : 0;
  1641. },
  1642. genHead: function genHead() {
  1643. return this.$createElement('div', {
  1644. staticClass: 'v-calendar-daily__head',
  1645. style: {
  1646. marginRight: this.scrollPush + 'px'
  1647. }
  1648. }, __spread([this.genHeadIntervals()], this.genHeadDays()));
  1649. },
  1650. genHeadIntervals: function genHeadIntervals() {
  1651. return this.$createElement('div', {
  1652. staticClass: 'v-calendar-daily__intervals-head'
  1653. });
  1654. },
  1655. genHeadDays: function genHeadDays() {
  1656. return this.days.map(this.genHeadDay);
  1657. },
  1658. genHeadDay: function genHeadDay(day) {
  1659. var _this = this;
  1660. var slot = this.$scopedSlots.dayHeader;
  1661. return this.$createElement('div', {
  1662. key: day.date,
  1663. staticClass: 'v-calendar-daily_head-day',
  1664. class: this.getRelativeClasses(day),
  1665. on: this.getDefaultMouseEventHandlers(':day', function (_e) {
  1666. return _this.getSlotScope(day);
  1667. })
  1668. }, [this.genHeadWeekday(day), this.genHeadDayLabel(day), slot ? slot(day) : '']);
  1669. },
  1670. genHeadWeekday: function genHeadWeekday(day) {
  1671. var color = day.present ? this.color : undefined;
  1672. return this.$createElement('div', this.setTextColor(color, {
  1673. staticClass: 'v-calendar-daily_head-weekday'
  1674. }), this.weekdayFormatter(day, this.shortWeekdays));
  1675. },
  1676. genHeadDayLabel: function genHeadDayLabel(day) {
  1677. var color = day.present ? this.color : undefined;
  1678. return this.$createElement('div', this.setTextColor(color, {
  1679. staticClass: 'v-calendar-daily_head-day-label',
  1680. on: this.getMouseEventHandlers({
  1681. 'click:date': { event: 'click', stop: true },
  1682. 'contextmenu:date': { event: 'contextmenu', stop: true, prevent: true, result: false }
  1683. }, function (_e) {
  1684. return day;
  1685. })
  1686. }), this.dayFormatter(day, false));
  1687. },
  1688. genBody: function genBody() {
  1689. return this.$createElement('div', {
  1690. staticClass: 'v-calendar-daily__body'
  1691. }, [this.genScrollArea()]);
  1692. },
  1693. genScrollArea: function genScrollArea() {
  1694. return this.$createElement('div', {
  1695. ref: 'scrollArea',
  1696. staticClass: 'v-calendar-daily__scroll-area'
  1697. }, [this.genPane()]);
  1698. },
  1699. genPane: function genPane() {
  1700. return this.$createElement('div', {
  1701. ref: 'pane',
  1702. staticClass: 'v-calendar-daily__pane',
  1703. style: {
  1704. height: Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["convertToUnit"])(this.bodyHeight)
  1705. }
  1706. }, [this.genDayContainer()]);
  1707. },
  1708. genDayContainer: function genDayContainer() {
  1709. return this.$createElement('div', {
  1710. staticClass: 'v-calendar-daily__day-container'
  1711. }, __spread([this.genBodyIntervals()], this.genDays()));
  1712. },
  1713. genDays: function genDays() {
  1714. return this.days.map(this.genDay);
  1715. },
  1716. genDay: function genDay(day, index) {
  1717. var _this = this;
  1718. var slot = this.$scopedSlots.dayBody;
  1719. var scope = this.getSlotScope(day);
  1720. return this.$createElement('div', {
  1721. key: day.date,
  1722. staticClass: 'v-calendar-daily__day',
  1723. class: this.getRelativeClasses(day),
  1724. on: this.getDefaultMouseEventHandlers(':time', function (e) {
  1725. return _this.getSlotScope(_this.getTimestampAtEvent(e, day));
  1726. })
  1727. }, __spread(this.genDayIntervals(index), [slot ? slot(scope) : '']));
  1728. },
  1729. genDayIntervals: function genDayIntervals(index) {
  1730. return this.intervals[index].map(this.genDayInterval);
  1731. },
  1732. genDayInterval: function genDayInterval(interval) {
  1733. var height = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["convertToUnit"])(this.intervalHeight);
  1734. var styler = this.intervalStyle || this.intervalStyleDefault;
  1735. var slot = this.$scopedSlots.interval;
  1736. var scope = this.getSlotScope(interval);
  1737. var data = {
  1738. key: interval.time,
  1739. staticClass: 'v-calendar-daily__day-interval',
  1740. style: __assign({ height: height }, styler(interval))
  1741. };
  1742. var children = slot ? slot(scope) : undefined;
  1743. return this.$createElement('div', data, children);
  1744. },
  1745. genBodyIntervals: function genBodyIntervals() {
  1746. var _this = this;
  1747. var data = {
  1748. staticClass: 'v-calendar-daily__intervals-body',
  1749. on: this.getDefaultMouseEventHandlers(':interval', function (e) {
  1750. return _this.getTimestampAtEvent(e, _this.parsedStart);
  1751. })
  1752. };
  1753. return this.$createElement('div', data, this.genIntervalLabels());
  1754. },
  1755. genIntervalLabels: function genIntervalLabels() {
  1756. return this.intervals[0].map(this.genIntervalLabel);
  1757. },
  1758. genIntervalLabel: function genIntervalLabel(interval) {
  1759. var height = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["convertToUnit"])(this.intervalHeight);
  1760. var short = this.shortIntervals;
  1761. var shower = this.showIntervalLabel || this.showIntervalLabelDefault;
  1762. var show = shower(interval);
  1763. var label = show ? this.intervalFormatter(interval, short) : undefined;
  1764. return this.$createElement('div', {
  1765. key: interval.time,
  1766. staticClass: 'v-calendar-daily__interval',
  1767. style: {
  1768. height: height
  1769. }
  1770. }, [this.$createElement('div', {
  1771. staticClass: 'v-calendar-daily__interval-text'
  1772. }, label)]);
  1773. }
  1774. },
  1775. render: function render(h) {
  1776. return h('div', {
  1777. class: this.classes,
  1778. nativeOn: {
  1779. dragstart: function dragstart(e) {
  1780. e.preventDefault();
  1781. }
  1782. },
  1783. directives: [{
  1784. modifiers: { quiet: true },
  1785. name: 'resize',
  1786. value: this.onResize
  1787. }]
  1788. }, [!this.hideHeader ? this.genHead() : '', this.genBody()]);
  1789. }
  1790. }));
  1791. /***/ }),
  1792. /***/ "./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendarMonthly.ts":
  1793. /*!******************************************************!*\
  1794. !*** ./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendarMonthly.ts ***!
  1795. \******************************************************/
  1796. /*! exports provided: default */
  1797. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1798. "use strict";
  1799. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  1800. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_calendar_weekly_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_calendar-weekly.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_calendar-weekly.styl");
  1801. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_calendar_weekly_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_calendar_weekly_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  1802. /* harmony import */ var _VCalendarWeekly__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCalendarWeekly */ "./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendarWeekly.ts");
  1803. /* harmony import */ var _util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/timestamp */ "./src/components/VCalendar/util/timestamp.ts");
  1804. // Styles
  1805. // Mixins
  1806. // Util
  1807. /* @vue/component */
  1808. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VCalendarWeekly__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].extend({
  1809. name: 'v-calendar-monthly',
  1810. computed: {
  1811. staticClass: function staticClass() {
  1812. return 'v-calendar-monthly v-calendar-weekly';
  1813. },
  1814. parsedStart: function parsedStart() {
  1815. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["getStartOfMonth"])(Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["parseTimestamp"])(this.start));
  1816. },
  1817. parsedEnd: function parsedEnd() {
  1818. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["getEndOfMonth"])(Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["parseTimestamp"])(this.end));
  1819. }
  1820. }
  1821. }));
  1822. /***/ }),
  1823. /***/ "./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendarWeekly.ts":
  1824. /*!*****************************************************!*\
  1825. !*** ./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendarWeekly.ts ***!
  1826. \*****************************************************/
  1827. /*! exports provided: default */
  1828. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  1829. "use strict";
  1830. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  1831. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_calendar_weekly_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_calendar-weekly.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_calendar-weekly.styl");
  1832. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_calendar_weekly_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_calendar_weekly_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  1833. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_calendar_base__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/calendar-base */ "./src/components/VCalendar/mixins/calendar-base.ts");
  1834. /* harmony import */ var _util_props__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/props */ "./src/components/VCalendar/util/props.ts");
  1835. /* harmony import */ var _util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/timestamp */ "./src/components/VCalendar/util/timestamp.ts");
  1836. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  1837. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  1838. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  1839. s = arguments[i];
  1840. for (var p in s) {
  1841. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  1842. }
  1843. }
  1844. return t;
  1845. };
  1846. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  1847. };
  1848. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  1849. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  1850. if (!m) return o;
  1851. var i = m.call(o),
  1852. r,
  1853. ar = [],
  1854. e;
  1855. try {
  1856. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  1857. ar.push(r.value);
  1858. }
  1859. } catch (error) {
  1860. e = { error: error };
  1861. } finally {
  1862. try {
  1863. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  1864. } finally {
  1865. if (e) throw e.error;
  1866. }
  1867. }
  1868. return ar;
  1869. };
  1870. var __spread = undefined && undefined.__spread || function () {
  1871. for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  1872. ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  1873. }return ar;
  1874. };
  1875. // Styles
  1876. // Mixins
  1877. // Util
  1878. /* @vue/component */
  1879. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_mixins_calendar_base__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].extend({
  1880. name: 'v-calendar-weekly',
  1881. props: _util_props__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"].weeks,
  1882. computed: {
  1883. staticClass: function staticClass() {
  1884. return 'v-calendar-weekly';
  1885. },
  1886. classes: function classes() {
  1887. return this.themeClasses;
  1888. },
  1889. parsedMinWeeks: function parsedMinWeeks() {
  1890. return parseInt(this.minWeeks);
  1891. },
  1892. days: function days() {
  1893. var minDays = this.parsedMinWeeks * this.weekdays.length;
  1894. var start = this.getStartOfWeek(this.parsedStart);
  1895. var end = this.getEndOfWeek(this.parsedEnd);
  1896. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["createDayList"])(start, end, this.times.today, this.weekdaySkips, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, minDays);
  1897. },
  1898. todayWeek: function todayWeek() {
  1899. var today = this.times.today;
  1900. var start = this.getStartOfWeek(today);
  1901. var end = this.getEndOfWeek(today);
  1902. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["createDayList"])(start, end, today, this.weekdaySkips, this.weekdays.length, this.weekdays.length);
  1903. },
  1904. monthFormatter: function monthFormatter() {
  1905. if (this.monthFormat) {
  1906. return this.monthFormat;
  1907. }
  1908. var longOptions = { timeZone: 'UTC', month: 'long' };
  1909. var shortOptions = { timeZone: 'UTC', month: 'short' };
  1910. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["createNativeLocaleFormatter"])(this.locale, function (_tms, short) {
  1911. return short ? shortOptions : longOptions;
  1912. });
  1913. }
  1914. },
  1915. methods: {
  1916. isOutside: function isOutside(day) {
  1917. var dayIdentifier = Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["getDayIdentifier"])(day);
  1918. return dayIdentifier < Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["getDayIdentifier"])(this.parsedStart) || dayIdentifier > Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["getDayIdentifier"])(this.parsedEnd);
  1919. },
  1920. genHead: function genHead() {
  1921. return this.$createElement('div', {
  1922. staticClass: 'v-calendar-weekly__head'
  1923. }, this.genHeadDays());
  1924. },
  1925. genHeadDays: function genHeadDays() {
  1926. return this.todayWeek.map(this.genHeadDay);
  1927. },
  1928. genHeadDay: function genHeadDay(day, index) {
  1929. var outside = this.isOutside(this.days[index]);
  1930. var color = day.present ? this.color : undefined;
  1931. return this.$createElement('div', this.setTextColor(color, {
  1932. key: day.date,
  1933. staticClass: 'v-calendar-weekly__head-weekday',
  1934. class: this.getRelativeClasses(day, outside)
  1935. }), this.weekdayFormatter(day, this.shortWeekdays));
  1936. },
  1937. genWeeks: function genWeeks() {
  1938. var days = this.days;
  1939. var weekDays = this.weekdays.length;
  1940. var weeks = [];
  1941. for (var i = 0; i < days.length; i += weekDays) {
  1942. weeks.push(this.genWeek(days.slice(i, i + weekDays)));
  1943. }
  1944. return weeks;
  1945. },
  1946. genWeek: function genWeek(week) {
  1947. return this.$createElement('div', {
  1948. key: week[0].date,
  1949. staticClass: 'v-calendar-weekly__week'
  1950. }, week.map(this.genDay));
  1951. },
  1952. genDay: function genDay(day) {
  1953. var outside = this.isOutside(day);
  1954. var slot = this.$scopedSlots.day;
  1955. var slotData = __assign({ outside: outside }, day);
  1956. var hasMonth = day.day === 1 && this.showMonthOnFirst;
  1957. return this.$createElement('div', {
  1958. key: day.date,
  1959. staticClass: 'v-calendar-weekly__day',
  1960. class: this.getRelativeClasses(day, outside),
  1961. on: this.getDefaultMouseEventHandlers(':day', function (_e) {
  1962. return day;
  1963. })
  1964. }, [this.genDayLabel(day), hasMonth ? this.genDayMonth(day) : '', slot ? slot(slotData) : '']);
  1965. },
  1966. genDayLabel: function genDayLabel(day) {
  1967. var color = day.present ? this.color : undefined;
  1968. var slot = this.$scopedSlots.dayLabel;
  1969. return this.$createElement('div', this.setTextColor(color, {
  1970. staticClass: 'v-calendar-weekly__day-label',
  1971. on: this.getMouseEventHandlers({
  1972. 'click:date': { event: 'click', stop: true },
  1973. 'contextmenu:date': { event: 'contextmenu', stop: true, prevent: true, result: false }
  1974. }, function (_e) {
  1975. return day;
  1976. })
  1977. }), slot ? slot(day) : this.dayFormatter(day, false));
  1978. },
  1979. genDayMonth: function genDayMonth(day) {
  1980. var color = day.present ? this.color : undefined;
  1981. var slot = this.$scopedSlots.dayMonth;
  1982. return this.$createElement('div', this.setTextColor(color, {
  1983. staticClass: 'v-calendar-weekly__day-month'
  1984. }), slot ? slot(day) : this.monthFormatter(day, this.shortMonths));
  1985. }
  1986. },
  1987. render: function render(h) {
  1988. return h('div', {
  1989. staticClass: this.staticClass,
  1990. class: this.classes,
  1991. nativeOn: {
  1992. dragstart: function dragstart(e) {
  1993. e.preventDefault();
  1994. }
  1995. }
  1996. }, __spread([!this.hideHeader ? this.genHead() : ''], this.genWeeks()));
  1997. }
  1998. }));
  1999. /***/ }),
  2000. /***/ "./src/components/VCalendar/index.ts":
  2001. /*!*******************************************!*\
  2002. !*** ./src/components/VCalendar/index.ts ***!
  2003. \*******************************************/
  2004. /*! exports provided: VCalendar, VCalendarDaily, VCalendarWeekly, VCalendarMonthly, default */
  2005. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  2006. "use strict";
  2007. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  2008. /* harmony import */ var _VCalendar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCalendar */ "./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendar.ts");
  2009. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCalendar", function() { return _VCalendar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  2010. /* harmony import */ var _VCalendarDaily__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCalendarDaily */ "./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendarDaily.ts");
  2011. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCalendarDaily", function() { return _VCalendarDaily__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  2012. /* harmony import */ var _VCalendarWeekly__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCalendarWeekly */ "./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendarWeekly.ts");
  2013. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCalendarWeekly", function() { return _VCalendarWeekly__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]; });
  2014. /* harmony import */ var _VCalendarMonthly__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCalendarMonthly */ "./src/components/VCalendar/VCalendarMonthly.ts");
  2015. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCalendarMonthly", function() { return _VCalendarMonthly__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]; });
  2016. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  2017. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  2018. VCalendar: _VCalendar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  2019. VCalendarDaily: _VCalendarDaily__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  2020. VCalendarWeekly: _VCalendarWeekly__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"],
  2021. VCalendarMonthly: _VCalendarMonthly__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]
  2022. }
  2023. });
  2024. /***/ }),
  2025. /***/ "./src/components/VCalendar/mixins/calendar-base.ts":
  2026. /*!**********************************************************!*\
  2027. !*** ./src/components/VCalendar/mixins/calendar-base.ts ***!
  2028. \**********************************************************/
  2029. /*! exports provided: default */
  2030. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  2031. "use strict";
  2032. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  2033. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  2034. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  2035. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  2036. /* harmony import */ var _times__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./times */ "./src/components/VCalendar/mixins/times.ts");
  2037. /* harmony import */ var _mouse__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mouse */ "./src/components/VCalendar/mixins/mouse.ts");
  2038. /* harmony import */ var _util_props__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/props */ "./src/components/VCalendar/util/props.ts");
  2039. /* harmony import */ var _util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/timestamp */ "./src/components/VCalendar/util/timestamp.ts");
  2040. // Mixins
  2041. // Util
  2042. /* @vue/component */
  2043. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _times__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mouse__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]).extend({
  2044. name: 'calendar-base',
  2045. props: _util_props__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"].base,
  2046. computed: {
  2047. weekdaySkips: function weekdaySkips() {
  2048. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getWeekdaySkips"])(this.weekdays);
  2049. },
  2050. parsedStart: function parsedStart() {
  2051. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["parseTimestamp"])(this.start);
  2052. },
  2053. parsedEnd: function parsedEnd() {
  2054. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["parseTimestamp"])(this.end);
  2055. },
  2056. days: function days() {
  2057. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["createDayList"])(this.parsedStart, this.parsedEnd, this.times.today, this.weekdaySkips);
  2058. },
  2059. dayFormatter: function dayFormatter() {
  2060. if (this.dayFormat) {
  2061. return this.dayFormat;
  2062. }
  2063. var options = { timeZone: 'UTC', day: 'numeric' };
  2064. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["createNativeLocaleFormatter"])(this.locale, function (_tms, _short) {
  2065. return options;
  2066. });
  2067. },
  2068. weekdayFormatter: function weekdayFormatter() {
  2069. if (this.weekdayFormat) {
  2070. return this.weekdayFormat;
  2071. }
  2072. var longOptions = { timeZone: 'UTC', weekday: 'long' };
  2073. var shortOptions = { timeZone: 'UTC', weekday: 'short' };
  2074. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["createNativeLocaleFormatter"])(this.locale, function (_tms, short) {
  2075. return short ? shortOptions : longOptions;
  2076. });
  2077. }
  2078. },
  2079. methods: {
  2080. getRelativeClasses: function getRelativeClasses(timestamp, outside) {
  2081. if (outside === void 0) {
  2082. outside = false;
  2083. }
  2084. return {
  2085. 'v-present': timestamp.present,
  2086. 'v-past': timestamp.past,
  2087. 'v-future': timestamp.future,
  2088. 'v-outside': outside
  2089. };
  2090. },
  2091. getStartOfWeek: function getStartOfWeek(timestamp) {
  2092. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getStartOfWeek"])(timestamp, this.weekdays, this.times.today);
  2093. },
  2094. getEndOfWeek: function getEndOfWeek(timestamp) {
  2095. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getEndOfWeek"])(timestamp, this.weekdays, this.times.today);
  2096. }
  2097. }
  2098. }));
  2099. /***/ }),
  2100. /***/ "./src/components/VCalendar/mixins/calendar-with-intervals.ts":
  2101. /*!********************************************************************!*\
  2102. !*** ./src/components/VCalendar/mixins/calendar-with-intervals.ts ***!
  2103. \********************************************************************/
  2104. /*! exports provided: default */
  2105. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  2106. "use strict";
  2107. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  2108. /* harmony import */ var _calendar_base__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./calendar-base */ "./src/components/VCalendar/mixins/calendar-base.ts");
  2109. /* harmony import */ var _util_props__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/props */ "./src/components/VCalendar/util/props.ts");
  2110. /* harmony import */ var _util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/timestamp */ "./src/components/VCalendar/util/timestamp.ts");
  2111. // Mixins
  2112. // Util
  2113. /* @vue/component */
  2114. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_calendar_base__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"].extend({
  2115. name: 'calendar-with-intervals',
  2116. props: _util_props__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].intervals,
  2117. computed: {
  2118. parsedFirstInterval: function parsedFirstInterval() {
  2119. return parseInt(this.firstInterval);
  2120. },
  2121. parsedIntervalMinutes: function parsedIntervalMinutes() {
  2122. return parseInt(this.intervalMinutes);
  2123. },
  2124. parsedIntervalCount: function parsedIntervalCount() {
  2125. return parseInt(this.intervalCount);
  2126. },
  2127. parsedIntervalHeight: function parsedIntervalHeight() {
  2128. return parseFloat(this.intervalHeight);
  2129. },
  2130. firstMinute: function firstMinute() {
  2131. return this.parsedFirstInterval * this.parsedIntervalMinutes;
  2132. },
  2133. bodyHeight: function bodyHeight() {
  2134. return this.parsedIntervalCount * this.parsedIntervalHeight;
  2135. },
  2136. days: function days() {
  2137. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["createDayList"])(this.parsedStart, this.parsedEnd, this.times.today, this.weekdaySkips, this.maxDays);
  2138. },
  2139. intervals: function intervals() {
  2140. var days = this.days;
  2141. var first = this.parsedFirstInterval;
  2142. var minutes = this.parsedIntervalMinutes;
  2143. var count = this.parsedIntervalCount;
  2144. var now = this.times.now;
  2145. return days.map(function (d) {
  2146. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["createIntervalList"])(d, first, minutes, count, now);
  2147. });
  2148. },
  2149. intervalFormatter: function intervalFormatter() {
  2150. if (this.intervalFormat) {
  2151. return this.intervalFormat;
  2152. }
  2153. var longOptions = { timeZone: 'UTC', hour12: true, hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' };
  2154. var shortOptions = { timeZone: 'UTC', hour12: true, hour: 'numeric', minute: '2-digit' };
  2155. var shortHourOptions = { timeZone: 'UTC', hour12: true, hour: 'numeric' };
  2156. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["createNativeLocaleFormatter"])(this.locale, function (tms, short) {
  2157. return short ? tms.minute === 0 ? shortHourOptions : shortOptions : longOptions;
  2158. });
  2159. }
  2160. },
  2161. methods: {
  2162. showIntervalLabelDefault: function showIntervalLabelDefault(interval) {
  2163. var first = this.intervals[0][0];
  2164. var isFirst = first.hour === interval.hour && first.minute === interval.minute;
  2165. return !isFirst && interval.minute === 0;
  2166. },
  2167. intervalStyleDefault: function intervalStyleDefault(_interval) {
  2168. return undefined;
  2169. },
  2170. getTimestampAtEvent: function getTimestampAtEvent(e, day) {
  2171. var timestamp = Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["copyTimestamp"])(day);
  2172. var bounds = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
  2173. var baseMinutes = this.firstMinute;
  2174. var touchEvent = e;
  2175. var mouseEvent = e;
  2176. var touches = touchEvent.changedTouches || touchEvent.touches;
  2177. var clientY = touches && touches[0] ? touches[0].clientY : mouseEvent.clientY;
  2178. var addIntervals = (clientY - bounds.top) / this.parsedIntervalHeight;
  2179. var addMinutes = Math.floor(addIntervals * this.parsedIntervalMinutes);
  2180. var minutes = baseMinutes + addMinutes;
  2181. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["updateMinutes"])(timestamp, minutes, this.times.now);
  2182. },
  2183. getSlotScope: function getSlotScope(timestamp) {
  2184. var scope = Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["copyTimestamp"])(timestamp);
  2185. scope.timeToY = this.timeToY;
  2186. scope.minutesToPixels = this.minutesToPixels;
  2187. return scope;
  2188. },
  2189. scrollToTime: function scrollToTime(time) {
  2190. var y = this.timeToY(time);
  2191. var pane = this.$refs.scrollArea;
  2192. if (y === false || !pane) {
  2193. return false;
  2194. }
  2195. pane.scrollTop = y;
  2196. return true;
  2197. },
  2198. minutesToPixels: function minutesToPixels(minutes) {
  2199. return minutes / this.parsedIntervalMinutes * this.parsedIntervalHeight;
  2200. },
  2201. timeToY: function timeToY(time, clamp) {
  2202. if (clamp === void 0) {
  2203. clamp = true;
  2204. }
  2205. var minutes = Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["parseTime"])(time);
  2206. if (minutes === false) {
  2207. return false;
  2208. }
  2209. var min = this.firstMinute;
  2210. var gap = this.parsedIntervalCount * this.parsedIntervalMinutes;
  2211. var delta = (minutes - min) / gap;
  2212. var y = delta * this.bodyHeight;
  2213. if (clamp) {
  2214. if (y < 0) {
  2215. y = 0;
  2216. }
  2217. if (y > this.bodyHeight) {
  2218. y = this.bodyHeight;
  2219. }
  2220. }
  2221. return y;
  2222. }
  2223. }
  2224. }));
  2225. /***/ }),
  2226. /***/ "./src/components/VCalendar/mixins/mouse.ts":
  2227. /*!**************************************************!*\
  2228. !*** ./src/components/VCalendar/mixins/mouse.ts ***!
  2229. \**************************************************/
  2230. /*! exports provided: default */
  2231. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  2232. "use strict";
  2233. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  2234. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  2235. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  2236. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  2237. name: 'mouse',
  2238. methods: {
  2239. getDefaultMouseEventHandlers: function getDefaultMouseEventHandlers(suffix, getEvent) {
  2240. var _a;
  2241. return this.getMouseEventHandlers((_a = {}, _a['click' + suffix] = { event: 'click' }, _a['contextmenu' + suffix] = { event: 'contextmenu', prevent: true, result: false }, _a['mousedown' + suffix] = { event: 'mousedown' }, _a['mousemove' + suffix] = { event: 'mousemove' }, _a['mouseup' + suffix] = { event: 'mouseup' }, _a['mouseenter' + suffix] = { event: 'mouseenter' }, _a['mouseleave' + suffix] = { event: 'mouseleave' }, _a['touchstart' + suffix] = { event: 'touchstart' }, _a['touchmove' + suffix] = { event: 'touchmove' }, _a['touchend' + suffix] = { event: 'touchend' }, _a), getEvent);
  2242. },
  2243. getMouseEventHandlers: function getMouseEventHandlers(events, getEvent) {
  2244. var _this = this;
  2245. var on = {};
  2246. var _loop_1 = function _loop_1(event) {
  2247. var eventOptions = events[event];
  2248. if (!this_1.$listeners[event]) return "continue";
  2249. // TODO somehow pull in modifiers
  2250. var prefix = eventOptions.passive ? '&' : (eventOptions.once ? '~' : '') + (eventOptions.capture ? '!' : '');
  2251. var key = prefix + eventOptions.event;
  2252. var handler = function handler(e) {
  2253. var mouseEvent = e;
  2254. if (eventOptions.button === undefined || mouseEvent.buttons > 0 && mouseEvent.button === eventOptions.button) {
  2255. if (eventOptions.prevent) {
  2256. e.preventDefault();
  2257. }
  2258. if (eventOptions.stop) {
  2259. e.stopPropagation();
  2260. }
  2261. _this.$emit(event, getEvent(e));
  2262. }
  2263. return eventOptions.result;
  2264. };
  2265. if (key in on) {
  2266. if (Array.isArray(on[key])) {
  2267. on[key].push(handler);
  2268. } else {
  2269. on[key] = [on[key], handler];
  2270. }
  2271. } else {
  2272. on[key] = handler;
  2273. }
  2274. };
  2275. var this_1 = this;
  2276. for (var event in events) {
  2277. _loop_1(event);
  2278. }
  2279. return on;
  2280. }
  2281. }
  2282. }));
  2283. /***/ }),
  2284. /***/ "./src/components/VCalendar/mixins/times.ts":
  2285. /*!**************************************************!*\
  2286. !*** ./src/components/VCalendar/mixins/times.ts ***!
  2287. \**************************************************/
  2288. /*! exports provided: default */
  2289. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  2290. "use strict";
  2291. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  2292. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  2293. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  2294. /* harmony import */ var _util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/timestamp */ "./src/components/VCalendar/util/timestamp.ts");
  2295. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  2296. name: 'times',
  2297. props: {
  2298. now: {
  2299. type: String,
  2300. validator: _util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["validateTimestamp"]
  2301. }
  2302. },
  2303. data: function data() {
  2304. return {
  2305. times: {
  2306. now: Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["parseTimestamp"])('0000-00-00 00:00'),
  2307. today: Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["parseTimestamp"])('0000-00-00')
  2308. }
  2309. };
  2310. },
  2311. computed: {
  2312. parsedNow: function parsedNow() {
  2313. return this.now ? Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["parseTimestamp"])(this.now) : null;
  2314. }
  2315. },
  2316. watch: {
  2317. parsedNow: 'updateTimes'
  2318. },
  2319. created: function created() {
  2320. this.updateTimes();
  2321. this.setPresent();
  2322. },
  2323. methods: {
  2324. setPresent: function setPresent() {
  2325. this.times.now.present = this.times.today.present = true;
  2326. this.times.now.past = this.times.today.past = false;
  2327. this.times.now.future = this.times.today.future = false;
  2328. },
  2329. updateTimes: function updateTimes() {
  2330. var now = this.parsedNow || this.getNow();
  2331. this.updateDay(now, this.times.now);
  2332. this.updateTime(now, this.times.now);
  2333. this.updateDay(now, this.times.today);
  2334. },
  2335. getNow: function getNow() {
  2336. return Object(_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["parseDate"])(new Date());
  2337. },
  2338. updateDay: function updateDay(now, target) {
  2339. if (now.date !== target.date) {
  2340. target.year = now.year;
  2341. target.month = now.month;
  2342. target.day = now.day;
  2343. target.weekday = now.weekday;
  2344. target.date = now.date;
  2345. }
  2346. },
  2347. updateTime: function updateTime(now, target) {
  2348. if (now.time !== target.time) {
  2349. target.hour = now.hour;
  2350. target.minute = now.minute;
  2351. target.time = now.time;
  2352. }
  2353. }
  2354. }
  2355. }));
  2356. /***/ }),
  2357. /***/ "./src/components/VCalendar/util/props.ts":
  2358. /*!************************************************!*\
  2359. !*** ./src/components/VCalendar/util/props.ts ***!
  2360. \************************************************/
  2361. /*! exports provided: default */
  2362. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  2363. "use strict";
  2364. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  2365. /* harmony import */ var _timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./timestamp */ "./src/components/VCalendar/util/timestamp.ts");
  2366. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  2367. base: {
  2368. start: {
  2369. type: String,
  2370. validate: _timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["validateTimestamp"],
  2371. default: function _default() {
  2372. return Object(_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["parseDate"])(new Date()).date;
  2373. }
  2374. },
  2375. end: {
  2376. type: String,
  2377. validate: _timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["validateTimestamp"],
  2378. default: '0000-00-00'
  2379. },
  2380. weekdays: {
  2381. type: Array,
  2382. default: function _default() {
  2383. return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
  2384. }
  2385. },
  2386. hideHeader: {
  2387. type: Boolean,
  2388. default: false
  2389. },
  2390. shortWeekdays: {
  2391. type: Boolean,
  2392. default: true
  2393. },
  2394. weekdayFormat: {
  2395. type: Function,
  2396. default: null
  2397. },
  2398. dayFormat: {
  2399. type: Function,
  2400. default: null
  2401. },
  2402. locale: {
  2403. type: String,
  2404. default: 'en-us'
  2405. }
  2406. },
  2407. intervals: {
  2408. maxDays: {
  2409. type: Number,
  2410. default: 7
  2411. },
  2412. shortIntervals: {
  2413. type: Boolean,
  2414. default: true
  2415. },
  2416. intervalHeight: {
  2417. type: [Number, String],
  2418. default: 40,
  2419. validate: validateNumber
  2420. },
  2421. intervalMinutes: {
  2422. type: [Number, String],
  2423. default: 60,
  2424. validate: validateNumber
  2425. },
  2426. firstInterval: {
  2427. type: [Number, String],
  2428. default: 0,
  2429. validate: validateNumber
  2430. },
  2431. intervalCount: {
  2432. type: [Number, String],
  2433. default: 24,
  2434. validate: validateNumber
  2435. },
  2436. intervalFormat: {
  2437. type: Function,
  2438. default: null
  2439. },
  2440. intervalStyle: {
  2441. type: Function,
  2442. default: null
  2443. },
  2444. showIntervalLabel: {
  2445. type: Function,
  2446. default: null
  2447. }
  2448. },
  2449. weeks: {
  2450. minWeeks: {
  2451. validate: validateNumber,
  2452. default: 1
  2453. },
  2454. shortMonths: {
  2455. type: Boolean,
  2456. default: true
  2457. },
  2458. showMonthOnFirst: {
  2459. type: Boolean,
  2460. default: true
  2461. },
  2462. monthFormat: {
  2463. type: Function,
  2464. default: null
  2465. }
  2466. },
  2467. calendar: {
  2468. type: {
  2469. type: String,
  2470. default: 'month'
  2471. },
  2472. value: {
  2473. type: String,
  2474. validate: _timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["validateTimestamp"]
  2475. }
  2476. }
  2477. });
  2478. function validateNumber(input) {
  2479. return isFinite(parseInt(input));
  2480. }
  2481. /***/ }),
  2482. /***/ "./src/components/VCalendar/util/timestamp.ts":
  2483. /*!****************************************************!*\
  2484. !*** ./src/components/VCalendar/util/timestamp.ts ***!
  2485. \****************************************************/
  2486. /*! exports provided: PARSE_REGEX, PARSE_TIME, DAYS_IN_MONTH, DAYS_IN_MONTH_LEAP, DAYS_IN_MONTH_MIN, DAYS_IN_MONTH_MAX, MONTH_MAX, MONTH_MIN, DAY_MIN, DAYS_IN_WEEK, MINUTES_IN_HOUR, HOURS_IN_DAY, FIRST_HOUR, getStartOfWeek, getEndOfWeek, getStartOfMonth, getEndOfMonth, parseTime, validateTimestamp, parseTimestamp, parseDate, getDayIdentifier, getTimeIdentifier, updateRelative, updateMinutes, updateWeekday, updateFormatted, getWeekday, isLeapYear, daysInMonth, copyTimestamp, padNumber, getDate, getTime, nextMinutes, nextDay, prevDay, relativeDays, findWeekday, getWeekdaySkips, createDayList, createIntervalList, createNativeLocaleFormatter */
  2487. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  2488. "use strict";
  2489. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  2490. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "PARSE_REGEX", function() { return PARSE_REGEX; });
  2491. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "PARSE_TIME", function() { return PARSE_TIME; });
  2492. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "DAYS_IN_MONTH", function() { return DAYS_IN_MONTH; });
  2493. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "DAYS_IN_MONTH_LEAP", function() { return DAYS_IN_MONTH_LEAP; });
  2494. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "DAYS_IN_MONTH_MIN", function() { return DAYS_IN_MONTH_MIN; });
  2495. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "DAYS_IN_MONTH_MAX", function() { return DAYS_IN_MONTH_MAX; });
  2496. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "MONTH_MAX", function() { return MONTH_MAX; });
  2497. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "MONTH_MIN", function() { return MONTH_MIN; });
  2498. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "DAY_MIN", function() { return DAY_MIN; });
  2499. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "DAYS_IN_WEEK", function() { return DAYS_IN_WEEK; });
  2500. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "MINUTES_IN_HOUR", function() { return MINUTES_IN_HOUR; });
  2501. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "HOURS_IN_DAY", function() { return HOURS_IN_DAY; });
  2502. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "FIRST_HOUR", function() { return FIRST_HOUR; });
  2503. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getStartOfWeek", function() { return getStartOfWeek; });
  2504. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getEndOfWeek", function() { return getEndOfWeek; });
  2505. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getStartOfMonth", function() { return getStartOfMonth; });
  2506. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getEndOfMonth", function() { return getEndOfMonth; });
  2507. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "parseTime", function() { return parseTime; });
  2508. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "validateTimestamp", function() { return validateTimestamp; });
  2509. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "parseTimestamp", function() { return parseTimestamp; });
  2510. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "parseDate", function() { return parseDate; });
  2511. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getDayIdentifier", function() { return getDayIdentifier; });
  2512. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getTimeIdentifier", function() { return getTimeIdentifier; });
  2513. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "updateRelative", function() { return updateRelative; });
  2514. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "updateMinutes", function() { return updateMinutes; });
  2515. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "updateWeekday", function() { return updateWeekday; });
  2516. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "updateFormatted", function() { return updateFormatted; });
  2517. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getWeekday", function() { return getWeekday; });
  2518. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "isLeapYear", function() { return isLeapYear; });
  2519. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "daysInMonth", function() { return daysInMonth; });
  2520. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "copyTimestamp", function() { return copyTimestamp; });
  2521. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "padNumber", function() { return padNumber; });
  2522. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getDate", function() { return getDate; });
  2523. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getTime", function() { return getTime; });
  2524. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "nextMinutes", function() { return nextMinutes; });
  2525. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "nextDay", function() { return nextDay; });
  2526. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "prevDay", function() { return prevDay; });
  2527. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "relativeDays", function() { return relativeDays; });
  2528. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "findWeekday", function() { return findWeekday; });
  2529. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getWeekdaySkips", function() { return getWeekdaySkips; });
  2530. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "createDayList", function() { return createDayList; });
  2531. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "createIntervalList", function() { return createIntervalList; });
  2532. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "createNativeLocaleFormatter", function() { return createNativeLocaleFormatter; });
  2533. var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
  2534. var PARSE_REGEX = /^(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})(-(\d{1,2}))?([^\d]+(\d{1,2}))?(:(\d{1,2}))?(:(\d{1,2}))?$/;
  2535. var PARSE_TIME = /(\d\d?)(:(\d\d?)|)(:(\d\d?)|)/;
  2536. var DAYS_IN_MONTH = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
  2537. var DAYS_IN_MONTH_LEAP = [0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
  2538. var DAYS_IN_MONTH_MIN = 28;
  2539. var DAYS_IN_MONTH_MAX = 31;
  2540. var MONTH_MAX = 12;
  2541. var MONTH_MIN = 1;
  2542. var DAY_MIN = 1;
  2543. var DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7;
  2544. var MINUTES_IN_HOUR = 60;
  2545. var HOURS_IN_DAY = 24;
  2546. var FIRST_HOUR = 0;
  2547. function getStartOfWeek(timestamp, weekdays, today) {
  2548. var start = copyTimestamp(timestamp);
  2549. findWeekday(start, weekdays[0], prevDay);
  2550. updateFormatted(start);
  2551. if (today) {
  2552. updateRelative(start, today, start.hasTime);
  2553. }
  2554. return start;
  2555. }
  2556. function getEndOfWeek(timestamp, weekdays, today) {
  2557. var end = copyTimestamp(timestamp);
  2558. findWeekday(end, weekdays[weekdays.length - 1]);
  2559. updateFormatted(end);
  2560. if (today) {
  2561. updateRelative(end, today, end.hasTime);
  2562. }
  2563. return end;
  2564. }
  2565. function getStartOfMonth(timestamp) {
  2566. var start = copyTimestamp(timestamp);
  2567. start.day = DAY_MIN;
  2568. updateWeekday(start);
  2569. updateFormatted(start);
  2570. return start;
  2571. }
  2572. function getEndOfMonth(timestamp) {
  2573. var end = copyTimestamp(timestamp);
  2574. end.day = daysInMonth(end.year, end.month);
  2575. updateWeekday(end);
  2576. updateFormatted(end);
  2577. return end;
  2578. }
  2579. function parseTime(input) {
  2580. if (typeof input === 'number') {
  2581. // when a number is given, it's minutes since 12:00am
  2582. return input;
  2583. } else if (typeof input === 'string') {
  2584. // when a string is given, it's a hh:mm:ss format where seconds are optional
  2585. var parts = PARSE_TIME.exec(input);
  2586. if (!parts) {
  2587. return false;
  2588. }
  2589. return parseInt(parts[1]) * 60 + parseInt(parts[3] || 0);
  2590. } else if ((typeof input === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(input)) === 'object') {
  2591. // when an object is given, it must have hour and minute
  2592. if (typeof input.hour !== 'number' || typeof input.minute !== 'number') {
  2593. return false;
  2594. }
  2595. return input.hour * 60 + input.minute;
  2596. } else {
  2597. // unsupported type
  2598. return false;
  2599. }
  2600. }
  2601. function validateTimestamp(input) {
  2602. return !!PARSE_REGEX.exec(input);
  2603. }
  2604. function parseTimestamp(input, now) {
  2605. // YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
  2606. var parts = PARSE_REGEX.exec(input);
  2607. if (!parts) return null;
  2608. var timestamp = {
  2609. date: input,
  2610. time: '',
  2611. year: parseInt(parts[1]),
  2612. month: parseInt(parts[2]),
  2613. day: parseInt(parts[4]) || 1,
  2614. hour: parseInt(parts[6]) || 0,
  2615. minute: parseInt(parts[8]) || 0,
  2616. weekday: 0,
  2617. hasDay: !!parts[4],
  2618. hasTime: !!(parts[6] && parts[8]),
  2619. past: false,
  2620. present: false,
  2621. future: false
  2622. };
  2623. updateWeekday(timestamp);
  2624. updateFormatted(timestamp);
  2625. if (now) {
  2626. updateRelative(timestamp, now, timestamp.hasTime);
  2627. }
  2628. return timestamp;
  2629. }
  2630. function parseDate(date) {
  2631. return updateFormatted({
  2632. date: '',
  2633. time: '',
  2634. year: date.getFullYear(),
  2635. month: date.getMonth() + 1,
  2636. day: date.getDate(),
  2637. weekday: date.getDay(),
  2638. hour: date.getHours(),
  2639. minute: date.getMinutes(),
  2640. hasDay: true,
  2641. hasTime: true,
  2642. past: false,
  2643. present: true,
  2644. future: false
  2645. });
  2646. }
  2647. function getDayIdentifier(timestamp) {
  2648. return timestamp.year * 10000 + timestamp.month * 100 + timestamp.day;
  2649. }
  2650. function getTimeIdentifier(timestamp) {
  2651. return timestamp.hour * 100 + timestamp.minute;
  2652. }
  2653. function updateRelative(timestamp, now, time) {
  2654. if (time === void 0) {
  2655. time = false;
  2656. }
  2657. var a = getDayIdentifier(now);
  2658. var b = getDayIdentifier(timestamp);
  2659. var present = a === b;
  2660. if (timestamp.hasTime && time && present) {
  2661. a = getTimeIdentifier(now);
  2662. b = getTimeIdentifier(timestamp);
  2663. present = a === b;
  2664. }
  2665. timestamp.past = b < a;
  2666. timestamp.present = present;
  2667. timestamp.future = b > a;
  2668. return timestamp;
  2669. }
  2670. function updateMinutes(timestamp, minutes, now) {
  2671. timestamp.hasTime = true;
  2672. timestamp.hour = Math.floor(minutes / MINUTES_IN_HOUR);
  2673. timestamp.minute = minutes % MINUTES_IN_HOUR;
  2674. timestamp.time = getTime(timestamp);
  2675. if (now) {
  2676. updateRelative(timestamp, now, true);
  2677. }
  2678. return timestamp;
  2679. }
  2680. function updateWeekday(timestamp) {
  2681. timestamp.weekday = getWeekday(timestamp);
  2682. return timestamp;
  2683. }
  2684. function updateFormatted(timestamp) {
  2685. timestamp.time = getTime(timestamp);
  2686. timestamp.date = getDate(timestamp);
  2687. return timestamp;
  2688. }
  2689. function getWeekday(timestamp) {
  2690. if (timestamp.hasDay) {
  2691. var _ = Math.floor;
  2692. var k = timestamp.day;
  2693. var m = (timestamp.month + 9) % MONTH_MAX + 1;
  2694. var C = _(timestamp.year / 100);
  2695. var Y = timestamp.year % 100 - (timestamp.month <= 2 ? 1 : 0);
  2696. return ((k + _(2.6 * m - 0.2) - 2 * C + Y + _(Y / 4) + _(C / 4)) % 7 + 7) % 7;
  2697. }
  2698. return timestamp.weekday;
  2699. }
  2700. function isLeapYear(year) {
  2701. return year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0;
  2702. }
  2703. function daysInMonth(year, month) {
  2704. return isLeapYear(year) ? DAYS_IN_MONTH_LEAP[month] : DAYS_IN_MONTH[month];
  2705. }
  2706. function copyTimestamp(timestamp) {
  2707. var date = timestamp.date,
  2708. time = timestamp.time,
  2709. year = timestamp.year,
  2710. month = timestamp.month,
  2711. day = timestamp.day,
  2712. weekday = timestamp.weekday,
  2713. hour = timestamp.hour,
  2714. minute = timestamp.minute,
  2715. hasDay = timestamp.hasDay,
  2716. hasTime = timestamp.hasTime,
  2717. past = timestamp.past,
  2718. present = timestamp.present,
  2719. future = timestamp.future;
  2720. return { date: date, time: time, year: year, month: month, day: day, weekday: weekday, hour: hour, minute: minute, hasDay: hasDay, hasTime: hasTime, past: past, present: present, future: future };
  2721. }
  2722. function padNumber(x, length) {
  2723. var padded = String(x);
  2724. while (padded.length < length) {
  2725. padded = '0' + padded;
  2726. }
  2727. return padded;
  2728. }
  2729. function getDate(timestamp) {
  2730. var str = padNumber(timestamp.year, 4) + "-" + padNumber(timestamp.month, 2);
  2731. if (timestamp.hasDay) str += "-" + padNumber(timestamp.day, 2);
  2732. return str;
  2733. }
  2734. function getTime(timestamp) {
  2735. if (!timestamp.hasTime) {
  2736. return '';
  2737. }
  2738. return padNumber(timestamp.hour, 2) + ":" + padNumber(timestamp.minute, 2);
  2739. }
  2740. function nextMinutes(timestamp, minutes) {
  2741. timestamp.minute += minutes;
  2742. while (timestamp.minute > MINUTES_IN_HOUR) {
  2743. timestamp.minute -= MINUTES_IN_HOUR;
  2744. timestamp.hour++;
  2745. if (timestamp.hour >= HOURS_IN_DAY) {
  2746. nextDay(timestamp);
  2747. timestamp.hour = FIRST_HOUR;
  2748. }
  2749. }
  2750. return timestamp;
  2751. }
  2752. function nextDay(timestamp) {
  2753. timestamp.day++;
  2754. timestamp.weekday = (timestamp.weekday + 1) % DAYS_IN_WEEK;
  2755. if (timestamp.day > DAYS_IN_MONTH_MIN && timestamp.day > daysInMonth(timestamp.year, timestamp.month)) {
  2756. timestamp.day = DAY_MIN;
  2757. timestamp.month++;
  2758. if (timestamp.month > MONTH_MAX) {
  2759. timestamp.month = MONTH_MIN;
  2760. timestamp.year++;
  2761. }
  2762. }
  2763. return timestamp;
  2764. }
  2765. function prevDay(timestamp) {
  2766. timestamp.day--;
  2767. timestamp.weekday = (timestamp.weekday + 6) % DAYS_IN_WEEK;
  2768. if (timestamp.day < DAY_MIN) {
  2769. timestamp.month--;
  2770. if (timestamp.month < MONTH_MIN) {
  2771. timestamp.year--;
  2772. timestamp.month = MONTH_MAX;
  2773. }
  2774. timestamp.day = daysInMonth(timestamp.year, timestamp.month);
  2775. }
  2776. return timestamp;
  2777. }
  2778. function relativeDays(timestamp, mover, days) {
  2779. if (mover === void 0) {
  2780. mover = nextDay;
  2781. }
  2782. if (days === void 0) {
  2783. days = 1;
  2784. }
  2785. while (--days >= 0) {
  2786. mover(timestamp);
  2787. }return timestamp;
  2788. }
  2789. function findWeekday(timestamp, weekday, mover, maxDays) {
  2790. if (mover === void 0) {
  2791. mover = nextDay;
  2792. }
  2793. if (maxDays === void 0) {
  2794. maxDays = 6;
  2795. }
  2796. while (timestamp.weekday !== weekday && --maxDays >= 0) {
  2797. mover(timestamp);
  2798. }return timestamp;
  2799. }
  2800. function getWeekdaySkips(weekdays) {
  2801. var skips = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
  2802. var filled = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
  2803. for (var i = 0; i < weekdays.length; i++) {
  2804. filled[weekdays[i]] = 1;
  2805. }
  2806. for (var k = 0; k < DAYS_IN_WEEK; k++) {
  2807. var skip = 1;
  2808. for (var j = 1; j < DAYS_IN_WEEK; j++) {
  2809. var next = (k + j) % DAYS_IN_WEEK;
  2810. if (filled[next]) {
  2811. break;
  2812. }
  2813. skip++;
  2814. }
  2815. skips[k] = filled[k] * skip;
  2816. }
  2817. return skips;
  2818. }
  2819. function createDayList(start, end, now, weekdaySkips, max, min) {
  2820. if (max === void 0) {
  2821. max = 42;
  2822. }
  2823. if (min === void 0) {
  2824. min = 0;
  2825. }
  2826. var stop = getDayIdentifier(end);
  2827. var days = [];
  2828. var current = copyTimestamp(start);
  2829. var currentIdentifier = 0;
  2830. var stopped = currentIdentifier === stop;
  2831. if (stop < getDayIdentifier(start)) {
  2832. return days;
  2833. }
  2834. while ((!stopped || days.length < min) && days.length < max) {
  2835. currentIdentifier = getDayIdentifier(current);
  2836. stopped = stopped || currentIdentifier === stop;
  2837. if (weekdaySkips[current.weekday] === 0) {
  2838. current = nextDay(current);
  2839. continue;
  2840. }
  2841. var day = copyTimestamp(current);
  2842. updateFormatted(day);
  2843. updateRelative(day, now);
  2844. days.push(day);
  2845. current = relativeDays(current, nextDay, weekdaySkips[current.weekday]);
  2846. }
  2847. return days;
  2848. }
  2849. function createIntervalList(timestamp, first, minutes, count, now) {
  2850. var intervals = [];
  2851. for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
  2852. var mins = (first + i) * minutes;
  2853. var int = copyTimestamp(timestamp);
  2854. intervals.push(updateMinutes(int, mins, now));
  2855. }
  2856. return intervals;
  2857. }
  2858. function createNativeLocaleFormatter(locale, getOptions) {
  2859. var emptyFormatter = function emptyFormatter(_t, _s) {
  2860. return '';
  2861. };
  2862. if (typeof Intl === 'undefined' || typeof Intl.DateTimeFormat === 'undefined') {
  2863. return emptyFormatter;
  2864. }
  2865. return function (timestamp, short) {
  2866. try {
  2867. var intlFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale || undefined, getOptions(timestamp, short));
  2868. var time = padNumber(timestamp.hour, 2) + ":" + padNumber(timestamp.minute, 2);
  2869. var date = timestamp.date;
  2870. return intlFormatter.format(new Date(date + "T" + time + ":00+00:00"));
  2871. } catch (e) {
  2872. return '';
  2873. }
  2874. };
  2875. }
  2876. /***/ }),
  2877. /***/ "./src/components/VCard/VCard.ts":
  2878. /*!***************************************!*\
  2879. !*** ./src/components/VCard/VCard.ts ***!
  2880. \***************************************/
  2881. /*! exports provided: default */
  2882. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  2883. "use strict";
  2884. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  2885. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_cards_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_cards.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_cards.styl");
  2886. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_cards_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_cards_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  2887. /* harmony import */ var _VSheet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VSheet */ "./src/components/VSheet/index.ts");
  2888. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_routable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/routable */ "./src/mixins/routable.ts");
  2889. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  2890. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  2891. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  2892. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  2893. s = arguments[i];
  2894. for (var p in s) {
  2895. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  2896. }
  2897. }
  2898. return t;
  2899. };
  2900. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  2901. };
  2902. // Styles
  2903. // Extensions
  2904. // Mixins
  2905. // Helpers
  2906. /* @vue/component */
  2907. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(_mixins_routable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _VSheet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]).extend({
  2908. name: 'v-card',
  2909. props: {
  2910. flat: Boolean,
  2911. hover: Boolean,
  2912. img: String,
  2913. raised: Boolean
  2914. },
  2915. computed: {
  2916. classes: function classes() {
  2917. return __assign({ 'v-card': true, 'v-card--flat': this.flat, 'v-card--hover': this.hover }, _VSheet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.computed.classes.call(this));
  2918. },
  2919. styles: function styles() {
  2920. var style = __assign({}, _VSheet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.computed.styles.call(this));
  2921. if (this.img) {
  2922. style.background = "url(\"" + this.img + "\") center center / cover no-repeat";
  2923. }
  2924. return style;
  2925. }
  2926. },
  2927. render: function render(h) {
  2928. var _a = this.generateRouteLink(this.classes),
  2929. tag = _a.tag,
  2930. data = _a.data;
  2931. data.style = this.styles;
  2932. return h(tag, this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, data), this.$slots.default);
  2933. }
  2934. }));
  2935. /***/ }),
  2936. /***/ "./src/components/VCard/VCardMedia.ts":
  2937. /*!********************************************!*\
  2938. !*** ./src/components/VCard/VCardMedia.ts ***!
  2939. \********************************************/
  2940. /*! exports provided: default */
  2941. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  2942. "use strict";
  2943. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  2944. /* harmony import */ var _VImg_VImg__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VImg/VImg */ "./src/components/VImg/VImg.ts");
  2945. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  2946. // Components
  2947. // Utils
  2948. /* istanbul ignore next */
  2949. /* @vue/component */
  2950. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VImg_VImg__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"].extend({
  2951. name: 'v-card-media',
  2952. mounted: function mounted() {
  2953. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["deprecate"])('v-card-media', this.src ? 'v-img' : 'v-responsive', this);
  2954. }
  2955. }));
  2956. /***/ }),
  2957. /***/ "./src/components/VCard/VCardTitle.ts":
  2958. /*!********************************************!*\
  2959. !*** ./src/components/VCard/VCardTitle.ts ***!
  2960. \********************************************/
  2961. /*! exports provided: default */
  2962. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  2963. "use strict";
  2964. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  2965. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  2966. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  2967. // Types
  2968. /* @vue/component */
  2969. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  2970. name: 'v-card-title',
  2971. functional: true,
  2972. props: {
  2973. primaryTitle: Boolean
  2974. },
  2975. render: function render(h, _a) {
  2976. var data = _a.data,
  2977. props = _a.props,
  2978. children = _a.children;
  2979. data.staticClass = ("v-card__title " + (data.staticClass || '')).trim();
  2980. if (props.primaryTitle) data.staticClass += ' v-card__title--primary';
  2981. return h('div', data, children);
  2982. }
  2983. }));
  2984. /***/ }),
  2985. /***/ "./src/components/VCard/index.ts":
  2986. /*!***************************************!*\
  2987. !*** ./src/components/VCard/index.ts ***!
  2988. \***************************************/
  2989. /*! exports provided: VCard, VCardMedia, VCardTitle, VCardActions, VCardText, default */
  2990. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  2991. "use strict";
  2992. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  2993. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCardActions", function() { return VCardActions; });
  2994. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCardText", function() { return VCardText; });
  2995. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  2996. /* harmony import */ var _VCard__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCard */ "./src/components/VCard/VCard.ts");
  2997. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCard", function() { return _VCard__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  2998. /* harmony import */ var _VCardMedia__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCardMedia */ "./src/components/VCard/VCardMedia.ts");
  2999. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCardMedia", function() { return _VCardMedia__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]; });
  3000. /* harmony import */ var _VCardTitle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCardTitle */ "./src/components/VCard/VCardTitle.ts");
  3001. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCardTitle", function() { return _VCardTitle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]; });
  3002. var VCardActions = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleFunctional"])('v-card__actions');
  3003. var VCardText = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleFunctional"])('v-card__text');
  3004. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  3005. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  3006. VCard: _VCard__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  3007. VCardMedia: _VCardMedia__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"],
  3008. VCardTitle: _VCardTitle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"],
  3009. VCardActions: VCardActions,
  3010. VCardText: VCardText
  3011. }
  3012. });
  3013. /***/ }),
  3014. /***/ "./src/components/VCarousel/VCarousel.ts":
  3015. /*!***********************************************!*\
  3016. !*** ./src/components/VCarousel/VCarousel.ts ***!
  3017. \***********************************************/
  3018. /*! exports provided: default */
  3019. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3020. "use strict";
  3021. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  3022. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_carousel_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_carousel.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_carousel.styl");
  3023. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_carousel_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_carousel_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  3024. /* harmony import */ var _VWindow_VWindow__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VWindow/VWindow */ "./src/components/VWindow/VWindow.ts");
  3025. /* harmony import */ var _VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VBtn */ "./src/components/VBtn/index.ts");
  3026. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  3027. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_button_group__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/button-group */ "./src/mixins/button-group.ts");
  3028. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  3029. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  3030. // Styles
  3031. // Extensions
  3032. // Components
  3033. // Mixins
  3034. // TODO: Move this into core components v2.0
  3035. // Utilities
  3036. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VWindow_VWindow__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].extend({
  3037. name: 'v-carousel',
  3038. props: {
  3039. cycle: {
  3040. type: Boolean,
  3041. default: true
  3042. },
  3043. delimiterIcon: {
  3044. type: String,
  3045. default: '$vuetify.icons.delimiter'
  3046. },
  3047. height: {
  3048. type: [Number, String],
  3049. default: 500
  3050. },
  3051. hideControls: Boolean,
  3052. hideDelimiters: Boolean,
  3053. interval: {
  3054. type: [Number, String],
  3055. default: 6000,
  3056. validator: function validator(value) {
  3057. return value > 0;
  3058. }
  3059. },
  3060. mandatory: {
  3061. type: Boolean,
  3062. default: true
  3063. },
  3064. nextIcon: {
  3065. type: [Boolean, String],
  3066. default: '$vuetify.icons.next'
  3067. },
  3068. prevIcon: {
  3069. type: [Boolean, String],
  3070. default: '$vuetify.icons.prev'
  3071. }
  3072. },
  3073. data: function data() {
  3074. return {
  3075. changedByDelimiters: false,
  3076. internalHeight: this.height,
  3077. slideTimeout: undefined
  3078. };
  3079. },
  3080. computed: {
  3081. isDark: function isDark() {
  3082. return this.dark || !this.light;
  3083. }
  3084. },
  3085. watch: {
  3086. internalValue: function internalValue(val) {
  3087. this.restartTimeout();
  3088. /* @deprecate */
  3089. /* istanbul ignore else */
  3090. if (!this.$listeners['input']) return;
  3091. this.$emit('input', val);
  3092. },
  3093. interval: 'restartTimeout',
  3094. height: function height(val, oldVal) {
  3095. if (val === oldVal || !val) return;
  3096. this.internalHeight = val;
  3097. },
  3098. cycle: function cycle(val) {
  3099. if (val) {
  3100. this.restartTimeout();
  3101. } else {
  3102. clearTimeout(this.slideTimeout);
  3103. this.slideTimeout = undefined;
  3104. }
  3105. }
  3106. },
  3107. mounted: function mounted() {
  3108. /* @deprecate */
  3109. /* istanbul ignore next */
  3110. if (this.$listeners['input']) {
  3111. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["deprecate"])('@input', '@change', this);
  3112. }
  3113. this.startTimeout();
  3114. },
  3115. methods: {
  3116. genDelimiters: function genDelimiters() {
  3117. return this.$createElement('div', {
  3118. staticClass: 'v-carousel__controls'
  3119. }, [this.genItems()]);
  3120. },
  3121. genIcon: function genIcon(direction, icon, fn) {
  3122. var _this = this;
  3123. return this.$createElement('div', {
  3124. staticClass: "v-carousel__" + direction
  3125. }, [this.$createElement(_VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], {
  3126. props: {
  3127. icon: true
  3128. },
  3129. attrs: {
  3130. 'aria-label': this.$vuetify.t("$vuetify.carousel." + direction)
  3131. },
  3132. on: {
  3133. click: function click() {
  3134. _this.changedByDelimiters = true;
  3135. fn();
  3136. }
  3137. }
  3138. }, [this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], {
  3139. props: { 'size': '46px' }
  3140. }, icon)])]);
  3141. },
  3142. genIcons: function genIcons() {
  3143. var icons = [];
  3144. var prevIcon = this.$vuetify.rtl ? this.nextIcon : this.prevIcon;
  3145. if (prevIcon && typeof prevIcon === 'string') {
  3146. icons.push(this.genIcon('prev', prevIcon, this.prev));
  3147. }
  3148. var nextIcon = this.$vuetify.rtl ? this.prevIcon : this.nextIcon;
  3149. if (nextIcon && typeof nextIcon === 'string') {
  3150. icons.push(this.genIcon('next', nextIcon, this.next));
  3151. }
  3152. return icons;
  3153. },
  3154. genItems: function genItems() {
  3155. var _this = this;
  3156. var length = this.items.length;
  3157. var children = [];
  3158. for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  3159. var child = this.$createElement(_VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], {
  3160. class: {
  3161. 'v-carousel__controls__item': true
  3162. },
  3163. props: {
  3164. icon: true,
  3165. small: true,
  3166. value: this.getValue(this.items[i], i)
  3167. }
  3168. }, [this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], {
  3169. props: { size: 18 }
  3170. }, this.delimiterIcon)]);
  3171. children.push(child);
  3172. }
  3173. return this.$createElement(_mixins_button_group__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], {
  3174. props: {
  3175. value: this.internalValue
  3176. },
  3177. on: {
  3178. change: function change(val) {
  3179. _this.internalValue = val;
  3180. }
  3181. }
  3182. }, children);
  3183. },
  3184. restartTimeout: function restartTimeout() {
  3185. this.slideTimeout && clearTimeout(this.slideTimeout);
  3186. this.slideTimeout = undefined;
  3187. var raf = requestAnimationFrame || setTimeout;
  3188. raf(this.startTimeout);
  3189. },
  3190. startTimeout: function startTimeout() {
  3191. if (!this.cycle) return;
  3192. this.slideTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.next, +this.interval > 0 ? +this.interval : 6000);
  3193. },
  3194. updateReverse: function updateReverse(val, oldVal) {
  3195. if (this.changedByDelimiters) {
  3196. this.changedByDelimiters = false;
  3197. return;
  3198. }
  3199. _VWindow_VWindow__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.updateReverse.call(this, val, oldVal);
  3200. }
  3201. },
  3202. render: function render(h) {
  3203. var children = [];
  3204. var data = {
  3205. staticClass: 'v-window v-carousel',
  3206. style: {
  3207. height: Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["convertToUnit"])(this.height)
  3208. },
  3209. directives: []
  3210. };
  3211. if (!this.touchless) {
  3212. data.directives.push({
  3213. name: 'touch',
  3214. value: {
  3215. left: this.next,
  3216. right: this.prev
  3217. }
  3218. });
  3219. }
  3220. if (!this.hideControls) {
  3221. children.push(this.genIcons());
  3222. }
  3223. if (!this.hideDelimiters) {
  3224. children.push(this.genDelimiters());
  3225. }
  3226. return h('div', data, [this.genContainer(), children]);
  3227. }
  3228. }));
  3229. /***/ }),
  3230. /***/ "./src/components/VCarousel/VCarouselItem.ts":
  3231. /*!***************************************************!*\
  3232. !*** ./src/components/VCarousel/VCarouselItem.ts ***!
  3233. \***************************************************/
  3234. /*! exports provided: default */
  3235. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3236. "use strict";
  3237. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  3238. /* harmony import */ var _VWindow_VWindowItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VWindow/VWindowItem */ "./src/components/VWindow/VWindowItem.ts");
  3239. /* harmony import */ var _VImg__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VImg */ "./src/components/VImg/index.ts");
  3240. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  3241. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  3242. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  3243. s = arguments[i];
  3244. for (var p in s) {
  3245. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  3246. }
  3247. }
  3248. return t;
  3249. };
  3250. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  3251. };
  3252. // Extensions
  3253. // Components
  3254. /* @vue/component */
  3255. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VWindow_VWindowItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"].extend({
  3256. name: 'v-carousel-item',
  3257. inheritAttrs: false,
  3258. methods: {
  3259. genDefaultSlot: function genDefaultSlot() {
  3260. return [this.$createElement(_VImg__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["VImg"], {
  3261. staticClass: 'v-carousel__item',
  3262. props: __assign({}, this.$attrs, { height: this.windowGroup.internalHeight }),
  3263. on: this.$listeners
  3264. }, this.$slots.default)];
  3265. },
  3266. onBeforeEnter: function onBeforeEnter() {},
  3267. onEnter: function onEnter() {},
  3268. onAfterEnter: function onAfterEnter() {},
  3269. onBeforeLeave: function onBeforeLeave() {},
  3270. onEnterCancelled: function onEnterCancelled() {}
  3271. }
  3272. }));
  3273. /***/ }),
  3274. /***/ "./src/components/VCarousel/index.ts":
  3275. /*!*******************************************!*\
  3276. !*** ./src/components/VCarousel/index.ts ***!
  3277. \*******************************************/
  3278. /*! exports provided: VCarousel, VCarouselItem, default */
  3279. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3280. "use strict";
  3281. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  3282. /* harmony import */ var _VCarousel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCarousel */ "./src/components/VCarousel/VCarousel.ts");
  3283. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCarousel", function() { return _VCarousel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  3284. /* harmony import */ var _VCarouselItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCarouselItem */ "./src/components/VCarousel/VCarouselItem.ts");
  3285. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCarouselItem", function() { return _VCarouselItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  3286. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  3287. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  3288. VCarousel: _VCarousel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  3289. VCarouselItem: _VCarouselItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]
  3290. }
  3291. });
  3292. /***/ }),
  3293. /***/ "./src/components/VCheckbox/VCheckbox.js":
  3294. /*!***********************************************!*\
  3295. !*** ./src/components/VCheckbox/VCheckbox.js ***!
  3296. \***********************************************/
  3297. /*! exports provided: default */
  3298. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3299. "use strict";
  3300. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  3301. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_selection_controls_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_selection-controls.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_selection-controls.styl");
  3302. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_selection_controls_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_selection_controls_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  3303. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  3304. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_selectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/selectable */ "./src/mixins/selectable.js");
  3305. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  3306. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  3307. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  3308. s = arguments[i];
  3309. for (var p in s) {
  3310. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  3311. }
  3312. }
  3313. return t;
  3314. };
  3315. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  3316. };
  3317. // Styles
  3318. // Components
  3319. // import { VFadeTransition } from '../transitions'
  3320. // Mixins
  3321. /* @vue/component */
  3322. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  3323. name: 'v-checkbox',
  3324. mixins: [_mixins_selectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]],
  3325. props: {
  3326. indeterminate: Boolean,
  3327. indeterminateIcon: {
  3328. type: String,
  3329. default: '$vuetify.icons.checkboxIndeterminate'
  3330. },
  3331. onIcon: {
  3332. type: String,
  3333. default: '$vuetify.icons.checkboxOn'
  3334. },
  3335. offIcon: {
  3336. type: String,
  3337. default: '$vuetify.icons.checkboxOff'
  3338. }
  3339. },
  3340. data: function data(vm) {
  3341. return {
  3342. inputIndeterminate: vm.indeterminate
  3343. };
  3344. },
  3345. computed: {
  3346. classes: function classes() {
  3347. return {
  3348. 'v-input--selection-controls': true,
  3349. 'v-input--checkbox': true
  3350. };
  3351. },
  3352. computedIcon: function computedIcon() {
  3353. if (this.inputIndeterminate) {
  3354. return this.indeterminateIcon;
  3355. } else if (this.isActive) {
  3356. return this.onIcon;
  3357. } else {
  3358. return this.offIcon;
  3359. }
  3360. }
  3361. },
  3362. watch: {
  3363. indeterminate: function indeterminate(val) {
  3364. this.inputIndeterminate = val;
  3365. }
  3366. },
  3367. methods: {
  3368. genCheckbox: function genCheckbox() {
  3369. return this.$createElement('div', {
  3370. staticClass: 'v-input--selection-controls__input'
  3371. }, [this.genInput('checkbox', __assign({}, this.$attrs, { 'aria-checked': this.inputIndeterminate ? 'mixed' : this.isActive.toString() })), this.genRipple(this.setTextColor(this.computedColor)), this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], this.setTextColor(this.computedColor, {
  3372. props: {
  3373. dark: this.dark,
  3374. light: this.light
  3375. }
  3376. }), this.computedIcon)]);
  3377. },
  3378. genDefaultSlot: function genDefaultSlot() {
  3379. return [this.genCheckbox(), this.genLabel()];
  3380. }
  3381. }
  3382. });
  3383. /***/ }),
  3384. /***/ "./src/components/VCheckbox/index.js":
  3385. /*!*******************************************!*\
  3386. !*** ./src/components/VCheckbox/index.js ***!
  3387. \*******************************************/
  3388. /*! exports provided: VCheckbox, default */
  3389. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3390. "use strict";
  3391. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  3392. /* harmony import */ var _VCheckbox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCheckbox */ "./src/components/VCheckbox/VCheckbox.js");
  3393. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCheckbox", function() { return _VCheckbox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  3394. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VCheckbox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  3395. /***/ }),
  3396. /***/ "./src/components/VChip/VChip.ts":
  3397. /*!***************************************!*\
  3398. !*** ./src/components/VChip/VChip.ts ***!
  3399. \***************************************/
  3400. /*! exports provided: default */
  3401. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3402. "use strict";
  3403. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  3404. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_chips_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_chips.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_chips.styl");
  3405. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_chips_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_chips_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  3406. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  3407. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  3408. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  3409. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  3410. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/toggleable */ "./src/mixins/toggleable.ts");
  3411. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  3412. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  3413. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  3414. s = arguments[i];
  3415. for (var p in s) {
  3416. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  3417. }
  3418. }
  3419. return t;
  3420. };
  3421. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  3422. };
  3423. // Components
  3424. // Mixins
  3425. /* @vue/component */
  3426. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"]).extend({
  3427. name: 'v-chip',
  3428. props: {
  3429. close: Boolean,
  3430. disabled: Boolean,
  3431. label: Boolean,
  3432. outline: Boolean,
  3433. // Used for selects/tagging
  3434. selected: Boolean,
  3435. small: Boolean,
  3436. textColor: String,
  3437. value: {
  3438. type: Boolean,
  3439. default: true
  3440. }
  3441. },
  3442. computed: {
  3443. classes: function classes() {
  3444. return __assign({ 'v-chip--disabled': this.disabled, 'v-chip--selected': this.selected && !this.disabled, 'v-chip--label': this.label, 'v-chip--outline': this.outline, 'v-chip--small': this.small, 'v-chip--removable': this.close }, this.themeClasses);
  3445. }
  3446. },
  3447. methods: {
  3448. genClose: function genClose(h) {
  3449. var _this = this;
  3450. var data = {
  3451. staticClass: 'v-chip__close',
  3452. on: {
  3453. click: function click(e) {
  3454. e.stopPropagation();
  3455. _this.$emit('input', false);
  3456. }
  3457. }
  3458. };
  3459. return h('div', data, [h(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], '$vuetify.icons.delete')]);
  3460. },
  3461. genContent: function genContent(h) {
  3462. return h('span', {
  3463. staticClass: 'v-chip__content'
  3464. }, [this.$slots.default, this.close && this.genClose(h)]);
  3465. }
  3466. },
  3467. render: function render(h) {
  3468. var data = this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, {
  3469. staticClass: 'v-chip',
  3470. 'class': this.classes,
  3471. attrs: { tabindex: this.disabled ? -1 : 0 },
  3472. directives: [{
  3473. name: 'show',
  3474. value: this.isActive
  3475. }],
  3476. on: this.$listeners
  3477. });
  3478. var color = this.textColor || this.outline && this.color;
  3479. return h('span', this.setTextColor(color, data), [this.genContent(h)]);
  3480. }
  3481. }));
  3482. /***/ }),
  3483. /***/ "./src/components/VChip/index.ts":
  3484. /*!***************************************!*\
  3485. !*** ./src/components/VChip/index.ts ***!
  3486. \***************************************/
  3487. /*! exports provided: VChip, default */
  3488. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3489. "use strict";
  3490. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  3491. /* harmony import */ var _VChip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VChip */ "./src/components/VChip/VChip.ts");
  3492. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VChip", function() { return _VChip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  3493. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VChip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  3494. /***/ }),
  3495. /***/ "./src/components/VCombobox/VCombobox.js":
  3496. /*!***********************************************!*\
  3497. !*** ./src/components/VCombobox/VCombobox.js ***!
  3498. \***********************************************/
  3499. /*! exports provided: default */
  3500. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3501. "use strict";
  3502. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  3503. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_autocompletes_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_autocompletes.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_autocompletes.styl");
  3504. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_autocompletes_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_autocompletes_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  3505. /* harmony import */ var _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VSelect/VSelect */ "./src/components/VSelect/VSelect.js");
  3506. /* harmony import */ var _VAutocomplete_VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VAutocomplete/VAutocomplete */ "./src/components/VAutocomplete/VAutocomplete.js");
  3507. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  3508. // Styles
  3509. // Extensions
  3510. // Utils
  3511. /* @vue/component */
  3512. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  3513. name: 'v-combobox',
  3514. extends: _VAutocomplete_VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"],
  3515. props: {
  3516. delimiters: {
  3517. type: Array,
  3518. default: function _default() {
  3519. return [];
  3520. }
  3521. },
  3522. returnObject: {
  3523. type: Boolean,
  3524. default: true
  3525. }
  3526. },
  3527. data: function data() {
  3528. return {
  3529. editingIndex: -1
  3530. };
  3531. },
  3532. computed: {
  3533. counterValue: function counterValue() {
  3534. return this.multiple ? this.selectedItems.length : (this.internalSearch || '').toString().length;
  3535. },
  3536. hasSlot: function hasSlot() {
  3537. return _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.computed.hasSlot.call(this) || this.multiple;
  3538. },
  3539. isAnyValueAllowed: function isAnyValueAllowed() {
  3540. return true;
  3541. },
  3542. menuCanShow: function menuCanShow() {
  3543. if (!this.isFocused) return false;
  3544. return this.hasDisplayedItems || !!this.$slots['no-data'] && !this.hideNoData;
  3545. }
  3546. },
  3547. methods: {
  3548. onFilteredItemsChanged: function onFilteredItemsChanged() {
  3549. // nop
  3550. },
  3551. onInternalSearchChanged: function onInternalSearchChanged(val) {
  3552. if (val && this.multiple && this.delimiters.length) {
  3553. var delimiter = this.delimiters.find(function (d) {
  3554. return val.endsWith(d);
  3555. });
  3556. if (delimiter != null) {
  3557. this.internalSearch = val.slice(0, val.length - delimiter.length);
  3558. this.updateTags();
  3559. }
  3560. }
  3561. this.updateMenuDimensions();
  3562. },
  3563. genChipSelection: function genChipSelection(item, index) {
  3564. var _this = this;
  3565. var chip = _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.genChipSelection.call(this, item, index);
  3566. // Allow user to update an existing value
  3567. if (this.multiple) {
  3568. chip.componentOptions.listeners.dblclick = function () {
  3569. _this.editingIndex = index;
  3570. _this.internalSearch = _this.getText(item);
  3571. _this.selectedIndex = -1;
  3572. };
  3573. }
  3574. return chip;
  3575. },
  3576. onChipInput: function onChipInput(item) {
  3577. _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.onChipInput.call(this, item);
  3578. this.editingIndex = -1;
  3579. },
  3580. // Requires a manual definition
  3581. // to overwrite removal in v-autocomplete
  3582. onEnterDown: function onEnterDown(e) {
  3583. e.preventDefault();
  3584. _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.onEnterDown.call(this);
  3585. // If has menu index, let v-select-list handle
  3586. if (this.getMenuIndex() > -1) return;
  3587. this.updateSelf();
  3588. },
  3589. onKeyDown: function onKeyDown(e) {
  3590. var keyCode = e.keyCode;
  3591. _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.onKeyDown.call(this, e);
  3592. // If user is at selection index of 0
  3593. // create a new tag
  3594. if (this.multiple && keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["keyCodes"].left && this.$refs.input.selectionStart === 0) {
  3595. this.updateSelf();
  3596. }
  3597. // The ordering is important here
  3598. // allows new value to be updated
  3599. // and then moves the index to the
  3600. // proper location
  3601. this.changeSelectedIndex(keyCode);
  3602. },
  3603. onTabDown: function onTabDown(e) {
  3604. // When adding tags, if searching and
  3605. // there is not a filtered options,
  3606. // add the value to the tags list
  3607. if (this.multiple && this.internalSearch && this.getMenuIndex() === -1) {
  3608. e.preventDefault();
  3609. e.stopPropagation();
  3610. return this.updateTags();
  3611. }
  3612. _VAutocomplete_VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"].options.methods.onTabDown.call(this, e);
  3613. },
  3614. selectItem: function selectItem(item) {
  3615. // Currently only supports items:<string[]>
  3616. if (this.editingIndex > -1) {
  3617. this.updateEditing();
  3618. } else {
  3619. _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.selectItem.call(this, item);
  3620. }
  3621. },
  3622. setSelectedItems: function setSelectedItems() {
  3623. if (this.internalValue == null || this.internalValue === '') {
  3624. this.selectedItems = [];
  3625. } else {
  3626. this.selectedItems = this.multiple ? this.internalValue : [this.internalValue];
  3627. }
  3628. },
  3629. setValue: function setValue(value) {
  3630. if (value === void 0) {
  3631. value = this.internalSearch;
  3632. }
  3633. _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.setValue.call(this, value);
  3634. },
  3635. updateEditing: function updateEditing() {
  3636. var value = this.internalValue.slice();
  3637. value[this.editingIndex] = this.internalSearch;
  3638. this.setValue(value);
  3639. this.editingIndex = -1;
  3640. },
  3641. updateCombobox: function updateCombobox() {
  3642. var isUsingSlot = Boolean(this.$scopedSlots.selection) || this.hasChips;
  3643. // If search is not dirty and is
  3644. // using slot, do nothing
  3645. if (isUsingSlot && !this.searchIsDirty) return;
  3646. // The internal search is not matching
  3647. // the internal value, update the input
  3648. if (this.internalSearch !== this.getText(this.internalValue)) this.setValue();
  3649. // Reset search if using slot
  3650. // to avoid a double input
  3651. if (isUsingSlot) this.internalSearch = undefined;
  3652. },
  3653. updateSelf: function updateSelf() {
  3654. this.multiple ? this.updateTags() : this.updateCombobox();
  3655. },
  3656. updateTags: function updateTags() {
  3657. var menuIndex = this.getMenuIndex();
  3658. // If the user is not searching
  3659. // and no menu item is selected
  3660. // do nothing
  3661. if (menuIndex < 0 && !this.searchIsDirty) return;
  3662. if (this.editingIndex > -1) {
  3663. return this.updateEditing();
  3664. }
  3665. var index = this.selectedItems.indexOf(this.internalSearch);
  3666. // If it already exists, do nothing
  3667. // this might need to change to bring
  3668. // the duplicated item to the last entered
  3669. if (index > -1) {
  3670. var internalValue = this.internalValue.slice();
  3671. internalValue.splice(index, 1);
  3672. this.setValue(internalValue);
  3673. }
  3674. // If menu index is greater than 1
  3675. // the selection is handled elsewhere
  3676. // TODO: find out where
  3677. if (menuIndex > -1) return this.internalSearch = null;
  3678. this.selectItem(this.internalSearch);
  3679. this.internalSearch = null;
  3680. }
  3681. }
  3682. });
  3683. /***/ }),
  3684. /***/ "./src/components/VCombobox/index.js":
  3685. /*!*******************************************!*\
  3686. !*** ./src/components/VCombobox/index.js ***!
  3687. \*******************************************/
  3688. /*! exports provided: VCombobox, default */
  3689. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3690. "use strict";
  3691. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  3692. /* harmony import */ var _VCombobox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCombobox */ "./src/components/VCombobox/VCombobox.js");
  3693. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCombobox", function() { return _VCombobox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  3694. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VCombobox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  3695. /***/ }),
  3696. /***/ "./src/components/VCounter/VCounter.ts":
  3697. /*!*********************************************!*\
  3698. !*** ./src/components/VCounter/VCounter.ts ***!
  3699. \*********************************************/
  3700. /*! exports provided: default */
  3701. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3702. "use strict";
  3703. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  3704. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_counters_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_counters.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_counters.styl");
  3705. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_counters_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_counters_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  3706. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  3707. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  3708. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  3709. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  3710. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  3711. s = arguments[i];
  3712. for (var p in s) {
  3713. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  3714. }
  3715. }
  3716. return t;
  3717. };
  3718. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  3719. };
  3720. // Styles
  3721. // Mixins
  3722. /* @vue/component */
  3723. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"])(_mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]).extend({
  3724. name: 'v-counter',
  3725. functional: true,
  3726. props: {
  3727. value: {
  3728. type: [Number, String],
  3729. default: ''
  3730. },
  3731. max: [Number, String]
  3732. },
  3733. render: function render(h, ctx) {
  3734. var props = ctx.props;
  3735. var max = parseInt(props.max, 10);
  3736. var value = parseInt(props.value, 10);
  3737. var content = max ? value + " / " + max : String(props.value);
  3738. var isGreater = max && value > max;
  3739. return h('div', {
  3740. staticClass: 'v-counter',
  3741. class: __assign({ 'error--text': isGreater }, Object(_mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["functionalThemeClasses"])(ctx))
  3742. }, content);
  3743. }
  3744. }));
  3745. /***/ }),
  3746. /***/ "./src/components/VCounter/index.ts":
  3747. /*!******************************************!*\
  3748. !*** ./src/components/VCounter/index.ts ***!
  3749. \******************************************/
  3750. /*! exports provided: VCounter, default */
  3751. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3752. "use strict";
  3753. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  3754. /* harmony import */ var _VCounter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCounter */ "./src/components/VCounter/VCounter.ts");
  3755. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCounter", function() { return _VCounter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  3756. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VCounter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  3757. /***/ }),
  3758. /***/ "./src/components/VDataIterator/VDataIterator.js":
  3759. /*!*******************************************************!*\
  3760. !*** ./src/components/VDataIterator/VDataIterator.js ***!
  3761. \*******************************************************/
  3762. /*! exports provided: default */
  3763. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3764. "use strict";
  3765. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  3766. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_data_iterator_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_data-iterator.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_data-iterator.styl");
  3767. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_data_iterator_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_data_iterator_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  3768. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_data_iterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/data-iterable */ "./src/mixins/data-iterable.js");
  3769. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  3770. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  3771. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  3772. s = arguments[i];
  3773. for (var p in s) {
  3774. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  3775. }
  3776. }
  3777. return t;
  3778. };
  3779. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  3780. };
  3781. /* @vue/component */
  3782. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  3783. name: 'v-data-iterator',
  3784. mixins: [_mixins_data_iterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]],
  3785. inheritAttrs: false,
  3786. props: {
  3787. contentTag: {
  3788. type: String,
  3789. default: 'div'
  3790. },
  3791. contentProps: {
  3792. type: Object,
  3793. required: false
  3794. },
  3795. contentClass: {
  3796. type: String,
  3797. required: false
  3798. }
  3799. },
  3800. computed: {
  3801. classes: function classes() {
  3802. return __assign({ 'v-data-iterator': true, 'v-data-iterator--select-all': this.selectAll !== false }, this.themeClasses);
  3803. }
  3804. },
  3805. created: function created() {
  3806. this.initPagination();
  3807. },
  3808. methods: {
  3809. genContent: function genContent() {
  3810. var children = this.genItems();
  3811. var data = {
  3812. 'class': this.contentClass,
  3813. attrs: this.$attrs,
  3814. on: this.$listeners,
  3815. props: this.contentProps
  3816. };
  3817. return this.$createElement(this.contentTag, data, children);
  3818. },
  3819. genEmptyItems: function genEmptyItems(content) {
  3820. return [this.$createElement('div', {
  3821. 'class': 'text-xs-center',
  3822. style: 'width: 100%'
  3823. }, content)];
  3824. },
  3825. genFilteredItems: function genFilteredItems() {
  3826. if (!this.$scopedSlots.item) {
  3827. return null;
  3828. }
  3829. var items = [];
  3830. for (var index = 0, len = this.filteredItems.length; index < len; ++index) {
  3831. var item = this.filteredItems[index];
  3832. var props = this.createProps(item, index);
  3833. items.push(this.$scopedSlots.item(props));
  3834. }
  3835. return items;
  3836. },
  3837. genFooter: function genFooter() {
  3838. var children = [];
  3839. if (this.$slots.footer) {
  3840. children.push(this.$slots.footer);
  3841. }
  3842. if (!this.hideActions) {
  3843. children.push(this.genActions());
  3844. }
  3845. if (!children.length) return null;
  3846. return this.$createElement('div', children);
  3847. },
  3848. genHeader: function genHeader() {
  3849. var children = [];
  3850. if (this.$slots.header) {
  3851. children.push(this.$slots.header);
  3852. }
  3853. if (!children.length) return null;
  3854. return this.$createElement('div', children);
  3855. }
  3856. },
  3857. render: function render(h) {
  3858. return h('div', {
  3859. 'class': this.classes
  3860. }, [this.genHeader(), this.genContent(), this.genFooter()]);
  3861. }
  3862. });
  3863. /***/ }),
  3864. /***/ "./src/components/VDataIterator/index.js":
  3865. /*!***********************************************!*\
  3866. !*** ./src/components/VDataIterator/index.js ***!
  3867. \***********************************************/
  3868. /*! exports provided: VDataIterator, default */
  3869. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3870. "use strict";
  3871. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  3872. /* harmony import */ var _VDataIterator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDataIterator */ "./src/components/VDataIterator/VDataIterator.js");
  3873. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDataIterator", function() { return _VDataIterator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  3874. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VDataIterator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  3875. /***/ }),
  3876. /***/ "./src/components/VDataTable/VDataTable.js":
  3877. /*!*************************************************!*\
  3878. !*** ./src/components/VDataTable/VDataTable.js ***!
  3879. \*************************************************/
  3880. /*! exports provided: default */
  3881. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  3882. "use strict";
  3883. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  3884. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_tables_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_tables.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_tables.styl");
  3885. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_tables_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_tables_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  3886. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_data_table_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_data-table.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_data-table.styl");
  3887. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_data_table_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_data_table_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
  3888. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_data_iterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/data-iterable */ "./src/mixins/data-iterable.js");
  3889. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_head__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/head */ "./src/components/VDataTable/mixins/head.js");
  3890. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_body__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/body */ "./src/components/VDataTable/mixins/body.js");
  3891. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_foot__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/foot */ "./src/components/VDataTable/mixins/foot.js");
  3892. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_progress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/progress */ "./src/components/VDataTable/mixins/progress.js");
  3893. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  3894. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  3895. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  3896. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  3897. s = arguments[i];
  3898. for (var p in s) {
  3899. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  3900. }
  3901. }
  3902. return t;
  3903. };
  3904. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  3905. };
  3906. // Importing does not work properly
  3907. var VTableOverflow = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createSimpleFunctional"])('v-table__overflow');
  3908. /* @vue/component */
  3909. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  3910. name: 'v-data-table',
  3911. mixins: [_mixins_data_iterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_head__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_body__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], _mixins_foot__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"], _mixins_progress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"]],
  3912. props: {
  3913. headers: {
  3914. type: Array,
  3915. default: function _default() {
  3916. return [];
  3917. }
  3918. },
  3919. headersLength: {
  3920. type: Number
  3921. },
  3922. headerText: {
  3923. type: String,
  3924. default: 'text'
  3925. },
  3926. headerKey: {
  3927. type: String,
  3928. default: null
  3929. },
  3930. hideHeaders: Boolean,
  3931. rowsPerPageText: {
  3932. type: String,
  3933. default: '$vuetify.dataTable.rowsPerPageText'
  3934. },
  3935. customFilter: {
  3936. type: Function,
  3937. default: function _default(items, search, filter, headers) {
  3938. search = search.toString().toLowerCase();
  3939. if (search.trim() === '') return items;
  3940. var props = headers.map(function (h) {
  3941. return h.value;
  3942. });
  3943. return items.filter(function (item) {
  3944. return props.some(function (prop) {
  3945. return filter(Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getObjectValueByPath"])(item, prop, item[prop]), search);
  3946. });
  3947. });
  3948. }
  3949. }
  3950. },
  3951. data: function data() {
  3952. return {
  3953. actionsClasses: 'v-datatable__actions',
  3954. actionsRangeControlsClasses: 'v-datatable__actions__range-controls',
  3955. actionsSelectClasses: 'v-datatable__actions__select',
  3956. actionsPaginationClasses: 'v-datatable__actions__pagination'
  3957. };
  3958. },
  3959. computed: {
  3960. classes: function classes() {
  3961. return __assign({ 'v-datatable v-table': true, 'v-datatable--select-all': this.selectAll !== false }, this.themeClasses);
  3962. },
  3963. filteredItems: function filteredItems() {
  3964. return this.filteredItemsImpl(this.headers);
  3965. },
  3966. headerColumns: function headerColumns() {
  3967. return this.headersLength || this.headers.length + (this.selectAll !== false);
  3968. }
  3969. },
  3970. created: function created() {
  3971. var firstSortable = this.headers.find(function (h) {
  3972. return !('sortable' in h) || h.sortable;
  3973. });
  3974. this.defaultPagination.sortBy = !this.disableInitialSort && firstSortable ? firstSortable.value : null;
  3975. this.initPagination();
  3976. },
  3977. methods: {
  3978. hasTag: function hasTag(elements, tag) {
  3979. return Array.isArray(elements) && elements.find(function (e) {
  3980. return e.tag === tag;
  3981. });
  3982. },
  3983. genTR: function genTR(children, data) {
  3984. if (data === void 0) {
  3985. data = {};
  3986. }
  3987. return this.$createElement('tr', data, children);
  3988. }
  3989. },
  3990. render: function render(h) {
  3991. var tableOverflow = h(VTableOverflow, {}, [h('table', {
  3992. 'class': this.classes
  3993. }, [this.genTHead(), this.genTBody(), this.genTFoot()])]);
  3994. return h('div', [tableOverflow, this.genActionsFooter()]);
  3995. }
  3996. });
  3997. /***/ }),
  3998. /***/ "./src/components/VDataTable/VEditDialog.js":
  3999. /*!**************************************************!*\
  4000. !*** ./src/components/VDataTable/VEditDialog.js ***!
  4001. \**************************************************/
  4002. /*! exports provided: default */
  4003. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  4004. "use strict";
  4005. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  4006. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_small_dialog_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_small-dialog.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_small-dialog.styl");
  4007. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_small_dialog_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_small_dialog_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  4008. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_returnable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/returnable */ "./src/mixins/returnable.ts");
  4009. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  4010. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  4011. /* harmony import */ var _VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VBtn */ "./src/components/VBtn/index.ts");
  4012. /* harmony import */ var _VMenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VMenu */ "./src/components/VMenu/index.js");
  4013. // Mixins
  4014. // Utils
  4015. /* @vue/component */
  4016. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  4017. name: 'v-edit-dialog',
  4018. mixins: [_mixins_returnable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]],
  4019. props: {
  4020. cancelText: {
  4021. default: 'Cancel'
  4022. },
  4023. large: Boolean,
  4024. lazy: Boolean,
  4025. persistent: Boolean,
  4026. saveText: {
  4027. default: 'Save'
  4028. },
  4029. transition: {
  4030. type: String,
  4031. default: 'slide-x-reverse-transition'
  4032. }
  4033. },
  4034. data: function data() {
  4035. return {
  4036. isActive: false
  4037. };
  4038. },
  4039. watch: {
  4040. isActive: function isActive(val) {
  4041. if (val) {
  4042. this.$emit('open');
  4043. setTimeout(this.focus, 50); // Give DOM time to paint
  4044. } else {
  4045. this.$emit('close');
  4046. }
  4047. }
  4048. },
  4049. methods: {
  4050. cancel: function cancel() {
  4051. this.isActive = false;
  4052. this.$emit('cancel');
  4053. },
  4054. focus: function focus() {
  4055. var input = this.$refs.content.querySelector('input');
  4056. input && input.focus();
  4057. },
  4058. genButton: function genButton(fn, text) {
  4059. return this.$createElement(_VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], {
  4060. props: {
  4061. flat: true,
  4062. color: 'primary',
  4063. light: true
  4064. },
  4065. on: { click: fn }
  4066. }, text);
  4067. },
  4068. genActions: function genActions() {
  4069. var _this = this;
  4070. return this.$createElement('div', {
  4071. 'class': 'v-small-dialog__actions'
  4072. }, [this.genButton(this.cancel, this.cancelText), this.genButton(function () {
  4073. _this.save(_this.returnValue);
  4074. _this.$emit('save');
  4075. }, this.saveText)]);
  4076. },
  4077. genContent: function genContent() {
  4078. var _this = this;
  4079. return this.$createElement('div', {
  4080. on: {
  4081. keydown: function keydown(e) {
  4082. var input = _this.$refs.content.querySelector('input');
  4083. e.keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["keyCodes"].esc && _this.cancel();
  4084. if (e.keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["keyCodes"].enter && input) {
  4085. _this.save(input.value);
  4086. _this.$emit('save');
  4087. }
  4088. }
  4089. },
  4090. ref: 'content'
  4091. }, [this.$slots.input]);
  4092. }
  4093. },
  4094. render: function render(h) {
  4095. var _this = this;
  4096. return h(_VMenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"], {
  4097. staticClass: 'v-small-dialog',
  4098. class: this.themeClasses,
  4099. props: {
  4100. contentClass: 'v-small-dialog__content',
  4101. transition: this.transition,
  4102. origin: 'top right',
  4103. right: true,
  4104. value: this.isActive,
  4105. closeOnClick: !this.persistent,
  4106. closeOnContentClick: false,
  4107. lazy: this.lazy,
  4108. light: this.light,
  4109. dark: this.dark
  4110. },
  4111. on: {
  4112. input: function input(val) {
  4113. return _this.isActive = val;
  4114. }
  4115. }
  4116. }, [h('a', {
  4117. slot: 'activator'
  4118. }, this.$slots.default), this.genContent(), this.large ? this.genActions() : null]);
  4119. }
  4120. });
  4121. /***/ }),
  4122. /***/ "./src/components/VDataTable/index.js":
  4123. /*!********************************************!*\
  4124. !*** ./src/components/VDataTable/index.js ***!
  4125. \********************************************/
  4126. /*! exports provided: VDataTable, VEditDialog, VTableOverflow, default */
  4127. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  4128. "use strict";
  4129. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  4130. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTableOverflow", function() { return VTableOverflow; });
  4131. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  4132. /* harmony import */ var _VDataTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDataTable */ "./src/components/VDataTable/VDataTable.js");
  4133. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDataTable", function() { return _VDataTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  4134. /* harmony import */ var _VEditDialog__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VEditDialog */ "./src/components/VDataTable/VEditDialog.js");
  4135. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VEditDialog", function() { return _VEditDialog__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]; });
  4136. var VTableOverflow = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleFunctional"])('v-table__overflow');
  4137. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  4138. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  4139. VDataTable: _VDataTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  4140. VEditDialog: _VEditDialog__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"],
  4141. VTableOverflow: VTableOverflow
  4142. }
  4143. });
  4144. /***/ }),
  4145. /***/ "./src/components/VDataTable/mixins/body.js":
  4146. /*!**************************************************!*\
  4147. !*** ./src/components/VDataTable/mixins/body.js ***!
  4148. \**************************************************/
  4149. /*! exports provided: default */
  4150. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  4151. "use strict";
  4152. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  4153. /* harmony import */ var _transitions_expand_transition__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../transitions/expand-transition */ "./src/components/transitions/expand-transition.js");
  4154. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  4155. /* @vue/component */
  4156. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  4157. methods: {
  4158. genTBody: function genTBody() {
  4159. var children = this.genItems();
  4160. return this.$createElement('tbody', children);
  4161. },
  4162. genExpandedRow: function genExpandedRow(props) {
  4163. var children = [];
  4164. if (this.isExpanded(props.item)) {
  4165. var expand = this.$createElement('div', {
  4166. class: 'v-datatable__expand-content',
  4167. key: Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["getObjectValueByPath"])(props.item, this.itemKey)
  4168. }, [this.$scopedSlots.expand(props)]);
  4169. children.push(expand);
  4170. }
  4171. var transition = this.$createElement('transition-group', {
  4172. class: 'v-datatable__expand-col',
  4173. attrs: { colspan: this.headerColumns },
  4174. props: {
  4175. tag: 'td'
  4176. },
  4177. on: Object(_transitions_expand_transition__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])('v-datatable__expand-col--expanded')
  4178. }, children);
  4179. return this.genTR([transition], { class: 'v-datatable__expand-row' });
  4180. },
  4181. genFilteredItems: function genFilteredItems() {
  4182. if (!this.$scopedSlots.items) {
  4183. return null;
  4184. }
  4185. var rows = [];
  4186. for (var index = 0, len = this.filteredItems.length; index < len; ++index) {
  4187. var item = this.filteredItems[index];
  4188. var props = this.createProps(item, index);
  4189. var row = this.$scopedSlots.items(props);
  4190. rows.push(this.hasTag(row, 'td') ? this.genTR(row, {
  4191. key: this.itemKey ? Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["getObjectValueByPath"])(props.item, this.itemKey) : index,
  4192. attrs: { active: this.isSelected(item) }
  4193. }) : row);
  4194. if (this.$scopedSlots.expand) {
  4195. var expandRow = this.genExpandedRow(props);
  4196. rows.push(expandRow);
  4197. }
  4198. }
  4199. return rows;
  4200. },
  4201. genEmptyItems: function genEmptyItems(content) {
  4202. if (this.hasTag(content, 'tr')) {
  4203. return content;
  4204. } else if (this.hasTag(content, 'td')) {
  4205. return this.genTR(content);
  4206. } else {
  4207. return this.genTR([this.$createElement('td', {
  4208. class: {
  4209. 'text-xs-center': typeof content === 'string'
  4210. },
  4211. attrs: { colspan: this.headerColumns }
  4212. }, content)]);
  4213. }
  4214. }
  4215. }
  4216. });
  4217. /***/ }),
  4218. /***/ "./src/components/VDataTable/mixins/foot.js":
  4219. /*!**************************************************!*\
  4220. !*** ./src/components/VDataTable/mixins/foot.js ***!
  4221. \**************************************************/
  4222. /*! exports provided: default */
  4223. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  4224. "use strict";
  4225. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  4226. /* @vue/component */
  4227. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  4228. methods: {
  4229. genTFoot: function genTFoot() {
  4230. if (!this.$slots.footer) {
  4231. return null;
  4232. }
  4233. var footer = this.$slots.footer;
  4234. var row = this.hasTag(footer, 'td') ? this.genTR(footer) : footer;
  4235. return this.$createElement('tfoot', [row]);
  4236. },
  4237. genActionsFooter: function genActionsFooter() {
  4238. if (this.hideActions) {
  4239. return null;
  4240. }
  4241. return this.$createElement('div', {
  4242. 'class': this.classes
  4243. }, this.genActions());
  4244. }
  4245. }
  4246. });
  4247. /***/ }),
  4248. /***/ "./src/components/VDataTable/mixins/head.js":
  4249. /*!**************************************************!*\
  4250. !*** ./src/components/VDataTable/mixins/head.js ***!
  4251. \**************************************************/
  4252. /*! exports provided: default */
  4253. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  4254. "use strict";
  4255. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  4256. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  4257. /* harmony import */ var _VCheckbox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../VCheckbox */ "./src/components/VCheckbox/index.js");
  4258. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  4259. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  4260. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  4261. if (!m) return o;
  4262. var i = m.call(o),
  4263. r,
  4264. ar = [],
  4265. e;
  4266. try {
  4267. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  4268. ar.push(r.value);
  4269. }
  4270. } catch (error) {
  4271. e = { error: error };
  4272. } finally {
  4273. try {
  4274. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  4275. } finally {
  4276. if (e) throw e.error;
  4277. }
  4278. }
  4279. return ar;
  4280. };
  4281. var __spread = undefined && undefined.__spread || function () {
  4282. for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  4283. ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  4284. }return ar;
  4285. };
  4286. /* @vue/component */
  4287. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  4288. props: {
  4289. sortIcon: {
  4290. type: String,
  4291. default: '$vuetify.icons.sort'
  4292. }
  4293. },
  4294. methods: {
  4295. genTHead: function genTHead() {
  4296. var _this = this;
  4297. if (this.hideHeaders) return; // Exit Early since no headers are needed.
  4298. var children = [];
  4299. if (this.$scopedSlots.headers) {
  4300. var row = this.$scopedSlots.headers({
  4301. headers: this.headers,
  4302. indeterminate: this.indeterminate,
  4303. all: this.everyItem
  4304. });
  4305. children = [this.hasTag(row, 'th') ? this.genTR(row) : row, this.genTProgress()];
  4306. } else {
  4307. var row = this.headers.map(function (o, i) {
  4308. return _this.genHeader(o, _this.headerKey ? o[_this.headerKey] : i);
  4309. });
  4310. var checkbox = this.$createElement(_VCheckbox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], {
  4311. props: {
  4312. dark: this.dark,
  4313. light: this.light,
  4314. color: this.selectAll === true ? '' : this.selectAll,
  4315. hideDetails: true,
  4316. inputValue: this.everyItem,
  4317. indeterminate: this.indeterminate
  4318. },
  4319. on: { change: this.toggle }
  4320. });
  4321. this.hasSelectAll && row.unshift(this.$createElement('th', [checkbox]));
  4322. children = [this.genTR(row), this.genTProgress()];
  4323. }
  4324. return this.$createElement('thead', [children]);
  4325. },
  4326. genHeader: function genHeader(header, key) {
  4327. var array = [this.$scopedSlots.headerCell ? this.$scopedSlots.headerCell({ header: header }) : header[this.headerText]];
  4328. return this.$createElement.apply(this, __spread(['th'], this.genHeaderData(header, array, key)));
  4329. },
  4330. genHeaderData: function genHeaderData(header, children, key) {
  4331. var classes = ['column'];
  4332. var data = {
  4333. key: key,
  4334. attrs: {
  4335. role: 'columnheader',
  4336. scope: 'col',
  4337. width: header.width || null,
  4338. 'aria-label': header[this.headerText] || '',
  4339. 'aria-sort': 'none'
  4340. }
  4341. };
  4342. if (header.sortable == null || header.sortable) {
  4343. this.genHeaderSortingData(header, children, data, classes);
  4344. } else {
  4345. data.attrs['aria-label'] += ': Not sorted.'; // TODO: Localization
  4346. }
  4347. classes.push("text-xs-" + (header.align || 'left'));
  4348. if (Array.isArray(header.class)) {
  4349. classes.push.apply(classes, __spread(header.class));
  4350. } else if (header.class) {
  4351. classes.push(header.class);
  4352. }
  4353. data.class = classes;
  4354. return [data, children];
  4355. },
  4356. genHeaderSortingData: function genHeaderSortingData(header, children, data, classes) {
  4357. var _this = this;
  4358. if (!('value' in header)) {
  4359. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["consoleWarn"])('Headers must have a value property that corresponds to a value in the v-model array', this);
  4360. }
  4361. data.attrs.tabIndex = 0;
  4362. data.on = {
  4363. click: function click() {
  4364. _this.expanded = {};
  4365. _this.sort(header.value);
  4366. },
  4367. keydown: function keydown(e) {
  4368. // check for space
  4369. if (e.keyCode === 32) {
  4370. e.preventDefault();
  4371. _this.sort(header.value);
  4372. }
  4373. }
  4374. };
  4375. classes.push('sortable');
  4376. var icon = this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], {
  4377. props: {
  4378. small: true
  4379. }
  4380. }, this.sortIcon);
  4381. if (!header.align || header.align === 'left') {
  4382. children.push(icon);
  4383. } else {
  4384. children.unshift(icon);
  4385. }
  4386. var pagination = this.computedPagination;
  4387. var beingSorted = pagination.sortBy === header.value;
  4388. if (beingSorted) {
  4389. classes.push('active');
  4390. if (pagination.descending) {
  4391. classes.push('desc');
  4392. data.attrs['aria-sort'] = 'descending';
  4393. data.attrs['aria-label'] += ': Sorted descending. Activate to remove sorting.'; // TODO: Localization
  4394. } else {
  4395. classes.push('asc');
  4396. data.attrs['aria-sort'] = 'ascending';
  4397. data.attrs['aria-label'] += ': Sorted ascending. Activate to sort descending.'; // TODO: Localization
  4398. }
  4399. } else {
  4400. data.attrs['aria-label'] += ': Not sorted. Activate to sort ascending.'; // TODO: Localization
  4401. }
  4402. }
  4403. }
  4404. });
  4405. /***/ }),
  4406. /***/ "./src/components/VDataTable/mixins/progress.js":
  4407. /*!******************************************************!*\
  4408. !*** ./src/components/VDataTable/mixins/progress.js ***!
  4409. \******************************************************/
  4410. /*! exports provided: default */
  4411. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  4412. "use strict";
  4413. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  4414. /* @vue/component */
  4415. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  4416. methods: {
  4417. genTProgress: function genTProgress() {
  4418. var col = this.$createElement('th', {
  4419. staticClass: 'column',
  4420. attrs: {
  4421. colspan: this.headerColumns
  4422. }
  4423. }, [this.genProgress()]);
  4424. return this.genTR([col], {
  4425. staticClass: 'v-datatable__progress'
  4426. });
  4427. }
  4428. }
  4429. });
  4430. /***/ }),
  4431. /***/ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePicker.ts":
  4432. /*!***************************************************!*\
  4433. !*** ./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePicker.ts ***!
  4434. \***************************************************/
  4435. /*! exports provided: default */
  4436. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  4437. "use strict";
  4438. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  4439. /* harmony import */ var _VDatePickerTitle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDatePickerTitle */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerTitle.ts");
  4440. /* harmony import */ var _VDatePickerHeader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDatePickerHeader */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerHeader.ts");
  4441. /* harmony import */ var _VDatePickerDateTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDatePickerDateTable */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerDateTable.ts");
  4442. /* harmony import */ var _VDatePickerMonthTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDatePickerMonthTable */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerMonthTable.ts");
  4443. /* harmony import */ var _VDatePickerYears__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDatePickerYears */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerYears.ts");
  4444. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_picker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/picker */ "./src/mixins/picker.ts");
  4445. /* harmony import */ var _util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/index.ts");
  4446. /* harmony import */ var _util_isDateAllowed__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/isDateAllowed */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/isDateAllowed.ts");
  4447. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  4448. /* harmony import */ var _VCalendar_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VCalendar/util/timestamp */ "./src/components/VCalendar/util/timestamp.ts");
  4449. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  4450. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  4451. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  4452. if (!m) return o;
  4453. var i = m.call(o),
  4454. r,
  4455. ar = [],
  4456. e;
  4457. try {
  4458. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  4459. ar.push(r.value);
  4460. }
  4461. } catch (error) {
  4462. e = { error: error };
  4463. } finally {
  4464. try {
  4465. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  4466. } finally {
  4467. if (e) throw e.error;
  4468. }
  4469. }
  4470. return ar;
  4471. };
  4472. // Components
  4473. // Mixins
  4474. // Utils
  4475. // Adds leading zero to month/day if necessary, returns 'YYYY' if type = 'year',
  4476. // 'YYYY-MM' if 'month' and 'YYYY-MM-DD' if 'date'
  4477. function sanitizeDateString(dateString, type) {
  4478. var _a = __read(dateString.split('-'), 3),
  4479. year = _a[0],
  4480. _b = _a[1],
  4481. month = _b === void 0 ? 1 : _b,
  4482. _c = _a[2],
  4483. date = _c === void 0 ? 1 : _c;
  4484. return (year + "-" + Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["pad"])(month) + "-" + Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["pad"])(date)).substr(0, { date: 10, month: 7, year: 4 }[type]);
  4485. }
  4486. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["default"])(_mixins_picker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"]
  4487. /* @vue/component */
  4488. ).extend({
  4489. name: 'v-date-picker',
  4490. props: {
  4491. allowedDates: Function,
  4492. // Function formatting the day in date picker table
  4493. dayFormat: Function,
  4494. disabled: Boolean,
  4495. events: {
  4496. type: [Array, Function, Object],
  4497. default: function _default() {
  4498. return null;
  4499. }
  4500. },
  4501. eventColor: {
  4502. type: [Array, Function, Object, String],
  4503. default: function _default() {
  4504. return 'warning';
  4505. }
  4506. },
  4507. firstDayOfWeek: {
  4508. type: [String, Number],
  4509. default: 0
  4510. },
  4511. // Function formatting the tableDate in the day/month table header
  4512. headerDateFormat: Function,
  4513. locale: {
  4514. type: String,
  4515. default: 'en-us'
  4516. },
  4517. max: String,
  4518. min: String,
  4519. // Function formatting month in the months table
  4520. monthFormat: Function,
  4521. multiple: Boolean,
  4522. nextIcon: {
  4523. type: String,
  4524. default: '$vuetify.icons.next'
  4525. },
  4526. pickerDate: String,
  4527. prevIcon: {
  4528. type: String,
  4529. default: '$vuetify.icons.prev'
  4530. },
  4531. reactive: Boolean,
  4532. readonly: Boolean,
  4533. scrollable: Boolean,
  4534. showCurrent: {
  4535. type: [Boolean, String],
  4536. default: true
  4537. },
  4538. showWeek: Boolean,
  4539. // Function formatting currently selected date in the picker title
  4540. titleDateFormat: Function,
  4541. type: {
  4542. type: String,
  4543. default: 'date',
  4544. validator: function validator(type) {
  4545. return ['date', 'month'].includes(type);
  4546. } // TODO: year
  4547. },
  4548. value: [Array, String],
  4549. weekdayFormat: Function,
  4550. // Function formatting the year in table header and pickup title
  4551. yearFormat: Function,
  4552. yearIcon: String
  4553. },
  4554. data: function data() {
  4555. var _this = this;
  4556. var now = new Date();
  4557. return {
  4558. activePicker: this.type.toUpperCase(),
  4559. inputDay: null,
  4560. inputMonth: null,
  4561. inputYear: null,
  4562. isReversing: false,
  4563. now: now,
  4564. // tableDate is a string in 'YYYY' / 'YYYY-M' format (leading zero for month is not required)
  4565. tableDate: function () {
  4566. if (_this.pickerDate) {
  4567. return _this.pickerDate;
  4568. }
  4569. var date = (_this.multiple ? _this.value[_this.value.length - 1] : _this.value) || now.getFullYear() + "-" + (now.getMonth() + 1);
  4570. return sanitizeDateString(date, _this.type === 'date' ? 'month' : 'year');
  4571. }()
  4572. };
  4573. },
  4574. computed: {
  4575. lastValue: function lastValue() {
  4576. return this.multiple ? this.value[this.value.length - 1] : this.value;
  4577. },
  4578. selectedMonths: function selectedMonths() {
  4579. if (!this.value || !this.value.length || this.type === 'month') {
  4580. return this.value;
  4581. } else if (this.multiple) {
  4582. return this.value.map(function (val) {
  4583. return val.substr(0, 7);
  4584. });
  4585. } else {
  4586. return this.value.substr(0, 7);
  4587. }
  4588. },
  4589. current: function current() {
  4590. if (this.showCurrent === true) {
  4591. return sanitizeDateString(this.now.getFullYear() + "-" + (this.now.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + this.now.getDate(), this.type);
  4592. }
  4593. return this.showCurrent || null;
  4594. },
  4595. inputDate: function inputDate() {
  4596. return this.type === 'date' ? this.inputYear + "-" + Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["pad"])(this.inputMonth + 1) + "-" + Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["pad"])(this.inputDay) : this.inputYear + "-" + Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["pad"])(this.inputMonth + 1);
  4597. },
  4598. tableMonth: function tableMonth() {
  4599. return Number((this.pickerDate || this.tableDate).split('-')[1]) - 1;
  4600. },
  4601. tableYear: function tableYear() {
  4602. return Number((this.pickerDate || this.tableDate).split('-')[0]);
  4603. },
  4604. minMonth: function minMonth() {
  4605. return this.min ? sanitizeDateString(this.min, 'month') : null;
  4606. },
  4607. maxMonth: function maxMonth() {
  4608. return this.max ? sanitizeDateString(this.max, 'month') : null;
  4609. },
  4610. minYear: function minYear() {
  4611. return this.min ? sanitizeDateString(this.min, 'year') : null;
  4612. },
  4613. maxYear: function maxYear() {
  4614. return this.max ? sanitizeDateString(this.max, 'year') : null;
  4615. },
  4616. formatters: function formatters() {
  4617. return {
  4618. year: this.yearFormat || Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["createNativeLocaleFormatter"])(this.locale, { year: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' }, { length: 4 }),
  4619. titleDate: this.titleDateFormat || (this.multiple ? this.defaultTitleMultipleDateFormatter : this.defaultTitleDateFormatter)
  4620. };
  4621. },
  4622. defaultTitleMultipleDateFormatter: function defaultTitleMultipleDateFormatter() {
  4623. var _this = this;
  4624. if (this.value.length < 2) {
  4625. return function (dates) {
  4626. return dates.length ? _this.defaultTitleDateFormatter(dates[0]) : '0 selected';
  4627. };
  4628. }
  4629. return function (dates) {
  4630. return dates.length + " selected";
  4631. };
  4632. },
  4633. defaultTitleDateFormatter: function defaultTitleDateFormatter() {
  4634. var titleFormats = {
  4635. year: { year: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' },
  4636. month: { month: 'long', timeZone: 'UTC' },
  4637. date: { weekday: 'short', month: 'short', day: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' }
  4638. };
  4639. var titleDateFormatter = Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["createNativeLocaleFormatter"])(this.locale, titleFormats[this.type], {
  4640. start: 0,
  4641. length: { date: 10, month: 7, year: 4 }[this.type]
  4642. });
  4643. var landscapeFormatter = function landscapeFormatter(date) {
  4644. return titleDateFormatter(date).replace(/([^\d\s])([\d])/g, function (match, nonDigit, digit) {
  4645. return nonDigit + " " + digit;
  4646. }).replace(', ', ',<br>');
  4647. };
  4648. return this.landscape ? landscapeFormatter : titleDateFormatter;
  4649. }
  4650. },
  4651. watch: {
  4652. tableDate: function tableDate(val, prev) {
  4653. // Make a ISO 8601 strings from val and prev for comparision, otherwise it will incorrectly
  4654. // compare for example '2000-9' and '2000-10'
  4655. var sanitizeType = this.type === 'month' ? 'year' : 'month';
  4656. this.isReversing = sanitizeDateString(val, sanitizeType) < sanitizeDateString(prev, sanitizeType);
  4657. this.$emit('update:pickerDate', val);
  4658. },
  4659. pickerDate: function pickerDate(val) {
  4660. if (val) {
  4661. this.tableDate = val;
  4662. } else if (this.lastValue && this.type === 'date') {
  4663. this.tableDate = sanitizeDateString(this.lastValue, 'month');
  4664. } else if (this.lastValue && this.type === 'month') {
  4665. this.tableDate = sanitizeDateString(this.lastValue, 'year');
  4666. }
  4667. },
  4668. value: function value(newValue, oldValue) {
  4669. this.checkMultipleProp();
  4670. this.setInputDate();
  4671. if (!this.multiple && this.value && !this.pickerDate) {
  4672. this.tableDate = sanitizeDateString(this.inputDate, this.type === 'month' ? 'year' : 'month');
  4673. } else if (this.multiple && this.value.length && !oldValue.length && !this.pickerDate) {
  4674. this.tableDate = sanitizeDateString(this.inputDate, this.type === 'month' ? 'year' : 'month');
  4675. }
  4676. },
  4677. type: function type(_type) {
  4678. this.activePicker = _type.toUpperCase();
  4679. if (this.value && this.value.length) {
  4680. var output = (this.multiple ? this.value : [this.value]).map(function (val) {
  4681. return sanitizeDateString(val, _type);
  4682. }).filter(this.isDateAllowed);
  4683. this.$emit('input', this.multiple ? output : output[0]);
  4684. }
  4685. }
  4686. },
  4687. created: function created() {
  4688. this.checkMultipleProp();
  4689. if (this.pickerDate !== this.tableDate) {
  4690. this.$emit('update:pickerDate', this.tableDate);
  4691. }
  4692. this.setInputDate();
  4693. },
  4694. methods: {
  4695. emitInput: function emitInput(newInput) {
  4696. var output = this.multiple ? this.value.indexOf(newInput) === -1 ? this.value.concat([newInput]) : this.value.filter(function (x) {
  4697. return x !== newInput;
  4698. }) : newInput;
  4699. this.$emit('input', output);
  4700. this.multiple || this.$emit('change', newInput);
  4701. },
  4702. checkMultipleProp: function checkMultipleProp() {
  4703. if (this.value == null) return;
  4704. var valueType = this.value.constructor.name;
  4705. var expected = this.multiple ? 'Array' : 'String';
  4706. if (valueType !== expected) {
  4707. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["consoleWarn"])("Value must be " + (this.multiple ? 'an' : 'a') + " " + expected + ", got " + valueType, this);
  4708. }
  4709. },
  4710. isDateAllowed: function isDateAllowed(value) {
  4711. return Object(_util_isDateAllowed__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["default"])(value, this.min, this.max, this.allowedDates);
  4712. },
  4713. yearClick: function yearClick(value) {
  4714. this.inputYear = value;
  4715. if (this.type === 'month') {
  4716. this.tableDate = "" + value;
  4717. } else {
  4718. this.tableDate = value + "-" + Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["pad"])((this.tableMonth || 0) + 1);
  4719. }
  4720. this.activePicker = 'MONTH';
  4721. if (this.reactive && !this.readonly && !this.multiple && this.isDateAllowed(this.inputDate)) {
  4722. this.$emit('input', this.inputDate);
  4723. }
  4724. },
  4725. monthClick: function monthClick(value) {
  4726. this.inputYear = parseInt(value.split('-')[0], 10);
  4727. this.inputMonth = parseInt(value.split('-')[1], 10) - 1;
  4728. if (this.type === 'date') {
  4729. if (this.inputDay) {
  4730. this.inputDay = Math.min(this.inputDay, Object(_VCalendar_util_timestamp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["daysInMonth"])(this.inputYear, this.inputMonth + 1));
  4731. }
  4732. this.tableDate = value;
  4733. this.activePicker = 'DATE';
  4734. if (this.reactive && !this.readonly && !this.multiple && this.isDateAllowed(this.inputDate)) {
  4735. this.$emit('input', this.inputDate);
  4736. }
  4737. } else {
  4738. this.emitInput(this.inputDate);
  4739. }
  4740. },
  4741. dateClick: function dateClick(value) {
  4742. this.inputYear = parseInt(value.split('-')[0], 10);
  4743. this.inputMonth = parseInt(value.split('-')[1], 10) - 1;
  4744. this.inputDay = parseInt(value.split('-')[2], 10);
  4745. this.emitInput(this.inputDate);
  4746. },
  4747. genPickerTitle: function genPickerTitle() {
  4748. var _this = this;
  4749. return this.$createElement(_VDatePickerTitle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], {
  4750. props: {
  4751. date: this.value ? this.formatters.titleDate(this.value) : '',
  4752. disabled: this.disabled,
  4753. readonly: this.readonly,
  4754. selectingYear: this.activePicker === 'YEAR',
  4755. year: this.formatters.year(this.value ? "" + this.inputYear : this.tableDate),
  4756. yearIcon: this.yearIcon,
  4757. value: this.multiple ? this.value[0] : this.value
  4758. },
  4759. slot: 'title',
  4760. on: {
  4761. 'update:selectingYear': function updateSelectingYear(value) {
  4762. return _this.activePicker = value ? 'YEAR' : _this.type.toUpperCase();
  4763. }
  4764. }
  4765. });
  4766. },
  4767. genTableHeader: function genTableHeader() {
  4768. var _this = this;
  4769. return this.$createElement(_VDatePickerHeader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], {
  4770. props: {
  4771. nextIcon: this.nextIcon,
  4772. color: this.color,
  4773. dark: this.dark,
  4774. disabled: this.disabled,
  4775. format: this.headerDateFormat,
  4776. light: this.light,
  4777. locale: this.locale,
  4778. min: this.activePicker === 'DATE' ? this.minMonth : this.minYear,
  4779. max: this.activePicker === 'DATE' ? this.maxMonth : this.maxYear,
  4780. prevIcon: this.prevIcon,
  4781. readonly: this.readonly,
  4782. value: this.activePicker === 'DATE' ? Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["pad"])(this.tableYear, 4) + "-" + Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["pad"])(this.tableMonth + 1) : "" + Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["pad"])(this.tableYear, 4)
  4783. },
  4784. on: {
  4785. toggle: function toggle() {
  4786. return _this.activePicker = _this.activePicker === 'DATE' ? 'MONTH' : 'YEAR';
  4787. },
  4788. input: function input(value) {
  4789. return _this.tableDate = value;
  4790. }
  4791. }
  4792. });
  4793. },
  4794. genDateTable: function genDateTable() {
  4795. var _this = this;
  4796. return this.$createElement(_VDatePickerDateTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], {
  4797. props: {
  4798. allowedDates: this.allowedDates,
  4799. color: this.color,
  4800. current: this.current,
  4801. dark: this.dark,
  4802. disabled: this.disabled,
  4803. events: this.events,
  4804. eventColor: this.eventColor,
  4805. firstDayOfWeek: this.firstDayOfWeek,
  4806. format: this.dayFormat,
  4807. light: this.light,
  4808. locale: this.locale,
  4809. min: this.min,
  4810. max: this.max,
  4811. readonly: this.readonly,
  4812. scrollable: this.scrollable,
  4813. showWeek: this.showWeek,
  4814. tableDate: Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["pad"])(this.tableYear, 4) + "-" + Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["pad"])(this.tableMonth + 1),
  4815. value: this.value,
  4816. weekdayFormat: this.weekdayFormat
  4817. },
  4818. ref: 'table',
  4819. on: {
  4820. input: this.dateClick,
  4821. tableDate: function tableDate(value) {
  4822. return _this.tableDate = value;
  4823. },
  4824. 'click:date': function clickDate(value) {
  4825. return _this.$emit('click:date', value);
  4826. },
  4827. 'dblclick:date': function dblclickDate(value) {
  4828. return _this.$emit('dblclick:date', value);
  4829. }
  4830. }
  4831. });
  4832. },
  4833. genMonthTable: function genMonthTable() {
  4834. var _this = this;
  4835. return this.$createElement(_VDatePickerMonthTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], {
  4836. props: {
  4837. allowedDates: this.type === 'month' ? this.allowedDates : null,
  4838. color: this.color,
  4839. current: this.current ? sanitizeDateString(this.current, 'month') : null,
  4840. dark: this.dark,
  4841. disabled: this.disabled,
  4842. events: this.type === 'month' ? this.events : null,
  4843. eventColor: this.type === 'month' ? this.eventColor : null,
  4844. format: this.monthFormat,
  4845. light: this.light,
  4846. locale: this.locale,
  4847. min: this.minMonth,
  4848. max: this.maxMonth,
  4849. readonly: this.readonly && this.type === 'month',
  4850. scrollable: this.scrollable,
  4851. value: this.selectedMonths,
  4852. tableDate: "" + Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["pad"])(this.tableYear, 4)
  4853. },
  4854. ref: 'table',
  4855. on: {
  4856. input: this.monthClick,
  4857. tableDate: function tableDate(value) {
  4858. return _this.tableDate = value;
  4859. },
  4860. 'click:month': function clickMonth(value) {
  4861. return _this.$emit('click:month', value);
  4862. },
  4863. 'dblclick:month': function dblclickMonth(value) {
  4864. return _this.$emit('dblclick:month', value);
  4865. }
  4866. }
  4867. });
  4868. },
  4869. genYears: function genYears() {
  4870. return this.$createElement(_VDatePickerYears__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], {
  4871. props: {
  4872. color: this.color,
  4873. format: this.yearFormat,
  4874. locale: this.locale,
  4875. min: this.minYear,
  4876. max: this.maxYear,
  4877. value: this.tableYear
  4878. },
  4879. on: {
  4880. input: this.yearClick
  4881. }
  4882. });
  4883. },
  4884. genPickerBody: function genPickerBody() {
  4885. var children = this.activePicker === 'YEAR' ? [this.genYears()] : [this.genTableHeader(), this.activePicker === 'DATE' ? this.genDateTable() : this.genMonthTable()];
  4886. return this.$createElement('div', {
  4887. key: this.activePicker
  4888. }, children);
  4889. },
  4890. setInputDate: function setInputDate() {
  4891. if (this.lastValue) {
  4892. var array = this.lastValue.split('-');
  4893. this.inputYear = parseInt(array[0], 10);
  4894. this.inputMonth = parseInt(array[1], 10) - 1;
  4895. if (this.type === 'date') {
  4896. this.inputDay = parseInt(array[2], 10);
  4897. }
  4898. } else {
  4899. this.inputYear = this.inputYear || this.now.getFullYear();
  4900. this.inputMonth = this.inputMonth == null ? this.inputMonth : this.now.getMonth();
  4901. this.inputDay = this.inputDay || this.now.getDate();
  4902. }
  4903. }
  4904. },
  4905. render: function render() {
  4906. return this.genPicker('v-picker--date');
  4907. }
  4908. }));
  4909. /***/ }),
  4910. /***/ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerDateTable.ts":
  4911. /*!************************************************************!*\
  4912. !*** ./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerDateTable.ts ***!
  4913. \************************************************************/
  4914. /*! exports provided: default */
  4915. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  4916. "use strict";
  4917. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  4918. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_date_picker_table__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/date-picker-table */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/mixins/date-picker-table.ts");
  4919. /* harmony import */ var _util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/index.ts");
  4920. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  4921. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  4922. // Mixins
  4923. // Utils
  4924. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(_mixins_date_picker_table__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]
  4925. /* @vue/component */
  4926. ).extend({
  4927. name: 'v-date-picker-date-table',
  4928. props: {
  4929. firstDayOfWeek: {
  4930. type: [String, Number],
  4931. default: 0
  4932. },
  4933. showWeek: Boolean,
  4934. weekdayFormat: Function
  4935. },
  4936. computed: {
  4937. formatter: function formatter() {
  4938. return this.format || Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["createNativeLocaleFormatter"])(this.locale, { day: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' }, { start: 8, length: 2 });
  4939. },
  4940. weekdayFormatter: function weekdayFormatter() {
  4941. return this.weekdayFormat || Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["createNativeLocaleFormatter"])(this.locale, { weekday: 'narrow', timeZone: 'UTC' });
  4942. },
  4943. weekDays: function weekDays() {
  4944. var _this = this;
  4945. var first = parseInt(this.firstDayOfWeek, 10);
  4946. return this.weekdayFormatter ? Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["createRange"])(7).map(function (i) {
  4947. return _this.weekdayFormatter("2017-01-" + (first + i + 15));
  4948. }) // 2017-01-15 is Sunday
  4949. : Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["createRange"])(7).map(function (i) {
  4950. return ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S'][(i + first) % 7];
  4951. });
  4952. }
  4953. },
  4954. methods: {
  4955. calculateTableDate: function calculateTableDate(delta) {
  4956. return Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["monthChange"])(this.tableDate, Math.sign(delta || 1));
  4957. },
  4958. genTHead: function genTHead() {
  4959. var _this = this;
  4960. var days = this.weekDays.map(function (day) {
  4961. return _this.$createElement('th', day);
  4962. });
  4963. this.showWeek && days.unshift(this.$createElement('th'));
  4964. return this.$createElement('thead', this.genTR(days));
  4965. },
  4966. // Returns number of the days from the firstDayOfWeek to the first day of the current month
  4967. weekDaysBeforeFirstDayOfTheMonth: function weekDaysBeforeFirstDayOfTheMonth() {
  4968. var firstDayOfTheMonth = new Date(this.displayedYear + "-" + Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["pad"])(this.displayedMonth + 1) + "-01T00:00:00+00:00");
  4969. var weekDay = firstDayOfTheMonth.getUTCDay();
  4970. return (weekDay - parseInt(this.firstDayOfWeek) + 7) % 7;
  4971. },
  4972. getWeekNumber: function getWeekNumber() {
  4973. var dayOfYear = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334][this.displayedMonth];
  4974. if (this.displayedMonth > 1 && (this.displayedYear % 4 === 0 && this.displayedYear % 100 !== 0 || this.displayedYear % 400 === 0)) {
  4975. dayOfYear++;
  4976. }
  4977. var offset = (this.displayedYear + (this.displayedYear - 1 >> 2) - Math.floor((this.displayedYear - 1) / 100) + Math.floor((this.displayedYear - 1) / 400) - Number(this.firstDayOfWeek)) % 7; // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeller%27s_congruence
  4978. return Math.floor((dayOfYear + offset) / 7) + 1;
  4979. },
  4980. genWeekNumber: function genWeekNumber(weekNumber) {
  4981. return this.$createElement('td', [this.$createElement('small', {
  4982. staticClass: 'v-date-picker-table--date__week'
  4983. }, String(weekNumber).padStart(2, '0'))]);
  4984. },
  4985. genTBody: function genTBody() {
  4986. var children = [];
  4987. var daysInMonth = new Date(this.displayedYear, this.displayedMonth + 1, 0).getDate();
  4988. var rows = [];
  4989. var day = this.weekDaysBeforeFirstDayOfTheMonth();
  4990. var weekNumber = this.getWeekNumber();
  4991. this.showWeek && rows.push(this.genWeekNumber(weekNumber++));
  4992. while (day--) {
  4993. rows.push(this.$createElement('td'));
  4994. }for (day = 1; day <= daysInMonth; day++) {
  4995. var date = this.displayedYear + "-" + Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["pad"])(this.displayedMonth + 1) + "-" + Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["pad"])(day);
  4996. rows.push(this.$createElement('td', [this.genButton(date, true, 'date', this.formatter)]));
  4997. if (rows.length % (this.showWeek ? 8 : 7) === 0) {
  4998. children.push(this.genTR(rows));
  4999. rows = [];
  5000. day < daysInMonth && this.showWeek && rows.push(this.genWeekNumber(weekNumber++));
  5001. }
  5002. }
  5003. if (rows.length) {
  5004. children.push(this.genTR(rows));
  5005. }
  5006. return this.$createElement('tbody', children);
  5007. },
  5008. genTR: function genTR(children) {
  5009. return [this.$createElement('tr', children)];
  5010. }
  5011. },
  5012. render: function render() {
  5013. return this.genTable('v-date-picker-table v-date-picker-table--date', [this.genTHead(), this.genTBody()], this.calculateTableDate);
  5014. }
  5015. }));
  5016. /***/ }),
  5017. /***/ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerHeader.ts":
  5018. /*!*********************************************************!*\
  5019. !*** ./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerHeader.ts ***!
  5020. \*********************************************************/
  5021. /*! exports provided: default */
  5022. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5023. "use strict";
  5024. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  5025. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_date_picker_header_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_date-picker-header.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_date-picker-header.styl");
  5026. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_date_picker_header_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_date_picker_header_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  5027. /* harmony import */ var _VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VBtn */ "./src/components/VBtn/index.ts");
  5028. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  5029. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  5030. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  5031. /* harmony import */ var _util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/index.ts");
  5032. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  5033. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  5034. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  5035. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  5036. s = arguments[i];
  5037. for (var p in s) {
  5038. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  5039. }
  5040. }
  5041. return t;
  5042. };
  5043. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  5044. };
  5045. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  5046. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  5047. if (!m) return o;
  5048. var i = m.call(o),
  5049. r,
  5050. ar = [],
  5051. e;
  5052. try {
  5053. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  5054. ar.push(r.value);
  5055. }
  5056. } catch (error) {
  5057. e = { error: error };
  5058. } finally {
  5059. try {
  5060. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  5061. } finally {
  5062. if (e) throw e.error;
  5063. }
  5064. }
  5065. return ar;
  5066. };
  5067. // Components
  5068. // Mixins
  5069. // Utils
  5070. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]
  5071. /* @vue/component */
  5072. ).extend({
  5073. name: 'v-date-picker-header',
  5074. props: {
  5075. disabled: Boolean,
  5076. format: Function,
  5077. locale: {
  5078. type: String,
  5079. default: 'en-us'
  5080. },
  5081. min: String,
  5082. max: String,
  5083. nextIcon: {
  5084. type: String,
  5085. default: '$vuetify.icons.next'
  5086. },
  5087. prevIcon: {
  5088. type: String,
  5089. default: '$vuetify.icons.prev'
  5090. },
  5091. readonly: Boolean,
  5092. value: {
  5093. type: [Number, String],
  5094. required: true
  5095. }
  5096. },
  5097. data: function data() {
  5098. return {
  5099. isReversing: false
  5100. };
  5101. },
  5102. computed: {
  5103. formatter: function formatter() {
  5104. if (this.format) {
  5105. return this.format;
  5106. } else if (String(this.value).split('-')[1]) {
  5107. return Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["createNativeLocaleFormatter"])(this.locale, { month: 'long', year: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' }, { length: 7 });
  5108. } else {
  5109. return Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["createNativeLocaleFormatter"])(this.locale, { year: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' }, { length: 4 });
  5110. }
  5111. }
  5112. },
  5113. watch: {
  5114. value: function value(newVal, oldVal) {
  5115. this.isReversing = newVal < oldVal;
  5116. }
  5117. },
  5118. methods: {
  5119. genBtn: function genBtn(change) {
  5120. var _this = this;
  5121. var disabled = this.disabled || change < 0 && this.min && this.calculateChange(change) < this.min || change > 0 && this.max && this.calculateChange(change) > this.max;
  5122. return this.$createElement(_VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], {
  5123. props: {
  5124. dark: this.dark,
  5125. disabled: disabled,
  5126. icon: true,
  5127. light: this.light
  5128. },
  5129. nativeOn: {
  5130. click: function click(e) {
  5131. e.stopPropagation();
  5132. _this.$emit('input', _this.calculateChange(change));
  5133. }
  5134. }
  5135. }, [this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], change < 0 === !this.$vuetify.rtl ? this.prevIcon : this.nextIcon)]);
  5136. },
  5137. calculateChange: function calculateChange(sign) {
  5138. var _a = __read(String(this.value).split('-').map(Number), 2),
  5139. year = _a[0],
  5140. month = _a[1];
  5141. if (month == null) {
  5142. return "" + (year + sign);
  5143. } else {
  5144. return Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["monthChange"])(String(this.value), sign);
  5145. }
  5146. },
  5147. genHeader: function genHeader() {
  5148. var _this = this;
  5149. var color = !this.disabled && (this.color || 'accent');
  5150. var header = this.$createElement('div', this.setTextColor(color, {
  5151. key: String(this.value)
  5152. }), [this.$createElement('button', {
  5153. attrs: {
  5154. type: 'button'
  5155. },
  5156. on: {
  5157. click: function click() {
  5158. return _this.$emit('toggle');
  5159. }
  5160. }
  5161. }, [this.$slots.default || this.formatter(String(this.value))])]);
  5162. var transition = this.$createElement('transition', {
  5163. props: {
  5164. name: this.isReversing === !this.$vuetify.rtl ? 'tab-reverse-transition' : 'tab-transition'
  5165. }
  5166. }, [header]);
  5167. return this.$createElement('div', {
  5168. staticClass: 'v-date-picker-header__value',
  5169. class: {
  5170. 'v-date-picker-header__value--disabled': this.disabled
  5171. }
  5172. }, [transition]);
  5173. }
  5174. },
  5175. render: function render() {
  5176. return this.$createElement('div', {
  5177. staticClass: 'v-date-picker-header',
  5178. class: __assign({ 'v-date-picker-header--disabled': this.disabled }, this.themeClasses)
  5179. }, [this.genBtn(-1), this.genHeader(), this.genBtn(+1)]);
  5180. }
  5181. }));
  5182. /***/ }),
  5183. /***/ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerMonthTable.ts":
  5184. /*!*************************************************************!*\
  5185. !*** ./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerMonthTable.ts ***!
  5186. \*************************************************************/
  5187. /*! exports provided: default */
  5188. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5189. "use strict";
  5190. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  5191. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_date_picker_table__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/date-picker-table */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/mixins/date-picker-table.ts");
  5192. /* harmony import */ var _util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/index.ts");
  5193. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  5194. // Mixins
  5195. // Utils
  5196. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"])(_mixins_date_picker_table__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]
  5197. /* @vue/component */
  5198. ).extend({
  5199. name: 'v-date-picker-month-table',
  5200. computed: {
  5201. formatter: function formatter() {
  5202. return this.format || Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["createNativeLocaleFormatter"])(this.locale, { month: 'short', timeZone: 'UTC' }, { start: 5, length: 2 });
  5203. }
  5204. },
  5205. methods: {
  5206. calculateTableDate: function calculateTableDate(delta) {
  5207. return "" + (parseInt(this.tableDate, 10) + Math.sign(delta || 1));
  5208. },
  5209. genTBody: function genTBody() {
  5210. var _this = this;
  5211. var children = [];
  5212. var cols = Array(3).fill(null);
  5213. var rows = 12 / cols.length;
  5214. var _loop_1 = function _loop_1(row) {
  5215. var tds = cols.map(function (_, col) {
  5216. var month = row * cols.length + col;
  5217. var date = _this.displayedYear + "-" + Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["pad"])(month + 1);
  5218. return _this.$createElement('td', {
  5219. key: month
  5220. }, [_this.genButton(date, false, 'month', _this.formatter)]);
  5221. });
  5222. children.push(this_1.$createElement('tr', {
  5223. key: row
  5224. }, tds));
  5225. };
  5226. var this_1 = this;
  5227. for (var row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
  5228. _loop_1(row);
  5229. }
  5230. return this.$createElement('tbody', children);
  5231. }
  5232. },
  5233. render: function render() {
  5234. return this.genTable('v-date-picker-table v-date-picker-table--month', [this.genTBody()], this.calculateTableDate);
  5235. }
  5236. }));
  5237. /***/ }),
  5238. /***/ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerTitle.ts":
  5239. /*!********************************************************!*\
  5240. !*** ./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerTitle.ts ***!
  5241. \********************************************************/
  5242. /*! exports provided: default */
  5243. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5244. "use strict";
  5245. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  5246. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_date_picker_title_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_date-picker-title.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_date-picker-title.styl");
  5247. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_date_picker_title_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_date_picker_title_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  5248. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  5249. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_picker_button__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/picker-button */ "./src/mixins/picker-button.ts");
  5250. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  5251. // Components
  5252. // Mixins
  5253. // Utils
  5254. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(_mixins_picker_button__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]
  5255. /* @vue/component */
  5256. ).extend({
  5257. name: 'v-date-picker-title',
  5258. props: {
  5259. date: {
  5260. type: String,
  5261. default: ''
  5262. },
  5263. disabled: Boolean,
  5264. readonly: Boolean,
  5265. selectingYear: Boolean,
  5266. value: {
  5267. type: String
  5268. },
  5269. year: {
  5270. type: [Number, String],
  5271. default: ''
  5272. },
  5273. yearIcon: {
  5274. type: String
  5275. }
  5276. },
  5277. data: function data() {
  5278. return {
  5279. isReversing: false
  5280. };
  5281. },
  5282. computed: {
  5283. computedTransition: function computedTransition() {
  5284. return this.isReversing ? 'picker-reverse-transition' : 'picker-transition';
  5285. }
  5286. },
  5287. watch: {
  5288. value: function value(val, prev) {
  5289. this.isReversing = val < prev;
  5290. }
  5291. },
  5292. methods: {
  5293. genYearIcon: function genYearIcon() {
  5294. return this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], {
  5295. props: {
  5296. dark: true
  5297. }
  5298. }, this.yearIcon);
  5299. },
  5300. getYearBtn: function getYearBtn() {
  5301. return this.genPickerButton('selectingYear', true, [String(this.year), this.yearIcon ? this.genYearIcon() : null], false, 'v-date-picker-title__year');
  5302. },
  5303. genTitleText: function genTitleText() {
  5304. return this.$createElement('transition', {
  5305. props: {
  5306. name: this.computedTransition
  5307. }
  5308. }, [this.$createElement('div', {
  5309. domProps: { innerHTML: this.date || '&nbsp;' },
  5310. key: this.value
  5311. })]);
  5312. },
  5313. genTitleDate: function genTitleDate() {
  5314. return this.genPickerButton('selectingYear', false, [this.genTitleText()], false, 'v-date-picker-title__date');
  5315. }
  5316. },
  5317. render: function render(h) {
  5318. return h('div', {
  5319. staticClass: 'v-date-picker-title',
  5320. 'class': {
  5321. 'v-date-picker-title--disabled': this.disabled
  5322. }
  5323. }, [this.getYearBtn(), this.genTitleDate()]);
  5324. }
  5325. }));
  5326. /***/ }),
  5327. /***/ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerYears.ts":
  5328. /*!********************************************************!*\
  5329. !*** ./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerYears.ts ***!
  5330. \********************************************************/
  5331. /*! exports provided: default */
  5332. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5333. "use strict";
  5334. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  5335. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_date_picker_years_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_date-picker-years.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_date-picker-years.styl");
  5336. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_date_picker_years_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_date_picker_years_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  5337. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  5338. /* harmony import */ var _util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/index.ts");
  5339. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  5340. // Mixins
  5341. // Utils
  5342. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]
  5343. /* @vue/component */
  5344. ).extend({
  5345. name: 'v-date-picker-years',
  5346. props: {
  5347. format: Function,
  5348. locale: {
  5349. type: String,
  5350. default: 'en-us'
  5351. },
  5352. min: [Number, String],
  5353. max: [Number, String],
  5354. readonly: Boolean,
  5355. value: [Number, String]
  5356. },
  5357. data: function data() {
  5358. return {
  5359. defaultColor: 'primary'
  5360. };
  5361. },
  5362. computed: {
  5363. formatter: function formatter() {
  5364. return this.format || Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["createNativeLocaleFormatter"])(this.locale, { year: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' }, { length: 4 });
  5365. }
  5366. },
  5367. mounted: function mounted() {
  5368. var _this = this;
  5369. setTimeout(function () {
  5370. var activeItem = _this.$el.getElementsByClassName('active')[0];
  5371. if (activeItem) {
  5372. _this.$el.scrollTop = activeItem.offsetTop - _this.$el.offsetHeight / 2 + activeItem.offsetHeight / 2;
  5373. } else {
  5374. _this.$el.scrollTop = _this.$el.scrollHeight / 2 - _this.$el.offsetHeight / 2;
  5375. }
  5376. });
  5377. },
  5378. methods: {
  5379. genYearItem: function genYearItem(year) {
  5380. var _this = this;
  5381. var formatted = this.formatter("" + year);
  5382. var active = parseInt(this.value, 10) === year;
  5383. var color = active && (this.color || 'primary');
  5384. return this.$createElement('li', this.setTextColor(color, {
  5385. key: year,
  5386. 'class': { active: active },
  5387. on: {
  5388. click: function click() {
  5389. return _this.$emit('input', year);
  5390. }
  5391. }
  5392. }), formatted);
  5393. },
  5394. genYearItems: function genYearItems() {
  5395. var children = [];
  5396. var selectedYear = this.value ? parseInt(this.value, 10) : new Date().getFullYear();
  5397. var maxYear = this.max ? parseInt(this.max, 10) : selectedYear + 100;
  5398. var minYear = Math.min(maxYear, this.min ? parseInt(this.min, 10) : selectedYear - 100);
  5399. for (var year = maxYear; year >= minYear; year--) {
  5400. children.push(this.genYearItem(year));
  5401. }
  5402. return children;
  5403. }
  5404. },
  5405. render: function render() {
  5406. return this.$createElement('ul', {
  5407. staticClass: 'v-date-picker-years',
  5408. ref: 'years'
  5409. }, this.genYearItems());
  5410. }
  5411. }));
  5412. /***/ }),
  5413. /***/ "./src/components/VDatePicker/index.js":
  5414. /*!*********************************************!*\
  5415. !*** ./src/components/VDatePicker/index.js ***!
  5416. \*********************************************/
  5417. /*! exports provided: VDatePicker, VDatePickerTitle, VDatePickerHeader, VDatePickerDateTable, VDatePickerMonthTable, VDatePickerYears, default */
  5418. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5419. "use strict";
  5420. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  5421. /* harmony import */ var _VDatePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDatePicker */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePicker.ts");
  5422. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDatePicker", function() { return _VDatePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  5423. /* harmony import */ var _VDatePickerTitle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDatePickerTitle */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerTitle.ts");
  5424. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDatePickerTitle", function() { return _VDatePickerTitle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  5425. /* harmony import */ var _VDatePickerHeader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDatePickerHeader */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerHeader.ts");
  5426. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDatePickerHeader", function() { return _VDatePickerHeader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]; });
  5427. /* harmony import */ var _VDatePickerDateTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDatePickerDateTable */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerDateTable.ts");
  5428. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDatePickerDateTable", function() { return _VDatePickerDateTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]; });
  5429. /* harmony import */ var _VDatePickerMonthTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDatePickerMonthTable */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerMonthTable.ts");
  5430. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDatePickerMonthTable", function() { return _VDatePickerMonthTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]; });
  5431. /* harmony import */ var _VDatePickerYears__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDatePickerYears */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/VDatePickerYears.ts");
  5432. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDatePickerYears", function() { return _VDatePickerYears__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"]; });
  5433. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  5434. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  5435. VDatePicker: _VDatePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  5436. VDatePickerTitle: _VDatePickerTitle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  5437. VDatePickerHeader: _VDatePickerHeader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"],
  5438. VDatePickerDateTable: _VDatePickerDateTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"],
  5439. VDatePickerMonthTable: _VDatePickerMonthTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"],
  5440. VDatePickerYears: _VDatePickerYears__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"]
  5441. }
  5442. });
  5443. /***/ }),
  5444. /***/ "./src/components/VDatePicker/mixins/date-picker-table.ts":
  5445. /*!****************************************************************!*\
  5446. !*** ./src/components/VDatePicker/mixins/date-picker-table.ts ***!
  5447. \****************************************************************/
  5448. /*! exports provided: default */
  5449. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5450. "use strict";
  5451. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  5452. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_date_picker_table_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../stylus/components/_date-picker-table.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_date-picker-table.styl");
  5453. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_date_picker_table_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_date_picker_table_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  5454. /* harmony import */ var _directives_touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../directives/touch */ "./src/directives/touch.ts");
  5455. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  5456. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  5457. /* harmony import */ var _util_isDateAllowed__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isDateAllowed */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/isDateAllowed.ts");
  5458. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  5459. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  5460. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  5461. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  5462. s = arguments[i];
  5463. for (var p in s) {
  5464. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  5465. }
  5466. }
  5467. return t;
  5468. };
  5469. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  5470. };
  5471. // Directives
  5472. // Mixins
  5473. // Utils
  5474. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]
  5475. /* @vue/component */
  5476. ).extend({
  5477. directives: { Touch: _directives_touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"] },
  5478. props: {
  5479. allowedDates: Function,
  5480. current: String,
  5481. disabled: Boolean,
  5482. format: Function,
  5483. events: {
  5484. type: [Array, Function, Object],
  5485. default: function _default() {
  5486. return null;
  5487. }
  5488. },
  5489. eventColor: {
  5490. type: [Array, Function, Object, String],
  5491. default: function _default() {
  5492. return 'warning';
  5493. }
  5494. },
  5495. locale: {
  5496. type: String,
  5497. default: 'en-us'
  5498. },
  5499. min: String,
  5500. max: String,
  5501. readonly: Boolean,
  5502. scrollable: Boolean,
  5503. tableDate: {
  5504. type: String,
  5505. required: true
  5506. },
  5507. value: [String, Array]
  5508. },
  5509. data: function data() {
  5510. return {
  5511. isReversing: false
  5512. };
  5513. },
  5514. computed: {
  5515. computedTransition: function computedTransition() {
  5516. return this.isReversing === !this.$vuetify.rtl ? 'tab-reverse-transition' : 'tab-transition';
  5517. },
  5518. displayedMonth: function displayedMonth() {
  5519. return Number(this.tableDate.split('-')[1]) - 1;
  5520. },
  5521. displayedYear: function displayedYear() {
  5522. return Number(this.tableDate.split('-')[0]);
  5523. }
  5524. },
  5525. watch: {
  5526. tableDate: function tableDate(newVal, oldVal) {
  5527. this.isReversing = newVal < oldVal;
  5528. }
  5529. },
  5530. methods: {
  5531. genButtonClasses: function genButtonClasses(isAllowed, isFloating, isSelected, isCurrent) {
  5532. return __assign({ 'v-btn--active': isSelected, 'v-btn--flat': !isSelected, 'v-btn--icon': isSelected && isAllowed && isFloating, 'v-btn--floating': isFloating, 'v-btn--depressed': !isFloating && isSelected, 'v-btn--disabled': !isAllowed || this.disabled && isSelected, 'v-btn--outline': isCurrent && !isSelected }, this.themeClasses);
  5533. },
  5534. genButtonEvents: function genButtonEvents(value, isAllowed, mouseEventType) {
  5535. var _this = this;
  5536. if (this.disabled) return undefined;
  5537. return {
  5538. click: function click() {
  5539. isAllowed && !_this.readonly && _this.$emit('input', value);
  5540. _this.$emit("click:" + mouseEventType, value);
  5541. },
  5542. dblclick: function dblclick() {
  5543. return _this.$emit("dblclick:" + mouseEventType, value);
  5544. }
  5545. };
  5546. },
  5547. genButton: function genButton(value, isFloating, mouseEventType, formatter) {
  5548. var isAllowed = Object(_util_isDateAllowed__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(value, this.min, this.max, this.allowedDates);
  5549. var isSelected = value === this.value || Array.isArray(this.value) && this.value.indexOf(value) !== -1;
  5550. var isCurrent = value === this.current;
  5551. var setColor = isSelected ? this.setBackgroundColor : this.setTextColor;
  5552. var color = (isSelected || isCurrent) && (this.color || 'accent');
  5553. return this.$createElement('button', setColor(color, {
  5554. staticClass: 'v-btn',
  5555. 'class': this.genButtonClasses(isAllowed, isFloating, isSelected, isCurrent),
  5556. attrs: {
  5557. type: 'button'
  5558. },
  5559. domProps: {
  5560. disabled: this.disabled || !isAllowed
  5561. },
  5562. on: this.genButtonEvents(value, isAllowed, mouseEventType)
  5563. }), [this.$createElement('div', {
  5564. staticClass: 'v-btn__content'
  5565. }, [formatter(value)]), this.genEvents(value)]);
  5566. },
  5567. getEventColors: function getEventColors(date) {
  5568. var arrayize = function arrayize(v) {
  5569. return Array.isArray(v) ? v : [v];
  5570. };
  5571. var eventData;
  5572. var eventColors = [];
  5573. if (Array.isArray(this.events)) {
  5574. eventData = this.events.includes(date);
  5575. } else if (this.events instanceof Function) {
  5576. eventData = this.events(date) || false;
  5577. } else if (this.events) {
  5578. eventData = this.events[date] || false;
  5579. } else {
  5580. eventData = false;
  5581. }
  5582. if (!eventData) {
  5583. return [];
  5584. } else if (eventData !== true) {
  5585. eventColors = arrayize(eventData);
  5586. } else if (typeof this.eventColor === 'string') {
  5587. eventColors = [this.eventColor];
  5588. } else if (typeof this.eventColor === 'function') {
  5589. eventColors = arrayize(this.eventColor(date));
  5590. } else if (Array.isArray(this.eventColor)) {
  5591. eventColors = this.eventColor;
  5592. } else {
  5593. eventColors = arrayize(this.eventColor[date]);
  5594. }
  5595. return eventColors.filter(function (v) {
  5596. return v;
  5597. });
  5598. },
  5599. genEvents: function genEvents(date) {
  5600. var _this = this;
  5601. var eventColors = this.getEventColors(date);
  5602. return eventColors.length ? this.$createElement('div', {
  5603. staticClass: 'v-date-picker-table__events'
  5604. }, eventColors.map(function (color) {
  5605. return _this.$createElement('div', _this.setBackgroundColor(color));
  5606. })) : null;
  5607. },
  5608. wheel: function wheel(e, calculateTableDate) {
  5609. e.preventDefault();
  5610. this.$emit('tableDate', calculateTableDate(e.deltaY));
  5611. },
  5612. touch: function touch(value, calculateTableDate) {
  5613. this.$emit('tableDate', calculateTableDate(value));
  5614. },
  5615. genTable: function genTable(staticClass, children, calculateTableDate) {
  5616. var _this = this;
  5617. var transition = this.$createElement('transition', {
  5618. props: { name: this.computedTransition }
  5619. }, [this.$createElement('table', { key: this.tableDate }, children)]);
  5620. var touchDirective = {
  5621. name: 'touch',
  5622. value: {
  5623. left: function left(e) {
  5624. return e.offsetX < -15 && _this.touch(1, calculateTableDate);
  5625. },
  5626. right: function right(e) {
  5627. return e.offsetX > 15 && _this.touch(-1, calculateTableDate);
  5628. }
  5629. }
  5630. };
  5631. return this.$createElement('div', {
  5632. staticClass: staticClass,
  5633. class: __assign({ 'v-date-picker-table--disabled': this.disabled }, this.themeClasses),
  5634. on: !this.disabled && this.scrollable ? {
  5635. wheel: function wheel(e) {
  5636. return _this.wheel(e, calculateTableDate);
  5637. }
  5638. } : undefined,
  5639. directives: [touchDirective]
  5640. }, [transition]);
  5641. }
  5642. }
  5643. }));
  5644. /***/ }),
  5645. /***/ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/createNativeLocaleFormatter.ts":
  5646. /*!************************************************************************!*\
  5647. !*** ./src/components/VDatePicker/util/createNativeLocaleFormatter.ts ***!
  5648. \************************************************************************/
  5649. /*! exports provided: default */
  5650. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5651. "use strict";
  5652. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  5653. /* harmony import */ var _pad__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./pad */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/pad.ts");
  5654. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  5655. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  5656. if (!m) return o;
  5657. var i = m.call(o),
  5658. r,
  5659. ar = [],
  5660. e;
  5661. try {
  5662. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  5663. ar.push(r.value);
  5664. }
  5665. } catch (error) {
  5666. e = { error: error };
  5667. } finally {
  5668. try {
  5669. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  5670. } finally {
  5671. if (e) throw e.error;
  5672. }
  5673. }
  5674. return ar;
  5675. };
  5676. function createNativeLocaleFormatter(locale, options, substrOptions) {
  5677. if (substrOptions === void 0) {
  5678. substrOptions = { start: 0, length: 0 };
  5679. }
  5680. var makeIsoString = function makeIsoString(dateString) {
  5681. var _a = __read(dateString.trim().split(' ')[0].split('-'), 3),
  5682. year = _a[0],
  5683. month = _a[1],
  5684. date = _a[2];
  5685. return [Object(_pad__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(year, 4), Object(_pad__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(month || 1), Object(_pad__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(date || 1)].join('-');
  5686. };
  5687. try {
  5688. var intlFormatter_1 = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale || undefined, options);
  5689. return function (dateString) {
  5690. return intlFormatter_1.format(new Date(makeIsoString(dateString) + "T00:00:00+00:00"));
  5691. };
  5692. } catch (e) {
  5693. return substrOptions.start || substrOptions.length ? function (dateString) {
  5694. return makeIsoString(dateString).substr(substrOptions.start || 0, substrOptions.length);
  5695. } : undefined;
  5696. }
  5697. }
  5698. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (createNativeLocaleFormatter);
  5699. /***/ }),
  5700. /***/ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/index.ts":
  5701. /*!**************************************************!*\
  5702. !*** ./src/components/VDatePicker/util/index.ts ***!
  5703. \**************************************************/
  5704. /*! exports provided: createNativeLocaleFormatter, monthChange, pad */
  5705. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5706. "use strict";
  5707. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  5708. /* harmony import */ var _createNativeLocaleFormatter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./createNativeLocaleFormatter */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/createNativeLocaleFormatter.ts");
  5709. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "createNativeLocaleFormatter", function() { return _createNativeLocaleFormatter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  5710. /* harmony import */ var _monthChange__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./monthChange */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/monthChange.ts");
  5711. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "monthChange", function() { return _monthChange__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  5712. /* harmony import */ var _pad__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./pad */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/pad.ts");
  5713. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "pad", function() { return _pad__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]; });
  5714. /***/ }),
  5715. /***/ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/isDateAllowed.ts":
  5716. /*!**********************************************************!*\
  5717. !*** ./src/components/VDatePicker/util/isDateAllowed.ts ***!
  5718. \**********************************************************/
  5719. /*! exports provided: default */
  5720. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5721. "use strict";
  5722. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  5723. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "default", function() { return isDateAllowed; });
  5724. function isDateAllowed(date, min, max, allowedFn) {
  5725. return (!allowedFn || allowedFn(date)) && (!min || date >= min) && (!max || date <= max);
  5726. }
  5727. /***/ }),
  5728. /***/ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/monthChange.ts":
  5729. /*!********************************************************!*\
  5730. !*** ./src/components/VDatePicker/util/monthChange.ts ***!
  5731. \********************************************************/
  5732. /*! exports provided: default */
  5733. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5734. "use strict";
  5735. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  5736. /* harmony import */ var _pad__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./pad */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/pad.ts");
  5737. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  5738. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  5739. if (!m) return o;
  5740. var i = m.call(o),
  5741. r,
  5742. ar = [],
  5743. e;
  5744. try {
  5745. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  5746. ar.push(r.value);
  5747. }
  5748. } catch (error) {
  5749. e = { error: error };
  5750. } finally {
  5751. try {
  5752. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  5753. } finally {
  5754. if (e) throw e.error;
  5755. }
  5756. }
  5757. return ar;
  5758. };
  5759. /**
  5760. * @param {String} value YYYY-MM format
  5761. * @param {Number} sign -1 or +1
  5762. */
  5763. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (function (value, sign) {
  5764. var _a = __read(value.split('-').map(Number), 2),
  5765. year = _a[0],
  5766. month = _a[1];
  5767. if (month + sign === 0) {
  5768. return year - 1 + "-12";
  5769. } else if (month + sign === 13) {
  5770. return year + 1 + "-01";
  5771. } else {
  5772. return year + "-" + Object(_pad__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(month + sign);
  5773. }
  5774. });
  5775. /***/ }),
  5776. /***/ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/pad.ts":
  5777. /*!************************************************!*\
  5778. !*** ./src/components/VDatePicker/util/pad.ts ***!
  5779. \************************************************/
  5780. /*! exports provided: default */
  5781. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5782. "use strict";
  5783. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  5784. var padStart = function padStart(string, targetLength, padString) {
  5785. targetLength = targetLength >> 0;
  5786. string = String(string);
  5787. padString = String(padString);
  5788. if (string.length > targetLength) {
  5789. return String(string);
  5790. }
  5791. targetLength = targetLength - string.length;
  5792. if (targetLength > padString.length) {
  5793. padString += padString.repeat(targetLength / padString.length);
  5794. }
  5795. return padString.slice(0, targetLength) + String(string);
  5796. };
  5797. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (function (n, length) {
  5798. if (length === void 0) {
  5799. length = 2;
  5800. }
  5801. return padStart(n, length, '0');
  5802. });
  5803. /***/ }),
  5804. /***/ "./src/components/VDialog/VDialog.js":
  5805. /*!*******************************************!*\
  5806. !*** ./src/components/VDialog/VDialog.js ***!
  5807. \*******************************************/
  5808. /*! exports provided: default */
  5809. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  5810. "use strict";
  5811. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  5812. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_dialogs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_dialogs.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_dialogs.styl");
  5813. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_dialogs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_dialogs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  5814. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_dependent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/dependent */ "./src/mixins/dependent.ts");
  5815. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_detachable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/detachable */ "./src/mixins/detachable.js");
  5816. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_overlayable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/overlayable */ "./src/mixins/overlayable.ts");
  5817. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_returnable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/returnable */ "./src/mixins/returnable.ts");
  5818. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_stackable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/stackable */ "./src/mixins/stackable.ts");
  5819. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/toggleable */ "./src/mixins/toggleable.ts");
  5820. /* harmony import */ var _directives_click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/click-outside */ "./src/directives/click-outside.ts");
  5821. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  5822. /* harmony import */ var _util_ThemeProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/ThemeProvider */ "./src/util/ThemeProvider.ts");
  5823. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  5824. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  5825. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  5826. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  5827. s = arguments[i];
  5828. for (var p in s) {
  5829. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  5830. }
  5831. }
  5832. return t;
  5833. };
  5834. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  5835. };
  5836. // Mixins
  5837. // Directives
  5838. // Helpers
  5839. /* @vue/component */
  5840. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  5841. name: 'v-dialog',
  5842. directives: {
  5843. ClickOutside: _directives_click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["default"]
  5844. },
  5845. mixins: [_mixins_dependent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_detachable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_overlayable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_returnable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], _mixins_stackable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"], _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"]],
  5846. props: {
  5847. disabled: Boolean,
  5848. persistent: Boolean,
  5849. fullscreen: Boolean,
  5850. fullWidth: Boolean,
  5851. noClickAnimation: Boolean,
  5852. light: Boolean,
  5853. dark: Boolean,
  5854. maxWidth: {
  5855. type: [String, Number],
  5856. default: 'none'
  5857. },
  5858. origin: {
  5859. type: String,
  5860. default: 'center center'
  5861. },
  5862. width: {
  5863. type: [String, Number],
  5864. default: 'auto'
  5865. },
  5866. scrollable: Boolean,
  5867. transition: {
  5868. type: [String, Boolean],
  5869. default: 'dialog-transition'
  5870. }
  5871. },
  5872. data: function data() {
  5873. return {
  5874. animate: false,
  5875. animateTimeout: null,
  5876. stackClass: 'v-dialog__content--active',
  5877. stackMinZIndex: 200
  5878. };
  5879. },
  5880. computed: {
  5881. classes: function classes() {
  5882. var _a;
  5883. return _a = {}, _a[("v-dialog " + this.contentClass).trim()] = true, _a['v-dialog--active'] = this.isActive, _a['v-dialog--persistent'] = this.persistent, _a['v-dialog--fullscreen'] = this.fullscreen, _a['v-dialog--scrollable'] = this.scrollable, _a['v-dialog--animated'] = this.animate, _a;
  5884. },
  5885. contentClasses: function contentClasses() {
  5886. return {
  5887. 'v-dialog__content': true,
  5888. 'v-dialog__content--active': this.isActive
  5889. };
  5890. },
  5891. hasActivator: function hasActivator() {
  5892. return Boolean(!!this.$slots.activator || !!this.$scopedSlots.activator);
  5893. }
  5894. },
  5895. watch: {
  5896. isActive: function isActive(val) {
  5897. if (val) {
  5898. this.show();
  5899. this.hideScroll();
  5900. } else {
  5901. this.removeOverlay();
  5902. this.unbind();
  5903. }
  5904. },
  5905. fullscreen: function fullscreen(val) {
  5906. if (!this.isActive) return;
  5907. if (val) {
  5908. this.hideScroll();
  5909. this.removeOverlay(false);
  5910. } else {
  5911. this.showScroll();
  5912. this.genOverlay();
  5913. }
  5914. }
  5915. },
  5916. beforeMount: function beforeMount() {
  5917. var _this = this;
  5918. this.$nextTick(function () {
  5919. _this.isBooted = _this.isActive;
  5920. _this.isActive && _this.show();
  5921. });
  5922. },
  5923. mounted: function mounted() {
  5924. if (Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getSlotType"])(this, 'activator', true) === 'v-slot') {
  5925. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["consoleError"])("v-dialog's activator slot must be bound, try '<template #activator=\"data\"><v-btn v-on=\"data.on>'", this);
  5926. }
  5927. },
  5928. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  5929. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') this.unbind();
  5930. },
  5931. methods: {
  5932. animateClick: function animateClick() {
  5933. var _this = this;
  5934. this.animate = false;
  5935. // Needed for when clicking very fast
  5936. // outside of the dialog
  5937. this.$nextTick(function () {
  5938. _this.animate = true;
  5939. clearTimeout(_this.animateTimeout);
  5940. _this.animateTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
  5941. return _this.animate = false;
  5942. }, 150);
  5943. });
  5944. },
  5945. closeConditional: function closeConditional(e) {
  5946. // If the dialog content contains
  5947. // the click event, or if the
  5948. // dialog is not active
  5949. if (!this.isActive || this.$refs.content.contains(e.target)) return false;
  5950. // If we made it here, the click is outside
  5951. // and is active. If persistent, and the
  5952. // click is on the overlay, animate
  5953. if (this.persistent) {
  5954. if (!this.noClickAnimation && this.overlay === e.target) this.animateClick();
  5955. return false;
  5956. }
  5957. // close dialog if !persistent, clicked outside and we're the topmost dialog.
  5958. // Since this should only be called in a capture event (bottom up), we shouldn't need to stop propagation
  5959. return this.activeZIndex >= this.getMaxZIndex();
  5960. },
  5961. hideScroll: function hideScroll() {
  5962. if (this.fullscreen) {
  5963. document.documentElement.classList.add('overflow-y-hidden');
  5964. } else {
  5965. _mixins_overlayable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"].options.methods.hideScroll.call(this);
  5966. }
  5967. },
  5968. show: function show() {
  5969. !this.fullscreen && !this.hideOverlay && this.genOverlay();
  5970. this.$refs.content.focus();
  5971. this.bind();
  5972. },
  5973. bind: function bind() {
  5974. window.addEventListener('focusin', this.onFocusin);
  5975. },
  5976. unbind: function unbind() {
  5977. window.removeEventListener('focusin', this.onFocusin);
  5978. },
  5979. onKeydown: function onKeydown(e) {
  5980. if (e.keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["keyCodes"].esc && !this.getOpenDependents().length) {
  5981. if (!this.persistent) {
  5982. this.isActive = false;
  5983. var activator_1 = this.getActivator();
  5984. this.$nextTick(function () {
  5985. return activator_1 && activator_1.focus();
  5986. });
  5987. } else if (!this.noClickAnimation) {
  5988. this.animateClick();
  5989. }
  5990. }
  5991. this.$emit('keydown', e);
  5992. },
  5993. onFocusin: function onFocusin(e) {
  5994. var target = event.target;
  5995. if (
  5996. // It isn't the document or the dialog body
  5997. ![document, this.$refs.content].includes(target) &&
  5998. // It isn't inside the dialog body
  5999. !this.$refs.content.contains(target) &&
  6000. // We're the topmost dialog
  6001. this.activeZIndex >= this.getMaxZIndex() &&
  6002. // It isn't inside a dependent element (like a menu)
  6003. !this.getOpenDependentElements().some(function (el) {
  6004. return el.contains(target);
  6005. })
  6006. // So we must have focused something outside the dialog and its children
  6007. ) {
  6008. // Find and focus the first available element inside the dialog
  6009. var focusable = this.$refs.content.querySelectorAll('button, [href], input, select, textarea, [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"])');
  6010. focusable.length && focusable[0].focus();
  6011. }
  6012. },
  6013. getActivator: function getActivator(e) {
  6014. if (this.$refs.activator) {
  6015. return this.$refs.activator.children.length > 0 ? this.$refs.activator.children[0] : this.$refs.activator;
  6016. }
  6017. if (e) {
  6018. this.activatedBy = e.currentTarget || e.target;
  6019. }
  6020. if (this.activatedBy) return this.activatedBy;
  6021. if (this.activatorNode) {
  6022. var activator = Array.isArray(this.activatorNode) ? this.activatorNode[0] : this.activatorNode;
  6023. var el = activator && activator.elm;
  6024. if (el) return el;
  6025. }
  6026. return null;
  6027. },
  6028. genActivator: function genActivator() {
  6029. var _this = this;
  6030. if (!this.hasActivator) return null;
  6031. var listeners = this.disabled ? {} : {
  6032. click: function click(e) {
  6033. e.stopPropagation();
  6034. _this.getActivator(e);
  6035. if (!_this.disabled) _this.isActive = !_this.isActive;
  6036. }
  6037. };
  6038. if (Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getSlotType"])(this, 'activator') === 'scoped') {
  6039. var activator = this.$scopedSlots.activator({ on: listeners });
  6040. this.activatorNode = activator;
  6041. return activator;
  6042. }
  6043. return this.$createElement('div', {
  6044. staticClass: 'v-dialog__activator',
  6045. class: {
  6046. 'v-dialog__activator--disabled': this.disabled
  6047. },
  6048. ref: 'activator',
  6049. on: listeners
  6050. }, this.$slots.activator);
  6051. }
  6052. },
  6053. render: function render(h) {
  6054. var _this = this;
  6055. var children = [];
  6056. var data = {
  6057. 'class': this.classes,
  6058. ref: 'dialog',
  6059. directives: [{
  6060. name: 'click-outside',
  6061. value: function value() {
  6062. _this.isActive = false;
  6063. },
  6064. args: {
  6065. closeConditional: this.closeConditional,
  6066. include: this.getOpenDependentElements
  6067. }
  6068. }, { name: 'show', value: this.isActive }],
  6069. on: {
  6070. click: function click(e) {
  6071. e.stopPropagation();
  6072. }
  6073. }
  6074. };
  6075. if (!this.fullscreen) {
  6076. data.style = {
  6077. maxWidth: this.maxWidth === 'none' ? undefined : Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["convertToUnit"])(this.maxWidth),
  6078. width: this.width === 'auto' ? undefined : Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["convertToUnit"])(this.width)
  6079. };
  6080. }
  6081. children.push(this.genActivator());
  6082. var dialog = h('div', data, this.showLazyContent(this.$slots.default));
  6083. if (this.transition) {
  6084. dialog = h('transition', {
  6085. props: {
  6086. name: this.transition,
  6087. origin: this.origin
  6088. }
  6089. }, [dialog]);
  6090. }
  6091. children.push(h('div', {
  6092. 'class': this.contentClasses,
  6093. attrs: __assign({ tabIndex: '-1' }, this.getScopeIdAttrs()),
  6094. on: {
  6095. keydown: this.onKeydown
  6096. },
  6097. style: { zIndex: this.activeZIndex },
  6098. ref: 'content'
  6099. }, [this.$createElement(_util_ThemeProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["default"], {
  6100. props: {
  6101. root: true,
  6102. light: this.light,
  6103. dark: this.dark
  6104. }
  6105. }, [dialog])]));
  6106. return h('div', {
  6107. staticClass: 'v-dialog__container',
  6108. style: {
  6109. display: !this.hasActivator || this.fullWidth ? 'block' : 'inline-block'
  6110. }
  6111. }, children);
  6112. }
  6113. });
  6114. /***/ }),
  6115. /***/ "./src/components/VDialog/index.js":
  6116. /*!*****************************************!*\
  6117. !*** ./src/components/VDialog/index.js ***!
  6118. \*****************************************/
  6119. /*! exports provided: VDialog, default */
  6120. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6121. "use strict";
  6122. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6123. /* harmony import */ var _VDialog__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDialog */ "./src/components/VDialog/VDialog.js");
  6124. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDialog", function() { return _VDialog__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  6125. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VDialog__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  6126. /***/ }),
  6127. /***/ "./src/components/VDivider/VDivider.ts":
  6128. /*!*********************************************!*\
  6129. !*** ./src/components/VDivider/VDivider.ts ***!
  6130. \*********************************************/
  6131. /*! exports provided: default */
  6132. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6133. "use strict";
  6134. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6135. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_dividers_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_dividers.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_dividers.styl");
  6136. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_dividers_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_dividers_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  6137. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  6138. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  6139. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  6140. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  6141. s = arguments[i];
  6142. for (var p in s) {
  6143. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  6144. }
  6145. }
  6146. return t;
  6147. };
  6148. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  6149. };
  6150. // Styles
  6151. // Mixins
  6152. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].extend({
  6153. name: 'v-divider',
  6154. props: {
  6155. inset: Boolean,
  6156. vertical: Boolean
  6157. },
  6158. render: function render(h) {
  6159. return h('hr', {
  6160. class: __assign({ 'v-divider': true, 'v-divider--inset': this.inset, 'v-divider--vertical': this.vertical }, this.themeClasses),
  6161. attrs: this.$attrs,
  6162. on: this.$listeners
  6163. });
  6164. }
  6165. }));
  6166. /***/ }),
  6167. /***/ "./src/components/VDivider/index.ts":
  6168. /*!******************************************!*\
  6169. !*** ./src/components/VDivider/index.ts ***!
  6170. \******************************************/
  6171. /*! exports provided: VDivider, default */
  6172. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6173. "use strict";
  6174. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6175. /* harmony import */ var _VDivider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDivider */ "./src/components/VDivider/VDivider.ts");
  6176. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDivider", function() { return _VDivider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  6177. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VDivider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  6178. /***/ }),
  6179. /***/ "./src/components/VExpansionPanel/VExpansionPanel.ts":
  6180. /*!***********************************************************!*\
  6181. !*** ./src/components/VExpansionPanel/VExpansionPanel.ts ***!
  6182. \***********************************************************/
  6183. /*! exports provided: default */
  6184. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6185. "use strict";
  6186. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6187. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_expansion_panel_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_expansion-panel.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_expansion-panel.styl");
  6188. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_expansion_panel_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_expansion_panel_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  6189. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  6190. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/registrable */ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts");
  6191. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  6192. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  6193. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  6194. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  6195. s = arguments[i];
  6196. for (var p in s) {
  6197. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  6198. }
  6199. }
  6200. return t;
  6201. };
  6202. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  6203. };
  6204. /* @vue/component */
  6205. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(_mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], Object(_mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["provide"])('expansionPanel')).extend({
  6206. name: 'v-expansion-panel',
  6207. provide: function provide() {
  6208. return {
  6209. expansionPanel: this
  6210. };
  6211. },
  6212. props: {
  6213. disabled: Boolean,
  6214. readonly: Boolean,
  6215. expand: Boolean,
  6216. focusable: Boolean,
  6217. inset: Boolean,
  6218. popout: Boolean,
  6219. value: {
  6220. type: [Number, Array],
  6221. default: function _default() {
  6222. return null;
  6223. }
  6224. }
  6225. },
  6226. data: function data() {
  6227. return {
  6228. items: [],
  6229. open: []
  6230. };
  6231. },
  6232. computed: {
  6233. classes: function classes() {
  6234. return __assign({ 'v-expansion-panel--focusable': this.focusable, 'v-expansion-panel--popout': this.popout, 'v-expansion-panel--inset': this.inset }, this.themeClasses);
  6235. }
  6236. },
  6237. watch: {
  6238. expand: function expand(v) {
  6239. var openIndex = -1;
  6240. if (!v) {
  6241. // Close all panels unless only one is open
  6242. var openCount = this.open.reduce(function (acc, val) {
  6243. return val ? acc + 1 : acc;
  6244. }, 0);
  6245. var open = Array(this.items.length).fill(false);
  6246. if (openCount === 1) {
  6247. openIndex = this.open.indexOf(true);
  6248. }
  6249. if (openIndex > -1) {
  6250. open[openIndex] = true;
  6251. }
  6252. this.open = open;
  6253. }
  6254. this.$emit('input', v ? this.open : openIndex > -1 ? openIndex : null);
  6255. },
  6256. value: function value(v) {
  6257. this.updateFromValue(v);
  6258. }
  6259. },
  6260. mounted: function mounted() {
  6261. this.value !== null && this.updateFromValue(this.value);
  6262. },
  6263. methods: {
  6264. updateFromValue: function updateFromValue(v) {
  6265. if (Array.isArray(v) && !this.expand) return;
  6266. var open = Array(this.items.length).fill(false);
  6267. if (typeof v === 'number') {
  6268. open[v] = true;
  6269. } else if (v !== null) {
  6270. open = v;
  6271. }
  6272. this.updatePanels(open);
  6273. },
  6274. updatePanels: function updatePanels(open) {
  6275. this.open = open;
  6276. for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
  6277. this.items[i].toggle(open && open[i]);
  6278. }
  6279. },
  6280. panelClick: function panelClick(uid) {
  6281. var open = this.expand ? this.open.slice() : Array(this.items.length).fill(false);
  6282. for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
  6283. if (this.items[i]._uid === uid) {
  6284. open[i] = !this.open[i];
  6285. !this.expand && this.$emit('input', open[i] ? i : null);
  6286. }
  6287. }
  6288. this.updatePanels(open);
  6289. if (this.expand) this.$emit('input', open);
  6290. },
  6291. register: function register(content) {
  6292. var i = this.items.push(content) - 1;
  6293. this.value !== null && this.updateFromValue(this.value);
  6294. content.toggle(!!this.open[i]);
  6295. },
  6296. unregister: function unregister(content) {
  6297. var index = this.items.findIndex(function (i) {
  6298. return i._uid === content._uid;
  6299. });
  6300. this.items.splice(index, 1);
  6301. this.open.splice(index, 1);
  6302. }
  6303. },
  6304. render: function render(h) {
  6305. return h('ul', {
  6306. staticClass: 'v-expansion-panel',
  6307. class: this.classes
  6308. }, this.$slots.default);
  6309. }
  6310. }));
  6311. /***/ }),
  6312. /***/ "./src/components/VExpansionPanel/VExpansionPanelContent.ts":
  6313. /*!******************************************************************!*\
  6314. !*** ./src/components/VExpansionPanel/VExpansionPanelContent.ts ***!
  6315. \******************************************************************/
  6316. /*! exports provided: default */
  6317. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6318. "use strict";
  6319. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6320. /* harmony import */ var _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../transitions */ "./src/components/transitions/index.js");
  6321. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/bootable */ "./src/mixins/bootable.ts");
  6322. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/toggleable */ "./src/mixins/toggleable.ts");
  6323. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_rippleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/rippleable */ "./src/mixins/rippleable.ts");
  6324. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/registrable */ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts");
  6325. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  6326. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  6327. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  6328. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  6329. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  6330. if (!m) return o;
  6331. var i = m.call(o),
  6332. r,
  6333. ar = [],
  6334. e;
  6335. try {
  6336. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  6337. ar.push(r.value);
  6338. }
  6339. } catch (error) {
  6340. e = { error: error };
  6341. } finally {
  6342. try {
  6343. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  6344. } finally {
  6345. if (e) throw e.error;
  6346. }
  6347. }
  6348. return ar;
  6349. };
  6350. var __spread = undefined && undefined.__spread || function () {
  6351. for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  6352. ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  6353. }return ar;
  6354. };
  6355. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"])(_mixins_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_rippleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], Object(_mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["inject"])('expansionPanel', 'v-expansion-panel-content', 'v-expansion-panel')
  6356. /* @vue/component */
  6357. ).extend({
  6358. name: 'v-expansion-panel-content',
  6359. props: {
  6360. disabled: Boolean,
  6361. readonly: Boolean,
  6362. expandIcon: {
  6363. type: String,
  6364. default: '$vuetify.icons.expand'
  6365. },
  6366. hideActions: Boolean,
  6367. ripple: {
  6368. type: [Boolean, Object],
  6369. default: false
  6370. }
  6371. },
  6372. data: function data() {
  6373. return {
  6374. height: 'auto'
  6375. };
  6376. },
  6377. computed: {
  6378. containerClasses: function containerClasses() {
  6379. return {
  6380. 'v-expansion-panel__container--active': this.isActive,
  6381. 'v-expansion-panel__container--disabled': this.isDisabled
  6382. };
  6383. },
  6384. isDisabled: function isDisabled() {
  6385. return this.expansionPanel.disabled || this.disabled;
  6386. },
  6387. isReadonly: function isReadonly() {
  6388. return this.expansionPanel.readonly || this.readonly;
  6389. }
  6390. },
  6391. beforeMount: function beforeMount() {
  6392. this.expansionPanel.register(this);
  6393. // Can be removed once fully deprecated
  6394. if (typeof this.value !== 'undefined') Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["consoleWarn"])('v-model has been deprecated', this);
  6395. },
  6396. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  6397. this.expansionPanel.unregister(this);
  6398. },
  6399. methods: {
  6400. onKeydown: function onKeydown(e) {
  6401. // Ensure element is the activeElement
  6402. if (e.keyCode === 13 && this.$el === document.activeElement) this.expansionPanel.panelClick(this._uid);
  6403. },
  6404. onHeaderClick: function onHeaderClick() {
  6405. this.isReadonly || this.expansionPanel.panelClick(this._uid);
  6406. },
  6407. genBody: function genBody() {
  6408. return this.$createElement('div', {
  6409. ref: 'body',
  6410. class: 'v-expansion-panel__body',
  6411. directives: [{
  6412. name: 'show',
  6413. value: this.isActive
  6414. }]
  6415. }, this.showLazyContent(this.$slots.default));
  6416. },
  6417. genHeader: function genHeader() {
  6418. var children = __spread(this.$slots.header || []);
  6419. if (!this.hideActions) children.push(this.genIcon());
  6420. return this.$createElement('div', {
  6421. staticClass: 'v-expansion-panel__header',
  6422. directives: [{
  6423. name: 'ripple',
  6424. value: this.ripple
  6425. }],
  6426. on: {
  6427. click: this.onHeaderClick
  6428. }
  6429. }, children);
  6430. },
  6431. genIcon: function genIcon() {
  6432. var icon = this.$slots.actions || [this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"], this.expandIcon)];
  6433. return this.$createElement('transition', {
  6434. attrs: { name: 'fade-transition' }
  6435. }, [this.$createElement('div', {
  6436. staticClass: 'v-expansion-panel__header__icon',
  6437. directives: [{
  6438. name: 'show',
  6439. value: !this.isDisabled
  6440. }]
  6441. }, icon)]);
  6442. },
  6443. toggle: function toggle(active) {
  6444. var _this = this;
  6445. if (active) this.isBooted = true;
  6446. this.$nextTick(function () {
  6447. return _this.isActive = active;
  6448. });
  6449. }
  6450. },
  6451. render: function render(h) {
  6452. return h('li', {
  6453. staticClass: 'v-expansion-panel__container',
  6454. class: this.containerClasses,
  6455. attrs: {
  6456. tabindex: this.isReadonly || this.isDisabled ? null : 0,
  6457. 'aria-expanded': Boolean(this.isActive)
  6458. },
  6459. on: {
  6460. keydown: this.onKeydown
  6461. }
  6462. }, [this.$slots.header && this.genHeader(), h(_transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["VExpandTransition"], [this.genBody()])]);
  6463. }
  6464. }));
  6465. /***/ }),
  6466. /***/ "./src/components/VExpansionPanel/index.ts":
  6467. /*!*************************************************!*\
  6468. !*** ./src/components/VExpansionPanel/index.ts ***!
  6469. \*************************************************/
  6470. /*! exports provided: VExpansionPanel, VExpansionPanelContent, default */
  6471. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6472. "use strict";
  6473. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6474. /* harmony import */ var _VExpansionPanel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VExpansionPanel */ "./src/components/VExpansionPanel/VExpansionPanel.ts");
  6475. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VExpansionPanel", function() { return _VExpansionPanel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  6476. /* harmony import */ var _VExpansionPanelContent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VExpansionPanelContent */ "./src/components/VExpansionPanel/VExpansionPanelContent.ts");
  6477. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VExpansionPanelContent", function() { return _VExpansionPanelContent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  6478. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  6479. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  6480. VExpansionPanel: _VExpansionPanel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  6481. VExpansionPanelContent: _VExpansionPanelContent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]
  6482. }
  6483. });
  6484. /***/ }),
  6485. /***/ "./src/components/VFooter/VFooter.js":
  6486. /*!*******************************************!*\
  6487. !*** ./src/components/VFooter/VFooter.js ***!
  6488. \*******************************************/
  6489. /*! exports provided: default */
  6490. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6491. "use strict";
  6492. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6493. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_footer_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_footer.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_footer.styl");
  6494. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_footer_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_footer_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  6495. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_applicationable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/applicationable */ "./src/mixins/applicationable.ts");
  6496. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  6497. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  6498. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  6499. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  6500. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  6501. s = arguments[i];
  6502. for (var p in s) {
  6503. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  6504. }
  6505. }
  6506. return t;
  6507. };
  6508. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  6509. };
  6510. // Styles
  6511. // Mixins
  6512. /* @vue/component */
  6513. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  6514. name: 'v-footer',
  6515. mixins: [Object(_mixins_applicationable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(null, ['height', 'inset']), _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]],
  6516. props: {
  6517. height: {
  6518. default: 32,
  6519. type: [Number, String]
  6520. },
  6521. inset: Boolean
  6522. },
  6523. computed: {
  6524. applicationProperty: function applicationProperty() {
  6525. return this.inset ? 'insetFooter' : 'footer';
  6526. },
  6527. computedMarginBottom: function computedMarginBottom() {
  6528. if (!this.app) return;
  6529. return this.$vuetify.application.bottom;
  6530. },
  6531. computedPaddingLeft: function computedPaddingLeft() {
  6532. return !this.app || !this.inset ? 0 : this.$vuetify.application.left;
  6533. },
  6534. computedPaddingRight: function computedPaddingRight() {
  6535. return !this.app || !this.inset ? 0 : this.$vuetify.application.right;
  6536. },
  6537. styles: function styles() {
  6538. var styles = {
  6539. height: isNaN(this.height) ? this.height : this.height + "px"
  6540. };
  6541. if (this.computedPaddingLeft) {
  6542. styles.paddingLeft = this.computedPaddingLeft + "px";
  6543. }
  6544. if (this.computedPaddingRight) {
  6545. styles.paddingRight = this.computedPaddingRight + "px";
  6546. }
  6547. if (this.computedMarginBottom) {
  6548. styles.marginBottom = this.computedMarginBottom + "px";
  6549. }
  6550. return styles;
  6551. }
  6552. },
  6553. methods: {
  6554. /**
  6555. * Update the application layout
  6556. *
  6557. * @return {number}
  6558. */
  6559. updateApplication: function updateApplication() {
  6560. var height = parseInt(this.height);
  6561. return isNaN(height) ? this.$el ? this.$el.clientHeight : 0 : height;
  6562. }
  6563. },
  6564. render: function render(h) {
  6565. var data = this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, {
  6566. staticClass: 'v-footer',
  6567. 'class': __assign({ 'v-footer--absolute': this.absolute, 'v-footer--fixed': !this.absolute && (this.app || this.fixed), 'v-footer--inset': this.inset }, this.themeClasses),
  6568. style: this.styles,
  6569. ref: 'content'
  6570. });
  6571. return h('footer', data, this.$slots.default);
  6572. }
  6573. });
  6574. /***/ }),
  6575. /***/ "./src/components/VFooter/index.js":
  6576. /*!*****************************************!*\
  6577. !*** ./src/components/VFooter/index.js ***!
  6578. \*****************************************/
  6579. /*! exports provided: VFooter, default */
  6580. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6581. "use strict";
  6582. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6583. /* harmony import */ var _VFooter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VFooter */ "./src/components/VFooter/VFooter.js");
  6584. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VFooter", function() { return _VFooter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  6585. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VFooter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  6586. /***/ }),
  6587. /***/ "./src/components/VForm/VForm.js":
  6588. /*!***************************************!*\
  6589. !*** ./src/components/VForm/VForm.js ***!
  6590. \***************************************/
  6591. /*! exports provided: default */
  6592. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6593. "use strict";
  6594. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6595. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_forms_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_forms.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_forms.styl");
  6596. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_forms_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_forms_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  6597. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/registrable */ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts");
  6598. // Styles
  6599. /* @vue/component */
  6600. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  6601. name: 'v-form',
  6602. mixins: [Object(_mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["provide"])('form')],
  6603. inheritAttrs: false,
  6604. props: {
  6605. value: Boolean,
  6606. lazyValidation: Boolean
  6607. },
  6608. data: function data() {
  6609. return {
  6610. inputs: [],
  6611. watchers: [],
  6612. errorBag: {}
  6613. };
  6614. },
  6615. watch: {
  6616. errorBag: {
  6617. handler: function handler() {
  6618. var errors = Object.values(this.errorBag).includes(true);
  6619. this.$emit('input', !errors);
  6620. },
  6621. deep: true,
  6622. immediate: true
  6623. }
  6624. },
  6625. methods: {
  6626. watchInput: function watchInput(input) {
  6627. var _this = this;
  6628. var watcher = function watcher(input) {
  6629. return input.$watch('hasError', function (val) {
  6630. _this.$set(_this.errorBag, input._uid, val);
  6631. }, { immediate: true });
  6632. };
  6633. var watchers = {
  6634. _uid: input._uid,
  6635. valid: undefined,
  6636. shouldValidate: undefined
  6637. };
  6638. if (this.lazyValidation) {
  6639. // Only start watching inputs if we need to
  6640. watchers.shouldValidate = input.$watch('shouldValidate', function (val) {
  6641. if (!val) return;
  6642. // Only watch if we're not already doing it
  6643. if (_this.errorBag.hasOwnProperty(input._uid)) return;
  6644. watchers.valid = watcher(input);
  6645. });
  6646. } else {
  6647. watchers.valid = watcher(input);
  6648. }
  6649. return watchers;
  6650. },
  6651. /** @public */
  6652. validate: function validate() {
  6653. var errors = this.inputs.filter(function (input) {
  6654. return !input.validate(true);
  6655. }).length;
  6656. return !errors;
  6657. },
  6658. /** @public */
  6659. reset: function reset() {
  6660. var _this = this;
  6661. for (var i = this.inputs.length; i--;) {
  6662. this.inputs[i].reset();
  6663. }
  6664. if (this.lazyValidation) {
  6665. // Account for timeout in validatable
  6666. setTimeout(function () {
  6667. _this.errorBag = {};
  6668. }, 0);
  6669. }
  6670. },
  6671. /** @public */
  6672. resetValidation: function resetValidation() {
  6673. var _this = this;
  6674. for (var i = this.inputs.length; i--;) {
  6675. this.inputs[i].resetValidation();
  6676. }
  6677. if (this.lazyValidation) {
  6678. // Account for timeout in validatable
  6679. setTimeout(function () {
  6680. _this.errorBag = {};
  6681. }, 0);
  6682. }
  6683. },
  6684. register: function register(input) {
  6685. var unwatch = this.watchInput(input);
  6686. this.inputs.push(input);
  6687. this.watchers.push(unwatch);
  6688. },
  6689. unregister: function unregister(input) {
  6690. var found = this.inputs.find(function (i) {
  6691. return i._uid === input._uid;
  6692. });
  6693. if (!found) return;
  6694. var unwatch = this.watchers.find(function (i) {
  6695. return i._uid === found._uid;
  6696. });
  6697. unwatch.valid && unwatch.valid();
  6698. unwatch.shouldValidate && unwatch.shouldValidate();
  6699. this.watchers = this.watchers.filter(function (i) {
  6700. return i._uid !== found._uid;
  6701. });
  6702. this.inputs = this.inputs.filter(function (i) {
  6703. return i._uid !== found._uid;
  6704. });
  6705. this.$delete(this.errorBag, found._uid);
  6706. }
  6707. },
  6708. render: function render(h) {
  6709. var _this = this;
  6710. return h('form', {
  6711. staticClass: 'v-form',
  6712. attrs: Object.assign({
  6713. novalidate: true
  6714. }, this.$attrs),
  6715. on: {
  6716. submit: function submit(e) {
  6717. return _this.$emit('submit', e);
  6718. }
  6719. }
  6720. }, this.$slots.default);
  6721. }
  6722. });
  6723. /***/ }),
  6724. /***/ "./src/components/VForm/index.js":
  6725. /*!***************************************!*\
  6726. !*** ./src/components/VForm/index.js ***!
  6727. \***************************************/
  6728. /*! exports provided: VForm, default */
  6729. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6730. "use strict";
  6731. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6732. /* harmony import */ var _VForm__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VForm */ "./src/components/VForm/VForm.js");
  6733. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VForm", function() { return _VForm__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  6734. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VForm__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  6735. /***/ }),
  6736. /***/ "./src/components/VGrid/VContainer.js":
  6737. /*!********************************************!*\
  6738. !*** ./src/components/VGrid/VContainer.js ***!
  6739. \********************************************/
  6740. /*! exports provided: default */
  6741. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6742. "use strict";
  6743. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6744. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_grid_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_grid.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_grid.styl");
  6745. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_grid_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_grid_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  6746. /* harmony import */ var _grid__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./grid */ "./src/components/VGrid/grid.js");
  6747. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_grid__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])('container'));
  6748. /***/ }),
  6749. /***/ "./src/components/VGrid/VContent.js":
  6750. /*!******************************************!*\
  6751. !*** ./src/components/VGrid/VContent.js ***!
  6752. \******************************************/
  6753. /*! exports provided: default */
  6754. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6755. "use strict";
  6756. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6757. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_content_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_content.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_content.styl");
  6758. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_content_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_content_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  6759. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_ssr_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/ssr-bootable */ "./src/mixins/ssr-bootable.ts");
  6760. // Styles
  6761. // Mixins
  6762. /* @vue/component */
  6763. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  6764. name: 'v-content',
  6765. mixins: [_mixins_ssr_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]],
  6766. props: {
  6767. tag: {
  6768. type: String,
  6769. default: 'main'
  6770. }
  6771. },
  6772. computed: {
  6773. styles: function styles() {
  6774. var _a = this.$vuetify.application,
  6775. bar = _a.bar,
  6776. top = _a.top,
  6777. right = _a.right,
  6778. footer = _a.footer,
  6779. insetFooter = _a.insetFooter,
  6780. bottom = _a.bottom,
  6781. left = _a.left;
  6782. return {
  6783. paddingTop: top + bar + "px",
  6784. paddingRight: right + "px",
  6785. paddingBottom: footer + insetFooter + bottom + "px",
  6786. paddingLeft: left + "px"
  6787. };
  6788. }
  6789. },
  6790. render: function render(h) {
  6791. var data = {
  6792. staticClass: 'v-content',
  6793. style: this.styles,
  6794. ref: 'content'
  6795. };
  6796. return h(this.tag, data, [h('div', { staticClass: 'v-content__wrap' }, this.$slots.default)]);
  6797. }
  6798. });
  6799. /***/ }),
  6800. /***/ "./src/components/VGrid/VFlex.js":
  6801. /*!***************************************!*\
  6802. !*** ./src/components/VGrid/VFlex.js ***!
  6803. \***************************************/
  6804. /*! exports provided: default */
  6805. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6806. "use strict";
  6807. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6808. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_grid_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_grid.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_grid.styl");
  6809. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_grid_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_grid_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  6810. /* harmony import */ var _grid__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./grid */ "./src/components/VGrid/grid.js");
  6811. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_grid__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])('flex'));
  6812. /***/ }),
  6813. /***/ "./src/components/VGrid/VLayout.js":
  6814. /*!*****************************************!*\
  6815. !*** ./src/components/VGrid/VLayout.js ***!
  6816. \*****************************************/
  6817. /*! exports provided: default */
  6818. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6819. "use strict";
  6820. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6821. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_grid_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_grid.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_grid.styl");
  6822. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_grid_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_grid_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  6823. /* harmony import */ var _grid__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./grid */ "./src/components/VGrid/grid.js");
  6824. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_grid__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])('layout'));
  6825. /***/ }),
  6826. /***/ "./src/components/VGrid/grid.js":
  6827. /*!**************************************!*\
  6828. !*** ./src/components/VGrid/grid.js ***!
  6829. \**************************************/
  6830. /*! exports provided: default */
  6831. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6832. "use strict";
  6833. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6834. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "default", function() { return Grid; });
  6835. function Grid(name) {
  6836. /* @vue/component */
  6837. return {
  6838. name: "v-" + name,
  6839. functional: true,
  6840. props: {
  6841. id: String,
  6842. tag: {
  6843. type: String,
  6844. default: 'div'
  6845. }
  6846. },
  6847. render: function render(h, _a) {
  6848. var props = _a.props,
  6849. data = _a.data,
  6850. children = _a.children;
  6851. data.staticClass = (name + " " + (data.staticClass || '')).trim();
  6852. var attrs = data.attrs;
  6853. if (attrs) {
  6854. // reset attrs to extract utility clases like pa-3
  6855. data.attrs = {};
  6856. var classes = Object.keys(attrs).filter(function (key) {
  6857. // TODO: Remove once resolved
  6858. // https://github.com/vuejs/vue/issues/7841
  6859. if (key === 'slot') return false;
  6860. var value = attrs[key];
  6861. // add back data attributes like data-test="foo" but do not
  6862. // add them as classes
  6863. if (key.startsWith('data-')) {
  6864. data.attrs[key] = value;
  6865. return false;
  6866. }
  6867. return value || typeof value === 'string';
  6868. });
  6869. if (classes.length) data.staticClass += " " + classes.join(' ');
  6870. }
  6871. if (props.id) {
  6872. data.domProps = data.domProps || {};
  6873. data.domProps.id = props.id;
  6874. }
  6875. return h(props.tag, data, children);
  6876. }
  6877. };
  6878. }
  6879. /***/ }),
  6880. /***/ "./src/components/VGrid/index.js":
  6881. /*!***************************************!*\
  6882. !*** ./src/components/VGrid/index.js ***!
  6883. \***************************************/
  6884. /*! exports provided: VContainer, VContent, VFlex, VLayout, VSpacer, default */
  6885. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6886. "use strict";
  6887. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6888. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSpacer", function() { return VSpacer; });
  6889. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  6890. /* harmony import */ var _VContainer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VContainer */ "./src/components/VGrid/VContainer.js");
  6891. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VContainer", function() { return _VContainer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  6892. /* harmony import */ var _VContent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VContent */ "./src/components/VGrid/VContent.js");
  6893. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VContent", function() { return _VContent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]; });
  6894. /* harmony import */ var _VFlex__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VFlex */ "./src/components/VGrid/VFlex.js");
  6895. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VFlex", function() { return _VFlex__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]; });
  6896. /* harmony import */ var _VLayout__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VLayout */ "./src/components/VGrid/VLayout.js");
  6897. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VLayout", function() { return _VLayout__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]; });
  6898. var VSpacer = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleFunctional"])('spacer', 'div', 'v-spacer');
  6899. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  6900. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  6901. VContainer: _VContainer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  6902. VContent: _VContent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"],
  6903. VFlex: _VFlex__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"],
  6904. VLayout: _VLayout__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"],
  6905. VSpacer: VSpacer
  6906. }
  6907. });
  6908. /***/ }),
  6909. /***/ "./src/components/VHover/VHover.ts":
  6910. /*!*****************************************!*\
  6911. !*** ./src/components/VHover/VHover.ts ***!
  6912. \*****************************************/
  6913. /*! exports provided: default */
  6914. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6915. "use strict";
  6916. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6917. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_delayable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/delayable */ "./src/mixins/delayable.ts");
  6918. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/toggleable */ "./src/mixins/toggleable.ts");
  6919. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  6920. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  6921. // Mixins
  6922. // Utilities
  6923. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"])(_mixins_delayable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]
  6924. /* @vue/component */
  6925. ).extend({
  6926. name: 'v-hover',
  6927. props: {
  6928. disabled: {
  6929. type: Boolean,
  6930. default: false
  6931. },
  6932. value: {
  6933. type: Boolean,
  6934. default: undefined
  6935. }
  6936. },
  6937. methods: {
  6938. onMouseEnter: function onMouseEnter() {
  6939. this.runDelay('open');
  6940. },
  6941. onMouseLeave: function onMouseLeave() {
  6942. this.runDelay('close');
  6943. }
  6944. },
  6945. render: function render() {
  6946. if (!this.$scopedSlots.default && this.value === undefined) {
  6947. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["consoleWarn"])('v-hover is missing a default scopedSlot or bound value', this);
  6948. return null;
  6949. }
  6950. var element;
  6951. if (this.$scopedSlots.default) {
  6952. element = this.$scopedSlots.default({ hover: this.isActive });
  6953. } else if (this.$slots.default && this.$slots.default.length === 1) {
  6954. element = this.$slots.default[0];
  6955. }
  6956. if (Array.isArray(element) && element.length === 1) {
  6957. element = element[0];
  6958. }
  6959. if (!element || Array.isArray(element) || !element.tag) {
  6960. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["consoleWarn"])('v-hover should only contain a single element', this);
  6961. return element;
  6962. }
  6963. if (!this.disabled) {
  6964. element.data = element.data || {};
  6965. this._g(element.data, {
  6966. mouseenter: this.onMouseEnter,
  6967. mouseleave: this.onMouseLeave
  6968. });
  6969. }
  6970. return element;
  6971. }
  6972. }));
  6973. /***/ }),
  6974. /***/ "./src/components/VHover/index.ts":
  6975. /*!****************************************!*\
  6976. !*** ./src/components/VHover/index.ts ***!
  6977. \****************************************/
  6978. /*! exports provided: VHover, default */
  6979. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6980. "use strict";
  6981. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6982. /* harmony import */ var _VHover__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VHover */ "./src/components/VHover/VHover.ts");
  6983. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VHover", function() { return _VHover__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  6984. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VHover__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  6985. /***/ }),
  6986. /***/ "./src/components/VIcon/VIcon.ts":
  6987. /*!***************************************!*\
  6988. !*** ./src/components/VIcon/VIcon.ts ***!
  6989. \***************************************/
  6990. /*! exports provided: default */
  6991. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  6992. "use strict";
  6993. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  6994. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_icons_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_icons.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_icons.styl");
  6995. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_icons_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_icons_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  6996. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  6997. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_sizeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/sizeable */ "./src/mixins/sizeable.ts");
  6998. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  6999. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  7000. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  7001. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__);
  7002. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  7003. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  7004. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  7005. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  7006. s = arguments[i];
  7007. for (var p in s) {
  7008. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  7009. }
  7010. }
  7011. return t;
  7012. };
  7013. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  7014. };
  7015. // Mixins
  7016. // Util
  7017. // Types
  7018. var SIZE_MAP;
  7019. (function (SIZE_MAP) {
  7020. SIZE_MAP["small"] = "16px";
  7021. SIZE_MAP["default"] = "24px";
  7022. SIZE_MAP["medium"] = "28px";
  7023. SIZE_MAP["large"] = "36px";
  7024. SIZE_MAP["xLarge"] = "40px";
  7025. })(SIZE_MAP || (SIZE_MAP = {}));
  7026. function isFontAwesome5(iconType) {
  7027. return ['fas', 'far', 'fal', 'fab'].some(function (val) {
  7028. return iconType.includes(val);
  7029. });
  7030. }
  7031. var VIcon = Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_sizeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]
  7032. /* @vue/component */
  7033. ).extend({
  7034. name: 'v-icon',
  7035. props: {
  7036. disabled: Boolean,
  7037. left: Boolean,
  7038. right: Boolean
  7039. },
  7040. methods: {
  7041. getIcon: function getIcon() {
  7042. var iconName = '';
  7043. if (this.$slots.default) iconName = this.$slots.default[0].text.trim();
  7044. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["remapInternalIcon"])(this, iconName);
  7045. },
  7046. getSize: function getSize() {
  7047. var sizes = {
  7048. small: this.small,
  7049. medium: this.medium,
  7050. large: this.large,
  7051. xLarge: this.xLarge
  7052. };
  7053. var explicitSize = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["keys"])(sizes).find(function (key) {
  7054. return sizes[key];
  7055. });
  7056. return explicitSize && SIZE_MAP[explicitSize] || Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["convertToUnit"])(this.size);
  7057. },
  7058. // Component data for both font and svg icon.
  7059. getDefaultData: function getDefaultData() {
  7060. var data = {
  7061. staticClass: 'v-icon',
  7062. class: {
  7063. 'v-icon--disabled': this.disabled,
  7064. 'v-icon--left': this.left,
  7065. 'v-icon--link': this.$listeners.click || this.$listeners['!click'],
  7066. 'v-icon--right': this.right
  7067. },
  7068. attrs: __assign({ 'aria-hidden': true }, this.$attrs),
  7069. on: this.$listeners
  7070. };
  7071. return data;
  7072. },
  7073. applyColors: function applyColors(data) {
  7074. data.class = __assign({}, data.class, this.themeClasses);
  7075. this.setTextColor(this.color, data);
  7076. },
  7077. renderFontIcon: function renderFontIcon(icon, h) {
  7078. var newChildren = [];
  7079. var data = this.getDefaultData();
  7080. var iconType = 'material-icons';
  7081. // Material Icon delimiter is _
  7082. // https://material.io/icons/
  7083. var delimiterIndex = icon.indexOf('-');
  7084. var isMaterialIcon = delimiterIndex <= -1;
  7085. if (isMaterialIcon) {
  7086. // Material icon uses ligatures.
  7087. newChildren.push(icon);
  7088. } else {
  7089. iconType = icon.slice(0, delimiterIndex);
  7090. if (isFontAwesome5(iconType)) iconType = '';
  7091. }
  7092. data.class[iconType] = true;
  7093. data.class[icon] = !isMaterialIcon;
  7094. var fontSize = this.getSize();
  7095. if (fontSize) data.style = { fontSize: fontSize };
  7096. this.applyColors(data);
  7097. return h('i', data, newChildren);
  7098. },
  7099. renderSvgIcon: function renderSvgIcon(icon, h) {
  7100. var data = this.getDefaultData();
  7101. data.class['v-icon--is-component'] = true;
  7102. var size = this.getSize();
  7103. if (size) {
  7104. data.style = {
  7105. fontSize: size,
  7106. height: size
  7107. };
  7108. }
  7109. this.applyColors(data);
  7110. var component = icon.component;
  7111. data.props = icon.props;
  7112. data.nativeOn = data.on;
  7113. return h(component, data);
  7114. }
  7115. },
  7116. render: function render(h) {
  7117. var icon = this.getIcon();
  7118. if (typeof icon === 'string') {
  7119. return this.renderFontIcon(icon, h);
  7120. }
  7121. return this.renderSvgIcon(icon, h);
  7122. }
  7123. });
  7124. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5___default.a.extend({
  7125. name: 'v-icon',
  7126. $_wrapperFor: VIcon,
  7127. functional: true,
  7128. render: function render(h, _a) {
  7129. var data = _a.data,
  7130. children = _a.children;
  7131. var iconName = '';
  7132. // Support usage of v-text and v-html
  7133. if (data.domProps) {
  7134. iconName = data.domProps.textContent || data.domProps.innerHTML || iconName;
  7135. // Remove nodes so it doesn't
  7136. // overwrite our changes
  7137. delete data.domProps.textContent;
  7138. delete data.domProps.innerHTML;
  7139. }
  7140. return h(VIcon, data, iconName ? [iconName] : children);
  7141. }
  7142. }));
  7143. /***/ }),
  7144. /***/ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts":
  7145. /*!***************************************!*\
  7146. !*** ./src/components/VIcon/index.ts ***!
  7147. \***************************************/
  7148. /*! exports provided: VIcon, default */
  7149. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  7150. "use strict";
  7151. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  7152. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/VIcon.ts");
  7153. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VIcon", function() { return _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  7154. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  7155. /***/ }),
  7156. /***/ "./src/components/VImg/VImg.ts":
  7157. /*!*************************************!*\
  7158. !*** ./src/components/VImg/VImg.ts ***!
  7159. \*************************************/
  7160. /*! exports provided: default */
  7161. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  7162. "use strict";
  7163. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  7164. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_images_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_images.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_images.styl");
  7165. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_images_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_images_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  7166. /* harmony import */ var _VResponsive__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VResponsive */ "./src/components/VResponsive/index.ts");
  7167. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  7168. // Components
  7169. // Utils
  7170. /* @vue/component */
  7171. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VResponsive__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].extend({
  7172. name: 'v-img',
  7173. props: {
  7174. alt: String,
  7175. contain: Boolean,
  7176. src: {
  7177. type: [String, Object],
  7178. default: ''
  7179. },
  7180. gradient: String,
  7181. lazySrc: String,
  7182. srcset: String,
  7183. sizes: String,
  7184. position: {
  7185. type: String,
  7186. default: 'center center'
  7187. },
  7188. transition: {
  7189. type: [Boolean, String],
  7190. default: 'fade-transition'
  7191. }
  7192. },
  7193. data: function data() {
  7194. return {
  7195. currentSrc: '',
  7196. image: null,
  7197. isLoading: true,
  7198. calculatedAspectRatio: undefined
  7199. };
  7200. },
  7201. computed: {
  7202. computedAspectRatio: function computedAspectRatio() {
  7203. return this.normalisedSrc.aspect;
  7204. },
  7205. normalisedSrc: function normalisedSrc() {
  7206. return typeof this.src === 'string' ? {
  7207. src: this.src,
  7208. srcset: this.srcset,
  7209. lazySrc: this.lazySrc,
  7210. aspect: Number(this.aspectRatio || this.calculatedAspectRatio)
  7211. } : {
  7212. src: this.src.src,
  7213. srcset: this.srcset || this.src.srcset,
  7214. lazySrc: this.lazySrc || this.src.lazySrc,
  7215. aspect: Number(this.aspectRatio || this.src.aspect || this.calculatedAspectRatio)
  7216. };
  7217. },
  7218. __cachedImage: function __cachedImage() {
  7219. if (!(this.normalisedSrc.src || this.normalisedSrc.lazySrc)) return [];
  7220. var backgroundImage = [];
  7221. var src = this.isLoading ? this.normalisedSrc.lazySrc : this.currentSrc;
  7222. if (this.gradient) backgroundImage.push("linear-gradient(" + this.gradient + ")");
  7223. if (src) backgroundImage.push("url(\"" + src + "\")");
  7224. var image = this.$createElement('div', {
  7225. staticClass: 'v-image__image',
  7226. class: {
  7227. 'v-image__image--preload': this.isLoading,
  7228. 'v-image__image--contain': this.contain,
  7229. 'v-image__image--cover': !this.contain
  7230. },
  7231. style: {
  7232. backgroundImage: backgroundImage.join(', '),
  7233. backgroundPosition: this.position
  7234. },
  7235. key: +this.isLoading
  7236. });
  7237. if (!this.transition) return image;
  7238. return this.$createElement('transition', {
  7239. attrs: {
  7240. name: this.transition,
  7241. mode: 'in-out'
  7242. }
  7243. }, [image]);
  7244. }
  7245. },
  7246. watch: {
  7247. src: function src() {
  7248. if (!this.isLoading) this.init();else this.loadImage();
  7249. },
  7250. '$vuetify.breakpoint.width': 'getSrc'
  7251. },
  7252. mounted: function mounted() {
  7253. this.init();
  7254. },
  7255. methods: {
  7256. init: function init() {
  7257. if (this.normalisedSrc.lazySrc) {
  7258. var lazyImg = new Image();
  7259. lazyImg.src = this.normalisedSrc.lazySrc;
  7260. this.pollForSize(lazyImg, null);
  7261. }
  7262. /* istanbul ignore else */
  7263. if (this.normalisedSrc.src) this.loadImage();
  7264. },
  7265. onLoad: function onLoad() {
  7266. this.getSrc();
  7267. this.isLoading = false;
  7268. this.$emit('load', this.src);
  7269. },
  7270. onError: function onError() {
  7271. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["consoleError"])("Image load failed\n\n" + ("src: " + this.normalisedSrc.src), this);
  7272. this.$emit('error', this.src);
  7273. },
  7274. getSrc: function getSrc() {
  7275. /* istanbul ignore else */
  7276. if (this.image) this.currentSrc = this.image.currentSrc || this.image.src;
  7277. },
  7278. loadImage: function loadImage() {
  7279. var _this = this;
  7280. var image = new Image();
  7281. this.image = image;
  7282. image.onload = function () {
  7283. /* istanbul ignore if */
  7284. if (image.decode) {
  7285. image.decode().catch(function (err) {
  7286. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["consoleWarn"])("Failed to decode image, trying to render anyway\n\n" + ("src: " + _this.normalisedSrc.src) + (err.message ? "\nOriginal error: " + err.message : ''), _this);
  7287. }).then(_this.onLoad);
  7288. } else {
  7289. _this.onLoad();
  7290. }
  7291. };
  7292. image.onerror = this.onError;
  7293. image.src = this.normalisedSrc.src;
  7294. this.sizes && (image.sizes = this.sizes);
  7295. this.normalisedSrc.srcset && (image.srcset = this.normalisedSrc.srcset);
  7296. this.aspectRatio || this.pollForSize(image);
  7297. this.getSrc();
  7298. },
  7299. pollForSize: function pollForSize(img, timeout) {
  7300. var _this = this;
  7301. if (timeout === void 0) {
  7302. timeout = 100;
  7303. }
  7304. var poll = function poll() {
  7305. var naturalHeight = img.naturalHeight,
  7306. naturalWidth = img.naturalWidth;
  7307. if (naturalHeight || naturalWidth) {
  7308. _this.calculatedAspectRatio = naturalWidth / naturalHeight;
  7309. } else {
  7310. timeout != null && setTimeout(poll, timeout);
  7311. }
  7312. };
  7313. poll();
  7314. },
  7315. __genPlaceholder: function __genPlaceholder() {
  7316. if (this.$slots.placeholder) {
  7317. var placeholder = this.isLoading ? [this.$createElement('div', {
  7318. staticClass: 'v-image__placeholder'
  7319. }, this.$slots.placeholder)] : [];
  7320. if (!this.transition) return placeholder[0];
  7321. return this.$createElement('transition', {
  7322. attrs: { name: this.transition }
  7323. }, placeholder);
  7324. }
  7325. }
  7326. },
  7327. render: function render(h) {
  7328. var node = _VResponsive__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.render.call(this, h);
  7329. node.data.staticClass += ' v-image';
  7330. node.data.attrs = {
  7331. role: this.alt ? 'img' : undefined,
  7332. 'aria-label': this.alt
  7333. };
  7334. node.children = [this.__cachedSizer, this.__cachedImage, this.__genPlaceholder(), this.genContent()];
  7335. return h(node.tag, node.data, node.children);
  7336. }
  7337. }));
  7338. /***/ }),
  7339. /***/ "./src/components/VImg/index.ts":
  7340. /*!**************************************!*\
  7341. !*** ./src/components/VImg/index.ts ***!
  7342. \**************************************/
  7343. /*! exports provided: VImg, default */
  7344. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  7345. "use strict";
  7346. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  7347. /* harmony import */ var _VImg__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VImg */ "./src/components/VImg/VImg.ts");
  7348. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VImg", function() { return _VImg__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  7349. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VImg__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  7350. /***/ }),
  7351. /***/ "./src/components/VInput/VInput.ts":
  7352. /*!*****************************************!*\
  7353. !*** ./src/components/VInput/VInput.ts ***!
  7354. \*****************************************/
  7355. /*! exports provided: default */
  7356. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  7357. "use strict";
  7358. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  7359. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_inputs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_inputs.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_inputs.styl");
  7360. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_inputs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_inputs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  7361. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  7362. /* harmony import */ var _VLabel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VLabel */ "./src/components/VLabel/index.ts");
  7363. /* harmony import */ var _VMessages__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VMessages */ "./src/components/VMessages/index.ts");
  7364. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  7365. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  7366. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_validatable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/validatable */ "./src/mixins/validatable.ts");
  7367. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  7368. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  7369. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  7370. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  7371. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  7372. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  7373. s = arguments[i];
  7374. for (var p in s) {
  7375. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  7376. }
  7377. }
  7378. return t;
  7379. };
  7380. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  7381. };
  7382. // Styles
  7383. // Components
  7384. // Mixins
  7385. // Utilities
  7386. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"], _mixins_validatable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"]
  7387. /* @vue/component */
  7388. ).extend({
  7389. name: 'v-input',
  7390. props: {
  7391. appendIcon: String,
  7392. /** @deprecated */
  7393. appendIconCb: Function,
  7394. backgroundColor: {
  7395. type: String,
  7396. default: ''
  7397. },
  7398. height: [Number, String],
  7399. hideDetails: Boolean,
  7400. hint: String,
  7401. label: String,
  7402. loading: Boolean,
  7403. persistentHint: Boolean,
  7404. prependIcon: String,
  7405. /** @deprecated */
  7406. prependIconCb: Function,
  7407. value: { required: false }
  7408. },
  7409. data: function data() {
  7410. return {
  7411. attrsInput: {},
  7412. lazyValue: this.value,
  7413. hasMouseDown: false
  7414. };
  7415. },
  7416. computed: {
  7417. classes: function classes() {
  7418. return {};
  7419. },
  7420. classesInput: function classesInput() {
  7421. return __assign({}, this.classes, { 'v-input--has-state': this.hasState, 'v-input--hide-details': this.hideDetails, 'v-input--is-label-active': this.isLabelActive, 'v-input--is-dirty': this.isDirty, 'v-input--is-disabled': this.disabled, 'v-input--is-focused': this.isFocused, 'v-input--is-loading': this.loading !== false && this.loading !== undefined, 'v-input--is-readonly': this.readonly }, this.themeClasses);
  7422. },
  7423. directivesInput: function directivesInput() {
  7424. return [];
  7425. },
  7426. hasHint: function hasHint() {
  7427. return !this.hasMessages && this.hint && (this.persistentHint || this.isFocused);
  7428. },
  7429. hasLabel: function hasLabel() {
  7430. return Boolean(this.$slots.label || this.label);
  7431. },
  7432. // Proxy for `lazyValue`
  7433. // This allows an input
  7434. // to function without
  7435. // a provided model
  7436. internalValue: {
  7437. get: function get() {
  7438. return this.lazyValue;
  7439. },
  7440. set: function set(val) {
  7441. this.lazyValue = val;
  7442. this.$emit(this.$_modelEvent, val);
  7443. }
  7444. },
  7445. isDirty: function isDirty() {
  7446. return !!this.lazyValue;
  7447. },
  7448. isDisabled: function isDisabled() {
  7449. return Boolean(this.disabled || this.readonly);
  7450. },
  7451. isLabelActive: function isLabelActive() {
  7452. return this.isDirty;
  7453. }
  7454. },
  7455. watch: {
  7456. value: function value(val) {
  7457. this.lazyValue = val;
  7458. }
  7459. },
  7460. beforeCreate: function beforeCreate() {
  7461. // v-radio-group needs to emit a different event
  7462. // https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/issues/4752
  7463. this.$_modelEvent = this.$options.model && this.$options.model.event || 'input';
  7464. },
  7465. methods: {
  7466. genContent: function genContent() {
  7467. return [this.genPrependSlot(), this.genControl(), this.genAppendSlot()];
  7468. },
  7469. genControl: function genControl() {
  7470. return this.$createElement('div', {
  7471. staticClass: 'v-input__control'
  7472. }, [this.genInputSlot(), this.genMessages()]);
  7473. },
  7474. genDefaultSlot: function genDefaultSlot() {
  7475. return [this.genLabel(), this.$slots.default];
  7476. },
  7477. // TODO: remove shouldDeprecate (2.0), used for clearIcon
  7478. genIcon: function genIcon(type, cb, shouldDeprecate) {
  7479. var _this = this;
  7480. if (shouldDeprecate === void 0) {
  7481. shouldDeprecate = true;
  7482. }
  7483. var icon = this[type + "Icon"];
  7484. var eventName = "click:" + Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["kebabCase"])(type);
  7485. cb = cb || this[type + "IconCb"];
  7486. if (shouldDeprecate && type && cb) {
  7487. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["deprecate"])(":" + type + "-icon-cb", "@" + eventName, this);
  7488. }
  7489. var data = {
  7490. props: {
  7491. color: this.validationState,
  7492. dark: this.dark,
  7493. disabled: this.disabled,
  7494. light: this.light
  7495. },
  7496. on: !(this.$listeners[eventName] || cb) ? undefined : {
  7497. click: function click(e) {
  7498. e.preventDefault();
  7499. e.stopPropagation();
  7500. _this.$emit(eventName, e);
  7501. cb && cb(e);
  7502. },
  7503. // Container has mouseup event that will
  7504. // trigger menu open if enclosed
  7505. mouseup: function mouseup(e) {
  7506. e.preventDefault();
  7507. e.stopPropagation();
  7508. }
  7509. }
  7510. };
  7511. return this.$createElement('div', {
  7512. staticClass: "v-input__icon v-input__icon--" + Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["kebabCase"])(type),
  7513. key: "" + type + icon
  7514. }, [this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], data, icon)]);
  7515. },
  7516. genInputSlot: function genInputSlot() {
  7517. return this.$createElement('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.backgroundColor, {
  7518. staticClass: 'v-input__slot',
  7519. style: { height: Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["convertToUnit"])(this.height) },
  7520. directives: this.directivesInput,
  7521. on: {
  7522. click: this.onClick,
  7523. mousedown: this.onMouseDown,
  7524. mouseup: this.onMouseUp
  7525. },
  7526. ref: 'input-slot'
  7527. }), [this.genDefaultSlot()]);
  7528. },
  7529. genLabel: function genLabel() {
  7530. if (!this.hasLabel) return null;
  7531. return this.$createElement(_VLabel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], {
  7532. props: {
  7533. color: this.validationState,
  7534. dark: this.dark,
  7535. focused: this.hasState,
  7536. for: this.$attrs.id,
  7537. light: this.light
  7538. }
  7539. }, this.$slots.label || this.label);
  7540. },
  7541. genMessages: function genMessages() {
  7542. if (this.hideDetails) return null;
  7543. var messages = this.hasHint ? [this.hint] : this.validations;
  7544. return this.$createElement(_VMessages__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], {
  7545. props: {
  7546. color: this.hasHint ? '' : this.validationState,
  7547. dark: this.dark,
  7548. light: this.light,
  7549. value: this.hasMessages || this.hasHint ? messages : []
  7550. }
  7551. });
  7552. },
  7553. genSlot: function genSlot(type, location, slot) {
  7554. if (!slot.length) return null;
  7555. var ref = type + "-" + location;
  7556. return this.$createElement('div', {
  7557. staticClass: "v-input__" + ref,
  7558. ref: ref
  7559. }, slot);
  7560. },
  7561. genPrependSlot: function genPrependSlot() {
  7562. var slot = [];
  7563. if (this.$slots.prepend) {
  7564. slot.push(this.$slots.prepend);
  7565. } else if (this.prependIcon) {
  7566. slot.push(this.genIcon('prepend'));
  7567. }
  7568. return this.genSlot('prepend', 'outer', slot);
  7569. },
  7570. genAppendSlot: function genAppendSlot() {
  7571. var slot = [];
  7572. // Append icon for text field was really
  7573. // an appended inner icon, v-text-field
  7574. // will overwrite this method in order to obtain
  7575. // backwards compat
  7576. if (this.$slots.append) {
  7577. slot.push(this.$slots.append);
  7578. } else if (this.appendIcon) {
  7579. slot.push(this.genIcon('append'));
  7580. }
  7581. return this.genSlot('append', 'outer', slot);
  7582. },
  7583. onClick: function onClick(e) {
  7584. this.$emit('click', e);
  7585. },
  7586. onMouseDown: function onMouseDown(e) {
  7587. this.hasMouseDown = true;
  7588. this.$emit('mousedown', e);
  7589. },
  7590. onMouseUp: function onMouseUp(e) {
  7591. this.hasMouseDown = false;
  7592. this.$emit('mouseup', e);
  7593. }
  7594. },
  7595. render: function render(h) {
  7596. return h('div', this.setTextColor(this.validationState, {
  7597. staticClass: 'v-input',
  7598. attrs: this.attrsInput,
  7599. 'class': this.classesInput
  7600. }), this.genContent());
  7601. }
  7602. }));
  7603. /***/ }),
  7604. /***/ "./src/components/VInput/index.ts":
  7605. /*!****************************************!*\
  7606. !*** ./src/components/VInput/index.ts ***!
  7607. \****************************************/
  7608. /*! exports provided: VInput, default */
  7609. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  7610. "use strict";
  7611. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  7612. /* harmony import */ var _VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VInput */ "./src/components/VInput/VInput.ts");
  7613. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VInput", function() { return _VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  7614. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  7615. /***/ }),
  7616. /***/ "./src/components/VItemGroup/VItem.ts":
  7617. /*!********************************************!*\
  7618. !*** ./src/components/VItemGroup/VItem.ts ***!
  7619. \********************************************/
  7620. /*! exports provided: default */
  7621. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  7622. "use strict";
  7623. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  7624. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_groupable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/groupable */ "./src/mixins/groupable.ts");
  7625. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  7626. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  7627. // Mixins
  7628. // Utilities
  7629. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(Object(_mixins_groupable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["factory"])('itemGroup', 'v-item', 'v-item-group')
  7630. /* @vue/component */
  7631. ).extend({
  7632. name: 'v-item',
  7633. props: {
  7634. value: {
  7635. required: false
  7636. }
  7637. },
  7638. render: function render() {
  7639. var _a;
  7640. if (!this.$scopedSlots.default) {
  7641. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["consoleWarn"])('v-item is missing a default scopedSlot', this);
  7642. return null;
  7643. }
  7644. var element;
  7645. /* istanbul ignore else */
  7646. if (this.$scopedSlots.default) {
  7647. element = this.$scopedSlots.default({
  7648. active: this.isActive,
  7649. toggle: this.toggle
  7650. });
  7651. }
  7652. if (Array.isArray(element) && element.length === 1) {
  7653. element = element[0];
  7654. }
  7655. if (!element || Array.isArray(element) || !element.tag) {
  7656. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["consoleWarn"])('v-item should only contain a single element', this);
  7657. return element;
  7658. }
  7659. element.data = this._b(element.data || {}, element.tag, {
  7660. class: (_a = {}, _a[this.activeClass] = this.isActive, _a)
  7661. });
  7662. return element;
  7663. }
  7664. }));
  7665. /***/ }),
  7666. /***/ "./src/components/VItemGroup/VItemGroup.ts":
  7667. /*!*************************************************!*\
  7668. !*** ./src/components/VItemGroup/VItemGroup.ts ***!
  7669. \*************************************************/
  7670. /*! exports provided: BaseItemGroup, default */
  7671. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  7672. "use strict";
  7673. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  7674. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "BaseItemGroup", function() { return BaseItemGroup; });
  7675. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_item_group_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_item-group.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_item-group.styl");
  7676. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_item_group_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_item_group_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  7677. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_proxyable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/proxyable */ "./src/mixins/proxyable.ts");
  7678. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  7679. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  7680. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  7681. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  7682. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  7683. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  7684. s = arguments[i];
  7685. for (var p in s) {
  7686. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  7687. }
  7688. }
  7689. return t;
  7690. };
  7691. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  7692. };
  7693. // Styles
  7694. // Utilities
  7695. var BaseItemGroup = Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(_mixins_proxyable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]).extend({
  7696. name: 'base-item-group',
  7697. props: {
  7698. activeClass: {
  7699. type: String,
  7700. default: 'v-item--active'
  7701. },
  7702. mandatory: Boolean,
  7703. max: {
  7704. type: [Number, String],
  7705. default: null
  7706. },
  7707. multiple: Boolean
  7708. },
  7709. data: function data() {
  7710. return {
  7711. // As long as a value is defined, show it
  7712. // Otherwise, check if multiple
  7713. // to determine which default to provide
  7714. internalLazyValue: this.value !== undefined ? this.value : this.multiple ? [] : undefined,
  7715. items: []
  7716. };
  7717. },
  7718. computed: {
  7719. classes: function classes() {
  7720. return __assign({}, this.themeClasses);
  7721. },
  7722. selectedItems: function selectedItems() {
  7723. var _this = this;
  7724. return this.items.filter(function (item, index) {
  7725. return _this.toggleMethod(_this.getValue(item, index));
  7726. });
  7727. },
  7728. selectedValues: function selectedValues() {
  7729. return Array.isArray(this.internalValue) ? this.internalValue : [this.internalValue];
  7730. },
  7731. toggleMethod: function toggleMethod() {
  7732. var _this = this;
  7733. if (!this.multiple) {
  7734. return function (v) {
  7735. return _this.internalValue === v;
  7736. };
  7737. }
  7738. var internalValue = this.internalValue;
  7739. if (Array.isArray(internalValue)) {
  7740. return function (v) {
  7741. return internalValue.includes(v);
  7742. };
  7743. }
  7744. return function () {
  7745. return false;
  7746. };
  7747. }
  7748. },
  7749. watch: {
  7750. internalValue: function internalValue() {
  7751. // https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/issues/5352
  7752. this.$nextTick(this.updateItemsState);
  7753. }
  7754. },
  7755. created: function created() {
  7756. if (this.multiple && !Array.isArray(this.internalValue)) {
  7757. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["consoleWarn"])('Model must be bound to an array if the multiple property is true.', this);
  7758. }
  7759. },
  7760. methods: {
  7761. getValue: function getValue(item, i) {
  7762. return item.value == null || item.value === '' ? i : item.value;
  7763. },
  7764. onClick: function onClick(item, index) {
  7765. this.updateInternalValue(this.getValue(item, index));
  7766. },
  7767. register: function register(item) {
  7768. var _this = this;
  7769. var index = this.items.push(item) - 1;
  7770. item.$on('change', function () {
  7771. return _this.onClick(item, index);
  7772. });
  7773. // If no value provided and mandatory,
  7774. // assign first registered item
  7775. if (this.mandatory && this.internalLazyValue == null) {
  7776. this.updateMandatory();
  7777. }
  7778. this.updateItem(item, index);
  7779. },
  7780. unregister: function unregister(item) {
  7781. if (this._isDestroyed) return;
  7782. var index = this.items.indexOf(item);
  7783. var value = this.getValue(item, index);
  7784. this.items.splice(index, 1);
  7785. var valueIndex = this.selectedValues.indexOf(value);
  7786. // Items is not selected, do nothing
  7787. if (valueIndex < 0) return;
  7788. // If not mandatory, use regular update process
  7789. if (!this.mandatory) {
  7790. return this.updateInternalValue(value);
  7791. }
  7792. // Remove the value
  7793. if (this.multiple && Array.isArray(this.internalValue)) {
  7794. this.internalValue = this.internalValue.filter(function (v) {
  7795. return v !== value;
  7796. });
  7797. } else {
  7798. this.internalValue = undefined;
  7799. }
  7800. // If mandatory and we have no selection
  7801. // add the last item as value
  7802. /* istanbul ignore else */
  7803. if (!this.selectedItems.length) {
  7804. this.updateMandatory(true);
  7805. }
  7806. },
  7807. updateItem: function updateItem(item, index) {
  7808. var value = this.getValue(item, index);
  7809. item.isActive = this.toggleMethod(value);
  7810. },
  7811. updateItemsState: function updateItemsState() {
  7812. if (this.mandatory && !this.selectedItems.length) {
  7813. return this.updateMandatory();
  7814. }
  7815. // TODO: Make this smarter so it
  7816. // doesn't have to iterate every
  7817. // child in an update
  7818. this.items.forEach(this.updateItem);
  7819. },
  7820. updateInternalValue: function updateInternalValue(value) {
  7821. this.multiple ? this.updateMultiple(value) : this.updateSingle(value);
  7822. },
  7823. updateMandatory: function updateMandatory(last) {
  7824. if (!this.items.length) return;
  7825. var index = last ? this.items.length - 1 : 0;
  7826. this.updateInternalValue(this.getValue(this.items[index], index));
  7827. },
  7828. updateMultiple: function updateMultiple(value) {
  7829. var defaultValue = Array.isArray(this.internalValue) ? this.internalValue : [];
  7830. var internalValue = defaultValue.slice();
  7831. var index = internalValue.findIndex(function (val) {
  7832. return val === value;
  7833. });
  7834. if (this.mandatory &&
  7835. // Item already exists
  7836. index > -1 &&
  7837. // value would be reduced below min
  7838. internalValue.length - 1 < 1) return;
  7839. if (
  7840. // Max is set
  7841. this.max != null &&
  7842. // Item doesn't exist
  7843. index < 0 &&
  7844. // value would be increased above max
  7845. internalValue.length + 1 > this.max) return;
  7846. index > -1 ? internalValue.splice(index, 1) : internalValue.push(value);
  7847. this.internalValue = internalValue;
  7848. },
  7849. updateSingle: function updateSingle(value) {
  7850. var isSame = value === this.internalValue;
  7851. if (this.mandatory && isSame) return;
  7852. this.internalValue = isSame ? undefined : value;
  7853. }
  7854. },
  7855. render: function render(h) {
  7856. return h('div', {
  7857. staticClass: 'v-item-group',
  7858. class: this.classes
  7859. }, this.$slots.default);
  7860. }
  7861. });
  7862. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (BaseItemGroup.extend({
  7863. name: 'v-item-group',
  7864. provide: function provide() {
  7865. return {
  7866. itemGroup: this
  7867. };
  7868. }
  7869. }));
  7870. /***/ }),
  7871. /***/ "./src/components/VItemGroup/index.ts":
  7872. /*!********************************************!*\
  7873. !*** ./src/components/VItemGroup/index.ts ***!
  7874. \********************************************/
  7875. /*! exports provided: VItem, VItemGroup, default */
  7876. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  7877. "use strict";
  7878. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  7879. /* harmony import */ var _VItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VItem */ "./src/components/VItemGroup/VItem.ts");
  7880. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VItem", function() { return _VItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  7881. /* harmony import */ var _VItemGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VItemGroup */ "./src/components/VItemGroup/VItemGroup.ts");
  7882. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VItemGroup", function() { return _VItemGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  7883. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  7884. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  7885. VItem: _VItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  7886. VItemGroup: _VItemGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]
  7887. }
  7888. });
  7889. /***/ }),
  7890. /***/ "./src/components/VJumbotron/VJumbotron.js":
  7891. /*!*************************************************!*\
  7892. !*** ./src/components/VJumbotron/VJumbotron.js ***!
  7893. \*************************************************/
  7894. /*! exports provided: default */
  7895. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  7896. "use strict";
  7897. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  7898. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_jumbotrons_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_jumbotrons.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_jumbotrons.styl");
  7899. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_jumbotrons_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_jumbotrons_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  7900. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  7901. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_routable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/routable */ "./src/mixins/routable.ts");
  7902. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  7903. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  7904. // Mixins
  7905. // Utils
  7906. /* @vue/component */
  7907. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  7908. name: 'v-jumbotron',
  7909. mixins: [_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_routable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]],
  7910. props: {
  7911. gradient: String,
  7912. height: {
  7913. type: [Number, String],
  7914. default: '400px'
  7915. },
  7916. src: String,
  7917. tag: {
  7918. type: String,
  7919. default: 'div'
  7920. }
  7921. },
  7922. computed: {
  7923. backgroundStyles: function backgroundStyles() {
  7924. var styles = {};
  7925. if (this.gradient) {
  7926. styles.background = "linear-gradient(" + this.gradient + ")";
  7927. }
  7928. return styles;
  7929. },
  7930. classes: function classes() {
  7931. return this.themeClasses;
  7932. },
  7933. styles: function styles() {
  7934. return {
  7935. height: this.height
  7936. };
  7937. }
  7938. },
  7939. mounted: function mounted() {
  7940. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["deprecate"])('v-jumbotron', this.src ? 'v-img' : 'v-responsive', this);
  7941. },
  7942. methods: {
  7943. genBackground: function genBackground() {
  7944. return this.$createElement('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, {
  7945. staticClass: 'v-jumbotron__background',
  7946. style: this.backgroundStyles
  7947. }));
  7948. },
  7949. genContent: function genContent() {
  7950. return this.$createElement('div', {
  7951. staticClass: 'v-jumbotron__content'
  7952. }, this.$slots.default);
  7953. },
  7954. genImage: function genImage() {
  7955. if (!this.src) return null;
  7956. if (this.$slots.img) return this.$slots.img({ src: this.src });
  7957. return this.$createElement('img', {
  7958. staticClass: 'v-jumbotron__image',
  7959. attrs: { src: this.src }
  7960. });
  7961. },
  7962. genWrapper: function genWrapper() {
  7963. return this.$createElement('div', {
  7964. staticClass: 'v-jumbotron__wrapper'
  7965. }, [this.genImage(), this.genBackground(), this.genContent()]);
  7966. }
  7967. },
  7968. render: function render(h) {
  7969. var _a = this.generateRouteLink(this.classes),
  7970. tag = _a.tag,
  7971. data = _a.data;
  7972. data.staticClass = 'v-jumbotron';
  7973. data.style = this.styles;
  7974. return h(tag, data, [this.genWrapper()]);
  7975. }
  7976. });
  7977. /***/ }),
  7978. /***/ "./src/components/VJumbotron/index.js":
  7979. /*!********************************************!*\
  7980. !*** ./src/components/VJumbotron/index.js ***!
  7981. \********************************************/
  7982. /*! exports provided: VJumbotron, default */
  7983. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  7984. "use strict";
  7985. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  7986. /* harmony import */ var _VJumbotron__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VJumbotron */ "./src/components/VJumbotron/VJumbotron.js");
  7987. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VJumbotron", function() { return _VJumbotron__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  7988. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VJumbotron__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  7989. /***/ }),
  7990. /***/ "./src/components/VLabel/VLabel.ts":
  7991. /*!*****************************************!*\
  7992. !*** ./src/components/VLabel/VLabel.ts ***!
  7993. \*****************************************/
  7994. /*! exports provided: default */
  7995. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  7996. "use strict";
  7997. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  7998. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_labels_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_labels.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_labels.styl");
  7999. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_labels_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_labels_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  8000. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  8001. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  8002. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  8003. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  8004. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  8005. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  8006. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  8007. s = arguments[i];
  8008. for (var p in s) {
  8009. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  8010. }
  8011. }
  8012. return t;
  8013. };
  8014. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  8015. };
  8016. // Styles
  8017. // Mixins
  8018. // Helpers
  8019. /* @vue/component */
  8020. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(_mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]).extend({
  8021. name: 'v-label',
  8022. functional: true,
  8023. props: {
  8024. absolute: Boolean,
  8025. color: {
  8026. type: String,
  8027. default: 'primary'
  8028. },
  8029. disabled: Boolean,
  8030. focused: Boolean,
  8031. for: String,
  8032. left: {
  8033. type: [Number, String],
  8034. default: 0
  8035. },
  8036. right: {
  8037. type: [Number, String],
  8038. default: 'auto'
  8039. },
  8040. value: Boolean
  8041. },
  8042. render: function render(h, ctx) {
  8043. var children = ctx.children,
  8044. listeners = ctx.listeners,
  8045. props = ctx.props;
  8046. var data = {
  8047. staticClass: 'v-label',
  8048. 'class': __assign({ 'v-label--active': props.value, 'v-label--is-disabled': props.disabled }, Object(_mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["functionalThemeClasses"])(ctx)),
  8049. attrs: {
  8050. for: props.for,
  8051. 'aria-hidden': !props.for
  8052. },
  8053. on: listeners,
  8054. style: {
  8055. left: Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["convertToUnit"])(props.left),
  8056. right: Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["convertToUnit"])(props.right),
  8057. position: props.absolute ? 'absolute' : 'relative'
  8058. }
  8059. };
  8060. return h('label', _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.setTextColor(props.focused && props.color, data), children);
  8061. }
  8062. }));
  8063. /***/ }),
  8064. /***/ "./src/components/VLabel/index.ts":
  8065. /*!****************************************!*\
  8066. !*** ./src/components/VLabel/index.ts ***!
  8067. \****************************************/
  8068. /*! exports provided: VLabel, default */
  8069. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8070. "use strict";
  8071. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  8072. /* harmony import */ var _VLabel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VLabel */ "./src/components/VLabel/VLabel.ts");
  8073. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VLabel", function() { return _VLabel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  8074. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VLabel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  8075. /***/ }),
  8076. /***/ "./src/components/VList/VList.ts":
  8077. /*!***************************************!*\
  8078. !*** ./src/components/VList/VList.ts ***!
  8079. \***************************************/
  8080. /*! exports provided: default */
  8081. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8082. "use strict";
  8083. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  8084. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_lists_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_lists.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_lists.styl");
  8085. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_lists_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_lists_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  8086. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  8087. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/registrable */ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts");
  8088. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  8089. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  8090. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  8091. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  8092. s = arguments[i];
  8093. for (var p in s) {
  8094. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  8095. }
  8096. }
  8097. return t;
  8098. };
  8099. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  8100. };
  8101. var __values = undefined && undefined.__values || function (o) {
  8102. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator],
  8103. i = 0;
  8104. if (m) return m.call(o);
  8105. return {
  8106. next: function next() {
  8107. if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
  8108. return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
  8109. }
  8110. };
  8111. };
  8112. // Styles
  8113. // Mixins
  8114. // Types
  8115. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(Object(_mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["provide"])('list'), _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]
  8116. /* @vue/component */
  8117. ).extend({
  8118. name: 'v-list',
  8119. provide: function provide() {
  8120. return {
  8121. listClick: this.listClick
  8122. };
  8123. },
  8124. props: {
  8125. dense: Boolean,
  8126. expand: Boolean,
  8127. subheader: Boolean,
  8128. threeLine: Boolean,
  8129. twoLine: Boolean
  8130. },
  8131. data: function data() {
  8132. return {
  8133. groups: []
  8134. };
  8135. },
  8136. computed: {
  8137. classes: function classes() {
  8138. return __assign({ 'v-list--dense': this.dense, 'v-list--subheader': this.subheader, 'v-list--two-line': this.twoLine, 'v-list--three-line': this.threeLine }, this.themeClasses);
  8139. }
  8140. },
  8141. methods: {
  8142. register: function register(content) {
  8143. this.groups.push(content);
  8144. },
  8145. unregister: function unregister(content) {
  8146. var index = this.groups.findIndex(function (g) {
  8147. return g._uid === content._uid;
  8148. });
  8149. if (index > -1) this.groups.splice(index, 1);
  8150. },
  8151. listClick: function listClick(uid) {
  8152. var e_1, _a;
  8153. if (this.expand) return;
  8154. try {
  8155. for (var _b = __values(this.groups), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
  8156. var group = _c.value;
  8157. group.toggle(uid);
  8158. }
  8159. } catch (e_1_1) {
  8160. e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
  8161. } finally {
  8162. try {
  8163. if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
  8164. } finally {
  8165. if (e_1) throw e_1.error;
  8166. }
  8167. }
  8168. }
  8169. },
  8170. render: function render(h) {
  8171. var data = {
  8172. staticClass: 'v-list',
  8173. class: this.classes,
  8174. attrs: {
  8175. role: 'list'
  8176. }
  8177. };
  8178. return h('div', data, [this.$slots.default]);
  8179. }
  8180. }));
  8181. /***/ }),
  8182. /***/ "./src/components/VList/VListGroup.ts":
  8183. /*!********************************************!*\
  8184. !*** ./src/components/VList/VListGroup.ts ***!
  8185. \********************************************/
  8186. /*! exports provided: default */
  8187. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8188. "use strict";
  8189. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  8190. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  8191. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/bootable */ "./src/mixins/bootable.ts");
  8192. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/toggleable */ "./src/mixins/toggleable.ts");
  8193. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/registrable */ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts");
  8194. /* harmony import */ var _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../transitions */ "./src/components/transitions/index.js");
  8195. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  8196. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  8197. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  8198. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  8199. s = arguments[i];
  8200. for (var p in s) {
  8201. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  8202. }
  8203. }
  8204. return t;
  8205. };
  8206. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  8207. };
  8208. // Components
  8209. // Mixins
  8210. // Transitions
  8211. // Utils
  8212. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])(_mixins_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], Object(_mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["inject"])('list', 'v-list-group', 'v-list'), _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]
  8213. /* @vue/component */
  8214. ).extend({
  8215. name: 'v-list-group',
  8216. inject: ['listClick'],
  8217. props: {
  8218. activeClass: {
  8219. type: String,
  8220. default: 'primary--text'
  8221. },
  8222. appendIcon: {
  8223. type: String,
  8224. default: '$vuetify.icons.expand'
  8225. },
  8226. disabled: Boolean,
  8227. group: String,
  8228. noAction: Boolean,
  8229. prependIcon: String,
  8230. subGroup: Boolean
  8231. },
  8232. data: function data() {
  8233. return {
  8234. groups: []
  8235. };
  8236. },
  8237. computed: {
  8238. groupClasses: function groupClasses() {
  8239. return {
  8240. 'v-list__group--active': this.isActive,
  8241. 'v-list__group--disabled': this.disabled
  8242. };
  8243. },
  8244. headerClasses: function headerClasses() {
  8245. return {
  8246. 'v-list__group__header--active': this.isActive,
  8247. 'v-list__group__header--sub-group': this.subGroup
  8248. };
  8249. },
  8250. itemsClasses: function itemsClasses() {
  8251. return {
  8252. 'v-list__group__items--no-action': this.noAction
  8253. };
  8254. }
  8255. },
  8256. watch: {
  8257. isActive: function isActive(val) {
  8258. if (!this.subGroup && val) {
  8259. this.listClick(this._uid);
  8260. }
  8261. },
  8262. $route: function $route(to) {
  8263. var isActive = this.matchRoute(to.path);
  8264. if (this.group) {
  8265. if (isActive && this.isActive !== isActive) {
  8266. this.listClick(this._uid);
  8267. }
  8268. this.isActive = isActive;
  8269. }
  8270. }
  8271. },
  8272. mounted: function mounted() {
  8273. this.list.register(this);
  8274. if (this.group && this.$route && this.value == null) {
  8275. this.isActive = this.matchRoute(this.$route.path);
  8276. }
  8277. },
  8278. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  8279. this.list.unregister(this._uid);
  8280. },
  8281. methods: {
  8282. click: function click(e) {
  8283. if (this.disabled) return;
  8284. this.$emit('click', e);
  8285. this.isActive = !this.isActive;
  8286. },
  8287. genIcon: function genIcon(icon) {
  8288. return this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], icon);
  8289. },
  8290. genAppendIcon: function genAppendIcon() {
  8291. var icon = !this.subGroup ? this.appendIcon : false;
  8292. if (!icon && !this.$slots.appendIcon) return null;
  8293. return this.$createElement('div', {
  8294. staticClass: 'v-list__group__header__append-icon'
  8295. }, [this.$slots.appendIcon || this.genIcon(icon)]);
  8296. },
  8297. genGroup: function genGroup() {
  8298. return this.$createElement('div', {
  8299. staticClass: 'v-list__group__header',
  8300. class: this.headerClasses,
  8301. on: __assign({}, this.$listeners, { click: this.click }),
  8302. ref: 'item'
  8303. }, [this.genPrependIcon(), this.$slots.activator, this.genAppendIcon()]);
  8304. },
  8305. genItems: function genItems() {
  8306. return this.$createElement('div', {
  8307. staticClass: 'v-list__group__items',
  8308. class: this.itemsClasses,
  8309. directives: [{
  8310. name: 'show',
  8311. value: this.isActive
  8312. }],
  8313. ref: 'group'
  8314. }, this.showLazyContent(this.$slots.default));
  8315. },
  8316. genPrependIcon: function genPrependIcon() {
  8317. var _a;
  8318. var icon = this.prependIcon ? this.prependIcon : this.subGroup ? '$vuetify.icons.subgroup' : false;
  8319. if (!icon && !this.$slots.prependIcon) return null;
  8320. return this.$createElement('div', {
  8321. staticClass: 'v-list__group__header__prepend-icon',
  8322. 'class': (_a = {}, _a[this.activeClass] = this.isActive, _a)
  8323. }, [this.$slots.prependIcon || this.genIcon(icon)]);
  8324. },
  8325. toggle: function toggle(uid) {
  8326. this.isActive = this._uid === uid;
  8327. },
  8328. matchRoute: function matchRoute(to) {
  8329. if (!this.group) return false;
  8330. return to.match(this.group) !== null;
  8331. }
  8332. },
  8333. render: function render(h) {
  8334. return h('div', {
  8335. staticClass: 'v-list__group',
  8336. class: this.groupClasses
  8337. }, [this.genGroup(), h(_transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["VExpandTransition"], [this.genItems()])]);
  8338. }
  8339. }));
  8340. /***/ }),
  8341. /***/ "./src/components/VList/VListTile.ts":
  8342. /*!*******************************************!*\
  8343. !*** ./src/components/VList/VListTile.ts ***!
  8344. \*******************************************/
  8345. /*! exports provided: default */
  8346. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8347. "use strict";
  8348. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  8349. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  8350. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_routable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/routable */ "./src/mixins/routable.ts");
  8351. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/toggleable */ "./src/mixins/toggleable.ts");
  8352. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  8353. /* harmony import */ var _directives_ripple__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/ripple */ "./src/directives/ripple.ts");
  8354. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  8355. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  8356. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  8357. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  8358. s = arguments[i];
  8359. for (var p in s) {
  8360. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  8361. }
  8362. }
  8363. return t;
  8364. };
  8365. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  8366. };
  8367. // Mixins
  8368. // Directives
  8369. // Types
  8370. /* @vue/component */
  8371. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], _mixins_routable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]).extend({
  8372. name: 'v-list-tile',
  8373. directives: {
  8374. Ripple: _directives_ripple__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]
  8375. },
  8376. inheritAttrs: false,
  8377. props: {
  8378. activeClass: {
  8379. type: String,
  8380. default: 'primary--text'
  8381. },
  8382. avatar: Boolean,
  8383. inactive: Boolean,
  8384. tag: String
  8385. },
  8386. data: function data() {
  8387. return {
  8388. proxyClass: 'v-list__tile--active'
  8389. };
  8390. },
  8391. computed: {
  8392. listClasses: function listClasses() {
  8393. return this.disabled ? { 'v-list--disabled': true } : undefined;
  8394. },
  8395. classes: function classes() {
  8396. var _a;
  8397. return __assign({ 'v-list__tile': true, 'v-list__tile--link': this.isLink && !this.inactive, 'v-list__tile--avatar': this.avatar, 'v-list__tile--disabled': this.disabled, 'v-list__tile--active': !this.to && this.isActive }, this.themeClasses, (_a = {}, _a[this.activeClass] = this.isActive, _a));
  8398. },
  8399. isLink: function isLink() {
  8400. var hasClick = this.$listeners && (this.$listeners.click || this.$listeners['!click']);
  8401. return Boolean(this.href || this.to || hasClick);
  8402. }
  8403. },
  8404. render: function render(h) {
  8405. var isRouteLink = !this.inactive && this.isLink;
  8406. var _a = isRouteLink ? this.generateRouteLink(this.classes) : {
  8407. tag: this.tag || 'div',
  8408. data: {
  8409. class: this.classes
  8410. }
  8411. },
  8412. tag = _a.tag,
  8413. data = _a.data;
  8414. data.attrs = Object.assign({}, data.attrs, this.$attrs);
  8415. return h('div', this.setTextColor(!this.disabled && this.isActive && this.color, {
  8416. class: this.listClasses,
  8417. attrs: {
  8418. disabled: this.disabled,
  8419. role: 'listitem'
  8420. }
  8421. }), [h(tag, data, this.$slots.default)]);
  8422. }
  8423. }));
  8424. /***/ }),
  8425. /***/ "./src/components/VList/VListTileAction.ts":
  8426. /*!*************************************************!*\
  8427. !*** ./src/components/VList/VListTileAction.ts ***!
  8428. \*************************************************/
  8429. /*! exports provided: default */
  8430. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8431. "use strict";
  8432. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  8433. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  8434. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  8435. // Types
  8436. /* @vue/component */
  8437. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  8438. name: 'v-list-tile-action',
  8439. functional: true,
  8440. render: function render(h, _a) {
  8441. var data = _a.data,
  8442. _b = _a.children,
  8443. children = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b;
  8444. data.staticClass = data.staticClass ? "v-list__tile__action " + data.staticClass : 'v-list__tile__action';
  8445. var filteredChild = children.filter(function (VNode) {
  8446. return VNode.isComment === false && VNode.text !== ' ';
  8447. });
  8448. if (filteredChild.length > 1) data.staticClass += ' v-list__tile__action--stack';
  8449. return h('div', data, children);
  8450. }
  8451. }));
  8452. /***/ }),
  8453. /***/ "./src/components/VList/VListTileAvatar.ts":
  8454. /*!*************************************************!*\
  8455. !*** ./src/components/VList/VListTileAvatar.ts ***!
  8456. \*************************************************/
  8457. /*! exports provided: default */
  8458. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8459. "use strict";
  8460. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  8461. /* harmony import */ var _VAvatar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VAvatar */ "./src/components/VAvatar/index.ts");
  8462. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  8463. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
  8464. // Components
  8465. // Types
  8466. /* @vue/component */
  8467. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default.a.extend({
  8468. name: 'v-list-tile-avatar',
  8469. functional: true,
  8470. props: {
  8471. color: String,
  8472. size: {
  8473. type: [Number, String],
  8474. default: 40
  8475. },
  8476. tile: Boolean
  8477. },
  8478. render: function render(h, _a) {
  8479. var data = _a.data,
  8480. children = _a.children,
  8481. props = _a.props;
  8482. data.staticClass = ("v-list__tile__avatar " + (data.staticClass || '')).trim();
  8483. var avatar = h(_VAvatar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], {
  8484. props: {
  8485. color: props.color,
  8486. size: props.size,
  8487. tile: props.tile
  8488. }
  8489. }, [children]);
  8490. return h('div', data, [avatar]);
  8491. }
  8492. }));
  8493. /***/ }),
  8494. /***/ "./src/components/VList/index.ts":
  8495. /*!***************************************!*\
  8496. !*** ./src/components/VList/index.ts ***!
  8497. \***************************************/
  8498. /*! exports provided: VList, VListGroup, VListTile, VListTileAction, VListTileAvatar, VListTileActionText, VListTileContent, VListTileTitle, VListTileSubTitle, default */
  8499. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8500. "use strict";
  8501. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  8502. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListTileActionText", function() { return VListTileActionText; });
  8503. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListTileContent", function() { return VListTileContent; });
  8504. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListTileTitle", function() { return VListTileTitle; });
  8505. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListTileSubTitle", function() { return VListTileSubTitle; });
  8506. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  8507. /* harmony import */ var _VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VList */ "./src/components/VList/VList.ts");
  8508. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VList", function() { return _VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  8509. /* harmony import */ var _VListGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VListGroup */ "./src/components/VList/VListGroup.ts");
  8510. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListGroup", function() { return _VListGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]; });
  8511. /* harmony import */ var _VListTile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VListTile */ "./src/components/VList/VListTile.ts");
  8512. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListTile", function() { return _VListTile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]; });
  8513. /* harmony import */ var _VListTileAction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VListTileAction */ "./src/components/VList/VListTileAction.ts");
  8514. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListTileAction", function() { return _VListTileAction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]; });
  8515. /* harmony import */ var _VListTileAvatar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VListTileAvatar */ "./src/components/VList/VListTileAvatar.ts");
  8516. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListTileAvatar", function() { return _VListTileAvatar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"]; });
  8517. var VListTileActionText = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleFunctional"])('v-list__tile__action-text', 'span');
  8518. var VListTileContent = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleFunctional"])('v-list__tile__content', 'div');
  8519. var VListTileTitle = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleFunctional"])('v-list__tile__title', 'div');
  8520. var VListTileSubTitle = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleFunctional"])('v-list__tile__sub-title', 'div');
  8521. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  8522. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  8523. VList: _VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  8524. VListGroup: _VListGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"],
  8525. VListTile: _VListTile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"],
  8526. VListTileAction: _VListTileAction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"],
  8527. VListTileActionText: VListTileActionText,
  8528. VListTileAvatar: _VListTileAvatar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"],
  8529. VListTileContent: VListTileContent,
  8530. VListTileSubTitle: VListTileSubTitle,
  8531. VListTileTitle: VListTileTitle
  8532. }
  8533. });
  8534. /***/ }),
  8535. /***/ "./src/components/VMenu/VMenu.js":
  8536. /*!***************************************!*\
  8537. !*** ./src/components/VMenu/VMenu.js ***!
  8538. \***************************************/
  8539. /*! exports provided: default */
  8540. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8541. "use strict";
  8542. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  8543. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_menus_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_menus.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_menus.styl");
  8544. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_menus_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_menus_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  8545. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  8546. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
  8547. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_delayable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/delayable */ "./src/mixins/delayable.ts");
  8548. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_dependent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/dependent */ "./src/mixins/dependent.ts");
  8549. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_detachable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/detachable */ "./src/mixins/detachable.js");
  8550. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_menuable_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/menuable.js */ "./src/mixins/menuable.js");
  8551. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_returnable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/returnable */ "./src/mixins/returnable.ts");
  8552. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/toggleable */ "./src/mixins/toggleable.ts");
  8553. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  8554. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_menu_activator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/menu-activator */ "./src/components/VMenu/mixins/menu-activator.js");
  8555. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_menu_generators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/menu-generators */ "./src/components/VMenu/mixins/menu-generators.js");
  8556. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_menu_keyable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/menu-keyable */ "./src/components/VMenu/mixins/menu-keyable.js");
  8557. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_menu_position__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/menu-position */ "./src/components/VMenu/mixins/menu-position.js");
  8558. /* harmony import */ var _directives_click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/click-outside */ "./src/directives/click-outside.ts");
  8559. /* harmony import */ var _directives_resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/resize */ "./src/directives/resize.ts");
  8560. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  8561. /* harmony import */ var _util_ThemeProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/ThemeProvider */ "./src/util/ThemeProvider.ts");
  8562. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  8563. // Mixins
  8564. // Component level mixins
  8565. // Directives
  8566. // Helpers
  8567. /* @vue/component */
  8568. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default.a.extend({
  8569. name: 'v-menu',
  8570. provide: function provide() {
  8571. return {
  8572. // Pass theme through to default slot
  8573. theme: this.theme
  8574. };
  8575. },
  8576. directives: {
  8577. ClickOutside: _directives_click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["default"],
  8578. Resize: _directives_resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["default"]
  8579. },
  8580. mixins: [_mixins_menu_activator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["default"], _mixins_dependent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_delayable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_detachable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], _mixins_menu_generators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["default"], _mixins_menu_keyable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["default"], _mixins_menuable_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"], _mixins_menu_position__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["default"], _mixins_returnable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"], _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["default"]],
  8581. props: {
  8582. auto: Boolean,
  8583. closeOnClick: {
  8584. type: Boolean,
  8585. default: true
  8586. },
  8587. closeOnContentClick: {
  8588. type: Boolean,
  8589. default: true
  8590. },
  8591. disabled: Boolean,
  8592. fullWidth: Boolean,
  8593. maxHeight: { default: 'auto' },
  8594. openOnClick: {
  8595. type: Boolean,
  8596. default: true
  8597. },
  8598. offsetX: Boolean,
  8599. offsetY: Boolean,
  8600. openOnHover: Boolean,
  8601. origin: {
  8602. type: String,
  8603. default: 'top left'
  8604. },
  8605. transition: {
  8606. type: [Boolean, String],
  8607. default: 'v-menu-transition'
  8608. }
  8609. },
  8610. data: function data() {
  8611. return {
  8612. defaultOffset: 8,
  8613. hasJustFocused: false,
  8614. resizeTimeout: null
  8615. };
  8616. },
  8617. computed: {
  8618. calculatedLeft: function calculatedLeft() {
  8619. var menuWidth = Math.max(this.dimensions.content.width, parseFloat(this.calculatedMinWidth));
  8620. if (!this.auto) return this.calcLeft(menuWidth);
  8621. return this.calcXOverflow(this.calcLeftAuto(), menuWidth) + "px";
  8622. },
  8623. calculatedMaxHeight: function calculatedMaxHeight() {
  8624. return this.auto ? '200px' : Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["convertToUnit"])(this.maxHeight);
  8625. },
  8626. calculatedMaxWidth: function calculatedMaxWidth() {
  8627. return isNaN(this.maxWidth) ? this.maxWidth : this.maxWidth + "px";
  8628. },
  8629. calculatedMinWidth: function calculatedMinWidth() {
  8630. if (this.minWidth) {
  8631. return isNaN(this.minWidth) ? this.minWidth : this.minWidth + "px";
  8632. }
  8633. var minWidth = Math.min(this.dimensions.activator.width + this.nudgeWidth + (this.auto ? 16 : 0), Math.max(this.pageWidth - 24, 0));
  8634. var calculatedMaxWidth = isNaN(parseInt(this.calculatedMaxWidth)) ? minWidth : parseInt(this.calculatedMaxWidth);
  8635. return Math.min(calculatedMaxWidth, minWidth) + "px";
  8636. },
  8637. calculatedTop: function calculatedTop() {
  8638. if (!this.auto || this.isAttached) return this.calcTop();
  8639. return this.calcYOverflow(this.calculatedTopAuto) + "px";
  8640. },
  8641. styles: function styles() {
  8642. return {
  8643. maxHeight: this.calculatedMaxHeight,
  8644. minWidth: this.calculatedMinWidth,
  8645. maxWidth: this.calculatedMaxWidth,
  8646. top: this.calculatedTop,
  8647. left: this.calculatedLeft,
  8648. transformOrigin: this.origin,
  8649. zIndex: this.zIndex || this.activeZIndex
  8650. };
  8651. }
  8652. },
  8653. watch: {
  8654. activator: function activator(newActivator, oldActivator) {
  8655. this.removeActivatorEvents(oldActivator);
  8656. this.addActivatorEvents(newActivator);
  8657. },
  8658. disabled: function disabled(_disabled) {
  8659. if (!this.activator) return;
  8660. if (_disabled) {
  8661. this.removeActivatorEvents(this.activator);
  8662. } else {
  8663. this.addActivatorEvents(this.activator);
  8664. }
  8665. },
  8666. isContentActive: function isContentActive(val) {
  8667. this.hasJustFocused = val;
  8668. }
  8669. },
  8670. mounted: function mounted() {
  8671. this.isActive && this.activate();
  8672. if (Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["getSlotType"])(this, 'activator', true) === 'v-slot') {
  8673. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["consoleError"])("v-tooltip's activator slot must be bound, try '<template #activator=\"data\"><v-btn v-on=\"data.on>'", this);
  8674. }
  8675. },
  8676. methods: {
  8677. activate: function activate() {
  8678. var _this = this;
  8679. // This exists primarily for v-select
  8680. // helps determine which tiles to activate
  8681. this.getTiles();
  8682. // Update coordinates and dimensions of menu
  8683. // and its activator
  8684. this.updateDimensions();
  8685. // Start the transition
  8686. requestAnimationFrame(function () {
  8687. // Once transitioning, calculate scroll and top position
  8688. _this.startTransition().then(function () {
  8689. if (_this.$refs.content) {
  8690. _this.calculatedTopAuto = _this.calcTopAuto();
  8691. _this.auto && (_this.$refs.content.scrollTop = _this.calcScrollPosition());
  8692. }
  8693. });
  8694. });
  8695. },
  8696. closeConditional: function closeConditional(e) {
  8697. return this.isActive && this.closeOnClick && !this.$refs.content.contains(e.target);
  8698. },
  8699. onResize: function onResize() {
  8700. if (!this.isActive) return;
  8701. // Account for screen resize
  8702. // and orientation change
  8703. // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions
  8704. this.$refs.content.offsetWidth;
  8705. this.updateDimensions();
  8706. // When resizing to a smaller width
  8707. // content width is evaluated before
  8708. // the new activator width has been
  8709. // set, causing it to not size properly
  8710. // hacky but will revisit in the future
  8711. clearTimeout(this.resizeTimeout);
  8712. this.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(this.updateDimensions, 100);
  8713. }
  8714. },
  8715. render: function render(h) {
  8716. var data = {
  8717. staticClass: 'v-menu',
  8718. class: { 'v-menu--inline': !this.fullWidth && this.$slots.activator },
  8719. directives: [{
  8720. arg: 500,
  8721. name: 'resize',
  8722. value: this.onResize
  8723. }],
  8724. on: this.disableKeys ? undefined : {
  8725. keydown: this.onKeyDown
  8726. }
  8727. };
  8728. return h('div', data, [this.genActivator(), this.$createElement(_util_ThemeProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["default"], {
  8729. props: {
  8730. root: true,
  8731. light: this.light,
  8732. dark: this.dark
  8733. }
  8734. }, [this.genTransition()])]);
  8735. }
  8736. }));
  8737. /***/ }),
  8738. /***/ "./src/components/VMenu/index.js":
  8739. /*!***************************************!*\
  8740. !*** ./src/components/VMenu/index.js ***!
  8741. \***************************************/
  8742. /*! exports provided: VMenu, default */
  8743. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8744. "use strict";
  8745. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  8746. /* harmony import */ var _VMenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VMenu */ "./src/components/VMenu/VMenu.js");
  8747. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VMenu", function() { return _VMenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  8748. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VMenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  8749. /***/ }),
  8750. /***/ "./src/components/VMenu/mixins/menu-activator.js":
  8751. /*!*******************************************************!*\
  8752. !*** ./src/components/VMenu/mixins/menu-activator.js ***!
  8753. \*******************************************************/
  8754. /*! exports provided: default */
  8755. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8756. "use strict";
  8757. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  8758. /**
  8759. * Menu activator
  8760. *
  8761. * @mixin
  8762. *
  8763. * Handles the click and hover activation
  8764. * Supports slotted and detached activators
  8765. */
  8766. /* @vue/component */
  8767. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  8768. methods: {
  8769. activatorClickHandler: function activatorClickHandler(e) {
  8770. if (this.openOnClick && !this.isActive) {
  8771. this.getActivator(e).focus();
  8772. this.isActive = true;
  8773. this.absoluteX = e.clientX;
  8774. this.absoluteY = e.clientY;
  8775. } else if (this.closeOnClick && this.isActive) {
  8776. this.getActivator(e).blur();
  8777. this.isActive = false;
  8778. }
  8779. },
  8780. mouseEnterHandler: function mouseEnterHandler() {
  8781. var _this = this;
  8782. this.runDelay('open', function () {
  8783. if (_this.hasJustFocused) return;
  8784. _this.hasJustFocused = true;
  8785. _this.isActive = true;
  8786. });
  8787. },
  8788. mouseLeaveHandler: function mouseLeaveHandler(e) {
  8789. var _this = this;
  8790. // Prevent accidental re-activation
  8791. this.runDelay('close', function () {
  8792. if (_this.$refs.content.contains(e.relatedTarget)) return;
  8793. requestAnimationFrame(function () {
  8794. _this.isActive = false;
  8795. _this.callDeactivate();
  8796. });
  8797. });
  8798. },
  8799. addActivatorEvents: function addActivatorEvents(activator) {
  8800. if (activator === void 0) {
  8801. activator = null;
  8802. }
  8803. if (!activator || this.disabled) return;
  8804. activator.addEventListener('click', this.activatorClickHandler);
  8805. },
  8806. removeActivatorEvents: function removeActivatorEvents(activator) {
  8807. if (activator === void 0) {
  8808. activator = null;
  8809. }
  8810. if (!activator) return;
  8811. activator.removeEventListener('click', this.activatorClickHandler);
  8812. }
  8813. }
  8814. });
  8815. /***/ }),
  8816. /***/ "./src/components/VMenu/mixins/menu-generators.js":
  8817. /*!********************************************************!*\
  8818. !*** ./src/components/VMenu/mixins/menu-generators.js ***!
  8819. \********************************************************/
  8820. /*! exports provided: default */
  8821. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8822. "use strict";
  8823. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  8824. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  8825. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  8826. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  8827. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  8828. s = arguments[i];
  8829. for (var p in s) {
  8830. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  8831. }
  8832. }
  8833. return t;
  8834. };
  8835. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  8836. };
  8837. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  8838. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  8839. if (!m) return o;
  8840. var i = m.call(o),
  8841. r,
  8842. ar = [],
  8843. e;
  8844. try {
  8845. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  8846. ar.push(r.value);
  8847. }
  8848. } catch (error) {
  8849. e = { error: error };
  8850. } finally {
  8851. try {
  8852. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  8853. } finally {
  8854. if (e) throw e.error;
  8855. }
  8856. }
  8857. return ar;
  8858. };
  8859. var __spread = undefined && undefined.__spread || function () {
  8860. for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  8861. ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  8862. }return ar;
  8863. };
  8864. /* @vue/component */
  8865. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  8866. methods: {
  8867. genActivator: function genActivator() {
  8868. if (!this.$slots.activator && !this.$scopedSlots.activator) return null;
  8869. var listeners = {};
  8870. if (!this.disabled) {
  8871. if (this.openOnHover) {
  8872. listeners.mouseenter = this.mouseEnterHandler;
  8873. listeners.mouseleave = this.mouseLeaveHandler;
  8874. } else if (this.openOnClick) {
  8875. listeners.click = this.activatorClickHandler;
  8876. }
  8877. }
  8878. if (Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["getSlotType"])(this, 'activator') === 'scoped') {
  8879. listeners.keydown = this.onKeyDown;
  8880. var activator = this.$scopedSlots.activator({ on: listeners });
  8881. this.activatorNode = activator;
  8882. return activator;
  8883. }
  8884. return this.$createElement('div', {
  8885. staticClass: 'v-menu__activator',
  8886. 'class': {
  8887. 'v-menu__activator--active': this.hasJustFocused || this.isActive,
  8888. 'v-menu__activator--disabled': this.disabled
  8889. },
  8890. ref: 'activator',
  8891. on: listeners
  8892. }, this.$slots.activator);
  8893. },
  8894. genTransition: function genTransition() {
  8895. if (!this.transition) return this.genContent();
  8896. return this.$createElement('transition', {
  8897. props: {
  8898. name: this.transition
  8899. }
  8900. }, [this.genContent()]);
  8901. },
  8902. genDirectives: function genDirectives() {
  8903. var _this = this;
  8904. // Do not add click outside for hover menu
  8905. var directives = !this.openOnHover && this.closeOnClick ? [{
  8906. name: 'click-outside',
  8907. value: function value() {
  8908. _this.isActive = false;
  8909. },
  8910. args: {
  8911. closeConditional: this.closeConditional,
  8912. include: function include() {
  8913. return __spread([_this.$el], _this.getOpenDependentElements());
  8914. }
  8915. }
  8916. }] : [];
  8917. directives.push({
  8918. name: 'show',
  8919. value: this.isContentActive
  8920. });
  8921. return directives;
  8922. },
  8923. genContent: function genContent() {
  8924. var _this = this;
  8925. var _a;
  8926. var options = {
  8927. attrs: this.getScopeIdAttrs(),
  8928. staticClass: 'v-menu__content',
  8929. 'class': __assign({}, this.rootThemeClasses, (_a = { 'v-menu__content--auto': this.auto, 'v-menu__content--fixed': this.activatorFixed, 'menuable__content__active': this.isActive }, _a[this.contentClass.trim()] = true, _a)),
  8930. style: this.styles,
  8931. directives: this.genDirectives(),
  8932. ref: 'content',
  8933. on: {
  8934. click: function click(e) {
  8935. e.stopPropagation();
  8936. if (e.target.getAttribute('disabled')) return;
  8937. if (_this.closeOnContentClick) _this.isActive = false;
  8938. },
  8939. keydown: this.onKeyDown
  8940. }
  8941. };
  8942. !this.disabled && this.openOnHover && (options.on.mouseenter = this.mouseEnterHandler);
  8943. this.openOnHover && (options.on.mouseleave = this.mouseLeaveHandler);
  8944. return this.$createElement('div', options, this.showLazyContent(this.$slots.default));
  8945. }
  8946. }
  8947. });
  8948. /***/ }),
  8949. /***/ "./src/components/VMenu/mixins/menu-keyable.js":
  8950. /*!*****************************************************!*\
  8951. !*** ./src/components/VMenu/mixins/menu-keyable.js ***!
  8952. \*****************************************************/
  8953. /*! exports provided: default */
  8954. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8955. "use strict";
  8956. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  8957. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  8958. /**
  8959. * Menu keyable
  8960. *
  8961. * @mixin
  8962. *
  8963. * Primarily used to support VSelect
  8964. * Handles opening and closing of VMenu from keystrokes
  8965. * Will conditionally highlight VListTiles for VSelect
  8966. */
  8967. // Utils
  8968. /* @vue/component */
  8969. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  8970. props: {
  8971. disableKeys: Boolean
  8972. },
  8973. data: function data() {
  8974. return {
  8975. listIndex: -1,
  8976. tiles: []
  8977. };
  8978. },
  8979. watch: {
  8980. isActive: function isActive(val) {
  8981. if (!val) this.listIndex = -1;
  8982. },
  8983. listIndex: function listIndex(next, prev) {
  8984. if (next in this.tiles) {
  8985. var tile = this.tiles[next];
  8986. tile.classList.add('v-list__tile--highlighted');
  8987. this.$refs.content.scrollTop = tile.offsetTop - tile.clientHeight;
  8988. }
  8989. prev in this.tiles && this.tiles[prev].classList.remove('v-list__tile--highlighted');
  8990. }
  8991. },
  8992. methods: {
  8993. onKeyDown: function onKeyDown(e) {
  8994. var _this = this;
  8995. if (e.keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["keyCodes"].esc) {
  8996. // Wait for dependent elements to close first
  8997. setTimeout(function () {
  8998. _this.isActive = false;
  8999. });
  9000. var activator_1 = this.getActivator();
  9001. this.$nextTick(function () {
  9002. return activator_1 && activator_1.focus();
  9003. });
  9004. } else if (e.keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["keyCodes"].tab) {
  9005. setTimeout(function () {
  9006. if (!_this.$refs.content.contains(document.activeElement)) {
  9007. _this.isActive = false;
  9008. }
  9009. });
  9010. } else {
  9011. this.changeListIndex(e);
  9012. }
  9013. },
  9014. changeListIndex: function changeListIndex(e) {
  9015. // For infinite scroll and autocomplete, re-evaluate children
  9016. this.getTiles();
  9017. if (e.keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["keyCodes"].down && this.listIndex < this.tiles.length - 1) {
  9018. this.listIndex++;
  9019. // Allow user to set listIndex to -1 so
  9020. // that the list can be un-highlighted
  9021. } else if (e.keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["keyCodes"].up && this.listIndex > -1) {
  9022. this.listIndex--;
  9023. } else if (e.keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["keyCodes"].enter && this.listIndex !== -1) {
  9024. this.tiles[this.listIndex].click();
  9025. } else {
  9026. return;
  9027. }
  9028. // One of the conditions was met, prevent default action (#2988)
  9029. e.preventDefault();
  9030. },
  9031. getTiles: function getTiles() {
  9032. this.tiles = this.$refs.content.querySelectorAll('.v-list__tile');
  9033. }
  9034. }
  9035. });
  9036. /***/ }),
  9037. /***/ "./src/components/VMenu/mixins/menu-position.js":
  9038. /*!******************************************************!*\
  9039. !*** ./src/components/VMenu/mixins/menu-position.js ***!
  9040. \******************************************************/
  9041. /*! exports provided: default */
  9042. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9043. "use strict";
  9044. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  9045. /**
  9046. * Menu position
  9047. *
  9048. * @mixin
  9049. *
  9050. * Used for calculating an automatic position (used for VSelect)
  9051. * Will position the VMenu content properly over the VSelect
  9052. */
  9053. /* @vue/component */
  9054. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  9055. data: function data() {
  9056. return {
  9057. calculatedTopAuto: 0
  9058. };
  9059. },
  9060. methods: {
  9061. calcScrollPosition: function calcScrollPosition() {
  9062. var $el = this.$refs.content;
  9063. var activeTile = $el.querySelector('.v-list__tile--active');
  9064. var maxScrollTop = $el.scrollHeight - $el.offsetHeight;
  9065. return activeTile ? Math.min(maxScrollTop, Math.max(0, activeTile.offsetTop - $el.offsetHeight / 2 + activeTile.offsetHeight / 2)) : $el.scrollTop;
  9066. },
  9067. calcLeftAuto: function calcLeftAuto() {
  9068. if (this.isAttached) return 0;
  9069. return parseInt(this.dimensions.activator.left - this.defaultOffset * 2);
  9070. },
  9071. calcTopAuto: function calcTopAuto() {
  9072. var $el = this.$refs.content;
  9073. var activeTile = $el.querySelector('.v-list__tile--active');
  9074. if (!activeTile) {
  9075. this.selectedIndex = null;
  9076. }
  9077. if (this.offsetY || !activeTile) {
  9078. return this.computedTop;
  9079. }
  9080. this.selectedIndex = Array.from(this.tiles).indexOf(activeTile);
  9081. var tileDistanceFromMenuTop = activeTile.offsetTop - this.calcScrollPosition();
  9082. var firstTileOffsetTop = $el.querySelector('.v-list__tile').offsetTop;
  9083. return this.computedTop - tileDistanceFromMenuTop - firstTileOffsetTop;
  9084. }
  9085. }
  9086. });
  9087. /***/ }),
  9088. /***/ "./src/components/VMessages/VMessages.ts":
  9089. /*!***********************************************!*\
  9090. !*** ./src/components/VMessages/VMessages.ts ***!
  9091. \***********************************************/
  9092. /*! exports provided: default */
  9093. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9094. "use strict";
  9095. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  9096. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_messages_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_messages.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_messages.styl");
  9097. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_messages_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_messages_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  9098. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  9099. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  9100. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  9101. // Styles
  9102. // Mixins
  9103. /* @vue/component */
  9104. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]).extend({
  9105. name: 'v-messages',
  9106. props: {
  9107. value: {
  9108. type: Array,
  9109. default: function _default() {
  9110. return [];
  9111. }
  9112. }
  9113. },
  9114. methods: {
  9115. genChildren: function genChildren() {
  9116. return this.$createElement('transition-group', {
  9117. staticClass: 'v-messages__wrapper',
  9118. attrs: {
  9119. name: 'message-transition',
  9120. tag: 'div'
  9121. }
  9122. }, this.value.map(this.genMessage));
  9123. },
  9124. genMessage: function genMessage(message, key) {
  9125. return this.$createElement('div', {
  9126. staticClass: 'v-messages__message',
  9127. key: key,
  9128. domProps: {
  9129. innerHTML: message
  9130. }
  9131. });
  9132. }
  9133. },
  9134. render: function render(h) {
  9135. return h('div', this.setTextColor(this.color, {
  9136. staticClass: 'v-messages',
  9137. class: this.themeClasses
  9138. }), [this.genChildren()]);
  9139. }
  9140. }));
  9141. /***/ }),
  9142. /***/ "./src/components/VMessages/index.ts":
  9143. /*!*******************************************!*\
  9144. !*** ./src/components/VMessages/index.ts ***!
  9145. \*******************************************/
  9146. /*! exports provided: VMessages, default */
  9147. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9148. "use strict";
  9149. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  9150. /* harmony import */ var _VMessages__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VMessages */ "./src/components/VMessages/VMessages.ts");
  9151. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VMessages", function() { return _VMessages__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  9152. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VMessages__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  9153. /***/ }),
  9154. /***/ "./src/components/VNavigationDrawer/VNavigationDrawer.ts":
  9155. /*!***************************************************************!*\
  9156. !*** ./src/components/VNavigationDrawer/VNavigationDrawer.ts ***!
  9157. \***************************************************************/
  9158. /*! exports provided: default */
  9159. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9160. "use strict";
  9161. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  9162. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_navigation_drawer_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_navigation-drawer.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_navigation-drawer.styl");
  9163. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_navigation_drawer_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_navigation_drawer_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  9164. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_applicationable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/applicationable */ "./src/mixins/applicationable.ts");
  9165. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_dependent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/dependent */ "./src/mixins/dependent.ts");
  9166. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_overlayable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/overlayable */ "./src/mixins/overlayable.ts");
  9167. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_ssr_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/ssr-bootable */ "./src/mixins/ssr-bootable.ts");
  9168. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  9169. /* harmony import */ var _directives_click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/click-outside */ "./src/directives/click-outside.ts");
  9170. /* harmony import */ var _directives_resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/resize */ "./src/directives/resize.ts");
  9171. /* harmony import */ var _directives_touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/touch */ "./src/directives/touch.ts");
  9172. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  9173. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  9174. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  9175. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  9176. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  9177. s = arguments[i];
  9178. for (var p in s) {
  9179. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  9180. }
  9181. }
  9182. return t;
  9183. };
  9184. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  9185. };
  9186. // Styles
  9187. // Mixins
  9188. // Directives
  9189. // Utilities
  9190. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["default"])(Object(_mixins_applicationable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])('left', ['miniVariant', 'right', 'width']), _mixins_dependent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_overlayable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_ssr_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"]
  9191. /* @vue/component */
  9192. ).extend({
  9193. name: 'v-navigation-drawer',
  9194. directives: {
  9195. ClickOutside: _directives_click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"],
  9196. Resize: _directives_resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["default"],
  9197. Touch: _directives_touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["default"]
  9198. },
  9199. props: {
  9200. clipped: Boolean,
  9201. disableRouteWatcher: Boolean,
  9202. disableResizeWatcher: Boolean,
  9203. height: {
  9204. type: [Number, String],
  9205. default: '100%'
  9206. },
  9207. floating: Boolean,
  9208. miniVariant: Boolean,
  9209. miniVariantWidth: {
  9210. type: [Number, String],
  9211. default: 80
  9212. },
  9213. mobileBreakPoint: {
  9214. type: [Number, String],
  9215. default: 1264
  9216. },
  9217. permanent: Boolean,
  9218. right: Boolean,
  9219. stateless: Boolean,
  9220. temporary: Boolean,
  9221. touchless: Boolean,
  9222. width: {
  9223. type: [Number, String],
  9224. default: 300
  9225. },
  9226. value: { required: false }
  9227. },
  9228. data: function data() {
  9229. return {
  9230. isActive: false,
  9231. touchArea: {
  9232. left: 0,
  9233. right: 0
  9234. }
  9235. };
  9236. },
  9237. computed: {
  9238. /**
  9239. * Used for setting an app value from a dynamic
  9240. * property. Called from applicationable.js
  9241. */
  9242. applicationProperty: function applicationProperty() {
  9243. return this.right ? 'right' : 'left';
  9244. },
  9245. calculatedTransform: function calculatedTransform() {
  9246. if (this.isActive) return 0;
  9247. return this.right ? this.calculatedWidth : -this.calculatedWidth;
  9248. },
  9249. calculatedWidth: function calculatedWidth() {
  9250. return parseInt(this.miniVariant ? this.miniVariantWidth : this.width);
  9251. },
  9252. classes: function classes() {
  9253. return __assign({ 'v-navigation-drawer': true, 'v-navigation-drawer--absolute': this.absolute, 'v-navigation-drawer--clipped': this.clipped, 'v-navigation-drawer--close': !this.isActive, 'v-navigation-drawer--fixed': !this.absolute && (this.app || this.fixed), 'v-navigation-drawer--floating': this.floating, 'v-navigation-drawer--is-mobile': this.isMobile, 'v-navigation-drawer--mini-variant': this.miniVariant, 'v-navigation-drawer--open': this.isActive, 'v-navigation-drawer--right': this.right, 'v-navigation-drawer--temporary': this.temporary }, this.themeClasses);
  9254. },
  9255. hasApp: function hasApp() {
  9256. return this.app && !this.isMobile && !this.temporary;
  9257. },
  9258. isMobile: function isMobile() {
  9259. return !this.stateless && !this.permanent && !this.temporary && this.$vuetify.breakpoint.width < parseInt(this.mobileBreakPoint, 10);
  9260. },
  9261. marginTop: function marginTop() {
  9262. if (!this.hasApp) return 0;
  9263. var marginTop = this.$vuetify.application.bar;
  9264. marginTop += this.clipped ? this.$vuetify.application.top : 0;
  9265. return marginTop;
  9266. },
  9267. maxHeight: function maxHeight() {
  9268. if (!this.hasApp) return null;
  9269. var maxHeight = this.$vuetify.application.bottom + this.$vuetify.application.footer + this.$vuetify.application.bar;
  9270. if (!this.clipped) return maxHeight;
  9271. return maxHeight + this.$vuetify.application.top;
  9272. },
  9273. reactsToClick: function reactsToClick() {
  9274. return !this.stateless && !this.permanent && (this.isMobile || this.temporary);
  9275. },
  9276. reactsToMobile: function reactsToMobile() {
  9277. return !this.disableResizeWatcher && !this.stateless && !this.permanent && !this.temporary;
  9278. },
  9279. reactsToRoute: function reactsToRoute() {
  9280. return !this.disableRouteWatcher && !this.stateless && (this.temporary || this.isMobile);
  9281. },
  9282. resizeIsDisabled: function resizeIsDisabled() {
  9283. return this.disableResizeWatcher || this.stateless;
  9284. },
  9285. showOverlay: function showOverlay() {
  9286. return this.isActive && (this.isMobile || this.temporary);
  9287. },
  9288. styles: function styles() {
  9289. var styles = {
  9290. height: Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["convertToUnit"])(this.height),
  9291. marginTop: this.marginTop + "px",
  9292. maxHeight: this.maxHeight != null ? "calc(100% - " + +this.maxHeight + "px)" : undefined,
  9293. transform: "translateX(" + this.calculatedTransform + "px)",
  9294. width: this.calculatedWidth + "px"
  9295. };
  9296. return styles;
  9297. }
  9298. },
  9299. watch: {
  9300. $route: function $route() {
  9301. if (this.reactsToRoute && this.closeConditional()) {
  9302. this.isActive = false;
  9303. }
  9304. },
  9305. isActive: function isActive(val) {
  9306. this.$emit('input', val);
  9307. this.callUpdate();
  9308. },
  9309. /**
  9310. * When mobile changes, adjust the active state
  9311. * only when there has been a previous value
  9312. */
  9313. isMobile: function isMobile(val, prev) {
  9314. !val && this.isActive && !this.temporary && this.removeOverlay();
  9315. if (prev == null || this.resizeIsDisabled || !this.reactsToMobile) return;
  9316. this.isActive = !val;
  9317. this.callUpdate();
  9318. },
  9319. permanent: function permanent(val) {
  9320. // If enabling prop enable the drawer
  9321. if (val) {
  9322. this.isActive = true;
  9323. }
  9324. this.callUpdate();
  9325. },
  9326. showOverlay: function showOverlay(val) {
  9327. if (val) this.genOverlay();else this.removeOverlay();
  9328. },
  9329. temporary: function temporary() {
  9330. this.callUpdate();
  9331. },
  9332. value: function value(val) {
  9333. if (this.permanent) return;
  9334. // TODO: referring to this directly causes type errors
  9335. // all over the place for some reason
  9336. var _this = this;
  9337. if (val == null) return _this.init();
  9338. if (val !== this.isActive) this.isActive = val;
  9339. }
  9340. },
  9341. beforeMount: function beforeMount() {
  9342. this.init();
  9343. },
  9344. methods: {
  9345. calculateTouchArea: function calculateTouchArea() {
  9346. if (!this.$el.parentNode) return;
  9347. var parentRect = this.$el.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
  9348. this.touchArea = {
  9349. left: parentRect.left + 50,
  9350. right: parentRect.right - 50
  9351. };
  9352. },
  9353. closeConditional: function closeConditional() {
  9354. return this.isActive && this.reactsToClick;
  9355. },
  9356. genDirectives: function genDirectives() {
  9357. var _this_1 = this;
  9358. var directives = [{
  9359. name: 'click-outside',
  9360. value: function value() {
  9361. return _this_1.isActive = false;
  9362. },
  9363. args: {
  9364. closeConditional: this.closeConditional,
  9365. include: this.getOpenDependentElements
  9366. }
  9367. }];
  9368. !this.touchless && directives.push({
  9369. name: 'touch',
  9370. value: {
  9371. parent: true,
  9372. left: this.swipeLeft,
  9373. right: this.swipeRight
  9374. }
  9375. });
  9376. return directives;
  9377. },
  9378. /**
  9379. * Sets state before mount to avoid
  9380. * entry transitions in SSR
  9381. */
  9382. init: function init() {
  9383. if (this.permanent) {
  9384. this.isActive = true;
  9385. } else if (this.stateless || this.value != null) {
  9386. this.isActive = this.value;
  9387. } else if (!this.temporary) {
  9388. this.isActive = !this.isMobile;
  9389. }
  9390. },
  9391. swipeRight: function swipeRight(e) {
  9392. if (this.isActive && !this.right) return;
  9393. this.calculateTouchArea();
  9394. if (Math.abs(e.touchendX - e.touchstartX) < 100) return;
  9395. if (!this.right && e.touchstartX <= this.touchArea.left) this.isActive = true;else if (this.right && this.isActive) this.isActive = false;
  9396. },
  9397. swipeLeft: function swipeLeft(e) {
  9398. if (this.isActive && this.right) return;
  9399. this.calculateTouchArea();
  9400. if (Math.abs(e.touchendX - e.touchstartX) < 100) return;
  9401. if (this.right && e.touchstartX >= this.touchArea.right) this.isActive = true;else if (!this.right && this.isActive) this.isActive = false;
  9402. },
  9403. /**
  9404. * Update the application layout
  9405. */
  9406. updateApplication: function updateApplication() {
  9407. return !this.isActive || this.temporary || this.isMobile ? 0 : this.calculatedWidth;
  9408. }
  9409. },
  9410. render: function render(h) {
  9411. var _this_1 = this;
  9412. var data = {
  9413. 'class': this.classes,
  9414. style: this.styles,
  9415. directives: this.genDirectives(),
  9416. on: {
  9417. click: function click() {
  9418. if (!_this_1.miniVariant) return;
  9419. _this_1.$emit('update:miniVariant', false);
  9420. },
  9421. transitionend: function transitionend(e) {
  9422. if (e.target !== e.currentTarget) return;
  9423. _this_1.$emit('transitionend', e);
  9424. // IE11 does not support new Event('resize')
  9425. var resizeEvent = document.createEvent('UIEvents');
  9426. resizeEvent.initUIEvent('resize', true, false, window, 0);
  9427. window.dispatchEvent(resizeEvent);
  9428. }
  9429. }
  9430. };
  9431. return h('aside', data, [this.$slots.default, h('div', { 'class': 'v-navigation-drawer__border' })]);
  9432. }
  9433. }));
  9434. /***/ }),
  9435. /***/ "./src/components/VNavigationDrawer/index.ts":
  9436. /*!***************************************************!*\
  9437. !*** ./src/components/VNavigationDrawer/index.ts ***!
  9438. \***************************************************/
  9439. /*! exports provided: VNavigationDrawer, default */
  9440. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9441. "use strict";
  9442. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  9443. /* harmony import */ var _VNavigationDrawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VNavigationDrawer */ "./src/components/VNavigationDrawer/VNavigationDrawer.ts");
  9444. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VNavigationDrawer", function() { return _VNavigationDrawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  9445. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VNavigationDrawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  9446. /***/ }),
  9447. /***/ "./src/components/VOverflowBtn/VOverflowBtn.js":
  9448. /*!*****************************************************!*\
  9449. !*** ./src/components/VOverflowBtn/VOverflowBtn.js ***!
  9450. \*****************************************************/
  9451. /*! exports provided: default */
  9452. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9453. "use strict";
  9454. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  9455. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_overflow_buttons_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_overflow-buttons.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_overflow-buttons.styl");
  9456. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_overflow_buttons_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_overflow_buttons_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  9457. /* harmony import */ var _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VSelect/VSelect */ "./src/components/VSelect/VSelect.js");
  9458. /* harmony import */ var _VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VAutocomplete */ "./src/components/VAutocomplete/index.js");
  9459. /* harmony import */ var _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VTextField/VTextField */ "./src/components/VTextField/VTextField.js");
  9460. /* harmony import */ var _VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VBtn */ "./src/components/VBtn/index.ts");
  9461. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  9462. // Styles
  9463. // Extensions
  9464. /* @vue/component */
  9465. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"].extend({
  9466. name: 'v-overflow-btn',
  9467. props: {
  9468. segmented: Boolean,
  9469. editable: Boolean,
  9470. transition: _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.props.transition
  9471. },
  9472. computed: {
  9473. classes: function classes() {
  9474. return Object.assign(_VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"].options.computed.classes.call(this), {
  9475. 'v-overflow-btn': true,
  9476. 'v-overflow-btn--segmented': this.segmented,
  9477. 'v-overflow-btn--editable': this.editable
  9478. });
  9479. },
  9480. isAnyValueAllowed: function isAnyValueAllowed() {
  9481. return this.editable || _VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"].options.computed.isAnyValueAllowed.call(this);
  9482. },
  9483. isSingle: function isSingle() {
  9484. return true;
  9485. },
  9486. computedItems: function computedItems() {
  9487. return this.segmented ? this.allItems : this.filteredItems;
  9488. },
  9489. $_menuProps: function $_menuProps() {
  9490. var props = _VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"].options.computed.$_menuProps.call(this);
  9491. props.transition = props.transition || 'v-menu-transition';
  9492. return props;
  9493. }
  9494. },
  9495. methods: {
  9496. genSelections: function genSelections() {
  9497. return this.editable ? _VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"].options.methods.genSelections.call(this) : _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.genSelections.call(this); // Override v-autocomplete's override
  9498. },
  9499. genCommaSelection: function genCommaSelection(item, index, last) {
  9500. return this.segmented ? this.genSegmentedBtn(item) : _VSelect_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.genCommaSelection.call(this, item, index, last);
  9501. },
  9502. genInput: function genInput() {
  9503. var input = _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"].options.methods.genInput.call(this);
  9504. input.data.domProps.value = this.editable ? this.internalSearch : '';
  9505. input.data.attrs.readonly = !this.isAnyValueAllowed;
  9506. return input;
  9507. },
  9508. genLabel: function genLabel() {
  9509. if (this.editable && this.isFocused) return null;
  9510. var label = _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"].options.methods.genLabel.call(this);
  9511. if (!label) return label;
  9512. // Reset previously set styles from parent
  9513. label.data.style = {};
  9514. return label;
  9515. },
  9516. genSegmentedBtn: function genSegmentedBtn(item) {
  9517. var _this = this;
  9518. var itemValue = this.getValue(item);
  9519. var itemObj = this.computedItems.find(function (i) {
  9520. return _this.getValue(i) === itemValue;
  9521. }) || item;
  9522. if (!itemObj.text || !itemObj.callback) {
  9523. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["consoleWarn"])('When using \'segmented\' prop without a selection slot, items must contain both a text and callback property', this);
  9524. return null;
  9525. }
  9526. return this.$createElement(_VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], {
  9527. props: { flat: true },
  9528. on: {
  9529. click: function click(e) {
  9530. e.stopPropagation();
  9531. itemObj.callback(e);
  9532. }
  9533. }
  9534. }, [itemObj.text]);
  9535. }
  9536. }
  9537. }));
  9538. /***/ }),
  9539. /***/ "./src/components/VOverflowBtn/index.js":
  9540. /*!**********************************************!*\
  9541. !*** ./src/components/VOverflowBtn/index.js ***!
  9542. \**********************************************/
  9543. /*! exports provided: VOverflowBtn, default */
  9544. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9545. "use strict";
  9546. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  9547. /* harmony import */ var _VOverflowBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VOverflowBtn */ "./src/components/VOverflowBtn/VOverflowBtn.js");
  9548. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VOverflowBtn", function() { return _VOverflowBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  9549. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VOverflowBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  9550. /***/ }),
  9551. /***/ "./src/components/VPagination/VPagination.ts":
  9552. /*!***************************************************!*\
  9553. !*** ./src/components/VPagination/VPagination.ts ***!
  9554. \***************************************************/
  9555. /*! exports provided: default */
  9556. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9557. "use strict";
  9558. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  9559. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_pagination_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_pagination.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_pagination.styl");
  9560. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_pagination_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_pagination_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  9561. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  9562. /* harmony import */ var _directives_resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/resize */ "./src/directives/resize.ts");
  9563. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  9564. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  9565. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  9566. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  9567. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  9568. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  9569. s = arguments[i];
  9570. for (var p in s) {
  9571. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  9572. }
  9573. }
  9574. return t;
  9575. };
  9576. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  9577. };
  9578. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  9579. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  9580. if (!m) return o;
  9581. var i = m.call(o),
  9582. r,
  9583. ar = [],
  9584. e;
  9585. try {
  9586. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  9587. ar.push(r.value);
  9588. }
  9589. } catch (error) {
  9590. e = { error: error };
  9591. } finally {
  9592. try {
  9593. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  9594. } finally {
  9595. if (e) throw e.error;
  9596. }
  9597. }
  9598. return ar;
  9599. };
  9600. var __spread = undefined && undefined.__spread || function () {
  9601. for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  9602. ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  9603. }return ar;
  9604. };
  9605. // Directives
  9606. // Mixins
  9607. /* @vue/component */
  9608. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"]).extend({
  9609. name: 'v-pagination',
  9610. directives: { Resize: _directives_resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"] },
  9611. props: {
  9612. circle: Boolean,
  9613. disabled: Boolean,
  9614. length: {
  9615. type: Number,
  9616. default: 0,
  9617. validator: function validator(val) {
  9618. return val % 1 === 0;
  9619. }
  9620. },
  9621. totalVisible: [Number, String],
  9622. nextIcon: {
  9623. type: String,
  9624. default: '$vuetify.icons.next'
  9625. },
  9626. prevIcon: {
  9627. type: String,
  9628. default: '$vuetify.icons.prev'
  9629. },
  9630. value: {
  9631. type: Number,
  9632. default: 0
  9633. }
  9634. },
  9635. data: function data() {
  9636. return {
  9637. maxButtons: 0,
  9638. selected: null
  9639. };
  9640. },
  9641. computed: {
  9642. classes: function classes() {
  9643. return __assign({ 'v-pagination': true, 'v-pagination--circle': this.circle, 'v-pagination--disabled': this.disabled }, this.themeClasses);
  9644. },
  9645. items: function items() {
  9646. var maxLength = parseInt(this.totalVisible, 10) || this.maxButtons;
  9647. if (this.length <= maxLength) {
  9648. return this.range(1, this.length);
  9649. }
  9650. var even = maxLength % 2 === 0 ? 1 : 0;
  9651. var left = Math.floor(maxLength / 2);
  9652. var right = this.length - left + 1 + even;
  9653. if (this.value > left && this.value < right) {
  9654. var start = this.value - left + 2;
  9655. var end = this.value + left - 2 - even;
  9656. return __spread([1, '...'], this.range(start, end), ['...', this.length]);
  9657. } else if (this.value === left) {
  9658. var end = this.value + left - 1 - even;
  9659. return __spread(this.range(1, end), ['...', this.length]);
  9660. } else if (this.value === right) {
  9661. var start = this.value - left + 1;
  9662. return __spread([1, '...'], this.range(start, this.length));
  9663. } else {
  9664. return __spread(this.range(1, left), ['...'], this.range(right, this.length));
  9665. }
  9666. }
  9667. },
  9668. watch: {
  9669. value: function value() {
  9670. this.init();
  9671. }
  9672. },
  9673. mounted: function mounted() {
  9674. this.init();
  9675. },
  9676. methods: {
  9677. init: function init() {
  9678. var _this = this;
  9679. this.selected = null;
  9680. this.$nextTick(this.onResize);
  9681. // TODO: Change this (f75dee3a, cbdf7caa)
  9682. setTimeout(function () {
  9683. return _this.selected = _this.value;
  9684. }, 100);
  9685. },
  9686. onResize: function onResize() {
  9687. var width = this.$el && this.$el.parentElement ? this.$el.parentElement.clientWidth : window.innerWidth;
  9688. this.maxButtons = Math.floor((width - 96) / 42);
  9689. },
  9690. next: function next(e) {
  9691. e.preventDefault();
  9692. this.$emit('input', this.value + 1);
  9693. this.$emit('next');
  9694. },
  9695. previous: function previous(e) {
  9696. e.preventDefault();
  9697. this.$emit('input', this.value - 1);
  9698. this.$emit('previous');
  9699. },
  9700. range: function range(from, to) {
  9701. var range = [];
  9702. from = from > 0 ? from : 1;
  9703. for (var i = from; i <= to; i++) {
  9704. range.push(i);
  9705. }
  9706. return range;
  9707. },
  9708. genIcon: function genIcon(h, icon, disabled, fn) {
  9709. return h('li', [h('button', {
  9710. staticClass: 'v-pagination__navigation',
  9711. class: {
  9712. 'v-pagination__navigation--disabled': disabled
  9713. },
  9714. attrs: {
  9715. type: 'button'
  9716. },
  9717. on: disabled ? {} : { click: fn }
  9718. }, [h(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], [icon])])]);
  9719. },
  9720. genItem: function genItem(h, i) {
  9721. var _this = this;
  9722. var color = i === this.value && (this.color || 'primary');
  9723. return h('button', this.setBackgroundColor(color, {
  9724. staticClass: 'v-pagination__item',
  9725. class: {
  9726. 'v-pagination__item--active': i === this.value
  9727. },
  9728. attrs: {
  9729. type: 'button'
  9730. },
  9731. on: {
  9732. click: function click() {
  9733. return _this.$emit('input', i);
  9734. }
  9735. }
  9736. }), [i.toString()]);
  9737. },
  9738. genItems: function genItems(h) {
  9739. var _this = this;
  9740. return this.items.map(function (i, index) {
  9741. return h('li', { key: index }, [isNaN(Number(i)) ? h('span', { class: 'v-pagination__more' }, [i.toString()]) : _this.genItem(h, i)]);
  9742. });
  9743. }
  9744. },
  9745. render: function render(h) {
  9746. var children = [this.genIcon(h, this.$vuetify.rtl ? this.nextIcon : this.prevIcon, this.value <= 1, this.previous), this.genItems(h), this.genIcon(h, this.$vuetify.rtl ? this.prevIcon : this.nextIcon, this.value >= this.length, this.next)];
  9747. return h('ul', {
  9748. directives: [{
  9749. modifiers: { quiet: true },
  9750. name: 'resize',
  9751. value: this.onResize
  9752. }],
  9753. class: this.classes
  9754. }, children);
  9755. }
  9756. }));
  9757. /***/ }),
  9758. /***/ "./src/components/VPagination/index.ts":
  9759. /*!*********************************************!*\
  9760. !*** ./src/components/VPagination/index.ts ***!
  9761. \*********************************************/
  9762. /*! exports provided: VPagination, default */
  9763. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9764. "use strict";
  9765. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  9766. /* harmony import */ var _VPagination__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VPagination */ "./src/components/VPagination/VPagination.ts");
  9767. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VPagination", function() { return _VPagination__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  9768. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VPagination__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  9769. /***/ }),
  9770. /***/ "./src/components/VParallax/VParallax.ts":
  9771. /*!***********************************************!*\
  9772. !*** ./src/components/VParallax/VParallax.ts ***!
  9773. \***********************************************/
  9774. /*! exports provided: default */
  9775. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9776. "use strict";
  9777. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  9778. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_parallax_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_parallax.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_parallax.styl");
  9779. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_parallax_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_parallax_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  9780. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_translatable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/translatable */ "./src/mixins/translatable.ts");
  9781. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  9782. // Style
  9783. // Mixins
  9784. /* @vue/component */
  9785. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"])(_mixins_translatable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]).extend({
  9786. name: 'v-parallax',
  9787. props: {
  9788. alt: {
  9789. type: String,
  9790. default: ''
  9791. },
  9792. height: {
  9793. type: [String, Number],
  9794. default: 500
  9795. },
  9796. src: String
  9797. },
  9798. data: function data() {
  9799. return {
  9800. isBooted: false
  9801. };
  9802. },
  9803. computed: {
  9804. styles: function styles() {
  9805. return {
  9806. display: 'block',
  9807. opacity: this.isBooted ? 1 : 0,
  9808. transform: "translate(-50%, " + this.parallax + "px)"
  9809. };
  9810. }
  9811. },
  9812. watch: {
  9813. parallax: function parallax() {
  9814. this.isBooted = true;
  9815. }
  9816. },
  9817. mounted: function mounted() {
  9818. this.init();
  9819. },
  9820. methods: {
  9821. init: function init() {
  9822. var _this = this;
  9823. var img = this.$refs.img;
  9824. if (!img) return;
  9825. if (img.complete) {
  9826. this.translate();
  9827. this.listeners();
  9828. } else {
  9829. img.addEventListener('load', function () {
  9830. _this.translate();
  9831. _this.listeners();
  9832. }, false);
  9833. }
  9834. },
  9835. objHeight: function objHeight() {
  9836. return this.$refs.img.naturalHeight;
  9837. }
  9838. },
  9839. render: function render(h) {
  9840. var imgData = {
  9841. staticClass: 'v-parallax__image',
  9842. style: this.styles,
  9843. attrs: {
  9844. src: this.src,
  9845. alt: this.alt
  9846. },
  9847. ref: 'img'
  9848. };
  9849. var container = h('div', {
  9850. staticClass: 'v-parallax__image-container'
  9851. }, [h('img', imgData)]);
  9852. var content = h('div', {
  9853. staticClass: 'v-parallax__content'
  9854. }, this.$slots.default);
  9855. return h('div', {
  9856. staticClass: 'v-parallax',
  9857. style: {
  9858. height: this.height + "px"
  9859. },
  9860. on: this.$listeners
  9861. }, [container, content]);
  9862. }
  9863. }));
  9864. /***/ }),
  9865. /***/ "./src/components/VParallax/index.ts":
  9866. /*!*******************************************!*\
  9867. !*** ./src/components/VParallax/index.ts ***!
  9868. \*******************************************/
  9869. /*! exports provided: VParallax, default */
  9870. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9871. "use strict";
  9872. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  9873. /* harmony import */ var _VParallax__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VParallax */ "./src/components/VParallax/VParallax.ts");
  9874. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VParallax", function() { return _VParallax__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  9875. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VParallax__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  9876. /***/ }),
  9877. /***/ "./src/components/VPicker/VPicker.ts":
  9878. /*!*******************************************!*\
  9879. !*** ./src/components/VPicker/VPicker.ts ***!
  9880. \*******************************************/
  9881. /*! exports provided: default */
  9882. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9883. "use strict";
  9884. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  9885. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_pickers_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_pickers.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_pickers.styl");
  9886. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_pickers_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_pickers_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  9887. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_cards_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_cards.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_cards.styl");
  9888. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_cards_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_cards_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
  9889. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  9890. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  9891. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  9892. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  9893. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  9894. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  9895. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  9896. s = arguments[i];
  9897. for (var p in s) {
  9898. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  9899. }
  9900. }
  9901. return t;
  9902. };
  9903. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  9904. };
  9905. // Mixins
  9906. // Helpers
  9907. /* @vue/component */
  9908. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]).extend({
  9909. name: 'v-picker',
  9910. props: {
  9911. fullWidth: Boolean,
  9912. landscape: Boolean,
  9913. transition: {
  9914. type: String,
  9915. default: 'fade-transition'
  9916. },
  9917. width: {
  9918. type: [Number, String],
  9919. default: 290
  9920. }
  9921. },
  9922. computed: {
  9923. computedTitleColor: function computedTitleColor() {
  9924. var defaultTitleColor = this.isDark ? false : this.color || 'primary';
  9925. return this.color || defaultTitleColor;
  9926. }
  9927. },
  9928. methods: {
  9929. genTitle: function genTitle() {
  9930. return this.$createElement('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.computedTitleColor, {
  9931. staticClass: 'v-picker__title',
  9932. 'class': {
  9933. 'v-picker__title--landscape': this.landscape
  9934. }
  9935. }), this.$slots.title);
  9936. },
  9937. genBodyTransition: function genBodyTransition() {
  9938. return this.$createElement('transition', {
  9939. props: {
  9940. name: this.transition
  9941. }
  9942. }, this.$slots.default);
  9943. },
  9944. genBody: function genBody() {
  9945. return this.$createElement('div', {
  9946. staticClass: 'v-picker__body',
  9947. 'class': this.themeClasses,
  9948. style: this.fullWidth ? undefined : {
  9949. width: Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["convertToUnit"])(this.width)
  9950. }
  9951. }, [this.genBodyTransition()]);
  9952. },
  9953. genActions: function genActions() {
  9954. return this.$createElement('div', {
  9955. staticClass: 'v-picker__actions v-card__actions'
  9956. }, this.$slots.actions);
  9957. }
  9958. },
  9959. render: function render(h) {
  9960. return h('div', {
  9961. staticClass: 'v-picker v-card',
  9962. 'class': __assign({ 'v-picker--landscape': this.landscape, 'v-picker--full-width': this.fullWidth }, this.themeClasses)
  9963. }, [this.$slots.title ? this.genTitle() : null, this.genBody(), this.$slots.actions ? this.genActions() : null]);
  9964. }
  9965. }));
  9966. /***/ }),
  9967. /***/ "./src/components/VPicker/index.ts":
  9968. /*!*****************************************!*\
  9969. !*** ./src/components/VPicker/index.ts ***!
  9970. \*****************************************/
  9971. /*! exports provided: VPicker, default */
  9972. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9973. "use strict";
  9974. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  9975. /* harmony import */ var _VPicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VPicker */ "./src/components/VPicker/VPicker.ts");
  9976. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VPicker", function() { return _VPicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  9977. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VPicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  9978. /***/ }),
  9979. /***/ "./src/components/VProgressCircular/VProgressCircular.ts":
  9980. /*!***************************************************************!*\
  9981. !*** ./src/components/VProgressCircular/VProgressCircular.ts ***!
  9982. \***************************************************************/
  9983. /*! exports provided: default */
  9984. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  9985. "use strict";
  9986. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  9987. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_progress_circular_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_progress-circular.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_progress-circular.styl");
  9988. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_progress_circular_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_progress_circular_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  9989. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  9990. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  9991. // Mixins
  9992. /* @vue/component */
  9993. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]).extend({
  9994. name: 'v-progress-circular',
  9995. props: {
  9996. button: Boolean,
  9997. indeterminate: Boolean,
  9998. rotate: {
  9999. type: [Number, String],
  10000. default: 0
  10001. },
  10002. size: {
  10003. type: [Number, String],
  10004. default: 32
  10005. },
  10006. width: {
  10007. type: [Number, String],
  10008. default: 4
  10009. },
  10010. value: {
  10011. type: [Number, String],
  10012. default: 0
  10013. }
  10014. },
  10015. computed: {
  10016. calculatedSize: function calculatedSize() {
  10017. return Number(this.size) + (this.button ? 8 : 0);
  10018. },
  10019. circumference: function circumference() {
  10020. return 2 * Math.PI * this.radius;
  10021. },
  10022. classes: function classes() {
  10023. return {
  10024. 'v-progress-circular--indeterminate': this.indeterminate,
  10025. 'v-progress-circular--button': this.button
  10026. };
  10027. },
  10028. normalizedValue: function normalizedValue() {
  10029. if (this.value < 0) {
  10030. return 0;
  10031. }
  10032. if (this.value > 100) {
  10033. return 100;
  10034. }
  10035. return parseFloat(this.value);
  10036. },
  10037. radius: function radius() {
  10038. return 20;
  10039. },
  10040. strokeDashArray: function strokeDashArray() {
  10041. return Math.round(this.circumference * 1000) / 1000;
  10042. },
  10043. strokeDashOffset: function strokeDashOffset() {
  10044. return (100 - this.normalizedValue) / 100 * this.circumference + 'px';
  10045. },
  10046. strokeWidth: function strokeWidth() {
  10047. return Number(this.width) / +this.size * this.viewBoxSize * 2;
  10048. },
  10049. styles: function styles() {
  10050. return {
  10051. height: this.calculatedSize + "px",
  10052. width: this.calculatedSize + "px"
  10053. };
  10054. },
  10055. svgStyles: function svgStyles() {
  10056. return {
  10057. transform: "rotate(" + Number(this.rotate) + "deg)"
  10058. };
  10059. },
  10060. viewBoxSize: function viewBoxSize() {
  10061. return this.radius / (1 - Number(this.width) / +this.size);
  10062. }
  10063. },
  10064. methods: {
  10065. genCircle: function genCircle(h, name, offset) {
  10066. return h('circle', {
  10067. class: "v-progress-circular__" + name,
  10068. attrs: {
  10069. fill: 'transparent',
  10070. cx: 2 * this.viewBoxSize,
  10071. cy: 2 * this.viewBoxSize,
  10072. r: this.radius,
  10073. 'stroke-width': this.strokeWidth,
  10074. 'stroke-dasharray': this.strokeDashArray,
  10075. 'stroke-dashoffset': offset
  10076. }
  10077. });
  10078. },
  10079. genSvg: function genSvg(h) {
  10080. var children = [this.indeterminate || this.genCircle(h, 'underlay', 0), this.genCircle(h, 'overlay', this.strokeDashOffset)];
  10081. return h('svg', {
  10082. style: this.svgStyles,
  10083. attrs: {
  10084. xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg',
  10085. viewBox: this.viewBoxSize + " " + this.viewBoxSize + " " + 2 * this.viewBoxSize + " " + 2 * this.viewBoxSize
  10086. }
  10087. }, children);
  10088. }
  10089. },
  10090. render: function render(h) {
  10091. var info = h('div', { staticClass: 'v-progress-circular__info' }, this.$slots.default);
  10092. var svg = this.genSvg(h);
  10093. return h('div', this.setTextColor(this.color, {
  10094. staticClass: 'v-progress-circular',
  10095. attrs: {
  10096. 'role': 'progressbar',
  10097. 'aria-valuemin': 0,
  10098. 'aria-valuemax': 100,
  10099. 'aria-valuenow': this.indeterminate ? undefined : this.normalizedValue
  10100. },
  10101. class: this.classes,
  10102. style: this.styles,
  10103. on: this.$listeners
  10104. }), [svg, info]);
  10105. }
  10106. }));
  10107. /***/ }),
  10108. /***/ "./src/components/VProgressCircular/index.ts":
  10109. /*!***************************************************!*\
  10110. !*** ./src/components/VProgressCircular/index.ts ***!
  10111. \***************************************************/
  10112. /*! exports provided: VProgressCircular, default */
  10113. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  10114. "use strict";
  10115. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  10116. /* harmony import */ var _VProgressCircular__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VProgressCircular */ "./src/components/VProgressCircular/VProgressCircular.ts");
  10117. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VProgressCircular", function() { return _VProgressCircular__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  10118. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VProgressCircular__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  10119. /***/ }),
  10120. /***/ "./src/components/VProgressLinear/VProgressLinear.ts":
  10121. /*!***********************************************************!*\
  10122. !*** ./src/components/VProgressLinear/VProgressLinear.ts ***!
  10123. \***********************************************************/
  10124. /*! exports provided: default */
  10125. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  10126. "use strict";
  10127. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  10128. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_progress_linear_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_progress-linear.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_progress-linear.styl");
  10129. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_progress_linear_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_progress_linear_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  10130. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  10131. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  10132. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  10133. /* harmony import */ var _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../transitions */ "./src/components/transitions/index.js");
  10134. // Mixins
  10135. // Helpers
  10136. /* @vue/component */
  10137. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]).extend({
  10138. name: 'v-progress-linear',
  10139. props: {
  10140. active: {
  10141. type: Boolean,
  10142. default: true
  10143. },
  10144. backgroundColor: {
  10145. type: String,
  10146. default: null
  10147. },
  10148. backgroundOpacity: {
  10149. type: [Number, String],
  10150. default: null
  10151. },
  10152. bufferValue: {
  10153. type: [Number, String],
  10154. default: 100
  10155. },
  10156. color: {
  10157. type: String,
  10158. default: 'primary'
  10159. },
  10160. height: {
  10161. type: [Number, String],
  10162. default: 7
  10163. },
  10164. indeterminate: Boolean,
  10165. query: Boolean,
  10166. value: {
  10167. type: [Number, String],
  10168. default: 0
  10169. }
  10170. },
  10171. computed: {
  10172. backgroundStyle: function backgroundStyle() {
  10173. var backgroundOpacity = this.backgroundOpacity == null ? this.backgroundColor ? 1 : 0.3 : parseFloat(this.backgroundOpacity);
  10174. return {
  10175. height: this.active ? Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["convertToUnit"])(this.height) : 0,
  10176. opacity: backgroundOpacity,
  10177. width: this.normalizedBufer + "%"
  10178. };
  10179. },
  10180. effectiveWidth: function effectiveWidth() {
  10181. if (!this.normalizedBufer) {
  10182. return 0;
  10183. }
  10184. return +this.normalizedValue * 100 / +this.normalizedBufer;
  10185. },
  10186. normalizedBufer: function normalizedBufer() {
  10187. if (this.bufferValue < 0) {
  10188. return 0;
  10189. }
  10190. if (this.bufferValue > 100) {
  10191. return 100;
  10192. }
  10193. return parseFloat(this.bufferValue);
  10194. },
  10195. normalizedValue: function normalizedValue() {
  10196. if (this.value < 0) {
  10197. return 0;
  10198. }
  10199. if (this.value > 100) {
  10200. return 100;
  10201. }
  10202. return parseFloat(this.value);
  10203. },
  10204. styles: function styles() {
  10205. var styles = {};
  10206. if (!this.active) {
  10207. styles.height = 0;
  10208. }
  10209. if (!this.indeterminate && parseFloat(this.normalizedBufer) !== 100) {
  10210. styles.width = this.normalizedBufer + "%";
  10211. }
  10212. return styles;
  10213. }
  10214. },
  10215. methods: {
  10216. genDeterminate: function genDeterminate(h) {
  10217. return h('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, {
  10218. ref: 'front',
  10219. staticClass: "v-progress-linear__bar__determinate",
  10220. style: {
  10221. width: this.effectiveWidth + "%"
  10222. }
  10223. }));
  10224. },
  10225. genBar: function genBar(h, name) {
  10226. var _a;
  10227. return h('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, {
  10228. staticClass: 'v-progress-linear__bar__indeterminate',
  10229. class: (_a = {}, _a[name] = true, _a)
  10230. }));
  10231. },
  10232. genIndeterminate: function genIndeterminate(h) {
  10233. return h('div', {
  10234. ref: 'front',
  10235. staticClass: 'v-progress-linear__bar__indeterminate',
  10236. class: {
  10237. 'v-progress-linear__bar__indeterminate--active': this.active
  10238. }
  10239. }, [this.genBar(h, 'long'), this.genBar(h, 'short')]);
  10240. }
  10241. },
  10242. render: function render(h) {
  10243. var fade = h(_transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["VFadeTransition"], this.indeterminate ? [this.genIndeterminate(h)] : []);
  10244. var slide = h(_transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["VSlideXTransition"], this.indeterminate ? [] : [this.genDeterminate(h)]);
  10245. var bar = h('div', {
  10246. staticClass: 'v-progress-linear__bar',
  10247. style: this.styles
  10248. }, [fade, slide]);
  10249. var background = h('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.backgroundColor || this.color, {
  10250. staticClass: 'v-progress-linear__background',
  10251. style: this.backgroundStyle
  10252. }));
  10253. var content = this.$slots.default && h('div', {
  10254. staticClass: 'v-progress-linear__content'
  10255. }, this.$slots.default);
  10256. return h('div', {
  10257. staticClass: 'v-progress-linear',
  10258. attrs: {
  10259. 'role': 'progressbar',
  10260. 'aria-valuemin': 0,
  10261. 'aria-valuemax': this.normalizedBufer,
  10262. 'aria-valuenow': this.indeterminate ? undefined : this.normalizedValue
  10263. },
  10264. class: {
  10265. 'v-progress-linear--query': this.query
  10266. },
  10267. style: {
  10268. height: Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["convertToUnit"])(this.height)
  10269. },
  10270. on: this.$listeners
  10271. }, [background, bar, content]);
  10272. }
  10273. }));
  10274. /***/ }),
  10275. /***/ "./src/components/VProgressLinear/index.ts":
  10276. /*!*************************************************!*\
  10277. !*** ./src/components/VProgressLinear/index.ts ***!
  10278. \*************************************************/
  10279. /*! exports provided: VProgressLinear, default */
  10280. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  10281. "use strict";
  10282. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  10283. /* harmony import */ var _VProgressLinear__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VProgressLinear */ "./src/components/VProgressLinear/VProgressLinear.ts");
  10284. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VProgressLinear", function() { return _VProgressLinear__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  10285. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VProgressLinear__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  10286. /***/ }),
  10287. /***/ "./src/components/VRadioGroup/VRadio.js":
  10288. /*!**********************************************!*\
  10289. !*** ./src/components/VRadioGroup/VRadio.js ***!
  10290. \**********************************************/
  10291. /*! exports provided: default */
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  10293. "use strict";
  10294. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  10295. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_radios_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_radios.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_radios.styl");
  10296. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_radios_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_radios_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  10297. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  10298. /* harmony import */ var _VLabel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VLabel */ "./src/components/VLabel/index.ts");
  10299. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  10300. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_rippleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/rippleable */ "./src/mixins/rippleable.ts");
  10301. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  10302. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_selectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/selectable */ "./src/mixins/selectable.js");
  10303. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/registrable */ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts");
  10304. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  10305. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  10306. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  10307. s = arguments[i];
  10308. for (var p in s) {
  10309. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  10310. }
  10311. }
  10312. return t;
  10313. };
  10314. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  10315. };
  10316. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  10317. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  10318. if (!m) return o;
  10319. var i = m.call(o),
  10320. r,
  10321. ar = [],
  10322. e;
  10323. try {
  10324. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  10325. ar.push(r.value);
  10326. }
  10327. } catch (error) {
  10328. e = { error: error };
  10329. } finally {
  10330. try {
  10331. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  10332. } finally {
  10333. if (e) throw e.error;
  10334. }
  10335. }
  10336. return ar;
  10337. };
  10338. var __spread = undefined && undefined.__spread || function () {
  10339. for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  10340. ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  10341. }return ar;
  10342. };
  10343. // Styles
  10344. // Components
  10345. // Mixins
  10346. /* @vue/component */
  10347. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  10348. name: 'v-radio',
  10349. mixins: [_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_rippleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], Object(_mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["inject"])('radio', 'v-radio', 'v-radio-group'), _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"]],
  10350. inheritAttrs: false,
  10351. props: {
  10352. color: {
  10353. type: String,
  10354. default: 'accent'
  10355. },
  10356. disabled: Boolean,
  10357. label: String,
  10358. onIcon: {
  10359. type: String,
  10360. default: '$vuetify.icons.radioOn'
  10361. },
  10362. offIcon: {
  10363. type: String,
  10364. default: '$vuetify.icons.radioOff'
  10365. },
  10366. readonly: Boolean,
  10367. value: null
  10368. },
  10369. data: function data() {
  10370. return {
  10371. isActive: false,
  10372. isFocused: false,
  10373. parentError: false
  10374. };
  10375. },
  10376. computed: {
  10377. computedData: function computedData() {
  10378. return this.setTextColor(!this.parentError && this.isActive && this.color, {
  10379. staticClass: 'v-radio',
  10380. 'class': __assign({ 'v-radio--is-disabled': this.isDisabled, 'v-radio--is-focused': this.isFocused }, this.themeClasses)
  10381. });
  10382. },
  10383. computedColor: function computedColor() {
  10384. return this.isActive ? this.color : this.radio.validationState || false;
  10385. },
  10386. computedIcon: function computedIcon() {
  10387. return this.isActive ? this.onIcon : this.offIcon;
  10388. },
  10389. hasState: function hasState() {
  10390. return this.isActive || !!this.radio.validationState;
  10391. },
  10392. isDisabled: function isDisabled() {
  10393. return this.disabled || !!this.radio.disabled;
  10394. },
  10395. isReadonly: function isReadonly() {
  10396. return this.readonly || !!this.radio.readonly;
  10397. }
  10398. },
  10399. mounted: function mounted() {
  10400. this.radio.register(this);
  10401. },
  10402. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  10403. this.radio.unregister(this);
  10404. },
  10405. methods: {
  10406. genInput: function genInput() {
  10407. var args = [];
  10408. for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
  10409. args[_i] = arguments[_i];
  10410. }
  10411. var _a;
  10412. // We can't actually use the mixin directly because
  10413. // it's made for standalone components, but its
  10414. // genInput method is exactly what we need
  10415. return (_a = _mixins_selectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"].options.methods.genInput).call.apply(_a, __spread([this], args));
  10416. },
  10417. genLabel: function genLabel() {
  10418. return this.$createElement(_VLabel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], {
  10419. on: { click: this.onChange },
  10420. attrs: {
  10421. for: this.id
  10422. },
  10423. props: {
  10424. color: this.radio.validationState || '',
  10425. dark: this.dark,
  10426. focused: this.hasState,
  10427. light: this.light
  10428. }
  10429. }, this.$slots.label || this.label);
  10430. },
  10431. genRadio: function genRadio() {
  10432. return this.$createElement('div', {
  10433. staticClass: 'v-input--selection-controls__input'
  10434. }, [this.genInput('radio', __assign({ name: this.radio.name || (this.radio._uid ? 'v-radio-' + this.radio._uid : false), value: this.value }, this.$attrs)), this.genRipple(this.setTextColor(this.computedColor)), this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], this.setTextColor(this.computedColor, {
  10435. props: {
  10436. dark: this.dark,
  10437. light: this.light
  10438. }
  10439. }), this.computedIcon)]);
  10440. },
  10441. onFocus: function onFocus(e) {
  10442. this.isFocused = true;
  10443. this.$emit('focus', e);
  10444. },
  10445. onBlur: function onBlur(e) {
  10446. this.isFocused = false;
  10447. this.$emit('blur', e);
  10448. },
  10449. onChange: function onChange() {
  10450. if (this.isDisabled || this.isReadonly) return;
  10451. if (!this.isDisabled && (!this.isActive || !this.radio.mandatory)) {
  10452. this.$emit('change', this.value);
  10453. }
  10454. },
  10455. onKeydown: function onKeydown() {}
  10456. },
  10457. render: function render(h) {
  10458. return h('div', this.computedData, [this.genRadio(), this.genLabel()]);
  10459. }
  10460. });
  10461. /***/ }),
  10462. /***/ "./src/components/VRadioGroup/VRadioGroup.js":
  10463. /*!***************************************************!*\
  10464. !*** ./src/components/VRadioGroup/VRadioGroup.js ***!
  10465. \***************************************************/
  10466. /*! exports provided: default */
  10467. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  10468. "use strict";
  10469. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  10470. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_selection_controls_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_selection-controls.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_selection-controls.styl");
  10471. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_selection_controls_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_selection_controls_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  10472. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_radio_group_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_radio-group.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_radio-group.styl");
  10473. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_radio_group_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_radio_group_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
  10474. /* harmony import */ var _VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VInput */ "./src/components/VInput/index.ts");
  10475. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_comparable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/comparable */ "./src/mixins/comparable.ts");
  10476. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/registrable */ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts");
  10477. // Styles
  10478. // Components
  10479. // Mixins
  10480. /* @vue/component */
  10481. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"].extend({
  10482. name: 'v-radio-group',
  10483. mixins: [_mixins_comparable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], Object(_mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["provide"])('radio')],
  10484. model: {
  10485. prop: 'value',
  10486. event: 'change'
  10487. },
  10488. provide: function provide() {
  10489. return {
  10490. radio: this
  10491. };
  10492. },
  10493. props: {
  10494. column: {
  10495. type: Boolean,
  10496. default: true
  10497. },
  10498. height: {
  10499. type: [Number, String],
  10500. default: 'auto'
  10501. },
  10502. mandatory: {
  10503. type: Boolean,
  10504. default: true
  10505. },
  10506. name: String,
  10507. row: Boolean,
  10508. // If no value set on VRadio
  10509. // will match valueComparator
  10510. // force default to null
  10511. value: {
  10512. default: null
  10513. }
  10514. },
  10515. data: function data() {
  10516. return {
  10517. internalTabIndex: -1,
  10518. radios: []
  10519. };
  10520. },
  10521. computed: {
  10522. classes: function classes() {
  10523. return {
  10524. 'v-input--selection-controls v-input--radio-group': true,
  10525. 'v-input--radio-group--column': this.column && !this.row,
  10526. 'v-input--radio-group--row': this.row
  10527. };
  10528. }
  10529. },
  10530. watch: {
  10531. hasError: 'setErrorState',
  10532. internalValue: 'setActiveRadio'
  10533. },
  10534. mounted: function mounted() {
  10535. this.setErrorState(this.hasError);
  10536. this.setActiveRadio();
  10537. },
  10538. methods: {
  10539. genDefaultSlot: function genDefaultSlot() {
  10540. return this.$createElement('div', {
  10541. staticClass: 'v-input--radio-group__input',
  10542. attrs: {
  10543. role: 'radiogroup'
  10544. }
  10545. }, _VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"].options.methods.genDefaultSlot.call(this));
  10546. },
  10547. onRadioChange: function onRadioChange(value) {
  10548. if (this.disabled) return;
  10549. this.hasInput = true;
  10550. this.internalValue = value;
  10551. this.setActiveRadio();
  10552. this.$nextTick(this.validate);
  10553. },
  10554. onRadioBlur: function onRadioBlur(e) {
  10555. if (!e.relatedTarget || !e.relatedTarget.classList.contains('v-radio')) {
  10556. this.hasInput = true;
  10557. this.$emit('blur', e);
  10558. }
  10559. },
  10560. register: function register(radio) {
  10561. radio.isActive = this.valueComparator(this.internalValue, radio.value);
  10562. radio.$on('change', this.onRadioChange);
  10563. radio.$on('blur', this.onRadioBlur);
  10564. this.radios.push(radio);
  10565. },
  10566. setErrorState: function setErrorState(val) {
  10567. for (var index = this.radios.length; --index >= 0;) {
  10568. this.radios[index].parentError = val;
  10569. }
  10570. },
  10571. setActiveRadio: function setActiveRadio() {
  10572. for (var index = this.radios.length; --index >= 0;) {
  10573. var radio = this.radios[index];
  10574. radio.isActive = this.valueComparator(this.internalValue, radio.value);
  10575. }
  10576. },
  10577. unregister: function unregister(radio) {
  10578. radio.$off('change', this.onRadioChange);
  10579. radio.$off('blur', this.onRadioBlur);
  10580. var index = this.radios.findIndex(function (r) {
  10581. return r === radio;
  10582. });
  10583. /* istanbul ignore else */
  10584. if (index > -1) this.radios.splice(index, 1);
  10585. }
  10586. }
  10587. }));
  10588. /***/ }),
  10589. /***/ "./src/components/VRadioGroup/index.js":
  10590. /*!*********************************************!*\
  10591. !*** ./src/components/VRadioGroup/index.js ***!
  10592. \*********************************************/
  10593. /*! exports provided: VRadioGroup, VRadio, default */
  10594. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  10595. "use strict";
  10596. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  10597. /* harmony import */ var _VRadioGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VRadioGroup */ "./src/components/VRadioGroup/VRadioGroup.js");
  10598. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VRadioGroup", function() { return _VRadioGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  10599. /* harmony import */ var _VRadio__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VRadio */ "./src/components/VRadioGroup/VRadio.js");
  10600. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VRadio", function() { return _VRadio__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  10601. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  10602. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  10603. VRadioGroup: _VRadioGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  10604. VRadio: _VRadio__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]
  10605. }
  10606. });
  10607. /***/ }),
  10608. /***/ "./src/components/VRangeSlider/VRangeSlider.js":
  10609. /*!*****************************************************!*\
  10610. !*** ./src/components/VRangeSlider/VRangeSlider.js ***!
  10611. \*****************************************************/
  10612. /*! exports provided: default */
  10613. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  10614. "use strict";
  10615. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  10616. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_range_sliders_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_range-sliders.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_range-sliders.styl");
  10617. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_range_sliders_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_range_sliders_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  10618. /* harmony import */ var _VSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VSlider */ "./src/components/VSlider/index.js");
  10619. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  10620. // Styles
  10621. // Extensions
  10622. /* @vue/component */
  10623. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  10624. name: 'v-range-slider',
  10625. extends: _VSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  10626. props: {
  10627. value: {
  10628. type: Array,
  10629. default: function _default() {
  10630. return [];
  10631. }
  10632. }
  10633. },
  10634. data: function data(vm) {
  10635. return {
  10636. activeThumb: null,
  10637. lazyValue: !vm.value.length ? [0, 0] : vm.value
  10638. };
  10639. },
  10640. computed: {
  10641. classes: function classes() {
  10642. return Object.assign({}, {
  10643. 'v-input--range-slider': true
  10644. }, _VSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.computed.classes.call(this));
  10645. },
  10646. internalValue: {
  10647. get: function get() {
  10648. return this.lazyValue;
  10649. },
  10650. set: function set(val) {
  10651. var _this = this;
  10652. var _a = this,
  10653. min = _a.min,
  10654. max = _a.max;
  10655. // Round value to ensure the
  10656. // entire slider range can
  10657. // be selected with step
  10658. var value = val.map(function (v) {
  10659. return _this.roundValue(Math.min(Math.max(v, min), max));
  10660. });
  10661. // Switch values if range and wrong order
  10662. if (value[0] > value[1] || value[1] < value[0]) {
  10663. if (this.activeThumb !== null) this.activeThumb = this.activeThumb === 1 ? 0 : 1;
  10664. value = [value[1], value[0]];
  10665. }
  10666. this.lazyValue = value;
  10667. if (!Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["deepEqual"])(value, this.value)) this.$emit('input', value);
  10668. this.validate();
  10669. }
  10670. },
  10671. inputWidth: function inputWidth() {
  10672. var _this = this;
  10673. return this.internalValue.map(function (v) {
  10674. return (_this.roundValue(v) - _this.min) / (_this.max - _this.min) * 100;
  10675. });
  10676. },
  10677. isDirty: function isDirty() {
  10678. var _this = this;
  10679. return this.internalValue.some(function (v) {
  10680. return v !== _this.min;
  10681. }) || this.alwaysDirty;
  10682. },
  10683. trackFillStyles: function trackFillStyles() {
  10684. var styles = _VSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.computed.trackFillStyles.call(this);
  10685. var fillPercent = Math.abs(this.inputWidth[0] - this.inputWidth[1]);
  10686. styles.width = "calc(" + fillPercent + "% - " + this.trackPadding + "px)";
  10687. styles[this.$vuetify.rtl ? 'right' : 'left'] = this.inputWidth[0] + "%";
  10688. return styles;
  10689. },
  10690. trackPadding: function trackPadding() {
  10691. if (this.isDirty || this.internalValue[0]) return 0;
  10692. return _VSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.computed.trackPadding.call(this);
  10693. }
  10694. },
  10695. methods: {
  10696. getIndexOfClosestValue: function getIndexOfClosestValue(arr, v) {
  10697. if (Math.abs(arr[0] - v) < Math.abs(arr[1] - v)) return 0;else return 1;
  10698. },
  10699. genInput: function genInput() {
  10700. var _this = this;
  10701. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["createRange"])(2).map(function (i) {
  10702. var input = _VSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.genInput.call(_this);
  10703. input.data.attrs.value = _this.internalValue[i];
  10704. input.data.on.focus = function (e) {
  10705. _this.activeThumb = i;
  10706. _VSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.onFocus.call(_this, e);
  10707. };
  10708. return input;
  10709. });
  10710. },
  10711. genChildren: function genChildren() {
  10712. var _this = this;
  10713. return [this.genInput(), this.genTrackContainer(), this.genSteps(), Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["createRange"])(2).map(function (i) {
  10714. var value = _this.internalValue[i];
  10715. var onDrag = function onDrag(e) {
  10716. _this.isActive = true;
  10717. _this.activeThumb = i;
  10718. _this.onThumbMouseDown(e);
  10719. };
  10720. var valueWidth = _this.inputWidth[i];
  10721. var isActive = (_this.isFocused || _this.isActive) && _this.activeThumb === i;
  10722. return _this.genThumbContainer(value, valueWidth, isActive, onDrag);
  10723. })];
  10724. },
  10725. onSliderClick: function onSliderClick(e) {
  10726. if (!this.isActive) {
  10727. this.isFocused = true;
  10728. this.onMouseMove(e, true);
  10729. this.$emit('change', this.internalValue);
  10730. }
  10731. },
  10732. onMouseMove: function onMouseMove(e, trackClick) {
  10733. if (trackClick === void 0) {
  10734. trackClick = false;
  10735. }
  10736. var _a = this.parseMouseMove(e),
  10737. value = _a.value,
  10738. isInsideTrack = _a.isInsideTrack;
  10739. if (isInsideTrack) {
  10740. if (trackClick) this.activeThumb = this.getIndexOfClosestValue(this.internalValue, value);
  10741. this.setInternalValue(value);
  10742. }
  10743. },
  10744. onKeyDown: function onKeyDown(e) {
  10745. var value = this.parseKeyDown(e, this.internalValue[this.activeThumb]);
  10746. if (value == null) return;
  10747. this.setInternalValue(value);
  10748. },
  10749. setInternalValue: function setInternalValue(value) {
  10750. var _this = this;
  10751. this.internalValue = this.internalValue.map(function (v, i) {
  10752. if (i === _this.activeThumb) return value;else return Number(v);
  10753. });
  10754. }
  10755. }
  10756. });
  10757. /***/ }),
  10758. /***/ "./src/components/VRangeSlider/index.js":
  10759. /*!**********************************************!*\
  10760. !*** ./src/components/VRangeSlider/index.js ***!
  10761. \**********************************************/
  10762. /*! exports provided: VRangeSlider, default */
  10763. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  10764. "use strict";
  10765. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  10766. /* harmony import */ var _VRangeSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VRangeSlider */ "./src/components/VRangeSlider/VRangeSlider.js");
  10767. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VRangeSlider", function() { return _VRangeSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  10768. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VRangeSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  10769. /***/ }),
  10770. /***/ "./src/components/VRating/VRating.ts":
  10771. /*!*******************************************!*\
  10772. !*** ./src/components/VRating/VRating.ts ***!
  10773. \*******************************************/
  10774. /*! exports provided: default */
  10775. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  10776. "use strict";
  10777. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  10778. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_rating_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_rating.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_rating.styl");
  10779. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_rating_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_rating_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  10780. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  10781. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  10782. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_delayable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/delayable */ "./src/mixins/delayable.ts");
  10783. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_sizeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/sizeable */ "./src/mixins/sizeable.ts");
  10784. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_rippleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/rippleable */ "./src/mixins/rippleable.ts");
  10785. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  10786. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  10787. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  10788. // Styles
  10789. // Components
  10790. // Mixins
  10791. // Utilities
  10792. /* @vue/component */
  10793. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_delayable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_rippleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"], _mixins_sizeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"]).extend({
  10794. name: 'v-rating',
  10795. props: {
  10796. backgroundColor: {
  10797. type: String,
  10798. default: 'accent'
  10799. },
  10800. color: {
  10801. type: String,
  10802. default: 'primary'
  10803. },
  10804. dense: Boolean,
  10805. emptyIcon: {
  10806. type: String,
  10807. default: '$vuetify.icons.ratingEmpty'
  10808. },
  10809. fullIcon: {
  10810. type: String,
  10811. default: '$vuetify.icons.ratingFull'
  10812. },
  10813. halfIcon: {
  10814. type: String,
  10815. default: '$vuetify.icons.ratingHalf'
  10816. },
  10817. halfIncrements: Boolean,
  10818. length: {
  10819. type: [Number, String],
  10820. default: 5
  10821. },
  10822. clearable: Boolean,
  10823. readonly: Boolean,
  10824. hover: Boolean,
  10825. value: {
  10826. type: Number,
  10827. default: 0
  10828. }
  10829. },
  10830. data: function data() {
  10831. return {
  10832. hoverIndex: -1,
  10833. internalValue: this.value
  10834. };
  10835. },
  10836. computed: {
  10837. directives: function directives() {
  10838. if (this.readonly || !this.ripple) return [];
  10839. return [{
  10840. name: 'ripple',
  10841. value: { circle: true }
  10842. }];
  10843. },
  10844. iconProps: function iconProps() {
  10845. var _a = this.$props,
  10846. dark = _a.dark,
  10847. medium = _a.medium,
  10848. large = _a.large,
  10849. light = _a.light,
  10850. small = _a.small,
  10851. size = _a.size,
  10852. xLarge = _a.xLarge;
  10853. return {
  10854. dark: dark,
  10855. medium: medium,
  10856. large: large,
  10857. light: light,
  10858. size: size,
  10859. small: small,
  10860. xLarge: xLarge
  10861. };
  10862. },
  10863. isHovering: function isHovering() {
  10864. return this.hover && this.hoverIndex >= 0;
  10865. }
  10866. },
  10867. watch: {
  10868. internalValue: function internalValue(val) {
  10869. val !== this.value && this.$emit('input', val);
  10870. },
  10871. value: function value(val) {
  10872. this.internalValue = val;
  10873. }
  10874. },
  10875. methods: {
  10876. createClickFn: function createClickFn(i) {
  10877. var _this = this;
  10878. return function (e) {
  10879. if (_this.readonly) return;
  10880. var newValue = _this.genHoverIndex(e, i);
  10881. if (_this.clearable && _this.internalValue === newValue) {
  10882. _this.internalValue = 0;
  10883. } else {
  10884. _this.internalValue = newValue;
  10885. }
  10886. };
  10887. },
  10888. createProps: function createProps(i) {
  10889. var props = {
  10890. index: i,
  10891. value: this.internalValue,
  10892. click: this.createClickFn(i),
  10893. isFilled: Math.floor(this.internalValue) > i,
  10894. isHovered: Math.floor(this.hoverIndex) > i
  10895. };
  10896. if (this.halfIncrements) {
  10897. props.isHalfHovered = !props.isHovered && (this.hoverIndex - i) % 1 > 0;
  10898. props.isHalfFilled = !props.isFilled && (this.internalValue - i) % 1 > 0;
  10899. }
  10900. return props;
  10901. },
  10902. genHoverIndex: function genHoverIndex(e, i) {
  10903. return i + (this.isHalfEvent(e) ? 0.5 : 1);
  10904. },
  10905. getIconName: function getIconName(props) {
  10906. var isFull = this.isHovering ? props.isHovered : props.isFilled;
  10907. var isHalf = this.isHovering ? props.isHalfHovered : props.isHalfFilled;
  10908. return isFull ? this.fullIcon : isHalf ? this.halfIcon : this.emptyIcon;
  10909. },
  10910. getColor: function getColor(props) {
  10911. if (this.isHovering) {
  10912. if (props.isHovered || props.isHalfHovered) return this.color;
  10913. } else {
  10914. if (props.isFilled || props.isHalfFilled) return this.color;
  10915. }
  10916. return this.backgroundColor;
  10917. },
  10918. isHalfEvent: function isHalfEvent(e) {
  10919. if (this.halfIncrements) {
  10920. var rect = e.target && e.target.getBoundingClientRect();
  10921. if (rect && e.pageX - rect.left < rect.width / 2) return true;
  10922. }
  10923. return false;
  10924. },
  10925. onMouseEnter: function onMouseEnter(e, i) {
  10926. var _this = this;
  10927. this.runDelay('open', function () {
  10928. _this.hoverIndex = _this.genHoverIndex(e, i);
  10929. });
  10930. },
  10931. onMouseLeave: function onMouseLeave() {
  10932. var _this = this;
  10933. this.runDelay('close', function () {
  10934. return _this.hoverIndex = -1;
  10935. });
  10936. },
  10937. genItem: function genItem(i) {
  10938. var _this = this;
  10939. var props = this.createProps(i);
  10940. if (this.$scopedSlots.item) return this.$scopedSlots.item(props);
  10941. var listeners = {
  10942. click: props.click
  10943. };
  10944. if (this.hover) {
  10945. listeners.mouseenter = function (e) {
  10946. return _this.onMouseEnter(e, i);
  10947. };
  10948. listeners.mouseleave = this.onMouseLeave;
  10949. if (this.halfIncrements) {
  10950. listeners.mousemove = function (e) {
  10951. return _this.onMouseEnter(e, i);
  10952. };
  10953. }
  10954. }
  10955. return this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], this.setTextColor(this.getColor(props), {
  10956. directives: this.directives,
  10957. props: this.iconProps,
  10958. on: listeners
  10959. }), [this.getIconName(props)]);
  10960. }
  10961. },
  10962. render: function render(h) {
  10963. var _this = this;
  10964. var children = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createRange"])(Number(this.length)).map(function (i) {
  10965. return _this.genItem(i);
  10966. });
  10967. return h('div', {
  10968. staticClass: 'v-rating',
  10969. class: {
  10970. 'v-rating--readonly': this.readonly,
  10971. 'v-rating--dense': this.dense
  10972. }
  10973. }, children);
  10974. }
  10975. }));
  10976. /***/ }),
  10977. /***/ "./src/components/VRating/index.ts":
  10978. /*!*****************************************!*\
  10979. !*** ./src/components/VRating/index.ts ***!
  10980. \*****************************************/
  10981. /*! exports provided: VRating, default */
  10982. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  10983. "use strict";
  10984. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  10985. /* harmony import */ var _VRating__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VRating */ "./src/components/VRating/VRating.ts");
  10986. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VRating", function() { return _VRating__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  10987. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VRating__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  10988. /***/ }),
  10989. /***/ "./src/components/VResponsive/VResponsive.ts":
  10990. /*!***************************************************!*\
  10991. !*** ./src/components/VResponsive/VResponsive.ts ***!
  10992. \***************************************************/
  10993. /*! exports provided: default */
  10994. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  10995. "use strict";
  10996. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  10997. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_responsive_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_responsive.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_responsive.styl");
  10998. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_responsive_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_responsive_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  10999. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_measurable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/measurable */ "./src/mixins/measurable.ts");
  11000. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  11001. // Mixins
  11002. // Utils
  11003. /* @vue/component */
  11004. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"])(_mixins_measurable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]).extend({
  11005. name: 'v-responsive',
  11006. props: {
  11007. aspectRatio: [String, Number]
  11008. },
  11009. computed: {
  11010. computedAspectRatio: function computedAspectRatio() {
  11011. return Number(this.aspectRatio);
  11012. },
  11013. aspectStyle: function aspectStyle() {
  11014. return this.computedAspectRatio ? { paddingBottom: 1 / this.computedAspectRatio * 100 + '%' } : undefined;
  11015. },
  11016. __cachedSizer: function __cachedSizer() {
  11017. if (!this.aspectStyle) return [];
  11018. return this.$createElement('div', {
  11019. style: this.aspectStyle,
  11020. staticClass: 'v-responsive__sizer'
  11021. });
  11022. }
  11023. },
  11024. methods: {
  11025. genContent: function genContent() {
  11026. return this.$createElement('div', {
  11027. staticClass: 'v-responsive__content'
  11028. }, this.$slots.default);
  11029. }
  11030. },
  11031. render: function render(h) {
  11032. return h('div', {
  11033. staticClass: 'v-responsive',
  11034. style: this.measurableStyles,
  11035. on: this.$listeners
  11036. }, [this.__cachedSizer, this.genContent()]);
  11037. }
  11038. }));
  11039. /***/ }),
  11040. /***/ "./src/components/VResponsive/index.ts":
  11041. /*!*********************************************!*\
  11042. !*** ./src/components/VResponsive/index.ts ***!
  11043. \*********************************************/
  11044. /*! exports provided: VResponsive, default */
  11045. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  11046. "use strict";
  11047. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  11048. /* harmony import */ var _VResponsive__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VResponsive */ "./src/components/VResponsive/VResponsive.ts");
  11049. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VResponsive", function() { return _VResponsive__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  11050. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VResponsive__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  11051. /***/ }),
  11052. /***/ "./src/components/VSelect/VSelect.js":
  11053. /*!*******************************************!*\
  11054. !*** ./src/components/VSelect/VSelect.js ***!
  11055. \*******************************************/
  11056. /*! exports provided: defaultMenuProps, default */
  11057. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  11058. "use strict";
  11059. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  11060. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "defaultMenuProps", function() { return defaultMenuProps; });
  11061. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_text_fields_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_text-fields.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_text-fields.styl");
  11062. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_text_fields_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_text_fields_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  11063. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_select_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_select.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_select.styl");
  11064. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_select_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_select_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
  11065. /* harmony import */ var _VChip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VChip */ "./src/components/VChip/index.ts");
  11066. /* harmony import */ var _VMenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VMenu */ "./src/components/VMenu/index.js");
  11067. /* harmony import */ var _VSelectList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSelectList */ "./src/components/VSelect/VSelectList.js");
  11068. /* harmony import */ var _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VTextField/VTextField */ "./src/components/VTextField/VTextField.js");
  11069. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_comparable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/comparable */ "./src/mixins/comparable.ts");
  11070. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_filterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/filterable */ "./src/mixins/filterable.ts");
  11071. /* harmony import */ var _directives_click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/click-outside */ "./src/directives/click-outside.ts");
  11072. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  11073. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  11074. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  11075. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  11076. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  11077. s = arguments[i];
  11078. for (var p in s) {
  11079. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  11080. }
  11081. }
  11082. return t;
  11083. };
  11084. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  11085. };
  11086. var __values = undefined && undefined.__values || function (o) {
  11087. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator],
  11088. i = 0;
  11089. if (m) return m.call(o);
  11090. return {
  11091. next: function next() {
  11092. if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
  11093. return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
  11094. }
  11095. };
  11096. };
  11097. // Styles
  11098. // Components
  11099. // Extensions
  11100. // Mixins
  11101. // Directives
  11102. // Helpers
  11103. var defaultMenuProps = {
  11104. closeOnClick: false,
  11105. closeOnContentClick: false,
  11106. openOnClick: false,
  11107. maxHeight: 300
  11108. };
  11109. /* @vue/component */
  11110. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"].extend({
  11111. name: 'v-select',
  11112. directives: {
  11113. ClickOutside: _directives_click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["default"]
  11114. },
  11115. mixins: [_mixins_comparable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"], _mixins_filterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["default"]],
  11116. props: {
  11117. appendIcon: {
  11118. type: String,
  11119. default: '$vuetify.icons.dropdown'
  11120. },
  11121. appendIconCb: Function,
  11122. attach: {
  11123. type: null,
  11124. default: false
  11125. },
  11126. browserAutocomplete: {
  11127. type: String,
  11128. default: 'on'
  11129. },
  11130. cacheItems: Boolean,
  11131. chips: Boolean,
  11132. clearable: Boolean,
  11133. deletableChips: Boolean,
  11134. dense: Boolean,
  11135. hideSelected: Boolean,
  11136. items: {
  11137. type: Array,
  11138. default: function _default() {
  11139. return [];
  11140. }
  11141. },
  11142. itemAvatar: {
  11143. type: [String, Array, Function],
  11144. default: 'avatar'
  11145. },
  11146. itemDisabled: {
  11147. type: [String, Array, Function],
  11148. default: 'disabled'
  11149. },
  11150. itemText: {
  11151. type: [String, Array, Function],
  11152. default: 'text'
  11153. },
  11154. itemValue: {
  11155. type: [String, Array, Function],
  11156. default: 'value'
  11157. },
  11158. menuProps: {
  11159. type: [String, Array, Object],
  11160. default: function _default() {
  11161. return defaultMenuProps;
  11162. }
  11163. },
  11164. multiple: Boolean,
  11165. openOnClear: Boolean,
  11166. returnObject: Boolean,
  11167. searchInput: {
  11168. default: null
  11169. },
  11170. smallChips: Boolean
  11171. },
  11172. data: function data(vm) {
  11173. return {
  11174. attrsInput: { role: 'combobox' },
  11175. cachedItems: vm.cacheItems ? vm.items : [],
  11176. content: null,
  11177. isBooted: false,
  11178. isMenuActive: false,
  11179. lastItem: 20,
  11180. // As long as a value is defined, show it
  11181. // Otherwise, check if multiple
  11182. // to determine which default to provide
  11183. lazyValue: vm.value !== undefined ? vm.value : vm.multiple ? [] : undefined,
  11184. selectedIndex: -1,
  11185. selectedItems: [],
  11186. keyboardLookupPrefix: '',
  11187. keyboardLookupLastTime: 0
  11188. };
  11189. },
  11190. computed: {
  11191. /* All items that the select has */
  11192. allItems: function allItems() {
  11193. return this.filterDuplicates(this.cachedItems.concat(this.items));
  11194. },
  11195. classes: function classes() {
  11196. return Object.assign({}, _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"].options.computed.classes.call(this), {
  11197. 'v-select': true,
  11198. 'v-select--chips': this.hasChips,
  11199. 'v-select--chips--small': this.smallChips,
  11200. 'v-select--is-menu-active': this.isMenuActive
  11201. });
  11202. },
  11203. /* Used by other components to overwrite */
  11204. computedItems: function computedItems() {
  11205. return this.allItems;
  11206. },
  11207. counterValue: function counterValue() {
  11208. return this.multiple ? this.selectedItems.length : (this.getText(this.selectedItems[0]) || '').toString().length;
  11209. },
  11210. directives: function directives() {
  11211. return this.isFocused ? [{
  11212. name: 'click-outside',
  11213. value: this.blur,
  11214. args: {
  11215. closeConditional: this.closeConditional
  11216. }
  11217. }] : undefined;
  11218. },
  11219. dynamicHeight: function dynamicHeight() {
  11220. return 'auto';
  11221. },
  11222. hasChips: function hasChips() {
  11223. return this.chips || this.smallChips;
  11224. },
  11225. hasSlot: function hasSlot() {
  11226. return Boolean(this.hasChips || this.$scopedSlots.selection);
  11227. },
  11228. isDirty: function isDirty() {
  11229. return this.selectedItems.length > 0;
  11230. },
  11231. listData: function listData() {
  11232. var _a;
  11233. var scopeId = this.$vnode && this.$vnode.context.$options._scopeId;
  11234. return {
  11235. attrs: scopeId ? (_a = {}, _a[scopeId] = true, _a) : null,
  11236. props: {
  11237. action: this.multiple && !this.isHidingSelected,
  11238. color: this.color,
  11239. dense: this.dense,
  11240. hideSelected: this.hideSelected,
  11241. items: this.virtualizedItems,
  11242. noDataText: this.$vuetify.t(this.noDataText),
  11243. selectedItems: this.selectedItems,
  11244. itemAvatar: this.itemAvatar,
  11245. itemDisabled: this.itemDisabled,
  11246. itemValue: this.itemValue,
  11247. itemText: this.itemText
  11248. },
  11249. on: {
  11250. select: this.selectItem
  11251. },
  11252. scopedSlots: {
  11253. item: this.$scopedSlots.item
  11254. }
  11255. };
  11256. },
  11257. staticList: function staticList() {
  11258. if (this.$slots['no-data'] || this.$slots['prepend-item'] || this.$slots['append-item']) {
  11259. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["consoleError"])('assert: staticList should not be called if slots are used');
  11260. }
  11261. return this.$createElement(_VSelectList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], this.listData);
  11262. },
  11263. virtualizedItems: function virtualizedItems() {
  11264. return this.$_menuProps.auto ? this.computedItems : this.computedItems.slice(0, this.lastItem);
  11265. },
  11266. menuCanShow: function menuCanShow() {
  11267. return true;
  11268. },
  11269. $_menuProps: function $_menuProps() {
  11270. var normalisedProps;
  11271. normalisedProps = typeof this.menuProps === 'string' ? this.menuProps.split(',') : this.menuProps;
  11272. if (Array.isArray(normalisedProps)) {
  11273. normalisedProps = normalisedProps.reduce(function (acc, p) {
  11274. acc[p.trim()] = true;
  11275. return acc;
  11276. }, {});
  11277. }
  11278. return __assign({}, defaultMenuProps, { value: this.menuCanShow && this.isMenuActive, nudgeBottom: this.nudgeBottom ? this.nudgeBottom : normalisedProps.offsetY ? 1 : 0 }, normalisedProps);
  11279. }
  11280. },
  11281. watch: {
  11282. internalValue: function internalValue(val) {
  11283. this.initialValue = val;
  11284. this.setSelectedItems();
  11285. },
  11286. isBooted: function isBooted() {
  11287. var _this = this;
  11288. this.$nextTick(function () {
  11289. if (_this.content && _this.content.addEventListener) {
  11290. _this.content.addEventListener('scroll', _this.onScroll, false);
  11291. }
  11292. });
  11293. },
  11294. isMenuActive: function isMenuActive(val) {
  11295. if (!val) return;
  11296. this.isBooted = true;
  11297. },
  11298. items: {
  11299. immediate: true,
  11300. handler: function handler(val) {
  11301. if (this.cacheItems) {
  11302. this.cachedItems = this.filterDuplicates(this.cachedItems.concat(val));
  11303. }
  11304. this.setSelectedItems();
  11305. }
  11306. }
  11307. },
  11308. mounted: function mounted() {
  11309. this.content = this.$refs.menu && this.$refs.menu.$refs.content;
  11310. },
  11311. methods: {
  11312. /** @public */
  11313. blur: function blur(e) {
  11314. this.isMenuActive = false;
  11315. this.isFocused = false;
  11316. this.$refs.input && this.$refs.input.blur();
  11317. this.selectedIndex = -1;
  11318. this.onBlur(e);
  11319. },
  11320. /** @public */
  11321. activateMenu: function activateMenu() {
  11322. this.isMenuActive = true;
  11323. },
  11324. clearableCallback: function clearableCallback() {
  11325. var _this = this;
  11326. this.setValue(this.multiple ? [] : undefined);
  11327. this.$nextTick(function () {
  11328. return _this.$refs.input.focus();
  11329. });
  11330. if (this.openOnClear) this.isMenuActive = true;
  11331. },
  11332. closeConditional: function closeConditional(e) {
  11333. return (
  11334. // Click originates from outside the menu content
  11335. !!this.content && !this.content.contains(e.target) &&
  11336. // Click originates from outside the element
  11337. !!this.$el && !this.$el.contains(e.target) && e.target !== this.$el
  11338. );
  11339. },
  11340. filterDuplicates: function filterDuplicates(arr) {
  11341. var uniqueValues = new Map();
  11342. for (var index = 0; index < arr.length; ++index) {
  11343. var item = arr[index];
  11344. var val = this.getValue(item);
  11345. // TODO: comparator
  11346. !uniqueValues.has(val) && uniqueValues.set(val, item);
  11347. }
  11348. return Array.from(uniqueValues.values());
  11349. },
  11350. findExistingIndex: function findExistingIndex(item) {
  11351. var _this = this;
  11352. var itemValue = this.getValue(item);
  11353. return (this.internalValue || []).findIndex(function (i) {
  11354. return _this.valueComparator(_this.getValue(i), itemValue);
  11355. });
  11356. },
  11357. genChipSelection: function genChipSelection(item, index) {
  11358. var _this = this;
  11359. var isDisabled = this.disabled || this.readonly || this.getDisabled(item);
  11360. return this.$createElement(_VChip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], {
  11361. staticClass: 'v-chip--select-multi',
  11362. attrs: { tabindex: -1 },
  11363. props: {
  11364. close: this.deletableChips && !isDisabled,
  11365. disabled: isDisabled,
  11366. selected: index === this.selectedIndex,
  11367. small: this.smallChips
  11368. },
  11369. on: {
  11370. click: function click(e) {
  11371. if (isDisabled) return;
  11372. e.stopPropagation();
  11373. _this.selectedIndex = index;
  11374. },
  11375. input: function input() {
  11376. return _this.onChipInput(item);
  11377. }
  11378. },
  11379. key: this.getValue(item)
  11380. }, this.getText(item));
  11381. },
  11382. genCommaSelection: function genCommaSelection(item, index, last) {
  11383. // Item may be an object
  11384. // TODO: Remove JSON.stringify
  11385. var key = JSON.stringify(this.getValue(item));
  11386. var color = index === this.selectedIndex && this.color;
  11387. var isDisabled = this.disabled || this.getDisabled(item);
  11388. return this.$createElement('div', this.setTextColor(color, {
  11389. staticClass: 'v-select__selection v-select__selection--comma',
  11390. 'class': {
  11391. 'v-select__selection--disabled': isDisabled
  11392. },
  11393. key: key
  11394. }), "" + this.getText(item) + (last ? '' : ', '));
  11395. },
  11396. genDefaultSlot: function genDefaultSlot() {
  11397. var selections = this.genSelections();
  11398. var input = this.genInput();
  11399. // If the return is an empty array
  11400. // push the input
  11401. if (Array.isArray(selections)) {
  11402. selections.push(input);
  11403. // Otherwise push it into children
  11404. } else {
  11405. selections.children = selections.children || [];
  11406. selections.children.push(input);
  11407. }
  11408. return [this.$createElement('div', {
  11409. staticClass: 'v-select__slot',
  11410. directives: this.directives
  11411. }, [this.genLabel(), this.prefix ? this.genAffix('prefix') : null, selections, this.suffix ? this.genAffix('suffix') : null, this.genClearIcon(), this.genIconSlot()]), this.genMenu(), this.genProgress()];
  11412. },
  11413. genInput: function genInput() {
  11414. var input = _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"].options.methods.genInput.call(this);
  11415. input.data.domProps.value = null;
  11416. input.data.attrs.readonly = true;
  11417. input.data.attrs['aria-readonly'] = String(this.readonly);
  11418. input.data.on.keypress = this.onKeyPress;
  11419. return input;
  11420. },
  11421. genList: function genList() {
  11422. // If there's no slots, we can use a cached VNode to improve performance
  11423. if (this.$slots['no-data'] || this.$slots['prepend-item'] || this.$slots['append-item']) {
  11424. return this.genListWithSlot();
  11425. } else {
  11426. return this.staticList;
  11427. }
  11428. },
  11429. genListWithSlot: function genListWithSlot() {
  11430. var _this = this;
  11431. var slots = ['prepend-item', 'no-data', 'append-item'].filter(function (slotName) {
  11432. return _this.$slots[slotName];
  11433. }).map(function (slotName) {
  11434. return _this.$createElement('template', {
  11435. slot: slotName
  11436. }, _this.$slots[slotName]);
  11437. });
  11438. // Requires destructuring due to Vue
  11439. // modifying the `on` property when passed
  11440. // as a referenced object
  11441. return this.$createElement(_VSelectList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], __assign({}, this.listData), slots);
  11442. },
  11443. genMenu: function genMenu() {
  11444. var _this = this;
  11445. var e_1, _a;
  11446. var props = this.$_menuProps;
  11447. props.activator = this.$refs['input-slot'];
  11448. // Deprecate using menu props directly
  11449. // TODO: remove (2.0)
  11450. var inheritedProps = Object.keys(_VMenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"].options.props);
  11451. var deprecatedProps = Object.keys(this.$attrs).reduce(function (acc, attr) {
  11452. if (inheritedProps.includes(Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["camelize"])(attr))) acc.push(attr);
  11453. return acc;
  11454. }, []);
  11455. try {
  11456. for (var deprecatedProps_1 = __values(deprecatedProps), deprecatedProps_1_1 = deprecatedProps_1.next(); !deprecatedProps_1_1.done; deprecatedProps_1_1 = deprecatedProps_1.next()) {
  11457. var prop = deprecatedProps_1_1.value;
  11458. props[Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["camelize"])(prop)] = this.$attrs[prop];
  11459. }
  11460. } catch (e_1_1) {
  11461. e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
  11462. } finally {
  11463. try {
  11464. if (deprecatedProps_1_1 && !deprecatedProps_1_1.done && (_a = deprecatedProps_1.return)) _a.call(deprecatedProps_1);
  11465. } finally {
  11466. if (e_1) throw e_1.error;
  11467. }
  11468. }
  11469. if (true) {
  11470. if (deprecatedProps.length) {
  11471. var multiple = deprecatedProps.length > 1;
  11472. var replacement_1 = deprecatedProps.reduce(function (acc, p) {
  11473. acc[Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["camelize"])(p)] = _this.$attrs[p];
  11474. return acc;
  11475. }, {});
  11476. var props_1 = deprecatedProps.map(function (p) {
  11477. return "'" + p + "'";
  11478. }).join(', ');
  11479. var separator = multiple ? '\n' : '\'';
  11480. var onlyBools = Object.keys(replacement_1).every(function (prop) {
  11481. var propType = _VMenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"].options.props[prop];
  11482. var value = replacement_1[prop];
  11483. return value === true || (propType.type || propType) === Boolean && value === '';
  11484. });
  11485. if (onlyBools) {
  11486. replacement_1 = Object.keys(replacement_1).join(', ');
  11487. } else {
  11488. replacement_1 = JSON.stringify(replacement_1, null, multiple ? 2 : 0).replace(/"([^(")"]+)":/g, '$1:').replace(/"/g, '\'');
  11489. }
  11490. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["consoleWarn"])(props_1 + " " + (multiple ? 'are' : 'is') + " deprecated, use " + ("" + separator + (onlyBools ? '' : ':') + "menu-props=\"" + replacement_1 + "\"" + separator + " instead"), this);
  11491. }
  11492. }
  11493. // Attach to root el so that
  11494. // menu covers prepend/append icons
  11495. if (
  11496. // TODO: make this a computed property or helper or something
  11497. this.attach === '' || // If used as a boolean prop (<v-menu attach>)
  11498. this.attach === true || // If bound to a boolean (<v-menu :attach="true">)
  11499. this.attach === 'attach' // If bound as boolean prop in pug (v-menu(attach))
  11500. ) {
  11501. props.attach = this.$el;
  11502. } else {
  11503. props.attach = this.attach;
  11504. }
  11505. return this.$createElement(_VMenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], {
  11506. props: props,
  11507. on: {
  11508. input: function input(val) {
  11509. _this.isMenuActive = val;
  11510. _this.isFocused = val;
  11511. }
  11512. },
  11513. ref: 'menu'
  11514. }, [this.genList()]);
  11515. },
  11516. genSelections: function genSelections() {
  11517. var length = this.selectedItems.length;
  11518. var children = new Array(length);
  11519. var genSelection;
  11520. if (this.$scopedSlots.selection) {
  11521. genSelection = this.genSlotSelection;
  11522. } else if (this.hasChips) {
  11523. genSelection = this.genChipSelection;
  11524. } else {
  11525. genSelection = this.genCommaSelection;
  11526. }
  11527. while (length--) {
  11528. children[length] = genSelection(this.selectedItems[length], length, length === children.length - 1);
  11529. }
  11530. return this.$createElement('div', {
  11531. staticClass: 'v-select__selections'
  11532. }, children);
  11533. },
  11534. genSlotSelection: function genSlotSelection(item, index) {
  11535. return this.$scopedSlots.selection({
  11536. parent: this,
  11537. item: item,
  11538. index: index,
  11539. selected: index === this.selectedIndex,
  11540. disabled: this.disabled || this.readonly
  11541. });
  11542. },
  11543. getMenuIndex: function getMenuIndex() {
  11544. return this.$refs.menu ? this.$refs.menu.listIndex : -1;
  11545. },
  11546. getDisabled: function getDisabled(item) {
  11547. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["getPropertyFromItem"])(item, this.itemDisabled, false);
  11548. },
  11549. getText: function getText(item) {
  11550. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["getPropertyFromItem"])(item, this.itemText, item);
  11551. },
  11552. getValue: function getValue(item) {
  11553. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["getPropertyFromItem"])(item, this.itemValue, this.getText(item));
  11554. },
  11555. onBlur: function onBlur(e) {
  11556. this.$emit('blur', e);
  11557. },
  11558. onChipInput: function onChipInput(item) {
  11559. if (this.multiple) this.selectItem(item);else this.setValue(null);
  11560. // If all items have been deleted,
  11561. // open `v-menu`
  11562. if (this.selectedItems.length === 0) {
  11563. this.isMenuActive = true;
  11564. } else {
  11565. this.isMenuActive = false;
  11566. }
  11567. this.selectedIndex = -1;
  11568. },
  11569. onClick: function onClick() {
  11570. if (this.isDisabled) return;
  11571. this.isMenuActive = true;
  11572. if (!this.isFocused) {
  11573. this.isFocused = true;
  11574. this.$emit('focus');
  11575. }
  11576. },
  11577. onEnterDown: function onEnterDown() {
  11578. this.onBlur();
  11579. },
  11580. onEscDown: function onEscDown(e) {
  11581. e.preventDefault();
  11582. if (this.isMenuActive) {
  11583. e.stopPropagation();
  11584. this.isMenuActive = false;
  11585. }
  11586. },
  11587. onKeyPress: function onKeyPress(e) {
  11588. var _this = this;
  11589. if (this.multiple) return;
  11590. var KEYBOARD_LOOKUP_THRESHOLD = 1000; // milliseconds
  11591. var now = performance.now();
  11592. if (now - this.keyboardLookupLastTime > KEYBOARD_LOOKUP_THRESHOLD) {
  11593. this.keyboardLookupPrefix = '';
  11594. }
  11595. this.keyboardLookupPrefix += e.key.toLowerCase();
  11596. this.keyboardLookupLastTime = now;
  11597. var index = this.allItems.findIndex(function (item) {
  11598. return _this.getText(item).toLowerCase().startsWith(_this.keyboardLookupPrefix);
  11599. });
  11600. var item = this.allItems[index];
  11601. if (index !== -1) {
  11602. this.setValue(this.returnObject ? item : this.getValue(item));
  11603. setTimeout(function () {
  11604. return _this.setMenuIndex(index);
  11605. });
  11606. }
  11607. },
  11608. onKeyDown: function onKeyDown(e) {
  11609. var keyCode = e.keyCode;
  11610. // If enter, space, up, or down is pressed, open menu
  11611. if (!this.readonly && !this.isMenuActive && [_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["keyCodes"].enter, _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["keyCodes"].space, _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["keyCodes"].up, _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["keyCodes"].down].includes(keyCode)) this.activateMenu();
  11612. if (this.isMenuActive && this.$refs.menu) this.$refs.menu.changeListIndex(e);
  11613. // This should do something different
  11614. if (keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["keyCodes"].enter) return this.onEnterDown(e);
  11615. // If escape deactivate the menu
  11616. if (keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["keyCodes"].esc) return this.onEscDown(e);
  11617. // If tab - select item or close menu
  11618. if (keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["keyCodes"].tab) return this.onTabDown(e);
  11619. },
  11620. onMouseUp: function onMouseUp(e) {
  11621. var _this = this;
  11622. if (this.hasMouseDown) {
  11623. var appendInner = this.$refs['append-inner'];
  11624. // If append inner is present
  11625. // and the target is itself
  11626. // or inside, toggle menu
  11627. if (this.isMenuActive && appendInner && (appendInner === e.target || appendInner.contains(e.target))) {
  11628. this.$nextTick(function () {
  11629. return _this.isMenuActive = !_this.isMenuActive;
  11630. });
  11631. // If user is clicking in the container
  11632. // and field is enclosed, activate it
  11633. } else if (this.isEnclosed && !this.isDisabled) {
  11634. this.isMenuActive = true;
  11635. }
  11636. }
  11637. _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"].options.methods.onMouseUp.call(this, e);
  11638. },
  11639. onScroll: function onScroll() {
  11640. var _this = this;
  11641. if (!this.isMenuActive) {
  11642. requestAnimationFrame(function () {
  11643. return _this.content.scrollTop = 0;
  11644. });
  11645. } else {
  11646. if (this.lastItem >= this.computedItems.length) return;
  11647. var showMoreItems = this.content.scrollHeight - (this.content.scrollTop + this.content.clientHeight) < 200;
  11648. if (showMoreItems) {
  11649. this.lastItem += 20;
  11650. }
  11651. }
  11652. },
  11653. onTabDown: function onTabDown(e) {
  11654. var menuIndex = this.getMenuIndex();
  11655. var listTile = this.$refs.menu.tiles[menuIndex];
  11656. // An item that is selected by
  11657. // menu-index should toggled
  11658. if (listTile && listTile.className.indexOf('v-list__tile--highlighted') > -1 && this.isMenuActive && menuIndex > -1) {
  11659. e.preventDefault();
  11660. e.stopPropagation();
  11661. listTile.click();
  11662. } else {
  11663. // If we make it here,
  11664. // the user has no selected indexes
  11665. // and is probably tabbing out
  11666. this.blur(e);
  11667. }
  11668. },
  11669. selectItem: function selectItem(item) {
  11670. var _this = this;
  11671. if (!this.multiple) {
  11672. this.setValue(this.returnObject ? item : this.getValue(item));
  11673. this.isMenuActive = false;
  11674. } else {
  11675. var internalValue = (this.internalValue || []).slice();
  11676. var i = this.findExistingIndex(item);
  11677. i !== -1 ? internalValue.splice(i, 1) : internalValue.push(item);
  11678. this.setValue(internalValue.map(function (i) {
  11679. return _this.returnObject ? i : _this.getValue(i);
  11680. }));
  11681. // When selecting multiple
  11682. // adjust menu after each
  11683. // selection
  11684. this.$nextTick(function () {
  11685. _this.$refs.menu && _this.$refs.menu.updateDimensions();
  11686. });
  11687. }
  11688. },
  11689. setMenuIndex: function setMenuIndex(index) {
  11690. this.$refs.menu && (this.$refs.menu.listIndex = index);
  11691. },
  11692. setSelectedItems: function setSelectedItems() {
  11693. var _this = this;
  11694. var e_2, _a;
  11695. var selectedItems = [];
  11696. var values = !this.multiple || !Array.isArray(this.internalValue) ? [this.internalValue] : this.internalValue;
  11697. var _loop_1 = function _loop_1(value) {
  11698. var index = this_1.allItems.findIndex(function (v) {
  11699. return _this.valueComparator(_this.getValue(v), _this.getValue(value));
  11700. });
  11701. if (index > -1) {
  11702. selectedItems.push(this_1.allItems[index]);
  11703. }
  11704. };
  11705. var this_1 = this;
  11706. try {
  11707. for (var values_1 = __values(values), values_1_1 = values_1.next(); !values_1_1.done; values_1_1 = values_1.next()) {
  11708. var value = values_1_1.value;
  11709. _loop_1(value);
  11710. }
  11711. } catch (e_2_1) {
  11712. e_2 = { error: e_2_1 };
  11713. } finally {
  11714. try {
  11715. if (values_1_1 && !values_1_1.done && (_a = values_1.return)) _a.call(values_1);
  11716. } finally {
  11717. if (e_2) throw e_2.error;
  11718. }
  11719. }
  11720. this.selectedItems = selectedItems;
  11721. },
  11722. setValue: function setValue(value) {
  11723. var oldValue = this.internalValue;
  11724. this.internalValue = value;
  11725. value !== oldValue && this.$emit('change', value);
  11726. }
  11727. }
  11728. }));
  11729. /***/ }),
  11730. /***/ "./src/components/VSelect/VSelectList.js":
  11731. /*!***********************************************!*\
  11732. !*** ./src/components/VSelect/VSelectList.js ***!
  11733. \***********************************************/
  11734. /*! exports provided: default */
  11735. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  11736. "use strict";
  11737. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  11738. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_cards_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_cards.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_cards.styl");
  11739. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_cards_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_cards_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  11740. /* harmony import */ var _VCheckbox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VCheckbox */ "./src/components/VCheckbox/index.js");
  11741. /* harmony import */ var _VDivider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VDivider */ "./src/components/VDivider/index.ts");
  11742. /* harmony import */ var _VSubheader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VSubheader */ "./src/components/VSubheader/index.ts");
  11743. /* harmony import */ var _VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VList */ "./src/components/VList/index.ts");
  11744. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  11745. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  11746. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  11747. var __values = undefined && undefined.__values || function (o) {
  11748. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator],
  11749. i = 0;
  11750. if (m) return m.call(o);
  11751. return {
  11752. next: function next() {
  11753. if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
  11754. return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
  11755. }
  11756. };
  11757. };
  11758. // Components
  11759. // Mixins
  11760. // Helpers
  11761. /* @vue/component */
  11762. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  11763. name: 'v-select-list',
  11764. mixins: [_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"]],
  11765. props: {
  11766. action: Boolean,
  11767. dense: Boolean,
  11768. hideSelected: Boolean,
  11769. items: {
  11770. type: Array,
  11771. default: function _default() {
  11772. return [];
  11773. }
  11774. },
  11775. itemAvatar: {
  11776. type: [String, Array, Function],
  11777. default: 'avatar'
  11778. },
  11779. itemDisabled: {
  11780. type: [String, Array, Function],
  11781. default: 'disabled'
  11782. },
  11783. itemText: {
  11784. type: [String, Array, Function],
  11785. default: 'text'
  11786. },
  11787. itemValue: {
  11788. type: [String, Array, Function],
  11789. default: 'value'
  11790. },
  11791. noDataText: String,
  11792. noFilter: Boolean,
  11793. searchInput: {
  11794. default: null
  11795. },
  11796. selectedItems: {
  11797. type: Array,
  11798. default: function _default() {
  11799. return [];
  11800. }
  11801. }
  11802. },
  11803. computed: {
  11804. parsedItems: function parsedItems() {
  11805. var _this = this;
  11806. return this.selectedItems.map(function (item) {
  11807. return _this.getValue(item);
  11808. });
  11809. },
  11810. tileActiveClass: function tileActiveClass() {
  11811. return Object.keys(this.setTextColor(this.color).class || {}).join(' ');
  11812. },
  11813. staticNoDataTile: function staticNoDataTile() {
  11814. var tile = {
  11815. on: {
  11816. mousedown: function mousedown(e) {
  11817. return e.preventDefault();
  11818. } // Prevent onBlur from being called
  11819. }
  11820. };
  11821. return this.$createElement(_VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["VListTile"], tile, [this.genTileContent(this.noDataText)]);
  11822. }
  11823. },
  11824. methods: {
  11825. genAction: function genAction(item, inputValue) {
  11826. var _this = this;
  11827. var data = {
  11828. on: {
  11829. click: function click(e) {
  11830. e.stopPropagation();
  11831. _this.$emit('select', item);
  11832. }
  11833. }
  11834. };
  11835. return this.$createElement(_VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["VListTileAction"], data, [this.$createElement(_VCheckbox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], {
  11836. props: {
  11837. color: this.color,
  11838. inputValue: inputValue
  11839. }
  11840. })]);
  11841. },
  11842. genDivider: function genDivider(props) {
  11843. return this.$createElement(_VDivider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], { props: props });
  11844. },
  11845. genFilteredText: function genFilteredText(text) {
  11846. text = (text || '').toString();
  11847. if (!this.searchInput || this.noFilter) return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["escapeHTML"])(text);
  11848. var _a = this.getMaskedCharacters(text),
  11849. start = _a.start,
  11850. middle = _a.middle,
  11851. end = _a.end;
  11852. return "" + Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["escapeHTML"])(start) + this.genHighlight(middle) + Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["escapeHTML"])(end);
  11853. },
  11854. genHeader: function genHeader(props) {
  11855. return this.$createElement(_VSubheader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], { props: props }, props.header);
  11856. },
  11857. genHighlight: function genHighlight(text) {
  11858. return "<span class=\"v-list__tile__mask\">" + Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["escapeHTML"])(text) + "</span>";
  11859. },
  11860. getMaskedCharacters: function getMaskedCharacters(text) {
  11861. var searchInput = (this.searchInput || '').toString().toLocaleLowerCase();
  11862. var index = text.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(searchInput);
  11863. if (index < 0) return { start: '', middle: text, end: '' };
  11864. var start = text.slice(0, index);
  11865. var middle = text.slice(index, index + searchInput.length);
  11866. var end = text.slice(index + searchInput.length);
  11867. return { start: start, middle: middle, end: end };
  11868. },
  11869. genTile: function genTile(item, disabled, avatar, value) {
  11870. var _this = this;
  11871. if (disabled === void 0) {
  11872. disabled = null;
  11873. }
  11874. if (avatar === void 0) {
  11875. avatar = false;
  11876. }
  11877. if (value === void 0) {
  11878. value = this.hasItem(item);
  11879. }
  11880. if (item === Object(item)) {
  11881. avatar = this.getAvatar(item);
  11882. disabled = disabled !== null ? disabled : this.getDisabled(item);
  11883. }
  11884. var tile = {
  11885. on: {
  11886. mousedown: function mousedown(e) {
  11887. // Prevent onBlur from being called
  11888. e.preventDefault();
  11889. },
  11890. click: function click() {
  11891. return disabled || _this.$emit('select', item);
  11892. }
  11893. },
  11894. props: {
  11895. activeClass: this.tileActiveClass,
  11896. avatar: avatar,
  11897. disabled: disabled,
  11898. ripple: true,
  11899. value: value,
  11900. color: this.color
  11901. }
  11902. };
  11903. if (!this.$scopedSlots.item) {
  11904. return this.$createElement(_VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["VListTile"], tile, [this.action && !this.hideSelected && this.items.length > 0 ? this.genAction(item, value) : null, this.genTileContent(item)]);
  11905. }
  11906. var parent = this;
  11907. var scopedSlot = this.$scopedSlots.item({ parent: parent, item: item, tile: tile });
  11908. return this.needsTile(scopedSlot) ? this.$createElement(_VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["VListTile"], tile, scopedSlot) : scopedSlot;
  11909. },
  11910. genTileContent: function genTileContent(item) {
  11911. var innerHTML = this.genFilteredText(this.getText(item));
  11912. return this.$createElement(_VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["VListTileContent"], [this.$createElement(_VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["VListTileTitle"], {
  11913. domProps: { innerHTML: innerHTML }
  11914. })]);
  11915. },
  11916. hasItem: function hasItem(item) {
  11917. return this.parsedItems.indexOf(this.getValue(item)) > -1;
  11918. },
  11919. needsTile: function needsTile(slot) {
  11920. return slot.length !== 1 || slot[0].componentOptions == null || slot[0].componentOptions.Ctor.options.name !== 'v-list-tile';
  11921. },
  11922. getAvatar: function getAvatar(item) {
  11923. return Boolean(Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getPropertyFromItem"])(item, this.itemAvatar, false));
  11924. },
  11925. getDisabled: function getDisabled(item) {
  11926. return Boolean(Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getPropertyFromItem"])(item, this.itemDisabled, false));
  11927. },
  11928. getText: function getText(item) {
  11929. return String(Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getPropertyFromItem"])(item, this.itemText, item));
  11930. },
  11931. getValue: function getValue(item) {
  11932. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getPropertyFromItem"])(item, this.itemValue, this.getText(item));
  11933. }
  11934. },
  11935. render: function render() {
  11936. var e_1, _a;
  11937. var children = [];
  11938. try {
  11939. for (var _b = __values(this.items), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
  11940. var item = _c.value;
  11941. if (this.hideSelected && this.hasItem(item)) continue;
  11942. if (item == null) children.push(this.genTile(item));else if (item.header) children.push(this.genHeader(item));else if (item.divider) children.push(this.genDivider(item));else children.push(this.genTile(item));
  11943. }
  11944. } catch (e_1_1) {
  11945. e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
  11946. } finally {
  11947. try {
  11948. if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
  11949. } finally {
  11950. if (e_1) throw e_1.error;
  11951. }
  11952. }
  11953. children.length || children.push(this.$slots['no-data'] || this.staticNoDataTile);
  11954. this.$slots['prepend-item'] && children.unshift(this.$slots['prepend-item']);
  11955. this.$slots['append-item'] && children.push(this.$slots['append-item']);
  11956. return this.$createElement('div', {
  11957. staticClass: 'v-select-list v-card',
  11958. 'class': this.themeClasses
  11959. }, [this.$createElement(_VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["VList"], {
  11960. props: {
  11961. dense: this.dense
  11962. }
  11963. }, children)]);
  11964. }
  11965. });
  11966. /***/ }),
  11967. /***/ "./src/components/VSelect/index.js":
  11968. /*!*****************************************!*\
  11969. !*** ./src/components/VSelect/index.js ***!
  11970. \*****************************************/
  11971. /*! exports provided: VSelect, default */
  11972. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  11973. "use strict";
  11974. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  11975. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSelect", function() { return wrapper; });
  11976. /* harmony import */ var _VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSelect */ "./src/components/VSelect/VSelect.js");
  11977. /* harmony import */ var _VOverflowBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VOverflowBtn */ "./src/components/VOverflowBtn/index.js");
  11978. /* harmony import */ var _VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VAutocomplete */ "./src/components/VAutocomplete/index.js");
  11979. /* harmony import */ var _VCombobox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VCombobox */ "./src/components/VCombobox/index.js");
  11980. /* harmony import */ var _util_rebuildFunctionalSlots__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/rebuildFunctionalSlots */ "./src/util/rebuildFunctionalSlots.ts");
  11981. /* harmony import */ var _util_dedupeModelListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/dedupeModelListeners */ "./src/util/dedupeModelListeners.ts");
  11982. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  11983. /* @vue/component */
  11984. var wrapper = {
  11985. functional: true,
  11986. $_wrapperFor: _VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  11987. props: {
  11988. // VAutoComplete
  11989. /** @deprecated */
  11990. autocomplete: Boolean,
  11991. /** @deprecated */
  11992. combobox: Boolean,
  11993. multiple: Boolean,
  11994. /** @deprecated */
  11995. tags: Boolean,
  11996. // VOverflowBtn
  11997. /** @deprecated */
  11998. editable: Boolean,
  11999. /** @deprecated */
  12000. overflow: Boolean,
  12001. /** @deprecated */
  12002. segmented: Boolean
  12003. },
  12004. render: function render(h, _a) {
  12005. var props = _a.props,
  12006. data = _a.data,
  12007. slots = _a.slots,
  12008. parent = _a.parent;
  12009. Object(_util_dedupeModelListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])(data);
  12010. var children = Object(_util_rebuildFunctionalSlots__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(slots(), h);
  12011. if (props.autocomplete) {
  12012. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["deprecate"])('<v-select autocomplete>', '<v-autocomplete>', wrapper, parent);
  12013. }
  12014. if (props.combobox) {
  12015. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["deprecate"])('<v-select combobox>', '<v-combobox>', wrapper, parent);
  12016. }
  12017. if (props.tags) {
  12018. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["deprecate"])('<v-select tags>', '<v-combobox multiple>', wrapper, parent);
  12019. }
  12020. if (props.overflow) {
  12021. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["deprecate"])('<v-select overflow>', '<v-overflow-btn>', wrapper, parent);
  12022. }
  12023. if (props.segmented) {
  12024. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["deprecate"])('<v-select segmented>', '<v-overflow-btn segmented>', wrapper, parent);
  12025. }
  12026. if (props.editable) {
  12027. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["deprecate"])('<v-select editable>', '<v-overflow-btn editable>', wrapper, parent);
  12028. }
  12029. data.attrs = data.attrs || {};
  12030. if (props.combobox || props.tags) {
  12031. data.attrs.multiple = props.tags;
  12032. return h(_VCombobox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], data, children);
  12033. } else if (props.autocomplete) {
  12034. data.attrs.multiple = props.multiple;
  12035. return h(_VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], data, children);
  12036. } else if (props.overflow || props.segmented || props.editable) {
  12037. data.attrs.segmented = props.segmented;
  12038. data.attrs.editable = props.editable;
  12039. return h(_VOverflowBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], data, children);
  12040. } else {
  12041. data.attrs.multiple = props.multiple;
  12042. return h(_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], data, children);
  12043. }
  12044. }
  12045. };
  12046. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (wrapper);
  12047. /***/ }),
  12048. /***/ "./src/components/VSheet/VSheet.ts":
  12049. /*!*****************************************!*\
  12050. !*** ./src/components/VSheet/VSheet.ts ***!
  12051. \*****************************************/
  12052. /*! exports provided: default */
  12053. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  12054. "use strict";
  12055. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  12056. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_sheet_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_sheet.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_sheet.styl");
  12057. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_sheet_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_sheet_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  12058. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  12059. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_elevatable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/elevatable */ "./src/mixins/elevatable.ts");
  12060. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_measurable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/measurable */ "./src/mixins/measurable.ts");
  12061. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  12062. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  12063. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  12064. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  12065. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  12066. s = arguments[i];
  12067. for (var p in s) {
  12068. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  12069. }
  12070. }
  12071. return t;
  12072. };
  12073. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  12074. };
  12075. // Styles
  12076. // Mixins
  12077. // Helpers
  12078. /* @vue/component */
  12079. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_elevatable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_measurable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]).extend({
  12080. name: 'v-sheet',
  12081. props: {
  12082. tag: {
  12083. type: String,
  12084. default: 'div'
  12085. },
  12086. tile: Boolean
  12087. },
  12088. computed: {
  12089. classes: function classes() {
  12090. return __assign({ 'v-sheet': true, 'v-sheet--tile': this.tile }, this.themeClasses, this.elevationClasses);
  12091. },
  12092. styles: function styles() {
  12093. return this.measurableStyles;
  12094. }
  12095. },
  12096. render: function render(h) {
  12097. var data = {
  12098. class: this.classes,
  12099. style: this.styles,
  12100. on: this.$listeners
  12101. };
  12102. return h(this.tag, this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, data), this.$slots.default);
  12103. }
  12104. }));
  12105. /***/ }),
  12106. /***/ "./src/components/VSheet/index.ts":
  12107. /*!****************************************!*\
  12108. !*** ./src/components/VSheet/index.ts ***!
  12109. \****************************************/
  12110. /*! exports provided: VSheet, default */
  12111. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  12112. "use strict";
  12113. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  12114. /* harmony import */ var _VSheet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSheet */ "./src/components/VSheet/VSheet.ts");
  12115. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSheet", function() { return _VSheet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  12116. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VSheet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  12117. /***/ }),
  12118. /***/ "./src/components/VSlider/VSlider.js":
  12119. /*!*******************************************!*\
  12120. !*** ./src/components/VSlider/VSlider.js ***!
  12121. \*******************************************/
  12122. /*! exports provided: default */
  12123. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  12124. "use strict";
  12125. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  12126. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_sliders_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_sliders.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_sliders.styl");
  12127. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_sliders_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_sliders_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  12128. /* harmony import */ var _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../transitions */ "./src/components/transitions/index.js");
  12129. /* harmony import */ var _VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VInput */ "./src/components/VInput/index.ts");
  12130. /* harmony import */ var _directives_click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/click-outside */ "./src/directives/click-outside.ts");
  12131. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  12132. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  12133. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_loadable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/loadable */ "./src/mixins/loadable.ts");
  12134. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  12135. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  12136. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  12137. s = arguments[i];
  12138. for (var p in s) {
  12139. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  12140. }
  12141. }
  12142. return t;
  12143. };
  12144. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  12145. };
  12146. // Styles
  12147. // Components
  12148. // Extensions
  12149. // Directives
  12150. // Utilities
  12151. /* @vue/component */
  12152. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"].extend({
  12153. name: 'v-slider',
  12154. directives: { ClickOutside: _directives_click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"] },
  12155. mixins: [_mixins_loadable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"]],
  12156. props: {
  12157. alwaysDirty: Boolean,
  12158. inverseLabel: Boolean,
  12159. label: String,
  12160. min: {
  12161. type: [Number, String],
  12162. default: 0
  12163. },
  12164. max: {
  12165. type: [Number, String],
  12166. default: 100
  12167. },
  12168. step: {
  12169. type: [Number, String],
  12170. default: 1
  12171. },
  12172. ticks: {
  12173. type: [Boolean, String],
  12174. default: false,
  12175. validator: function validator(v) {
  12176. return typeof v === 'boolean' || v === 'always';
  12177. }
  12178. },
  12179. tickLabels: {
  12180. type: Array,
  12181. default: function _default() {
  12182. return [];
  12183. }
  12184. },
  12185. tickSize: {
  12186. type: [Number, String],
  12187. default: 1
  12188. },
  12189. thumbColor: {
  12190. type: String,
  12191. default: null
  12192. },
  12193. thumbLabel: {
  12194. type: [Boolean, String],
  12195. default: null,
  12196. validator: function validator(v) {
  12197. return typeof v === 'boolean' || v === 'always';
  12198. }
  12199. },
  12200. thumbSize: {
  12201. type: [Number, String],
  12202. default: 32
  12203. },
  12204. trackColor: {
  12205. type: String,
  12206. default: null
  12207. },
  12208. value: [Number, String]
  12209. },
  12210. data: function data(vm) {
  12211. return {
  12212. app: {},
  12213. isActive: false,
  12214. keyPressed: 0,
  12215. lazyValue: typeof vm.value !== 'undefined' ? vm.value : Number(vm.min),
  12216. oldValue: null
  12217. };
  12218. },
  12219. computed: {
  12220. classes: function classes() {
  12221. return {
  12222. 'v-input--slider': true,
  12223. 'v-input--slider--ticks': this.showTicks,
  12224. 'v-input--slider--inverse-label': this.inverseLabel,
  12225. 'v-input--slider--ticks-labels': this.tickLabels.length > 0,
  12226. 'v-input--slider--thumb-label': this.thumbLabel || this.$scopedSlots.thumbLabel
  12227. };
  12228. },
  12229. showTicks: function showTicks() {
  12230. return this.tickLabels.length > 0 || !this.disabled && this.stepNumeric && !!this.ticks;
  12231. },
  12232. showThumbLabel: function showThumbLabel() {
  12233. return !this.disabled && (!!this.thumbLabel || this.thumbLabel === '' || this.$scopedSlots['thumb-label']);
  12234. },
  12235. computedColor: function computedColor() {
  12236. if (this.disabled) return null;
  12237. return this.validationState || this.color || 'primary';
  12238. },
  12239. computedTrackColor: function computedTrackColor() {
  12240. return this.disabled ? null : this.trackColor || null;
  12241. },
  12242. computedThumbColor: function computedThumbColor() {
  12243. if (this.disabled || !this.isDirty) return null;
  12244. return this.validationState || this.thumbColor || this.color || 'primary';
  12245. },
  12246. internalValue: {
  12247. get: function get() {
  12248. return this.lazyValue;
  12249. },
  12250. set: function set(val) {
  12251. var _a = this,
  12252. min = _a.min,
  12253. max = _a.max;
  12254. // Round value to ensure the
  12255. // entire slider range can
  12256. // be selected with step
  12257. var value = this.roundValue(Math.min(Math.max(val, min), max));
  12258. if (value === this.lazyValue) return;
  12259. this.lazyValue = value;
  12260. this.$emit('input', value);
  12261. this.validate();
  12262. }
  12263. },
  12264. stepNumeric: function stepNumeric() {
  12265. return this.step > 0 ? parseFloat(this.step) : 0;
  12266. },
  12267. trackFillStyles: function trackFillStyles() {
  12268. var left = this.$vuetify.rtl ? 'auto' : 0;
  12269. var right = this.$vuetify.rtl ? 0 : 'auto';
  12270. var width = this.inputWidth + "%";
  12271. if (this.disabled) width = "calc(" + this.inputWidth + "% - 8px)";
  12272. return {
  12273. transition: this.trackTransition,
  12274. left: left,
  12275. right: right,
  12276. width: width
  12277. };
  12278. },
  12279. trackPadding: function trackPadding() {
  12280. return this.isActive || this.inputWidth > 0 || this.disabled ? 0 : 7;
  12281. },
  12282. trackStyles: function trackStyles() {
  12283. var trackPadding = this.disabled ? "calc(" + this.inputWidth + "% + 8px)" : this.trackPadding + "px";
  12284. var left = this.$vuetify.rtl ? 'auto' : trackPadding;
  12285. var right = this.$vuetify.rtl ? trackPadding : 'auto';
  12286. var width = this.disabled ? "calc(" + (100 - this.inputWidth) + "% - 8px)" : '100%';
  12287. return {
  12288. transition: this.trackTransition,
  12289. left: left,
  12290. right: right,
  12291. width: width
  12292. };
  12293. },
  12294. tickStyles: function tickStyles() {
  12295. var size = Number(this.tickSize);
  12296. return {
  12297. 'border-width': size + "px",
  12298. 'border-radius': size > 1 ? '50%' : null,
  12299. transform: size > 1 ? "translateX(-" + size + "px) translateY(-" + (size - 1) + "px)" : null
  12300. };
  12301. },
  12302. trackTransition: function trackTransition() {
  12303. return this.keyPressed >= 2 ? 'none' : '';
  12304. },
  12305. numTicks: function numTicks() {
  12306. return Math.ceil((this.max - this.min) / this.stepNumeric);
  12307. },
  12308. inputWidth: function inputWidth() {
  12309. return (this.roundValue(this.internalValue) - this.min) / (this.max - this.min) * 100;
  12310. },
  12311. isDirty: function isDirty() {
  12312. return this.internalValue > this.min || this.alwaysDirty;
  12313. }
  12314. },
  12315. watch: {
  12316. min: function min(val) {
  12317. val > this.internalValue && this.$emit('input', parseFloat(val));
  12318. },
  12319. max: function max(val) {
  12320. val < this.internalValue && this.$emit('input', parseFloat(val));
  12321. },
  12322. value: function value(val) {
  12323. this.internalValue = val;
  12324. }
  12325. },
  12326. mounted: function mounted() {
  12327. // Without a v-app, iOS does not work with body selectors
  12328. this.app = document.querySelector('[data-app]') || Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["consoleWarn"])('Missing v-app or a non-body wrapping element with the [data-app] attribute', this);
  12329. },
  12330. methods: {
  12331. genDefaultSlot: function genDefaultSlot() {
  12332. var children = [this.genLabel()];
  12333. var slider = this.genSlider();
  12334. this.inverseLabel ? children.unshift(slider) : children.push(slider);
  12335. children.push(this.genProgress());
  12336. return children;
  12337. },
  12338. genListeners: function genListeners() {
  12339. return {
  12340. blur: this.onBlur,
  12341. click: this.onSliderClick,
  12342. focus: this.onFocus,
  12343. keydown: this.onKeyDown,
  12344. keyup: this.onKeyUp
  12345. };
  12346. },
  12347. genInput: function genInput() {
  12348. return this.$createElement('input', {
  12349. attrs: __assign({ 'aria-label': this.label, name: this.name, role: 'slider', tabindex: this.disabled ? -1 : this.$attrs.tabindex, value: this.internalValue, readonly: true, 'aria-readonly': String(this.readonly), 'aria-valuemin': this.min, 'aria-valuemax': this.max, 'aria-valuenow': this.internalValue }, this.$attrs),
  12350. on: this.genListeners(),
  12351. ref: 'input'
  12352. });
  12353. },
  12354. genSlider: function genSlider() {
  12355. return this.$createElement('div', {
  12356. staticClass: 'v-slider',
  12357. 'class': {
  12358. 'v-slider--is-active': this.isActive
  12359. },
  12360. directives: [{
  12361. name: 'click-outside',
  12362. value: this.onBlur
  12363. }]
  12364. }, this.genChildren());
  12365. },
  12366. genChildren: function genChildren() {
  12367. return [this.genInput(), this.genTrackContainer(), this.genSteps(), this.genThumbContainer(this.internalValue, this.inputWidth, this.isFocused || this.isActive, this.onThumbMouseDown)];
  12368. },
  12369. genSteps: function genSteps() {
  12370. var _this = this;
  12371. if (!this.step || !this.showTicks) return null;
  12372. var ticks = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createRange"])(this.numTicks + 1).map(function (i) {
  12373. var children = [];
  12374. if (_this.tickLabels[i]) {
  12375. children.push(_this.$createElement('span', _this.tickLabels[i]));
  12376. }
  12377. return _this.$createElement('span', {
  12378. key: i,
  12379. staticClass: 'v-slider__ticks',
  12380. class: {
  12381. 'v-slider__ticks--always-show': _this.ticks === 'always' || _this.tickLabels.length > 0
  12382. },
  12383. style: __assign({}, _this.tickStyles, { left: i * (100 / _this.numTicks) + "%" })
  12384. }, children);
  12385. });
  12386. return this.$createElement('div', {
  12387. staticClass: 'v-slider__ticks-container'
  12388. }, ticks);
  12389. },
  12390. genThumb: function genThumb() {
  12391. return this.$createElement('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.computedThumbColor, {
  12392. staticClass: 'v-slider__thumb'
  12393. }));
  12394. },
  12395. genThumbContainer: function genThumbContainer(value, valueWidth, isActive, onDrag) {
  12396. var children = [this.genThumb()];
  12397. var thumbLabelContent = this.getLabel(value);
  12398. this.showThumbLabel && children.push(this.genThumbLabel(thumbLabelContent));
  12399. return this.$createElement('div', this.setTextColor(this.computedThumbColor, {
  12400. staticClass: 'v-slider__thumb-container',
  12401. 'class': {
  12402. 'v-slider__thumb-container--is-active': isActive,
  12403. 'v-slider__thumb-container--show-label': this.showThumbLabel
  12404. },
  12405. style: {
  12406. transition: this.trackTransition,
  12407. left: (this.$vuetify.rtl ? 100 - valueWidth : valueWidth) + "%"
  12408. },
  12409. on: {
  12410. touchstart: onDrag,
  12411. mousedown: onDrag
  12412. }
  12413. }), children);
  12414. },
  12415. genThumbLabel: function genThumbLabel(content) {
  12416. var size = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["convertToUnit"])(this.thumbSize);
  12417. return this.$createElement(_transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["VScaleTransition"], {
  12418. props: { origin: 'bottom center' }
  12419. }, [this.$createElement('div', {
  12420. staticClass: 'v-slider__thumb-label__container',
  12421. directives: [{
  12422. name: 'show',
  12423. value: this.isFocused || this.isActive || this.thumbLabel === 'always'
  12424. }]
  12425. }, [this.$createElement('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.computedThumbColor, {
  12426. staticClass: 'v-slider__thumb-label',
  12427. style: {
  12428. height: size,
  12429. width: size
  12430. }
  12431. }), [content])])]);
  12432. },
  12433. genTrackContainer: function genTrackContainer() {
  12434. var children = [this.$createElement('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.computedTrackColor, {
  12435. staticClass: 'v-slider__track',
  12436. style: this.trackStyles
  12437. })), this.$createElement('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.computedColor, {
  12438. staticClass: 'v-slider__track-fill',
  12439. style: this.trackFillStyles
  12440. }))];
  12441. return this.$createElement('div', {
  12442. staticClass: 'v-slider__track__container',
  12443. ref: 'track'
  12444. }, children);
  12445. },
  12446. getLabel: function getLabel(value) {
  12447. return this.$scopedSlots['thumb-label'] ? this.$scopedSlots['thumb-label']({ value: value }) : this.$createElement('span', value);
  12448. },
  12449. onBlur: function onBlur(e) {
  12450. if (this.keyPressed === 2) return;
  12451. this.isActive = false;
  12452. this.isFocused = false;
  12453. this.$emit('blur', e);
  12454. },
  12455. onFocus: function onFocus(e) {
  12456. this.isFocused = true;
  12457. this.$emit('focus', e);
  12458. },
  12459. onThumbMouseDown: function onThumbMouseDown(e) {
  12460. this.oldValue = this.internalValue;
  12461. this.keyPressed = 2;
  12462. var options = { passive: true };
  12463. this.isActive = true;
  12464. this.isFocused = false;
  12465. if ('touches' in e) {
  12466. this.app.addEventListener('touchmove', this.onMouseMove, options);
  12467. Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["addOnceEventListener"])(this.app, 'touchend', this.onSliderMouseUp);
  12468. } else {
  12469. this.app.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove, options);
  12470. Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["addOnceEventListener"])(this.app, 'mouseup', this.onSliderMouseUp);
  12471. }
  12472. this.$emit('start', this.internalValue);
  12473. },
  12474. onSliderMouseUp: function onSliderMouseUp() {
  12475. this.keyPressed = 0;
  12476. var options = { passive: true };
  12477. this.isActive = false;
  12478. this.isFocused = false;
  12479. this.app.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.onMouseMove, options);
  12480. this.app.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove, options);
  12481. this.$emit('end', this.internalValue);
  12482. if (!Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["deepEqual"])(this.oldValue, this.internalValue)) {
  12483. this.$emit('change', this.internalValue);
  12484. }
  12485. },
  12486. onMouseMove: function onMouseMove(e) {
  12487. var _a = this.parseMouseMove(e),
  12488. value = _a.value,
  12489. isInsideTrack = _a.isInsideTrack;
  12490. if (isInsideTrack) {
  12491. this.setInternalValue(value);
  12492. }
  12493. },
  12494. onKeyDown: function onKeyDown(e) {
  12495. if (this.disabled || this.readonly) return;
  12496. var value = this.parseKeyDown(e);
  12497. if (value == null) return;
  12498. this.setInternalValue(value);
  12499. this.$emit('change', value);
  12500. },
  12501. onKeyUp: function onKeyUp() {
  12502. this.keyPressed = 0;
  12503. },
  12504. onSliderClick: function onSliderClick(e) {
  12505. this.isFocused = true;
  12506. this.onMouseMove(e);
  12507. this.$emit('change', this.internalValue);
  12508. },
  12509. parseMouseMove: function parseMouseMove(e) {
  12510. var _a = this.$refs.track.getBoundingClientRect(),
  12511. offsetLeft = _a.left,
  12512. trackWidth = _a.width;
  12513. var clientX = 'touches' in e ? e.touches[0].clientX : e.clientX;
  12514. // It is possible for left to be NaN, force to number
  12515. var left = Math.min(Math.max((clientX - offsetLeft) / trackWidth, 0), 1) || 0;
  12516. if (this.$vuetify.rtl) left = 1 - left;
  12517. var isInsideTrack = clientX >= offsetLeft - 8 && clientX <= offsetLeft + trackWidth + 8;
  12518. var value = parseFloat(this.min) + left * (this.max - this.min);
  12519. return { value: value, isInsideTrack: isInsideTrack };
  12520. },
  12521. parseKeyDown: function parseKeyDown(e, value) {
  12522. if (value === void 0) {
  12523. value = this.internalValue;
  12524. }
  12525. if (this.disabled) return;
  12526. var pageup = _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["keyCodes"].pageup,
  12527. pagedown = _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["keyCodes"].pagedown,
  12528. end = _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["keyCodes"].end,
  12529. home = _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["keyCodes"].home,
  12530. left = _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["keyCodes"].left,
  12531. right = _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["keyCodes"].right,
  12532. down = _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["keyCodes"].down,
  12533. up = _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["keyCodes"].up;
  12534. if (![pageup, pagedown, end, home, left, right, down, up].includes(e.keyCode)) return;
  12535. e.preventDefault();
  12536. var step = this.stepNumeric || 1;
  12537. var steps = (this.max - this.min) / step;
  12538. if ([left, right, down, up].includes(e.keyCode)) {
  12539. this.keyPressed += 1;
  12540. var increase = this.$vuetify.rtl ? [left, up] : [right, up];
  12541. var direction = increase.includes(e.keyCode) ? 1 : -1;
  12542. var multiplier = e.shiftKey ? 3 : e.ctrlKey ? 2 : 1;
  12543. value = value + direction * step * multiplier;
  12544. } else if (e.keyCode === home) {
  12545. value = parseFloat(this.min);
  12546. } else if (e.keyCode === end) {
  12547. value = parseFloat(this.max);
  12548. } else /* if (e.keyCode === keyCodes.pageup || e.keyCode === pagedown) */{
  12549. // Page up/down
  12550. var direction = e.keyCode === pagedown ? 1 : -1;
  12551. value = value - direction * step * (steps > 100 ? steps / 10 : 10);
  12552. }
  12553. return value;
  12554. },
  12555. roundValue: function roundValue(value) {
  12556. if (!this.stepNumeric) return value;
  12557. // Format input value using the same number
  12558. // of decimals places as in the step prop
  12559. var trimmedStep = this.step.toString().trim();
  12560. var decimals = trimmedStep.indexOf('.') > -1 ? trimmedStep.length - trimmedStep.indexOf('.') - 1 : 0;
  12561. var offset = this.min % this.stepNumeric;
  12562. var newValue = Math.round((value - offset) / this.stepNumeric) * this.stepNumeric + offset;
  12563. return parseFloat(Math.max(Math.min(newValue, this.max), this.min).toFixed(decimals));
  12564. },
  12565. setInternalValue: function setInternalValue(value) {
  12566. this.internalValue = value;
  12567. }
  12568. }
  12569. }));
  12570. /***/ }),
  12571. /***/ "./src/components/VSlider/index.js":
  12572. /*!*****************************************!*\
  12573. !*** ./src/components/VSlider/index.js ***!
  12574. \*****************************************/
  12575. /*! exports provided: VSlider, default */
  12576. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  12577. "use strict";
  12578. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  12579. /* harmony import */ var _VSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSlider */ "./src/components/VSlider/VSlider.js");
  12580. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSlider", function() { return _VSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  12581. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  12582. /***/ }),
  12583. /***/ "./src/components/VSnackbar/VSnackbar.ts":
  12584. /*!***********************************************!*\
  12585. !*** ./src/components/VSnackbar/VSnackbar.ts ***!
  12586. \***********************************************/
  12587. /*! exports provided: default */
  12588. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  12589. "use strict";
  12590. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  12591. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_snackbars_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_snackbars.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_snackbars.styl");
  12592. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_snackbars_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_snackbars_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  12593. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  12594. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/toggleable */ "./src/mixins/toggleable.ts");
  12595. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_positionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/positionable */ "./src/mixins/positionable.ts");
  12596. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  12597. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], Object(_mixins_positionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["factory"])(['absolute', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'])
  12598. /* @vue/component */
  12599. ).extend({
  12600. name: 'v-snackbar',
  12601. props: {
  12602. autoHeight: Boolean,
  12603. multiLine: Boolean,
  12604. // TODO: change this to closeDelay to match other API in delayable.js
  12605. timeout: {
  12606. type: Number,
  12607. default: 6000
  12608. },
  12609. vertical: Boolean
  12610. },
  12611. data: function data() {
  12612. return {
  12613. activeTimeout: -1
  12614. };
  12615. },
  12616. computed: {
  12617. classes: function classes() {
  12618. return {
  12619. 'v-snack--active': this.isActive,
  12620. 'v-snack--absolute': this.absolute,
  12621. 'v-snack--auto-height': this.autoHeight,
  12622. 'v-snack--bottom': this.bottom || !this.top,
  12623. 'v-snack--left': this.left,
  12624. 'v-snack--multi-line': this.multiLine && !this.vertical,
  12625. 'v-snack--right': this.right,
  12626. 'v-snack--top': this.top,
  12627. 'v-snack--vertical': this.vertical
  12628. };
  12629. }
  12630. },
  12631. watch: {
  12632. isActive: function isActive() {
  12633. this.setTimeout();
  12634. }
  12635. },
  12636. mounted: function mounted() {
  12637. this.setTimeout();
  12638. },
  12639. methods: {
  12640. setTimeout: function setTimeout() {
  12641. var _this = this;
  12642. window.clearTimeout(this.activeTimeout);
  12643. if (this.isActive && this.timeout) {
  12644. this.activeTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
  12645. _this.isActive = false;
  12646. }, this.timeout);
  12647. }
  12648. }
  12649. },
  12650. render: function render(h) {
  12651. return h('transition', {
  12652. attrs: { name: 'v-snack-transition' }
  12653. }, this.isActive && [h('div', {
  12654. staticClass: 'v-snack',
  12655. class: this.classes,
  12656. on: this.$listeners
  12657. }, [h('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, {
  12658. staticClass: 'v-snack__wrapper'
  12659. }), [h('div', {
  12660. staticClass: 'v-snack__content'
  12661. }, this.$slots.default)])])]);
  12662. }
  12663. }));
  12664. /***/ }),
  12665. /***/ "./src/components/VSnackbar/index.ts":
  12666. /*!*******************************************!*\
  12667. !*** ./src/components/VSnackbar/index.ts ***!
  12668. \*******************************************/
  12669. /*! exports provided: VSnackbar, default */
  12670. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  12671. "use strict";
  12672. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  12673. /* harmony import */ var _VSnackbar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSnackbar */ "./src/components/VSnackbar/VSnackbar.ts");
  12674. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSnackbar", function() { return _VSnackbar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  12675. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VSnackbar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  12676. /***/ }),
  12677. /***/ "./src/components/VSparkline/VSparkline.ts":
  12678. /*!*************************************************!*\
  12679. !*** ./src/components/VSparkline/VSparkline.ts ***!
  12680. \*************************************************/
  12681. /*! exports provided: default */
  12682. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  12683. "use strict";
  12684. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  12685. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  12686. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  12687. /* harmony import */ var _helpers_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers/core */ "./src/components/VSparkline/helpers/core.ts");
  12688. /* harmony import */ var _helpers_path__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers/path */ "./src/components/VSparkline/helpers/path.ts");
  12689. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  12690. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  12691. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  12692. s = arguments[i];
  12693. for (var p in s) {
  12694. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  12695. }
  12696. }
  12697. return t;
  12698. };
  12699. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  12700. };
  12701. // Mixins
  12702. // Utilities
  12703. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]).extend({
  12704. name: 'VSparkline',
  12705. props: {
  12706. autoDraw: Boolean,
  12707. autoDrawDuration: {
  12708. type: Number,
  12709. default: 2000
  12710. },
  12711. autoDrawEasing: {
  12712. type: String,
  12713. default: 'ease'
  12714. },
  12715. autoLineWidth: {
  12716. type: Boolean,
  12717. default: false
  12718. },
  12719. color: {
  12720. type: String,
  12721. default: 'primary'
  12722. },
  12723. fill: {
  12724. type: Boolean,
  12725. default: false
  12726. },
  12727. gradient: {
  12728. type: Array,
  12729. default: function _default() {
  12730. return [];
  12731. }
  12732. },
  12733. gradientDirection: {
  12734. type: String,
  12735. validator: function validator(val) {
  12736. return ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'].includes(val);
  12737. },
  12738. default: 'top'
  12739. },
  12740. height: {
  12741. type: [String, Number],
  12742. default: 75
  12743. },
  12744. labels: {
  12745. type: Array,
  12746. default: function _default() {
  12747. return [];
  12748. }
  12749. },
  12750. lineWidth: {
  12751. type: [String, Number],
  12752. default: 4
  12753. },
  12754. padding: {
  12755. type: [String, Number],
  12756. default: 8
  12757. },
  12758. smooth: {
  12759. type: [Boolean, Number, String],
  12760. default: false
  12761. },
  12762. showLabels: Boolean,
  12763. type: {
  12764. type: String,
  12765. default: 'trend',
  12766. validator: function validator(val) {
  12767. return ['trend', 'bar'].includes(val);
  12768. }
  12769. },
  12770. value: {
  12771. type: Array,
  12772. default: function _default() {
  12773. return [];
  12774. }
  12775. },
  12776. width: {
  12777. type: [Number, String],
  12778. default: 300
  12779. },
  12780. labelSize: {
  12781. type: [Number, String],
  12782. default: 7
  12783. }
  12784. },
  12785. data: function data() {
  12786. return {
  12787. lastLength: 0
  12788. };
  12789. },
  12790. computed: {
  12791. parsedPadding: function parsedPadding() {
  12792. return Number(this.padding);
  12793. },
  12794. parsedWidth: function parsedWidth() {
  12795. return Number(this.width);
  12796. },
  12797. totalBars: function totalBars() {
  12798. return this.value.length;
  12799. },
  12800. _lineWidth: function _lineWidth() {
  12801. if (this.autoLineWidth && this.type !== 'trend') {
  12802. var totalPadding = this.parsedPadding * (this.totalBars + 1);
  12803. return (this.parsedWidth - totalPadding) / this.totalBars;
  12804. } else {
  12805. return Number(this.lineWidth) || 4;
  12806. }
  12807. },
  12808. boundary: function boundary() {
  12809. var height = Number(this.height);
  12810. return {
  12811. minX: this.parsedPadding,
  12812. minY: this.parsedPadding,
  12813. maxX: this.parsedWidth - this.parsedPadding,
  12814. maxY: height - this.parsedPadding
  12815. };
  12816. },
  12817. hasLabels: function hasLabels() {
  12818. return Boolean(this.showLabels || this.labels.length > 0 || this.$scopedSlots.label);
  12819. },
  12820. parsedLabels: function parsedLabels() {
  12821. var labels = [];
  12822. var points = this.points;
  12823. var len = points.length;
  12824. for (var i = 0; labels.length < len; i++) {
  12825. var item = points[i];
  12826. var value = this.labels[i];
  12827. if (!value) {
  12828. value = item === Object(item) ? item.value : item;
  12829. }
  12830. labels.push(__assign({}, item, { value: String(value) }));
  12831. }
  12832. return labels;
  12833. },
  12834. points: function points() {
  12835. return Object(_helpers_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["genPoints"])(this.value.slice(), this.boundary, this.type);
  12836. },
  12837. textY: function textY() {
  12838. return this.boundary.maxY + 6;
  12839. }
  12840. },
  12841. watch: {
  12842. value: {
  12843. immediate: true,
  12844. handler: function handler() {
  12845. var _this = this;
  12846. this.$nextTick(function () {
  12847. if (!_this.autoDraw || _this.type === 'bar') return;
  12848. var path = _this.$refs.path;
  12849. var length = path.getTotalLength();
  12850. if (!_this.fill) {
  12851. path.style.transition = 'none';
  12852. path.style.strokeDasharray = length + ' ' + length;
  12853. path.style.strokeDashoffset = Math.abs(length - (_this.lastLength || 0)).toString();
  12854. path.getBoundingClientRect();
  12855. path.style.transition = "stroke-dashoffset " + _this.autoDrawDuration + "ms " + _this.autoDrawEasing;
  12856. path.style.strokeDashoffset = '0';
  12857. } else {
  12858. path.style.transformOrigin = 'bottom center';
  12859. path.style.transition = 'none';
  12860. path.style.transform = "scaleY(0)";
  12861. path.getBoundingClientRect();
  12862. path.style.transition = "transform " + _this.autoDrawDuration + "ms " + _this.autoDrawEasing;
  12863. path.style.transform = "scaleY(1)";
  12864. }
  12865. _this.lastLength = length;
  12866. });
  12867. }
  12868. }
  12869. },
  12870. methods: {
  12871. genGradient: function genGradient() {
  12872. var _this = this;
  12873. var gradientDirection = this.gradientDirection;
  12874. var gradient = this.gradient.slice();
  12875. // Pushes empty string to force
  12876. // a fallback to currentColor
  12877. if (!gradient.length) gradient.push('');
  12878. var len = Math.max(gradient.length - 1, 1);
  12879. var stops = gradient.reverse().map(function (color, index) {
  12880. return _this.$createElement('stop', {
  12881. attrs: {
  12882. offset: index / len,
  12883. 'stop-color': color || _this.color || 'currentColor'
  12884. }
  12885. });
  12886. });
  12887. return this.$createElement('defs', [this.$createElement('linearGradient', {
  12888. attrs: {
  12889. id: this._uid,
  12890. x1: +(gradientDirection === 'left'),
  12891. y1: +(gradientDirection === 'top'),
  12892. x2: +(gradientDirection === 'right'),
  12893. y2: +(gradientDirection === 'bottom')
  12894. }
  12895. }, stops)]);
  12896. },
  12897. genG: function genG(children) {
  12898. return this.$createElement('g', {
  12899. style: {
  12900. fontSize: '8',
  12901. textAnchor: 'middle',
  12902. dominantBaseline: 'mathematical',
  12903. fill: this.color || 'currentColor'
  12904. }
  12905. }, children);
  12906. },
  12907. genLabels: function genLabels() {
  12908. if (!this.hasLabels) return undefined;
  12909. return this.genG(this.parsedLabels.map(this.genText));
  12910. },
  12911. genPath: function genPath() {
  12912. var radius = this.smooth === true ? 8 : Number(this.smooth);
  12913. return this.$createElement('path', {
  12914. attrs: {
  12915. id: this._uid,
  12916. d: Object(_helpers_path__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["genPath"])(this.points.slice(), radius, this.fill, Number(this.height)),
  12917. fill: this.fill ? "url(#" + this._uid + ")" : 'none',
  12918. stroke: this.fill ? 'none' : "url(#" + this._uid + ")"
  12919. },
  12920. ref: 'path'
  12921. });
  12922. },
  12923. genText: function genText(item, index) {
  12924. var children = this.$scopedSlots.label ? this.$scopedSlots.label({ index: index, value: item.value }) : item.value;
  12925. return this.$createElement('text', {
  12926. attrs: {
  12927. x: item.x,
  12928. y: this.textY
  12929. }
  12930. }, [children]);
  12931. },
  12932. genBar: function genBar() {
  12933. if (!this.value || this.totalBars < 2) return undefined;
  12934. var _a = this,
  12935. width = _a.width,
  12936. height = _a.height,
  12937. parsedPadding = _a.parsedPadding,
  12938. _lineWidth = _a._lineWidth;
  12939. var viewWidth = width || this.totalBars * parsedPadding * 2;
  12940. var viewHeight = height || 75;
  12941. var boundary = {
  12942. minX: parsedPadding,
  12943. minY: parsedPadding,
  12944. maxX: Number(viewWidth) - parsedPadding,
  12945. maxY: Number(viewHeight) - parsedPadding
  12946. };
  12947. var props = __assign({}, this.$props);
  12948. props.points = Object(_helpers_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["genPoints"])(this.value, boundary, this.type);
  12949. var totalWidth = boundary.maxX / (props.points.length - 1);
  12950. props.boundary = boundary;
  12951. props.lineWidth = _lineWidth || totalWidth - Number(parsedPadding || 5);
  12952. props.offsetX = 0;
  12953. if (!this.autoLineWidth) {
  12954. props.offsetX = boundary.maxX / this.totalBars / 2 - boundary.minX;
  12955. }
  12956. return this.$createElement('svg', {
  12957. attrs: {
  12958. width: '100%',
  12959. height: '25%',
  12960. viewBox: "0 0 " + viewWidth + " " + viewHeight
  12961. }
  12962. }, [this.genGradient(), this.genClipPath(props.offsetX, props.lineWidth, 'sparkline-bar-' + this._uid), this.hasLabels ? this.genBarLabels(props) : undefined, this.$createElement('g', {
  12963. attrs: {
  12964. transform: "scale(1,-1) translate(0,-" + boundary.maxY + ")",
  12965. 'clip-path': "url(#sparkline-bar-" + this._uid + "-clip)",
  12966. fill: "url(#" + this._uid + ")"
  12967. }
  12968. }, [this.$createElement('rect', {
  12969. attrs: {
  12970. x: 0,
  12971. y: 0,
  12972. width: viewWidth,
  12973. height: viewHeight
  12974. }
  12975. })])]);
  12976. },
  12977. genClipPath: function genClipPath(offsetX, lineWidth, id) {
  12978. var _this = this;
  12979. var maxY = this.boundary.maxY;
  12980. var rounding = typeof this.smooth === 'number' ? this.smooth : this.smooth ? 2 : 0;
  12981. return this.$createElement('clipPath', {
  12982. attrs: {
  12983. id: id + "-clip"
  12984. }
  12985. }, this.points.map(function (item) {
  12986. return _this.$createElement('rect', {
  12987. attrs: {
  12988. x: item.x + offsetX,
  12989. y: 0,
  12990. width: lineWidth,
  12991. height: Math.max(maxY - item.y, 0),
  12992. rx: rounding,
  12993. ry: rounding
  12994. }
  12995. }, [_this.autoDraw ? _this.$createElement('animate', {
  12996. attrs: {
  12997. attributeName: 'height',
  12998. from: 0,
  12999. to: maxY - item.y,
  13000. dur: _this.autoDrawDuration + "ms",
  13001. fill: 'freeze'
  13002. }
  13003. }) : undefined]);
  13004. }));
  13005. },
  13006. genBarLabels: function genBarLabels(props) {
  13007. var _this = this;
  13008. var offsetX = props.offsetX || 0;
  13009. var children = props.points.map(function (item) {
  13010. return _this.$createElement('text', {
  13011. attrs: {
  13012. x: item.x + offsetX + _this._lineWidth / 2,
  13013. y: props.boundary.maxY + (Number(_this.labelSize) || 7),
  13014. 'font-size': Number(_this.labelSize) || 7
  13015. }
  13016. }, item.value.toString());
  13017. });
  13018. return this.genG(children);
  13019. },
  13020. genTrend: function genTrend() {
  13021. return this.$createElement('svg', this.setTextColor(this.color, {
  13022. attrs: {
  13023. 'stroke-width': this._lineWidth || 1,
  13024. width: '100%',
  13025. height: '25%',
  13026. viewBox: "0 0 " + this.width + " " + this.height
  13027. }
  13028. }), [this.genGradient(), this.genLabels(), this.genPath()]);
  13029. }
  13030. },
  13031. render: function render(h) {
  13032. if (this.totalBars < 2) return undefined;
  13033. return this.type === 'trend' ? this.genTrend() : this.genBar();
  13034. }
  13035. }));
  13036. /***/ }),
  13037. /***/ "./src/components/VSparkline/helpers/core.ts":
  13038. /*!***************************************************!*\
  13039. !*** ./src/components/VSparkline/helpers/core.ts ***!
  13040. \***************************************************/
  13041. /*! exports provided: genPoints */
  13042. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13043. "use strict";
  13044. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13045. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "genPoints", function() { return genPoints; });
  13046. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  13047. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  13048. if (!m) return o;
  13049. var i = m.call(o),
  13050. r,
  13051. ar = [],
  13052. e;
  13053. try {
  13054. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  13055. ar.push(r.value);
  13056. }
  13057. } catch (error) {
  13058. e = { error: error };
  13059. } finally {
  13060. try {
  13061. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  13062. } finally {
  13063. if (e) throw e.error;
  13064. }
  13065. }
  13066. return ar;
  13067. };
  13068. var __spread = undefined && undefined.__spread || function () {
  13069. for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  13070. ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  13071. }return ar;
  13072. };
  13073. function genPoints(points, boundary, type) {
  13074. var minX = boundary.minX,
  13075. minY = boundary.minY,
  13076. maxX = boundary.maxX,
  13077. maxY = boundary.maxY;
  13078. var normalisedPoints = points.map(function (item) {
  13079. return typeof item === 'number' ? item : item.value;
  13080. });
  13081. var totalPoints = normalisedPoints.length;
  13082. var maxValue = Math.max.apply(Math, __spread(normalisedPoints)) + 1;
  13083. var minValue = Math.min.apply(Math, __spread(normalisedPoints));
  13084. if (minValue) minValue -= 1;
  13085. var gridX = (maxX - minX) / (totalPoints - 1);
  13086. if (type === 'bar') gridX = maxX / totalPoints;
  13087. var gridY = (maxY - minY) / (maxValue - minValue);
  13088. return normalisedPoints.map(function (value, index) {
  13089. return {
  13090. x: minX + index * gridX,
  13091. y: maxY - (value - minValue) * gridY + +(index === totalPoints - 1) * 0.00001 - +(index === 0) * 0.00001,
  13092. value: value
  13093. };
  13094. });
  13095. }
  13096. /***/ }),
  13097. /***/ "./src/components/VSparkline/helpers/math.ts":
  13098. /*!***************************************************!*\
  13099. !*** ./src/components/VSparkline/helpers/math.ts ***!
  13100. \***************************************************/
  13101. /*! exports provided: checkCollinear, getDistance, moveTo */
  13102. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13103. "use strict";
  13104. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13105. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "checkCollinear", function() { return checkCollinear; });
  13106. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getDistance", function() { return getDistance; });
  13107. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "moveTo", function() { return moveTo; });
  13108. function int(value) {
  13109. return parseInt(value, 10);
  13110. }
  13111. /**
  13112. * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collinearity
  13113. * x=(x1+x2)/2
  13114. * y=(y1+y2)/2
  13115. */
  13116. function checkCollinear(p0, p1, p2) {
  13117. return int(p0.x + p2.x) === int(2 * p1.x) && int(p0.y + p2.y) === int(2 * p1.y);
  13118. }
  13119. function getDistance(p1, p2) {
  13120. return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p2.x - p1.x, 2) + Math.pow(p2.y - p1.y, 2));
  13121. }
  13122. function moveTo(to, from, radius) {
  13123. var vector = { x: to.x - from.x, y: to.y - from.y };
  13124. var length = Math.sqrt(vector.x * vector.x + vector.y * vector.y);
  13125. var unitVector = { x: vector.x / length, y: vector.y / length };
  13126. return {
  13127. x: from.x + unitVector.x * radius,
  13128. y: from.y + unitVector.y * radius
  13129. };
  13130. }
  13131. /***/ }),
  13132. /***/ "./src/components/VSparkline/helpers/path.ts":
  13133. /*!***************************************************!*\
  13134. !*** ./src/components/VSparkline/helpers/path.ts ***!
  13135. \***************************************************/
  13136. /*! exports provided: genPath */
  13137. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13138. "use strict";
  13139. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13140. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "genPath", function() { return genPath; });
  13141. /* harmony import */ var _math__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./math */ "./src/components/VSparkline/helpers/math.ts");
  13142. /**
  13143. * From https://github.com/unsplash/react-trend/blob/master/src/helpers/DOM.helpers.js#L18
  13144. */
  13145. function genPath(points, radius, fill, height) {
  13146. if (fill === void 0) {
  13147. fill = false;
  13148. }
  13149. if (height === void 0) {
  13150. height = 75;
  13151. }
  13152. var start = points.shift();
  13153. var end = points[points.length - 1];
  13154. return (fill ? "M" + start.x + " " + height + " L" + start.x + " " + start.y : "M" + start.x + " " + start.y) + points.map(function (point, index) {
  13155. var next = points[index + 1];
  13156. var prev = points[index - 1] || start;
  13157. var isCollinear = next && Object(_math__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["checkCollinear"])(next, point, prev);
  13158. if (!next || isCollinear) {
  13159. return "L" + point.x + " " + point.y;
  13160. }
  13161. var threshold = Math.min(Object(_math__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["getDistance"])(prev, point), Object(_math__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["getDistance"])(next, point));
  13162. var isTooCloseForRadius = threshold / 2 < radius;
  13163. var radiusForPoint = isTooCloseForRadius ? threshold / 2 : radius;
  13164. var before = Object(_math__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["moveTo"])(prev, point, radiusForPoint);
  13165. var after = Object(_math__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["moveTo"])(next, point, radiusForPoint);
  13166. return "L" + before.x + " " + before.y + "S" + point.x + " " + point.y + " " + after.x + " " + after.y;
  13167. }).join('') + (fill ? "L" + end.x + " " + height + " Z" : '');
  13168. }
  13169. /***/ }),
  13170. /***/ "./src/components/VSparkline/index.ts":
  13171. /*!********************************************!*\
  13172. !*** ./src/components/VSparkline/index.ts ***!
  13173. \********************************************/
  13174. /*! exports provided: VSparkline, default */
  13175. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13176. "use strict";
  13177. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13178. /* harmony import */ var _VSparkline__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSparkline */ "./src/components/VSparkline/VSparkline.ts");
  13179. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSparkline", function() { return _VSparkline__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  13180. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VSparkline__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  13181. /***/ }),
  13182. /***/ "./src/components/VSpeedDial/VSpeedDial.js":
  13183. /*!*************************************************!*\
  13184. !*** ./src/components/VSpeedDial/VSpeedDial.js ***!
  13185. \*************************************************/
  13186. /*! exports provided: default */
  13187. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13188. "use strict";
  13189. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13190. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_speed_dial_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_speed-dial.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_speed-dial.styl");
  13191. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_speed_dial_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_speed_dial_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  13192. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/toggleable */ "./src/mixins/toggleable.ts");
  13193. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_positionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/positionable */ "./src/mixins/positionable.ts");
  13194. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_transitionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/transitionable */ "./src/mixins/transitionable.ts");
  13195. /* harmony import */ var _directives_click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/click-outside */ "./src/directives/click-outside.ts");
  13196. /* @vue/component */
  13197. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  13198. name: 'v-speed-dial',
  13199. directives: { ClickOutside: _directives_click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"] },
  13200. mixins: [_mixins_positionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_transitionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]],
  13201. props: {
  13202. direction: {
  13203. type: String,
  13204. default: 'top',
  13205. validator: function validator(val) {
  13206. return ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'].includes(val);
  13207. }
  13208. },
  13209. openOnHover: Boolean,
  13210. transition: {
  13211. type: String,
  13212. default: 'scale-transition'
  13213. }
  13214. },
  13215. computed: {
  13216. classes: function classes() {
  13217. var _a;
  13218. return _a = {
  13219. 'v-speed-dial': true,
  13220. 'v-speed-dial--top': this.top,
  13221. 'v-speed-dial--right': this.right,
  13222. 'v-speed-dial--bottom': this.bottom,
  13223. 'v-speed-dial--left': this.left,
  13224. 'v-speed-dial--absolute': this.absolute,
  13225. 'v-speed-dial--fixed': this.fixed
  13226. }, _a["v-speed-dial--direction-" + this.direction] = true, _a;
  13227. }
  13228. },
  13229. render: function render(h) {
  13230. var _this = this;
  13231. var children = [];
  13232. var data = {
  13233. 'class': this.classes,
  13234. directives: [{
  13235. name: 'click-outside',
  13236. value: function value() {
  13237. return _this.isActive = false;
  13238. }
  13239. }],
  13240. on: {
  13241. click: function click() {
  13242. return _this.isActive = !_this.isActive;
  13243. }
  13244. }
  13245. };
  13246. if (this.openOnHover) {
  13247. data.on.mouseenter = function () {
  13248. return _this.isActive = true;
  13249. };
  13250. data.on.mouseleave = function () {
  13251. return _this.isActive = false;
  13252. };
  13253. }
  13254. if (this.isActive) {
  13255. var btnCount_1 = 0;
  13256. children = (this.$slots.default || []).map(function (b, i) {
  13257. if (b.tag && typeof b.componentOptions !== 'undefined' && b.componentOptions.Ctor.options.name === 'v-btn') {
  13258. btnCount_1++;
  13259. return h('div', {
  13260. style: {
  13261. transitionDelay: btnCount_1 * 0.05 + 's'
  13262. },
  13263. key: i
  13264. }, [b]);
  13265. } else {
  13266. b.key = i;
  13267. return b;
  13268. }
  13269. });
  13270. }
  13271. var list = h('transition-group', {
  13272. 'class': 'v-speed-dial__list',
  13273. props: {
  13274. name: this.transition,
  13275. mode: this.mode,
  13276. origin: this.origin,
  13277. tag: 'div'
  13278. }
  13279. }, children);
  13280. return h('div', data, [this.$slots.activator, list]);
  13281. }
  13282. });
  13283. /***/ }),
  13284. /***/ "./src/components/VSpeedDial/index.js":
  13285. /*!********************************************!*\
  13286. !*** ./src/components/VSpeedDial/index.js ***!
  13287. \********************************************/
  13288. /*! exports provided: VSpeedDial, default */
  13289. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13290. "use strict";
  13291. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13292. /* harmony import */ var _VSpeedDial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSpeedDial */ "./src/components/VSpeedDial/VSpeedDial.js");
  13293. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSpeedDial", function() { return _VSpeedDial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  13294. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VSpeedDial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  13295. /***/ }),
  13296. /***/ "./src/components/VStepper/VStepper.ts":
  13297. /*!*********************************************!*\
  13298. !*** ./src/components/VStepper/VStepper.ts ***!
  13299. \*********************************************/
  13300. /*! exports provided: default */
  13301. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13302. "use strict";
  13303. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13304. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_steppers_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_steppers.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_steppers.styl");
  13305. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_steppers_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_steppers_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  13306. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/registrable */ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts");
  13307. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  13308. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  13309. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  13310. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  13311. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  13312. s = arguments[i];
  13313. for (var p in s) {
  13314. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  13315. }
  13316. }
  13317. return t;
  13318. };
  13319. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  13320. };
  13321. // Styles
  13322. // Mixins
  13323. // Util
  13324. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(Object(_mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["provide"])('stepper'), _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]
  13325. /* @vue/component */
  13326. ).extend({
  13327. name: 'v-stepper',
  13328. provide: function provide() {
  13329. return {
  13330. stepClick: this.stepClick,
  13331. isVertical: this.vertical
  13332. };
  13333. },
  13334. props: {
  13335. nonLinear: Boolean,
  13336. altLabels: Boolean,
  13337. vertical: Boolean,
  13338. value: [Number, String]
  13339. },
  13340. data: function data() {
  13341. return {
  13342. inputValue: null,
  13343. isBooted: false,
  13344. steps: [],
  13345. content: [],
  13346. isReverse: false
  13347. };
  13348. },
  13349. computed: {
  13350. classes: function classes() {
  13351. return __assign({ 'v-stepper': true, 'v-stepper--is-booted': this.isBooted, 'v-stepper--vertical': this.vertical, 'v-stepper--alt-labels': this.altLabels, 'v-stepper--non-linear': this.nonLinear }, this.themeClasses);
  13352. }
  13353. },
  13354. watch: {
  13355. inputValue: function inputValue(val, prev) {
  13356. this.isReverse = Number(val) < Number(prev);
  13357. for (var index = this.steps.length; --index >= 0;) {
  13358. this.steps[index].toggle(this.inputValue);
  13359. }
  13360. for (var index = this.content.length; --index >= 0;) {
  13361. this.content[index].toggle(this.inputValue, this.isReverse);
  13362. }
  13363. this.$emit('input', this.inputValue);
  13364. prev && (this.isBooted = true);
  13365. },
  13366. value: function value() {
  13367. var _this = this;
  13368. this.$nextTick(function () {
  13369. return _this.inputValue = _this.value;
  13370. });
  13371. }
  13372. },
  13373. mounted: function mounted() {
  13374. this.inputValue = this.value || this.steps[0].step || 1;
  13375. },
  13376. methods: {
  13377. register: function register(item) {
  13378. if (item.$options.name === 'v-stepper-step') {
  13379. this.steps.push(item);
  13380. } else if (item.$options.name === 'v-stepper-content') {
  13381. item.isVertical = this.vertical;
  13382. this.content.push(item);
  13383. }
  13384. },
  13385. unregister: function unregister(item) {
  13386. if (item.$options.name === 'v-stepper-step') {
  13387. this.steps = this.steps.filter(function (i) {
  13388. return i !== item;
  13389. });
  13390. } else if (item.$options.name === 'v-stepper-content') {
  13391. item.isVertical = this.vertical;
  13392. this.content = this.content.filter(function (i) {
  13393. return i !== item;
  13394. });
  13395. }
  13396. },
  13397. stepClick: function stepClick(step) {
  13398. var _this = this;
  13399. this.$nextTick(function () {
  13400. return _this.inputValue = step;
  13401. });
  13402. }
  13403. },
  13404. render: function render(h) {
  13405. return h('div', {
  13406. 'class': this.classes
  13407. }, this.$slots.default);
  13408. }
  13409. }));
  13410. /***/ }),
  13411. /***/ "./src/components/VStepper/VStepperContent.ts":
  13412. /*!****************************************************!*\
  13413. !*** ./src/components/VStepper/VStepperContent.ts ***!
  13414. \****************************************************/
  13415. /*! exports provided: default */
  13416. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13417. "use strict";
  13418. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13419. /* harmony import */ var _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../transitions */ "./src/components/transitions/index.js");
  13420. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/registrable */ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts");
  13421. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  13422. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  13423. // Components
  13424. // Mixins
  13425. // Helpers
  13426. // Util
  13427. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(Object(_mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["inject"])('stepper', 'v-stepper-content', 'v-stepper')
  13428. /* @vue/component */
  13429. ).extend({
  13430. name: 'v-stepper-content',
  13431. inject: {
  13432. isVerticalProvided: {
  13433. from: 'isVertical'
  13434. }
  13435. },
  13436. props: {
  13437. step: {
  13438. type: [Number, String],
  13439. required: true
  13440. }
  13441. },
  13442. data: function data() {
  13443. return {
  13444. height: 0,
  13445. // Must be null to allow
  13446. // previous comparison
  13447. isActive: null,
  13448. isReverse: false,
  13449. isVertical: this.isVerticalProvided
  13450. };
  13451. },
  13452. computed: {
  13453. classes: function classes() {
  13454. return {
  13455. 'v-stepper__content': true
  13456. };
  13457. },
  13458. computedTransition: function computedTransition() {
  13459. return this.isReverse ? _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["VTabReverseTransition"] : _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["VTabTransition"];
  13460. },
  13461. styles: function styles() {
  13462. if (!this.isVertical) return {};
  13463. return {
  13464. height: Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["convertToUnit"])(this.height)
  13465. };
  13466. },
  13467. wrapperClasses: function wrapperClasses() {
  13468. return {
  13469. 'v-stepper__wrapper': true
  13470. };
  13471. }
  13472. },
  13473. watch: {
  13474. isActive: function isActive(current, previous) {
  13475. // If active and the previous state
  13476. // was null, is just booting up
  13477. if (current && previous == null) {
  13478. this.height = 'auto';
  13479. return;
  13480. }
  13481. if (!this.isVertical) return;
  13482. if (this.isActive) this.enter();else this.leave();
  13483. }
  13484. },
  13485. mounted: function mounted() {
  13486. this.$refs.wrapper.addEventListener('transitionend', this.onTransition, false);
  13487. this.stepper && this.stepper.register(this);
  13488. },
  13489. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  13490. this.$refs.wrapper.removeEventListener('transitionend', this.onTransition, false);
  13491. this.stepper && this.stepper.unregister(this);
  13492. },
  13493. methods: {
  13494. onTransition: function onTransition(e) {
  13495. if (!this.isActive || e.propertyName !== 'height') return;
  13496. this.height = 'auto';
  13497. },
  13498. enter: function enter() {
  13499. var _this = this;
  13500. var scrollHeight = 0;
  13501. // Render bug with height
  13502. requestAnimationFrame(function () {
  13503. scrollHeight = _this.$refs.wrapper.scrollHeight;
  13504. });
  13505. this.height = 0;
  13506. // Give the collapsing element time to collapse
  13507. setTimeout(function () {
  13508. return _this.isActive && (_this.height = scrollHeight || 'auto');
  13509. }, 450);
  13510. },
  13511. leave: function leave() {
  13512. var _this = this;
  13513. this.height = this.$refs.wrapper.clientHeight;
  13514. setTimeout(function () {
  13515. return _this.height = 0;
  13516. }, 10);
  13517. },
  13518. toggle: function toggle(step, reverse) {
  13519. this.isActive = step.toString() === this.step.toString();
  13520. this.isReverse = reverse;
  13521. }
  13522. },
  13523. render: function render(h) {
  13524. var contentData = {
  13525. 'class': this.classes
  13526. };
  13527. var wrapperData = {
  13528. 'class': this.wrapperClasses,
  13529. style: this.styles,
  13530. ref: 'wrapper'
  13531. };
  13532. if (!this.isVertical) {
  13533. contentData.directives = [{
  13534. name: 'show',
  13535. value: this.isActive
  13536. }];
  13537. }
  13538. var wrapper = h('div', wrapperData, [this.$slots.default]);
  13539. var content = h('div', contentData, [wrapper]);
  13540. return h(this.computedTransition, {
  13541. on: this.$listeners
  13542. }, [content]);
  13543. }
  13544. }));
  13545. /***/ }),
  13546. /***/ "./src/components/VStepper/VStepperStep.ts":
  13547. /*!*************************************************!*\
  13548. !*** ./src/components/VStepper/VStepperStep.ts ***!
  13549. \*************************************************/
  13550. /*! exports provided: default */
  13551. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13552. "use strict";
  13553. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13554. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  13555. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  13556. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/registrable */ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts");
  13557. /* harmony import */ var _directives_ripple__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/ripple */ "./src/directives/ripple.ts");
  13558. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  13559. // Components
  13560. // Mixins
  13561. // Directives
  13562. // Util
  13563. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], Object(_mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["inject"])('stepper', 'v-stepper-step', 'v-stepper')
  13564. /* @vue/component */
  13565. ).extend({
  13566. name: 'v-stepper-step',
  13567. directives: { Ripple: _directives_ripple__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"] },
  13568. inject: ['stepClick'],
  13569. props: {
  13570. color: {
  13571. type: String,
  13572. default: 'primary'
  13573. },
  13574. complete: Boolean,
  13575. completeIcon: {
  13576. type: String,
  13577. default: '$vuetify.icons.complete'
  13578. },
  13579. editIcon: {
  13580. type: String,
  13581. default: '$vuetify.icons.edit'
  13582. },
  13583. errorIcon: {
  13584. type: String,
  13585. default: '$vuetify.icons.error'
  13586. },
  13587. editable: Boolean,
  13588. rules: {
  13589. type: Array,
  13590. default: function _default() {
  13591. return [];
  13592. }
  13593. },
  13594. step: [Number, String]
  13595. },
  13596. data: function data() {
  13597. return {
  13598. isActive: false,
  13599. isInactive: true
  13600. };
  13601. },
  13602. computed: {
  13603. classes: function classes() {
  13604. return {
  13605. 'v-stepper__step': true,
  13606. 'v-stepper__step--active': this.isActive,
  13607. 'v-stepper__step--editable': this.editable,
  13608. 'v-stepper__step--inactive': this.isInactive,
  13609. 'v-stepper__step--error': this.hasError,
  13610. 'v-stepper__step--complete': this.complete,
  13611. 'error--text': this.hasError
  13612. };
  13613. },
  13614. hasError: function hasError() {
  13615. return this.rules.some(function (validate) {
  13616. return validate() !== true;
  13617. });
  13618. }
  13619. },
  13620. mounted: function mounted() {
  13621. this.stepper && this.stepper.register(this);
  13622. },
  13623. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  13624. this.stepper && this.stepper.unregister(this);
  13625. },
  13626. methods: {
  13627. click: function click(e) {
  13628. e.stopPropagation();
  13629. this.$emit('click', e);
  13630. if (this.editable) {
  13631. this.stepClick(this.step);
  13632. }
  13633. },
  13634. toggle: function toggle(step) {
  13635. this.isActive = step.toString() === this.step.toString();
  13636. this.isInactive = Number(step) < Number(this.step);
  13637. }
  13638. },
  13639. render: function render(h) {
  13640. var data = {
  13641. 'class': this.classes,
  13642. directives: [{
  13643. name: 'ripple',
  13644. value: this.editable
  13645. }],
  13646. on: { click: this.click }
  13647. };
  13648. var stepContent;
  13649. if (this.hasError) {
  13650. stepContent = [h(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], {}, this.errorIcon)];
  13651. } else if (this.complete) {
  13652. if (this.editable) {
  13653. stepContent = [h(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], {}, this.editIcon)];
  13654. } else {
  13655. stepContent = [h(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], {}, this.completeIcon)];
  13656. }
  13657. } else {
  13658. stepContent = String(this.step);
  13659. }
  13660. var color = !this.hasError && (this.complete || this.isActive) ? this.color : false;
  13661. var step = h('span', this.setBackgroundColor(color, {
  13662. staticClass: 'v-stepper__step__step'
  13663. }), stepContent);
  13664. var label = h('div', {
  13665. staticClass: 'v-stepper__label'
  13666. }, this.$slots.default);
  13667. return h('div', data, [step, label]);
  13668. }
  13669. }));
  13670. /***/ }),
  13671. /***/ "./src/components/VStepper/index.ts":
  13672. /*!******************************************!*\
  13673. !*** ./src/components/VStepper/index.ts ***!
  13674. \******************************************/
  13675. /*! exports provided: VStepper, VStepperContent, VStepperStep, VStepperHeader, VStepperItems, default */
  13676. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13677. "use strict";
  13678. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13679. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VStepperHeader", function() { return VStepperHeader; });
  13680. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VStepperItems", function() { return VStepperItems; });
  13681. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  13682. /* harmony import */ var _VStepper__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VStepper */ "./src/components/VStepper/VStepper.ts");
  13683. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VStepper", function() { return _VStepper__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  13684. /* harmony import */ var _VStepperStep__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VStepperStep */ "./src/components/VStepper/VStepperStep.ts");
  13685. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VStepperStep", function() { return _VStepperStep__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]; });
  13686. /* harmony import */ var _VStepperContent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VStepperContent */ "./src/components/VStepper/VStepperContent.ts");
  13687. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VStepperContent", function() { return _VStepperContent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]; });
  13688. var VStepperHeader = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleFunctional"])('v-stepper__header');
  13689. var VStepperItems = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleFunctional"])('v-stepper__items');
  13690. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  13691. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  13692. VStepper: _VStepper__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  13693. VStepperContent: _VStepperContent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"],
  13694. VStepperStep: _VStepperStep__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"],
  13695. VStepperHeader: VStepperHeader,
  13696. VStepperItems: VStepperItems
  13697. }
  13698. });
  13699. /***/ }),
  13700. /***/ "./src/components/VSubheader/VSubheader.ts":
  13701. /*!*************************************************!*\
  13702. !*** ./src/components/VSubheader/VSubheader.ts ***!
  13703. \*************************************************/
  13704. /*! exports provided: default */
  13705. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13706. "use strict";
  13707. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13708. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_subheaders_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_subheaders.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_subheaders.styl");
  13709. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_subheaders_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_subheaders_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  13710. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  13711. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  13712. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  13713. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  13714. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  13715. s = arguments[i];
  13716. for (var p in s) {
  13717. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  13718. }
  13719. }
  13720. return t;
  13721. };
  13722. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  13723. };
  13724. // Styles
  13725. // Mixins
  13726. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"])(_mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]
  13727. /* @vue/component */
  13728. ).extend({
  13729. name: 'v-subheader',
  13730. props: {
  13731. inset: Boolean
  13732. },
  13733. render: function render(h) {
  13734. return h('div', {
  13735. staticClass: 'v-subheader',
  13736. class: __assign({ 'v-subheader--inset': this.inset }, this.themeClasses),
  13737. attrs: this.$attrs,
  13738. on: this.$listeners
  13739. }, this.$slots.default);
  13740. }
  13741. }));
  13742. /***/ }),
  13743. /***/ "./src/components/VSubheader/index.ts":
  13744. /*!********************************************!*\
  13745. !*** ./src/components/VSubheader/index.ts ***!
  13746. \********************************************/
  13747. /*! exports provided: VSubheader, default */
  13748. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13749. "use strict";
  13750. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13751. /* harmony import */ var _VSubheader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSubheader */ "./src/components/VSubheader/VSubheader.ts");
  13752. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSubheader", function() { return _VSubheader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  13753. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VSubheader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  13754. /***/ }),
  13755. /***/ "./src/components/VSwitch/VSwitch.js":
  13756. /*!*******************************************!*\
  13757. !*** ./src/components/VSwitch/VSwitch.js ***!
  13758. \*******************************************/
  13759. /*! exports provided: default */
  13760. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13761. "use strict";
  13762. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13763. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_selection_controls_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_selection-controls.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_selection-controls.styl");
  13764. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_selection_controls_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_selection_controls_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  13765. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_switch_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_switch.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_switch.styl");
  13766. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_switch_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_switch_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
  13767. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_selectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/selectable */ "./src/mixins/selectable.js");
  13768. /* harmony import */ var _directives_touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/touch */ "./src/directives/touch.ts");
  13769. /* harmony import */ var _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../transitions */ "./src/components/transitions/index.js");
  13770. /* harmony import */ var _VProgressCircular_VProgressCircular__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VProgressCircular/VProgressCircular */ "./src/components/VProgressCircular/VProgressCircular.ts");
  13771. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  13772. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  13773. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  13774. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  13775. s = arguments[i];
  13776. for (var p in s) {
  13777. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  13778. }
  13779. }
  13780. return t;
  13781. };
  13782. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  13783. };
  13784. // Mixins
  13785. // Directives
  13786. // Components
  13787. // Helpers
  13788. /* @vue/component */
  13789. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  13790. name: 'v-switch',
  13791. directives: { Touch: _directives_touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"] },
  13792. mixins: [_mixins_selectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]],
  13793. props: {
  13794. loading: {
  13795. type: [Boolean, String],
  13796. default: false
  13797. }
  13798. },
  13799. computed: {
  13800. classes: function classes() {
  13801. return {
  13802. 'v-input--selection-controls v-input--switch': true
  13803. };
  13804. },
  13805. switchData: function switchData() {
  13806. return this.setTextColor(this.loading ? undefined : this.computedColor, {
  13807. class: this.themeClasses
  13808. });
  13809. }
  13810. },
  13811. methods: {
  13812. genDefaultSlot: function genDefaultSlot() {
  13813. return [this.genSwitch(), this.genLabel()];
  13814. },
  13815. genSwitch: function genSwitch() {
  13816. return this.$createElement('div', {
  13817. staticClass: 'v-input--selection-controls__input'
  13818. }, [this.genInput('checkbox', this.$attrs), this.genRipple(this.setTextColor(this.computedColor, {
  13819. directives: [{
  13820. name: 'touch',
  13821. value: {
  13822. left: this.onSwipeLeft,
  13823. right: this.onSwipeRight
  13824. }
  13825. }]
  13826. })), this.$createElement('div', __assign({ staticClass: 'v-input--switch__track' }, this.switchData)), this.$createElement('div', __assign({ staticClass: 'v-input--switch__thumb' }, this.switchData), [this.genProgress()])]);
  13827. },
  13828. genProgress: function genProgress() {
  13829. return this.$createElement(_transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["VFabTransition"], {}, [this.loading === false ? null : this.$slots.progress || this.$createElement(_VProgressCircular_VProgressCircular__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"], {
  13830. props: {
  13831. color: this.loading === true || this.loading === '' ? this.color || 'primary' : this.loading,
  13832. size: 16,
  13833. width: 2,
  13834. indeterminate: true
  13835. }
  13836. })]);
  13837. },
  13838. onSwipeLeft: function onSwipeLeft() {
  13839. if (this.isActive) this.onChange();
  13840. },
  13841. onSwipeRight: function onSwipeRight() {
  13842. if (!this.isActive) this.onChange();
  13843. },
  13844. onKeydown: function onKeydown(e) {
  13845. if (e.keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["keyCodes"].left && this.isActive || e.keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["keyCodes"].right && !this.isActive) this.onChange();
  13846. }
  13847. }
  13848. });
  13849. /***/ }),
  13850. /***/ "./src/components/VSwitch/index.js":
  13851. /*!*****************************************!*\
  13852. !*** ./src/components/VSwitch/index.js ***!
  13853. \*****************************************/
  13854. /*! exports provided: VSwitch, default */
  13855. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13856. "use strict";
  13857. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13858. /* harmony import */ var _VSwitch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSwitch */ "./src/components/VSwitch/VSwitch.js");
  13859. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSwitch", function() { return _VSwitch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  13860. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VSwitch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  13861. /***/ }),
  13862. /***/ "./src/components/VSystemBar/VSystemBar.ts":
  13863. /*!*************************************************!*\
  13864. !*** ./src/components/VSystemBar/VSystemBar.ts ***!
  13865. \*************************************************/
  13866. /*! exports provided: default */
  13867. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13868. "use strict";
  13869. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13870. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_system_bars_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_system-bars.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_system-bars.styl");
  13871. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_system_bars_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_system_bars_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  13872. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_applicationable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/applicationable */ "./src/mixins/applicationable.ts");
  13873. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  13874. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  13875. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  13876. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  13877. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  13878. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  13879. s = arguments[i];
  13880. for (var p in s) {
  13881. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  13882. }
  13883. }
  13884. return t;
  13885. };
  13886. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  13887. };
  13888. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(Object(_mixins_applicationable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])('bar', ['height', 'window']), _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]
  13889. /* @vue/component */
  13890. ).extend({
  13891. name: 'v-system-bar',
  13892. props: {
  13893. height: {
  13894. type: [Number, String],
  13895. validator: function validator(v) {
  13896. return !isNaN(parseInt(v));
  13897. }
  13898. },
  13899. lightsOut: Boolean,
  13900. status: Boolean,
  13901. window: Boolean
  13902. },
  13903. computed: {
  13904. classes: function classes() {
  13905. return __assign({ 'v-system-bar--lights-out': this.lightsOut, 'v-system-bar--absolute': this.absolute, 'v-system-bar--fixed': !this.absolute && (this.app || this.fixed), 'v-system-bar--status': this.status, 'v-system-bar--window': this.window }, this.themeClasses);
  13906. },
  13907. computedHeight: function computedHeight() {
  13908. if (this.height) return parseInt(this.height);
  13909. return this.window ? 32 : 24;
  13910. }
  13911. },
  13912. methods: {
  13913. /**
  13914. * Update the application layout
  13915. *
  13916. * @return {number}
  13917. */
  13918. updateApplication: function updateApplication() {
  13919. return this.computedHeight;
  13920. }
  13921. },
  13922. render: function render(h) {
  13923. var data = {
  13924. staticClass: 'v-system-bar',
  13925. 'class': this.classes,
  13926. style: {
  13927. height: this.computedHeight + "px"
  13928. }
  13929. };
  13930. return h('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, data), this.$slots.default);
  13931. }
  13932. }));
  13933. /***/ }),
  13934. /***/ "./src/components/VSystemBar/index.ts":
  13935. /*!********************************************!*\
  13936. !*** ./src/components/VSystemBar/index.ts ***!
  13937. \********************************************/
  13938. /*! exports provided: VSystemBar, default */
  13939. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13940. "use strict";
  13941. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13942. /* harmony import */ var _VSystemBar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSystemBar */ "./src/components/VSystemBar/VSystemBar.ts");
  13943. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSystemBar", function() { return _VSystemBar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  13944. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VSystemBar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  13945. /***/ }),
  13946. /***/ "./src/components/VTabs/VTab.js":
  13947. /*!**************************************!*\
  13948. !*** ./src/components/VTabs/VTab.js ***!
  13949. \**************************************/
  13950. /*! exports provided: default */
  13951. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  13952. "use strict";
  13953. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  13954. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_groupable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/groupable */ "./src/mixins/groupable.ts");
  13955. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_routable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/routable */ "./src/mixins/routable.ts");
  13956. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  13957. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  13958. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  13959. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  13960. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  13961. s = arguments[i];
  13962. for (var p in s) {
  13963. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  13964. }
  13965. }
  13966. return t;
  13967. };
  13968. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  13969. };
  13970. // Mixins
  13971. // Utilities
  13972. /* @vue/component */
  13973. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  13974. name: 'v-tab',
  13975. mixins: [_mixins_routable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  13976. // Must be after routable
  13977. // to overwrite activeClass
  13978. Object(_mixins_groupable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["factory"])('tabGroup'), _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]],
  13979. props: {
  13980. ripple: {
  13981. type: [Boolean, Object],
  13982. default: true
  13983. }
  13984. },
  13985. computed: {
  13986. classes: function classes() {
  13987. return __assign({ 'v-tabs__item': true, 'v-tabs__item--disabled': this.disabled }, this.groupClasses);
  13988. },
  13989. value: function value() {
  13990. var to = this.to || this.href || '';
  13991. if (this.$router && this.to === Object(this.to)) {
  13992. var resolve = this.$router.resolve(this.to, this.$route, this.append);
  13993. to = resolve.href;
  13994. }
  13995. return to.replace('#', '');
  13996. }
  13997. },
  13998. watch: {
  13999. $route: 'onRouteChange'
  14000. },
  14001. mounted: function mounted() {
  14002. this.onRouteChange();
  14003. },
  14004. methods: {
  14005. click: function click(e) {
  14006. // If user provides an
  14007. // actual link, do not
  14008. // prevent default
  14009. if (this.href && this.href.indexOf('#') > -1) e.preventDefault();
  14010. this.$emit('click', e);
  14011. this.to || this.toggle();
  14012. },
  14013. onRouteChange: function onRouteChange() {
  14014. var _this = this;
  14015. if (!this.to || !this.$refs.link) return;
  14016. var path = "_vnode.data.class." + this.activeClass;
  14017. this.$nextTick(function () {
  14018. if (Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["getObjectValueByPath"])(_this.$refs.link, path)) {
  14019. _this.toggle();
  14020. }
  14021. });
  14022. }
  14023. },
  14024. render: function render(h) {
  14025. var link = this.generateRouteLink(this.classes);
  14026. var data = link.data;
  14027. // If disabled, use div as anchor tags do not support
  14028. // being disabled
  14029. var tag = this.disabled ? 'div' : link.tag;
  14030. data.ref = 'link';
  14031. return h('div', {
  14032. staticClass: 'v-tabs__div'
  14033. }, [h(tag, data, this.$slots.default)]);
  14034. }
  14035. });
  14036. /***/ }),
  14037. /***/ "./src/components/VTabs/VTabItem.js":
  14038. /*!******************************************!*\
  14039. !*** ./src/components/VTabs/VTabItem.js ***!
  14040. \******************************************/
  14041. /*! exports provided: default */
  14042. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  14043. "use strict";
  14044. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  14045. /* harmony import */ var _VWindow_VWindowItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VWindow/VWindowItem */ "./src/components/VWindow/VWindowItem.ts");
  14046. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  14047. // Extensions
  14048. // Mixins
  14049. /* @vue/component */
  14050. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VWindow_VWindowItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"].extend({
  14051. name: 'v-tab-item',
  14052. props: {
  14053. id: String
  14054. },
  14055. render: function render(h) {
  14056. var render = _VWindow_VWindowItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"].options.render.call(this, h);
  14057. // For backwards compatibility with v1.2
  14058. /* istanbul ignore next */
  14059. if (this.id) {
  14060. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["deprecate"])('id', 'value', this);
  14061. render.data.domProps = render.data.domProps || {};
  14062. render.data.domProps.id = this.id;
  14063. }
  14064. return render;
  14065. }
  14066. }));
  14067. /***/ }),
  14068. /***/ "./src/components/VTabs/VTabs.js":
  14069. /*!***************************************!*\
  14070. !*** ./src/components/VTabs/VTabs.js ***!
  14071. \***************************************/
  14072. /*! exports provided: default */
  14073. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  14074. "use strict";
  14075. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  14076. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_tabs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_tabs.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_tabs.styl");
  14077. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_tabs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_tabs_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  14078. /* harmony import */ var _VItemGroup_VItemGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VItemGroup/VItemGroup */ "./src/components/VItemGroup/VItemGroup.ts");
  14079. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_tabs_computed__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/tabs-computed */ "./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-computed.js");
  14080. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_tabs_generators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/tabs-generators */ "./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-generators.js");
  14081. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_tabs_props__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/tabs-props */ "./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-props.js");
  14082. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_tabs_touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/tabs-touch */ "./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-touch.js");
  14083. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_tabs_watchers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/tabs-watchers */ "./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-watchers.js");
  14084. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  14085. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_ssr_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/ssr-bootable */ "./src/mixins/ssr-bootable.ts");
  14086. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  14087. /* harmony import */ var _directives_resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/resize */ "./src/directives/resize.ts");
  14088. /* harmony import */ var _directives_touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/touch */ "./src/directives/touch.ts");
  14089. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  14090. /* harmony import */ var _util_ThemeProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/ThemeProvider */ "./src/util/ThemeProvider.ts");
  14091. // Styles
  14092. // Extensions
  14093. // Component level mixins
  14094. // Mixins
  14095. // Directives
  14096. // Utils
  14097. /* @vue/component */
  14098. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VItemGroup_VItemGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["BaseItemGroup"].extend({
  14099. name: 'v-tabs',
  14100. directives: {
  14101. Resize: _directives_resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["default"],
  14102. Touch: _directives_touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["default"]
  14103. },
  14104. mixins: [_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["default"], _mixins_ssr_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["default"], _mixins_tabs_computed__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_tabs_props__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], _mixins_tabs_generators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_tabs_touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"], _mixins_tabs_watchers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["default"]],
  14105. provide: function provide() {
  14106. return {
  14107. tabGroup: this,
  14108. tabProxy: this.tabProxy,
  14109. registerItems: this.registerItems,
  14110. unregisterItems: this.unregisterItems
  14111. };
  14112. },
  14113. data: function data() {
  14114. return {
  14115. bar: [],
  14116. content: [],
  14117. isOverflowing: false,
  14118. nextIconVisible: false,
  14119. prevIconVisible: false,
  14120. resizeTimeout: null,
  14121. scrollOffset: 0,
  14122. sliderWidth: null,
  14123. sliderLeft: null,
  14124. startX: 0,
  14125. tabItems: null,
  14126. transitionTime: 300,
  14127. widths: {
  14128. bar: 0,
  14129. container: 0,
  14130. wrapper: 0
  14131. }
  14132. };
  14133. },
  14134. watch: {
  14135. items: 'onResize',
  14136. tabs: 'onResize'
  14137. },
  14138. mounted: function mounted() {
  14139. this.init();
  14140. },
  14141. methods: {
  14142. checkIcons: function checkIcons() {
  14143. this.prevIconVisible = this.checkPrevIcon();
  14144. this.nextIconVisible = this.checkNextIcon();
  14145. },
  14146. checkPrevIcon: function checkPrevIcon() {
  14147. return this.scrollOffset > 0;
  14148. },
  14149. checkNextIcon: function checkNextIcon() {
  14150. // Check one scroll ahead to know the width of right-most item
  14151. return this.widths.container > this.scrollOffset + this.widths.wrapper;
  14152. },
  14153. callSlider: function callSlider() {
  14154. var _this = this;
  14155. if (this.hideSlider || !this.activeTab) return false;
  14156. // Give screen time to paint
  14157. var activeTab = this.activeTab;
  14158. this.$nextTick(function () {
  14159. /* istanbul ignore if */
  14160. if (!activeTab || !activeTab.$el) return;
  14161. _this.sliderWidth = activeTab.$el.scrollWidth;
  14162. _this.sliderLeft = activeTab.$el.offsetLeft;
  14163. });
  14164. },
  14165. // Do not process
  14166. // until DOM is
  14167. // painted
  14168. init: function init() {
  14169. /* istanbul ignore next */
  14170. if (this.$listeners['input']) {
  14171. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["deprecate"])('@input', '@change', this);
  14172. }
  14173. },
  14174. /**
  14175. * When v-navigation-drawer changes the
  14176. * width of the container, call resize
  14177. * after the transition is complete
  14178. */
  14179. onResize: function onResize() {
  14180. if (this._isDestroyed) return;
  14181. this.setWidths();
  14182. var delay = this.isBooted ? this.transitionTime : 0;
  14183. clearTimeout(this.resizeTimeout);
  14184. this.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(this.updateTabsView, delay);
  14185. },
  14186. overflowCheck: function overflowCheck(e, fn) {
  14187. this.isOverflowing && fn(e);
  14188. },
  14189. scrollTo: function scrollTo(direction) {
  14190. this.scrollOffset = this.newOffset(direction);
  14191. },
  14192. setOverflow: function setOverflow() {
  14193. this.isOverflowing = this.widths.bar < this.widths.container;
  14194. },
  14195. setWidths: function setWidths() {
  14196. var bar = this.$refs.bar ? this.$refs.bar.clientWidth : 0;
  14197. var container = this.$refs.container ? this.$refs.container.clientWidth : 0;
  14198. var wrapper = this.$refs.wrapper ? this.$refs.wrapper.clientWidth : 0;
  14199. this.widths = { bar: bar, container: container, wrapper: wrapper };
  14200. this.setOverflow();
  14201. },
  14202. parseNodes: function parseNodes() {
  14203. var item = [];
  14204. var items = [];
  14205. var slider = [];
  14206. var tab = [];
  14207. var length = (this.$slots.default || []).length;
  14208. for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  14209. var vnode = this.$slots.default[i];
  14210. if (vnode.componentOptions) {
  14211. switch (vnode.componentOptions.Ctor.options.name) {
  14212. case 'v-tabs-slider':
  14213. slider.push(vnode);
  14214. break;
  14215. case 'v-tabs-items':
  14216. items.push(vnode);
  14217. break;
  14218. case 'v-tab-item':
  14219. item.push(vnode);
  14220. break;
  14221. // case 'v-tab' - intentionally omitted
  14222. default:
  14223. tab.push(vnode);
  14224. }
  14225. } else {
  14226. tab.push(vnode);
  14227. }
  14228. }
  14229. return { tab: tab, slider: slider, items: items, item: item };
  14230. },
  14231. registerItems: function registerItems(fn) {
  14232. this.tabItems = fn;
  14233. fn(this.internalValue);
  14234. },
  14235. unregisterItems: function unregisterItems() {
  14236. this.tabItems = null;
  14237. },
  14238. updateTabsView: function updateTabsView() {
  14239. this.callSlider();
  14240. this.scrollIntoView();
  14241. this.checkIcons();
  14242. },
  14243. scrollIntoView: function scrollIntoView() {
  14244. /* istanbul ignore next */
  14245. if (!this.activeTab) return;
  14246. if (!this.isOverflowing) return this.scrollOffset = 0;
  14247. var totalWidth = this.widths.wrapper + this.scrollOffset;
  14248. var _a = this.activeTab.$el,
  14249. clientWidth = _a.clientWidth,
  14250. offsetLeft = _a.offsetLeft;
  14251. var itemOffset = clientWidth + offsetLeft;
  14252. var additionalOffset = clientWidth * 0.3;
  14253. if (this.activeTab === this.items[this.items.length - 1]) {
  14254. additionalOffset = 0; // don't add an offset if selecting the last tab
  14255. }
  14256. /* istanbul ignore else */
  14257. if (offsetLeft < this.scrollOffset) {
  14258. this.scrollOffset = Math.max(offsetLeft - additionalOffset, 0);
  14259. } else if (totalWidth < itemOffset) {
  14260. this.scrollOffset -= totalWidth - itemOffset - additionalOffset;
  14261. }
  14262. },
  14263. tabProxy: function tabProxy(val) {
  14264. this.internalValue = val;
  14265. }
  14266. },
  14267. render: function render(h) {
  14268. var _a = this.parseNodes(),
  14269. tab = _a.tab,
  14270. slider = _a.slider,
  14271. items = _a.items,
  14272. item = _a.item;
  14273. return h('div', {
  14274. staticClass: 'v-tabs',
  14275. directives: [{
  14276. name: 'resize',
  14277. modifiers: { quiet: true },
  14278. value: this.onResize
  14279. }]
  14280. }, [this.genBar([this.hideSlider ? null : this.genSlider(slider), tab]), h(_util_ThemeProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["default"], {
  14281. props: { dark: this.theme.isDark, light: !this.theme.isDark }
  14282. }, [this.genItems(items, item)])]);
  14283. }
  14284. }));
  14285. /***/ }),
  14286. /***/ "./src/components/VTabs/VTabsItems.js":
  14287. /*!********************************************!*\
  14288. !*** ./src/components/VTabs/VTabsItems.js ***!
  14289. \********************************************/
  14290. /*! exports provided: default */
  14291. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  14292. "use strict";
  14293. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  14294. /* harmony import */ var _VWindow_VWindow__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VWindow/VWindow */ "./src/components/VWindow/VWindow.ts");
  14295. // Extensions
  14296. /* @vue/component */
  14297. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VWindow_VWindow__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"].extend({
  14298. name: 'v-tabs-items',
  14299. inject: {
  14300. registerItems: {
  14301. default: null
  14302. },
  14303. tabProxy: {
  14304. default: null
  14305. },
  14306. unregisterItems: {
  14307. default: null
  14308. }
  14309. },
  14310. props: {
  14311. cycle: Boolean
  14312. },
  14313. watch: {
  14314. internalValue: function internalValue(val) {
  14315. /* istanbul ignore else */
  14316. if (this.tabProxy) this.tabProxy(val);
  14317. }
  14318. },
  14319. created: function created() {
  14320. this.registerItems && this.registerItems(this.changeModel);
  14321. },
  14322. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  14323. this.unregisterItems && this.unregisterItems();
  14324. },
  14325. methods: {
  14326. changeModel: function changeModel(val) {
  14327. this.internalValue = val;
  14328. },
  14329. // For backwards compatability with v1.2
  14330. getValue: function getValue(item, i) {
  14331. /* istanbul ignore if */
  14332. if (item.id) return item.id;
  14333. return _VWindow_VWindow__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"].options.methods.getValue.call(this, item, i);
  14334. },
  14335. next: function next() {
  14336. if (!this.cycle && this.internalIndex === this.items.length - 1) {
  14337. return;
  14338. }
  14339. _VWindow_VWindow__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"].options.methods.next.call(this);
  14340. },
  14341. prev: function prev() {
  14342. if (!this.cycle && this.internalIndex === 0) {
  14343. return;
  14344. }
  14345. _VWindow_VWindow__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"].options.methods.prev.call(this);
  14346. }
  14347. }
  14348. }));
  14349. /***/ }),
  14350. /***/ "./src/components/VTabs/VTabsSlider.js":
  14351. /*!*********************************************!*\
  14352. !*** ./src/components/VTabs/VTabsSlider.js ***!
  14353. \*********************************************/
  14354. /*! exports provided: default */
  14355. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  14356. "use strict";
  14357. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  14358. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  14359. /* @vue/component */
  14360. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  14361. name: 'v-tabs-slider',
  14362. mixins: [_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]],
  14363. render: function render(h) {
  14364. return h('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.color || 'accent', {
  14365. staticClass: 'v-tabs__slider'
  14366. }));
  14367. }
  14368. });
  14369. /***/ }),
  14370. /***/ "./src/components/VTabs/index.js":
  14371. /*!***************************************!*\
  14372. !*** ./src/components/VTabs/index.js ***!
  14373. \***************************************/
  14374. /*! exports provided: VTabs, VTab, VTabItem, VTabsItems, VTabsSlider, default */
  14375. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  14376. "use strict";
  14377. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  14378. /* harmony import */ var _VTabs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTabs */ "./src/components/VTabs/VTabs.js");
  14379. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTabs", function() { return _VTabs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  14380. /* harmony import */ var _VTab__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTab */ "./src/components/VTabs/VTab.js");
  14381. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTab", function() { return _VTab__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  14382. /* harmony import */ var _VTabsItems__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTabsItems */ "./src/components/VTabs/VTabsItems.js");
  14383. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTabsItems", function() { return _VTabsItems__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]; });
  14384. /* harmony import */ var _VTabItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTabItem */ "./src/components/VTabs/VTabItem.js");
  14385. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTabItem", function() { return _VTabItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]; });
  14386. /* harmony import */ var _VTabsSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTabsSlider */ "./src/components/VTabs/VTabsSlider.js");
  14387. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTabsSlider", function() { return _VTabsSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]; });
  14388. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  14389. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  14390. VTabs: _VTabs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  14391. VTab: _VTab__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  14392. VTabsItems: _VTabsItems__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"],
  14393. VTabItem: _VTabItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"],
  14394. VTabsSlider: _VTabsSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]
  14395. }
  14396. });
  14397. /***/ }),
  14398. /***/ "./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-computed.js":
  14399. /*!******************************************************!*\
  14400. !*** ./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-computed.js ***!
  14401. \******************************************************/
  14402. /*! exports provided: default */
  14403. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  14404. "use strict";
  14405. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  14406. /**
  14407. * Tabs computed
  14408. *
  14409. * @mixin
  14410. */
  14411. /* @vue/component */
  14412. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  14413. computed: {
  14414. activeTab: function activeTab() {
  14415. if (!this.selectedItems.length) return undefined;
  14416. return this.selectedItems[0];
  14417. },
  14418. containerStyles: function containerStyles() {
  14419. return this.height ? {
  14420. height: parseInt(this.height, 10) + "px"
  14421. } : null;
  14422. },
  14423. hasArrows: function hasArrows() {
  14424. return (this.showArrows || !this.isMobile) && this.isOverflowing;
  14425. },
  14426. isMobile: function isMobile() {
  14427. return this.$vuetify.breakpoint.width < this.mobileBreakPoint;
  14428. },
  14429. sliderStyles: function sliderStyles() {
  14430. return {
  14431. left: this.sliderLeft + "px",
  14432. transition: this.sliderLeft != null ? null : 'none',
  14433. width: this.sliderWidth + "px"
  14434. };
  14435. }
  14436. }
  14437. });
  14438. /***/ }),
  14439. /***/ "./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-generators.js":
  14440. /*!********************************************************!*\
  14441. !*** ./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-generators.js ***!
  14442. \********************************************************/
  14443. /*! exports provided: default */
  14444. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  14445. "use strict";
  14446. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  14447. /* harmony import */ var _VTabsItems__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VTabsItems */ "./src/components/VTabs/VTabsItems.js");
  14448. /* harmony import */ var _VTabsSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VTabsSlider */ "./src/components/VTabs/VTabsSlider.js");
  14449. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  14450. /**
  14451. * Tabs generators
  14452. *
  14453. * @mixin
  14454. */
  14455. /* @vue/component */
  14456. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  14457. methods: {
  14458. genBar: function genBar(items) {
  14459. return this.$createElement('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, {
  14460. staticClass: 'v-tabs__bar',
  14461. 'class': this.themeClasses,
  14462. ref: 'bar'
  14463. }), [this.genTransition('prev'), this.genWrapper(this.genContainer(items)), this.genTransition('next')]);
  14464. },
  14465. genContainer: function genContainer(items) {
  14466. return this.$createElement('div', {
  14467. staticClass: 'v-tabs__container',
  14468. class: {
  14469. 'v-tabs__container--align-with-title': this.alignWithTitle,
  14470. 'v-tabs__container--centered': this.centered,
  14471. 'v-tabs__container--fixed-tabs': this.fixedTabs,
  14472. 'v-tabs__container--grow': this.grow,
  14473. 'v-tabs__container--icons-and-text': this.iconsAndText,
  14474. 'v-tabs__container--overflow': this.isOverflowing,
  14475. 'v-tabs__container--right': this.right
  14476. },
  14477. style: this.containerStyles,
  14478. ref: 'container'
  14479. }, items);
  14480. },
  14481. genIcon: function genIcon(direction) {
  14482. var _this = this;
  14483. if (!this.hasArrows || !this[direction + "IconVisible"]) return null;
  14484. return this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], {
  14485. staticClass: "v-tabs__icon v-tabs__icon--" + direction,
  14486. props: {
  14487. disabled: !this[direction + "IconVisible"]
  14488. },
  14489. on: {
  14490. click: function click() {
  14491. return _this.scrollTo(direction);
  14492. }
  14493. }
  14494. }, this[direction + "Icon"]);
  14495. },
  14496. genItems: function genItems(items, item) {
  14497. if (items.length > 0) return items;
  14498. if (!item.length) return null;
  14499. return this.$createElement(_VTabsItems__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], item);
  14500. },
  14501. genTransition: function genTransition(direction) {
  14502. return this.$createElement('transition', {
  14503. props: { name: 'fade-transition' }
  14504. }, [this.genIcon(direction)]);
  14505. },
  14506. genWrapper: function genWrapper(items) {
  14507. var _this = this;
  14508. return this.$createElement('div', {
  14509. staticClass: 'v-tabs__wrapper',
  14510. class: {
  14511. 'v-tabs__wrapper--show-arrows': this.hasArrows
  14512. },
  14513. ref: 'wrapper',
  14514. directives: [{
  14515. name: 'touch',
  14516. value: {
  14517. start: function start(e) {
  14518. return _this.overflowCheck(e, _this.onTouchStart);
  14519. },
  14520. move: function move(e) {
  14521. return _this.overflowCheck(e, _this.onTouchMove);
  14522. },
  14523. end: function end(e) {
  14524. return _this.overflowCheck(e, _this.onTouchEnd);
  14525. }
  14526. }
  14527. }]
  14528. }, [items]);
  14529. },
  14530. genSlider: function genSlider(items) {
  14531. if (!items.length) {
  14532. items = [this.$createElement(_VTabsSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], {
  14533. props: { color: this.sliderColor }
  14534. })];
  14535. }
  14536. return this.$createElement('div', {
  14537. staticClass: 'v-tabs__slider-wrapper',
  14538. style: this.sliderStyles
  14539. }, items);
  14540. }
  14541. }
  14542. });
  14543. /***/ }),
  14544. /***/ "./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-props.js":
  14545. /*!***************************************************!*\
  14546. !*** ./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-props.js ***!
  14547. \***************************************************/
  14548. /*! exports provided: default */
  14549. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  14550. "use strict";
  14551. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  14552. /**
  14553. * Tabs props
  14554. *
  14555. * @mixin
  14556. */
  14557. /* @vue/component */
  14558. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  14559. props: {
  14560. activeClass: {
  14561. type: String,
  14562. default: 'v-tabs__item--active'
  14563. },
  14564. alignWithTitle: Boolean,
  14565. centered: Boolean,
  14566. fixedTabs: Boolean,
  14567. grow: Boolean,
  14568. height: {
  14569. type: [Number, String],
  14570. default: undefined,
  14571. validator: function validator(v) {
  14572. return !isNaN(parseInt(v));
  14573. }
  14574. },
  14575. hideSlider: Boolean,
  14576. iconsAndText: Boolean,
  14577. mandatory: {
  14578. type: Boolean,
  14579. default: true
  14580. },
  14581. mobileBreakPoint: {
  14582. type: [Number, String],
  14583. default: 1264,
  14584. validator: function validator(v) {
  14585. return !isNaN(parseInt(v));
  14586. }
  14587. },
  14588. nextIcon: {
  14589. type: String,
  14590. default: '$vuetify.icons.next'
  14591. },
  14592. prevIcon: {
  14593. type: String,
  14594. default: '$vuetify.icons.prev'
  14595. },
  14596. right: Boolean,
  14597. showArrows: Boolean,
  14598. sliderColor: {
  14599. type: String,
  14600. default: 'accent'
  14601. },
  14602. value: [Number, String]
  14603. }
  14604. });
  14605. /***/ }),
  14606. /***/ "./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-touch.js":
  14607. /*!***************************************************!*\
  14608. !*** ./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-touch.js ***!
  14609. \***************************************************/
  14610. /*! exports provided: default */
  14611. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  14612. "use strict";
  14613. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  14614. /**
  14615. * Tabs touch
  14616. *
  14617. * @mixin
  14618. */
  14619. /* @vue/component */
  14620. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  14621. methods: {
  14622. newOffset: function newOffset(direction) {
  14623. var clientWidth = this.$refs.wrapper.clientWidth;
  14624. if (direction === 'prev') {
  14625. return Math.max(this.scrollOffset - clientWidth, 0);
  14626. } else {
  14627. return Math.min(this.scrollOffset + clientWidth, this.$refs.container.clientWidth - clientWidth);
  14628. }
  14629. },
  14630. onTouchStart: function onTouchStart(e) {
  14631. this.startX = this.scrollOffset + e.touchstartX;
  14632. this.$refs.container.style.transition = 'none';
  14633. this.$refs.container.style.willChange = 'transform';
  14634. },
  14635. onTouchMove: function onTouchMove(e) {
  14636. this.scrollOffset = this.startX - e.touchmoveX;
  14637. },
  14638. onTouchEnd: function onTouchEnd() {
  14639. var container = this.$refs.container;
  14640. var wrapper = this.$refs.wrapper;
  14641. var maxScrollOffset = container.clientWidth - wrapper.clientWidth;
  14642. container.style.transition = null;
  14643. container.style.willChange = null;
  14644. /* istanbul ignore else */
  14645. if (this.scrollOffset < 0 || !this.isOverflowing) {
  14646. this.scrollOffset = 0;
  14647. } else if (this.scrollOffset >= maxScrollOffset) {
  14648. this.scrollOffset = maxScrollOffset;
  14649. }
  14650. }
  14651. }
  14652. });
  14653. /***/ }),
  14654. /***/ "./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-watchers.js":
  14655. /*!******************************************************!*\
  14656. !*** ./src/components/VTabs/mixins/tabs-watchers.js ***!
  14657. \******************************************************/
  14658. /*! exports provided: default */
  14659. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  14660. "use strict";
  14661. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  14662. /**
  14663. * Tabs watchers
  14664. *
  14665. * @mixin
  14666. */
  14667. /* @vue/component */
  14668. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  14669. watch: {
  14670. activeTab: function activeTab(val, oldVal) {
  14671. this.setOverflow();
  14672. if (!val) return;
  14673. this.tabItems && this.tabItems(this.getValue(val, this.items.indexOf(val)));
  14674. // Do nothing for first tab
  14675. // is handled from isBooted
  14676. // watcher
  14677. if (oldVal == null) return;
  14678. this.updateTabsView();
  14679. },
  14680. alignWithTitle: 'callSlider',
  14681. centered: 'callSlider',
  14682. fixedTabs: 'callSlider',
  14683. hasArrows: function hasArrows(val) {
  14684. if (!val) this.scrollOffset = 0;
  14685. },
  14686. /* @deprecate */
  14687. internalValue: function internalValue(val) {
  14688. /* istanbul ignore else */
  14689. if (!this.$listeners['input']) return;
  14690. this.$emit('input', val);
  14691. },
  14692. lazyValue: 'updateTabs',
  14693. right: 'callSlider',
  14694. '$vuetify.application.left': 'onResize',
  14695. '$vuetify.application.right': 'onResize',
  14696. scrollOffset: function scrollOffset(val) {
  14697. this.$refs.container.style.transform = "translateX(" + -val + "px)";
  14698. if (this.hasArrows) {
  14699. this.prevIconVisible = this.checkPrevIcon();
  14700. this.nextIconVisible = this.checkNextIcon();
  14701. }
  14702. }
  14703. }
  14704. });
  14705. /***/ }),
  14706. /***/ "./src/components/VTextField/VTextField.js":
  14707. /*!*************************************************!*\
  14708. !*** ./src/components/VTextField/VTextField.js ***!
  14709. \*************************************************/
  14710. /*! exports provided: default */
  14711. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  14712. "use strict";
  14713. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  14714. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_text_fields_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_text-fields.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_text-fields.styl");
  14715. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_text_fields_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_text_fields_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  14716. /* harmony import */ var _VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VInput */ "./src/components/VInput/index.ts");
  14717. /* harmony import */ var _VCounter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VCounter */ "./src/components/VCounter/index.ts");
  14718. /* harmony import */ var _VLabel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VLabel */ "./src/components/VLabel/index.ts");
  14719. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_maskable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/maskable */ "./src/mixins/maskable.js");
  14720. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_loadable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/loadable */ "./src/mixins/loadable.ts");
  14721. /* harmony import */ var _directives_ripple__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/ripple */ "./src/directives/ripple.ts");
  14722. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  14723. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  14724. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  14725. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  14726. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  14727. s = arguments[i];
  14728. for (var p in s) {
  14729. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  14730. }
  14731. }
  14732. return t;
  14733. };
  14734. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  14735. };
  14736. // Styles
  14737. // Extensions
  14738. // Components
  14739. // Mixins
  14740. // Directives
  14741. // Utilities
  14742. var dirtyTypes = ['color', 'file', 'time', 'date', 'datetime-local', 'week', 'month'];
  14743. /* @vue/component */
  14744. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].extend({
  14745. name: 'v-text-field',
  14746. directives: { Ripple: _directives_ripple__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"] },
  14747. mixins: [_mixins_maskable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], _mixins_loadable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"]],
  14748. inheritAttrs: false,
  14749. props: {
  14750. appendOuterIcon: String,
  14751. /** @deprecated */
  14752. appendOuterIconCb: Function,
  14753. autofocus: Boolean,
  14754. box: Boolean,
  14755. browserAutocomplete: String,
  14756. clearable: Boolean,
  14757. clearIcon: {
  14758. type: String,
  14759. default: '$vuetify.icons.clear'
  14760. },
  14761. clearIconCb: Function,
  14762. color: {
  14763. type: String,
  14764. default: 'primary'
  14765. },
  14766. counter: [Boolean, Number, String],
  14767. flat: Boolean,
  14768. fullWidth: Boolean,
  14769. label: String,
  14770. outline: Boolean,
  14771. placeholder: String,
  14772. prefix: String,
  14773. prependInnerIcon: String,
  14774. /** @deprecated */
  14775. prependInnerIconCb: Function,
  14776. reverse: Boolean,
  14777. singleLine: Boolean,
  14778. solo: Boolean,
  14779. soloInverted: Boolean,
  14780. suffix: String,
  14781. type: {
  14782. type: String,
  14783. default: 'text'
  14784. }
  14785. },
  14786. data: function data() {
  14787. return {
  14788. badInput: false,
  14789. initialValue: null,
  14790. internalChange: false,
  14791. isClearing: false
  14792. };
  14793. },
  14794. computed: {
  14795. classes: function classes() {
  14796. return {
  14797. 'v-text-field': true,
  14798. 'v-text-field--full-width': this.fullWidth,
  14799. 'v-text-field--prefix': this.prefix,
  14800. 'v-text-field--single-line': this.isSingle,
  14801. 'v-text-field--solo': this.isSolo,
  14802. 'v-text-field--solo-inverted': this.soloInverted,
  14803. 'v-text-field--solo-flat': this.flat,
  14804. 'v-text-field--box': this.box,
  14805. 'v-text-field--enclosed': this.isEnclosed,
  14806. 'v-text-field--reverse': this.reverse,
  14807. 'v-text-field--outline': this.hasOutline,
  14808. 'v-text-field--placeholder': this.placeholder
  14809. };
  14810. },
  14811. counterValue: function counterValue() {
  14812. return (this.internalValue || '').toString().length;
  14813. },
  14814. directivesInput: function directivesInput() {
  14815. return [];
  14816. },
  14817. // TODO: Deprecate
  14818. hasOutline: function hasOutline() {
  14819. return this.outline || this.textarea;
  14820. },
  14821. internalValue: {
  14822. get: function get() {
  14823. return this.lazyValue;
  14824. },
  14825. set: function set(val) {
  14826. if (this.mask && val !== this.lazyValue) {
  14827. this.lazyValue = this.unmaskText(this.maskText(this.unmaskText(val)));
  14828. this.setSelectionRange();
  14829. } else {
  14830. this.lazyValue = val;
  14831. this.$emit('input', this.lazyValue);
  14832. }
  14833. }
  14834. },
  14835. isDirty: function isDirty() {
  14836. return this.lazyValue != null && this.lazyValue.toString().length > 0 || this.badInput;
  14837. },
  14838. isEnclosed: function isEnclosed() {
  14839. return this.box || this.isSolo || this.hasOutline || this.fullWidth;
  14840. },
  14841. isLabelActive: function isLabelActive() {
  14842. return this.isDirty || dirtyTypes.includes(this.type);
  14843. },
  14844. isSingle: function isSingle() {
  14845. return this.isSolo || this.singleLine;
  14846. },
  14847. isSolo: function isSolo() {
  14848. return this.solo || this.soloInverted;
  14849. },
  14850. labelPosition: function labelPosition() {
  14851. var offset = this.prefix && !this.labelValue ? this.prefixWidth : 0;
  14852. return !this.$vuetify.rtl !== !this.reverse ? {
  14853. left: 'auto',
  14854. right: offset
  14855. } : {
  14856. left: offset,
  14857. right: 'auto'
  14858. };
  14859. },
  14860. showLabel: function showLabel() {
  14861. return this.hasLabel && (!this.isSingle || !this.isLabelActive && !this.placeholder && !this.prefixLabel);
  14862. },
  14863. labelValue: function labelValue() {
  14864. return !this.isSingle && Boolean(this.isFocused || this.isLabelActive || this.placeholder || this.prefixLabel);
  14865. },
  14866. prefixWidth: function prefixWidth() {
  14867. if (!this.prefix && !this.$refs.prefix) return;
  14868. return this.$refs.prefix.offsetWidth;
  14869. },
  14870. prefixLabel: function prefixLabel() {
  14871. return this.prefix && !this.value;
  14872. }
  14873. },
  14874. watch: {
  14875. isFocused: function isFocused(val) {
  14876. // Sets validationState from validatable
  14877. this.hasColor = val;
  14878. if (val) {
  14879. this.initialValue = this.lazyValue;
  14880. } else if (this.initialValue !== this.lazyValue) {
  14881. this.$emit('change', this.lazyValue);
  14882. }
  14883. },
  14884. value: function value(val) {
  14885. var _this = this;
  14886. if (this.mask && !this.internalChange) {
  14887. var masked_1 = this.maskText(this.unmaskText(val));
  14888. this.lazyValue = this.unmaskText(masked_1);
  14889. // Emit when the externally set value was modified internally
  14890. String(val) !== this.lazyValue && this.$nextTick(function () {
  14891. _this.$refs.input.value = masked_1;
  14892. _this.$emit('input', _this.lazyValue);
  14893. });
  14894. } else this.lazyValue = val;
  14895. }
  14896. },
  14897. mounted: function mounted() {
  14898. this.autofocus && this.onFocus();
  14899. },
  14900. methods: {
  14901. /** @public */
  14902. focus: function focus() {
  14903. this.onFocus();
  14904. },
  14905. /** @public */
  14906. blur: function blur() {
  14907. this.$refs.input ? this.$refs.input.blur() : this.onBlur();
  14908. },
  14909. clearableCallback: function clearableCallback() {
  14910. var _this = this;
  14911. this.internalValue = null;
  14912. this.$nextTick(function () {
  14913. return _this.$refs.input.focus();
  14914. });
  14915. },
  14916. genAppendSlot: function genAppendSlot() {
  14917. var slot = [];
  14918. if (this.$slots['append-outer']) {
  14919. slot.push(this.$slots['append-outer']);
  14920. } else if (this.appendOuterIcon) {
  14921. slot.push(this.genIcon('appendOuter'));
  14922. }
  14923. return this.genSlot('append', 'outer', slot);
  14924. },
  14925. genPrependInnerSlot: function genPrependInnerSlot() {
  14926. var slot = [];
  14927. if (this.$slots['prepend-inner']) {
  14928. slot.push(this.$slots['prepend-inner']);
  14929. } else if (this.prependInnerIcon) {
  14930. slot.push(this.genIcon('prependInner'));
  14931. }
  14932. return this.genSlot('prepend', 'inner', slot);
  14933. },
  14934. genIconSlot: function genIconSlot() {
  14935. var slot = [];
  14936. if (this.$slots['append']) {
  14937. slot.push(this.$slots['append']);
  14938. } else if (this.appendIcon) {
  14939. slot.push(this.genIcon('append'));
  14940. }
  14941. return this.genSlot('append', 'inner', slot);
  14942. },
  14943. genInputSlot: function genInputSlot() {
  14944. var input = _VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.genInputSlot.call(this);
  14945. var prepend = this.genPrependInnerSlot();
  14946. prepend && input.children.unshift(prepend);
  14947. return input;
  14948. },
  14949. genClearIcon: function genClearIcon() {
  14950. if (!this.clearable) return null;
  14951. var icon = !this.isDirty ? false : 'clear';
  14952. if (this.clearIconCb) Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["deprecate"])(':clear-icon-cb', '@click:clear', this);
  14953. return this.genSlot('append', 'inner', [this.genIcon(icon, !this.$listeners['click:clear'] && this.clearIconCb || this.clearableCallback, false)]);
  14954. },
  14955. genCounter: function genCounter() {
  14956. if (this.counter === false || this.counter == null) return null;
  14957. var max = this.counter === true ? this.$attrs.maxlength : this.counter;
  14958. return this.$createElement(_VCounter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], {
  14959. props: {
  14960. dark: this.dark,
  14961. light: this.light,
  14962. max: max,
  14963. value: this.counterValue
  14964. }
  14965. });
  14966. },
  14967. genDefaultSlot: function genDefaultSlot() {
  14968. return [this.genTextFieldSlot(), this.genClearIcon(), this.genIconSlot(), this.genProgress()];
  14969. },
  14970. genLabel: function genLabel() {
  14971. if (!this.showLabel) return null;
  14972. var data = {
  14973. props: {
  14974. absolute: true,
  14975. color: this.validationState,
  14976. dark: this.dark,
  14977. disabled: this.disabled,
  14978. focused: !this.isSingle && (this.isFocused || !!this.validationState),
  14979. left: this.labelPosition.left,
  14980. light: this.light,
  14981. right: this.labelPosition.right,
  14982. value: this.labelValue
  14983. }
  14984. };
  14985. if (this.$attrs.id) data.props.for = this.$attrs.id;
  14986. return this.$createElement(_VLabel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], data, this.$slots.label || this.label);
  14987. },
  14988. genInput: function genInput() {
  14989. var listeners = Object.assign({}, this.$listeners);
  14990. delete listeners['change']; // Change should not be bound externally
  14991. var data = {
  14992. style: {},
  14993. domProps: {
  14994. value: this.maskText(this.lazyValue)
  14995. },
  14996. attrs: __assign({ 'aria-label': (!this.$attrs || !this.$attrs.id) && this.label }, this.$attrs, { autofocus: this.autofocus, disabled: this.disabled, readonly: this.readonly, type: this.type }),
  14997. on: Object.assign(listeners, {
  14998. blur: this.onBlur,
  14999. input: this.onInput,
  15000. focus: this.onFocus,
  15001. keydown: this.onKeyDown
  15002. }),
  15003. ref: 'input'
  15004. };
  15005. if (this.placeholder) data.attrs.placeholder = this.placeholder;
  15006. if (this.mask) data.attrs.maxlength = this.masked.length;
  15007. if (this.browserAutocomplete) data.attrs.autocomplete = this.browserAutocomplete;
  15008. return this.$createElement('input', data);
  15009. },
  15010. genMessages: function genMessages() {
  15011. if (this.hideDetails) return null;
  15012. return this.$createElement('div', {
  15013. staticClass: 'v-text-field__details'
  15014. }, [_VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.genMessages.call(this), this.genCounter()]);
  15015. },
  15016. genTextFieldSlot: function genTextFieldSlot() {
  15017. return this.$createElement('div', {
  15018. staticClass: 'v-text-field__slot'
  15019. }, [this.genLabel(), this.prefix ? this.genAffix('prefix') : null, this.genInput(), this.suffix ? this.genAffix('suffix') : null]);
  15020. },
  15021. genAffix: function genAffix(type) {
  15022. return this.$createElement('div', {
  15023. 'class': "v-text-field__" + type,
  15024. ref: type
  15025. }, this[type]);
  15026. },
  15027. onBlur: function onBlur(e) {
  15028. this.isFocused = false;
  15029. // Reset internalChange state
  15030. // to allow external change
  15031. // to persist
  15032. this.internalChange = false;
  15033. this.$emit('blur', e);
  15034. },
  15035. onClick: function onClick() {
  15036. if (this.isFocused || this.disabled) return;
  15037. this.$refs.input.focus();
  15038. },
  15039. onFocus: function onFocus(e) {
  15040. if (!this.$refs.input) return;
  15041. if (document.activeElement !== this.$refs.input) {
  15042. return this.$refs.input.focus();
  15043. }
  15044. if (!this.isFocused) {
  15045. this.isFocused = true;
  15046. this.$emit('focus', e);
  15047. }
  15048. },
  15049. onInput: function onInput(e) {
  15050. this.internalChange = true;
  15051. this.mask && this.resetSelections(e.target);
  15052. this.internalValue = e.target.value;
  15053. this.badInput = e.target.validity && e.target.validity.badInput;
  15054. },
  15055. onKeyDown: function onKeyDown(e) {
  15056. this.internalChange = true;
  15057. if (e.keyCode === _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["keyCodes"].enter) this.$emit('change', this.internalValue);
  15058. this.$emit('keydown', e);
  15059. },
  15060. onMouseDown: function onMouseDown(e) {
  15061. // Prevent input from being blurred
  15062. if (e.target !== this.$refs.input) {
  15063. e.preventDefault();
  15064. e.stopPropagation();
  15065. }
  15066. _VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.onMouseDown.call(this, e);
  15067. },
  15068. onMouseUp: function onMouseUp(e) {
  15069. if (this.hasMouseDown) this.focus();
  15070. _VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.onMouseUp.call(this, e);
  15071. }
  15072. }
  15073. }));
  15074. /***/ }),
  15075. /***/ "./src/components/VTextField/index.js":
  15076. /*!********************************************!*\
  15077. !*** ./src/components/VTextField/index.js ***!
  15078. \********************************************/
  15079. /*! exports provided: VTextField, default */
  15080. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  15081. "use strict";
  15082. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  15083. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTextField", function() { return wrapper; });
  15084. /* harmony import */ var _VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTextField */ "./src/components/VTextField/VTextField.js");
  15085. /* harmony import */ var _VTextarea_VTextarea__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VTextarea/VTextarea */ "./src/components/VTextarea/VTextarea.js");
  15086. /* harmony import */ var _util_rebuildFunctionalSlots__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/rebuildFunctionalSlots */ "./src/util/rebuildFunctionalSlots.ts");
  15087. /* harmony import */ var _util_dedupeModelListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/dedupeModelListeners */ "./src/util/dedupeModelListeners.ts");
  15088. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  15089. // TODO: remove this in v2.0
  15090. /* @vue/component */
  15091. var wrapper = {
  15092. functional: true,
  15093. $_wrapperFor: _VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  15094. props: {
  15095. textarea: Boolean,
  15096. multiLine: Boolean
  15097. },
  15098. render: function render(h, _a) {
  15099. var props = _a.props,
  15100. data = _a.data,
  15101. slots = _a.slots,
  15102. parent = _a.parent;
  15103. Object(_util_dedupeModelListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(data);
  15104. var children = Object(_util_rebuildFunctionalSlots__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"])(slots(), h);
  15105. if (props.textarea) {
  15106. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["deprecate"])('<v-text-field textarea>', '<v-textarea outline>', wrapper, parent);
  15107. }
  15108. if (props.multiLine) {
  15109. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["deprecate"])('<v-text-field multi-line>', '<v-textarea>', wrapper, parent);
  15110. }
  15111. if (props.textarea || props.multiLine) {
  15112. data.attrs.outline = props.textarea;
  15113. return h(_VTextarea_VTextarea__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], data, children);
  15114. } else {
  15115. return h(_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], data, children);
  15116. }
  15117. }
  15118. };
  15119. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (wrapper);
  15120. /***/ }),
  15121. /***/ "./src/components/VTextarea/VTextarea.js":
  15122. /*!***********************************************!*\
  15123. !*** ./src/components/VTextarea/VTextarea.js ***!
  15124. \***********************************************/
  15125. /*! exports provided: default */
  15126. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  15127. "use strict";
  15128. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  15129. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_textarea_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_textarea.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_textarea.styl");
  15130. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_textarea_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_textarea_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  15131. /* harmony import */ var _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VTextField/VTextField */ "./src/components/VTextField/VTextField.js");
  15132. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  15133. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  15134. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  15135. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  15136. s = arguments[i];
  15137. for (var p in s) {
  15138. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  15139. }
  15140. }
  15141. return t;
  15142. };
  15143. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  15144. };
  15145. // Styles
  15146. // Extensions
  15147. /* @vue/component */
  15148. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  15149. name: 'v-textarea',
  15150. extends: _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  15151. props: {
  15152. autoGrow: Boolean,
  15153. noResize: Boolean,
  15154. outline: Boolean,
  15155. rowHeight: {
  15156. type: [Number, String],
  15157. default: 24,
  15158. validator: function validator(v) {
  15159. return !isNaN(parseFloat(v));
  15160. }
  15161. },
  15162. rows: {
  15163. type: [Number, String],
  15164. default: 5,
  15165. validator: function validator(v) {
  15166. return !isNaN(parseInt(v, 10));
  15167. }
  15168. }
  15169. },
  15170. computed: {
  15171. classes: function classes() {
  15172. return __assign({ 'v-textarea': true, 'v-textarea--auto-grow': this.autoGrow, 'v-textarea--no-resize': this.noResizeHandle }, _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.computed.classes.call(this, null));
  15173. },
  15174. dynamicHeight: function dynamicHeight() {
  15175. return this.autoGrow ? this.inputHeight : 'auto';
  15176. },
  15177. isEnclosed: function isEnclosed() {
  15178. return this.textarea || _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.computed.isEnclosed.call(this);
  15179. },
  15180. noResizeHandle: function noResizeHandle() {
  15181. return this.noResize || this.autoGrow;
  15182. }
  15183. },
  15184. watch: {
  15185. lazyValue: function lazyValue() {
  15186. !this.internalChange && this.autoGrow && this.$nextTick(this.calculateInputHeight);
  15187. }
  15188. },
  15189. mounted: function mounted() {
  15190. var _this = this;
  15191. setTimeout(function () {
  15192. _this.autoGrow && _this.calculateInputHeight();
  15193. }, 0);
  15194. // TODO: remove (2.0)
  15195. if (this.autoGrow && this.noResize) {
  15196. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["consoleInfo"])('"no-resize" is now implied when using "auto-grow", and can be removed', this);
  15197. }
  15198. },
  15199. methods: {
  15200. calculateInputHeight: function calculateInputHeight() {
  15201. var input = this.$refs.input;
  15202. if (input) {
  15203. input.style.height = 0;
  15204. var height = input.scrollHeight;
  15205. var minHeight = parseInt(this.rows, 10) * parseFloat(this.rowHeight);
  15206. // This has to be done ASAP, waiting for Vue
  15207. // to update the DOM causes ugly layout jumping
  15208. input.style.height = Math.max(minHeight, height) + 'px';
  15209. }
  15210. },
  15211. genInput: function genInput() {
  15212. var input = _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.genInput.call(this);
  15213. input.tag = 'textarea';
  15214. delete input.data.attrs.type;
  15215. input.data.attrs.rows = this.rows;
  15216. return input;
  15217. },
  15218. onInput: function onInput(e) {
  15219. _VTextField_VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.onInput.call(this, e);
  15220. this.autoGrow && this.calculateInputHeight();
  15221. },
  15222. onKeyDown: function onKeyDown(e) {
  15223. // Prevents closing of a
  15224. // dialog when pressing
  15225. // enter
  15226. if (this.isFocused && e.keyCode === 13) {
  15227. e.stopPropagation();
  15228. }
  15229. this.internalChange = true;
  15230. this.$emit('keydown', e);
  15231. }
  15232. }
  15233. });
  15234. /***/ }),
  15235. /***/ "./src/components/VTextarea/index.js":
  15236. /*!*******************************************!*\
  15237. !*** ./src/components/VTextarea/index.js ***!
  15238. \*******************************************/
  15239. /*! exports provided: VTextarea, default */
  15240. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  15241. "use strict";
  15242. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  15243. /* harmony import */ var _VTextarea__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTextarea */ "./src/components/VTextarea/VTextarea.js");
  15244. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTextarea", function() { return _VTextarea__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  15245. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VTextarea__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  15246. /***/ }),
  15247. /***/ "./src/components/VTimePicker/VTimePicker.ts":
  15248. /*!***************************************************!*\
  15249. !*** ./src/components/VTimePicker/VTimePicker.ts ***!
  15250. \***************************************************/
  15251. /*! exports provided: selectingTimes, default */
  15252. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  15253. "use strict";
  15254. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  15255. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "selectingTimes", function() { return selectingTimes; });
  15256. /* harmony import */ var _VTimePickerTitle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTimePickerTitle */ "./src/components/VTimePicker/VTimePickerTitle.ts");
  15257. /* harmony import */ var _VTimePickerClock__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTimePickerClock */ "./src/components/VTimePicker/VTimePickerClock.ts");
  15258. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_picker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/picker */ "./src/mixins/picker.ts");
  15259. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  15260. /* harmony import */ var _VDatePicker_util_pad__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VDatePicker/util/pad */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/pad.ts");
  15261. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  15262. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  15263. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  15264. if (!m) return o;
  15265. var i = m.call(o),
  15266. r,
  15267. ar = [],
  15268. e;
  15269. try {
  15270. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  15271. ar.push(r.value);
  15272. }
  15273. } catch (error) {
  15274. e = { error: error };
  15275. } finally {
  15276. try {
  15277. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  15278. } finally {
  15279. if (e) throw e.error;
  15280. }
  15281. }
  15282. return ar;
  15283. };
  15284. // Components
  15285. // Mixins
  15286. // Utils
  15287. var rangeHours24 = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["createRange"])(24);
  15288. var rangeHours12am = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["createRange"])(12);
  15289. var rangeHours12pm = rangeHours12am.map(function (v) {
  15290. return v + 12;
  15291. });
  15292. var range60 = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["createRange"])(60);
  15293. var selectingTimes = { hour: 1, minute: 2, second: 3 };
  15294. var selectingNames = { 1: 'hour', 2: 'minute', 3: 'second' };
  15295. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])(_mixins_picker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]
  15296. /* @vue/component */
  15297. ).extend({
  15298. name: 'v-time-picker',
  15299. props: {
  15300. allowedHours: Function,
  15301. allowedMinutes: Function,
  15302. allowedSeconds: Function,
  15303. disabled: Boolean,
  15304. format: {
  15305. type: String,
  15306. default: 'ampm',
  15307. validator: function validator(val) {
  15308. return ['ampm', '24hr'].includes(val);
  15309. }
  15310. },
  15311. min: String,
  15312. max: String,
  15313. readonly: Boolean,
  15314. scrollable: Boolean,
  15315. useSeconds: Boolean,
  15316. value: null
  15317. },
  15318. data: function data() {
  15319. return {
  15320. inputHour: null,
  15321. inputMinute: null,
  15322. inputSecond: null,
  15323. lazyInputHour: null,
  15324. lazyInputMinute: null,
  15325. lazyInputSecond: null,
  15326. period: 'am',
  15327. selecting: selectingTimes.hour
  15328. };
  15329. },
  15330. computed: {
  15331. selectingHour: {
  15332. get: function get() {
  15333. return this.selecting === selectingTimes.hour;
  15334. },
  15335. set: function set(v) {
  15336. this.selecting = selectingTimes.hour;
  15337. }
  15338. },
  15339. selectingMinute: {
  15340. get: function get() {
  15341. return this.selecting === selectingTimes.minute;
  15342. },
  15343. set: function set(v) {
  15344. this.selecting = selectingTimes.minute;
  15345. }
  15346. },
  15347. selectingSecond: {
  15348. get: function get() {
  15349. return this.selecting === selectingTimes.second;
  15350. },
  15351. set: function set(v) {
  15352. this.selecting = selectingTimes.second;
  15353. }
  15354. },
  15355. isAllowedHourCb: function isAllowedHourCb() {
  15356. var _this = this;
  15357. if (!this.min && !this.max) return this.allowedHours;
  15358. var minHour = this.min ? Number(this.min.split(':')[0]) : 0;
  15359. var maxHour = this.max ? Number(this.max.split(':')[0]) : 23;
  15360. return function (val) {
  15361. return val >= minHour * 1 && val <= maxHour * 1 && (!_this.allowedHours || _this.allowedHours(val));
  15362. };
  15363. },
  15364. isAllowedMinuteCb: function isAllowedMinuteCb() {
  15365. var _this = this;
  15366. var isHourAllowed = !this.allowedHours || this.allowedHours(this.inputHour);
  15367. if (!this.min && !this.max) {
  15368. return isHourAllowed ? this.allowedMinutes : function () {
  15369. return false;
  15370. };
  15371. }
  15372. var _a = __read(this.min ? this.min.split(':').map(Number) : [0, 0], 2),
  15373. minHour = _a[0],
  15374. minMinute = _a[1];
  15375. var _b = __read(this.max ? this.max.split(':').map(Number) : [23, 59], 2),
  15376. maxHour = _b[0],
  15377. maxMinute = _b[1];
  15378. var minTime = minHour * 60 + minMinute * 1;
  15379. var maxTime = maxHour * 60 + maxMinute * 1;
  15380. return function (val) {
  15381. var time = 60 * _this.inputHour + val;
  15382. return time >= minTime && time <= maxTime && isHourAllowed && (!_this.allowedMinutes || _this.allowedMinutes(val));
  15383. };
  15384. },
  15385. isAllowedSecondCb: function isAllowedSecondCb() {
  15386. var _this = this;
  15387. var isHourAllowed = !this.allowedHours || this.allowedHours(this.inputHour);
  15388. var isMinuteAllowed = !this.allowedMinutes || this.allowedMinutes(this.inputMinute);
  15389. if (!this.min && !this.max) {
  15390. return isHourAllowed && isMinuteAllowed ? this.allowedSeconds : function () {
  15391. return false;
  15392. };
  15393. }
  15394. var _a = __read(this.min ? this.min.split(':').map(Number) : [0, 0, 0], 3),
  15395. minHour = _a[0],
  15396. minMinute = _a[1],
  15397. minSecond = _a[2];
  15398. var _b = __read(this.max ? this.max.split(':').map(Number) : [23, 59, 59], 3),
  15399. maxHour = _b[0],
  15400. maxMinute = _b[1],
  15401. maxSecond = _b[2];
  15402. var minTime = minHour * 3600 + minMinute * 60 + (minSecond || 0) * 1;
  15403. var maxTime = maxHour * 3600 + maxMinute * 60 + (maxSecond || 0) * 1;
  15404. return function (val) {
  15405. var time = 3600 * _this.inputHour + 60 * _this.inputMinute + val;
  15406. return time >= minTime && time <= maxTime && isHourAllowed && isMinuteAllowed && (!_this.allowedSeconds || _this.allowedSeconds(val));
  15407. };
  15408. },
  15409. isAmPm: function isAmPm() {
  15410. return this.format === 'ampm';
  15411. }
  15412. },
  15413. watch: {
  15414. value: 'setInputData'
  15415. },
  15416. mounted: function mounted() {
  15417. this.setInputData(this.value);
  15418. },
  15419. methods: {
  15420. genValue: function genValue() {
  15421. if (this.inputHour != null && this.inputMinute != null && (!this.useSeconds || this.inputSecond != null)) {
  15422. return Object(_VDatePicker_util_pad__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(this.inputHour) + ":" + Object(_VDatePicker_util_pad__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(this.inputMinute) + (this.useSeconds ? ":" + Object(_VDatePicker_util_pad__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(this.inputSecond) : '');
  15423. }
  15424. return null;
  15425. },
  15426. emitValue: function emitValue() {
  15427. var value = this.genValue();
  15428. if (value !== null) this.$emit('input', value);
  15429. },
  15430. setPeriod: function setPeriod(period) {
  15431. this.period = period;
  15432. if (this.inputHour != null) {
  15433. var newHour = this.inputHour + (period === 'am' ? -12 : 12);
  15434. this.inputHour = this.firstAllowed('hour', newHour);
  15435. this.emitValue();
  15436. }
  15437. },
  15438. setInputData: function setInputData(value) {
  15439. if (value == null || value === '') {
  15440. this.inputHour = null;
  15441. this.inputMinute = null;
  15442. this.inputSecond = null;
  15443. } else if (value instanceof Date) {
  15444. this.inputHour = value.getHours();
  15445. this.inputMinute = value.getMinutes();
  15446. this.inputSecond = value.getSeconds();
  15447. } else {
  15448. var _a = __read(value.trim().toLowerCase().match(/^(\d+):(\d+)(:(\d+))?([ap]m)?$/) || new Array(6), 6),
  15449. hour = _a[1],
  15450. minute = _a[2],
  15451. second = _a[4],
  15452. period = _a[5];
  15453. this.inputHour = period ? this.convert12to24(parseInt(hour, 10), period) : parseInt(hour, 10);
  15454. this.inputMinute = parseInt(minute, 10);
  15455. this.inputSecond = parseInt(second || 0, 10);
  15456. }
  15457. this.period = this.inputHour == null || this.inputHour < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm';
  15458. },
  15459. convert24to12: function convert24to12(hour) {
  15460. return hour ? (hour - 1) % 12 + 1 : 12;
  15461. },
  15462. convert12to24: function convert12to24(hour, period) {
  15463. return hour % 12 + (period === 'pm' ? 12 : 0);
  15464. },
  15465. onInput: function onInput(value) {
  15466. if (this.selecting === selectingTimes.hour) {
  15467. this.inputHour = this.isAmPm ? this.convert12to24(value, this.period) : value;
  15468. } else if (this.selecting === selectingTimes.minute) {
  15469. this.inputMinute = value;
  15470. } else {
  15471. this.inputSecond = value;
  15472. }
  15473. this.emitValue();
  15474. },
  15475. onChange: function onChange(value) {
  15476. this.$emit("click:" + selectingNames[this.selecting], value);
  15477. var emitChange = this.selecting === (this.useSeconds ? selectingTimes.second : selectingTimes.minute);
  15478. if (this.selecting === selectingTimes.hour) {
  15479. this.selecting = selectingTimes.minute;
  15480. } else if (this.useSeconds && this.selecting === selectingTimes.minute) {
  15481. this.selecting = selectingTimes.second;
  15482. }
  15483. if (this.inputHour === this.lazyInputHour && this.inputMinute === this.lazyInputMinute && (!this.useSeconds || this.inputSecond === this.lazyInputSecond)) return;
  15484. var time = this.genValue();
  15485. if (time === null) return;
  15486. this.lazyInputHour = this.inputHour;
  15487. this.lazyInputMinute = this.inputMinute;
  15488. this.useSeconds && (this.lazyInputSecond = this.inputSecond);
  15489. emitChange && this.$emit('change', time);
  15490. },
  15491. firstAllowed: function firstAllowed(type, value) {
  15492. var allowedFn = type === 'hour' ? this.isAllowedHourCb : type === 'minute' ? this.isAllowedMinuteCb : this.isAllowedSecondCb;
  15493. if (!allowedFn) return value;
  15494. // TODO: clean up
  15495. var range = type === 'minute' ? range60 : type === 'second' ? range60 : this.isAmPm ? value < 12 ? rangeHours12am : rangeHours12pm : rangeHours24;
  15496. var first = range.find(function (v) {
  15497. return allowedFn((v + value) % range.length + range[0]);
  15498. });
  15499. return ((first || 0) + value) % range.length + range[0];
  15500. },
  15501. genClock: function genClock() {
  15502. return this.$createElement(_VTimePickerClock__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], {
  15503. props: {
  15504. allowedValues: this.selecting === selectingTimes.hour ? this.isAllowedHourCb : this.selecting === selectingTimes.minute ? this.isAllowedMinuteCb : this.isAllowedSecondCb,
  15505. color: this.color,
  15506. dark: this.dark,
  15507. disabled: this.disabled,
  15508. double: this.selecting === selectingTimes.hour && !this.isAmPm,
  15509. format: this.selecting === selectingTimes.hour ? this.isAmPm ? this.convert24to12 : function (val) {
  15510. return val;
  15511. } : function (val) {
  15512. return Object(_VDatePicker_util_pad__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(val, 2);
  15513. },
  15514. light: this.light,
  15515. max: this.selecting === selectingTimes.hour ? this.isAmPm && this.period === 'am' ? 11 : 23 : 59,
  15516. min: this.selecting === selectingTimes.hour && this.isAmPm && this.period === 'pm' ? 12 : 0,
  15517. readonly: this.readonly,
  15518. scrollable: this.scrollable,
  15519. size: Number(this.width) - (!this.fullWidth && this.landscape ? 80 : 20),
  15520. step: this.selecting === selectingTimes.hour ? 1 : 5,
  15521. value: this.selecting === selectingTimes.hour ? this.inputHour : this.selecting === selectingTimes.minute ? this.inputMinute : this.inputSecond
  15522. },
  15523. on: {
  15524. input: this.onInput,
  15525. change: this.onChange
  15526. },
  15527. ref: 'clock'
  15528. });
  15529. },
  15530. genPickerBody: function genPickerBody() {
  15531. return this.$createElement('div', {
  15532. staticClass: 'v-time-picker-clock__container',
  15533. key: this.selecting
  15534. }, [this.genClock()]);
  15535. },
  15536. genPickerTitle: function genPickerTitle() {
  15537. var _this = this;
  15538. return this.$createElement(_VTimePickerTitle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], {
  15539. props: {
  15540. ampm: this.isAmPm,
  15541. disabled: this.disabled,
  15542. hour: this.inputHour,
  15543. minute: this.inputMinute,
  15544. second: this.inputSecond,
  15545. period: this.period,
  15546. readonly: this.readonly,
  15547. useSeconds: this.useSeconds,
  15548. selecting: this.selecting
  15549. },
  15550. on: {
  15551. 'update:selecting': function updateSelecting(value) {
  15552. return _this.selecting = value;
  15553. },
  15554. 'update:period': this.setPeriod
  15555. },
  15556. ref: 'title',
  15557. slot: 'title'
  15558. });
  15559. }
  15560. },
  15561. render: function render() {
  15562. return this.genPicker('v-picker--time');
  15563. }
  15564. }));
  15565. /***/ }),
  15566. /***/ "./src/components/VTimePicker/VTimePickerClock.ts":
  15567. /*!********************************************************!*\
  15568. !*** ./src/components/VTimePicker/VTimePickerClock.ts ***!
  15569. \********************************************************/
  15570. /*! exports provided: default */
  15571. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  15572. "use strict";
  15573. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  15574. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_time_picker_clock_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_time-picker-clock.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_time-picker-clock.styl");
  15575. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_time_picker_clock_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_time_picker_clock_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  15576. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  15577. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  15578. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  15579. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  15580. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  15581. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  15582. s = arguments[i];
  15583. for (var p in s) {
  15584. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  15585. }
  15586. }
  15587. return t;
  15588. };
  15589. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  15590. };
  15591. // Mixins
  15592. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]
  15593. /* @vue/component */
  15594. ).extend({
  15595. name: 'v-time-picker-clock',
  15596. props: {
  15597. allowedValues: Function,
  15598. disabled: Boolean,
  15599. double: Boolean,
  15600. format: {
  15601. type: Function,
  15602. default: function _default(val) {
  15603. return val;
  15604. }
  15605. },
  15606. max: {
  15607. type: Number,
  15608. required: true
  15609. },
  15610. min: {
  15611. type: Number,
  15612. required: true
  15613. },
  15614. scrollable: Boolean,
  15615. readonly: Boolean,
  15616. rotate: {
  15617. type: Number,
  15618. default: 0
  15619. },
  15620. step: {
  15621. type: Number,
  15622. default: 1
  15623. },
  15624. value: Number
  15625. },
  15626. data: function data() {
  15627. return {
  15628. inputValue: this.value,
  15629. isDragging: false,
  15630. valueOnMouseDown: null,
  15631. valueOnMouseUp: null
  15632. };
  15633. },
  15634. computed: {
  15635. count: function count() {
  15636. return this.max - this.min + 1;
  15637. },
  15638. degreesPerUnit: function degreesPerUnit() {
  15639. return 360 / this.roundCount;
  15640. },
  15641. degrees: function degrees() {
  15642. return this.degreesPerUnit * Math.PI / 180;
  15643. },
  15644. displayedValue: function displayedValue() {
  15645. return this.value == null ? this.min : this.value;
  15646. },
  15647. innerRadiusScale: function innerRadiusScale() {
  15648. return 0.62;
  15649. },
  15650. roundCount: function roundCount() {
  15651. return this.double ? this.count / 2 : this.count;
  15652. }
  15653. },
  15654. watch: {
  15655. value: function value(_value) {
  15656. this.inputValue = _value;
  15657. }
  15658. },
  15659. methods: {
  15660. wheel: function wheel(e) {
  15661. e.preventDefault();
  15662. var delta = Math.sign(-e.deltaY || 1);
  15663. var value = this.displayedValue;
  15664. do {
  15665. value = value + delta;
  15666. value = (value - this.min + this.count) % this.count + this.min;
  15667. } while (!this.isAllowed(value) && value !== this.displayedValue);
  15668. if (value !== this.displayedValue) {
  15669. this.update(value);
  15670. }
  15671. },
  15672. isInner: function isInner(value) {
  15673. return this.double && value - this.min >= this.roundCount;
  15674. },
  15675. handScale: function handScale(value) {
  15676. return this.isInner(value) ? this.innerRadiusScale : 1;
  15677. },
  15678. isAllowed: function isAllowed(value) {
  15679. return !this.allowedValues || this.allowedValues(value);
  15680. },
  15681. genValues: function genValues() {
  15682. var children = [];
  15683. for (var value = this.min; value <= this.max; value = value + this.step) {
  15684. var color = value === this.value && (this.color || 'accent');
  15685. children.push(this.$createElement('span', this.setBackgroundColor(color, {
  15686. staticClass: 'v-time-picker-clock__item',
  15687. 'class': {
  15688. 'v-time-picker-clock__item--active': value === this.displayedValue,
  15689. 'v-time-picker-clock__item--disabled': this.disabled || !this.isAllowed(value)
  15690. },
  15691. style: this.getTransform(value),
  15692. domProps: { innerHTML: "<span>" + this.format(value) + "</span>" }
  15693. })));
  15694. }
  15695. return children;
  15696. },
  15697. genHand: function genHand() {
  15698. var scale = "scaleY(" + this.handScale(this.displayedValue) + ")";
  15699. var angle = this.rotate + this.degreesPerUnit * (this.displayedValue - this.min);
  15700. var color = this.value != null && (this.color || 'accent');
  15701. return this.$createElement('div', this.setBackgroundColor(color, {
  15702. staticClass: 'v-time-picker-clock__hand',
  15703. 'class': {
  15704. 'v-time-picker-clock__hand--inner': this.isInner(this.value)
  15705. },
  15706. style: {
  15707. transform: "rotate(" + angle + "deg) " + scale
  15708. }
  15709. }));
  15710. },
  15711. getTransform: function getTransform(i) {
  15712. var _a = this.getPosition(i),
  15713. x = _a.x,
  15714. y = _a.y;
  15715. return {
  15716. left: 50 + x * 50 + "%",
  15717. top: 50 + y * 50 + "%"
  15718. };
  15719. },
  15720. getPosition: function getPosition(value) {
  15721. var rotateRadians = this.rotate * Math.PI / 180;
  15722. return {
  15723. x: Math.sin((value - this.min) * this.degrees + rotateRadians) * this.handScale(value),
  15724. y: -Math.cos((value - this.min) * this.degrees + rotateRadians) * this.handScale(value)
  15725. };
  15726. },
  15727. onMouseDown: function onMouseDown(e) {
  15728. e.preventDefault();
  15729. this.valueOnMouseDown = null;
  15730. this.valueOnMouseUp = null;
  15731. this.isDragging = true;
  15732. this.onDragMove(e);
  15733. },
  15734. onMouseUp: function onMouseUp() {
  15735. this.isDragging = false;
  15736. if (this.valueOnMouseUp !== null && this.isAllowed(this.valueOnMouseUp)) {
  15737. this.$emit('change', this.valueOnMouseUp);
  15738. }
  15739. },
  15740. onDragMove: function onDragMove(e) {
  15741. e.preventDefault();
  15742. if (!this.isDragging && e.type !== 'click') return;
  15743. var _a = this.$refs.clock.getBoundingClientRect(),
  15744. width = _a.width,
  15745. top = _a.top,
  15746. left = _a.left;
  15747. var innerWidth = this.$refs.innerClock.getBoundingClientRect().width;
  15748. var _b = 'touches' in e ? e.touches[0] : e,
  15749. clientX = _b.clientX,
  15750. clientY = _b.clientY;
  15751. var center = { x: width / 2, y: -width / 2 };
  15752. var coords = { x: clientX - left, y: top - clientY };
  15753. var handAngle = Math.round(this.angle(center, coords) - this.rotate + 360) % 360;
  15754. var insideClick = this.double && this.euclidean(center, coords) < (innerWidth + innerWidth * this.innerRadiusScale) / 4;
  15755. var value = (Math.round(handAngle / this.degreesPerUnit) + (insideClick ? this.roundCount : 0)) % this.count + this.min;
  15756. // Necessary to fix edge case when selecting left part of the value(s) at 12 o'clock
  15757. var newValue;
  15758. if (handAngle >= 360 - this.degreesPerUnit / 2) {
  15759. newValue = insideClick ? this.max - this.roundCount + 1 : this.min;
  15760. } else {
  15761. newValue = value;
  15762. }
  15763. if (this.isAllowed(value)) {
  15764. if (this.valueOnMouseDown === null) {
  15765. this.valueOnMouseDown = newValue;
  15766. }
  15767. this.valueOnMouseUp = newValue;
  15768. this.update(newValue);
  15769. }
  15770. },
  15771. update: function update(value) {
  15772. if (this.inputValue !== value) {
  15773. this.inputValue = value;
  15774. this.$emit('input', value);
  15775. }
  15776. },
  15777. euclidean: function euclidean(p0, p1) {
  15778. var dx = p1.x - p0.x;
  15779. var dy = p1.y - p0.y;
  15780. return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
  15781. },
  15782. angle: function angle(center, p1) {
  15783. var value = 2 * Math.atan2(p1.y - center.y - this.euclidean(center, p1), p1.x - center.x);
  15784. return Math.abs(value * 180 / Math.PI);
  15785. }
  15786. },
  15787. render: function render(h) {
  15788. var _this = this;
  15789. var data = {
  15790. staticClass: 'v-time-picker-clock',
  15791. class: __assign({ 'v-time-picker-clock--indeterminate': this.value == null }, this.themeClasses),
  15792. on: this.readonly || this.disabled ? undefined : Object.assign({
  15793. mousedown: this.onMouseDown,
  15794. mouseup: this.onMouseUp,
  15795. mouseleave: function mouseleave() {
  15796. return _this.isDragging && _this.onMouseUp();
  15797. },
  15798. touchstart: this.onMouseDown,
  15799. touchend: this.onMouseUp,
  15800. mousemove: this.onDragMove,
  15801. touchmove: this.onDragMove
  15802. }, this.scrollable ? {
  15803. wheel: this.wheel
  15804. } : {}),
  15805. ref: 'clock'
  15806. };
  15807. return h('div', data, [h('div', {
  15808. staticClass: 'v-time-picker-clock__inner',
  15809. ref: 'innerClock'
  15810. }, [this.genHand(), this.genValues()])]);
  15811. }
  15812. }));
  15813. /***/ }),
  15814. /***/ "./src/components/VTimePicker/VTimePickerTitle.ts":
  15815. /*!********************************************************!*\
  15816. !*** ./src/components/VTimePicker/VTimePickerTitle.ts ***!
  15817. \********************************************************/
  15818. /*! exports provided: default */
  15819. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  15820. "use strict";
  15821. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  15822. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_time_picker_title_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_time-picker-title.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_time-picker-title.styl");
  15823. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_time_picker_title_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_time_picker_title_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  15824. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_picker_button__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/picker-button */ "./src/mixins/picker-button.ts");
  15825. /* harmony import */ var _VDatePicker_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VDatePicker/util */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/util/index.ts");
  15826. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  15827. /* harmony import */ var _VTimePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTimePicker */ "./src/components/VTimePicker/VTimePicker.ts");
  15828. // Mixins
  15829. // Utils
  15830. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(_mixins_picker_button__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]
  15831. /* @vue/component */
  15832. ).extend({
  15833. name: 'v-time-picker-title',
  15834. props: {
  15835. ampm: Boolean,
  15836. disabled: Boolean,
  15837. hour: Number,
  15838. minute: Number,
  15839. second: Number,
  15840. period: {
  15841. type: String,
  15842. validator: function validator(period) {
  15843. return period === 'am' || period === 'pm';
  15844. }
  15845. },
  15846. readonly: Boolean,
  15847. useSeconds: Boolean,
  15848. selecting: Number
  15849. },
  15850. methods: {
  15851. genTime: function genTime() {
  15852. var hour = this.hour;
  15853. if (this.ampm) {
  15854. hour = hour ? (hour - 1) % 12 + 1 : 12;
  15855. }
  15856. var displayedHour = this.hour == null ? '--' : this.ampm ? String(hour) : Object(_VDatePicker_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["pad"])(hour);
  15857. var displayedMinute = this.minute == null ? '--' : Object(_VDatePicker_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["pad"])(this.minute);
  15858. var titleContent = [this.genPickerButton('selecting', _VTimePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["selectingTimes"].hour, displayedHour, this.disabled), this.$createElement('span', ':'), this.genPickerButton('selecting', _VTimePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["selectingTimes"].minute, displayedMinute, this.disabled)];
  15859. if (this.useSeconds) {
  15860. var displayedSecond = this.second == null ? '--' : Object(_VDatePicker_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["pad"])(this.second);
  15861. titleContent.push(this.$createElement('span', ':'));
  15862. titleContent.push(this.genPickerButton('selecting', _VTimePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["selectingTimes"].second, displayedSecond, this.disabled));
  15863. }
  15864. return this.$createElement('div', {
  15865. 'class': 'v-time-picker-title__time'
  15866. }, titleContent);
  15867. },
  15868. genAmPm: function genAmPm() {
  15869. return this.$createElement('div', {
  15870. staticClass: 'v-time-picker-title__ampm'
  15871. }, [this.genPickerButton('period', 'am', 'am', this.disabled || this.readonly), this.genPickerButton('period', 'pm', 'pm', this.disabled || this.readonly)]);
  15872. }
  15873. },
  15874. render: function render(h) {
  15875. var children = [this.genTime()];
  15876. this.ampm && children.push(this.genAmPm());
  15877. return h('div', {
  15878. staticClass: 'v-time-picker-title'
  15879. }, children);
  15880. }
  15881. }));
  15882. /***/ }),
  15883. /***/ "./src/components/VTimePicker/index.ts":
  15884. /*!*********************************************!*\
  15885. !*** ./src/components/VTimePicker/index.ts ***!
  15886. \*********************************************/
  15887. /*! exports provided: VTimePicker, VTimePickerClock, VTimePickerTitle, default */
  15888. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  15889. "use strict";
  15890. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  15891. /* harmony import */ var _VTimePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTimePicker */ "./src/components/VTimePicker/VTimePicker.ts");
  15892. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTimePicker", function() { return _VTimePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  15893. /* harmony import */ var _VTimePickerClock__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTimePickerClock */ "./src/components/VTimePicker/VTimePickerClock.ts");
  15894. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTimePickerClock", function() { return _VTimePickerClock__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  15895. /* harmony import */ var _VTimePickerTitle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTimePickerTitle */ "./src/components/VTimePicker/VTimePickerTitle.ts");
  15896. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTimePickerTitle", function() { return _VTimePickerTitle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]; });
  15897. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  15898. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  15899. VTimePicker: _VTimePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  15900. VTimePickerClock: _VTimePickerClock__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  15901. VTimePickerTitle: _VTimePickerTitle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]
  15902. }
  15903. });
  15904. /***/ }),
  15905. /***/ "./src/components/VTimeline/VTimeline.ts":
  15906. /*!***********************************************!*\
  15907. !*** ./src/components/VTimeline/VTimeline.ts ***!
  15908. \***********************************************/
  15909. /*! exports provided: default */
  15910. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  15911. "use strict";
  15912. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  15913. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_timeline_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_timeline.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_timeline.styl");
  15914. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_timeline_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_timeline_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  15915. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  15916. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  15917. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  15918. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  15919. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  15920. s = arguments[i];
  15921. for (var p in s) {
  15922. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  15923. }
  15924. }
  15925. return t;
  15926. };
  15927. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  15928. };
  15929. // Styles
  15930. // Mixins
  15931. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(_mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]
  15932. /* @vue/component */
  15933. ).extend({
  15934. name: 'v-timeline',
  15935. props: {
  15936. alignTop: Boolean,
  15937. dense: Boolean
  15938. },
  15939. computed: {
  15940. classes: function classes() {
  15941. return __assign({ 'v-timeline--align-top': this.alignTop, 'v-timeline--dense': this.dense }, this.themeClasses);
  15942. }
  15943. },
  15944. render: function render(h) {
  15945. return h('div', {
  15946. staticClass: 'v-timeline',
  15947. 'class': this.classes
  15948. }, this.$slots.default);
  15949. }
  15950. }));
  15951. /***/ }),
  15952. /***/ "./src/components/VTimeline/VTimelineItem.ts":
  15953. /*!***************************************************!*\
  15954. !*** ./src/components/VTimeline/VTimelineItem.ts ***!
  15955. \***************************************************/
  15956. /*! exports provided: default */
  15957. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  15958. "use strict";
  15959. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  15960. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  15961. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  15962. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  15963. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  15964. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  15965. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  15966. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  15967. s = arguments[i];
  15968. for (var p in s) {
  15969. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  15970. }
  15971. }
  15972. return t;
  15973. };
  15974. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  15975. };
  15976. // Types
  15977. // Components
  15978. // Mixins
  15979. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]
  15980. /* @vue/component */
  15981. ).extend({
  15982. name: 'v-timeline-item',
  15983. props: {
  15984. color: {
  15985. type: String,
  15986. default: 'primary'
  15987. },
  15988. fillDot: Boolean,
  15989. hideDot: Boolean,
  15990. icon: String,
  15991. iconColor: String,
  15992. large: Boolean,
  15993. left: Boolean,
  15994. right: Boolean,
  15995. small: Boolean
  15996. },
  15997. computed: {
  15998. hasIcon: function hasIcon() {
  15999. return !!this.icon || !!this.$slots.icon;
  16000. }
  16001. },
  16002. methods: {
  16003. genBody: function genBody() {
  16004. return this.$createElement('div', {
  16005. staticClass: 'v-timeline-item__body'
  16006. }, this.$slots.default);
  16007. },
  16008. genIcon: function genIcon() {
  16009. if (this.$slots.icon) {
  16010. return this.$slots.icon;
  16011. }
  16012. return this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], {
  16013. props: {
  16014. color: this.iconColor,
  16015. dark: !this.theme.isDark,
  16016. small: this.small
  16017. }
  16018. }, this.icon);
  16019. },
  16020. genInnerDot: function genInnerDot() {
  16021. var data = this.setBackgroundColor(this.color);
  16022. return this.$createElement('div', __assign({ staticClass: 'v-timeline-item__inner-dot' }, data), [this.hasIcon && this.genIcon()]);
  16023. },
  16024. genDot: function genDot() {
  16025. return this.$createElement('div', {
  16026. staticClass: 'v-timeline-item__dot',
  16027. class: {
  16028. 'v-timeline-item__dot--small': this.small,
  16029. 'v-timeline-item__dot--large': this.large
  16030. }
  16031. }, [this.genInnerDot()]);
  16032. },
  16033. genOpposite: function genOpposite() {
  16034. return this.$createElement('div', {
  16035. staticClass: 'v-timeline-item__opposite'
  16036. }, this.$slots.opposite);
  16037. }
  16038. },
  16039. render: function render(h) {
  16040. var children = [this.genBody()];
  16041. if (!this.hideDot) children.unshift(this.genDot());
  16042. if (this.$slots.opposite) children.push(this.genOpposite());
  16043. return h('div', {
  16044. staticClass: 'v-timeline-item',
  16045. class: __assign({ 'v-timeline-item--fill-dot': this.fillDot, 'v-timeline-item--left': this.left, 'v-timeline-item--right': this.right }, this.themeClasses)
  16046. }, children);
  16047. }
  16048. }));
  16049. /***/ }),
  16050. /***/ "./src/components/VTimeline/index.ts":
  16051. /*!*******************************************!*\
  16052. !*** ./src/components/VTimeline/index.ts ***!
  16053. \*******************************************/
  16054. /*! exports provided: VTimeline, VTimelineItem, default */
  16055. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  16056. "use strict";
  16057. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  16058. /* harmony import */ var _VTimeline__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTimeline */ "./src/components/VTimeline/VTimeline.ts");
  16059. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTimeline", function() { return _VTimeline__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  16060. /* harmony import */ var _VTimelineItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTimelineItem */ "./src/components/VTimeline/VTimelineItem.ts");
  16061. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTimelineItem", function() { return _VTimelineItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  16062. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  16063. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  16064. VTimeline: _VTimeline__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  16065. VTimelineItem: _VTimelineItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]
  16066. }
  16067. });
  16068. /***/ }),
  16069. /***/ "./src/components/VToolbar/VToolbar.ts":
  16070. /*!*********************************************!*\
  16071. !*** ./src/components/VToolbar/VToolbar.ts ***!
  16072. \*********************************************/
  16073. /*! exports provided: default */
  16074. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  16075. "use strict";
  16076. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  16077. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_toolbar_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_toolbar.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_toolbar.styl");
  16078. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_toolbar_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_toolbar_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  16079. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_applicationable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/applicationable */ "./src/mixins/applicationable.ts");
  16080. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  16081. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  16082. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_ssr_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/ssr-bootable */ "./src/mixins/ssr-bootable.ts");
  16083. /* harmony import */ var _directives_scroll__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/scroll */ "./src/directives/scroll.ts");
  16084. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  16085. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  16086. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  16087. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  16088. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  16089. s = arguments[i];
  16090. for (var p in s) {
  16091. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  16092. }
  16093. }
  16094. return t;
  16095. };
  16096. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  16097. };
  16098. // Styles
  16099. // Mixins
  16100. // Directives
  16101. // Types
  16102. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["default"])(Object(_mixins_applicationable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])('top', ['clippedLeft', 'clippedRight', 'computedHeight', 'invertedScroll', 'manualScroll']), _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_ssr_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]
  16103. /* @vue/component */
  16104. ).extend({
  16105. name: 'v-toolbar',
  16106. directives: { Scroll: _directives_scroll__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"] },
  16107. props: {
  16108. card: Boolean,
  16109. clippedLeft: Boolean,
  16110. clippedRight: Boolean,
  16111. dense: Boolean,
  16112. extended: Boolean,
  16113. extensionHeight: {
  16114. type: [Number, String],
  16115. validator: function validator(v) {
  16116. return !isNaN(parseInt(v));
  16117. }
  16118. },
  16119. flat: Boolean,
  16120. floating: Boolean,
  16121. height: {
  16122. type: [Number, String],
  16123. validator: function validator(v) {
  16124. return !isNaN(parseInt(v));
  16125. }
  16126. },
  16127. invertedScroll: Boolean,
  16128. manualScroll: Boolean,
  16129. prominent: Boolean,
  16130. scrollOffScreen: Boolean,
  16131. /* @deprecated */
  16132. scrollToolbarOffScreen: Boolean,
  16133. scrollTarget: String,
  16134. scrollThreshold: {
  16135. type: Number,
  16136. default: 300
  16137. },
  16138. tabs: Boolean
  16139. },
  16140. data: function data() {
  16141. return {
  16142. activeTimeout: null,
  16143. currentScroll: 0,
  16144. heights: {
  16145. mobileLandscape: 48,
  16146. mobile: 56,
  16147. desktop: 64,
  16148. dense: 48
  16149. },
  16150. isActive: true,
  16151. isExtended: false,
  16152. isScrollingUp: false,
  16153. previousScroll: 0,
  16154. savedScroll: 0,
  16155. target: null
  16156. };
  16157. },
  16158. computed: {
  16159. canScroll: function canScroll() {
  16160. // TODO: remove
  16161. if (this.scrollToolbarOffScreen) {
  16162. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["deprecate"])('scrollToolbarOffScreen', 'scrollOffScreen', this);
  16163. return true;
  16164. }
  16165. return this.scrollOffScreen || this.invertedScroll;
  16166. },
  16167. computedContentHeight: function computedContentHeight() {
  16168. if (this.height) return parseInt(this.height);
  16169. if (this.dense) return this.heights.dense;
  16170. if (this.prominent || this.$vuetify.breakpoint.mdAndUp) return this.heights.desktop;
  16171. if (this.$vuetify.breakpoint.smAndDown && this.$vuetify.breakpoint.width > this.$vuetify.breakpoint.height) return this.heights.mobileLandscape;
  16172. return this.heights.mobile;
  16173. },
  16174. computedExtensionHeight: function computedExtensionHeight() {
  16175. if (this.tabs) return 48;
  16176. if (this.extensionHeight) return parseInt(this.extensionHeight);
  16177. return this.computedContentHeight;
  16178. },
  16179. computedHeight: function computedHeight() {
  16180. if (!this.isExtended) return this.computedContentHeight;
  16181. return this.computedContentHeight + this.computedExtensionHeight;
  16182. },
  16183. computedMarginTop: function computedMarginTop() {
  16184. if (!this.app) return 0;
  16185. return this.$vuetify.application.bar;
  16186. },
  16187. classes: function classes() {
  16188. return __assign({ 'v-toolbar': true, 'elevation-0': this.flat || !this.isActive && !this.tabs && this.canScroll, 'v-toolbar--absolute': this.absolute, 'v-toolbar--card': this.card, 'v-toolbar--clipped': this.clippedLeft || this.clippedRight, 'v-toolbar--dense': this.dense, 'v-toolbar--extended': this.isExtended, 'v-toolbar--fixed': !this.absolute && (this.app || this.fixed), 'v-toolbar--floating': this.floating, 'v-toolbar--prominent': this.prominent }, this.themeClasses);
  16189. },
  16190. computedPaddingLeft: function computedPaddingLeft() {
  16191. if (!this.app || this.clippedLeft) return 0;
  16192. return this.$vuetify.application.left;
  16193. },
  16194. computedPaddingRight: function computedPaddingRight() {
  16195. if (!this.app || this.clippedRight) return 0;
  16196. return this.$vuetify.application.right;
  16197. },
  16198. computedTransform: function computedTransform() {
  16199. return !this.isActive ? this.canScroll ? -this.computedContentHeight : -this.computedHeight : 0;
  16200. },
  16201. currentThreshold: function currentThreshold() {
  16202. return Math.abs(this.currentScroll - this.savedScroll);
  16203. },
  16204. styles: function styles() {
  16205. return {
  16206. marginTop: this.computedMarginTop + "px",
  16207. paddingRight: this.computedPaddingRight + "px",
  16208. paddingLeft: this.computedPaddingLeft + "px",
  16209. transform: "translateY(" + this.computedTransform + "px)"
  16210. };
  16211. }
  16212. },
  16213. watch: {
  16214. currentThreshold: function currentThreshold(val) {
  16215. if (this.invertedScroll) {
  16216. this.isActive = this.currentScroll > this.scrollThreshold;
  16217. return;
  16218. }
  16219. if (val < this.scrollThreshold || !this.isBooted) return;
  16220. this.isActive = this.isScrollingUp;
  16221. this.savedScroll = this.currentScroll;
  16222. },
  16223. isActive: function isActive() {
  16224. this.savedScroll = 0;
  16225. },
  16226. invertedScroll: function invertedScroll(val) {
  16227. this.isActive = !val;
  16228. },
  16229. manualScroll: function manualScroll(val) {
  16230. this.isActive = !val;
  16231. },
  16232. isScrollingUp: function isScrollingUp() {
  16233. this.savedScroll = this.savedScroll || this.currentScroll;
  16234. }
  16235. },
  16236. created: function created() {
  16237. if (this.invertedScroll || this.manualScroll) this.isActive = false;
  16238. },
  16239. mounted: function mounted() {
  16240. if (this.scrollTarget) {
  16241. this.target = document.querySelector(this.scrollTarget);
  16242. }
  16243. },
  16244. methods: {
  16245. onScroll: function onScroll() {
  16246. if (!this.canScroll || this.manualScroll || typeof window === 'undefined') return;
  16247. this.currentScroll = this.target ? this.target.scrollTop : window.pageYOffset;
  16248. this.isScrollingUp = this.currentScroll < this.previousScroll;
  16249. this.previousScroll = this.currentScroll;
  16250. },
  16251. updateApplication: function updateApplication() {
  16252. return this.invertedScroll || this.manualScroll ? 0 : this.computedHeight;
  16253. }
  16254. },
  16255. render: function render(h) {
  16256. this.isExtended = this.extended || !!this.$slots.extension;
  16257. var children = [];
  16258. var data = this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, {
  16259. 'class': this.classes,
  16260. style: this.styles,
  16261. on: this.$listeners
  16262. });
  16263. data.directives = [{
  16264. arg: this.scrollTarget,
  16265. name: 'scroll',
  16266. value: this.onScroll
  16267. }];
  16268. children.push(h('div', {
  16269. staticClass: 'v-toolbar__content',
  16270. style: { height: this.computedContentHeight + "px" },
  16271. ref: 'content'
  16272. }, this.$slots.default));
  16273. if (this.isExtended) {
  16274. children.push(h('div', {
  16275. staticClass: 'v-toolbar__extension',
  16276. style: { height: this.computedExtensionHeight + "px" }
  16277. }, this.$slots.extension));
  16278. }
  16279. return h('nav', data, children);
  16280. }
  16281. }));
  16282. /***/ }),
  16283. /***/ "./src/components/VToolbar/VToolbarSideIcon.ts":
  16284. /*!*****************************************************!*\
  16285. !*** ./src/components/VToolbar/VToolbarSideIcon.ts ***!
  16286. \*****************************************************/
  16287. /*! exports provided: default */
  16288. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  16289. "use strict";
  16290. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  16291. /* harmony import */ var _VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VBtn */ "./src/components/VBtn/index.ts");
  16292. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  16293. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  16294. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__);
  16295. /* @vue/component */
  16296. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default.a.extend({
  16297. name: 'v-toolbar-side-icon',
  16298. functional: true,
  16299. render: function render(h, _a) {
  16300. var slots = _a.slots,
  16301. listeners = _a.listeners,
  16302. props = _a.props,
  16303. data = _a.data;
  16304. var classes = data.staticClass ? data.staticClass + " v-toolbar__side-icon" : 'v-toolbar__side-icon';
  16305. var d = Object.assign(data, {
  16306. staticClass: classes,
  16307. props: Object.assign(props, {
  16308. icon: true
  16309. }),
  16310. on: listeners
  16311. });
  16312. var defaultSlot = slots().default;
  16313. return h(_VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], d, defaultSlot || [h(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], '$vuetify.icons.menu')]);
  16314. }
  16315. }));
  16316. /***/ }),
  16317. /***/ "./src/components/VToolbar/index.ts":
  16318. /*!******************************************!*\
  16319. !*** ./src/components/VToolbar/index.ts ***!
  16320. \******************************************/
  16321. /*! exports provided: VToolbar, VToolbarSideIcon, VToolbarTitle, VToolbarItems, default */
  16322. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  16323. "use strict";
  16324. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  16325. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VToolbarTitle", function() { return VToolbarTitle; });
  16326. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VToolbarItems", function() { return VToolbarItems; });
  16327. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  16328. /* harmony import */ var _VToolbar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VToolbar */ "./src/components/VToolbar/VToolbar.ts");
  16329. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VToolbar", function() { return _VToolbar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  16330. /* harmony import */ var _VToolbarSideIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VToolbarSideIcon */ "./src/components/VToolbar/VToolbarSideIcon.ts");
  16331. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VToolbarSideIcon", function() { return _VToolbarSideIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]; });
  16332. var VToolbarTitle = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleFunctional"])('v-toolbar__title');
  16333. var VToolbarItems = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleFunctional"])('v-toolbar__items');
  16334. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  16335. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  16336. VToolbar: _VToolbar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  16337. VToolbarItems: VToolbarItems,
  16338. VToolbarTitle: VToolbarTitle,
  16339. VToolbarSideIcon: _VToolbarSideIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]
  16340. }
  16341. });
  16342. /***/ }),
  16343. /***/ "./src/components/VTooltip/VTooltip.js":
  16344. /*!*********************************************!*\
  16345. !*** ./src/components/VTooltip/VTooltip.js ***!
  16346. \*********************************************/
  16347. /*! exports provided: default */
  16348. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  16349. "use strict";
  16350. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  16351. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_tooltips_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_tooltips.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_tooltips.styl");
  16352. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_tooltips_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_tooltips_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  16353. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  16354. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_delayable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/delayable */ "./src/mixins/delayable.ts");
  16355. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_dependent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/dependent */ "./src/mixins/dependent.ts");
  16356. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_detachable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/detachable */ "./src/mixins/detachable.js");
  16357. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_menuable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/menuable */ "./src/mixins/menuable.js");
  16358. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/toggleable */ "./src/mixins/toggleable.ts");
  16359. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  16360. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  16361. // Mixins
  16362. // Helpers
  16363. /* @vue/component */
  16364. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  16365. name: 'v-tooltip',
  16366. mixins: [_mixins_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _mixins_delayable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], _mixins_dependent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _mixins_detachable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"], _mixins_menuable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"], _mixins_toggleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"]],
  16367. props: {
  16368. closeDelay: {
  16369. type: [Number, String],
  16370. default: 200
  16371. },
  16372. debounce: {
  16373. type: [Number, String],
  16374. default: 0
  16375. },
  16376. disabled: Boolean,
  16377. fixed: {
  16378. type: Boolean,
  16379. default: true
  16380. },
  16381. openDelay: {
  16382. type: [Number, String],
  16383. default: 200
  16384. },
  16385. tag: {
  16386. type: String,
  16387. default: 'span'
  16388. },
  16389. transition: String,
  16390. zIndex: {
  16391. default: null
  16392. }
  16393. },
  16394. data: function data() {
  16395. return {
  16396. calculatedMinWidth: 0,
  16397. closeDependents: false
  16398. };
  16399. },
  16400. computed: {
  16401. calculatedLeft: function calculatedLeft() {
  16402. var _a = this.dimensions,
  16403. activator = _a.activator,
  16404. content = _a.content;
  16405. var unknown = !this.bottom && !this.left && !this.top && !this.right;
  16406. var activatorLeft = this.isAttached ? activator.offsetLeft : activator.left;
  16407. var left = 0;
  16408. if (this.top || this.bottom || unknown) {
  16409. left = activatorLeft + activator.width / 2 - content.width / 2;
  16410. } else if (this.left || this.right) {
  16411. left = activatorLeft + (this.right ? activator.width : -content.width) + (this.right ? 10 : -10);
  16412. }
  16413. if (this.nudgeLeft) left -= parseInt(this.nudgeLeft);
  16414. if (this.nudgeRight) left += parseInt(this.nudgeRight);
  16415. return this.calcXOverflow(left, this.dimensions.content.width) + "px";
  16416. },
  16417. calculatedTop: function calculatedTop() {
  16418. var _a = this.dimensions,
  16419. activator = _a.activator,
  16420. content = _a.content;
  16421. var activatorTop = this.isAttached ? activator.offsetTop : activator.top;
  16422. var top = 0;
  16423. if (this.top || this.bottom) {
  16424. top = activatorTop + (this.bottom ? activator.height : -content.height) + (this.bottom ? 10 : -10);
  16425. } else if (this.left || this.right) {
  16426. top = activatorTop + activator.height / 2 - content.height / 2;
  16427. }
  16428. if (this.nudgeTop) top -= parseInt(this.nudgeTop);
  16429. if (this.nudgeBottom) top += parseInt(this.nudgeBottom);
  16430. return this.calcYOverflow(top + this.pageYOffset) + "px";
  16431. },
  16432. classes: function classes() {
  16433. return {
  16434. 'v-tooltip--top': this.top,
  16435. 'v-tooltip--right': this.right,
  16436. 'v-tooltip--bottom': this.bottom,
  16437. 'v-tooltip--left': this.left
  16438. };
  16439. },
  16440. computedTransition: function computedTransition() {
  16441. if (this.transition) return this.transition;
  16442. if (this.top) return 'slide-y-reverse-transition';
  16443. if (this.right) return 'slide-x-transition';
  16444. if (this.bottom) return 'slide-y-transition';
  16445. if (this.left) return 'slide-x-reverse-transition';
  16446. return '';
  16447. },
  16448. offsetY: function offsetY() {
  16449. return this.top || this.bottom;
  16450. },
  16451. offsetX: function offsetX() {
  16452. return this.left || this.right;
  16453. },
  16454. styles: function styles() {
  16455. return {
  16456. left: this.calculatedLeft,
  16457. maxWidth: Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["convertToUnit"])(this.maxWidth),
  16458. minWidth: Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["convertToUnit"])(this.minWidth),
  16459. opacity: this.isActive ? 0.9 : 0,
  16460. top: this.calculatedTop,
  16461. zIndex: this.zIndex || this.activeZIndex
  16462. };
  16463. }
  16464. },
  16465. beforeMount: function beforeMount() {
  16466. var _this = this;
  16467. this.$nextTick(function () {
  16468. _this.value && _this.callActivate();
  16469. });
  16470. },
  16471. mounted: function mounted() {
  16472. if (Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getSlotType"])(this, 'activator', true) === 'v-slot') {
  16473. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["consoleError"])("v-tooltip's activator slot must be bound, try '<template #activator=\"data\"><v-btn v-on=\"data.on>'", this);
  16474. }
  16475. },
  16476. methods: {
  16477. activate: function activate() {
  16478. // Update coordinates and dimensions of menu
  16479. // and its activator
  16480. this.updateDimensions();
  16481. // Start the transition
  16482. requestAnimationFrame(this.startTransition);
  16483. },
  16484. genActivator: function genActivator() {
  16485. var _this = this;
  16486. var listeners = this.disabled ? {} : {
  16487. mouseenter: function mouseenter(e) {
  16488. _this.getActivator(e);
  16489. _this.runDelay('open');
  16490. },
  16491. mouseleave: function mouseleave(e) {
  16492. _this.getActivator(e);
  16493. _this.runDelay('close');
  16494. }
  16495. };
  16496. if (Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getSlotType"])(this, 'activator') === 'scoped') {
  16497. var activator = this.$scopedSlots.activator({ on: listeners });
  16498. this.activatorNode = activator;
  16499. return activator;
  16500. }
  16501. return this.$createElement('span', {
  16502. on: listeners,
  16503. ref: 'activator'
  16504. }, this.$slots.activator);
  16505. }
  16506. },
  16507. render: function render(h) {
  16508. var _a;
  16509. var tooltip = h('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, {
  16510. staticClass: 'v-tooltip__content',
  16511. 'class': (_a = {}, _a[this.contentClass] = true, _a['menuable__content__active'] = this.isActive, _a['v-tooltip__content--fixed'] = this.activatorFixed, _a),
  16512. style: this.styles,
  16513. attrs: this.getScopeIdAttrs(),
  16514. directives: [{
  16515. name: 'show',
  16516. value: this.isContentActive
  16517. }],
  16518. ref: 'content'
  16519. }), this.showLazyContent(this.$slots.default));
  16520. return h(this.tag, {
  16521. staticClass: 'v-tooltip',
  16522. 'class': this.classes
  16523. }, [h('transition', {
  16524. props: {
  16525. name: this.computedTransition
  16526. }
  16527. }, [tooltip]), this.genActivator()]);
  16528. }
  16529. });
  16530. /***/ }),
  16531. /***/ "./src/components/VTooltip/index.js":
  16532. /*!******************************************!*\
  16533. !*** ./src/components/VTooltip/index.js ***!
  16534. \******************************************/
  16535. /*! exports provided: VTooltip, default */
  16536. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  16537. "use strict";
  16538. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  16539. /* harmony import */ var _VTooltip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTooltip */ "./src/components/VTooltip/VTooltip.js");
  16540. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTooltip", function() { return _VTooltip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  16541. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VTooltip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]);
  16542. /***/ }),
  16543. /***/ "./src/components/VTreeview/VTreeview.ts":
  16544. /*!***********************************************!*\
  16545. !*** ./src/components/VTreeview/VTreeview.ts ***!
  16546. \***********************************************/
  16547. /*! exports provided: default */
  16548. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  16549. "use strict";
  16550. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  16551. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_treeview_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_treeview.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_treeview.styl");
  16552. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_treeview_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_treeview_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  16553. /* harmony import */ var _VTreeviewNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTreeviewNode */ "./src/components/VTreeview/VTreeviewNode.ts");
  16554. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  16555. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/registrable */ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts");
  16556. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  16557. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  16558. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  16559. /* harmony import */ var _util_filterTreeItems__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/filterTreeItems */ "./src/components/VTreeview/util/filterTreeItems.ts");
  16560. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  16561. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  16562. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  16563. s = arguments[i];
  16564. for (var p in s) {
  16565. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  16566. }
  16567. }
  16568. return t;
  16569. };
  16570. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  16571. };
  16572. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  16573. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  16574. if (!m) return o;
  16575. var i = m.call(o),
  16576. r,
  16577. ar = [],
  16578. e;
  16579. try {
  16580. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  16581. ar.push(r.value);
  16582. }
  16583. } catch (error) {
  16584. e = { error: error };
  16585. } finally {
  16586. try {
  16587. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  16588. } finally {
  16589. if (e) throw e.error;
  16590. }
  16591. }
  16592. return ar;
  16593. };
  16594. var __spread = undefined && undefined.__spread || function () {
  16595. for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  16596. ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  16597. }return ar;
  16598. };
  16599. var __values = undefined && undefined.__values || function (o) {
  16600. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator],
  16601. i = 0;
  16602. if (m) return m.call(o);
  16603. return {
  16604. next: function next() {
  16605. if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
  16606. return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
  16607. }
  16608. };
  16609. };
  16610. // Styles
  16611. // Components
  16612. // Mixins
  16613. // Utils
  16614. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])(Object(_mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["provide"])('treeview'), _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]
  16615. /* @vue/component */
  16616. ).extend({
  16617. name: 'v-treeview',
  16618. provide: function provide() {
  16619. return { treeview: this };
  16620. },
  16621. props: __assign({ active: {
  16622. type: Array,
  16623. default: function _default() {
  16624. return [];
  16625. }
  16626. }, items: {
  16627. type: Array,
  16628. default: function _default() {
  16629. return [];
  16630. }
  16631. }, hoverable: Boolean, multipleActive: Boolean, open: {
  16632. type: Array,
  16633. default: function _default() {
  16634. return [];
  16635. }
  16636. }, openAll: Boolean, returnObject: {
  16637. type: Boolean,
  16638. default: false // TODO: Should be true in next major
  16639. }, value: {
  16640. type: Array,
  16641. default: function _default() {
  16642. return [];
  16643. }
  16644. }, search: String, filter: Function }, _VTreeviewNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["VTreeviewNodeProps"]),
  16645. data: function data() {
  16646. return {
  16647. nodes: {},
  16648. selectedCache: new Set(),
  16649. activeCache: new Set(),
  16650. openCache: new Set()
  16651. };
  16652. },
  16653. computed: {
  16654. excludedItems: function excludedItems() {
  16655. var excluded = new Set();
  16656. if (!this.search) return excluded;
  16657. for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
  16658. Object(_util_filterTreeItems__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["filterTreeItems"])(this.filter || _util_filterTreeItems__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["filterTreeItem"], this.items[i], this.search, this.itemKey, this.itemText, this.itemChildren, excluded);
  16659. }
  16660. return excluded;
  16661. }
  16662. },
  16663. watch: {
  16664. items: {
  16665. handler: function handler() {
  16666. var _this = this;
  16667. var oldKeys = Object.keys(this.nodes).map(function (k) {
  16668. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["getObjectValueByPath"])(_this.nodes[k].item, _this.itemKey);
  16669. });
  16670. var newKeys = this.getKeys(this.items);
  16671. var diff = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["arrayDiff"])(newKeys, oldKeys);
  16672. // We only want to do stuff if items have changed
  16673. if (!diff.length && newKeys.length < oldKeys.length) return;
  16674. // If nodes are removed we need to clear them from this.nodes
  16675. diff.forEach(function (k) {
  16676. return delete _this.nodes[k];
  16677. });
  16678. var oldSelectedCache = __spread(this.selectedCache);
  16679. this.selectedCache = new Set();
  16680. this.activeCache = new Set();
  16681. this.openCache = new Set();
  16682. this.buildTree(this.items);
  16683. // Only emit selected if selection has changed
  16684. // as a result of items changing. This fixes a
  16685. // potential double emit when selecting a node
  16686. // with dynamic children
  16687. if (!Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["deepEqual"])(oldSelectedCache, __spread(this.selectedCache))) this.emitSelected();
  16688. },
  16689. deep: true
  16690. },
  16691. active: function active(value) {
  16692. this.handleNodeCacheWatcher(value, this.activeCache, this.updateActive, this.emitActive);
  16693. },
  16694. value: function value(_value) {
  16695. this.handleNodeCacheWatcher(_value, this.selectedCache, this.updateSelected, this.emitSelected);
  16696. },
  16697. open: function open(value) {
  16698. this.handleNodeCacheWatcher(value, this.openCache, this.updateOpen, this.emitOpen);
  16699. }
  16700. },
  16701. created: function created() {
  16702. var _this = this;
  16703. this.buildTree(this.items);
  16704. this.value.forEach(function (key) {
  16705. return _this.updateSelected(key, true);
  16706. });
  16707. this.emitSelected();
  16708. this.active.forEach(function (key) {
  16709. return _this.updateActive(key, true);
  16710. });
  16711. this.emitActive();
  16712. },
  16713. mounted: function mounted() {
  16714. var _this = this;
  16715. // Save the developer from themselves
  16716. if (this.$slots.prepend || this.$slots.append) {
  16717. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["consoleWarn"])('The prepend and append slots require a slot-scope attribute', this);
  16718. }
  16719. if (this.openAll) {
  16720. this.updateAll(true);
  16721. } else {
  16722. this.open.forEach(function (key) {
  16723. return _this.updateOpen(key, true);
  16724. });
  16725. this.emitOpen();
  16726. }
  16727. },
  16728. methods: {
  16729. /** @public */
  16730. updateAll: function updateAll(value) {
  16731. var _this = this;
  16732. Object.keys(this.nodes).forEach(function (key) {
  16733. return _this.updateOpen(Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["getObjectValueByPath"])(_this.nodes[key].item, _this.itemKey), value);
  16734. });
  16735. this.emitOpen();
  16736. },
  16737. getKeys: function getKeys(items, keys) {
  16738. if (keys === void 0) {
  16739. keys = [];
  16740. }
  16741. for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
  16742. var key = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["getObjectValueByPath"])(items[i], this.itemKey);
  16743. keys.push(key);
  16744. var children = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["getObjectValueByPath"])(items[i], this.itemChildren);
  16745. if (children) {
  16746. keys.push.apply(keys, __spread(this.getKeys(children)));
  16747. }
  16748. }
  16749. return keys;
  16750. },
  16751. buildTree: function buildTree(items, parent) {
  16752. var _this = this;
  16753. if (parent === void 0) {
  16754. parent = null;
  16755. }
  16756. for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
  16757. var item = items[i];
  16758. var key = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["getObjectValueByPath"])(item, this.itemKey);
  16759. var children = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["getObjectValueByPath"])(item, this.itemChildren, []);
  16760. var oldNode = this.nodes.hasOwnProperty(key) ? this.nodes[key] : {
  16761. isSelected: false, isIndeterminate: false, isActive: false, isOpen: false, vnode: null
  16762. };
  16763. var node = {
  16764. vnode: oldNode.vnode,
  16765. parent: parent,
  16766. children: children.map(function (c) {
  16767. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["getObjectValueByPath"])(c, _this.itemKey);
  16768. }),
  16769. item: item
  16770. };
  16771. this.buildTree(children, key);
  16772. // This fixed bug with dynamic children resetting selected parent state
  16773. if (!this.nodes.hasOwnProperty(key) && parent !== null && this.nodes.hasOwnProperty(parent)) {
  16774. node.isSelected = this.nodes[parent].isSelected;
  16775. node.isIndeterminate = this.nodes[parent].isIndeterminate;
  16776. } else {
  16777. node.isSelected = oldNode.isSelected;
  16778. node.isIndeterminate = oldNode.isIndeterminate;
  16779. }
  16780. node.isActive = oldNode.isActive;
  16781. node.isOpen = oldNode.isOpen;
  16782. this.nodes[key] = !children.length ? node : this.calculateState(node, this.nodes);
  16783. // Don't forget to rebuild cache
  16784. if (this.nodes[key].isSelected) this.selectedCache.add(key);
  16785. if (this.nodes[key].isActive) this.activeCache.add(key);
  16786. if (this.nodes[key].isOpen) this.openCache.add(key);
  16787. this.updateVnodeState(key);
  16788. }
  16789. },
  16790. calculateState: function calculateState(node, state) {
  16791. var counts = node.children.reduce(function (counts, child) {
  16792. counts[0] += +Boolean(state[child].isSelected);
  16793. counts[1] += +Boolean(state[child].isIndeterminate);
  16794. return counts;
  16795. }, [0, 0]);
  16796. node.isSelected = !!node.children.length && counts[0] === node.children.length;
  16797. node.isIndeterminate = !node.isSelected && (counts[0] > 0 || counts[1] > 0);
  16798. return node;
  16799. },
  16800. emitOpen: function emitOpen() {
  16801. this.emitNodeCache('update:open', this.openCache);
  16802. },
  16803. emitSelected: function emitSelected() {
  16804. this.emitNodeCache('input', this.selectedCache);
  16805. },
  16806. emitActive: function emitActive() {
  16807. this.emitNodeCache('update:active', this.activeCache);
  16808. },
  16809. emitNodeCache: function emitNodeCache(event, cache) {
  16810. var _this = this;
  16811. this.$emit(event, this.returnObject ? __spread(cache).map(function (key) {
  16812. return _this.nodes[key].item;
  16813. }) : __spread(cache));
  16814. },
  16815. handleNodeCacheWatcher: function handleNodeCacheWatcher(value, cache, updateFn, emitFn) {
  16816. var _this = this;
  16817. value = this.returnObject ? value.map(function (v) {
  16818. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["getObjectValueByPath"])(v, _this.itemKey);
  16819. }) : value;
  16820. var old = __spread(cache);
  16821. if (Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["deepEqual"])(old, value)) return;
  16822. old.forEach(function (key) {
  16823. return updateFn(key, false);
  16824. });
  16825. value.forEach(function (key) {
  16826. return updateFn(key, true);
  16827. });
  16828. emitFn();
  16829. },
  16830. getDescendants: function getDescendants(key, descendants) {
  16831. if (descendants === void 0) {
  16832. descendants = [];
  16833. }
  16834. var children = this.nodes[key].children;
  16835. descendants.push.apply(descendants, __spread(children));
  16836. for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
  16837. descendants = this.getDescendants(children[i], descendants);
  16838. }
  16839. return descendants;
  16840. },
  16841. getParents: function getParents(key) {
  16842. var parent = this.nodes[key].parent;
  16843. var parents = [];
  16844. while (parent !== null) {
  16845. parents.push(parent);
  16846. parent = this.nodes[parent].parent;
  16847. }
  16848. return parents;
  16849. },
  16850. register: function register(node) {
  16851. var key = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["getObjectValueByPath"])(node.item, this.itemKey);
  16852. this.nodes[key].vnode = node;
  16853. this.updateVnodeState(key);
  16854. },
  16855. unregister: function unregister(node) {
  16856. var key = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["getObjectValueByPath"])(node.item, this.itemKey);
  16857. if (this.nodes[key]) this.nodes[key].vnode = null;
  16858. },
  16859. updateActive: function updateActive(key, isActive) {
  16860. var _this = this;
  16861. if (!this.nodes.hasOwnProperty(key)) return;
  16862. if (!this.multipleActive) {
  16863. this.activeCache.forEach(function (active) {
  16864. _this.nodes[active].isActive = false;
  16865. _this.updateVnodeState(active);
  16866. _this.activeCache.delete(active);
  16867. });
  16868. }
  16869. var node = this.nodes[key];
  16870. if (!node) return;
  16871. if (isActive) this.activeCache.add(key);else this.activeCache.delete(key);
  16872. node.isActive = isActive;
  16873. this.updateVnodeState(key);
  16874. },
  16875. updateSelected: function updateSelected(key, isSelected) {
  16876. var _this = this;
  16877. var e_1, _a;
  16878. if (!this.nodes.hasOwnProperty(key)) return;
  16879. var changed = new Map();
  16880. var descendants = __spread([key], this.getDescendants(key));
  16881. descendants.forEach(function (descendant) {
  16882. _this.nodes[descendant].isSelected = isSelected;
  16883. _this.nodes[descendant].isIndeterminate = false;
  16884. changed.set(descendant, isSelected);
  16885. });
  16886. var parents = this.getParents(key);
  16887. parents.forEach(function (parent) {
  16888. _this.nodes[parent] = _this.calculateState(_this.nodes[parent], _this.nodes);
  16889. changed.set(parent, _this.nodes[parent].isSelected);
  16890. });
  16891. var all = __spread([key], descendants, parents);
  16892. all.forEach(this.updateVnodeState);
  16893. try {
  16894. for (var _b = __values(changed.entries()), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
  16895. var _d = __read(_c.value, 2),
  16896. key_1 = _d[0],
  16897. value = _d[1];
  16898. value === true ? this.selectedCache.add(key_1) : this.selectedCache.delete(key_1);
  16899. }
  16900. } catch (e_1_1) {
  16901. e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
  16902. } finally {
  16903. try {
  16904. if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
  16905. } finally {
  16906. if (e_1) throw e_1.error;
  16907. }
  16908. }
  16909. },
  16910. updateOpen: function updateOpen(key, isOpen) {
  16911. var _this = this;
  16912. if (!this.nodes.hasOwnProperty(key)) return;
  16913. var node = this.nodes[key];
  16914. var children = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["getObjectValueByPath"])(node.item, this.itemChildren);
  16915. if (children && !children.length && node.vnode && !node.vnode.hasLoaded) {
  16916. node.vnode.checkChildren().then(function () {
  16917. return _this.updateOpen(key, isOpen);
  16918. });
  16919. } else if (children && children.length) {
  16920. node.isOpen = isOpen;
  16921. node.isOpen ? this.openCache.add(key) : this.openCache.delete(key);
  16922. this.updateVnodeState(key);
  16923. }
  16924. },
  16925. updateVnodeState: function updateVnodeState(key) {
  16926. var node = this.nodes[key];
  16927. if (node && node.vnode) {
  16928. node.vnode.isSelected = node.isSelected;
  16929. node.vnode.isIndeterminate = node.isIndeterminate;
  16930. node.vnode.isActive = node.isActive;
  16931. node.vnode.isOpen = node.isOpen;
  16932. }
  16933. },
  16934. isExcluded: function isExcluded(key) {
  16935. return !!this.search && this.excludedItems.has(key);
  16936. }
  16937. },
  16938. render: function render(h) {
  16939. var children = this.items.length ? this.items.map(_VTreeviewNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"].options.methods.genChild.bind(this))
  16940. /* istanbul ignore next */
  16941. : this.$slots.default; // TODO: remove type annotation with TS 3.2
  16942. return h('div', {
  16943. staticClass: 'v-treeview',
  16944. class: __assign({ 'v-treeview--hoverable': this.hoverable }, this.themeClasses)
  16945. }, children);
  16946. }
  16947. }));
  16948. /***/ }),
  16949. /***/ "./src/components/VTreeview/VTreeviewNode.ts":
  16950. /*!***************************************************!*\
  16951. !*** ./src/components/VTreeview/VTreeviewNode.ts ***!
  16952. \***************************************************/
  16953. /*! exports provided: VTreeviewNodeProps, default */
  16954. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  16955. "use strict";
  16956. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  16957. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTreeviewNodeProps", function() { return VTreeviewNodeProps; });
  16958. /* harmony import */ var _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../transitions */ "./src/components/transitions/index.js");
  16959. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  16960. /* harmony import */ var _VTreeviewNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTreeviewNode */ "./src/components/VTreeview/VTreeviewNode.ts");
  16961. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/registrable */ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts");
  16962. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  16963. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  16964. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  16965. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  16966. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  16967. s = arguments[i];
  16968. for (var p in s) {
  16969. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  16970. }
  16971. }
  16972. return t;
  16973. };
  16974. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  16975. };
  16976. // Components
  16977. // Mixins
  16978. // Utils
  16979. var VTreeviewNodeProps = {
  16980. activatable: Boolean,
  16981. activeClass: {
  16982. type: String,
  16983. default: 'v-treeview-node--active'
  16984. },
  16985. selectable: Boolean,
  16986. selectedColor: {
  16987. type: String,
  16988. default: 'accent'
  16989. },
  16990. indeterminateIcon: {
  16991. type: String,
  16992. default: '$vuetify.icons.checkboxIndeterminate'
  16993. },
  16994. onIcon: {
  16995. type: String,
  16996. default: '$vuetify.icons.checkboxOn'
  16997. },
  16998. offIcon: {
  16999. type: String,
  17000. default: '$vuetify.icons.checkboxOff'
  17001. },
  17002. expandIcon: {
  17003. type: String,
  17004. default: '$vuetify.icons.subgroup'
  17005. },
  17006. loadingIcon: {
  17007. type: String,
  17008. default: '$vuetify.icons.loading'
  17009. },
  17010. itemKey: {
  17011. type: String,
  17012. default: 'id'
  17013. },
  17014. itemText: {
  17015. type: String,
  17016. default: 'name'
  17017. },
  17018. itemChildren: {
  17019. type: String,
  17020. default: 'children'
  17021. },
  17022. loadChildren: Function,
  17023. openOnClick: Boolean,
  17024. transition: Boolean
  17025. };
  17026. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(Object(_mixins_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["inject"])('treeview')
  17027. /* @vue/component */
  17028. ).extend({
  17029. name: 'v-treeview-node',
  17030. inject: {
  17031. treeview: {
  17032. default: null
  17033. }
  17034. },
  17035. props: __assign({ item: {
  17036. type: Object,
  17037. default: function _default() {
  17038. return null;
  17039. }
  17040. } }, VTreeviewNodeProps),
  17041. data: function data() {
  17042. return {
  17043. isOpen: false,
  17044. isSelected: false,
  17045. isIndeterminate: false,
  17046. isActive: false,
  17047. isLoading: false,
  17048. hasLoaded: false
  17049. };
  17050. },
  17051. computed: {
  17052. key: function key() {
  17053. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getObjectValueByPath"])(this.item, this.itemKey);
  17054. },
  17055. children: function children() {
  17056. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getObjectValueByPath"])(this.item, this.itemChildren);
  17057. },
  17058. text: function text() {
  17059. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getObjectValueByPath"])(this.item, this.itemText);
  17060. },
  17061. scopedProps: function scopedProps() {
  17062. return {
  17063. item: this.item,
  17064. leaf: !this.children,
  17065. selected: this.isSelected,
  17066. indeterminate: this.isIndeterminate,
  17067. active: this.isActive,
  17068. open: this.isOpen
  17069. };
  17070. },
  17071. computedIcon: function computedIcon() {
  17072. if (this.isIndeterminate) return this.indeterminateIcon;else if (this.isSelected) return this.onIcon;else return this.offIcon;
  17073. },
  17074. hasChildren: function hasChildren() {
  17075. return !!this.children && (!!this.children.length || !!this.loadChildren);
  17076. }
  17077. },
  17078. created: function created() {
  17079. this.treeview.register(this);
  17080. },
  17081. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  17082. this.treeview.unregister(this);
  17083. },
  17084. methods: {
  17085. checkChildren: function checkChildren() {
  17086. var _this = this;
  17087. return new Promise(function (resolve) {
  17088. // TODO: Potential issue with always trying
  17089. // to load children if response is empty?
  17090. if (!_this.children || _this.children.length || !_this.loadChildren || _this.hasLoaded) return resolve();
  17091. _this.isLoading = true;
  17092. resolve(_this.loadChildren(_this.item));
  17093. }).then(function () {
  17094. _this.isLoading = false;
  17095. _this.hasLoaded = true;
  17096. });
  17097. },
  17098. open: function open() {
  17099. this.isOpen = !this.isOpen;
  17100. this.treeview.updateOpen(this.key, this.isOpen);
  17101. this.treeview.emitOpen();
  17102. },
  17103. genLabel: function genLabel() {
  17104. var children = [];
  17105. if (this.$scopedSlots.label) children.push(this.$scopedSlots.label(this.scopedProps));else children.push(this.text);
  17106. return this.$createElement('div', {
  17107. slot: 'label',
  17108. staticClass: 'v-treeview-node__label'
  17109. }, children);
  17110. },
  17111. genContent: function genContent() {
  17112. var children = [this.$scopedSlots.prepend && this.$scopedSlots.prepend(this.scopedProps), this.genLabel(), this.$scopedSlots.append && this.$scopedSlots.append(this.scopedProps)];
  17113. return this.$createElement('div', {
  17114. staticClass: 'v-treeview-node__content'
  17115. }, children);
  17116. },
  17117. genToggle: function genToggle() {
  17118. var _this = this;
  17119. return this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["VIcon"], {
  17120. staticClass: 'v-treeview-node__toggle',
  17121. class: {
  17122. 'v-treeview-node__toggle--open': this.isOpen,
  17123. 'v-treeview-node__toggle--loading': this.isLoading
  17124. },
  17125. slot: 'prepend',
  17126. on: {
  17127. click: function click(e) {
  17128. e.stopPropagation();
  17129. if (_this.isLoading) return;
  17130. _this.checkChildren().then(function () {
  17131. return _this.open();
  17132. });
  17133. }
  17134. }
  17135. }, [this.isLoading ? this.loadingIcon : this.expandIcon]);
  17136. },
  17137. genCheckbox: function genCheckbox() {
  17138. var _this = this;
  17139. return this.$createElement(_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["VIcon"], {
  17140. staticClass: 'v-treeview-node__checkbox',
  17141. props: {
  17142. color: this.isSelected ? this.selectedColor : undefined
  17143. },
  17144. on: {
  17145. click: function click(e) {
  17146. e.stopPropagation();
  17147. if (_this.isLoading) return;
  17148. _this.checkChildren().then(function () {
  17149. // We nextTick here so that items watch in VTreeview has a chance to run first
  17150. _this.$nextTick(function () {
  17151. _this.isSelected = !_this.isSelected;
  17152. _this.isIndeterminate = false;
  17153. _this.treeview.updateSelected(_this.key, _this.isSelected);
  17154. _this.treeview.emitSelected();
  17155. });
  17156. });
  17157. }
  17158. }
  17159. }, [this.computedIcon]);
  17160. },
  17161. genNode: function genNode() {
  17162. var _this = this;
  17163. var _a;
  17164. var children = [this.genContent()];
  17165. if (this.selectable) children.unshift(this.genCheckbox());
  17166. if (this.hasChildren) children.unshift(this.genToggle());
  17167. return this.$createElement('div', {
  17168. staticClass: 'v-treeview-node__root',
  17169. class: (_a = {}, _a[this.activeClass] = this.isActive, _a),
  17170. on: {
  17171. click: function click() {
  17172. if (_this.openOnClick && _this.children) {
  17173. _this.open();
  17174. } else if (_this.activatable) {
  17175. _this.isActive = !_this.isActive;
  17176. _this.treeview.updateActive(_this.key, _this.isActive);
  17177. _this.treeview.emitActive();
  17178. }
  17179. }
  17180. }
  17181. }, children);
  17182. },
  17183. genChild: function genChild(item) {
  17184. return this.$createElement(_VTreeviewNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], {
  17185. key: Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getObjectValueByPath"])(item, this.itemKey),
  17186. props: {
  17187. activatable: this.activatable,
  17188. activeClass: this.activeClass,
  17189. item: item,
  17190. selectable: this.selectable,
  17191. selectedColor: this.selectedColor,
  17192. expandIcon: this.expandIcon,
  17193. indeterminateIcon: this.indeterminateIcon,
  17194. offIcon: this.offIcon,
  17195. onIcon: this.onIcon,
  17196. loadingIcon: this.loadingIcon,
  17197. itemKey: this.itemKey,
  17198. itemText: this.itemText,
  17199. itemChildren: this.itemChildren,
  17200. loadChildren: this.loadChildren,
  17201. transition: this.transition,
  17202. openOnClick: this.openOnClick
  17203. },
  17204. scopedSlots: this.$scopedSlots
  17205. });
  17206. },
  17207. genChildrenWrapper: function genChildrenWrapper() {
  17208. if (!this.isOpen || !this.children) return null;
  17209. var children = [this.children.map(this.genChild)];
  17210. return this.$createElement('div', {
  17211. staticClass: 'v-treeview-node__children'
  17212. }, children);
  17213. },
  17214. genTransition: function genTransition() {
  17215. return this.$createElement(_transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["VExpandTransition"], [this.genChildrenWrapper()]);
  17216. }
  17217. },
  17218. render: function render(h) {
  17219. var children = [this.genNode()];
  17220. if (this.transition) children.push(this.genTransition());else children.push(this.genChildrenWrapper());
  17221. return h('div', {
  17222. staticClass: 'v-treeview-node',
  17223. class: {
  17224. 'v-treeview-node--leaf': !this.hasChildren,
  17225. 'v-treeview-node--click': this.openOnClick,
  17226. 'v-treeview-node--selected': this.isSelected,
  17227. 'v-treeview-node--excluded': this.treeview.isExcluded(this.key)
  17228. }
  17229. }, children);
  17230. }
  17231. }));
  17232. /***/ }),
  17233. /***/ "./src/components/VTreeview/index.ts":
  17234. /*!*******************************************!*\
  17235. !*** ./src/components/VTreeview/index.ts ***!
  17236. \*******************************************/
  17237. /*! exports provided: VTreeview, VTreeviewNode, default */
  17238. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  17239. "use strict";
  17240. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  17241. /* harmony import */ var _VTreeview__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTreeview */ "./src/components/VTreeview/VTreeview.ts");
  17242. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTreeview", function() { return _VTreeview__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  17243. /* harmony import */ var _VTreeviewNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTreeviewNode */ "./src/components/VTreeview/VTreeviewNode.ts");
  17244. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTreeviewNode", function() { return _VTreeviewNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  17245. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  17246. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  17247. VTreeview: _VTreeview__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  17248. VTreeviewNode: _VTreeviewNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]
  17249. }
  17250. });
  17251. /***/ }),
  17252. /***/ "./src/components/VTreeview/util/filterTreeItems.ts":
  17253. /*!**********************************************************!*\
  17254. !*** ./src/components/VTreeview/util/filterTreeItems.ts ***!
  17255. \**********************************************************/
  17256. /*! exports provided: filterTreeItem, filterTreeItems */
  17257. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  17258. "use strict";
  17259. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  17260. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "filterTreeItem", function() { return filterTreeItem; });
  17261. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "filterTreeItems", function() { return filterTreeItems; });
  17262. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  17263. function filterTreeItem(item, search, textKey) {
  17264. var text = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["getObjectValueByPath"])(item, textKey);
  17265. return text.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(search.toLocaleLowerCase()) > -1;
  17266. }
  17267. function filterTreeItems(filter, item, search, idKey, textKey, childrenKey, excluded) {
  17268. if (filter(item, search, textKey)) {
  17269. return true;
  17270. }
  17271. var children = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["getObjectValueByPath"])(item, childrenKey);
  17272. if (children) {
  17273. var match = false;
  17274. for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
  17275. if (filterTreeItems(filter, children[i], search, idKey, textKey, childrenKey, excluded)) {
  17276. match = true;
  17277. }
  17278. }
  17279. if (match) return true;
  17280. }
  17281. excluded.add(Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["getObjectValueByPath"])(item, idKey));
  17282. return false;
  17283. }
  17284. /***/ }),
  17285. /***/ "./src/components/VWindow/VWindow.ts":
  17286. /*!*******************************************!*\
  17287. !*** ./src/components/VWindow/VWindow.ts ***!
  17288. \*******************************************/
  17289. /*! exports provided: default */
  17290. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  17291. "use strict";
  17292. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  17293. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_windows_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../stylus/components/_windows.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_windows.styl");
  17294. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_windows_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_windows_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  17295. /* harmony import */ var _VItemGroup_VItemGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../VItemGroup/VItemGroup */ "./src/components/VItemGroup/VItemGroup.ts");
  17296. /* harmony import */ var _directives_touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/touch */ "./src/directives/touch.ts");
  17297. // Styles
  17298. // Components
  17299. // Directives
  17300. /* @vue/component */
  17301. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_VItemGroup_VItemGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["BaseItemGroup"].extend({
  17302. name: 'v-window',
  17303. provide: function provide() {
  17304. return {
  17305. windowGroup: this
  17306. };
  17307. },
  17308. directives: { Touch: _directives_touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"] },
  17309. props: {
  17310. mandatory: {
  17311. type: Boolean,
  17312. default: true
  17313. },
  17314. reverse: {
  17315. type: Boolean,
  17316. default: undefined
  17317. },
  17318. touch: Object,
  17319. touchless: Boolean,
  17320. value: {
  17321. required: false
  17322. },
  17323. vertical: Boolean
  17324. },
  17325. data: function data() {
  17326. return {
  17327. internalHeight: undefined,
  17328. isActive: false,
  17329. isBooted: false,
  17330. isReverse: false
  17331. };
  17332. },
  17333. computed: {
  17334. computedTransition: function computedTransition() {
  17335. if (!this.isBooted) return '';
  17336. var axis = this.vertical ? 'y' : 'x';
  17337. var direction = this.internalReverse === !this.$vuetify.rtl ? '-reverse' : '';
  17338. return "v-window-" + axis + direction + "-transition";
  17339. },
  17340. internalIndex: function internalIndex() {
  17341. var _this = this;
  17342. return this.items.findIndex(function (item, i) {
  17343. return _this.internalValue === _this.getValue(item, i);
  17344. });
  17345. },
  17346. internalReverse: function internalReverse() {
  17347. if (this.reverse !== undefined) return this.reverse;
  17348. return this.isReverse;
  17349. }
  17350. },
  17351. watch: {
  17352. internalIndex: 'updateReverse'
  17353. },
  17354. mounted: function mounted() {
  17355. var _this = this;
  17356. this.$nextTick(function () {
  17357. return _this.isBooted = true;
  17358. });
  17359. },
  17360. methods: {
  17361. genContainer: function genContainer() {
  17362. return this.$createElement('div', {
  17363. staticClass: 'v-window__container',
  17364. class: {
  17365. 'v-window__container--is-active': this.isActive
  17366. },
  17367. style: {
  17368. height: this.internalHeight
  17369. }
  17370. }, this.$slots.default);
  17371. },
  17372. next: function next() {
  17373. this.isReverse = false;
  17374. var nextIndex = (this.internalIndex + 1) % this.items.length;
  17375. var item = this.items[nextIndex];
  17376. this.internalValue = this.getValue(item, nextIndex);
  17377. },
  17378. prev: function prev() {
  17379. this.isReverse = true;
  17380. var lastIndex = (this.internalIndex + this.items.length - 1) % this.items.length;
  17381. var item = this.items[lastIndex];
  17382. this.internalValue = this.getValue(item, lastIndex);
  17383. },
  17384. updateReverse: function updateReverse(val, oldVal) {
  17385. this.isReverse = val < oldVal;
  17386. }
  17387. },
  17388. render: function render(h) {
  17389. var data = {
  17390. staticClass: 'v-window',
  17391. directives: []
  17392. };
  17393. if (!this.touchless) {
  17394. var value = this.touch || {
  17395. left: this.next,
  17396. right: this.prev
  17397. };
  17398. data.directives.push({
  17399. name: 'touch',
  17400. value: value
  17401. });
  17402. }
  17403. return h('div', data, [this.genContainer()]);
  17404. }
  17405. }));
  17406. /***/ }),
  17407. /***/ "./src/components/VWindow/VWindowItem.ts":
  17408. /*!***********************************************!*\
  17409. !*** ./src/components/VWindow/VWindowItem.ts ***!
  17410. \***********************************************/
  17411. /*! exports provided: default */
  17412. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  17413. "use strict";
  17414. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  17415. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/bootable */ "./src/mixins/bootable.ts");
  17416. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_groupable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../mixins/groupable */ "./src/mixins/groupable.ts");
  17417. /* harmony import */ var _directives_touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../directives/touch */ "./src/directives/touch.ts");
  17418. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  17419. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  17420. // Mixins
  17421. // Directives
  17422. // Utilities
  17423. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(_mixins_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], Object(_mixins_groupable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["factory"])('windowGroup', 'v-window-item', 'v-window')
  17424. /* @vue/component */
  17425. ).extend({
  17426. name: 'v-window-item',
  17427. directives: {
  17428. Touch: _directives_touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]
  17429. },
  17430. props: {
  17431. reverseTransition: {
  17432. type: [Boolean, String],
  17433. default: undefined
  17434. },
  17435. transition: {
  17436. type: [Boolean, String],
  17437. default: undefined
  17438. },
  17439. value: {
  17440. required: false
  17441. }
  17442. },
  17443. data: function data() {
  17444. return {
  17445. done: null,
  17446. isActive: false,
  17447. wasCancelled: false
  17448. };
  17449. },
  17450. computed: {
  17451. computedTransition: function computedTransition() {
  17452. if (!this.windowGroup.internalReverse) {
  17453. return typeof this.transition !== 'undefined' ? this.transition || '' : this.windowGroup.computedTransition;
  17454. }
  17455. return typeof this.reverseTransition !== 'undefined' ? this.reverseTransition || '' : this.windowGroup.computedTransition;
  17456. }
  17457. },
  17458. mounted: function mounted() {
  17459. this.$el.addEventListener('transitionend', this.onTransitionEnd, false);
  17460. },
  17461. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  17462. this.$el.removeEventListener('transitionend', this.onTransitionEnd, false);
  17463. },
  17464. methods: {
  17465. genDefaultSlot: function genDefaultSlot() {
  17466. return this.$slots.default;
  17467. },
  17468. onAfterEnter: function onAfterEnter() {
  17469. var _this = this;
  17470. if (this.wasCancelled) {
  17471. this.wasCancelled = false;
  17472. return;
  17473. }
  17474. requestAnimationFrame(function () {
  17475. _this.windowGroup.internalHeight = undefined;
  17476. _this.windowGroup.isActive = false;
  17477. });
  17478. },
  17479. onBeforeEnter: function onBeforeEnter() {
  17480. this.windowGroup.isActive = true;
  17481. },
  17482. onLeave: function onLeave(el) {
  17483. this.windowGroup.internalHeight = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["convertToUnit"])(el.clientHeight);
  17484. },
  17485. onEnterCancelled: function onEnterCancelled() {
  17486. this.wasCancelled = true;
  17487. },
  17488. onEnter: function onEnter(el, done) {
  17489. var _this = this;
  17490. var isBooted = this.windowGroup.isBooted;
  17491. if (isBooted) this.done = done;
  17492. requestAnimationFrame(function () {
  17493. if (!_this.computedTransition) return done();
  17494. _this.windowGroup.internalHeight = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["convertToUnit"])(el.clientHeight);
  17495. // On initial render, there is no transition
  17496. // Vue leaves a `enter` transition class
  17497. // if done is called too fast
  17498. !isBooted && setTimeout(done, 100);
  17499. });
  17500. },
  17501. onTransitionEnd: function onTransitionEnd(e) {
  17502. // This ensures we only call done
  17503. // when the element transform
  17504. // completes
  17505. if (e.propertyName !== 'transform' || e.target !== this.$el || !this.done) return;
  17506. this.done();
  17507. this.done = null;
  17508. }
  17509. },
  17510. render: function render(h) {
  17511. var div = h('div', {
  17512. staticClass: 'v-window-item',
  17513. directives: [{
  17514. name: 'show',
  17515. value: this.isActive
  17516. }],
  17517. on: this.$listeners
  17518. }, this.showLazyContent(this.genDefaultSlot()));
  17519. return h('transition', {
  17520. props: {
  17521. name: this.computedTransition
  17522. },
  17523. on: {
  17524. afterEnter: this.onAfterEnter,
  17525. beforeEnter: this.onBeforeEnter,
  17526. leave: this.onLeave,
  17527. enter: this.onEnter,
  17528. enterCancelled: this.onEnterCancelled
  17529. }
  17530. }, [div]);
  17531. }
  17532. }));
  17533. /***/ }),
  17534. /***/ "./src/components/VWindow/index.ts":
  17535. /*!*****************************************!*\
  17536. !*** ./src/components/VWindow/index.ts ***!
  17537. \*****************************************/
  17538. /*! exports provided: VWindow, VWindowItem, default */
  17539. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  17540. "use strict";
  17541. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  17542. /* harmony import */ var _VWindow__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VWindow */ "./src/components/VWindow/VWindow.ts");
  17543. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VWindow", function() { return _VWindow__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  17544. /* harmony import */ var _VWindowItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VWindowItem */ "./src/components/VWindow/VWindowItem.ts");
  17545. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VWindowItem", function() { return _VWindowItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  17546. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  17547. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  17548. VWindow: _VWindow__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  17549. VWindowItem: _VWindowItem__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]
  17550. }
  17551. });
  17552. /***/ }),
  17553. /***/ "./src/components/Vuetify/goTo/easing-patterns.ts":
  17554. /*!********************************************************!*\
  17555. !*** ./src/components/Vuetify/goTo/easing-patterns.ts ***!
  17556. \********************************************************/
  17557. /*! exports provided: linear, easeInQuad, easeOutQuad, easeInOutQuad, easeInCubic, easeOutCubic, easeInOutCubic, easeInQuart, easeOutQuart, easeInOutQuart, easeInQuint, easeOutQuint, easeInOutQuint */
  17558. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  17559. "use strict";
  17560. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  17561. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "linear", function() { return linear; });
  17562. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "easeInQuad", function() { return easeInQuad; });
  17563. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "easeOutQuad", function() { return easeOutQuad; });
  17564. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "easeInOutQuad", function() { return easeInOutQuad; });
  17565. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "easeInCubic", function() { return easeInCubic; });
  17566. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "easeOutCubic", function() { return easeOutCubic; });
  17567. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "easeInOutCubic", function() { return easeInOutCubic; });
  17568. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "easeInQuart", function() { return easeInQuart; });
  17569. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "easeOutQuart", function() { return easeOutQuart; });
  17570. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "easeInOutQuart", function() { return easeInOutQuart; });
  17571. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "easeInQuint", function() { return easeInQuint; });
  17572. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "easeOutQuint", function() { return easeOutQuint; });
  17573. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "easeInOutQuint", function() { return easeInOutQuint; });
  17574. // linear
  17575. var linear = function linear(t) {
  17576. return t;
  17577. };
  17578. // accelerating from zero velocity
  17579. var easeInQuad = function easeInQuad(t) {
  17580. return t * t;
  17581. };
  17582. // decelerating to zero velocity
  17583. var easeOutQuad = function easeOutQuad(t) {
  17584. return t * (2 - t);
  17585. };
  17586. // acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
  17587. var easeInOutQuad = function easeInOutQuad(t) {
  17588. return t < 0.5 ? 2 * t * t : -1 + (4 - 2 * t) * t;
  17589. };
  17590. // accelerating from zero velocity
  17591. var easeInCubic = function easeInCubic(t) {
  17592. return t * t * t;
  17593. };
  17594. // decelerating to zero velocity
  17595. var easeOutCubic = function easeOutCubic(t) {
  17596. return --t * t * t + 1;
  17597. };
  17598. // acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
  17599. var easeInOutCubic = function easeInOutCubic(t) {
  17600. return t < 0.5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1;
  17601. };
  17602. // accelerating from zero velocity
  17603. var easeInQuart = function easeInQuart(t) {
  17604. return t * t * t * t;
  17605. };
  17606. // decelerating to zero velocity
  17607. var easeOutQuart = function easeOutQuart(t) {
  17608. return 1 - --t * t * t * t;
  17609. };
  17610. // acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
  17611. var easeInOutQuart = function easeInOutQuart(t) {
  17612. return t < 0.5 ? 8 * t * t * t * t : 1 - 8 * --t * t * t * t;
  17613. };
  17614. // accelerating from zero velocity
  17615. var easeInQuint = function easeInQuint(t) {
  17616. return t * t * t * t * t;
  17617. };
  17618. // decelerating to zero velocity
  17619. var easeOutQuint = function easeOutQuint(t) {
  17620. return 1 + --t * t * t * t * t;
  17621. };
  17622. // acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
  17623. var easeInOutQuint = function easeInOutQuint(t) {
  17624. return t < 0.5 ? 16 * t * t * t * t * t : 1 + 16 * --t * t * t * t * t;
  17625. };
  17626. /***/ }),
  17627. /***/ "./src/components/Vuetify/goTo/index.ts":
  17628. /*!**********************************************!*\
  17629. !*** ./src/components/Vuetify/goTo/index.ts ***!
  17630. \**********************************************/
  17631. /*! exports provided: default */
  17632. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  17633. "use strict";
  17634. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  17635. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "default", function() { return goTo; });
  17636. /* harmony import */ var _easing_patterns__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./easing-patterns */ "./src/components/Vuetify/goTo/easing-patterns.ts");
  17637. /* harmony import */ var _util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util */ "./src/components/Vuetify/goTo/util.ts");
  17638. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  17639. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__);
  17640. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  17641. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  17642. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  17643. s = arguments[i];
  17644. for (var p in s) {
  17645. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  17646. }
  17647. }
  17648. return t;
  17649. };
  17650. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  17651. };
  17652. function goTo(_target, _settings) {
  17653. if (_settings === void 0) {
  17654. _settings = {};
  17655. }
  17656. var settings = __assign({ container: document.scrollingElement || document.body || document.documentElement, duration: 500, offset: 0, easing: 'easeInOutCubic', appOffset: true }, _settings);
  17657. var container = Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["getContainer"])(settings.container);
  17658. if (settings.appOffset) {
  17659. var isDrawer = container.classList.contains('v-navigation-drawer');
  17660. var isClipped = container.classList.contains('v-navigation-drawer--clipped');
  17661. settings.offset += vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default.a.prototype.$vuetify.application.bar;
  17662. if (!isDrawer || isClipped) settings.offset += vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default.a.prototype.$vuetify.application.top;
  17663. }
  17664. var startTime = performance.now();
  17665. var targetLocation = Object(_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["getOffset"])(_target) - settings.offset;
  17666. var startLocation = container.scrollTop;
  17667. if (targetLocation === startLocation) return Promise.resolve(targetLocation);
  17668. var ease = typeof settings.easing === 'function' ? settings.easing : _easing_patterns__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[settings.easing];
  17669. if (!ease) throw new TypeError("Easing function \"" + settings.easing + "\" not found.");
  17670. // tslint:disable-next-line:promise-must-complete
  17671. return new Promise(function (resolve) {
  17672. return requestAnimationFrame(function step(currentTime) {
  17673. var timeElapsed = currentTime - startTime;
  17674. var progress = Math.abs(settings.duration ? Math.min(timeElapsed / settings.duration, 1) : 1);
  17675. container.scrollTop = Math.floor(startLocation + (targetLocation - startLocation) * ease(progress));
  17676. if (progress === 1 || container.clientHeight + container.scrollTop === container.scrollHeight) {
  17677. return resolve(targetLocation);
  17678. }
  17679. requestAnimationFrame(step);
  17680. });
  17681. });
  17682. }
  17683. /***/ }),
  17684. /***/ "./src/components/Vuetify/goTo/util.ts":
  17685. /*!*********************************************!*\
  17686. !*** ./src/components/Vuetify/goTo/util.ts ***!
  17687. \*********************************************/
  17688. /*! exports provided: getOffset, getContainer */
  17689. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  17690. "use strict";
  17691. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  17692. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getOffset", function() { return getOffset; });
  17693. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getContainer", function() { return getContainer; });
  17694. // Return target's cumulative offset from the top
  17695. function getOffset(target) {
  17696. if (typeof target === 'number') {
  17697. return target;
  17698. }
  17699. var el = $(target);
  17700. if (!el) {
  17701. throw typeof target === 'string' ? new Error("Target element \"" + target + "\" not found.") : new TypeError("Target must be a Number/Selector/HTMLElement/VueComponent, received " + type(target) + " instead.");
  17702. }
  17703. var totalOffset = 0;
  17704. while (el) {
  17705. totalOffset += el.offsetTop;
  17706. el = el.offsetParent;
  17707. }
  17708. return totalOffset;
  17709. }
  17710. function getContainer(container) {
  17711. var el = $(container);
  17712. if (el) return el;
  17713. throw typeof container === 'string' ? new Error("Container element \"" + container + "\" not found.") : new TypeError("Container must be a Selector/HTMLElement/VueComponent, received " + type(container) + " instead.");
  17714. }
  17715. function type(el) {
  17716. return el == null ? el : el.constructor.name;
  17717. }
  17718. function $(el) {
  17719. if (typeof el === 'string') {
  17720. return document.querySelector(el);
  17721. } else if (el && el._isVue) {
  17722. return el.$el;
  17723. } else if (el instanceof HTMLElement) {
  17724. return el;
  17725. } else {
  17726. return null;
  17727. }
  17728. }
  17729. /***/ }),
  17730. /***/ "./src/components/Vuetify/index.ts":
  17731. /*!*****************************************!*\
  17732. !*** ./src/components/Vuetify/index.ts ***!
  17733. \*****************************************/
  17734. /*! exports provided: checkVueVersion, default */
  17735. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  17736. "use strict";
  17737. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  17738. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "checkVueVersion", function() { return checkVueVersion; });
  17739. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  17740. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  17741. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_application__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/application */ "./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/application.ts");
  17742. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_breakpoint__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/breakpoint */ "./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/breakpoint.ts");
  17743. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/theme */ "./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/theme.ts");
  17744. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_icons__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/icons */ "./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/icons.ts");
  17745. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_options__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/options */ "./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/options.ts");
  17746. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_lang__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins/lang */ "./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/lang.ts");
  17747. /* harmony import */ var _goTo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./goTo */ "./src/components/Vuetify/goTo/index.ts");
  17748. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  17749. // Utils
  17750. var Vuetify = {
  17751. install: function install(Vue, opts) {
  17752. if (opts === void 0) {
  17753. opts = {};
  17754. }
  17755. if (this.installed) return;
  17756. this.installed = true;
  17757. if (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a !== Vue) {
  17758. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["consoleError"])('Multiple instances of Vue detected\nSee https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/issues/4068\n\nIf you\'re seeing "$attrs is readonly", it\'s caused by this');
  17759. }
  17760. checkVueVersion(Vue);
  17761. var lang = Object(_mixins_lang__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["default"])(opts.lang);
  17762. Vue.prototype.$vuetify = new Vue({
  17763. mixins: [Object(_mixins_breakpoint__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"])(opts.breakpoint)],
  17764. data: {
  17765. application: _mixins_application__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  17766. dark: false,
  17767. icons: Object(_mixins_icons__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(opts.iconfont, opts.icons),
  17768. lang: lang,
  17769. options: Object(_mixins_options__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])(opts.options),
  17770. rtl: opts.rtl,
  17771. theme: Object(_mixins_theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(opts.theme)
  17772. },
  17773. methods: {
  17774. goTo: _goTo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["default"],
  17775. t: lang.t.bind(lang)
  17776. }
  17777. });
  17778. if (opts.directives) {
  17779. for (var name in opts.directives) {
  17780. Vue.directive(name, opts.directives[name]);
  17781. }
  17782. }
  17783. (function registerComponents(components) {
  17784. if (components) {
  17785. for (var key in components) {
  17786. var component = components[key];
  17787. if (component && !registerComponents(component.$_vuetify_subcomponents)) {
  17788. Vue.component(key, component);
  17789. }
  17790. }
  17791. return true;
  17792. }
  17793. return false;
  17794. })(opts.components);
  17795. },
  17796. version: '1.5.14'
  17797. };
  17798. function checkVueVersion(Vue, requiredVue) {
  17799. var vueDep = requiredVue || '^2.5.18';
  17800. var required = vueDep.split('.', 3).map(function (v) {
  17801. return v.replace(/\D/g, '');
  17802. }).map(Number);
  17803. var actual = Vue.version.split('.', 3).map(function (n) {
  17804. return parseInt(n, 10);
  17805. });
  17806. // Simple semver caret range comparison
  17807. var passes = actual[0] === required[0] && ( // major matches
  17808. actual[1] > required[1] || // minor is greater
  17809. actual[1] === required[1] && actual[2] >= required[2] // or minor is eq and patch is >=
  17810. );
  17811. if (!passes) {
  17812. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["consoleWarn"])("Vuetify requires Vue version " + vueDep);
  17813. }
  17814. }
  17815. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Vuetify);
  17816. /***/ }),
  17817. /***/ "./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/application.ts":
  17818. /*!******************************************************!*\
  17819. !*** ./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/application.ts ***!
  17820. \******************************************************/
  17821. /*! exports provided: default */
  17822. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  17823. "use strict";
  17824. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  17825. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  17826. bar: 0,
  17827. bottom: 0,
  17828. footer: 0,
  17829. insetFooter: 0,
  17830. left: 0,
  17831. right: 0,
  17832. top: 0,
  17833. components: {
  17834. bar: {},
  17835. bottom: {},
  17836. footer: {},
  17837. insetFooter: {},
  17838. left: {},
  17839. right: {},
  17840. top: {}
  17841. },
  17842. bind: function bind(uid, target, value) {
  17843. var _a;
  17844. if (!this.components[target]) return;
  17845. this.components[target] = (_a = {}, _a[uid] = value, _a);
  17846. this.update(target);
  17847. },
  17848. unbind: function unbind(uid, target) {
  17849. if (this.components[target][uid] == null) return;
  17850. delete this.components[target][uid];
  17851. this.update(target);
  17852. },
  17853. update: function update(target) {
  17854. this[target] = Object.values(this.components[target]).reduce(function (acc, cur) {
  17855. return acc + cur;
  17856. }, 0);
  17857. }
  17858. });
  17859. /***/ }),
  17860. /***/ "./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/breakpoint.ts":
  17861. /*!*****************************************************!*\
  17862. !*** ./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/breakpoint.ts ***!
  17863. \*****************************************************/
  17864. /*! exports provided: default */
  17865. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  17866. "use strict";
  17867. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  17868. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "default", function() { return breakpoint; });
  17869. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  17870. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  17871. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  17872. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  17873. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  17874. s = arguments[i];
  17875. for (var p in s) {
  17876. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  17877. }
  17878. }
  17879. return t;
  17880. };
  17881. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  17882. };
  17884. thresholds: {
  17885. xs: 600,
  17886. sm: 960,
  17887. md: 1280,
  17888. lg: 1920
  17889. },
  17890. scrollbarWidth: 16
  17891. };
  17892. /**
  17893. * Factory function for the breakpoint mixin.
  17894. */
  17895. function breakpoint(opts) {
  17896. if (opts === void 0) {
  17897. opts = {};
  17898. }
  17899. if (!opts) {
  17900. opts = {};
  17901. }
  17902. return vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  17903. data: function data() {
  17904. return __assign({ clientHeight: getClientHeight(), clientWidth: getClientWidth(), resizeTimeout: undefined }, BREAKPOINTS_DEFAULTS, opts);
  17905. },
  17906. computed: {
  17907. breakpoint: function breakpoint() {
  17908. var xs = this.clientWidth < this.thresholds.xs;
  17909. var sm = this.clientWidth < this.thresholds.sm && !xs;
  17910. var md = this.clientWidth < this.thresholds.md - this.scrollbarWidth && !(sm || xs);
  17911. var lg = this.clientWidth < this.thresholds.lg - this.scrollbarWidth && !(md || sm || xs);
  17912. var xl = this.clientWidth >= this.thresholds.lg - this.scrollbarWidth;
  17913. var xsOnly = xs;
  17914. var smOnly = sm;
  17915. var smAndDown = (xs || sm) && !(md || lg || xl);
  17916. var smAndUp = !xs && (sm || md || lg || xl);
  17917. var mdOnly = md;
  17918. var mdAndDown = (xs || sm || md) && !(lg || xl);
  17919. var mdAndUp = !(xs || sm) && (md || lg || xl);
  17920. var lgOnly = lg;
  17921. var lgAndDown = (xs || sm || md || lg) && !xl;
  17922. var lgAndUp = !(xs || sm || md) && (lg || xl);
  17923. var xlOnly = xl;
  17924. var name;
  17925. switch (true) {
  17926. case xs:
  17927. name = 'xs';
  17928. break;
  17929. case sm:
  17930. name = 'sm';
  17931. break;
  17932. case md:
  17933. name = 'md';
  17934. break;
  17935. case lg:
  17936. name = 'lg';
  17937. break;
  17938. default:
  17939. name = 'xl';
  17940. break;
  17941. }
  17942. return {
  17943. // Definite breakpoint.
  17944. xs: xs,
  17945. sm: sm,
  17946. md: md,
  17947. lg: lg,
  17948. xl: xl,
  17949. // Useful e.g. to construct CSS class names dynamically.
  17950. name: name,
  17951. // Breakpoint ranges.
  17952. xsOnly: xsOnly,
  17953. smOnly: smOnly,
  17954. smAndDown: smAndDown,
  17955. smAndUp: smAndUp,
  17956. mdOnly: mdOnly,
  17957. mdAndDown: mdAndDown,
  17958. mdAndUp: mdAndUp,
  17959. lgOnly: lgOnly,
  17960. lgAndDown: lgAndDown,
  17961. lgAndUp: lgAndUp,
  17962. xlOnly: xlOnly,
  17963. // For custom breakpoint logic.
  17964. width: this.clientWidth,
  17965. height: this.clientHeight,
  17966. thresholds: this.thresholds,
  17967. scrollbarWidth: this.scrollbarWidth
  17968. };
  17969. }
  17970. },
  17971. created: function created() {
  17972. if (typeof window === 'undefined') return;
  17973. window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize, { passive: true });
  17974. },
  17975. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  17976. if (typeof window === 'undefined') return;
  17977. window.removeEventListener('resize', this.onResize);
  17978. },
  17979. methods: {
  17980. onResize: function onResize() {
  17981. clearTimeout(this.resizeTimeout);
  17982. // Added debounce to match what
  17983. // v-resize used to do but was
  17984. // removed due to a memory leak
  17985. // https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/pull/2997
  17986. this.resizeTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.setDimensions, 200);
  17987. },
  17988. setDimensions: function setDimensions() {
  17989. this.clientHeight = getClientHeight();
  17990. this.clientWidth = getClientWidth();
  17991. }
  17992. }
  17993. });
  17994. }
  17995. // Cross-browser support as described in:
  17996. // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1248081
  17997. function getClientWidth() {
  17998. if (typeof document === 'undefined') return 0; // SSR
  17999. return Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
  18000. }
  18001. function getClientHeight() {
  18002. if (typeof document === 'undefined') return 0; // SSR
  18003. return Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);
  18004. }
  18005. /***/ }),
  18006. /***/ "./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/icons.ts":
  18007. /*!************************************************!*\
  18008. !*** ./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/icons.ts ***!
  18009. \************************************************/
  18010. /*! exports provided: convertToComponentDeclarations, default */
  18011. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  18012. "use strict";
  18013. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  18014. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "convertToComponentDeclarations", function() { return convertToComponentDeclarations; });
  18015. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "default", function() { return icons; });
  18016. // Maps internal Vuetify icon names to actual Material Design icon names.
  18017. var ICONS_MATERIAL = {
  18018. 'complete': 'check',
  18019. 'cancel': 'cancel',
  18020. 'close': 'close',
  18021. 'delete': 'cancel',
  18022. 'clear': 'clear',
  18023. 'success': 'check_circle',
  18024. 'info': 'info',
  18025. 'warning': 'priority_high',
  18026. 'error': 'warning',
  18027. 'prev': 'chevron_left',
  18028. 'next': 'chevron_right',
  18029. 'checkboxOn': 'check_box',
  18030. 'checkboxOff': 'check_box_outline_blank',
  18031. 'checkboxIndeterminate': 'indeterminate_check_box',
  18032. 'delimiter': 'fiber_manual_record',
  18033. 'sort': 'arrow_upward',
  18034. 'expand': 'keyboard_arrow_down',
  18035. 'menu': 'menu',
  18036. 'subgroup': 'arrow_drop_down',
  18037. 'dropdown': 'arrow_drop_down',
  18038. 'radioOn': 'radio_button_checked',
  18039. 'radioOff': 'radio_button_unchecked',
  18040. 'edit': 'edit',
  18041. 'ratingEmpty': 'star_border',
  18042. 'ratingFull': 'star',
  18043. 'ratingHalf': 'star_half',
  18044. 'loading': 'cached'
  18045. };
  18046. // Maps internal Vuetify icon names to actual icons from materialdesignicons.com
  18047. var ICONS_MDI = {
  18048. 'complete': 'mdi-check',
  18049. 'cancel': 'mdi-close-circle',
  18050. 'close': 'mdi-close',
  18051. 'delete': 'mdi-close-circle',
  18052. 'clear': 'mdi-close',
  18053. 'success': 'mdi-check-circle',
  18054. 'info': 'mdi-information',
  18055. 'warning': 'mdi-exclamation',
  18056. 'error': 'mdi-alert',
  18057. 'prev': 'mdi-chevron-left',
  18058. 'next': 'mdi-chevron-right',
  18059. 'checkboxOn': 'mdi-checkbox-marked',
  18060. 'checkboxOff': 'mdi-checkbox-blank-outline',
  18061. 'checkboxIndeterminate': 'mdi-minus-box',
  18062. 'delimiter': 'mdi-circle',
  18063. 'sort': 'mdi-arrow-up',
  18064. 'expand': 'mdi-chevron-down',
  18065. 'menu': 'mdi-menu',
  18066. 'subgroup': 'mdi-menu-down',
  18067. 'dropdown': 'mdi-menu-down',
  18068. 'radioOn': 'mdi-radiobox-marked',
  18069. 'radioOff': 'mdi-radiobox-blank',
  18070. 'edit': 'mdi-pencil',
  18071. 'ratingEmpty': 'mdi-star-outline',
  18072. 'ratingFull': 'mdi-star',
  18073. 'ratingHalf': 'mdi-star-half'
  18074. };
  18075. // Maps internal Vuetify icon names to actual Font-Awesome 4 icon names.
  18076. var ICONS_FONTAWESOME4 = {
  18077. 'complete': 'fa fa-check',
  18078. 'cancel': 'fa fa-times-circle',
  18079. 'close': 'fa fa-times',
  18080. 'delete': 'fa fa-times-circle',
  18081. 'clear': 'fa fa-times-circle',
  18082. 'success': 'fa fa-check-circle',
  18083. 'info': 'fa fa-info-circle',
  18084. 'warning': 'fa fa-exclamation',
  18085. 'error': 'fa fa-exclamation-triangle',
  18086. 'prev': 'fa fa-chevron-left',
  18087. 'next': 'fa fa-chevron-right',
  18088. 'checkboxOn': 'fa fa-check-square',
  18089. 'checkboxOff': 'fa fa-square-o',
  18090. 'checkboxIndeterminate': 'fa fa-minus-square',
  18091. 'delimiter': 'fa fa-circle',
  18092. 'sort': 'fa fa-sort-up',
  18093. 'expand': 'fa fa-chevron-down',
  18094. 'menu': 'fa fa-bars',
  18095. 'subgroup': 'fa fa-caret-down',
  18096. 'dropdown': 'fa fa-caret-down',
  18097. 'radioOn': 'fa fa-dot-circle',
  18098. 'radioOff': 'fa fa-circle-o',
  18099. 'edit': 'fa fa-pencil',
  18100. 'ratingEmpty': 'fa fa-star-o',
  18101. 'ratingFull': 'fa fa-star',
  18102. 'ratingHalf': 'fa fa-star-half-o'
  18103. };
  18104. // Maps internal Vuetify icon names to actual Font-Awesome 5+ icon names.
  18105. var ICONS_FONTAWESOME = {
  18106. 'complete': 'fas fa-check',
  18107. 'cancel': 'fas fa-times-circle',
  18108. 'close': 'fas fa-times',
  18109. 'delete': 'fas fa-times-circle',
  18110. 'clear': 'fas fa-times-circle',
  18111. 'success': 'fas fa-check-circle',
  18112. 'info': 'fas fa-info-circle',
  18113. 'warning': 'fas fa-exclamation',
  18114. 'error': 'fas fa-exclamation-triangle',
  18115. 'prev': 'fas fa-chevron-left',
  18116. 'next': 'fas fa-chevron-right',
  18117. 'checkboxOn': 'fas fa-check-square',
  18118. 'checkboxOff': 'far fa-square',
  18119. 'checkboxIndeterminate': 'fas fa-minus-square',
  18120. 'delimiter': 'fas fa-circle',
  18121. 'sort': 'fas fa-sort-up',
  18122. 'expand': 'fas fa-chevron-down',
  18123. 'menu': 'fas fa-bars',
  18124. 'subgroup': 'fas fa-caret-down',
  18125. 'dropdown': 'fas fa-caret-down',
  18126. 'radioOn': 'far fa-dot-circle',
  18127. 'radioOff': 'far fa-circle',
  18128. 'edit': 'fas fa-edit',
  18129. 'ratingEmpty': 'far fa-star',
  18130. 'ratingFull': 'fas fa-star',
  18131. 'ratingHalf': 'fas fa-star-half'
  18132. };
  18133. function convertToComponentDeclarations(component, iconSet) {
  18134. var result = {};
  18135. for (var key in iconSet) {
  18136. result[key] = {
  18137. component: component,
  18138. props: {
  18139. icon: iconSet[key].split(' fa-')
  18140. }
  18141. };
  18142. }
  18143. return result;
  18144. }
  18145. var iconSets = {
  18146. md: ICONS_MATERIAL,
  18147. mdi: ICONS_MDI,
  18149. fa4: ICONS_FONTAWESOME4,
  18150. faSvg: convertToComponentDeclarations('font-awesome-icon', ICONS_FONTAWESOME)
  18151. };
  18152. function icons(iconfont, icons) {
  18153. if (iconfont === void 0) {
  18154. iconfont = 'md';
  18155. }
  18156. if (icons === void 0) {
  18157. icons = {};
  18158. }
  18159. return Object.assign({}, iconSets[iconfont] || iconSets.md, icons);
  18160. }
  18161. /***/ }),
  18162. /***/ "./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/lang.ts":
  18163. /*!***********************************************!*\
  18164. !*** ./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/lang.ts ***!
  18165. \***********************************************/
  18166. /*! exports provided: default */
  18167. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  18168. "use strict";
  18169. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  18170. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "default", function() { return lang; });
  18171. /* harmony import */ var _locale_en__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../locale/en */ "./src/locale/en.ts");
  18172. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  18173. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  18174. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  18175. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  18176. if (!m) return o;
  18177. var i = m.call(o),
  18178. r,
  18179. ar = [],
  18180. e;
  18181. try {
  18182. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  18183. ar.push(r.value);
  18184. }
  18185. } catch (error) {
  18186. e = { error: error };
  18187. } finally {
  18188. try {
  18189. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  18190. } finally {
  18191. if (e) throw e.error;
  18192. }
  18193. }
  18194. return ar;
  18195. };
  18196. var __spread = undefined && undefined.__spread || function () {
  18197. for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  18198. ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  18199. }return ar;
  18200. };
  18201. var LANG_PREFIX = '$vuetify.';
  18202. var fallback = Symbol('Lang fallback');
  18203. function getTranslation(locale, key, usingFallback) {
  18204. if (usingFallback === void 0) {
  18205. usingFallback = false;
  18206. }
  18207. var shortKey = key.replace(LANG_PREFIX, '');
  18208. var translation = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["getObjectValueByPath"])(locale, shortKey, fallback);
  18209. if (translation === fallback) {
  18210. if (usingFallback) {
  18211. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["consoleError"])("Translation key \"" + shortKey + "\" not found in fallback");
  18212. translation = key;
  18213. } else {
  18214. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["consoleWarn"])("Translation key \"" + shortKey + "\" not found, falling back to default");
  18215. translation = getTranslation(_locale_en__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], key, true);
  18216. }
  18217. }
  18218. return translation;
  18219. }
  18220. function lang(config) {
  18221. if (config === void 0) {
  18222. config = {};
  18223. }
  18224. return {
  18225. locales: Object.assign({ en: _locale_en__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"] }, config.locales),
  18226. current: config.current || 'en',
  18227. t: function t(key) {
  18228. var params = [];
  18229. for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
  18230. params[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
  18231. }
  18232. if (!key.startsWith(LANG_PREFIX)) return key;
  18233. if (config.t) return config.t.apply(config, __spread([key], params));
  18234. var translation = getTranslation(this.locales[this.current], key);
  18235. return translation.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function (match, index) {
  18236. return String(params[+index]);
  18237. });
  18238. }
  18239. };
  18240. }
  18241. /***/ }),
  18242. /***/ "./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/options.ts":
  18243. /*!**************************************************!*\
  18244. !*** ./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/options.ts ***!
  18245. \**************************************************/
  18246. /*! exports provided: default */
  18247. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  18248. "use strict";
  18249. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  18250. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "default", function() { return options; });
  18251. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  18252. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  18253. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  18254. s = arguments[i];
  18255. for (var p in s) {
  18256. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  18257. }
  18258. }
  18259. return t;
  18260. };
  18261. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  18262. };
  18263. var OPTIONS_DEFAULTS = {
  18264. minifyTheme: null,
  18265. themeCache: null,
  18266. customProperties: false,
  18267. cspNonce: null
  18268. };
  18269. function options(options) {
  18270. if (options === void 0) {
  18271. options = {};
  18272. }
  18273. return __assign({}, OPTIONS_DEFAULTS, options);
  18274. }
  18275. /***/ }),
  18276. /***/ "./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/theme.ts":
  18277. /*!************************************************!*\
  18278. !*** ./src/components/Vuetify/mixins/theme.ts ***!
  18279. \************************************************/
  18280. /*! exports provided: default */
  18281. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  18282. "use strict";
  18283. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  18284. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "default", function() { return theme; });
  18285. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  18286. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  18287. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  18288. s = arguments[i];
  18289. for (var p in s) {
  18290. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  18291. }
  18292. }
  18293. return t;
  18294. };
  18295. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  18296. };
  18297. /* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */
  18298. var THEME_DEFAULTS = {
  18299. primary: '#1976D2',
  18300. secondary: '#424242',
  18301. accent: '#82B1FF',
  18302. error: '#FF5252',
  18303. info: '#2196F3',
  18304. success: '#4CAF50',
  18305. warning: '#FB8C00' // orange.darken1
  18306. };
  18307. function theme(theme) {
  18308. if (theme === void 0) {
  18309. theme = {};
  18310. }
  18311. if (theme === false) return false;
  18312. return __assign({}, THEME_DEFAULTS, theme);
  18313. }
  18314. /***/ }),
  18315. /***/ "./src/components/index.ts":
  18316. /*!*********************************!*\
  18317. !*** ./src/components/index.ts ***!
  18318. \*********************************/
  18319. /*! exports provided: VApp, VAlert, VAutocomplete, VAvatar, VBadge, VBottomNav, VBottomSheet, VBreadcrumbs, VBreadcrumbsItem, VBreadcrumbsDivider, VBtn, VBtnToggle, VCalendar, VCalendarDaily, VCalendarWeekly, VCalendarMonthly, VCard, VCardMedia, VCardTitle, VCardActions, VCardText, VCarousel, VCarouselItem, VCheckbox, VChip, VCombobox, VCounter, VDataIterator, VDataTable, VEditDialog, VTableOverflow, VDatePicker, VDatePickerTitle, VDatePickerHeader, VDatePickerDateTable, VDatePickerMonthTable, VDatePickerYears, VDialog, VDivider, VExpansionPanel, VExpansionPanelContent, VFooter, VForm, VContainer, VContent, VFlex, VLayout, VSpacer, VHover, VIcon, VImg, VInput, VItem, VItemGroup, VJumbotron, VLabel, VList, VListGroup, VListTile, VListTileAction, VListTileAvatar, VListTileActionText, VListTileContent, VListTileTitle, VListTileSubTitle, VMenu, VMessages, VNavigationDrawer, VOverflowBtn, VPagination, VSheet, VParallax, VPicker, VProgressCircular, VProgressLinear, VRadioGroup, VRadio, VRangeSlider, VRating, VResponsive, VSelect, VSlider, VSnackbar, VSparkline, VSpeedDial, VStepper, VStepperContent, VStepperStep, VStepperHeader, VStepperItems, VSubheader, VSwitch, VSystemBar, VTabs, VTab, VTabItem, VTabsItems, VTabsSlider, VTextarea, VTextField, VTimeline, VTimelineItem, VTimePicker, VTimePickerClock, VTimePickerTitle, VToolbar, VToolbarSideIcon, VToolbarTitle, VToolbarItems, VTooltip, VTreeview, VTreeviewNode, VWindow, VWindowItem, VBottomSheetTransition, VCarouselTransition, VCarouselReverseTransition, VTabTransition, VTabReverseTransition, VMenuTransition, VFabTransition, VDialogTransition, VDialogBottomTransition, VFadeTransition, VScaleTransition, VScrollXTransition, VScrollXReverseTransition, VScrollYTransition, VScrollYReverseTransition, VSlideXTransition, VSlideXReverseTransition, VSlideYTransition, VSlideYReverseTransition, VExpandTransition, VExpandXTransition, VRowExpandTransition */
  18320. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  18321. "use strict";
  18322. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  18323. /* harmony import */ var _VApp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VApp */ "./src/components/VApp/index.js");
  18324. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VApp", function() { return _VApp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["VApp"]; });
  18325. /* harmony import */ var _VAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VAlert */ "./src/components/VAlert/index.ts");
  18326. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VAlert", function() { return _VAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["VAlert"]; });
  18327. /* harmony import */ var _VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VAutocomplete */ "./src/components/VAutocomplete/index.js");
  18328. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VAutocomplete", function() { return _VAutocomplete__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["VAutocomplete"]; });
  18329. /* harmony import */ var _VAvatar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VAvatar */ "./src/components/VAvatar/index.ts");
  18330. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VAvatar", function() { return _VAvatar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["VAvatar"]; });
  18331. /* harmony import */ var _VBadge__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VBadge */ "./src/components/VBadge/index.ts");
  18332. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBadge", function() { return _VBadge__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["VBadge"]; });
  18333. /* harmony import */ var _VBottomNav__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VBottomNav */ "./src/components/VBottomNav/index.ts");
  18334. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBottomNav", function() { return _VBottomNav__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["VBottomNav"]; });
  18335. /* harmony import */ var _VBottomSheet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VBottomSheet */ "./src/components/VBottomSheet/index.js");
  18336. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBottomSheet", function() { return _VBottomSheet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["VBottomSheet"]; });
  18337. /* harmony import */ var _VBreadcrumbs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VBreadcrumbs */ "./src/components/VBreadcrumbs/index.ts");
  18338. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBreadcrumbs", function() { return _VBreadcrumbs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["VBreadcrumbs"]; });
  18339. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBreadcrumbsItem", function() { return _VBreadcrumbs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["VBreadcrumbsItem"]; });
  18340. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBreadcrumbsDivider", function() { return _VBreadcrumbs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["VBreadcrumbsDivider"]; });
  18341. /* harmony import */ var _VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VBtn */ "./src/components/VBtn/index.ts");
  18342. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBtn", function() { return _VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["VBtn"]; });
  18343. /* harmony import */ var _VBtnToggle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VBtnToggle */ "./src/components/VBtnToggle/index.ts");
  18344. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBtnToggle", function() { return _VBtnToggle__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["VBtnToggle"]; });
  18345. /* harmony import */ var _VCalendar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCalendar */ "./src/components/VCalendar/index.ts");
  18346. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCalendar", function() { return _VCalendar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["VCalendar"]; });
  18347. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCalendarDaily", function() { return _VCalendar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["VCalendarDaily"]; });
  18348. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCalendarWeekly", function() { return _VCalendar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["VCalendarWeekly"]; });
  18349. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCalendarMonthly", function() { return _VCalendar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["VCalendarMonthly"]; });
  18350. /* harmony import */ var _VCard__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCard */ "./src/components/VCard/index.ts");
  18351. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCard", function() { return _VCard__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["VCard"]; });
  18352. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCardMedia", function() { return _VCard__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["VCardMedia"]; });
  18353. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCardTitle", function() { return _VCard__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["VCardTitle"]; });
  18354. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCardActions", function() { return _VCard__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["VCardActions"]; });
  18355. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCardText", function() { return _VCard__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["VCardText"]; });
  18356. /* harmony import */ var _VCarousel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCarousel */ "./src/components/VCarousel/index.ts");
  18357. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCarousel", function() { return _VCarousel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["VCarousel"]; });
  18358. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCarouselItem", function() { return _VCarousel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["VCarouselItem"]; });
  18359. /* harmony import */ var _VCheckbox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCheckbox */ "./src/components/VCheckbox/index.js");
  18360. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCheckbox", function() { return _VCheckbox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["VCheckbox"]; });
  18361. /* harmony import */ var _VChip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VChip */ "./src/components/VChip/index.ts");
  18362. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VChip", function() { return _VChip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["VChip"]; });
  18363. /* harmony import */ var _VCombobox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCombobox */ "./src/components/VCombobox/index.js");
  18364. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCombobox", function() { return _VCombobox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["VCombobox"]; });
  18365. /* harmony import */ var _VCounter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VCounter */ "./src/components/VCounter/index.ts");
  18366. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCounter", function() { return _VCounter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["VCounter"]; });
  18367. /* harmony import */ var _VDataIterator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDataIterator */ "./src/components/VDataIterator/index.js");
  18368. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDataIterator", function() { return _VDataIterator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["VDataIterator"]; });
  18369. /* harmony import */ var _VDataTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDataTable */ "./src/components/VDataTable/index.js");
  18370. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDataTable", function() { return _VDataTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__["VDataTable"]; });
  18371. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VEditDialog", function() { return _VDataTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__["VEditDialog"]; });
  18372. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTableOverflow", function() { return _VDataTable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__["VTableOverflow"]; });
  18373. /* harmony import */ var _VDatePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDatePicker */ "./src/components/VDatePicker/index.js");
  18374. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDatePicker", function() { return _VDatePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["VDatePicker"]; });
  18375. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDatePickerTitle", function() { return _VDatePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["VDatePickerTitle"]; });
  18376. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDatePickerHeader", function() { return _VDatePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["VDatePickerHeader"]; });
  18377. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDatePickerDateTable", function() { return _VDatePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["VDatePickerDateTable"]; });
  18378. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDatePickerMonthTable", function() { return _VDatePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["VDatePickerMonthTable"]; });
  18379. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDatePickerYears", function() { return _VDatePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["VDatePickerYears"]; });
  18380. /* harmony import */ var _VDialog__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDialog */ "./src/components/VDialog/index.js");
  18381. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDialog", function() { return _VDialog__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["VDialog"]; });
  18382. /* harmony import */ var _VDivider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VDivider */ "./src/components/VDivider/index.ts");
  18383. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDivider", function() { return _VDivider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["VDivider"]; });
  18384. /* harmony import */ var _VExpansionPanel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VExpansionPanel */ "./src/components/VExpansionPanel/index.ts");
  18385. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VExpansionPanel", function() { return _VExpansionPanel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["VExpansionPanel"]; });
  18386. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VExpansionPanelContent", function() { return _VExpansionPanel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["VExpansionPanelContent"]; });
  18387. /* harmony import */ var _VFooter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VFooter */ "./src/components/VFooter/index.js");
  18388. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VFooter", function() { return _VFooter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["VFooter"]; });
  18389. /* harmony import */ var _VForm__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VForm */ "./src/components/VForm/index.js");
  18390. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VForm", function() { return _VForm__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__["VForm"]; });
  18391. /* harmony import */ var _VGrid__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VGrid */ "./src/components/VGrid/index.js");
  18392. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VContainer", function() { return _VGrid__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__["VContainer"]; });
  18393. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VContent", function() { return _VGrid__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__["VContent"]; });
  18394. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VFlex", function() { return _VGrid__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__["VFlex"]; });
  18395. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VLayout", function() { return _VGrid__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__["VLayout"]; });
  18396. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSpacer", function() { return _VGrid__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__["VSpacer"]; });
  18397. /* harmony import */ var _VHover__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VHover */ "./src/components/VHover/index.ts");
  18398. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VHover", function() { return _VHover__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__["VHover"]; });
  18399. /* harmony import */ var _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  18400. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VIcon", function() { return _VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__["VIcon"]; });
  18401. /* harmony import */ var _VImg__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VImg */ "./src/components/VImg/index.ts");
  18402. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VImg", function() { return _VImg__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__["VImg"]; });
  18403. /* harmony import */ var _VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VInput */ "./src/components/VInput/index.ts");
  18404. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VInput", function() { return _VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__["VInput"]; });
  18405. /* harmony import */ var _VItemGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VItemGroup */ "./src/components/VItemGroup/index.ts");
  18406. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VItem", function() { return _VItemGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["VItem"]; });
  18407. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VItemGroup", function() { return _VItemGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["VItemGroup"]; });
  18408. /* harmony import */ var _VJumbotron__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VJumbotron */ "./src/components/VJumbotron/index.js");
  18409. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VJumbotron", function() { return _VJumbotron__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__["VJumbotron"]; });
  18410. /* harmony import */ var _VLabel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VLabel */ "./src/components/VLabel/index.ts");
  18411. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VLabel", function() { return _VLabel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["VLabel"]; });
  18412. /* harmony import */ var _VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VList */ "./src/components/VList/index.ts");
  18413. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VList", function() { return _VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["VList"]; });
  18414. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListGroup", function() { return _VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["VListGroup"]; });
  18415. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListTile", function() { return _VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["VListTile"]; });
  18416. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListTileAction", function() { return _VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["VListTileAction"]; });
  18417. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListTileAvatar", function() { return _VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["VListTileAvatar"]; });
  18418. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListTileActionText", function() { return _VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["VListTileActionText"]; });
  18419. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListTileContent", function() { return _VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["VListTileContent"]; });
  18420. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListTileTitle", function() { return _VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["VListTileTitle"]; });
  18421. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VListTileSubTitle", function() { return _VList__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["VListTileSubTitle"]; });
  18422. /* harmony import */ var _VMenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VMenu */ "./src/components/VMenu/index.js");
  18423. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VMenu", function() { return _VMenu__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__["VMenu"]; });
  18424. /* harmony import */ var _VMessages__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_35__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VMessages */ "./src/components/VMessages/index.ts");
  18425. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VMessages", function() { return _VMessages__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_35__["VMessages"]; });
  18426. /* harmony import */ var _VNavigationDrawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_36__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VNavigationDrawer */ "./src/components/VNavigationDrawer/index.ts");
  18427. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VNavigationDrawer", function() { return _VNavigationDrawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_36__["VNavigationDrawer"]; });
  18428. /* harmony import */ var _VOverflowBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_37__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VOverflowBtn */ "./src/components/VOverflowBtn/index.js");
  18429. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VOverflowBtn", function() { return _VOverflowBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_37__["VOverflowBtn"]; });
  18430. /* harmony import */ var _VPagination__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_38__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VPagination */ "./src/components/VPagination/index.ts");
  18431. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VPagination", function() { return _VPagination__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_38__["VPagination"]; });
  18432. /* harmony import */ var _VSheet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSheet */ "./src/components/VSheet/index.ts");
  18433. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSheet", function() { return _VSheet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__["VSheet"]; });
  18434. /* harmony import */ var _VParallax__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_40__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VParallax */ "./src/components/VParallax/index.ts");
  18435. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VParallax", function() { return _VParallax__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_40__["VParallax"]; });
  18436. /* harmony import */ var _VPicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_41__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VPicker */ "./src/components/VPicker/index.ts");
  18437. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VPicker", function() { return _VPicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_41__["VPicker"]; });
  18438. /* harmony import */ var _VProgressCircular__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_42__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VProgressCircular */ "./src/components/VProgressCircular/index.ts");
  18439. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VProgressCircular", function() { return _VProgressCircular__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_42__["VProgressCircular"]; });
  18440. /* harmony import */ var _VProgressLinear__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_43__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VProgressLinear */ "./src/components/VProgressLinear/index.ts");
  18441. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VProgressLinear", function() { return _VProgressLinear__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_43__["VProgressLinear"]; });
  18442. /* harmony import */ var _VRadioGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_44__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VRadioGroup */ "./src/components/VRadioGroup/index.js");
  18443. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VRadioGroup", function() { return _VRadioGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_44__["VRadioGroup"]; });
  18444. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VRadio", function() { return _VRadioGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_44__["VRadio"]; });
  18445. /* harmony import */ var _VRangeSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_45__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VRangeSlider */ "./src/components/VRangeSlider/index.js");
  18446. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VRangeSlider", function() { return _VRangeSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_45__["VRangeSlider"]; });
  18447. /* harmony import */ var _VRating__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_46__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VRating */ "./src/components/VRating/index.ts");
  18448. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VRating", function() { return _VRating__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_46__["VRating"]; });
  18449. /* harmony import */ var _VResponsive__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_47__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VResponsive */ "./src/components/VResponsive/index.ts");
  18450. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VResponsive", function() { return _VResponsive__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_47__["VResponsive"]; });
  18451. /* harmony import */ var _VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_48__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSelect */ "./src/components/VSelect/index.js");
  18452. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSelect", function() { return _VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_48__["VSelect"]; });
  18453. /* harmony import */ var _VSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_49__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSlider */ "./src/components/VSlider/index.js");
  18454. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSlider", function() { return _VSlider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_49__["VSlider"]; });
  18455. /* harmony import */ var _VSnackbar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_50__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSnackbar */ "./src/components/VSnackbar/index.ts");
  18456. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSnackbar", function() { return _VSnackbar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_50__["VSnackbar"]; });
  18457. /* harmony import */ var _VSparkline__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_51__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSparkline */ "./src/components/VSparkline/index.ts");
  18458. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSparkline", function() { return _VSparkline__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_51__["VSparkline"]; });
  18459. /* harmony import */ var _VSpeedDial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_52__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSpeedDial */ "./src/components/VSpeedDial/index.js");
  18460. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSpeedDial", function() { return _VSpeedDial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_52__["VSpeedDial"]; });
  18461. /* harmony import */ var _VStepper__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_53__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VStepper */ "./src/components/VStepper/index.ts");
  18462. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VStepper", function() { return _VStepper__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_53__["VStepper"]; });
  18463. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VStepperContent", function() { return _VStepper__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_53__["VStepperContent"]; });
  18464. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VStepperStep", function() { return _VStepper__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_53__["VStepperStep"]; });
  18465. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VStepperHeader", function() { return _VStepper__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_53__["VStepperHeader"]; });
  18466. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VStepperItems", function() { return _VStepper__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_53__["VStepperItems"]; });
  18467. /* harmony import */ var _VSubheader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_54__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSubheader */ "./src/components/VSubheader/index.ts");
  18468. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSubheader", function() { return _VSubheader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_54__["VSubheader"]; });
  18469. /* harmony import */ var _VSwitch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_55__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSwitch */ "./src/components/VSwitch/index.js");
  18470. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSwitch", function() { return _VSwitch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_55__["VSwitch"]; });
  18471. /* harmony import */ var _VSystemBar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_56__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VSystemBar */ "./src/components/VSystemBar/index.ts");
  18472. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSystemBar", function() { return _VSystemBar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_56__["VSystemBar"]; });
  18473. /* harmony import */ var _VTabs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_57__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTabs */ "./src/components/VTabs/index.js");
  18474. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTabs", function() { return _VTabs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_57__["VTabs"]; });
  18475. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTab", function() { return _VTabs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_57__["VTab"]; });
  18476. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTabItem", function() { return _VTabs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_57__["VTabItem"]; });
  18477. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTabsItems", function() { return _VTabs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_57__["VTabsItems"]; });
  18478. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTabsSlider", function() { return _VTabs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_57__["VTabsSlider"]; });
  18479. /* harmony import */ var _VTextarea__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_58__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTextarea */ "./src/components/VTextarea/index.js");
  18480. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTextarea", function() { return _VTextarea__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_58__["VTextarea"]; });
  18481. /* harmony import */ var _VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_59__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTextField */ "./src/components/VTextField/index.js");
  18482. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTextField", function() { return _VTextField__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_59__["VTextField"]; });
  18483. /* harmony import */ var _VTimeline__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_60__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTimeline */ "./src/components/VTimeline/index.ts");
  18484. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTimeline", function() { return _VTimeline__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_60__["VTimeline"]; });
  18485. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTimelineItem", function() { return _VTimeline__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_60__["VTimelineItem"]; });
  18486. /* harmony import */ var _VTimePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_61__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTimePicker */ "./src/components/VTimePicker/index.ts");
  18487. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTimePicker", function() { return _VTimePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_61__["VTimePicker"]; });
  18488. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTimePickerClock", function() { return _VTimePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_61__["VTimePickerClock"]; });
  18489. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTimePickerTitle", function() { return _VTimePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_61__["VTimePickerTitle"]; });
  18490. /* harmony import */ var _VToolbar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_62__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VToolbar */ "./src/components/VToolbar/index.ts");
  18491. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VToolbar", function() { return _VToolbar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_62__["VToolbar"]; });
  18492. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VToolbarSideIcon", function() { return _VToolbar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_62__["VToolbarSideIcon"]; });
  18493. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VToolbarTitle", function() { return _VToolbar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_62__["VToolbarTitle"]; });
  18494. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VToolbarItems", function() { return _VToolbar__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_62__["VToolbarItems"]; });
  18495. /* harmony import */ var _VTooltip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_63__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTooltip */ "./src/components/VTooltip/index.js");
  18496. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTooltip", function() { return _VTooltip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_63__["VTooltip"]; });
  18497. /* harmony import */ var _VTreeview__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_64__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VTreeview */ "./src/components/VTreeview/index.ts");
  18498. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTreeview", function() { return _VTreeview__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_64__["VTreeview"]; });
  18499. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTreeviewNode", function() { return _VTreeview__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_64__["VTreeviewNode"]; });
  18500. /* harmony import */ var _VWindow__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_65__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./VWindow */ "./src/components/VWindow/index.ts");
  18501. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VWindow", function() { return _VWindow__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_65__["VWindow"]; });
  18502. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VWindowItem", function() { return _VWindow__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_65__["VWindowItem"]; });
  18503. /* harmony import */ var _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./transitions */ "./src/components/transitions/index.js");
  18504. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBottomSheetTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VBottomSheetTransition"]; });
  18505. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCarouselTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VCarouselTransition"]; });
  18506. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCarouselReverseTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VCarouselReverseTransition"]; });
  18507. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTabTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VTabTransition"]; });
  18508. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTabReverseTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VTabReverseTransition"]; });
  18509. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VMenuTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VMenuTransition"]; });
  18510. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VFabTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VFabTransition"]; });
  18511. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDialogTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VDialogTransition"]; });
  18512. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDialogBottomTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VDialogBottomTransition"]; });
  18513. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VFadeTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VFadeTransition"]; });
  18514. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VScaleTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VScaleTransition"]; });
  18515. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VScrollXTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VScrollXTransition"]; });
  18516. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VScrollXReverseTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VScrollXReverseTransition"]; });
  18517. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VScrollYTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VScrollYTransition"]; });
  18518. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VScrollYReverseTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VScrollYReverseTransition"]; });
  18519. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSlideXTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VSlideXTransition"]; });
  18520. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSlideXReverseTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VSlideXReverseTransition"]; });
  18521. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSlideYTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VSlideYTransition"]; });
  18522. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSlideYReverseTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VSlideYReverseTransition"]; });
  18523. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VExpandTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VExpandTransition"]; });
  18524. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VExpandXTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VExpandXTransition"]; });
  18525. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VRowExpandTransition", function() { return _transitions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_66__["VRowExpandTransition"]; });
  18526. /***/ }),
  18527. /***/ "./src/components/transitions/expand-transition.js":
  18528. /*!*********************************************************!*\
  18529. !*** ./src/components/transitions/expand-transition.js ***!
  18530. \*********************************************************/
  18531. /*! exports provided: default */
  18532. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  18533. "use strict";
  18534. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  18535. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  18536. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (function (expandedParentClass, x) {
  18537. if (expandedParentClass === void 0) {
  18538. expandedParentClass = '';
  18539. }
  18540. if (x === void 0) {
  18541. x = false;
  18542. }
  18543. var sizeProperty = x ? 'width' : 'height';
  18544. return {
  18545. beforeEnter: function beforeEnter(el) {
  18546. var _a;
  18547. el._parent = el.parentNode;
  18548. el._initialStyle = (_a = {
  18549. transition: el.style.transition,
  18550. visibility: el.style.visibility,
  18551. overflow: el.style.overflow
  18552. }, _a[sizeProperty] = el.style[sizeProperty], _a);
  18553. },
  18554. enter: function enter(el) {
  18555. var initialStyle = el._initialStyle;
  18556. el.style.setProperty('transition', 'none', 'important');
  18557. el.style.visibility = 'hidden';
  18558. var size = el['offset' + Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["upperFirst"])(sizeProperty)] + "px";
  18559. el.style.visibility = initialStyle.visibility;
  18560. el.style.overflow = 'hidden';
  18561. el.style[sizeProperty] = 0;
  18562. void el.offsetHeight; // force reflow
  18563. el.style.transition = initialStyle.transition;
  18564. expandedParentClass && el._parent && el._parent.classList.add(expandedParentClass);
  18565. requestAnimationFrame(function () {
  18566. el.style[sizeProperty] = size;
  18567. });
  18568. },
  18569. afterEnter: resetStyles,
  18570. enterCancelled: resetStyles,
  18571. leave: function leave(el) {
  18572. var _a;
  18573. el._initialStyle = (_a = {
  18574. overflow: el.style.overflow
  18575. }, _a[sizeProperty] = el.style[sizeProperty], _a);
  18576. el.style.overflow = 'hidden';
  18577. el.style[sizeProperty] = el['offset' + Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["upperFirst"])(sizeProperty)] + "px";
  18578. void el.offsetHeight; // force reflow
  18579. requestAnimationFrame(function () {
  18580. return el.style[sizeProperty] = 0;
  18581. });
  18582. },
  18583. afterLeave: afterLeave,
  18584. leaveCancelled: afterLeave
  18585. };
  18586. function afterLeave(el) {
  18587. expandedParentClass && el._parent && el._parent.classList.remove(expandedParentClass);
  18588. resetStyles(el);
  18589. }
  18590. function resetStyles(el) {
  18591. el.style.overflow = el._initialStyle.overflow;
  18592. el.style[sizeProperty] = el._initialStyle[sizeProperty];
  18593. delete el._initialStyle;
  18594. }
  18595. });
  18596. /***/ }),
  18597. /***/ "./src/components/transitions/index.js":
  18598. /*!*********************************************!*\
  18599. !*** ./src/components/transitions/index.js ***!
  18600. \*********************************************/
  18601. /*! exports provided: VBottomSheetTransition, VCarouselTransition, VCarouselReverseTransition, VTabTransition, VTabReverseTransition, VMenuTransition, VFabTransition, VDialogTransition, VDialogBottomTransition, VFadeTransition, VScaleTransition, VScrollXTransition, VScrollXReverseTransition, VScrollYTransition, VScrollYReverseTransition, VSlideXTransition, VSlideXReverseTransition, VSlideYTransition, VSlideYReverseTransition, VExpandTransition, VExpandXTransition, VRowExpandTransition, default */
  18602. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  18603. "use strict";
  18604. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  18605. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VBottomSheetTransition", function() { return VBottomSheetTransition; });
  18606. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCarouselTransition", function() { return VCarouselTransition; });
  18607. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VCarouselReverseTransition", function() { return VCarouselReverseTransition; });
  18608. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTabTransition", function() { return VTabTransition; });
  18609. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VTabReverseTransition", function() { return VTabReverseTransition; });
  18610. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VMenuTransition", function() { return VMenuTransition; });
  18611. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VFabTransition", function() { return VFabTransition; });
  18612. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDialogTransition", function() { return VDialogTransition; });
  18613. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VDialogBottomTransition", function() { return VDialogBottomTransition; });
  18614. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VFadeTransition", function() { return VFadeTransition; });
  18615. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VScaleTransition", function() { return VScaleTransition; });
  18616. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VScrollXTransition", function() { return VScrollXTransition; });
  18617. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VScrollXReverseTransition", function() { return VScrollXReverseTransition; });
  18618. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VScrollYTransition", function() { return VScrollYTransition; });
  18619. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VScrollYReverseTransition", function() { return VScrollYReverseTransition; });
  18620. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSlideXTransition", function() { return VSlideXTransition; });
  18621. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSlideXReverseTransition", function() { return VSlideXReverseTransition; });
  18622. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSlideYTransition", function() { return VSlideYTransition; });
  18623. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VSlideYReverseTransition", function() { return VSlideYReverseTransition; });
  18624. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VExpandTransition", function() { return VExpandTransition; });
  18625. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VExpandXTransition", function() { return VExpandXTransition; });
  18626. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "VRowExpandTransition", function() { return VRowExpandTransition; });
  18627. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  18628. /* harmony import */ var _expand_transition__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./expand-transition */ "./src/components/transitions/expand-transition.js");
  18629. // Component specific transitions
  18630. var VBottomSheetTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('bottom-sheet-transition');
  18631. var VCarouselTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('carousel-transition');
  18632. var VCarouselReverseTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('carousel-reverse-transition');
  18633. var VTabTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('tab-transition');
  18634. var VTabReverseTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('tab-reverse-transition');
  18635. var VMenuTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('menu-transition');
  18636. var VFabTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('fab-transition', 'center center', 'out-in');
  18637. // Generic transitions
  18638. var VDialogTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('dialog-transition');
  18639. var VDialogBottomTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('dialog-bottom-transition');
  18640. var VFadeTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('fade-transition');
  18641. var VScaleTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('scale-transition');
  18642. var VScrollXTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('scroll-x-transition');
  18643. var VScrollXReverseTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('scroll-x-reverse-transition');
  18644. var VScrollYTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('scroll-y-transition');
  18645. var VScrollYReverseTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('scroll-y-reverse-transition');
  18646. var VSlideXTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('slide-x-transition');
  18647. var VSlideXReverseTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('slide-x-reverse-transition');
  18648. var VSlideYTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('slide-y-transition');
  18649. var VSlideYReverseTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createSimpleTransition"])('slide-y-reverse-transition');
  18650. // JavaScript transitions
  18651. var VExpandTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createJavaScriptTransition"])('expand-transition', Object(_expand_transition__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])());
  18652. var VExpandXTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createJavaScriptTransition"])('expand-x-transition', Object(_expand_transition__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])('', true));
  18653. var VRowExpandTransition = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["createJavaScriptTransition"])('row-expand-transition', Object(_expand_transition__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])('datatable__expand-col--expanded'));
  18654. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  18655. $_vuetify_subcomponents: {
  18656. VBottomSheetTransition: VBottomSheetTransition,
  18657. VCarouselTransition: VCarouselTransition,
  18658. VCarouselReverseTransition: VCarouselReverseTransition,
  18659. VDialogTransition: VDialogTransition,
  18660. VDialogBottomTransition: VDialogBottomTransition,
  18661. VFabTransition: VFabTransition,
  18662. VFadeTransition: VFadeTransition,
  18663. VMenuTransition: VMenuTransition,
  18664. VScaleTransition: VScaleTransition,
  18665. VScrollXTransition: VScrollXTransition,
  18666. VScrollXReverseTransition: VScrollXReverseTransition,
  18667. VScrollYTransition: VScrollYTransition,
  18668. VScrollYReverseTransition: VScrollYReverseTransition,
  18669. VSlideXTransition: VSlideXTransition,
  18670. VSlideXReverseTransition: VSlideXReverseTransition,
  18671. VSlideYTransition: VSlideYTransition,
  18672. VSlideYReverseTransition: VSlideYReverseTransition,
  18673. VTabReverseTransition: VTabReverseTransition,
  18674. VTabTransition: VTabTransition,
  18675. VExpandTransition: VExpandTransition,
  18676. VExpandXTransition: VExpandXTransition,
  18677. VRowExpandTransition: VRowExpandTransition
  18678. }
  18679. });
  18680. /***/ }),
  18681. /***/ "./src/directives/click-outside.ts":
  18682. /*!*****************************************!*\
  18683. !*** ./src/directives/click-outside.ts ***!
  18684. \*****************************************/
  18685. /*! exports provided: default */
  18686. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  18687. "use strict";
  18688. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  18689. function closeConditional() {
  18690. return false;
  18691. }
  18692. function directive(e, el, binding) {
  18693. // Args may not always be supplied
  18694. binding.args = binding.args || {};
  18695. // If no closeConditional was supplied assign a default
  18696. var isActive = binding.args.closeConditional || closeConditional;
  18697. // The include element callbacks below can be expensive
  18698. // so we should avoid calling them when we're not active.
  18699. // Explicitly check for false to allow fallback compatibility
  18700. // with non-toggleable components
  18701. if (!e || isActive(e) === false) return;
  18702. // If click was triggered programmaticaly (domEl.click()) then
  18703. // it shouldn't be treated as click-outside
  18704. // Chrome/Firefox support isTrusted property
  18705. // IE/Edge support pointerType property (empty if not triggered
  18706. // by pointing device)
  18707. if ('isTrusted' in e && !e.isTrusted || 'pointerType' in e && !e.pointerType) return;
  18708. // Check if additional elements were passed to be included in check
  18709. // (click must be outside all included elements, if any)
  18710. var elements = (binding.args.include || function () {
  18711. return [];
  18712. })();
  18713. // Add the root element for the component this directive was defined on
  18714. elements.push(el);
  18715. // Check if it's a click outside our elements, and then if our callback returns true.
  18716. // Non-toggleable components should take action in their callback and return falsy.
  18717. // Toggleable can return true if it wants to deactivate.
  18718. // Note that, because we're in the capture phase, this callback will occur before
  18719. // the bubbling click event on any outside elements.
  18720. !elements.some(function (el) {
  18721. return el.contains(e.target);
  18722. }) && setTimeout(function () {
  18723. isActive(e) && binding.value && binding.value(e);
  18724. }, 0);
  18725. }
  18726. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  18727. // [data-app] may not be found
  18728. // if using bind, inserted makes
  18729. // sure that the root element is
  18730. // available, iOS does not support
  18731. // clicks on body
  18732. inserted: function inserted(el, binding) {
  18733. var onClick = function onClick(e) {
  18734. return directive(e, el, binding);
  18735. };
  18736. // iOS does not recognize click events on document
  18737. // or body, this is the entire purpose of the v-app
  18738. // component and [data-app], stop removing this
  18739. var app = document.querySelector('[data-app]') || document.body; // This is only for unit tests
  18740. app.addEventListener('click', onClick, true);
  18741. el._clickOutside = onClick;
  18742. },
  18743. unbind: function unbind(el) {
  18744. if (!el._clickOutside) return;
  18745. var app = document.querySelector('[data-app]') || document.body; // This is only for unit tests
  18746. app && app.removeEventListener('click', el._clickOutside, true);
  18747. delete el._clickOutside;
  18748. }
  18749. });
  18750. /***/ }),
  18751. /***/ "./src/directives/index.ts":
  18752. /*!*********************************!*\
  18753. !*** ./src/directives/index.ts ***!
  18754. \*********************************/
  18755. /*! exports provided: ClickOutside, Ripple, Resize, Scroll, Touch, default */
  18756. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  18757. "use strict";
  18758. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  18759. /* harmony import */ var _click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./click-outside */ "./src/directives/click-outside.ts");
  18760. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "ClickOutside", function() { return _click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]; });
  18761. /* harmony import */ var _resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./resize */ "./src/directives/resize.ts");
  18762. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Resize", function() { return _resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]; });
  18763. /* harmony import */ var _ripple__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ripple */ "./src/directives/ripple.ts");
  18764. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Ripple", function() { return _ripple__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]; });
  18765. /* harmony import */ var _scroll__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./scroll */ "./src/directives/scroll.ts");
  18766. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Scroll", function() { return _scroll__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"]; });
  18767. /* harmony import */ var _touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./touch */ "./src/directives/touch.ts");
  18768. /* harmony reexport (safe) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Touch", function() { return _touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]; });
  18769. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  18770. ClickOutside: _click_outside__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"],
  18771. Ripple: _ripple__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"],
  18772. Resize: _resize__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"],
  18773. Scroll: _scroll__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"],
  18774. Touch: _touch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]
  18775. });
  18776. /***/ }),
  18777. /***/ "./src/directives/resize.ts":
  18778. /*!**********************************!*\
  18779. !*** ./src/directives/resize.ts ***!
  18780. \**********************************/
  18781. /*! exports provided: default */
  18782. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  18783. "use strict";
  18784. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  18785. function inserted(el, binding) {
  18786. var callback = binding.value;
  18787. var options = binding.options || { passive: true };
  18788. window.addEventListener('resize', callback, options);
  18789. el._onResize = {
  18790. callback: callback,
  18791. options: options
  18792. };
  18793. if (!binding.modifiers || !binding.modifiers.quiet) {
  18794. callback();
  18795. }
  18796. }
  18797. function unbind(el) {
  18798. if (!el._onResize) return;
  18799. var _a = el._onResize,
  18800. callback = _a.callback,
  18801. options = _a.options;
  18802. window.removeEventListener('resize', callback, options);
  18803. delete el._onResize;
  18804. }
  18805. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  18806. inserted: inserted,
  18807. unbind: unbind
  18808. });
  18809. /***/ }),
  18810. /***/ "./src/directives/ripple.ts":
  18811. /*!**********************************!*\
  18812. !*** ./src/directives/ripple.ts ***!
  18813. \**********************************/
  18814. /*! exports provided: default */
  18815. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  18816. "use strict";
  18817. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  18818. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  18819. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  18820. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  18821. if (!m) return o;
  18822. var i = m.call(o),
  18823. r,
  18824. ar = [],
  18825. e;
  18826. try {
  18827. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  18828. ar.push(r.value);
  18829. }
  18830. } catch (error) {
  18831. e = { error: error };
  18832. } finally {
  18833. try {
  18834. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  18835. } finally {
  18836. if (e) throw e.error;
  18837. }
  18838. }
  18839. return ar;
  18840. };
  18841. var __spread = undefined && undefined.__spread || function () {
  18842. for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  18843. ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  18844. }return ar;
  18845. };
  18846. function transform(el, value) {
  18847. el.style['transform'] = value;
  18848. el.style['webkitTransform'] = value;
  18849. }
  18850. function opacity(el, value) {
  18851. el.style['opacity'] = value.toString();
  18852. }
  18853. function isTouchEvent(e) {
  18854. return e.constructor.name === 'TouchEvent';
  18855. }
  18856. var calculate = function calculate(e, el, value) {
  18857. if (value === void 0) {
  18858. value = {};
  18859. }
  18860. var offset = el.getBoundingClientRect();
  18861. var target = isTouchEvent(e) ? e.touches[e.touches.length - 1] : e;
  18862. var localX = target.clientX - offset.left;
  18863. var localY = target.clientY - offset.top;
  18864. var radius = 0;
  18865. var scale = 0.3;
  18866. if (el._ripple && el._ripple.circle) {
  18867. scale = 0.15;
  18868. radius = el.clientWidth / 2;
  18869. radius = value.center ? radius : radius + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(localX - radius, 2) + Math.pow(localY - radius, 2)) / 4;
  18870. } else {
  18871. radius = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(el.clientWidth, 2) + Math.pow(el.clientHeight, 2)) / 2;
  18872. }
  18873. var centerX = (el.clientWidth - radius * 2) / 2 + "px";
  18874. var centerY = (el.clientHeight - radius * 2) / 2 + "px";
  18875. var x = value.center ? centerX : localX - radius + "px";
  18876. var y = value.center ? centerY : localY - radius + "px";
  18877. return { radius: radius, scale: scale, x: x, y: y, centerX: centerX, centerY: centerY };
  18878. };
  18879. var ripple = {
  18880. /* eslint-disable max-statements */
  18881. show: function show(e, el, value) {
  18882. if (value === void 0) {
  18883. value = {};
  18884. }
  18885. if (!el._ripple || !el._ripple.enabled) {
  18886. return;
  18887. }
  18888. var container = document.createElement('span');
  18889. var animation = document.createElement('span');
  18890. container.appendChild(animation);
  18891. container.className = 'v-ripple__container';
  18892. if (value.class) {
  18893. container.className += " " + value.class;
  18894. }
  18895. var _a = calculate(e, el, value),
  18896. radius = _a.radius,
  18897. scale = _a.scale,
  18898. x = _a.x,
  18899. y = _a.y,
  18900. centerX = _a.centerX,
  18901. centerY = _a.centerY;
  18902. var size = radius * 2 + "px";
  18903. animation.className = 'v-ripple__animation';
  18904. animation.style.width = size;
  18905. animation.style.height = size;
  18906. el.appendChild(container);
  18907. var computed = window.getComputedStyle(el);
  18908. if (computed && computed.position === 'static') {
  18909. el.style.position = 'relative';
  18910. el.dataset.previousPosition = 'static';
  18911. }
  18912. animation.classList.add('v-ripple__animation--enter');
  18913. animation.classList.add('v-ripple__animation--visible');
  18914. transform(animation, "translate(" + x + ", " + y + ") scale3d(" + scale + "," + scale + "," + scale + ")");
  18915. opacity(animation, 0);
  18916. animation.dataset.activated = String(performance.now());
  18917. setTimeout(function () {
  18918. animation.classList.remove('v-ripple__animation--enter');
  18919. animation.classList.add('v-ripple__animation--in');
  18920. transform(animation, "translate(" + centerX + ", " + centerY + ") scale3d(1,1,1)");
  18921. opacity(animation, 0.25);
  18922. }, 0);
  18923. },
  18924. hide: function hide(el) {
  18925. if (!el || !el._ripple || !el._ripple.enabled) return;
  18926. var ripples = el.getElementsByClassName('v-ripple__animation');
  18927. if (ripples.length === 0) return;
  18928. var animation = ripples[ripples.length - 1];
  18929. if (animation.dataset.isHiding) return;else animation.dataset.isHiding = 'true';
  18930. var diff = performance.now() - Number(animation.dataset.activated);
  18931. var delay = Math.max(250 - diff, 0);
  18932. setTimeout(function () {
  18933. animation.classList.remove('v-ripple__animation--in');
  18934. animation.classList.add('v-ripple__animation--out');
  18935. opacity(animation, 0);
  18936. setTimeout(function () {
  18937. var ripples = el.getElementsByClassName('v-ripple__animation');
  18938. if (ripples.length === 1 && el.dataset.previousPosition) {
  18939. el.style.position = el.dataset.previousPosition;
  18940. delete el.dataset.previousPosition;
  18941. }
  18942. animation.parentNode && el.removeChild(animation.parentNode);
  18943. }, 300);
  18944. }, delay);
  18945. }
  18946. };
  18947. function isRippleEnabled(value) {
  18948. return typeof value === 'undefined' || !!value;
  18949. }
  18950. function rippleShow(e) {
  18951. var value = {};
  18952. var element = e.currentTarget;
  18953. if (!element || !element._ripple || element._ripple.touched) return;
  18954. if (isTouchEvent(e)) {
  18955. element._ripple.touched = true;
  18956. }
  18957. value.center = element._ripple.centered;
  18958. if (element._ripple.class) {
  18959. value.class = element._ripple.class;
  18960. }
  18961. ripple.show(e, element, value);
  18962. }
  18963. function rippleHide(e) {
  18964. var element = e.currentTarget;
  18965. if (!element) return;
  18966. window.setTimeout(function () {
  18967. if (element._ripple) {
  18968. element._ripple.touched = false;
  18969. }
  18970. });
  18971. ripple.hide(element);
  18972. }
  18973. function updateRipple(el, binding, wasEnabled) {
  18974. var enabled = isRippleEnabled(binding.value);
  18975. if (!enabled) {
  18976. ripple.hide(el);
  18977. }
  18978. el._ripple = el._ripple || {};
  18979. el._ripple.enabled = enabled;
  18980. var value = binding.value || {};
  18981. if (value.center) {
  18982. el._ripple.centered = true;
  18983. }
  18984. if (value.class) {
  18985. el._ripple.class = binding.value.class;
  18986. }
  18987. if (value.circle) {
  18988. el._ripple.circle = value.circle;
  18989. }
  18990. if (enabled && !wasEnabled) {
  18991. el.addEventListener('touchstart', rippleShow, { passive: true });
  18992. el.addEventListener('touchend', rippleHide, { passive: true });
  18993. el.addEventListener('touchcancel', rippleHide);
  18994. el.addEventListener('mousedown', rippleShow);
  18995. el.addEventListener('mouseup', rippleHide);
  18996. el.addEventListener('mouseleave', rippleHide);
  18997. // Anchor tags can be dragged, causes other hides to fail - #1537
  18998. el.addEventListener('dragstart', rippleHide, { passive: true });
  18999. } else if (!enabled && wasEnabled) {
  19000. removeListeners(el);
  19001. }
  19002. }
  19003. function removeListeners(el) {
  19004. el.removeEventListener('mousedown', rippleShow);
  19005. el.removeEventListener('touchstart', rippleHide);
  19006. el.removeEventListener('touchend', rippleHide);
  19007. el.removeEventListener('touchcancel', rippleHide);
  19008. el.removeEventListener('mouseup', rippleHide);
  19009. el.removeEventListener('mouseleave', rippleHide);
  19010. el.removeEventListener('dragstart', rippleHide);
  19011. }
  19012. function directive(el, binding, node) {
  19013. updateRipple(el, binding, false);
  19014. // warn if an inline element is used, waiting for el to be in the DOM first
  19015. node.context && node.context.$nextTick(function () {
  19016. var computed = window.getComputedStyle(el);
  19017. if (computed && computed.display === 'inline') {
  19018. var context = node.fnOptions ? [node.fnOptions, node.context] : [node.componentInstance];
  19019. _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["consoleWarn"].apply(void 0, __spread(['v-ripple can only be used on block-level elements'], context));
  19020. }
  19021. });
  19022. }
  19023. function unbind(el) {
  19024. delete el._ripple;
  19025. removeListeners(el);
  19026. }
  19027. function update(el, binding) {
  19028. if (binding.value === binding.oldValue) {
  19029. return;
  19030. }
  19031. var wasEnabled = isRippleEnabled(binding.oldValue);
  19032. updateRipple(el, binding, wasEnabled);
  19033. }
  19034. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  19035. bind: directive,
  19036. unbind: unbind,
  19037. update: update
  19038. });
  19039. /***/ }),
  19040. /***/ "./src/directives/scroll.ts":
  19041. /*!**********************************!*\
  19042. !*** ./src/directives/scroll.ts ***!
  19043. \**********************************/
  19044. /*! exports provided: default */
  19045. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  19046. "use strict";
  19047. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  19048. function inserted(el, binding) {
  19049. var callback = binding.value;
  19050. var options = binding.options || { passive: true };
  19051. var target = binding.arg ? document.querySelector(binding.arg) : window;
  19052. if (!target) return;
  19053. target.addEventListener('scroll', callback, options);
  19054. el._onScroll = {
  19055. callback: callback,
  19056. options: options,
  19057. target: target
  19058. };
  19059. }
  19060. function unbind(el) {
  19061. if (!el._onScroll) return;
  19062. var _a = el._onScroll,
  19063. callback = _a.callback,
  19064. options = _a.options,
  19065. target = _a.target;
  19066. target.removeEventListener('scroll', callback, options);
  19067. delete el._onScroll;
  19068. }
  19069. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  19070. inserted: inserted,
  19071. unbind: unbind
  19072. });
  19073. /***/ }),
  19074. /***/ "./src/directives/touch.ts":
  19075. /*!*********************************!*\
  19076. !*** ./src/directives/touch.ts ***!
  19077. \*********************************/
  19078. /*! exports provided: default */
  19079. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  19080. "use strict";
  19081. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  19082. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  19083. var handleGesture = function handleGesture(wrapper) {
  19084. var touchstartX = wrapper.touchstartX,
  19085. touchendX = wrapper.touchendX,
  19086. touchstartY = wrapper.touchstartY,
  19087. touchendY = wrapper.touchendY;
  19088. var dirRatio = 0.5;
  19089. var minDistance = 16;
  19090. wrapper.offsetX = touchendX - touchstartX;
  19091. wrapper.offsetY = touchendY - touchstartY;
  19092. if (Math.abs(wrapper.offsetY) < dirRatio * Math.abs(wrapper.offsetX)) {
  19093. wrapper.left && touchendX < touchstartX - minDistance && wrapper.left(wrapper);
  19094. wrapper.right && touchendX > touchstartX + minDistance && wrapper.right(wrapper);
  19095. }
  19096. if (Math.abs(wrapper.offsetX) < dirRatio * Math.abs(wrapper.offsetY)) {
  19097. wrapper.up && touchendY < touchstartY - minDistance && wrapper.up(wrapper);
  19098. wrapper.down && touchendY > touchstartY + minDistance && wrapper.down(wrapper);
  19099. }
  19100. };
  19101. function _touchstart(event, wrapper) {
  19102. var touch = event.changedTouches[0];
  19103. wrapper.touchstartX = touch.clientX;
  19104. wrapper.touchstartY = touch.clientY;
  19105. wrapper.start && wrapper.start(Object.assign(event, wrapper));
  19106. }
  19107. function _touchend(event, wrapper) {
  19108. var touch = event.changedTouches[0];
  19109. wrapper.touchendX = touch.clientX;
  19110. wrapper.touchendY = touch.clientY;
  19111. wrapper.end && wrapper.end(Object.assign(event, wrapper));
  19112. handleGesture(wrapper);
  19113. }
  19114. function _touchmove(event, wrapper) {
  19115. var touch = event.changedTouches[0];
  19116. wrapper.touchmoveX = touch.clientX;
  19117. wrapper.touchmoveY = touch.clientY;
  19118. wrapper.move && wrapper.move(Object.assign(event, wrapper));
  19119. }
  19120. function createHandlers(value) {
  19121. var wrapper = {
  19122. touchstartX: 0,
  19123. touchstartY: 0,
  19124. touchendX: 0,
  19125. touchendY: 0,
  19126. touchmoveX: 0,
  19127. touchmoveY: 0,
  19128. offsetX: 0,
  19129. offsetY: 0,
  19130. left: value.left,
  19131. right: value.right,
  19132. up: value.up,
  19133. down: value.down,
  19134. start: value.start,
  19135. move: value.move,
  19136. end: value.end
  19137. };
  19138. return {
  19139. touchstart: function touchstart(e) {
  19140. return _touchstart(e, wrapper);
  19141. },
  19142. touchend: function touchend(e) {
  19143. return _touchend(e, wrapper);
  19144. },
  19145. touchmove: function touchmove(e) {
  19146. return _touchmove(e, wrapper);
  19147. }
  19148. };
  19149. }
  19150. function inserted(el, binding, vnode) {
  19151. var value = binding.value;
  19152. var target = value.parent ? el.parentElement : el;
  19153. var options = value.options || { passive: true };
  19154. // Needed to pass unit tests
  19155. if (!target) return;
  19156. var handlers = createHandlers(binding.value);
  19157. target._touchHandlers = Object(target._touchHandlers);
  19158. target._touchHandlers[vnode.context._uid] = handlers;
  19159. Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["keys"])(handlers).forEach(function (eventName) {
  19160. target.addEventListener(eventName, handlers[eventName], options);
  19161. });
  19162. }
  19163. function unbind(el, binding, vnode) {
  19164. var target = binding.value.parent ? el.parentElement : el;
  19165. if (!target || !target._touchHandlers) return;
  19166. var handlers = target._touchHandlers[vnode.context._uid];
  19167. Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["keys"])(handlers).forEach(function (eventName) {
  19168. target.removeEventListener(eventName, handlers[eventName]);
  19169. });
  19170. delete target._touchHandlers[vnode.context._uid];
  19171. }
  19172. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  19173. inserted: inserted,
  19174. unbind: unbind
  19175. });
  19176. /***/ }),
  19177. /***/ "./src/index.ts":
  19178. /*!**********************!*\
  19179. !*** ./src/index.ts ***!
  19180. \**********************/
  19181. /*! exports provided: default */
  19182. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  19183. "use strict";
  19184. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  19185. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_app_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./stylus/app.styl */ "./src/stylus/app.styl");
  19186. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_app_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_app_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  19187. /* harmony import */ var _components_Vuetify__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./components/Vuetify */ "./src/components/Vuetify/index.ts");
  19188. /* harmony import */ var _components__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./components */ "./src/components/index.ts");
  19189. /* harmony import */ var _directives__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./directives */ "./src/directives/index.ts");
  19190. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  19191. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  19192. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  19193. s = arguments[i];
  19194. for (var p in s) {
  19195. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  19196. }
  19197. }
  19198. return t;
  19199. };
  19200. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  19201. };
  19202. var Vuetify = {
  19203. install: function install(Vue, args) {
  19204. Vue.use(_components_Vuetify__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], __assign({ components: _components__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__,
  19205. directives: _directives__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"] }, args));
  19206. },
  19207. version: '1.5.14'
  19208. };
  19209. if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) {
  19210. window.Vue.use(Vuetify);
  19211. }
  19212. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Vuetify);
  19213. /***/ }),
  19214. /***/ "./src/locale/en.ts":
  19215. /*!**************************!*\
  19216. !*** ./src/locale/en.ts ***!
  19217. \**************************/
  19218. /*! exports provided: default */
  19219. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  19220. "use strict";
  19221. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  19222. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  19223. dataIterator: {
  19224. rowsPerPageText: 'Items per page:',
  19225. rowsPerPageAll: 'All',
  19226. pageText: '{0}-{1} of {2}',
  19227. noResultsText: 'No matching records found',
  19228. nextPage: 'Next page',
  19229. prevPage: 'Previous page'
  19230. },
  19231. dataTable: {
  19232. rowsPerPageText: 'Rows per page:'
  19233. },
  19234. noDataText: 'No data available',
  19235. carousel: {
  19236. prev: 'Previous visual',
  19237. next: 'Next visual'
  19238. }
  19239. });
  19240. /***/ }),
  19241. /***/ "./src/mixins/applicationable.ts":
  19242. /*!***************************************!*\
  19243. !*** ./src/mixins/applicationable.ts ***!
  19244. \***************************************/
  19245. /*! exports provided: default */
  19246. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  19247. "use strict";
  19248. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  19249. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "default", function() { return applicationable; });
  19250. /* harmony import */ var _positionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./positionable */ "./src/mixins/positionable.ts");
  19251. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  19252. // Util
  19253. function applicationable(value, events) {
  19254. if (events === void 0) {
  19255. events = [];
  19256. }
  19257. /* @vue/component */
  19258. return Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(Object(_positionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["factory"])(['absolute', 'fixed'])).extend({
  19259. name: 'applicationable',
  19260. props: {
  19261. app: Boolean
  19262. },
  19263. computed: {
  19264. applicationProperty: function applicationProperty() {
  19265. return value;
  19266. }
  19267. },
  19268. watch: {
  19269. // If previous value was app
  19270. // reset the provided prop
  19271. app: function app(x, prev) {
  19272. prev ? this.removeApplication(true) : this.callUpdate();
  19273. },
  19274. applicationProperty: function applicationProperty(newVal, oldVal) {
  19275. this.$vuetify.application.unbind(this._uid, oldVal);
  19276. }
  19277. },
  19278. activated: function activated() {
  19279. this.callUpdate();
  19280. },
  19281. created: function created() {
  19282. for (var i = 0, length = events.length; i < length; i++) {
  19283. this.$watch(events[i], this.callUpdate);
  19284. }
  19285. this.callUpdate();
  19286. },
  19287. mounted: function mounted() {
  19288. this.callUpdate();
  19289. },
  19290. deactivated: function deactivated() {
  19291. this.removeApplication();
  19292. },
  19293. destroyed: function destroyed() {
  19294. this.removeApplication();
  19295. },
  19296. methods: {
  19297. callUpdate: function callUpdate() {
  19298. if (!this.app) return;
  19299. this.$vuetify.application.bind(this._uid, this.applicationProperty, this.updateApplication());
  19300. },
  19301. removeApplication: function removeApplication(force) {
  19302. if (force === void 0) {
  19303. force = false;
  19304. }
  19305. if (!force && !this.app) return;
  19306. this.$vuetify.application.unbind(this._uid, this.applicationProperty);
  19307. },
  19308. updateApplication: function updateApplication() {
  19309. return 0;
  19310. }
  19311. }
  19312. });
  19313. }
  19314. /***/ }),
  19315. /***/ "./src/mixins/bootable.ts":
  19316. /*!********************************!*\
  19317. !*** ./src/mixins/bootable.ts ***!
  19318. \********************************/
  19319. /*! exports provided: default */
  19320. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  19321. "use strict";
  19322. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  19323. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  19324. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  19325. /**
  19326. * Bootable
  19327. * @mixin
  19328. *
  19329. * Used to add lazy content functionality to components
  19330. * Looks for change in "isActive" to automatically boot
  19331. * Otherwise can be set manually
  19332. */
  19333. /* @vue/component */
  19334. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend().extend({
  19335. name: 'bootable',
  19336. props: {
  19337. lazy: Boolean
  19338. },
  19339. data: function data() {
  19340. return {
  19341. isBooted: false
  19342. };
  19343. },
  19344. computed: {
  19345. hasContent: function hasContent() {
  19346. return this.isBooted || !this.lazy || this.isActive;
  19347. }
  19348. },
  19349. watch: {
  19350. isActive: function isActive() {
  19351. this.isBooted = true;
  19352. }
  19353. },
  19354. methods: {
  19355. showLazyContent: function showLazyContent(content) {
  19356. return this.hasContent ? content : undefined;
  19357. }
  19358. }
  19359. }));
  19360. /***/ }),
  19361. /***/ "./src/mixins/button-group.ts":
  19362. /*!************************************!*\
  19363. !*** ./src/mixins/button-group.ts ***!
  19364. \************************************/
  19365. /*! exports provided: default */
  19366. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  19367. "use strict";
  19368. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  19369. /* harmony import */ var _components_VItemGroup_VItemGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../components/VItemGroup/VItemGroup */ "./src/components/VItemGroup/VItemGroup.ts");
  19370. // Extensions
  19371. /* @vue/component */
  19372. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_components_VItemGroup_VItemGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["BaseItemGroup"].extend({
  19373. name: 'button-group',
  19374. provide: function provide() {
  19375. return {
  19376. btnToggle: this
  19377. };
  19378. },
  19379. props: {
  19380. activeClass: {
  19381. type: String,
  19382. default: 'v-btn--active'
  19383. }
  19384. },
  19385. computed: {
  19386. classes: function classes() {
  19387. return _components_VItemGroup_VItemGroup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["BaseItemGroup"].options.computed.classes.call(this);
  19388. }
  19389. }
  19390. }));
  19391. /***/ }),
  19392. /***/ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts":
  19393. /*!*********************************!*\
  19394. !*** ./src/mixins/colorable.ts ***!
  19395. \*********************************/
  19396. /*! exports provided: default */
  19397. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  19398. "use strict";
  19399. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  19400. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  19401. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  19402. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  19403. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  19404. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  19405. s = arguments[i];
  19406. for (var p in s) {
  19407. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  19408. }
  19409. }
  19410. return t;
  19411. };
  19412. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  19413. };
  19414. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  19415. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  19416. if (!m) return o;
  19417. var i = m.call(o),
  19418. r,
  19419. ar = [],
  19420. e;
  19421. try {
  19422. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  19423. ar.push(r.value);
  19424. }
  19425. } catch (error) {
  19426. e = { error: error };
  19427. } finally {
  19428. try {
  19429. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  19430. } finally {
  19431. if (e) throw e.error;
  19432. }
  19433. }
  19434. return ar;
  19435. };
  19436. function isCssColor(color) {
  19437. return !!color && !!color.match(/^(#|(rgb|hsl)a?\()/);
  19438. }
  19439. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  19440. name: 'colorable',
  19441. props: {
  19442. color: String
  19443. },
  19444. methods: {
  19445. setBackgroundColor: function setBackgroundColor(color, data) {
  19446. if (data === void 0) {
  19447. data = {};
  19448. }
  19449. var _a;
  19450. if (isCssColor(color)) {
  19451. data.style = __assign({}, data.style, { 'background-color': "" + color, 'border-color': "" + color });
  19452. } else if (color) {
  19453. data.class = __assign({}, data.class, (_a = {}, _a[color] = true, _a));
  19454. }
  19455. return data;
  19456. },
  19457. setTextColor: function setTextColor(color, data) {
  19458. if (data === void 0) {
  19459. data = {};
  19460. }
  19461. var _a;
  19462. if (isCssColor(color)) {
  19463. data.style = __assign({}, data.style, { 'color': "" + color, 'caret-color': "" + color });
  19464. } else if (color) {
  19465. var _b = __read(color.toString().trim().split(' ', 2), 2),
  19466. colorName = _b[0],
  19467. colorModifier = _b[1];
  19468. data.class = __assign({}, data.class, (_a = {}, _a[colorName + '--text'] = true, _a));
  19469. if (colorModifier) {
  19470. data.class['text--' + colorModifier] = true;
  19471. }
  19472. }
  19473. return data;
  19474. }
  19475. }
  19476. }));
  19477. /***/ }),
  19478. /***/ "./src/mixins/comparable.ts":
  19479. /*!**********************************!*\
  19480. !*** ./src/mixins/comparable.ts ***!
  19481. \**********************************/
  19482. /*! exports provided: default */
  19483. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  19484. "use strict";
  19485. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  19486. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  19487. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  19488. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  19489. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  19490. name: 'comparable',
  19491. props: {
  19492. valueComparator: {
  19493. type: Function,
  19494. default: _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["deepEqual"]
  19495. }
  19496. }
  19497. }));
  19498. /***/ }),
  19499. /***/ "./src/mixins/data-iterable.js":
  19500. /*!*************************************!*\
  19501. !*** ./src/mixins/data-iterable.js ***!
  19502. \*************************************/
  19503. /*! exports provided: default */
  19504. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  19505. "use strict";
  19506. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  19507. /* harmony import */ var _components_VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../components/VBtn */ "./src/components/VBtn/index.ts");
  19508. /* harmony import */ var _components_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../components/VIcon */ "./src/components/VIcon/index.ts");
  19509. /* harmony import */ var _components_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../components/VSelect */ "./src/components/VSelect/index.js");
  19510. /* harmony import */ var _filterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./filterable */ "./src/mixins/filterable.ts");
  19511. /* harmony import */ var _themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  19512. /* harmony import */ var _loadable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./loadable */ "./src/mixins/loadable.ts");
  19513. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  19514. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  19515. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  19516. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  19517. if (!m) return o;
  19518. var i = m.call(o),
  19519. r,
  19520. ar = [],
  19521. e;
  19522. try {
  19523. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  19524. ar.push(r.value);
  19525. }
  19526. } catch (error) {
  19527. e = { error: error };
  19528. } finally {
  19529. try {
  19530. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  19531. } finally {
  19532. if (e) throw e.error;
  19533. }
  19534. }
  19535. return ar;
  19536. };
  19537. var __spread = undefined && undefined.__spread || function () {
  19538. for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  19539. ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  19540. }return ar;
  19541. };
  19542. /**
  19543. * DataIterable
  19544. *
  19545. * @mixin
  19546. *
  19547. * Base behavior for data table and data iterator
  19548. * providing selection, pagination, sorting and filtering.
  19549. *
  19550. */
  19551. /* @vue/component */
  19552. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  19553. name: 'data-iterable',
  19554. mixins: [_filterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"], _loadable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"], _themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"]],
  19555. props: {
  19556. expand: Boolean,
  19557. hideActions: Boolean,
  19558. disableInitialSort: Boolean,
  19559. mustSort: Boolean,
  19560. noResultsText: {
  19561. type: String,
  19562. default: '$vuetify.dataIterator.noResultsText'
  19563. },
  19564. nextIcon: {
  19565. type: String,
  19566. default: '$vuetify.icons.next'
  19567. },
  19568. prevIcon: {
  19569. type: String,
  19570. default: '$vuetify.icons.prev'
  19571. },
  19572. rowsPerPageItems: {
  19573. type: Array,
  19574. default: function _default() {
  19575. return [5, 10, 25, {
  19576. text: '$vuetify.dataIterator.rowsPerPageAll',
  19577. value: -1
  19578. }];
  19579. }
  19580. },
  19581. rowsPerPageText: {
  19582. type: String,
  19583. default: '$vuetify.dataIterator.rowsPerPageText'
  19584. },
  19585. selectAll: [Boolean, String],
  19586. search: {
  19587. required: false
  19588. },
  19589. filter: {
  19590. type: Function,
  19591. default: function _default(val, search) {
  19592. return val != null && typeof val !== 'boolean' && val.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(search) !== -1;
  19593. }
  19594. },
  19595. customFilter: {
  19596. type: Function,
  19597. default: function _default(items, search, filter) {
  19598. search = search.toString().toLowerCase();
  19599. if (search.trim() === '') return items;
  19600. return items.filter(function (i) {
  19601. return Object.keys(i).some(function (j) {
  19602. return filter(i[j], search);
  19603. });
  19604. });
  19605. }
  19606. },
  19607. customSort: {
  19608. type: Function,
  19609. default: function _default(items, index, isDescending) {
  19610. if (index === null) return items;
  19611. return items.sort(function (a, b) {
  19612. var _a, _b;
  19613. var sortA = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getObjectValueByPath"])(a, index);
  19614. var sortB = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getObjectValueByPath"])(b, index);
  19615. if (isDescending) {
  19616. _a = __read([sortB, sortA], 2), sortA = _a[0], sortB = _a[1];
  19617. }
  19618. // Check if both are numbers
  19619. if (!isNaN(sortA) && !isNaN(sortB)) {
  19620. return sortA - sortB;
  19621. }
  19622. // Check if both cannot be evaluated
  19623. if (sortA === null && sortB === null) {
  19624. return 0;
  19625. }
  19626. _b = __read([sortA, sortB].map(function (s) {
  19627. return (s || '').toString().toLocaleLowerCase();
  19628. }), 2), sortA = _b[0], sortB = _b[1];
  19629. if (sortA > sortB) return 1;
  19630. if (sortA < sortB) return -1;
  19631. return 0;
  19632. });
  19633. }
  19634. },
  19635. value: {
  19636. type: Array,
  19637. default: function _default() {
  19638. return [];
  19639. }
  19640. },
  19641. items: {
  19642. type: Array,
  19643. required: true,
  19644. default: function _default() {
  19645. return [];
  19646. }
  19647. },
  19648. totalItems: {
  19649. type: Number,
  19650. default: null
  19651. },
  19652. itemKey: {
  19653. type: String,
  19654. default: 'id'
  19655. },
  19656. pagination: {
  19657. type: Object,
  19658. default: function _default() {}
  19659. }
  19660. },
  19661. data: function data() {
  19662. return {
  19663. searchLength: 0,
  19664. defaultPagination: {
  19665. descending: false,
  19666. page: 1,
  19667. rowsPerPage: 5,
  19668. sortBy: null,
  19669. totalItems: 0
  19670. },
  19671. expanded: {},
  19672. actionsClasses: 'v-data-iterator__actions',
  19673. actionsRangeControlsClasses: 'v-data-iterator__actions__range-controls',
  19674. actionsSelectClasses: 'v-data-iterator__actions__select',
  19675. actionsPaginationClasses: 'v-data-iterator__actions__pagination'
  19676. };
  19677. },
  19678. computed: {
  19679. computedPagination: function computedPagination() {
  19680. return this.hasPagination ? this.pagination : this.defaultPagination;
  19681. },
  19682. computedRowsPerPageItems: function computedRowsPerPageItems() {
  19683. var _this = this;
  19684. return this.rowsPerPageItems.map(function (item) {
  19685. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["isObject"])(item) ? Object.assign({}, item, {
  19686. text: _this.$vuetify.t(item.text)
  19687. }) : { value: item, text: Number(item).toLocaleString(_this.$vuetify.lang.current) };
  19688. });
  19689. },
  19690. hasPagination: function hasPagination() {
  19691. var pagination = this.pagination || {};
  19692. return Object.keys(pagination).length > 0;
  19693. },
  19694. hasSelectAll: function hasSelectAll() {
  19695. return this.selectAll !== undefined && this.selectAll !== false;
  19696. },
  19697. itemsLength: function itemsLength() {
  19698. if (this.hasSearch) return this.searchLength;
  19699. return this.totalItems || this.items.length;
  19700. },
  19701. indeterminate: function indeterminate() {
  19702. return this.hasSelectAll && this.someItems && !this.everyItem;
  19703. },
  19704. everyItem: function everyItem() {
  19705. var _this = this;
  19706. return this.filteredItems.length && this.filteredItems.every(function (i) {
  19707. return _this.isSelected(i);
  19708. });
  19709. },
  19710. someItems: function someItems() {
  19711. var _this = this;
  19712. return this.filteredItems.some(function (i) {
  19713. return _this.isSelected(i);
  19714. });
  19715. },
  19716. getPage: function getPage() {
  19717. var rowsPerPage = this.computedPagination.rowsPerPage;
  19718. return rowsPerPage === Object(rowsPerPage) ? rowsPerPage.value : rowsPerPage;
  19719. },
  19720. pageStart: function pageStart() {
  19721. return this.getPage === -1 ? 0 : (this.computedPagination.page - 1) * this.getPage;
  19722. },
  19723. pageStop: function pageStop() {
  19724. return this.getPage === -1 ? this.itemsLength : this.computedPagination.page * this.getPage;
  19725. },
  19726. filteredItems: function filteredItems() {
  19727. return this.filteredItemsImpl();
  19728. },
  19729. selected: function selected() {
  19730. var selected = {};
  19731. for (var index = 0; index < this.value.length; index++) {
  19732. var key = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getObjectValueByPath"])(this.value[index], this.itemKey);
  19733. selected[key] = true;
  19734. }
  19735. return selected;
  19736. },
  19737. hasSearch: function hasSearch() {
  19738. return this.search != null;
  19739. }
  19740. },
  19741. watch: {
  19742. items: function items() {
  19743. var _this = this;
  19744. if (this.pageStart >= this.itemsLength) {
  19745. this.resetPagination();
  19746. }
  19747. var newItemKeys = new Set(this.items.map(function (item) {
  19748. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getObjectValueByPath"])(item, _this.itemKey);
  19749. }));
  19750. var selection = this.value.filter(function (item) {
  19751. return newItemKeys.has(Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getObjectValueByPath"])(item, _this.itemKey));
  19752. });
  19753. if (selection.length !== this.value.length) {
  19754. this.$emit('input', selection);
  19755. }
  19756. },
  19757. search: function search() {
  19758. var _this = this;
  19759. this.$nextTick(function () {
  19760. _this.updatePagination({ page: 1, totalItems: _this.itemsLength });
  19761. });
  19762. },
  19763. 'computedPagination.sortBy': 'resetPagination',
  19764. 'computedPagination.descending': 'resetPagination'
  19765. },
  19766. methods: {
  19767. initPagination: function initPagination() {
  19768. if (!this.rowsPerPageItems.length) {
  19769. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["consoleWarn"])("The prop 'rows-per-page-items' can not be empty", this);
  19770. } else {
  19771. this.defaultPagination.rowsPerPage = this.rowsPerPageItems[0];
  19772. }
  19773. this.defaultPagination.totalItems = this.items.length;
  19774. this.updatePagination(Object.assign({}, this.defaultPagination, this.pagination));
  19775. },
  19776. updatePagination: function updatePagination(val) {
  19777. var pagination = this.hasPagination ? this.pagination : this.defaultPagination;
  19778. var updatedPagination = Object.assign({}, pagination, val);
  19779. this.$emit('update:pagination', updatedPagination);
  19780. if (!this.hasPagination) {
  19781. this.defaultPagination = updatedPagination;
  19782. }
  19783. },
  19784. isSelected: function isSelected(item) {
  19785. return this.selected[Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getObjectValueByPath"])(item, this.itemKey)];
  19786. },
  19787. isExpanded: function isExpanded(item) {
  19788. return this.expanded[Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getObjectValueByPath"])(item, this.itemKey)];
  19789. },
  19790. filteredItemsImpl: function filteredItemsImpl() {
  19791. var additionalFilterArgs = [];
  19792. for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
  19793. additionalFilterArgs[_i] = arguments[_i];
  19794. }
  19795. if (this.totalItems) return this.items;
  19796. var items = this.items.slice();
  19797. if (this.hasSearch) {
  19798. items = this.customFilter.apply(this, __spread([items, this.search, this.filter], additionalFilterArgs));
  19799. this.searchLength = items.length;
  19800. }
  19801. items = this.customSort(items, this.computedPagination.sortBy, this.computedPagination.descending);
  19802. return this.hideActions && !this.hasPagination ? items : items.slice(this.pageStart, this.pageStop);
  19803. },
  19804. resetPagination: function resetPagination() {
  19805. this.computedPagination.page !== 1 && this.updatePagination({ page: 1 });
  19806. },
  19807. sort: function sort(index) {
  19808. var _a = this.computedPagination,
  19809. sortBy = _a.sortBy,
  19810. descending = _a.descending;
  19811. if (sortBy === null) {
  19812. this.updatePagination({ sortBy: index, descending: false });
  19813. } else if (sortBy === index && !descending) {
  19814. this.updatePagination({ descending: true });
  19815. } else if (sortBy !== index) {
  19816. this.updatePagination({ sortBy: index, descending: false });
  19817. } else if (!this.mustSort) {
  19818. this.updatePagination({ sortBy: null, descending: null });
  19819. } else {
  19820. this.updatePagination({ sortBy: index, descending: false });
  19821. }
  19822. },
  19823. toggle: function toggle(value) {
  19824. var _this = this;
  19825. var selected = Object.assign({}, this.selected);
  19826. for (var index = 0; index < this.filteredItems.length; index++) {
  19827. var key = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getObjectValueByPath"])(this.filteredItems[index], this.itemKey);
  19828. selected[key] = value;
  19829. }
  19830. this.$emit('input', this.items.filter(function (i) {
  19831. var key = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getObjectValueByPath"])(i, _this.itemKey);
  19832. return selected[key];
  19833. }));
  19834. },
  19835. createProps: function createProps(item, index) {
  19836. var _this = this;
  19837. var props = { item: item, index: index };
  19838. var keyProp = this.itemKey;
  19839. var itemKey = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getObjectValueByPath"])(item, keyProp);
  19840. Object.defineProperty(props, 'selected', {
  19841. get: function get() {
  19842. return _this.selected[itemKey];
  19843. },
  19844. set: function set(value) {
  19845. if (itemKey == null) {
  19846. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["consoleWarn"])("\"" + keyProp + "\" attribute must be defined for item", _this);
  19847. }
  19848. var selected = _this.value.slice();
  19849. if (value) selected.push(item);else selected = selected.filter(function (i) {
  19850. return Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getObjectValueByPath"])(i, keyProp) !== itemKey;
  19851. });
  19852. _this.$emit('input', selected);
  19853. }
  19854. });
  19855. Object.defineProperty(props, 'expanded', {
  19856. get: function get() {
  19857. return _this.expanded[itemKey];
  19858. },
  19859. set: function set(value) {
  19860. if (itemKey == null) {
  19861. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["consoleWarn"])("\"" + keyProp + "\" attribute must be defined for item", _this);
  19862. }
  19863. if (!_this.expand) {
  19864. for (var key in _this.expanded) {
  19865. _this.expanded.hasOwnProperty(key) && _this.$set(_this.expanded, key, false);
  19866. }
  19867. }
  19868. _this.$set(_this.expanded, itemKey, value);
  19869. }
  19870. });
  19871. return props;
  19872. },
  19873. genItems: function genItems() {
  19874. if (!this.itemsLength && !this.items.length) {
  19875. var noData = this.$slots['no-data'] || this.$vuetify.t(this.noDataText);
  19876. return [this.genEmptyItems(noData)];
  19877. }
  19878. if (!this.filteredItems.length) {
  19879. var noResults = this.$slots['no-results'] || this.$vuetify.t(this.noResultsText);
  19880. return [this.genEmptyItems(noResults)];
  19881. }
  19882. return this.genFilteredItems();
  19883. },
  19884. genPrevIcon: function genPrevIcon() {
  19885. var _this = this;
  19886. return this.$createElement(_components_VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], {
  19887. props: {
  19888. disabled: this.computedPagination.page === 1,
  19889. icon: true,
  19890. flat: true
  19891. },
  19892. on: {
  19893. click: function click() {
  19894. var page = _this.computedPagination.page;
  19895. _this.updatePagination({ page: page - 1 });
  19896. }
  19897. },
  19898. attrs: {
  19899. 'aria-label': this.$vuetify.t('$vuetify.dataIterator.prevPage')
  19900. }
  19901. }, [this.$createElement(_components_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], this.$vuetify.rtl ? this.nextIcon : this.prevIcon)]);
  19902. },
  19903. genNextIcon: function genNextIcon() {
  19904. var _this = this;
  19905. var pagination = this.computedPagination;
  19906. var disabled = pagination.rowsPerPage < 0 || pagination.page * pagination.rowsPerPage >= this.itemsLength || this.pageStop < 0;
  19907. return this.$createElement(_components_VBtn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], {
  19908. props: {
  19909. disabled: disabled,
  19910. icon: true,
  19911. flat: true
  19912. },
  19913. on: {
  19914. click: function click() {
  19915. var page = _this.computedPagination.page;
  19916. _this.updatePagination({ page: page + 1 });
  19917. }
  19918. },
  19919. attrs: {
  19920. 'aria-label': this.$vuetify.t('$vuetify.dataIterator.nextPage')
  19921. }
  19922. }, [this.$createElement(_components_VIcon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], this.$vuetify.rtl ? this.prevIcon : this.nextIcon)]);
  19923. },
  19924. genSelect: function genSelect() {
  19925. var _this = this;
  19926. return this.$createElement('div', {
  19927. 'class': this.actionsSelectClasses
  19928. }, [this.$vuetify.t(this.rowsPerPageText), this.$createElement(_components_VSelect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"], {
  19929. attrs: {
  19930. 'aria-label': this.$vuetify.t(this.rowsPerPageText)
  19931. },
  19932. props: {
  19933. items: this.computedRowsPerPageItems,
  19934. value: this.computedPagination.rowsPerPage,
  19935. hideDetails: true,
  19936. menuProps: {
  19937. auto: true,
  19938. dark: this.dark,
  19939. light: this.light,
  19940. minWidth: '75px'
  19941. }
  19942. },
  19943. on: {
  19944. input: function input(val) {
  19945. _this.updatePagination({
  19946. page: 1,
  19947. rowsPerPage: val
  19948. });
  19949. }
  19950. }
  19951. })]);
  19952. },
  19953. genPagination: function genPagination() {
  19954. var _this = this;
  19955. var _a;
  19956. var pagination = '–';
  19957. if (this.itemsLength) {
  19958. var stop = this.itemsLength < this.pageStop || this.pageStop < 0 ? this.itemsLength : this.pageStop;
  19959. pagination = this.$scopedSlots.pageText ? this.$scopedSlots.pageText({
  19960. pageStart: this.pageStart + 1,
  19961. pageStop: stop,
  19962. itemsLength: this.itemsLength
  19963. }) : (_a = this.$vuetify).t.apply(_a, __spread(['$vuetify.dataIterator.pageText'], [this.pageStart + 1, stop, this.itemsLength].map(function (n) {
  19964. return Number(n).toLocaleString(_this.$vuetify.lang.current);
  19965. })));
  19966. }
  19967. return this.$createElement('div', {
  19968. 'class': this.actionsPaginationClasses
  19969. }, [pagination]);
  19970. },
  19971. genActions: function genActions() {
  19972. var rangeControls = this.$createElement('div', {
  19973. 'class': this.actionsRangeControlsClasses
  19974. }, [this.genPagination(), this.genPrevIcon(), this.genNextIcon()]);
  19975. return [this.$createElement('div', {
  19976. 'class': this.actionsClasses
  19977. }, [this.$slots['actions-prepend'] ? this.$createElement('div', {}, this.$slots['actions-prepend']) : null, this.rowsPerPageItems.length > 1 ? this.genSelect() : null, rangeControls, this.$slots['actions-append'] ? this.$createElement('div', {}, this.$slots['actions-append']) : null])];
  19978. }
  19979. }
  19980. });
  19981. /***/ }),
  19982. /***/ "./src/mixins/delayable.ts":
  19983. /*!*********************************!*\
  19984. !*** ./src/mixins/delayable.ts ***!
  19985. \*********************************/
  19986. /*! exports provided: default */
  19987. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  19988. "use strict";
  19989. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  19990. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  19991. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  19992. /**
  19993. * Delayable
  19994. *
  19995. * @mixin
  19996. *
  19997. * Changes the open or close delay time for elements
  19998. */
  19999. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend().extend({
  20000. name: 'delayable',
  20001. props: {
  20002. openDelay: {
  20003. type: [Number, String],
  20004. default: 0
  20005. },
  20006. closeDelay: {
  20007. type: [Number, String],
  20008. default: 0
  20009. }
  20010. },
  20011. data: function data() {
  20012. return {
  20013. openTimeout: undefined,
  20014. closeTimeout: undefined
  20015. };
  20016. },
  20017. methods: {
  20018. /**
  20019. * Clear any pending delay timers from executing
  20020. */
  20021. clearDelay: function clearDelay() {
  20022. clearTimeout(this.openTimeout);
  20023. clearTimeout(this.closeTimeout);
  20024. },
  20025. /**
  20026. * Runs callback after a specified delay
  20027. */
  20028. runDelay: function runDelay(type, cb) {
  20029. var _this = this;
  20030. this.clearDelay();
  20031. var delay = parseInt(this[type + "Delay"], 10);
  20032. this[type + "Timeout"] = setTimeout(cb || function () {
  20033. _this.isActive = { open: true, close: false }[type];
  20034. }, delay);
  20035. }
  20036. }
  20037. }));
  20038. /***/ }),
  20039. /***/ "./src/mixins/dependent.ts":
  20040. /*!*********************************!*\
  20041. !*** ./src/mixins/dependent.ts ***!
  20042. \*********************************/
  20043. /*! exports provided: default */
  20044. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  20045. "use strict";
  20046. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  20047. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  20048. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  20049. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  20050. if (!m) return o;
  20051. var i = m.call(o),
  20052. r,
  20053. ar = [],
  20054. e;
  20055. try {
  20056. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  20057. ar.push(r.value);
  20058. }
  20059. } catch (error) {
  20060. e = { error: error };
  20061. } finally {
  20062. try {
  20063. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  20064. } finally {
  20065. if (e) throw e.error;
  20066. }
  20067. }
  20068. return ar;
  20069. };
  20070. var __spread = undefined && undefined.__spread || function () {
  20071. for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  20072. ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  20073. }return ar;
  20074. };
  20075. function searchChildren(children) {
  20076. var results = [];
  20077. for (var index = 0; index < children.length; index++) {
  20078. var child = children[index];
  20079. if (child.isActive && child.isDependent) {
  20080. results.push(child);
  20081. } else {
  20082. results.push.apply(results, __spread(searchChildren(child.$children)));
  20083. }
  20084. }
  20085. return results;
  20086. }
  20087. /* @vue/component */
  20088. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])().extend({
  20089. name: 'dependent',
  20090. data: function data() {
  20091. return {
  20092. closeDependents: true,
  20093. isActive: false,
  20094. isDependent: true
  20095. };
  20096. },
  20097. watch: {
  20098. isActive: function isActive(val) {
  20099. if (val) return;
  20100. var openDependents = this.getOpenDependents();
  20101. for (var index = 0; index < openDependents.length; index++) {
  20102. openDependents[index].isActive = false;
  20103. }
  20104. }
  20105. },
  20106. methods: {
  20107. getOpenDependents: function getOpenDependents() {
  20108. if (this.closeDependents) return searchChildren(this.$children);
  20109. return [];
  20110. },
  20111. getOpenDependentElements: function getOpenDependentElements() {
  20112. var result = [];
  20113. var openDependents = this.getOpenDependents();
  20114. for (var index = 0; index < openDependents.length; index++) {
  20115. result.push.apply(result, __spread(openDependents[index].getClickableDependentElements()));
  20116. }
  20117. return result;
  20118. },
  20119. getClickableDependentElements: function getClickableDependentElements() {
  20120. var result = [this.$el];
  20121. if (this.$refs.content) result.push(this.$refs.content);
  20122. if (this.overlay) result.push(this.overlay);
  20123. result.push.apply(result, __spread(this.getOpenDependentElements()));
  20124. return result;
  20125. }
  20126. }
  20127. }));
  20128. /***/ }),
  20129. /***/ "./src/mixins/detachable.js":
  20130. /*!**********************************!*\
  20131. !*** ./src/mixins/detachable.js ***!
  20132. \**********************************/
  20133. /*! exports provided: default */
  20134. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  20135. "use strict";
  20136. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  20137. /* harmony import */ var _bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./bootable */ "./src/mixins/bootable.ts");
  20138. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  20139. var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
  20140. function validateAttachTarget(val) {
  20141. var type = typeof val === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(val);
  20142. if (type === 'boolean' || type === 'string') return true;
  20143. return val.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
  20144. }
  20145. /* @vue/component */
  20146. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  20147. name: 'detachable',
  20148. mixins: [_bootable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]],
  20149. props: {
  20150. attach: {
  20151. type: null,
  20152. default: false,
  20153. validator: validateAttachTarget
  20154. },
  20155. contentClass: {
  20156. default: ''
  20157. }
  20158. },
  20159. data: function data() {
  20160. return {
  20161. hasDetached: false
  20162. };
  20163. },
  20164. watch: {
  20165. attach: function attach() {
  20166. this.hasDetached = false;
  20167. this.initDetach();
  20168. },
  20169. hasContent: 'initDetach'
  20170. },
  20171. beforeMount: function beforeMount() {
  20172. var _this = this;
  20173. this.$nextTick(function () {
  20174. if (_this.activatorNode) {
  20175. var activator = Array.isArray(_this.activatorNode) ? _this.activatorNode : [_this.activatorNode];
  20176. activator.forEach(function (node) {
  20177. node.elm && _this.$el.parentNode.insertBefore(node.elm, _this.$el);
  20178. });
  20179. }
  20180. });
  20181. },
  20182. mounted: function mounted() {
  20183. !this.lazy && this.initDetach();
  20184. },
  20185. deactivated: function deactivated() {
  20186. this.isActive = false;
  20187. },
  20188. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  20189. // IE11 Fix
  20190. try {
  20191. if (this.$refs.content) {
  20192. this.$refs.content.parentNode.removeChild(this.$refs.content);
  20193. }
  20194. if (this.activatorNode) {
  20195. var activator = Array.isArray(this.activatorNode) ? this.activatorNode : [this.activatorNode];
  20196. activator.forEach(function (node) {
  20197. node.elm && node.elm.parentNode.removeChild(node.elm);
  20198. });
  20199. }
  20200. } catch (e) {
  20201. console.log(e);
  20202. }
  20203. },
  20204. methods: {
  20205. getScopeIdAttrs: function getScopeIdAttrs() {
  20206. var _a;
  20207. var scopeId = this.$vnode && this.$vnode.context.$options._scopeId;
  20208. return scopeId && (_a = {}, _a[scopeId] = '', _a);
  20209. },
  20210. initDetach: function initDetach() {
  20211. if (this._isDestroyed || !this.$refs.content || this.hasDetached ||
  20212. // Leave menu in place if attached
  20213. // and dev has not changed target
  20214. this.attach === '' || // If used as a boolean prop (<v-menu attach>)
  20215. this.attach === true || // If bound to a boolean (<v-menu :attach="true">)
  20216. this.attach === 'attach' // If bound as boolean prop in pug (v-menu(attach))
  20217. ) return;
  20218. var target;
  20219. if (this.attach === false) {
  20220. // Default, detach to app
  20221. target = document.querySelector('[data-app]');
  20222. } else if (typeof this.attach === 'string') {
  20223. // CSS selector
  20224. target = document.querySelector(this.attach);
  20225. } else {
  20226. // DOM Element
  20227. target = this.attach;
  20228. }
  20229. if (!target) {
  20230. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["consoleWarn"])("Unable to locate target " + (this.attach || '[data-app]'), this);
  20231. return;
  20232. }
  20233. target.insertBefore(this.$refs.content, target.firstChild);
  20234. this.hasDetached = true;
  20235. }
  20236. }
  20237. });
  20238. /***/ }),
  20239. /***/ "./src/mixins/elevatable.ts":
  20240. /*!**********************************!*\
  20241. !*** ./src/mixins/elevatable.ts ***!
  20242. \**********************************/
  20243. /*! exports provided: default */
  20244. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  20245. "use strict";
  20246. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  20247. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  20248. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  20249. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  20250. name: 'elevatable',
  20251. props: {
  20252. elevation: [Number, String]
  20253. },
  20254. computed: {
  20255. computedElevation: function computedElevation() {
  20256. return this.elevation;
  20257. },
  20258. elevationClasses: function elevationClasses() {
  20259. var _a;
  20260. if (!this.computedElevation) return {};
  20261. return _a = {}, _a["elevation-" + this.computedElevation] = true, _a;
  20262. }
  20263. }
  20264. }));
  20265. /***/ }),
  20266. /***/ "./src/mixins/filterable.ts":
  20267. /*!**********************************!*\
  20268. !*** ./src/mixins/filterable.ts ***!
  20269. \**********************************/
  20270. /*! exports provided: default */
  20271. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  20272. "use strict";
  20273. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  20274. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  20275. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  20276. /* @vue/component */
  20277. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  20278. name: 'filterable',
  20279. props: {
  20280. noDataText: {
  20281. type: String,
  20282. default: '$vuetify.noDataText'
  20283. }
  20284. }
  20285. }));
  20286. /***/ }),
  20287. /***/ "./src/mixins/groupable.ts":
  20288. /*!*********************************!*\
  20289. !*** ./src/mixins/groupable.ts ***!
  20290. \*********************************/
  20291. /*! exports provided: factory, default */
  20292. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  20293. "use strict";
  20294. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  20295. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "factory", function() { return factory; });
  20296. /* harmony import */ var _registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./registrable */ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts");
  20297. // Mixins
  20298. function factory(namespace, child, parent) {
  20299. return Object(_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["inject"])(namespace, child, parent).extend({
  20300. name: 'groupable',
  20301. props: {
  20302. activeClass: {
  20303. type: String,
  20304. default: function _default() {
  20305. if (!this[namespace]) return undefined;
  20306. return this[namespace].activeClass;
  20307. }
  20308. },
  20309. disabled: Boolean
  20310. },
  20311. data: function data() {
  20312. return {
  20313. isActive: false
  20314. };
  20315. },
  20316. computed: {
  20317. groupClasses: function groupClasses() {
  20318. var _a;
  20319. if (!this.activeClass) return {};
  20320. return _a = {}, _a[this.activeClass] = this.isActive, _a;
  20321. }
  20322. },
  20323. created: function created() {
  20324. this[namespace] && this[namespace].register(this);
  20325. },
  20326. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  20327. this[namespace] && this[namespace].unregister(this);
  20328. },
  20329. methods: {
  20330. toggle: function toggle() {
  20331. this.$emit('change');
  20332. }
  20333. }
  20334. });
  20335. }
  20336. /* eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare */
  20337. var Groupable = factory('itemGroup');
  20338. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Groupable);
  20339. /***/ }),
  20340. /***/ "./src/mixins/loadable.ts":
  20341. /*!********************************!*\
  20342. !*** ./src/mixins/loadable.ts ***!
  20343. \********************************/
  20344. /*! exports provided: default */
  20345. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  20346. "use strict";
  20347. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  20348. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  20349. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  20350. /* harmony import */ var _components_VProgressLinear__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../components/VProgressLinear */ "./src/components/VProgressLinear/index.ts");
  20351. /**
  20352. * Loadable
  20353. *
  20354. * @mixin
  20355. *
  20356. * Used to add linear progress bar to components
  20357. * Can use a default bar with a specific color
  20358. * or designate a custom progress linear bar
  20359. */
  20360. /* @vue/component */
  20361. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend().extend({
  20362. name: 'loadable',
  20363. props: {
  20364. loading: {
  20365. type: [Boolean, String],
  20366. default: false
  20367. }
  20368. },
  20369. methods: {
  20370. genProgress: function genProgress() {
  20371. if (this.loading === false) return null;
  20372. return this.$slots.progress || this.$createElement(_components_VProgressLinear__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], {
  20373. props: {
  20374. color: this.loading === true || this.loading === '' ? this.color || 'primary' : this.loading,
  20375. height: 2,
  20376. indeterminate: true
  20377. }
  20378. });
  20379. }
  20380. }
  20381. }));
  20382. /***/ }),
  20383. /***/ "./src/mixins/maskable.js":
  20384. /*!********************************!*\
  20385. !*** ./src/mixins/maskable.js ***!
  20386. \********************************/
  20387. /*! exports provided: default */
  20388. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  20389. "use strict";
  20390. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  20391. /* harmony import */ var _util_mask__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/mask */ "./src/util/mask.ts");
  20392. /**
  20393. * Maskable
  20394. *
  20395. * @mixin
  20396. *
  20397. * Creates an input mask that is
  20398. * generated from a masked str
  20399. *
  20400. * Example: mask="#### #### #### ####"
  20401. */
  20402. /* @vue/component */
  20403. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({
  20404. name: 'maskable',
  20405. props: {
  20406. dontFillMaskBlanks: Boolean,
  20407. mask: {
  20408. type: [Object, String],
  20409. default: null
  20410. },
  20411. returnMaskedValue: Boolean,
  20412. value: { required: false }
  20413. },
  20414. data: function data(vm) {
  20415. return {
  20416. selection: 0,
  20417. lazySelection: 0,
  20418. lazyValue: vm.value,
  20419. preDefined: {
  20420. 'credit-card': '#### - #### - #### - ####',
  20421. 'date': '##/##/####',
  20422. 'date-with-time': '##/##/#### ##:##',
  20423. 'phone': '(###) ### - ####',
  20424. 'social': '###-##-####',
  20425. 'time': '##:##',
  20426. 'time-with-seconds': '##:##:##'
  20427. }
  20428. };
  20429. },
  20430. computed: {
  20431. masked: function masked() {
  20432. var preDefined = this.preDefined[this.mask];
  20433. var mask = preDefined || this.mask || '';
  20434. return mask.split('');
  20435. }
  20436. },
  20437. watch: {
  20438. /**
  20439. * Make sure the cursor is in the correct
  20440. * location when the mask changes
  20441. */
  20442. mask: function mask() {
  20443. var _this = this;
  20444. if (!this.$refs.input) return;
  20445. var oldValue = this.$refs.input.value;
  20446. var newValue = this.maskText(Object(_util_mask__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["unmaskText"])(this.lazyValue));
  20447. var position = 0;
  20448. var selection = this.selection;
  20449. for (var index = 0; index < selection; index++) {
  20450. Object(_util_mask__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["isMaskDelimiter"])(oldValue[index]) || position++;
  20451. }
  20452. selection = 0;
  20453. if (newValue) {
  20454. for (var index = 0; index < newValue.length; index++) {
  20455. Object(_util_mask__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["isMaskDelimiter"])(newValue[index]) || position--;
  20456. selection++;
  20457. if (position <= 0) break;
  20458. }
  20459. }
  20460. this.$nextTick(function () {
  20461. _this.$refs.input.value = newValue;
  20462. _this.setCaretPosition(selection);
  20463. });
  20464. }
  20465. },
  20466. beforeMount: function beforeMount() {
  20467. if (!this.mask || this.value == null || !this.returnMaskedValue) return;
  20468. var value = this.maskText(this.value);
  20469. // See if masked value does not
  20470. // match the user given value
  20471. if (value === this.value) return;
  20472. this.$emit('input', value);
  20473. },
  20474. methods: {
  20475. setCaretPosition: function setCaretPosition(selection) {
  20476. var _this = this;
  20477. this.selection = selection;
  20478. window.setTimeout(function () {
  20479. _this.$refs.input && _this.$refs.input.setSelectionRange(_this.selection, _this.selection);
  20480. }, 0);
  20481. },
  20482. updateRange: function updateRange() {
  20483. /* istanbul ignore next */
  20484. if (!this.$refs.input) return;
  20485. var newValue = this.maskText(this.lazyValue);
  20486. var selection = 0;
  20487. this.$refs.input.value = newValue;
  20488. if (newValue) {
  20489. for (var index = 0; index < newValue.length; index++) {
  20490. if (this.lazySelection <= 0) break;
  20491. Object(_util_mask__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["isMaskDelimiter"])(newValue[index]) || this.lazySelection--;
  20492. selection++;
  20493. }
  20494. }
  20495. this.setCaretPosition(selection);
  20496. // this.$emit() must occur only when all internal values are correct
  20497. this.$emit('input', this.returnMaskedValue ? this.$refs.input.value : this.lazyValue);
  20498. },
  20499. maskText: function maskText(text) {
  20500. return this.mask ? Object(_util_mask__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["maskText"])(text, this.masked, this.dontFillMaskBlanks) : text;
  20501. },
  20502. unmaskText: function unmaskText(text) {
  20503. return this.mask && !this.returnMaskedValue ? Object(_util_mask__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["unmaskText"])(text) : text;
  20504. },
  20505. // When the input changes and is
  20506. // re-created, ensure that the
  20507. // caret location is correct
  20508. setSelectionRange: function setSelectionRange() {
  20509. this.$nextTick(this.updateRange);
  20510. },
  20511. resetSelections: function resetSelections(input) {
  20512. if (!input.selectionEnd) return;
  20513. this.selection = input.selectionEnd;
  20514. this.lazySelection = 0;
  20515. for (var index = 0; index < this.selection; index++) {
  20516. Object(_util_mask__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["isMaskDelimiter"])(input.value[index]) || this.lazySelection++;
  20517. }
  20518. }
  20519. }
  20520. });
  20521. /***/ }),
  20522. /***/ "./src/mixins/measurable.ts":
  20523. /*!**********************************!*\
  20524. !*** ./src/mixins/measurable.ts ***!
  20525. \**********************************/
  20526. /*! exports provided: default */
  20527. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  20528. "use strict";
  20529. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  20530. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  20531. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  20532. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
  20533. // Helpers
  20534. // Types
  20535. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default.a.extend({
  20536. name: 'measurable',
  20537. props: {
  20538. height: [Number, String],
  20539. maxHeight: [Number, String],
  20540. maxWidth: [Number, String],
  20541. minHeight: [Number, String],
  20542. minWidth: [Number, String],
  20543. width: [Number, String]
  20544. },
  20545. computed: {
  20546. measurableStyles: function measurableStyles() {
  20547. var styles = {};
  20548. var height = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["convertToUnit"])(this.height);
  20549. var minHeight = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["convertToUnit"])(this.minHeight);
  20550. var minWidth = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["convertToUnit"])(this.minWidth);
  20551. var maxHeight = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["convertToUnit"])(this.maxHeight);
  20552. var maxWidth = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["convertToUnit"])(this.maxWidth);
  20553. var width = Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["convertToUnit"])(this.width);
  20554. if (height) styles.height = height;
  20555. if (minHeight) styles.minHeight = minHeight;
  20556. if (minWidth) styles.minWidth = minWidth;
  20557. if (maxHeight) styles.maxHeight = maxHeight;
  20558. if (maxWidth) styles.maxWidth = maxWidth;
  20559. if (width) styles.width = width;
  20560. return styles;
  20561. }
  20562. }
  20563. }));
  20564. /***/ }),
  20565. /***/ "./src/mixins/menuable.js":
  20566. /*!********************************!*\
  20567. !*** ./src/mixins/menuable.js ***!
  20568. \********************************/
  20569. /*! exports provided: default */
  20570. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  20571. "use strict";
  20572. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  20573. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  20574. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  20575. /* harmony import */ var _positionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./positionable */ "./src/mixins/positionable.ts");
  20576. /* harmony import */ var _stackable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./stackable */ "./src/mixins/stackable.ts");
  20577. var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
  20578. /* eslint-disable object-property-newline */
  20579. var dimensions = {
  20580. activator: {
  20581. top: 0, left: 0,
  20582. bottom: 0, right: 0,
  20583. width: 0, height: 0,
  20584. offsetTop: 0, scrollHeight: 0
  20585. },
  20586. content: {
  20587. top: 0, left: 0,
  20588. bottom: 0, right: 0,
  20589. width: 0, height: 0,
  20590. offsetTop: 0, scrollHeight: 0
  20591. },
  20592. hasWindow: false
  20593. };
  20594. /* eslint-enable object-property-newline */
  20595. /**
  20596. * Menuable
  20597. *
  20598. * @mixin
  20599. *
  20600. * Used for fixed or absolutely positioning
  20601. * elements within the DOM
  20602. * Can calculate X and Y axis overflows
  20603. * As well as be manually positioned
  20604. */
  20605. /* @vue/component */
  20606. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  20607. name: 'menuable',
  20608. mixins: [_positionable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _stackable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]],
  20609. props: {
  20610. activator: {
  20611. default: null,
  20612. validator: function validator(val) {
  20613. return ['string', 'object'].includes(typeof val === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(val));
  20614. }
  20615. },
  20616. allowOverflow: Boolean,
  20617. inputActivator: Boolean,
  20618. light: Boolean,
  20619. dark: Boolean,
  20620. maxWidth: {
  20621. type: [Number, String],
  20622. default: 'auto'
  20623. },
  20624. minWidth: [Number, String],
  20625. nudgeBottom: {
  20626. type: [Number, String],
  20627. default: 0
  20628. },
  20629. nudgeLeft: {
  20630. type: [Number, String],
  20631. default: 0
  20632. },
  20633. nudgeRight: {
  20634. type: [Number, String],
  20635. default: 0
  20636. },
  20637. nudgeTop: {
  20638. type: [Number, String],
  20639. default: 0
  20640. },
  20641. nudgeWidth: {
  20642. type: [Number, String],
  20643. default: 0
  20644. },
  20645. offsetOverflow: Boolean,
  20646. positionX: {
  20647. type: Number,
  20648. default: null
  20649. },
  20650. positionY: {
  20651. type: Number,
  20652. default: null
  20653. },
  20654. zIndex: {
  20655. type: [Number, String],
  20656. default: null
  20657. }
  20658. },
  20659. data: function data() {
  20660. return {
  20661. absoluteX: 0,
  20662. absoluteY: 0,
  20663. activatorFixed: false,
  20664. dimensions: Object.assign({}, dimensions),
  20665. isContentActive: false,
  20666. pageWidth: 0,
  20667. pageYOffset: 0,
  20668. stackClass: 'v-menu__content--active',
  20669. stackMinZIndex: 6
  20670. };
  20671. },
  20672. computed: {
  20673. computedLeft: function computedLeft() {
  20674. var a = this.dimensions.activator;
  20675. var c = this.dimensions.content;
  20676. var activatorLeft = (this.isAttached ? a.offsetLeft : a.left) || 0;
  20677. var minWidth = Math.max(a.width, c.width);
  20678. var left = 0;
  20679. left += this.left ? activatorLeft - (minWidth - a.width) : activatorLeft;
  20680. if (this.offsetX) {
  20681. var maxWidth = isNaN(this.maxWidth) ? a.width : Math.min(a.width, this.maxWidth);
  20682. left += this.left ? -maxWidth : a.width;
  20683. }
  20684. if (this.nudgeLeft) left -= parseInt(this.nudgeLeft);
  20685. if (this.nudgeRight) left += parseInt(this.nudgeRight);
  20686. return left;
  20687. },
  20688. computedTop: function computedTop() {
  20689. var a = this.dimensions.activator;
  20690. var c = this.dimensions.content;
  20691. var top = 0;
  20692. if (this.top) top += a.height - c.height;
  20693. if (this.isAttached) top += a.offsetTop;else top += a.top + this.pageYOffset;
  20694. if (this.offsetY) top += this.top ? -a.height : a.height;
  20695. if (this.nudgeTop) top -= parseInt(this.nudgeTop);
  20696. if (this.nudgeBottom) top += parseInt(this.nudgeBottom);
  20697. return top;
  20698. },
  20699. hasActivator: function hasActivator() {
  20700. return !!this.$slots.activator || !!this.$scopedSlots.activator || this.activator || this.inputActivator;
  20701. },
  20702. isAttached: function isAttached() {
  20703. return this.attach !== false;
  20704. }
  20705. },
  20706. watch: {
  20707. disabled: function disabled(val) {
  20708. val && this.callDeactivate();
  20709. },
  20710. isActive: function isActive(val) {
  20711. if (this.disabled) return;
  20712. val ? this.callActivate() : this.callDeactivate();
  20713. },
  20714. positionX: 'updateDimensions',
  20715. positionY: 'updateDimensions'
  20716. },
  20717. beforeMount: function beforeMount() {
  20718. this.checkForWindow();
  20719. },
  20720. methods: {
  20721. absolutePosition: function absolutePosition() {
  20722. return {
  20723. offsetTop: 0,
  20724. offsetLeft: 0,
  20725. scrollHeight: 0,
  20726. top: this.positionY || this.absoluteY,
  20727. bottom: this.positionY || this.absoluteY,
  20728. left: this.positionX || this.absoluteX,
  20729. right: this.positionX || this.absoluteX,
  20730. height: 0,
  20731. width: 0
  20732. };
  20733. },
  20734. activate: function activate() {},
  20735. calcLeft: function calcLeft(menuWidth) {
  20736. return (this.isAttached ? this.computedLeft : this.calcXOverflow(this.computedLeft, menuWidth)) + "px";
  20737. },
  20738. calcTop: function calcTop() {
  20739. return (this.isAttached ? this.computedTop : this.calcYOverflow(this.computedTop)) + "px";
  20740. },
  20741. calcXOverflow: function calcXOverflow(left, menuWidth) {
  20742. var xOverflow = left + menuWidth - this.pageWidth + 12;
  20743. if ((!this.left || this.right) && xOverflow > 0) {
  20744. left = Math.max(left - xOverflow, 0);
  20745. } else {
  20746. left = Math.max(left, 12);
  20747. }
  20748. return left + this.getOffsetLeft();
  20749. },
  20750. calcYOverflow: function calcYOverflow(top) {
  20751. var documentHeight = this.getInnerHeight();
  20752. var toTop = this.pageYOffset + documentHeight;
  20753. var activator = this.dimensions.activator;
  20754. var contentHeight = this.dimensions.content.height;
  20755. var totalHeight = top + contentHeight;
  20756. var isOverflowing = toTop < totalHeight;
  20757. // If overflowing bottom and offset
  20758. // TODO: set 'bottom' position instead of 'top'
  20759. if (isOverflowing && this.offsetOverflow &&
  20760. // If we don't have enough room to offset
  20761. // the overflow, don't offset
  20762. activator.top > contentHeight) {
  20763. top = this.pageYOffset + (activator.top - contentHeight);
  20764. // If overflowing bottom
  20765. } else if (isOverflowing && !this.allowOverflow) {
  20766. top = toTop - contentHeight - 12;
  20767. // If overflowing top
  20768. } else if (top < this.pageYOffset && !this.allowOverflow) {
  20769. top = this.pageYOffset + 12;
  20770. }
  20771. return top < 12 ? 12 : top;
  20772. },
  20773. callActivate: function callActivate() {
  20774. if (!this.hasWindow) return;
  20775. this.activate();
  20776. },
  20777. callDeactivate: function callDeactivate() {
  20778. this.isContentActive = false;
  20779. this.deactivate();
  20780. },
  20781. checkForWindow: function checkForWindow() {
  20782. if (!this.hasWindow) {
  20783. this.hasWindow = typeof window !== 'undefined';
  20784. }
  20785. },
  20786. checkForPageYOffset: function checkForPageYOffset() {
  20787. if (this.hasWindow) {
  20788. this.pageYOffset = this.activatorFixed ? 0 : this.getOffsetTop();
  20789. }
  20790. },
  20791. checkActivatorFixed: function checkActivatorFixed() {
  20792. if (this.attach !== false) return;
  20793. var el = this.getActivator();
  20794. while (el) {
  20795. if (window.getComputedStyle(el).position === 'fixed') {
  20796. this.activatorFixed = true;
  20797. return;
  20798. }
  20799. el = el.offsetParent;
  20800. }
  20801. this.activatorFixed = false;
  20802. },
  20803. deactivate: function deactivate() {},
  20804. getActivator: function getActivator(e) {
  20805. if (this.inputActivator) {
  20806. return this.$el.querySelector('.v-input__slot');
  20807. }
  20808. if (this.activator) {
  20809. return typeof this.activator === 'string' ? document.querySelector(this.activator) : this.activator;
  20810. }
  20811. if (this.$refs.activator) {
  20812. return this.$refs.activator.children.length > 0 ? this.$refs.activator.children[0] : this.$refs.activator;
  20813. }
  20814. if (e) {
  20815. this.activatedBy = e.currentTarget || e.target;
  20816. return this.activatedBy;
  20817. }
  20818. if (this.activatedBy) return this.activatedBy;
  20819. if (this.activatorNode) {
  20820. var activator = Array.isArray(this.activatorNode) ? this.activatorNode[0] : this.activatorNode;
  20821. var el = activator && activator.elm;
  20822. if (el) return el;
  20823. }
  20824. },
  20825. getInnerHeight: function getInnerHeight() {
  20826. if (!this.hasWindow) return 0;
  20827. return window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
  20828. },
  20829. getOffsetLeft: function getOffsetLeft() {
  20830. if (!this.hasWindow) return 0;
  20831. return window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
  20832. },
  20833. getOffsetTop: function getOffsetTop() {
  20834. if (!this.hasWindow) return 0;
  20835. return window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
  20836. },
  20837. getRoundedBoundedClientRect: function getRoundedBoundedClientRect(el) {
  20838. var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
  20839. return {
  20840. top: Math.round(rect.top),
  20841. left: Math.round(rect.left),
  20842. bottom: Math.round(rect.bottom),
  20843. right: Math.round(rect.right),
  20844. width: Math.round(rect.width),
  20845. height: Math.round(rect.height)
  20846. };
  20847. },
  20848. measure: function measure(el) {
  20849. if (!el || !this.hasWindow) return null;
  20850. var rect = this.getRoundedBoundedClientRect(el);
  20851. // Account for activator margin
  20852. if (this.isAttached) {
  20853. var style = window.getComputedStyle(el);
  20854. rect.left = parseInt(style.marginLeft);
  20855. rect.top = parseInt(style.marginTop);
  20856. }
  20857. return rect;
  20858. },
  20859. sneakPeek: function sneakPeek(cb) {
  20860. var _this = this;
  20861. requestAnimationFrame(function () {
  20862. var el = _this.$refs.content;
  20863. if (!el || _this.isShown(el)) return cb();
  20864. el.style.display = 'inline-block';
  20865. cb();
  20866. el.style.display = 'none';
  20867. });
  20868. },
  20869. startTransition: function startTransition() {
  20870. var _this = this;
  20871. return new Promise(function (resolve) {
  20872. return requestAnimationFrame(function () {
  20873. _this.isContentActive = _this.hasJustFocused = _this.isActive;
  20874. resolve();
  20875. });
  20876. });
  20877. },
  20878. isShown: function isShown(el) {
  20879. return el.style.display !== 'none';
  20880. },
  20881. updateDimensions: function updateDimensions() {
  20882. var _this = this;
  20883. this.checkForWindow();
  20884. this.checkActivatorFixed();
  20885. this.checkForPageYOffset();
  20886. this.pageWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
  20887. var dimensions = {};
  20888. // Activator should already be shown
  20889. if (!this.hasActivator || this.absolute) {
  20890. dimensions.activator = this.absolutePosition();
  20891. } else {
  20892. var activator = this.getActivator();
  20893. dimensions.activator = this.measure(activator);
  20894. dimensions.activator.offsetLeft = activator.offsetLeft;
  20895. if (this.isAttached) {
  20896. // account for css padding causing things to not line up
  20897. // this is mostly for v-autocomplete, hopefully it won't break anything
  20898. dimensions.activator.offsetTop = activator.offsetTop;
  20899. } else {
  20900. dimensions.activator.offsetTop = 0;
  20901. }
  20902. }
  20903. // Display and hide to get dimensions
  20904. this.sneakPeek(function () {
  20905. dimensions.content = _this.measure(_this.$refs.content);
  20906. _this.dimensions = dimensions;
  20907. });
  20908. }
  20909. }
  20910. }));
  20911. /***/ }),
  20912. /***/ "./src/mixins/overlayable.ts":
  20913. /*!***********************************!*\
  20914. !*** ./src/mixins/overlayable.ts ***!
  20915. \***********************************/
  20916. /*! exports provided: default */
  20917. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  20918. "use strict";
  20919. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  20920. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_overlay_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../stylus/components/_overlay.styl */ "./src/stylus/components/_overlay.styl");
  20921. /* harmony import */ var _stylus_components_overlay_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_stylus_components_overlay_styl__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  20922. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  20923. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  20924. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__);
  20925. // Styles
  20926. // Utilities
  20927. // Types
  20928. /* @vue/component */
  20929. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default.a.extend().extend({
  20930. name: 'overlayable',
  20931. props: {
  20932. hideOverlay: Boolean
  20933. },
  20934. data: function data() {
  20935. return {
  20936. overlay: null,
  20937. overlayOffset: 0,
  20938. overlayTimeout: undefined,
  20939. overlayTransitionDuration: 500 + 150 // transition + delay
  20940. };
  20941. },
  20942. watch: {
  20943. hideOverlay: function hideOverlay(value) {
  20944. if (value) this.removeOverlay();else this.genOverlay();
  20945. }
  20946. },
  20947. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  20948. this.removeOverlay();
  20949. },
  20950. methods: {
  20951. genOverlay: function genOverlay() {
  20952. var _this = this;
  20953. // If fn is called and timeout is active
  20954. // or overlay already exists
  20955. // cancel removal of overlay and re-add active
  20956. if (!this.isActive || this.hideOverlay || this.isActive && this.overlayTimeout || this.overlay) {
  20957. clearTimeout(this.overlayTimeout);
  20958. return this.overlay && this.overlay.classList.add('v-overlay--active');
  20959. }
  20960. this.overlay = document.createElement('div');
  20961. this.overlay.className = 'v-overlay';
  20962. if (this.absolute) this.overlay.className += ' v-overlay--absolute';
  20963. this.hideScroll();
  20964. var parent = this.absolute ? this.$el.parentNode : document.querySelector('[data-app]');
  20965. parent && parent.insertBefore(this.overlay, parent.firstChild);
  20966. // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions
  20967. this.overlay.clientHeight; // Force repaint
  20968. requestAnimationFrame(function () {
  20969. // https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/issues/4678
  20970. if (!_this.overlay) return;
  20971. _this.overlay.className += ' v-overlay--active';
  20972. if (_this.activeZIndex !== undefined) {
  20973. _this.overlay.style.zIndex = String(_this.activeZIndex - 1);
  20974. }
  20975. });
  20976. return true;
  20977. },
  20978. /** removeOverlay(false) will not restore the scollbar afterwards */
  20979. removeOverlay: function removeOverlay(showScroll) {
  20980. var _this = this;
  20981. if (showScroll === void 0) {
  20982. showScroll = true;
  20983. }
  20984. if (!this.overlay) {
  20985. return showScroll && this.showScroll();
  20986. }
  20987. this.overlay.classList.remove('v-overlay--active');
  20988. this.overlayTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
  20989. // IE11 Fix
  20990. try {
  20991. if (_this.overlay && _this.overlay.parentNode) {
  20992. _this.overlay.parentNode.removeChild(_this.overlay);
  20993. }
  20994. _this.overlay = null;
  20995. showScroll && _this.showScroll();
  20996. } catch (e) {
  20997. console.log(e);
  20998. }
  20999. clearTimeout(_this.overlayTimeout);
  21000. _this.overlayTimeout = undefined;
  21001. }, this.overlayTransitionDuration);
  21002. },
  21003. scrollListener: function scrollListener(e) {
  21004. if (e.type === 'keydown') {
  21005. if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT'].includes(e.target.tagName) ||
  21006. // https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/issues/4715
  21007. e.target.isContentEditable) return;
  21008. var up = [_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["keyCodes"].up, _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["keyCodes"].pageup];
  21009. var down = [_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["keyCodes"].down, _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["keyCodes"].pagedown];
  21010. if (up.includes(e.keyCode)) {
  21011. e.deltaY = -1;
  21012. } else if (down.includes(e.keyCode)) {
  21013. e.deltaY = 1;
  21014. } else {
  21015. return;
  21016. }
  21017. }
  21018. if (e.target === this.overlay || e.type !== 'keydown' && e.target === document.body || this.checkPath(e)) e.preventDefault();
  21019. },
  21020. hasScrollbar: function hasScrollbar(el) {
  21021. if (!el || el.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return false;
  21022. var style = window.getComputedStyle(el);
  21023. return ['auto', 'scroll'].includes(style.overflowY) && el.scrollHeight > el.clientHeight;
  21024. },
  21025. shouldScroll: function shouldScroll(el, delta) {
  21026. if (el.scrollTop === 0 && delta < 0) return true;
  21027. return el.scrollTop + el.clientHeight === el.scrollHeight && delta > 0;
  21028. },
  21029. isInside: function isInside(el, parent) {
  21030. if (el === parent) {
  21031. return true;
  21032. } else if (el === null || el === document.body) {
  21033. return false;
  21034. } else {
  21035. return this.isInside(el.parentNode, parent);
  21036. }
  21037. },
  21038. checkPath: function checkPath(e) {
  21039. var path = e.path || this.composedPath(e);
  21040. var delta = e.deltaY;
  21041. if (e.type === 'keydown' && path[0] === document.body) {
  21042. var dialog = this.$refs.dialog;
  21043. var selected = window.getSelection().anchorNode;
  21044. if (dialog && this.hasScrollbar(dialog) && this.isInside(selected, dialog)) {
  21045. return this.shouldScroll(dialog, delta);
  21046. }
  21047. return true;
  21048. }
  21049. for (var index = 0; index < path.length; index++) {
  21050. var el = path[index];
  21051. if (el === document) return true;
  21052. if (el === document.documentElement) return true;
  21053. if (el === this.$refs.content) return true;
  21054. if (this.hasScrollbar(el)) return this.shouldScroll(el, delta);
  21055. }
  21056. return true;
  21057. },
  21058. /**
  21059. * Polyfill for Event.prototype.composedPath
  21060. */
  21061. composedPath: function composedPath(e) {
  21062. if (e.composedPath) return e.composedPath();
  21063. var path = [];
  21064. var el = e.target;
  21065. while (el) {
  21066. path.push(el);
  21067. if (el.tagName === 'HTML') {
  21068. path.push(document);
  21069. path.push(window);
  21070. return path;
  21071. }
  21072. el = el.parentElement;
  21073. }
  21074. return path;
  21075. },
  21076. hideScroll: function hideScroll() {
  21077. if (this.$vuetify.breakpoint.smAndDown) {
  21078. document.documentElement.classList.add('overflow-y-hidden');
  21079. } else {
  21080. Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["addPassiveEventListener"])(window, 'wheel', this.scrollListener, { passive: false });
  21081. window.addEventListener('keydown', this.scrollListener);
  21082. }
  21083. },
  21084. showScroll: function showScroll() {
  21085. document.documentElement.classList.remove('overflow-y-hidden');
  21086. window.removeEventListener('wheel', this.scrollListener);
  21087. window.removeEventListener('keydown', this.scrollListener);
  21088. }
  21089. }
  21090. }));
  21091. /***/ }),
  21092. /***/ "./src/mixins/picker-button.ts":
  21093. /*!*************************************!*\
  21094. !*** ./src/mixins/picker-button.ts ***!
  21095. \*************************************/
  21096. /*! exports provided: default */
  21097. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21098. "use strict";
  21099. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21100. /* harmony import */ var _colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  21101. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  21102. // Mixins
  21103. // Utilities
  21104. /* @vue/component */
  21105. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]).extend({
  21106. methods: {
  21107. genPickerButton: function genPickerButton(prop, value, content, readonly, staticClass) {
  21108. var _this = this;
  21109. if (readonly === void 0) {
  21110. readonly = false;
  21111. }
  21112. if (staticClass === void 0) {
  21113. staticClass = '';
  21114. }
  21115. var active = this[prop] === value;
  21116. var click = function click(event) {
  21117. event.stopPropagation();
  21118. _this.$emit("update:" + prop, value);
  21119. };
  21120. return this.$createElement('div', {
  21121. staticClass: ("v-picker__title__btn " + staticClass).trim(),
  21122. 'class': {
  21123. 'v-picker__title__btn--active': active,
  21124. 'v-picker__title__btn--readonly': readonly
  21125. },
  21126. on: active || readonly ? undefined : { click: click }
  21127. }, Array.isArray(content) ? content : [content]);
  21128. }
  21129. }
  21130. }));
  21131. /***/ }),
  21132. /***/ "./src/mixins/picker.ts":
  21133. /*!******************************!*\
  21134. !*** ./src/mixins/picker.ts ***!
  21135. \******************************/
  21136. /*! exports provided: default */
  21137. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21138. "use strict";
  21139. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21140. /* harmony import */ var _components_VPicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../components/VPicker */ "./src/components/VPicker/index.ts");
  21141. /* harmony import */ var _colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  21142. /* harmony import */ var _themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  21143. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  21144. // Components
  21145. // Mixins
  21146. // Utils
  21147. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["default"])(_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]
  21148. /* @vue/component */
  21149. ).extend({
  21150. name: 'picker',
  21151. props: {
  21152. fullWidth: Boolean,
  21153. headerColor: String,
  21154. landscape: Boolean,
  21155. noTitle: Boolean,
  21156. width: {
  21157. type: [Number, String],
  21158. default: 290
  21159. }
  21160. },
  21161. methods: {
  21162. genPickerTitle: function genPickerTitle() {
  21163. return null;
  21164. },
  21165. genPickerBody: function genPickerBody() {
  21166. return null;
  21167. },
  21168. genPickerActionsSlot: function genPickerActionsSlot() {
  21169. return this.$scopedSlots.default ? this.$scopedSlots.default({
  21170. save: this.save,
  21171. cancel: this.cancel
  21172. }) : this.$slots.default;
  21173. },
  21174. genPicker: function genPicker(staticClass) {
  21175. var children = [];
  21176. if (!this.noTitle) {
  21177. var title = this.genPickerTitle();
  21178. title && children.push(title);
  21179. }
  21180. var body = this.genPickerBody();
  21181. body && children.push(body);
  21182. children.push(this.$createElement('template', { slot: 'actions' }, [this.genPickerActionsSlot()]));
  21183. return this.$createElement(_components_VPicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], {
  21184. staticClass: staticClass,
  21185. props: {
  21186. color: this.headerColor || this.color,
  21187. dark: this.dark,
  21188. fullWidth: this.fullWidth,
  21189. landscape: this.landscape,
  21190. light: this.light,
  21191. width: this.width
  21192. }
  21193. }, children);
  21194. }
  21195. }
  21196. }));
  21197. /***/ }),
  21198. /***/ "./src/mixins/positionable.ts":
  21199. /*!************************************!*\
  21200. !*** ./src/mixins/positionable.ts ***!
  21201. \************************************/
  21202. /*! exports provided: factory, default */
  21203. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21204. "use strict";
  21205. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21206. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "factory", function() { return factory; });
  21207. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  21208. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  21209. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  21210. var availableProps = {
  21211. absolute: Boolean,
  21212. bottom: Boolean,
  21213. fixed: Boolean,
  21214. left: Boolean,
  21215. right: Boolean,
  21216. top: Boolean
  21217. };
  21218. function factory(selected) {
  21219. if (selected === void 0) {
  21220. selected = [];
  21221. }
  21222. return vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  21223. name: 'positionable',
  21224. props: selected.length ? Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["filterObjectOnKeys"])(availableProps, selected) : availableProps
  21225. });
  21226. }
  21227. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (factory());
  21228. // Add a `*` before the second `/`
  21229. /* Tests /
  21230. let single = factory(['top']).extend({
  21231. created () {
  21232. this.top
  21233. this.bottom
  21234. this.absolute
  21235. }
  21236. })
  21237. let some = factory(['top', 'bottom']).extend({
  21238. created () {
  21239. this.top
  21240. this.bottom
  21241. this.absolute
  21242. }
  21243. })
  21244. let all = factory().extend({
  21245. created () {
  21246. this.top
  21247. this.bottom
  21248. this.absolute
  21249. this.foobar
  21250. }
  21251. })
  21252. /**/
  21253. /***/ }),
  21254. /***/ "./src/mixins/proxyable.ts":
  21255. /*!*********************************!*\
  21256. !*** ./src/mixins/proxyable.ts ***!
  21257. \*********************************/
  21258. /*! exports provided: factory, default */
  21259. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21260. "use strict";
  21261. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21262. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "factory", function() { return factory; });
  21263. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  21264. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  21265. function factory(prop, event) {
  21266. if (prop === void 0) {
  21267. prop = 'value';
  21268. }
  21269. if (event === void 0) {
  21270. event = 'change';
  21271. }
  21272. var _a, _b;
  21273. return vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  21274. name: 'proxyable',
  21275. model: {
  21276. prop: prop,
  21277. event: event
  21278. },
  21279. props: (_a = {}, _a[prop] = {
  21280. required: false
  21281. }, _a),
  21282. data: function data() {
  21283. return {
  21284. internalLazyValue: this[prop]
  21285. };
  21286. },
  21287. computed: {
  21288. internalValue: {
  21289. get: function get() {
  21290. return this.internalLazyValue;
  21291. },
  21292. set: function set(val) {
  21293. if (val === this.internalLazyValue) return;
  21294. this.internalLazyValue = val;
  21295. this.$emit(event, val);
  21296. }
  21297. }
  21298. },
  21299. watch: (_b = {}, _b[prop] = function (val) {
  21300. this.internalLazyValue = val;
  21301. }, _b)
  21302. });
  21303. }
  21304. /* eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare */
  21305. var Proxyable = factory();
  21306. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Proxyable);
  21307. /***/ }),
  21308. /***/ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts":
  21309. /*!***********************************!*\
  21310. !*** ./src/mixins/registrable.ts ***!
  21311. \***********************************/
  21312. /*! exports provided: inject, provide */
  21313. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21314. "use strict";
  21315. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21316. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "inject", function() { return inject; });
  21317. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "provide", function() { return provide; });
  21318. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  21319. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  21320. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  21321. function generateWarning(child, parent) {
  21322. return function () {
  21323. return Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["consoleWarn"])("The " + child + " component must be used inside a " + parent);
  21324. };
  21325. }
  21326. function inject(namespace, child, parent) {
  21327. var _a;
  21328. var defaultImpl = child && parent ? {
  21329. register: generateWarning(child, parent),
  21330. unregister: generateWarning(child, parent)
  21331. } : null;
  21332. return vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  21333. name: 'registrable-inject',
  21334. inject: (_a = {}, _a[namespace] = {
  21335. default: defaultImpl
  21336. }, _a)
  21337. });
  21338. }
  21339. function provide(namespace) {
  21340. return vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  21341. name: 'registrable-provide',
  21342. methods: {
  21343. register: null,
  21344. unregister: null
  21345. },
  21346. provide: function provide() {
  21347. var _a;
  21348. return _a = {}, _a[namespace] = {
  21349. register: this.register,
  21350. unregister: this.unregister
  21351. }, _a;
  21352. }
  21353. });
  21354. }
  21355. /***/ }),
  21356. /***/ "./src/mixins/returnable.ts":
  21357. /*!**********************************!*\
  21358. !*** ./src/mixins/returnable.ts ***!
  21359. \**********************************/
  21360. /*! exports provided: default */
  21361. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21362. "use strict";
  21363. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21364. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  21365. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  21366. /* @vue/component */
  21367. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  21368. name: 'returnable',
  21369. props: {
  21370. returnValue: null
  21371. },
  21372. data: function data() {
  21373. return {
  21374. isActive: false,
  21375. originalValue: null
  21376. };
  21377. },
  21378. watch: {
  21379. isActive: function isActive(val) {
  21380. if (val) {
  21381. this.originalValue = this.returnValue;
  21382. } else {
  21383. this.$emit('update:returnValue', this.originalValue);
  21384. }
  21385. }
  21386. },
  21387. methods: {
  21388. save: function save(value) {
  21389. var _this = this;
  21390. this.originalValue = value;
  21391. setTimeout(function () {
  21392. _this.isActive = false;
  21393. });
  21394. }
  21395. }
  21396. }));
  21397. /***/ }),
  21398. /***/ "./src/mixins/rippleable.ts":
  21399. /*!**********************************!*\
  21400. !*** ./src/mixins/rippleable.ts ***!
  21401. \**********************************/
  21402. /*! exports provided: default */
  21403. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21404. "use strict";
  21405. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21406. /* harmony import */ var _directives_ripple__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../directives/ripple */ "./src/directives/ripple.ts");
  21407. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  21408. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
  21409. // Directives
  21410. // Types
  21411. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default.a.extend({
  21412. name: 'rippleable',
  21413. directives: { Ripple: _directives_ripple__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"] },
  21414. props: {
  21415. ripple: {
  21416. type: [Boolean, Object],
  21417. default: true
  21418. }
  21419. },
  21420. methods: {
  21421. genRipple: function genRipple(data) {
  21422. if (data === void 0) {
  21423. data = {};
  21424. }
  21425. if (!this.ripple) return null;
  21426. data.staticClass = 'v-input--selection-controls__ripple';
  21427. data.directives = data.directives || [];
  21428. data.directives.push({
  21429. name: 'ripple',
  21430. value: { center: true }
  21431. });
  21432. data.on = Object.assign({
  21433. click: this.onChange
  21434. }, this.$listeners);
  21435. return this.$createElement('div', data);
  21436. },
  21437. onChange: function onChange() {}
  21438. }
  21439. }));
  21440. /***/ }),
  21441. /***/ "./src/mixins/routable.ts":
  21442. /*!********************************!*\
  21443. !*** ./src/mixins/routable.ts ***!
  21444. \********************************/
  21445. /*! exports provided: default */
  21446. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21447. "use strict";
  21448. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21449. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  21450. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  21451. /* harmony import */ var _directives_ripple__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../directives/ripple */ "./src/directives/ripple.ts");
  21452. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  21453. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  21454. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  21455. s = arguments[i];
  21456. for (var p in s) {
  21457. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  21458. }
  21459. }
  21460. return t;
  21461. };
  21462. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  21463. };
  21464. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  21465. name: 'routable',
  21466. directives: {
  21467. Ripple: _directives_ripple__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"]
  21468. },
  21469. props: {
  21470. activeClass: String,
  21471. append: Boolean,
  21472. disabled: Boolean,
  21473. exact: {
  21474. type: Boolean,
  21475. default: undefined
  21476. },
  21477. exactActiveClass: String,
  21478. href: [String, Object],
  21479. to: [String, Object],
  21480. nuxt: Boolean,
  21481. replace: Boolean,
  21482. ripple: [Boolean, Object],
  21483. tag: String,
  21484. target: String
  21485. },
  21486. computed: {
  21487. computedRipple: function computedRipple() {
  21488. return this.ripple && !this.disabled ? this.ripple : false;
  21489. }
  21490. },
  21491. methods: {
  21492. click: function click(e) {
  21493. this.$emit('click', e);
  21494. },
  21495. generateRouteLink: function generateRouteLink(classes) {
  21496. var _a;
  21497. var exact = this.exact;
  21498. var tag;
  21499. var data = (_a = {
  21500. attrs: { disabled: this.disabled },
  21501. class: classes,
  21502. props: {},
  21503. directives: [{
  21504. name: 'ripple',
  21505. value: this.computedRipple
  21506. }]
  21507. }, _a[this.to ? 'nativeOn' : 'on'] = __assign({}, this.$listeners, { click: this.click }), _a);
  21508. if (typeof this.exact === 'undefined') {
  21509. exact = this.to === '/' || this.to === Object(this.to) && this.to.path === '/';
  21510. }
  21511. if (this.to) {
  21512. // Add a special activeClass hook
  21513. // for component level styles
  21514. var activeClass = this.activeClass;
  21515. var exactActiveClass = this.exactActiveClass || activeClass;
  21516. // TODO: apply only in VListTile
  21517. if (this.proxyClass) {
  21518. activeClass += ' ' + this.proxyClass;
  21519. exactActiveClass += ' ' + this.proxyClass;
  21520. }
  21521. tag = this.nuxt ? 'nuxt-link' : 'router-link';
  21522. Object.assign(data.props, {
  21523. to: this.to,
  21524. exact: exact,
  21525. activeClass: activeClass,
  21526. exactActiveClass: exactActiveClass,
  21527. append: this.append,
  21528. replace: this.replace
  21529. });
  21530. } else {
  21531. tag = this.href && 'a' || this.tag || 'a';
  21532. if (tag === 'a' && this.href) data.attrs.href = this.href;
  21533. }
  21534. if (this.target) data.attrs.target = this.target;
  21535. return { tag: tag, data: data };
  21536. }
  21537. }
  21538. }));
  21539. /***/ }),
  21540. /***/ "./src/mixins/selectable.js":
  21541. /*!**********************************!*\
  21542. !*** ./src/mixins/selectable.js ***!
  21543. \**********************************/
  21544. /*! exports provided: default */
  21545. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21546. "use strict";
  21547. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21548. /* harmony import */ var _components_VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../components/VInput */ "./src/components/VInput/index.ts");
  21549. /* harmony import */ var _rippleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./rippleable */ "./src/mixins/rippleable.ts");
  21550. /* harmony import */ var _comparable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./comparable */ "./src/mixins/comparable.ts");
  21551. // Components
  21552. // Mixins
  21553. /* @vue/component */
  21554. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (_components_VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"].extend({
  21555. name: 'selectable',
  21556. mixins: [_rippleable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"], _comparable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]],
  21557. model: {
  21558. prop: 'inputValue',
  21559. event: 'change'
  21560. },
  21561. props: {
  21562. color: {
  21563. type: String,
  21564. default: 'accent'
  21565. },
  21566. id: String,
  21567. inputValue: null,
  21568. falseValue: null,
  21569. trueValue: null,
  21570. multiple: {
  21571. type: Boolean,
  21572. default: null
  21573. },
  21574. label: String
  21575. },
  21576. data: function data(vm) {
  21577. return {
  21578. lazyValue: vm.inputValue
  21579. };
  21580. },
  21581. computed: {
  21582. computedColor: function computedColor() {
  21583. return this.isActive ? this.color : this.validationState;
  21584. },
  21585. isMultiple: function isMultiple() {
  21586. return this.multiple === true || this.multiple === null && Array.isArray(this.internalValue);
  21587. },
  21588. isActive: function isActive() {
  21589. var _this = this;
  21590. var value = this.value;
  21591. var input = this.internalValue;
  21592. if (this.isMultiple) {
  21593. if (!Array.isArray(input)) return false;
  21594. return input.some(function (item) {
  21595. return _this.valueComparator(item, value);
  21596. });
  21597. }
  21598. if (this.trueValue === undefined || this.falseValue === undefined) {
  21599. return value ? this.valueComparator(value, input) : Boolean(input);
  21600. }
  21601. return this.valueComparator(input, this.trueValue);
  21602. },
  21603. isDirty: function isDirty() {
  21604. return this.isActive;
  21605. }
  21606. },
  21607. watch: {
  21608. inputValue: function inputValue(val) {
  21609. this.lazyValue = val;
  21610. }
  21611. },
  21612. methods: {
  21613. genLabel: function genLabel() {
  21614. if (!this.hasLabel) return null;
  21615. var label = _components_VInput__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"].options.methods.genLabel.call(this);
  21616. label.data.on = { click: this.onChange };
  21617. return label;
  21618. },
  21619. genInput: function genInput(type, attrs) {
  21620. return this.$createElement('input', {
  21621. attrs: Object.assign({
  21622. 'aria-label': this.label,
  21623. 'aria-checked': this.isActive.toString(),
  21624. disabled: this.isDisabled,
  21625. id: this.id,
  21626. role: type,
  21627. type: type
  21628. }, attrs),
  21629. domProps: {
  21630. value: this.value,
  21631. checked: this.isActive
  21632. },
  21633. on: {
  21634. blur: this.onBlur,
  21635. change: this.onChange,
  21636. focus: this.onFocus,
  21637. keydown: this.onKeydown
  21638. },
  21639. ref: 'input'
  21640. });
  21641. },
  21642. onBlur: function onBlur() {
  21643. this.isFocused = false;
  21644. },
  21645. onChange: function onChange() {
  21646. var _this = this;
  21647. if (this.isDisabled) return;
  21648. var value = this.value;
  21649. var input = this.internalValue;
  21650. if (this.isMultiple) {
  21651. if (!Array.isArray(input)) {
  21652. input = [];
  21653. }
  21654. var length = input.length;
  21655. input = input.filter(function (item) {
  21656. return !_this.valueComparator(item, value);
  21657. });
  21658. if (input.length === length) {
  21659. input.push(value);
  21660. }
  21661. } else if (this.trueValue !== undefined && this.falseValue !== undefined) {
  21662. input = this.valueComparator(input, this.trueValue) ? this.falseValue : this.trueValue;
  21663. } else if (value) {
  21664. input = this.valueComparator(input, value) ? null : value;
  21665. } else {
  21666. input = !input;
  21667. }
  21668. this.validate(true, input);
  21669. this.internalValue = input;
  21670. },
  21671. onFocus: function onFocus() {
  21672. this.isFocused = true;
  21673. },
  21674. /** @abstract */
  21675. onKeydown: function onKeydown(e) {}
  21676. }
  21677. }));
  21678. /***/ }),
  21679. /***/ "./src/mixins/sizeable.ts":
  21680. /*!********************************!*\
  21681. !*** ./src/mixins/sizeable.ts ***!
  21682. \********************************/
  21683. /*! exports provided: default */
  21684. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21685. "use strict";
  21686. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21687. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  21688. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  21689. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  21690. name: 'sizeable',
  21691. props: {
  21692. large: Boolean,
  21693. medium: Boolean,
  21694. size: {
  21695. type: [Number, String]
  21696. },
  21697. small: Boolean,
  21698. xLarge: Boolean
  21699. }
  21700. }));
  21701. /***/ }),
  21702. /***/ "./src/mixins/ssr-bootable.ts":
  21703. /*!************************************!*\
  21704. !*** ./src/mixins/ssr-bootable.ts ***!
  21705. \************************************/
  21706. /*! exports provided: default */
  21707. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21708. "use strict";
  21709. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21710. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  21711. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  21712. /**
  21713. * SSRBootable
  21714. *
  21715. * @mixin
  21716. *
  21717. * Used in layout components (drawer, toolbar, content)
  21718. * to avoid an entry animation when using SSR
  21719. */
  21720. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  21721. name: 'ssr-bootable',
  21722. data: function data() {
  21723. return {
  21724. isBooted: false
  21725. };
  21726. },
  21727. mounted: function mounted() {
  21728. var _this = this;
  21729. // Use setAttribute instead of dataset
  21730. // because dataset does not work well
  21731. // with unit tests
  21732. window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
  21733. _this.$el.setAttribute('data-booted', 'true');
  21734. _this.isBooted = true;
  21735. });
  21736. }
  21737. }));
  21738. /***/ }),
  21739. /***/ "./src/mixins/stackable.ts":
  21740. /*!*********************************!*\
  21741. !*** ./src/mixins/stackable.ts ***!
  21742. \*********************************/
  21743. /*! exports provided: default */
  21744. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21745. "use strict";
  21746. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21747. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  21748. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  21749. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  21750. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  21751. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  21752. if (!m) return o;
  21753. var i = m.call(o),
  21754. r,
  21755. ar = [],
  21756. e;
  21757. try {
  21758. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  21759. ar.push(r.value);
  21760. }
  21761. } catch (error) {
  21762. e = { error: error };
  21763. } finally {
  21764. try {
  21765. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  21766. } finally {
  21767. if (e) throw e.error;
  21768. }
  21769. }
  21770. return ar;
  21771. };
  21772. var __spread = undefined && undefined.__spread || function () {
  21773. for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  21774. ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  21775. }return ar;
  21776. };
  21777. /* @vue/component */
  21778. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend().extend({
  21779. name: 'stackable',
  21780. data: function data() {
  21781. return {
  21782. stackClass: 'unpecified',
  21783. stackElement: null,
  21784. stackExclude: null,
  21785. stackMinZIndex: 0,
  21786. isActive: false
  21787. };
  21788. },
  21789. computed: {
  21790. activeZIndex: function activeZIndex() {
  21791. if (typeof window === 'undefined') return 0;
  21792. var content = this.stackElement || this.$refs.content;
  21793. // Return current zindex if not active
  21794. var index = !this.isActive ? Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["getZIndex"])(content) : this.getMaxZIndex(this.stackExclude || [content]) + 2;
  21795. if (index == null) return index;
  21796. // Return max current z-index (excluding self) + 2
  21797. // (2 to leave room for an overlay below, if needed)
  21798. return parseInt(index);
  21799. }
  21800. },
  21801. methods: {
  21802. getMaxZIndex: function getMaxZIndex(exclude) {
  21803. if (exclude === void 0) {
  21804. exclude = [];
  21805. }
  21806. var base = this.$el;
  21807. // Start with lowest allowed z-index or z-index of
  21808. // base component's element, whichever is greater
  21809. var zis = [this.stackMinZIndex, Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["getZIndex"])(base)];
  21810. // Convert the NodeList to an array to
  21811. // prevent an Edge bug with Symbol.iterator
  21812. // https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/issues/2146
  21813. var activeElements = __spread(document.getElementsByClassName(this.stackClass));
  21814. // Get z-index for all active dialogs
  21815. for (var index = 0; index < activeElements.length; index++) {
  21816. if (!exclude.includes(activeElements[index])) {
  21817. zis.push(Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["getZIndex"])(activeElements[index]));
  21818. }
  21819. }
  21820. return Math.max.apply(Math, __spread(zis));
  21821. }
  21822. }
  21823. }));
  21824. /***/ }),
  21825. /***/ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts":
  21826. /*!*********************************!*\
  21827. !*** ./src/mixins/themeable.ts ***!
  21828. \*********************************/
  21829. /*! exports provided: functionalThemeClasses, default */
  21830. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21831. "use strict";
  21832. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21833. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "functionalThemeClasses", function() { return functionalThemeClasses; });
  21834. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  21835. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  21836. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  21837. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  21838. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  21839. s = arguments[i];
  21840. for (var p in s) {
  21841. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  21842. }
  21843. }
  21844. return t;
  21845. };
  21846. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  21847. };
  21848. function functionalThemeClasses(context) {
  21849. var vm = __assign({}, context.props, context.injections);
  21850. var isDark = Themeable.options.computed.isDark.call(vm);
  21851. return Themeable.options.computed.themeClasses.call({ isDark: isDark });
  21852. }
  21853. /* @vue/component */
  21854. var Themeable = vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend().extend({
  21855. name: 'themeable',
  21856. provide: function provide() {
  21857. return {
  21858. theme: this.themeableProvide
  21859. };
  21860. },
  21861. inject: {
  21862. theme: {
  21863. default: {
  21864. isDark: false
  21865. }
  21866. }
  21867. },
  21868. props: {
  21869. dark: {
  21870. type: Boolean,
  21871. default: null
  21872. },
  21873. light: {
  21874. type: Boolean,
  21875. default: null
  21876. }
  21877. },
  21878. data: function data() {
  21879. return {
  21880. themeableProvide: {
  21881. isDark: false
  21882. }
  21883. };
  21884. },
  21885. computed: {
  21886. isDark: function isDark() {
  21887. if (this.dark === true) {
  21888. // explicitly dark
  21889. return true;
  21890. } else if (this.light === true) {
  21891. // explicitly light
  21892. return false;
  21893. } else {
  21894. // inherit from parent, or default false if there is none
  21895. return this.theme.isDark;
  21896. }
  21897. },
  21898. themeClasses: function themeClasses() {
  21899. return {
  21900. 'theme--dark': this.isDark,
  21901. 'theme--light': !this.isDark
  21902. };
  21903. },
  21904. /** Used by menus and dialogs, inherits from v-app instead of the parent */
  21905. rootIsDark: function rootIsDark() {
  21906. if (this.dark === true) {
  21907. // explicitly dark
  21908. return true;
  21909. } else if (this.light === true) {
  21910. // explicitly light
  21911. return false;
  21912. } else {
  21913. // inherit from v-app
  21914. return this.$vuetify.dark;
  21915. }
  21916. },
  21917. rootThemeClasses: function rootThemeClasses() {
  21918. return {
  21919. 'theme--dark': this.rootIsDark,
  21920. 'theme--light': !this.rootIsDark
  21921. };
  21922. }
  21923. },
  21924. watch: {
  21925. isDark: {
  21926. handler: function handler(newVal, oldVal) {
  21927. if (newVal !== oldVal) {
  21928. this.themeableProvide.isDark = this.isDark;
  21929. }
  21930. },
  21931. immediate: true
  21932. }
  21933. }
  21934. });
  21935. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Themeable);
  21936. /***/ }),
  21937. /***/ "./src/mixins/toggleable.ts":
  21938. /*!**********************************!*\
  21939. !*** ./src/mixins/toggleable.ts ***!
  21940. \**********************************/
  21941. /*! exports provided: factory, default */
  21942. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21943. "use strict";
  21944. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21945. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "factory", function() { return factory; });
  21946. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  21947. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  21948. function factory(prop, event) {
  21949. if (prop === void 0) {
  21950. prop = 'value';
  21951. }
  21952. if (event === void 0) {
  21953. event = 'input';
  21954. }
  21955. var _a, _b;
  21956. return vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  21957. name: 'toggleable',
  21958. model: { prop: prop, event: event },
  21959. props: (_a = {}, _a[prop] = { required: false }, _a),
  21960. data: function data() {
  21961. return {
  21962. isActive: !!this[prop]
  21963. };
  21964. },
  21965. watch: (_b = {}, _b[prop] = function (val) {
  21966. this.isActive = !!val;
  21967. }, _b.isActive = function (val) {
  21968. !!val !== this[prop] && this.$emit(event, val);
  21969. }, _b)
  21970. });
  21971. }
  21972. /* eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare */
  21973. var Toggleable = factory();
  21974. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Toggleable);
  21975. /***/ }),
  21976. /***/ "./src/mixins/transitionable.ts":
  21977. /*!**************************************!*\
  21978. !*** ./src/mixins/transitionable.ts ***!
  21979. \**************************************/
  21980. /*! exports provided: default */
  21981. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  21982. "use strict";
  21983. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  21984. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  21985. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  21986. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  21987. name: 'transitionable',
  21988. props: {
  21989. mode: String,
  21990. origin: String,
  21991. transition: String
  21992. }
  21993. }));
  21994. /***/ }),
  21995. /***/ "./src/mixins/translatable.ts":
  21996. /*!************************************!*\
  21997. !*** ./src/mixins/translatable.ts ***!
  21998. \************************************/
  21999. /*! exports provided: default */
  22000. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  22001. "use strict";
  22002. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  22003. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  22004. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  22005. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  22006. name: 'translatable',
  22007. props: {
  22008. height: Number
  22009. },
  22010. data: function data() {
  22011. return {
  22012. elOffsetTop: 0,
  22013. parallax: 0,
  22014. parallaxDist: 0,
  22015. percentScrolled: 0,
  22016. scrollTop: 0,
  22017. windowHeight: 0,
  22018. windowBottom: 0
  22019. };
  22020. },
  22021. computed: {
  22022. imgHeight: function imgHeight() {
  22023. return this.objHeight();
  22024. }
  22025. },
  22026. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  22027. window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.translate, false);
  22028. window.removeEventListener('resize', this.translate, false);
  22029. },
  22030. methods: {
  22031. calcDimensions: function calcDimensions() {
  22032. var offset = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect();
  22033. this.scrollTop = window.pageYOffset;
  22034. this.parallaxDist = this.imgHeight - this.height;
  22035. this.elOffsetTop = offset.top + this.scrollTop;
  22036. this.windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
  22037. this.windowBottom = this.scrollTop + this.windowHeight;
  22038. },
  22039. listeners: function listeners() {
  22040. window.addEventListener('scroll', this.translate, false);
  22041. window.addEventListener('resize', this.translate, false);
  22042. },
  22043. /** @abstract **/
  22044. objHeight: function objHeight() {
  22045. throw new Error('Not implemented !');
  22046. },
  22047. translate: function translate() {
  22048. this.calcDimensions();
  22049. this.percentScrolled = (this.windowBottom - this.elOffsetTop) / (parseInt(this.height) + this.windowHeight);
  22050. this.parallax = Math.round(this.parallaxDist * this.percentScrolled);
  22051. }
  22052. }
  22053. }));
  22054. /***/ }),
  22055. /***/ "./src/mixins/validatable.ts":
  22056. /*!***********************************!*\
  22057. !*** ./src/mixins/validatable.ts ***!
  22058. \***********************************/
  22059. /*! exports provided: default */
  22060. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  22061. "use strict";
  22062. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  22063. /* harmony import */ var _colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./colorable */ "./src/mixins/colorable.ts");
  22064. /* harmony import */ var _registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./registrable */ "./src/mixins/registrable.ts");
  22065. /* harmony import */ var _util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/helpers */ "./src/util/helpers.ts");
  22066. /* harmony import */ var _util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  22067. /* harmony import */ var _util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  22068. var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
  22069. // Mixins
  22070. // Utilities
  22071. /* @vue/component */
  22072. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_util_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(_colorable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"], Object(_registrable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["inject"])('form')).extend({
  22073. name: 'validatable',
  22074. props: {
  22075. disabled: Boolean,
  22076. error: Boolean,
  22077. errorCount: {
  22078. type: [Number, String],
  22079. default: 1
  22080. },
  22081. errorMessages: {
  22082. type: [String, Array],
  22083. default: function _default() {
  22084. return [];
  22085. }
  22086. },
  22087. messages: {
  22088. type: [String, Array],
  22089. default: function _default() {
  22090. return [];
  22091. }
  22092. },
  22093. readonly: Boolean,
  22094. rules: {
  22095. type: Array,
  22096. default: function _default() {
  22097. return [];
  22098. }
  22099. },
  22100. success: Boolean,
  22101. successMessages: {
  22102. type: [String, Array],
  22103. default: function _default() {
  22104. return [];
  22105. }
  22106. },
  22107. validateOnBlur: Boolean,
  22108. value: { required: false }
  22109. },
  22110. data: function data() {
  22111. return {
  22112. errorBucket: [],
  22113. hasColor: false,
  22114. hasFocused: false,
  22115. hasInput: false,
  22116. isFocused: false,
  22117. isResetting: false,
  22118. lazyValue: this.value,
  22119. valid: false
  22120. };
  22121. },
  22122. computed: {
  22123. hasError: function hasError() {
  22124. return this.internalErrorMessages.length > 0 || this.errorBucket.length > 0 || this.error;
  22125. },
  22126. // TODO: Add logic that allows the user to enable based
  22127. // upon a good validation
  22128. hasSuccess: function hasSuccess() {
  22129. return this.internalSuccessMessages.length > 0 || this.success;
  22130. },
  22131. externalError: function externalError() {
  22132. return this.internalErrorMessages.length > 0 || this.error;
  22133. },
  22134. hasMessages: function hasMessages() {
  22135. return this.validationTarget.length > 0;
  22136. },
  22137. hasState: function hasState() {
  22138. return this.hasSuccess || this.shouldValidate && this.hasError;
  22139. },
  22140. internalErrorMessages: function internalErrorMessages() {
  22141. return this.genInternalMessages(this.errorMessages);
  22142. },
  22143. internalMessages: function internalMessages() {
  22144. return this.genInternalMessages(this.messages);
  22145. },
  22146. internalSuccessMessages: function internalSuccessMessages() {
  22147. return this.genInternalMessages(this.successMessages);
  22148. },
  22149. internalValue: {
  22150. get: function get() {
  22151. return this.lazyValue;
  22152. },
  22153. set: function set(val) {
  22154. this.lazyValue = val;
  22155. this.$emit('input', val);
  22156. }
  22157. },
  22158. shouldValidate: function shouldValidate() {
  22159. if (this.externalError) return true;
  22160. if (this.isResetting) return false;
  22161. return this.validateOnBlur ? this.hasFocused && !this.isFocused : this.hasInput || this.hasFocused;
  22162. },
  22163. validations: function validations() {
  22164. return this.validationTarget.slice(0, Number(this.errorCount));
  22165. },
  22166. validationState: function validationState() {
  22167. if (this.hasError && this.shouldValidate) return 'error';
  22168. if (this.hasSuccess) return 'success';
  22169. if (this.hasColor) return this.color;
  22170. return undefined;
  22171. },
  22172. validationTarget: function validationTarget() {
  22173. if (this.internalErrorMessages.length > 0) {
  22174. return this.internalErrorMessages;
  22175. } else if (this.successMessages.length > 0) {
  22176. return this.internalSuccessMessages;
  22177. } else if (this.messages.length > 0) {
  22178. return this.internalMessages;
  22179. } else if (this.shouldValidate) {
  22180. return this.errorBucket;
  22181. } else return [];
  22182. }
  22183. },
  22184. watch: {
  22185. rules: {
  22186. handler: function handler(newVal, oldVal) {
  22187. if (Object(_util_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["deepEqual"])(newVal, oldVal)) return;
  22188. this.validate();
  22189. },
  22190. deep: true
  22191. },
  22192. internalValue: function internalValue() {
  22193. // If it's the first time we're setting input,
  22194. // mark it with hasInput
  22195. this.hasInput = true;
  22196. this.validateOnBlur || this.$nextTick(this.validate);
  22197. },
  22198. isFocused: function isFocused(val) {
  22199. // Should not check validation
  22200. // if disabled or readonly
  22201. if (!val && !this.disabled && !this.readonly) {
  22202. this.hasFocused = true;
  22203. this.validateOnBlur && this.validate();
  22204. }
  22205. },
  22206. isResetting: function isResetting() {
  22207. var _this = this;
  22208. setTimeout(function () {
  22209. _this.hasInput = false;
  22210. _this.hasFocused = false;
  22211. _this.isResetting = false;
  22212. _this.validate();
  22213. }, 0);
  22214. },
  22215. hasError: function hasError(val) {
  22216. if (this.shouldValidate) {
  22217. this.$emit('update:error', val);
  22218. }
  22219. },
  22220. value: function value(val) {
  22221. this.lazyValue = val;
  22222. }
  22223. },
  22224. beforeMount: function beforeMount() {
  22225. this.validate();
  22226. },
  22227. created: function created() {
  22228. this.form && this.form.register(this);
  22229. },
  22230. beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
  22231. this.form && this.form.unregister(this);
  22232. },
  22233. methods: {
  22234. genInternalMessages: function genInternalMessages(messages) {
  22235. if (!messages) return [];else if (Array.isArray(messages)) return messages;else return [messages];
  22236. },
  22237. /** @public */
  22238. reset: function reset() {
  22239. this.isResetting = true;
  22240. this.internalValue = Array.isArray(this.internalValue) ? [] : undefined;
  22241. },
  22242. /** @public */
  22243. resetValidation: function resetValidation() {
  22244. this.isResetting = true;
  22245. },
  22246. /** @public */
  22247. validate: function validate(force, value) {
  22248. if (force === void 0) {
  22249. force = false;
  22250. }
  22251. var errorBucket = [];
  22252. value = value || this.internalValue;
  22253. if (force) this.hasInput = this.hasFocused = true;
  22254. for (var index = 0; index < this.rules.length; index++) {
  22255. var rule = this.rules[index];
  22256. var valid = typeof rule === 'function' ? rule(value) : rule;
  22257. if (typeof valid === 'string') {
  22258. errorBucket.push(valid);
  22259. } else if (typeof valid !== 'boolean') {
  22260. Object(_util_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["consoleError"])("Rules should return a string or boolean, received '" + (typeof valid === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(valid)) + "' instead", this);
  22261. }
  22262. }
  22263. this.errorBucket = errorBucket;
  22264. this.valid = errorBucket.length === 0;
  22265. return this.valid;
  22266. }
  22267. }
  22268. }));
  22269. /***/ }),
  22270. /***/ "./src/stylus/app.styl":
  22271. /*!*****************************!*\
  22272. !*** ./src/stylus/app.styl ***!
  22273. \*****************************/
  22274. /*! no static exports found */
  22275. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22276. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22277. /***/ }),
  22278. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_alerts.styl":
  22279. /*!********************************************!*\
  22280. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_alerts.styl ***!
  22281. \********************************************/
  22282. /*! no static exports found */
  22283. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22284. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22285. /***/ }),
  22286. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_app.styl":
  22287. /*!*****************************************!*\
  22288. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_app.styl ***!
  22289. \*****************************************/
  22290. /*! no static exports found */
  22291. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22292. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22293. /***/ }),
  22294. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_autocompletes.styl":
  22295. /*!***************************************************!*\
  22296. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_autocompletes.styl ***!
  22297. \***************************************************/
  22298. /*! no static exports found */
  22299. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22300. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22301. /***/ }),
  22302. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_avatars.styl":
  22303. /*!*********************************************!*\
  22304. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_avatars.styl ***!
  22305. \*********************************************/
  22306. /*! no static exports found */
  22307. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22308. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22309. /***/ }),
  22310. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_badges.styl":
  22311. /*!********************************************!*\
  22312. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_badges.styl ***!
  22313. \********************************************/
  22314. /*! no static exports found */
  22315. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22316. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22317. /***/ }),
  22318. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_bottom-navs.styl":
  22319. /*!*************************************************!*\
  22320. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_bottom-navs.styl ***!
  22321. \*************************************************/
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  22323. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22324. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22325. /***/ }),
  22326. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_bottom-sheets.styl":
  22327. /*!***************************************************!*\
  22328. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_bottom-sheets.styl ***!
  22329. \***************************************************/
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  22331. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22332. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22333. /***/ }),
  22334. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_breadcrumbs.styl":
  22335. /*!*************************************************!*\
  22336. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_breadcrumbs.styl ***!
  22337. \*************************************************/
  22338. /*! no static exports found */
  22339. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22340. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22341. /***/ }),
  22342. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_button-toggle.styl":
  22343. /*!***************************************************!*\
  22344. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_button-toggle.styl ***!
  22345. \***************************************************/
  22346. /*! no static exports found */
  22347. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22348. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22349. /***/ }),
  22350. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_buttons.styl":
  22351. /*!*********************************************!*\
  22352. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_buttons.styl ***!
  22353. \*********************************************/
  22354. /*! no static exports found */
  22355. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22356. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22357. /***/ }),
  22358. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_calendar-daily.styl":
  22359. /*!****************************************************!*\
  22360. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_calendar-daily.styl ***!
  22361. \****************************************************/
  22362. /*! no static exports found */
  22363. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22364. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22365. /***/ }),
  22366. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_calendar-weekly.styl":
  22367. /*!*****************************************************!*\
  22368. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_calendar-weekly.styl ***!
  22369. \*****************************************************/
  22370. /*! no static exports found */
  22371. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22372. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22373. /***/ }),
  22374. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_cards.styl":
  22375. /*!*******************************************!*\
  22376. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_cards.styl ***!
  22377. \*******************************************/
  22378. /*! no static exports found */
  22379. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22380. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22381. /***/ }),
  22382. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_carousel.styl":
  22383. /*!**********************************************!*\
  22384. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_carousel.styl ***!
  22385. \**********************************************/
  22386. /*! no static exports found */
  22387. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22388. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22389. /***/ }),
  22390. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_chips.styl":
  22391. /*!*******************************************!*\
  22392. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_chips.styl ***!
  22393. \*******************************************/
  22394. /*! no static exports found */
  22395. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22396. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22397. /***/ }),
  22398. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_content.styl":
  22399. /*!*********************************************!*\
  22400. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_content.styl ***!
  22401. \*********************************************/
  22402. /*! no static exports found */
  22403. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22404. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22405. /***/ }),
  22406. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_counters.styl":
  22407. /*!**********************************************!*\
  22408. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_counters.styl ***!
  22409. \**********************************************/
  22410. /*! no static exports found */
  22411. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22412. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22413. /***/ }),
  22414. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_data-iterator.styl":
  22415. /*!***************************************************!*\
  22416. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_data-iterator.styl ***!
  22417. \***************************************************/
  22418. /*! no static exports found */
  22419. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22420. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22421. /***/ }),
  22422. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_data-table.styl":
  22423. /*!************************************************!*\
  22424. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_data-table.styl ***!
  22425. \************************************************/
  22426. /*! no static exports found */
  22427. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22428. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22429. /***/ }),
  22430. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_date-picker-header.styl":
  22431. /*!********************************************************!*\
  22432. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_date-picker-header.styl ***!
  22433. \********************************************************/
  22434. /*! no static exports found */
  22435. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22436. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22437. /***/ }),
  22438. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_date-picker-table.styl":
  22439. /*!*******************************************************!*\
  22440. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_date-picker-table.styl ***!
  22441. \*******************************************************/
  22442. /*! no static exports found */
  22443. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22444. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22445. /***/ }),
  22446. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_date-picker-title.styl":
  22447. /*!*******************************************************!*\
  22448. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_date-picker-title.styl ***!
  22449. \*******************************************************/
  22450. /*! no static exports found */
  22451. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22452. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22453. /***/ }),
  22454. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_date-picker-years.styl":
  22455. /*!*******************************************************!*\
  22456. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_date-picker-years.styl ***!
  22457. \*******************************************************/
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  22459. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22460. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22461. /***/ }),
  22462. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_dialogs.styl":
  22463. /*!*********************************************!*\
  22464. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_dialogs.styl ***!
  22465. \*********************************************/
  22466. /*! no static exports found */
  22467. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22468. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22469. /***/ }),
  22470. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_dividers.styl":
  22471. /*!**********************************************!*\
  22472. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_dividers.styl ***!
  22473. \**********************************************/
  22474. /*! no static exports found */
  22475. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22476. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22477. /***/ }),
  22478. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_expansion-panel.styl":
  22479. /*!*****************************************************!*\
  22480. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_expansion-panel.styl ***!
  22481. \*****************************************************/
  22482. /*! no static exports found */
  22483. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22484. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22485. /***/ }),
  22486. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_footer.styl":
  22487. /*!********************************************!*\
  22488. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_footer.styl ***!
  22489. \********************************************/
  22490. /*! no static exports found */
  22491. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22492. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22493. /***/ }),
  22494. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_forms.styl":
  22495. /*!*******************************************!*\
  22496. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_forms.styl ***!
  22497. \*******************************************/
  22498. /*! no static exports found */
  22499. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22500. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22501. /***/ }),
  22502. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_grid.styl":
  22503. /*!******************************************!*\
  22504. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_grid.styl ***!
  22505. \******************************************/
  22506. /*! no static exports found */
  22507. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22508. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22509. /***/ }),
  22510. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_icons.styl":
  22511. /*!*******************************************!*\
  22512. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_icons.styl ***!
  22513. \*******************************************/
  22514. /*! no static exports found */
  22515. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22516. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22517. /***/ }),
  22518. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_images.styl":
  22519. /*!********************************************!*\
  22520. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_images.styl ***!
  22521. \********************************************/
  22522. /*! no static exports found */
  22523. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22524. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22525. /***/ }),
  22526. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_inputs.styl":
  22527. /*!********************************************!*\
  22528. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_inputs.styl ***!
  22529. \********************************************/
  22530. /*! no static exports found */
  22531. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22532. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22533. /***/ }),
  22534. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_item-group.styl":
  22535. /*!************************************************!*\
  22536. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_item-group.styl ***!
  22537. \************************************************/
  22538. /*! no static exports found */
  22539. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22540. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22541. /***/ }),
  22542. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_jumbotrons.styl":
  22543. /*!************************************************!*\
  22544. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_jumbotrons.styl ***!
  22545. \************************************************/
  22546. /*! no static exports found */
  22547. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22548. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22549. /***/ }),
  22550. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_labels.styl":
  22551. /*!********************************************!*\
  22552. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_labels.styl ***!
  22553. \********************************************/
  22554. /*! no static exports found */
  22555. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22556. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22557. /***/ }),
  22558. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_lists.styl":
  22559. /*!*******************************************!*\
  22560. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_lists.styl ***!
  22561. \*******************************************/
  22562. /*! no static exports found */
  22563. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22564. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22565. /***/ }),
  22566. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_menus.styl":
  22567. /*!*******************************************!*\
  22568. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_menus.styl ***!
  22569. \*******************************************/
  22570. /*! no static exports found */
  22571. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22572. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22573. /***/ }),
  22574. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_messages.styl":
  22575. /*!**********************************************!*\
  22576. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_messages.styl ***!
  22577. \**********************************************/
  22578. /*! no static exports found */
  22579. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22580. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22581. /***/ }),
  22582. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_navigation-drawer.styl":
  22583. /*!*******************************************************!*\
  22584. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_navigation-drawer.styl ***!
  22585. \*******************************************************/
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  22587. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22588. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22589. /***/ }),
  22590. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_overflow-buttons.styl":
  22591. /*!******************************************************!*\
  22592. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_overflow-buttons.styl ***!
  22593. \******************************************************/
  22594. /*! no static exports found */
  22595. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22596. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22597. /***/ }),
  22598. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_overlay.styl":
  22599. /*!*********************************************!*\
  22600. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_overlay.styl ***!
  22601. \*********************************************/
  22602. /*! no static exports found */
  22603. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22604. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22605. /***/ }),
  22606. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_pagination.styl":
  22607. /*!************************************************!*\
  22608. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_pagination.styl ***!
  22609. \************************************************/
  22610. /*! no static exports found */
  22611. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22612. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22613. /***/ }),
  22614. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_parallax.styl":
  22615. /*!**********************************************!*\
  22616. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_parallax.styl ***!
  22617. \**********************************************/
  22618. /*! no static exports found */
  22619. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22620. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22621. /***/ }),
  22622. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_pickers.styl":
  22623. /*!*********************************************!*\
  22624. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_pickers.styl ***!
  22625. \*********************************************/
  22626. /*! no static exports found */
  22627. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22628. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22629. /***/ }),
  22630. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_progress-circular.styl":
  22631. /*!*******************************************************!*\
  22632. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_progress-circular.styl ***!
  22633. \*******************************************************/
  22634. /*! no static exports found */
  22635. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22636. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22637. /***/ }),
  22638. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_progress-linear.styl":
  22639. /*!*****************************************************!*\
  22640. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_progress-linear.styl ***!
  22641. \*****************************************************/
  22642. /*! no static exports found */
  22643. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22644. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22645. /***/ }),
  22646. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_radio-group.styl":
  22647. /*!*************************************************!*\
  22648. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_radio-group.styl ***!
  22649. \*************************************************/
  22650. /*! no static exports found */
  22651. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22652. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22653. /***/ }),
  22654. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_radios.styl":
  22655. /*!********************************************!*\
  22656. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_radios.styl ***!
  22657. \********************************************/
  22658. /*! no static exports found */
  22659. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22660. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22661. /***/ }),
  22662. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_range-sliders.styl":
  22663. /*!***************************************************!*\
  22664. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_range-sliders.styl ***!
  22665. \***************************************************/
  22666. /*! no static exports found */
  22667. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22668. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22669. /***/ }),
  22670. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_rating.styl":
  22671. /*!********************************************!*\
  22672. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_rating.styl ***!
  22673. \********************************************/
  22674. /*! no static exports found */
  22675. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22676. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22677. /***/ }),
  22678. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_responsive.styl":
  22679. /*!************************************************!*\
  22680. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_responsive.styl ***!
  22681. \************************************************/
  22682. /*! no static exports found */
  22683. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22684. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22685. /***/ }),
  22686. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_select.styl":
  22687. /*!********************************************!*\
  22688. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_select.styl ***!
  22689. \********************************************/
  22690. /*! no static exports found */
  22691. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22692. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22693. /***/ }),
  22694. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_selection-controls.styl":
  22695. /*!********************************************************!*\
  22696. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_selection-controls.styl ***!
  22697. \********************************************************/
  22698. /*! no static exports found */
  22699. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22700. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22701. /***/ }),
  22702. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_sheet.styl":
  22703. /*!*******************************************!*\
  22704. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_sheet.styl ***!
  22705. \*******************************************/
  22706. /*! no static exports found */
  22707. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22708. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22709. /***/ }),
  22710. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_sliders.styl":
  22711. /*!*********************************************!*\
  22712. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_sliders.styl ***!
  22713. \*********************************************/
  22714. /*! no static exports found */
  22715. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22716. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22717. /***/ }),
  22718. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_small-dialog.styl":
  22719. /*!**************************************************!*\
  22720. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_small-dialog.styl ***!
  22721. \**************************************************/
  22722. /*! no static exports found */
  22723. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22724. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22725. /***/ }),
  22726. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_snackbars.styl":
  22727. /*!***********************************************!*\
  22728. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_snackbars.styl ***!
  22729. \***********************************************/
  22730. /*! no static exports found */
  22731. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22732. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22733. /***/ }),
  22734. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_speed-dial.styl":
  22735. /*!************************************************!*\
  22736. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_speed-dial.styl ***!
  22737. \************************************************/
  22738. /*! no static exports found */
  22739. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22740. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22741. /***/ }),
  22742. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_steppers.styl":
  22743. /*!**********************************************!*\
  22744. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_steppers.styl ***!
  22745. \**********************************************/
  22746. /*! no static exports found */
  22747. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22748. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22749. /***/ }),
  22750. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_subheaders.styl":
  22751. /*!************************************************!*\
  22752. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_subheaders.styl ***!
  22753. \************************************************/
  22754. /*! no static exports found */
  22755. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22756. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22757. /***/ }),
  22758. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_switch.styl":
  22759. /*!********************************************!*\
  22760. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_switch.styl ***!
  22761. \********************************************/
  22762. /*! no static exports found */
  22763. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22764. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22765. /***/ }),
  22766. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_system-bars.styl":
  22767. /*!*************************************************!*\
  22768. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_system-bars.styl ***!
  22769. \*************************************************/
  22770. /*! no static exports found */
  22771. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22772. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22773. /***/ }),
  22774. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_tables.styl":
  22775. /*!********************************************!*\
  22776. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_tables.styl ***!
  22777. \********************************************/
  22778. /*! no static exports found */
  22779. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22780. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22781. /***/ }),
  22782. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_tabs.styl":
  22783. /*!******************************************!*\
  22784. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_tabs.styl ***!
  22785. \******************************************/
  22786. /*! no static exports found */
  22787. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22788. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22789. /***/ }),
  22790. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_text-fields.styl":
  22791. /*!*************************************************!*\
  22792. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_text-fields.styl ***!
  22793. \*************************************************/
  22794. /*! no static exports found */
  22795. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22796. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22797. /***/ }),
  22798. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_textarea.styl":
  22799. /*!**********************************************!*\
  22800. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_textarea.styl ***!
  22801. \**********************************************/
  22802. /*! no static exports found */
  22803. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22804. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22805. /***/ }),
  22806. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_time-picker-clock.styl":
  22807. /*!*******************************************************!*\
  22808. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_time-picker-clock.styl ***!
  22809. \*******************************************************/
  22810. /*! no static exports found */
  22811. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22812. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22813. /***/ }),
  22814. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_time-picker-title.styl":
  22815. /*!*******************************************************!*\
  22816. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_time-picker-title.styl ***!
  22817. \*******************************************************/
  22818. /*! no static exports found */
  22819. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22820. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22821. /***/ }),
  22822. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_timeline.styl":
  22823. /*!**********************************************!*\
  22824. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_timeline.styl ***!
  22825. \**********************************************/
  22826. /*! no static exports found */
  22827. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22828. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22829. /***/ }),
  22830. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_toolbar.styl":
  22831. /*!*********************************************!*\
  22832. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_toolbar.styl ***!
  22833. \*********************************************/
  22834. /*! no static exports found */
  22835. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22836. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22837. /***/ }),
  22838. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_tooltips.styl":
  22839. /*!**********************************************!*\
  22840. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_tooltips.styl ***!
  22841. \**********************************************/
  22842. /*! no static exports found */
  22843. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22844. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22845. /***/ }),
  22846. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_treeview.styl":
  22847. /*!**********************************************!*\
  22848. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_treeview.styl ***!
  22849. \**********************************************/
  22850. /*! no static exports found */
  22851. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22852. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22853. /***/ }),
  22854. /***/ "./src/stylus/components/_windows.styl":
  22855. /*!*********************************************!*\
  22856. !*** ./src/stylus/components/_windows.styl ***!
  22857. \*********************************************/
  22858. /*! no static exports found */
  22859. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  22860. // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  22861. /***/ }),
  22862. /***/ "./src/util/ThemeProvider.ts":
  22863. /*!***********************************!*\
  22864. !*** ./src/util/ThemeProvider.ts ***!
  22865. \***********************************/
  22866. /*! exports provided: default */
  22867. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  22868. "use strict";
  22869. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  22870. /* harmony import */ var _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../mixins/themeable */ "./src/mixins/themeable.ts");
  22871. /* harmony import */ var _mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mixins */ "./src/util/mixins.ts");
  22872. /* @vue/component */
  22873. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(_mixins__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(_mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"]).extend({
  22874. name: 'theme-provider',
  22875. props: {
  22876. root: Boolean
  22877. },
  22878. computed: {
  22879. isDark: function isDark() {
  22880. return this.root ? this.rootIsDark : _mixins_themeable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"].options.computed.isDark.call(this);
  22881. }
  22882. },
  22883. render: function render() {
  22884. return this.$slots.default && this.$slots.default.find(function (node) {
  22885. return !node.isComment && node.text !== ' ';
  22886. });
  22887. }
  22888. }));
  22889. /***/ }),
  22890. /***/ "./src/util/color/transformCIELAB.ts":
  22891. /*!*******************************************!*\
  22892. !*** ./src/util/color/transformCIELAB.ts ***!
  22893. \*******************************************/
  22894. /*! exports provided: fromXYZ, toXYZ */
  22895. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  22896. "use strict";
  22897. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  22898. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "fromXYZ", function() { return fromXYZ; });
  22899. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "toXYZ", function() { return toXYZ; });
  22900. var delta = 0.20689655172413793; // 6÷29
  22901. var cielabForwardTransform = function cielabForwardTransform(t) {
  22902. return t > Math.pow(delta, 3) ? Math.cbrt(t) : t / (3 * Math.pow(delta, 2)) + 4 / 29;
  22903. };
  22904. var cielabReverseTransform = function cielabReverseTransform(t) {
  22905. return t > delta ? Math.pow(t, 3) : 3 * Math.pow(delta, 2) * (t - 4 / 29);
  22906. };
  22907. function fromXYZ(xyz) {
  22908. var transform = cielabForwardTransform;
  22909. var transformedY = transform(xyz[1]);
  22910. return [116 * transformedY - 16, 500 * (transform(xyz[0] / 0.95047) - transformedY), 200 * (transformedY - transform(xyz[2] / 1.08883))];
  22911. }
  22912. function toXYZ(lab) {
  22913. var transform = cielabReverseTransform;
  22914. var Ln = (lab[0] + 16) / 116;
  22915. return [transform(Ln + lab[1] / 500) * 0.95047, transform(Ln), transform(Ln - lab[2] / 200) * 1.08883];
  22916. }
  22917. /***/ }),
  22918. /***/ "./src/util/color/transformSRGB.ts":
  22919. /*!*****************************************!*\
  22920. !*** ./src/util/color/transformSRGB.ts ***!
  22921. \*****************************************/
  22922. /*! exports provided: fromXYZ, toXYZ */
  22923. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  22924. "use strict";
  22925. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  22926. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "fromXYZ", function() { return fromXYZ; });
  22927. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "toXYZ", function() { return toXYZ; });
  22928. // For converting XYZ to sRGB
  22929. var srgbForwardMatrix = [[3.2406, -1.5372, -0.4986], [-0.9689, 1.8758, 0.0415], [0.0557, -0.2040, 1.0570]];
  22930. // Forward gamma adjust
  22931. var srgbForwardTransform = function srgbForwardTransform(C) {
  22932. return C <= 0.0031308 ? C * 12.92 : 1.055 * Math.pow(C, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055;
  22933. };
  22934. // For converting sRGB to XYZ
  22935. var srgbReverseMatrix = [[0.4124, 0.3576, 0.1805], [0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722], [0.0193, 0.1192, 0.9505]];
  22936. // Reverse gamma adjust
  22937. var srgbReverseTransform = function srgbReverseTransform(C) {
  22938. return C <= 0.04045 ? C / 12.92 : Math.pow((C + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
  22939. };
  22940. function clamp(value) {
  22941. return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, value));
  22942. }
  22943. function fromXYZ(xyz) {
  22944. var rgb = Array(3);
  22945. var transform = srgbForwardTransform;
  22946. var matrix = srgbForwardMatrix;
  22947. // Matrix transform, then gamma adjustment
  22948. for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
  22949. rgb[i] = Math.round(clamp(transform(matrix[i][0] * xyz[0] + matrix[i][1] * xyz[1] + matrix[i][2] * xyz[2])) * 255);
  22950. }
  22951. // Rescale back to [0, 255]
  22952. return (rgb[0] << 16) + (rgb[1] << 8) + (rgb[2] << 0);
  22953. }
  22954. function toXYZ(rgb) {
  22955. var xyz = [0, 0, 0];
  22956. var transform = srgbReverseTransform;
  22957. var matrix = srgbReverseMatrix;
  22958. // Rescale from [0, 255] to [0, 1] then adjust sRGB gamma to linear RGB
  22959. var r = transform((rgb >> 16 & 0xff) / 255);
  22960. var g = transform((rgb >> 8 & 0xff) / 255);
  22961. var b = transform((rgb >> 0 & 0xff) / 255);
  22962. // Matrix color space transform
  22963. for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
  22964. xyz[i] = matrix[i][0] * r + matrix[i][1] * g + matrix[i][2] * b;
  22965. }
  22966. return xyz;
  22967. }
  22968. /***/ }),
  22969. /***/ "./src/util/colorUtils.ts":
  22970. /*!********************************!*\
  22971. !*** ./src/util/colorUtils.ts ***!
  22972. \********************************/
  22973. /*! exports provided: colorToInt, intToHex, colorToHex */
  22974. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  22975. "use strict";
  22976. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  22977. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "colorToInt", function() { return colorToInt; });
  22978. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "intToHex", function() { return intToHex; });
  22979. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "colorToHex", function() { return colorToHex; });
  22980. /* harmony import */ var _console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./console */ "./src/util/console.ts");
  22981. function colorToInt(color) {
  22982. var rgb;
  22983. if (typeof color === 'number') {
  22984. rgb = color;
  22985. } else if (typeof color === 'string') {
  22986. var c = color[0] === '#' ? color.substring(1) : color;
  22987. if (c.length === 3) {
  22988. c = c.split('').map(function (char) {
  22989. return char + char;
  22990. }).join('');
  22991. }
  22992. if (c.length !== 6) {
  22993. Object(_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["consoleWarn"])("'" + color + "' is not a valid rgb color");
  22994. }
  22995. rgb = parseInt(c, 16);
  22996. } else {
  22997. throw new TypeError("Colors can only be numbers or strings, recieved " + (color == null ? color : color.constructor.name) + " instead");
  22998. }
  22999. if (rgb < 0) {
  23000. Object(_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["consoleWarn"])("Colors cannot be negative: '" + color + "'");
  23001. rgb = 0;
  23002. } else if (rgb > 0xffffff || isNaN(rgb)) {
  23003. Object(_console__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["consoleWarn"])("'" + color + "' is not a valid rgb color");
  23004. rgb = 0xffffff;
  23005. }
  23006. return rgb;
  23007. }
  23008. function intToHex(color) {
  23009. var hexColor = color.toString(16);
  23010. if (hexColor.length < 6) hexColor = '0'.repeat(6 - hexColor.length) + hexColor;
  23011. return '#' + hexColor;
  23012. }
  23013. function colorToHex(color) {
  23014. return intToHex(colorToInt(color));
  23015. }
  23016. /***/ }),
  23017. /***/ "./src/util/console.ts":
  23018. /*!*****************************!*\
  23019. !*** ./src/util/console.ts ***!
  23020. \*****************************/
  23021. /*! exports provided: consoleInfo, consoleWarn, consoleError, deprecate */
  23022. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  23023. "use strict";
  23024. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  23025. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "consoleInfo", function() { return consoleInfo; });
  23026. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "consoleWarn", function() { return consoleWarn; });
  23027. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "consoleError", function() { return consoleError; });
  23028. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "deprecate", function() { return deprecate; });
  23029. function createMessage(message, vm, parent) {
  23030. if (parent) {
  23031. vm = {
  23032. _isVue: true,
  23033. $parent: parent,
  23034. $options: vm
  23035. };
  23036. }
  23037. if (vm) {
  23038. // Only show each message once per instance
  23039. vm.$_alreadyWarned = vm.$_alreadyWarned || [];
  23040. if (vm.$_alreadyWarned.includes(message)) return;
  23041. vm.$_alreadyWarned.push(message);
  23042. }
  23043. return "[Vuetify] " + message + (vm ? generateComponentTrace(vm) : '');
  23044. }
  23045. function consoleInfo(message, vm, parent) {
  23046. var newMessage = createMessage(message, vm, parent);
  23047. newMessage != null && console.info(newMessage);
  23048. }
  23049. function consoleWarn(message, vm, parent) {
  23050. var newMessage = createMessage(message, vm, parent);
  23051. newMessage != null && console.warn(newMessage);
  23052. }
  23053. function consoleError(message, vm, parent) {
  23054. var newMessage = createMessage(message, vm, parent);
  23055. newMessage != null && console.error(newMessage);
  23056. }
  23057. function deprecate(original, replacement, vm, parent) {
  23058. consoleWarn("'" + original + "' is deprecated, use '" + replacement + "' instead", vm, parent);
  23059. }
  23060. /**
  23061. * Shamelessly stolen from vuejs/vue/blob/dev/src/core/util/debug.js
  23062. */
  23063. var classifyRE = /(?:^|[-_])(\w)/g;
  23064. var classify = function classify(str) {
  23065. return str.replace(classifyRE, function (c) {
  23066. return c.toUpperCase();
  23067. }).replace(/[-_]/g, '');
  23068. };
  23069. function formatComponentName(vm, includeFile) {
  23070. if (vm.$root === vm) {
  23071. return '<Root>';
  23072. }
  23073. var options = typeof vm === 'function' && vm.cid != null ? vm.options : vm._isVue ? vm.$options || vm.constructor.options : vm || {};
  23074. var name = options.name || options._componentTag;
  23075. var file = options.__file;
  23076. if (!name && file) {
  23077. var match = file.match(/([^/\\]+)\.vue$/);
  23078. name = match && match[1];
  23079. }
  23080. return (name ? "<" + classify(name) + ">" : "<Anonymous>") + (file && includeFile !== false ? " at " + file : '');
  23081. }
  23082. function generateComponentTrace(vm) {
  23083. if (vm._isVue && vm.$parent) {
  23084. var tree = [];
  23085. var currentRecursiveSequence = 0;
  23086. while (vm) {
  23087. if (tree.length > 0) {
  23088. var last = tree[tree.length - 1];
  23089. if (last.constructor === vm.constructor) {
  23090. currentRecursiveSequence++;
  23091. vm = vm.$parent;
  23092. continue;
  23093. } else if (currentRecursiveSequence > 0) {
  23094. tree[tree.length - 1] = [last, currentRecursiveSequence];
  23095. currentRecursiveSequence = 0;
  23096. }
  23097. }
  23098. tree.push(vm);
  23099. vm = vm.$parent;
  23100. }
  23101. return '\n\nfound in\n\n' + tree.map(function (vm, i) {
  23102. return "" + (i === 0 ? '---> ' : ' '.repeat(5 + i * 2)) + (Array.isArray(vm) ? formatComponentName(vm[0]) + "... (" + vm[1] + " recursive calls)" : formatComponentName(vm));
  23103. }).join('\n');
  23104. } else {
  23105. return "\n\n(found in " + formatComponentName(vm) + ")";
  23106. }
  23107. }
  23108. /***/ }),
  23109. /***/ "./src/util/dedupeModelListeners.ts":
  23110. /*!******************************************!*\
  23111. !*** ./src/util/dedupeModelListeners.ts ***!
  23112. \******************************************/
  23113. /*! exports provided: default */
  23114. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  23115. "use strict";
  23116. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  23117. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "default", function() { return dedupeModelListeners; });
  23118. /**
  23119. * Removes duplicate `@input` listeners when
  23120. * using v-model with functional components
  23121. *
  23122. * @see https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/issues/4460
  23123. */
  23124. function dedupeModelListeners(data) {
  23125. if (data.model && data.on && data.on.input) {
  23126. if (Array.isArray(data.on.input)) {
  23127. var i = data.on.input.indexOf(data.model.callback);
  23128. if (i > -1) data.on.input.splice(i, 1);
  23129. } else {
  23130. delete data.on.input;
  23131. }
  23132. }
  23133. }
  23134. /***/ }),
  23135. /***/ "./src/util/helpers.ts":
  23136. /*!*****************************!*\
  23137. !*** ./src/util/helpers.ts ***!
  23138. \*****************************/
  23139. /*! exports provided: createSimpleFunctional, createSimpleTransition, createJavaScriptTransition, directiveConfig, addOnceEventListener, passiveSupported, addPassiveEventListener, getNestedValue, deepEqual, getObjectValueByPath, getPropertyFromItem, createRange, getZIndex, escapeHTML, filterObjectOnKeys, filterChildren, convertToUnit, kebabCase, isObject, keyCodes, remapInternalIcon, keys, camelize, arrayDiff, upperFirst, getSlotType */
  23140. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  23141. "use strict";
  23142. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  23143. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "createSimpleFunctional", function() { return createSimpleFunctional; });
  23144. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "createSimpleTransition", function() { return createSimpleTransition; });
  23145. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "createJavaScriptTransition", function() { return createJavaScriptTransition; });
  23146. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "directiveConfig", function() { return directiveConfig; });
  23147. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "addOnceEventListener", function() { return addOnceEventListener; });
  23148. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "passiveSupported", function() { return passiveSupported; });
  23149. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "addPassiveEventListener", function() { return addPassiveEventListener; });
  23150. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getNestedValue", function() { return getNestedValue; });
  23151. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "deepEqual", function() { return deepEqual; });
  23152. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getObjectValueByPath", function() { return getObjectValueByPath; });
  23153. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getPropertyFromItem", function() { return getPropertyFromItem; });
  23154. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "createRange", function() { return createRange; });
  23155. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getZIndex", function() { return getZIndex; });
  23156. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "escapeHTML", function() { return escapeHTML; });
  23157. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "filterObjectOnKeys", function() { return filterObjectOnKeys; });
  23158. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "filterChildren", function() { return filterChildren; });
  23159. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "convertToUnit", function() { return convertToUnit; });
  23160. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "kebabCase", function() { return kebabCase; });
  23161. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "isObject", function() { return isObject; });
  23162. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "keyCodes", function() { return keyCodes; });
  23163. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "remapInternalIcon", function() { return remapInternalIcon; });
  23164. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "keys", function() { return keys; });
  23165. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "camelize", function() { return camelize; });
  23166. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "arrayDiff", function() { return arrayDiff; });
  23167. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "upperFirst", function() { return upperFirst; });
  23168. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "getSlotType", function() { return getSlotType; });
  23169. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  23170. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  23171. var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
  23172. var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || function () {
  23173. __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {
  23174. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  23175. s = arguments[i];
  23176. for (var p in s) {
  23177. if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  23178. }
  23179. }
  23180. return t;
  23181. };
  23182. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  23183. };
  23184. function createSimpleFunctional(c, el, name) {
  23185. if (el === void 0) {
  23186. el = 'div';
  23187. }
  23188. return vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({
  23189. name: name || c.replace(/__/g, '-'),
  23190. functional: true,
  23191. render: function render(h, _a) {
  23192. var data = _a.data,
  23193. children = _a.children;
  23194. data.staticClass = (c + " " + (data.staticClass || '')).trim();
  23195. return h(el, data, children);
  23196. }
  23197. });
  23198. }
  23199. function mergeTransitions(transitions, array) {
  23200. if (Array.isArray(transitions)) return transitions.concat(array);
  23201. if (transitions) array.push(transitions);
  23202. return array;
  23203. }
  23204. function createSimpleTransition(name, origin, mode) {
  23205. if (origin === void 0) {
  23206. origin = 'top center 0';
  23207. }
  23208. return {
  23209. name: name,
  23210. functional: true,
  23211. props: {
  23212. group: {
  23213. type: Boolean,
  23214. default: false
  23215. },
  23216. hideOnLeave: {
  23217. type: Boolean,
  23218. default: false
  23219. },
  23220. leaveAbsolute: {
  23221. type: Boolean,
  23222. default: false
  23223. },
  23224. mode: {
  23225. type: String,
  23226. default: mode
  23227. },
  23228. origin: {
  23229. type: String,
  23230. default: origin
  23231. }
  23232. },
  23233. render: function render(h, context) {
  23234. var tag = "transition" + (context.props.group ? '-group' : '');
  23235. context.data = context.data || {};
  23236. context.data.props = {
  23237. name: name,
  23238. mode: context.props.mode
  23239. };
  23240. context.data.on = context.data.on || {};
  23241. if (!Object.isExtensible(context.data.on)) {
  23242. context.data.on = __assign({}, context.data.on);
  23243. }
  23244. var ourBeforeEnter = [];
  23245. var ourLeave = [];
  23246. var absolute = function absolute(el) {
  23247. return el.style.position = 'absolute';
  23248. };
  23249. ourBeforeEnter.push(function (el) {
  23250. el.style.transformOrigin = context.props.origin;
  23251. el.style.webkitTransformOrigin = context.props.origin;
  23252. });
  23253. if (context.props.leaveAbsolute) ourLeave.push(absolute);
  23254. if (context.props.hideOnLeave) {
  23255. ourLeave.push(function (el) {
  23256. return el.style.display = 'none';
  23257. });
  23258. }
  23259. var _a = context.data.on,
  23260. beforeEnter = _a.beforeEnter,
  23261. leave = _a.leave;
  23262. // Type says Function | Function[] but
  23263. // will only work if provided a function
  23264. context.data.on.beforeEnter = function () {
  23265. return mergeTransitions(beforeEnter, ourBeforeEnter);
  23266. };
  23267. context.data.on.leave = mergeTransitions(leave, ourLeave);
  23268. return h(tag, context.data, context.children);
  23269. }
  23270. };
  23271. }
  23272. function createJavaScriptTransition(name, functions, mode) {
  23273. if (mode === void 0) {
  23274. mode = 'in-out';
  23275. }
  23276. return {
  23277. name: name,
  23278. functional: true,
  23279. props: {
  23280. mode: {
  23281. type: String,
  23282. default: mode
  23283. }
  23284. },
  23285. render: function render(h, context) {
  23286. var data = {
  23287. props: __assign({}, context.props, { name: name }),
  23288. on: functions
  23289. };
  23290. return h('transition', data, context.children);
  23291. }
  23292. };
  23293. }
  23294. function directiveConfig(binding, defaults) {
  23295. if (defaults === void 0) {
  23296. defaults = {};
  23297. }
  23298. return __assign({}, defaults, binding.modifiers, { value: binding.arg }, binding.value || {});
  23299. }
  23300. function addOnceEventListener(el, event, cb) {
  23301. var once = function once() {
  23302. cb();
  23303. el.removeEventListener(event, once, false);
  23304. };
  23305. el.addEventListener(event, once, false);
  23306. }
  23307. var passiveSupported = false;
  23308. try {
  23309. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  23310. var testListenerOpts = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {
  23311. get: function get() {
  23312. passiveSupported = true;
  23313. }
  23314. });
  23315. window.addEventListener('testListener', testListenerOpts, testListenerOpts);
  23316. window.removeEventListener('testListener', testListenerOpts, testListenerOpts);
  23317. }
  23318. } catch (e) {
  23319. console.warn(e);
  23320. }
  23321. function addPassiveEventListener(el, event, cb, options) {
  23322. el.addEventListener(event, cb, passiveSupported ? options : false);
  23323. }
  23324. function getNestedValue(obj, path, fallback) {
  23325. var last = path.length - 1;
  23326. if (last < 0) return obj === undefined ? fallback : obj;
  23327. for (var i = 0; i < last; i++) {
  23328. if (obj == null) {
  23329. return fallback;
  23330. }
  23331. obj = obj[path[i]];
  23332. }
  23333. if (obj == null) return fallback;
  23334. return obj[path[last]] === undefined ? fallback : obj[path[last]];
  23335. }
  23336. function deepEqual(a, b) {
  23337. if (a === b) return true;
  23338. if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) {
  23339. // If the values are Date, they were convert to timestamp with getTime and compare it
  23340. if (a.getTime() !== b.getTime()) return false;
  23341. }
  23342. if (a !== Object(a) || b !== Object(b)) {
  23343. // If the values aren't objects, they were already checked for equality
  23344. return false;
  23345. }
  23346. var props = Object.keys(a);
  23347. if (props.length !== Object.keys(b).length) {
  23348. // Different number of props, don't bother to check
  23349. return false;
  23350. }
  23351. return props.every(function (p) {
  23352. return deepEqual(a[p], b[p]);
  23353. });
  23354. }
  23355. function getObjectValueByPath(obj, path, fallback) {
  23356. // credit: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6491463/accessing-nested-javascript-objects-with-string-key#comment55278413_6491621
  23357. if (!path || path.constructor !== String) return fallback;
  23358. path = path.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, '.$1'); // convert indexes to properties
  23359. path = path.replace(/^\./, ''); // strip a leading dot
  23360. return getNestedValue(obj, path.split('.'), fallback);
  23361. }
  23362. function getPropertyFromItem(item, property, fallback) {
  23363. if (property == null) return item === undefined ? fallback : item;
  23364. if (item !== Object(item)) return fallback === undefined ? item : fallback;
  23365. if (typeof property === 'string') return getObjectValueByPath(item, property, fallback);
  23366. if (Array.isArray(property)) return getNestedValue(item, property, fallback);
  23367. if (typeof property !== 'function') return fallback;
  23368. var value = property(item, fallback);
  23369. return typeof value === 'undefined' ? fallback : value;
  23370. }
  23371. function createRange(length) {
  23372. return Array.from({ length: length }, function (v, k) {
  23373. return k;
  23374. });
  23375. }
  23376. function getZIndex(el) {
  23377. if (!el || el.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return 0;
  23378. var index = +window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('z-index');
  23379. if (isNaN(index)) return getZIndex(el.parentNode);
  23380. return index;
  23381. }
  23382. var tagsToReplace = {
  23383. '&': '&amp;',
  23384. '<': '&lt;',
  23385. '>': '&gt;'
  23386. };
  23387. function escapeHTML(str) {
  23388. return str.replace(/[&<>]/g, function (tag) {
  23389. return tagsToReplace[tag] || tag;
  23390. });
  23391. }
  23392. function filterObjectOnKeys(obj, keys) {
  23393. var filtered = {};
  23394. for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
  23395. var key = keys[i];
  23396. if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') {
  23397. filtered[key] = obj[key];
  23398. }
  23399. }
  23400. return filtered;
  23401. }
  23402. function filterChildren(array, tag) {
  23403. if (array === void 0) {
  23404. array = [];
  23405. }
  23406. return array.filter(function (child) {
  23407. return child.componentOptions && child.componentOptions.Ctor.options.name === tag;
  23408. });
  23409. }
  23410. function convertToUnit(str, unit) {
  23411. if (unit === void 0) {
  23412. unit = 'px';
  23413. }
  23414. if (str == null || str === '') {
  23415. return undefined;
  23416. } else if (isNaN(+str)) {
  23417. return String(str);
  23418. } else {
  23419. return "" + Number(str) + unit;
  23420. }
  23421. }
  23422. function kebabCase(str) {
  23423. return (str || '').replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase();
  23424. }
  23425. function isObject(obj) {
  23426. return obj !== null && (typeof obj === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(obj)) === 'object';
  23427. }
  23428. // KeyboardEvent.keyCode aliases
  23429. var keyCodes = Object.freeze({
  23430. enter: 13,
  23431. tab: 9,
  23432. delete: 46,
  23433. esc: 27,
  23434. space: 32,
  23435. up: 38,
  23436. down: 40,
  23437. left: 37,
  23438. right: 39,
  23439. end: 35,
  23440. home: 36,
  23441. del: 46,
  23442. backspace: 8,
  23443. insert: 45,
  23444. pageup: 33,
  23445. pagedown: 34
  23446. });
  23447. var ICONS_PREFIX = '$vuetify.icons.';
  23448. // This remaps internal names like '$vuetify.icons.cancel'
  23449. // to the current name or component for that icon.
  23450. function remapInternalIcon(vm, iconName) {
  23451. if (!iconName.startsWith(ICONS_PREFIX)) {
  23452. return iconName;
  23453. }
  23454. // Now look up icon indirection name, e.g. '$vuetify.icons.cancel'
  23455. return getObjectValueByPath(vm, iconName, iconName);
  23456. }
  23457. function keys(o) {
  23458. return Object.keys(o);
  23459. }
  23460. /**
  23461. * Camelize a hyphen-delimited string.
  23462. */
  23463. var camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g;
  23464. var camelize = function camelize(str) {
  23465. return str.replace(camelizeRE, function (_, c) {
  23466. return c ? c.toUpperCase() : '';
  23467. });
  23468. };
  23469. /**
  23470. * Returns the set difference of B and A, i.e. the set of elements in B but not in A
  23471. */
  23472. function arrayDiff(a, b) {
  23473. var diff = [];
  23474. for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
  23475. if (a.indexOf(b[i]) < 0) diff.push(b[i]);
  23476. }
  23477. return diff;
  23478. }
  23479. /**
  23480. * Makes the first character of a string uppercase
  23481. */
  23482. function upperFirst(str) {
  23483. return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
  23484. }
  23485. /**
  23486. * Returns:
  23487. * - 'normal' for old style slots - `<template slot="default">`
  23488. * - 'scoped' for old style scoped slots (`<template slot="default" slot-scope="data">`) or bound v-slot (`#default="data"`)
  23489. * - 'v-slot' for unbound v-slot (`#default`) - only if the third param is true, otherwise counts as scoped
  23490. */
  23491. function getSlotType(vm, name, split) {
  23492. if (vm.$slots[name] && vm.$scopedSlots[name] && vm.$scopedSlots[name].name) {
  23493. return split ? 'v-slot' : 'scoped';
  23494. }
  23495. if (vm.$slots[name]) return 'normal';
  23496. if (vm.$scopedSlots[name]) return 'scoped';
  23497. }
  23498. /***/ }),
  23499. /***/ "./src/util/mask.ts":
  23500. /*!**************************!*\
  23501. !*** ./src/util/mask.ts ***!
  23502. \**************************/
  23503. /*! exports provided: defaultDelimiters, isMaskDelimiter, maskText, unmaskText */
  23504. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  23505. "use strict";
  23506. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  23507. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "defaultDelimiters", function() { return defaultDelimiters; });
  23508. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "isMaskDelimiter", function() { return isMaskDelimiter; });
  23509. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "maskText", function() { return maskText; });
  23510. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "unmaskText", function() { return unmaskText; });
  23511. var defaultDelimiters = /[-!$%^&*()_+|~=`{}[\]:";'<>?,./\\ ]/;
  23512. var isMaskDelimiter = function isMaskDelimiter(char) {
  23513. return char ? defaultDelimiters.test(char) : false;
  23514. };
  23515. var allowedMasks = {
  23516. '#': {
  23517. test: function test(char) {
  23518. return (/[0-9]/.test(char)
  23519. );
  23520. }
  23521. },
  23522. 'A': {
  23523. test: function test(char) {
  23524. return (/[A-Z]/i.test(char)
  23525. );
  23526. },
  23527. convert: function convert(char) {
  23528. return char.toUpperCase();
  23529. }
  23530. },
  23531. 'a': {
  23532. test: function test(char) {
  23533. return (/[a-z]/i.test(char)
  23534. );
  23535. },
  23536. convert: function convert(char) {
  23537. return char.toLowerCase();
  23538. }
  23539. },
  23540. 'N': {
  23541. test: function test(char) {
  23542. return (/[0-9A-Z]/i.test(char)
  23543. );
  23544. },
  23545. convert: function convert(char) {
  23546. return char.toUpperCase();
  23547. }
  23548. },
  23549. 'n': {
  23550. test: function test(char) {
  23551. return (/[0-9a-z]/i.test(char)
  23552. );
  23553. },
  23554. convert: function convert(char) {
  23555. return char.toLowerCase();
  23556. }
  23557. },
  23558. 'X': {
  23559. test: isMaskDelimiter
  23560. }
  23561. };
  23562. var isMask = function isMask(char) {
  23563. return allowedMasks.hasOwnProperty(char);
  23564. };
  23565. var convert = function convert(mask, char) {
  23566. return allowedMasks[mask].convert ? allowedMasks[mask].convert(char) : char;
  23567. };
  23568. var maskValidates = function maskValidates(mask, char) {
  23569. if (char == null || !isMask(mask)) return false;
  23570. return allowedMasks[mask].test(char);
  23571. };
  23572. var maskText = function maskText(text, masked, dontFillMaskBlanks) {
  23573. if (text == null) return '';
  23574. text = String(text);
  23575. if (!masked.length || !text.length) return text;
  23576. if (!Array.isArray(masked)) masked = masked.split('');
  23577. var textIndex = 0;
  23578. var maskIndex = 0;
  23579. var newText = '';
  23580. while (maskIndex < masked.length) {
  23581. var mask = masked[maskIndex];
  23582. // Assign the next character
  23583. var char = text[textIndex];
  23584. // Check if mask is delimiter
  23585. // and current char matches
  23586. if (!isMask(mask) && char === mask) {
  23587. newText += mask;
  23588. textIndex++;
  23589. // Check if not mask
  23590. } else if (!isMask(mask) && !dontFillMaskBlanks) {
  23591. newText += mask;
  23592. // Check if is mask and validates
  23593. } else if (maskValidates(mask, char)) {
  23594. newText += convert(mask, char);
  23595. textIndex++;
  23596. } else {
  23597. return newText;
  23598. }
  23599. maskIndex++;
  23600. }
  23601. return newText;
  23602. };
  23603. var unmaskText = function unmaskText(text) {
  23604. return text ? String(text).replace(new RegExp(defaultDelimiters, 'g'), '') : text;
  23605. };
  23606. /***/ }),
  23607. /***/ "./src/util/mixins.ts":
  23608. /*!****************************!*\
  23609. !*** ./src/util/mixins.ts ***!
  23610. \****************************/
  23611. /*! exports provided: default */
  23612. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  23613. "use strict";
  23614. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  23615. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "default", function() { return mixins; });
  23616. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! vue */ "vue");
  23617. /* harmony import */ var vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
  23618. /* eslint-disable max-len, import/export, no-use-before-define */
  23619. function mixins() {
  23620. var args = [];
  23621. for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
  23622. args[_i] = arguments[_i];
  23623. }
  23624. return vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a.extend({ mixins: args });
  23625. }
  23626. /***/ }),
  23627. /***/ "./src/util/rebuildFunctionalSlots.ts":
  23628. /*!********************************************!*\
  23629. !*** ./src/util/rebuildFunctionalSlots.ts ***!
  23630. \********************************************/
  23631. /*! exports provided: default */
  23632. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  23633. "use strict";
  23634. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  23635. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "default", function() { return rebuildFunctionalSlots; });
  23636. function rebuildFunctionalSlots(slots, h) {
  23637. var children = [];
  23638. for (var slot in slots) {
  23639. if (slots.hasOwnProperty(slot)) {
  23640. children.push(h('template', { slot: slot }, slots[slot]));
  23641. }
  23642. }
  23643. return children;
  23644. }
  23645. /***/ }),
  23646. /***/ "./src/util/theme.ts":
  23647. /*!***************************!*\
  23648. !*** ./src/util/theme.ts ***!
  23649. \***************************/
  23650. /*! exports provided: parse, genStyles, genVariations */
  23651. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  23652. "use strict";
  23653. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  23654. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "parse", function() { return parse; });
  23655. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "genStyles", function() { return genStyles; });
  23656. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "genVariations", function() { return genVariations; });
  23657. /* harmony import */ var _colorUtils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./colorUtils */ "./src/util/colorUtils.ts");
  23658. /* harmony import */ var _color_transformSRGB__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./color/transformSRGB */ "./src/util/color/transformSRGB.ts");
  23659. /* harmony import */ var _color_transformCIELAB__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./color/transformCIELAB */ "./src/util/color/transformCIELAB.ts");
  23660. var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
  23661. var __read = undefined && undefined.__read || function (o, n) {
  23662. var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  23663. if (!m) return o;
  23664. var i = m.call(o),
  23665. r,
  23666. ar = [],
  23667. e;
  23668. try {
  23669. while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {
  23670. ar.push(r.value);
  23671. }
  23672. } catch (error) {
  23673. e = { error: error };
  23674. } finally {
  23675. try {
  23676. if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
  23677. } finally {
  23678. if (e) throw e.error;
  23679. }
  23680. }
  23681. return ar;
  23682. };
  23683. function parse(theme, isItem) {
  23684. if (isItem === void 0) {
  23685. isItem = false;
  23686. }
  23687. var colors = Object.keys(theme);
  23688. var parsedTheme = {};
  23689. for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i) {
  23690. var name = colors[i];
  23691. var value = theme[name];
  23692. if (isItem) {
  23693. if (name === 'base' || name.startsWith('lighten') || name.startsWith('darken')) {
  23694. parsedTheme[name] = Object(_colorUtils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["colorToHex"])(value);
  23695. }
  23696. } else if ((typeof value === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(value)) === 'object') {
  23697. parsedTheme[name] = parse(value, true);
  23698. } else {
  23699. parsedTheme[name] = genVariations(name, Object(_colorUtils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["colorToInt"])(value));
  23700. }
  23701. }
  23702. return parsedTheme;
  23703. }
  23704. /**
  23705. * Generate the CSS for a base color (.primary)
  23706. */
  23707. var genBaseColor = function genBaseColor(name, value) {
  23708. return "\n." + name + " {\n background-color: " + value + " !important;\n border-color: " + value + " !important;\n}\n." + name + "--text {\n color: " + value + " !important;\n caret-color: " + value + " !important;\n}";
  23709. };
  23710. /**
  23711. * Generate the CSS for a variant color (.primary.darken-2)
  23712. */
  23713. var genVariantColor = function genVariantColor(name, variant, value) {
  23714. var _a = __read(variant.split(/(\d)/, 2), 2),
  23715. type = _a[0],
  23716. n = _a[1];
  23717. return "\n." + name + "." + type + "-" + n + " {\n background-color: " + value + " !important;\n border-color: " + value + " !important;\n}\n." + name + "--text.text--" + type + "-" + n + " {\n color: " + value + " !important;\n caret-color: " + value + " !important;\n}";
  23718. };
  23719. var genColorVariableName = function genColorVariableName(name, variant) {
  23720. if (variant === void 0) {
  23721. variant = 'base';
  23722. }
  23723. return "--v-" + name + "-" + variant;
  23724. };
  23725. var genColorVariable = function genColorVariable(name, variant) {
  23726. if (variant === void 0) {
  23727. variant = 'base';
  23728. }
  23729. return "var(" + genColorVariableName(name, variant) + ")";
  23730. };
  23731. function genStyles(theme, cssVar) {
  23732. if (cssVar === void 0) {
  23733. cssVar = false;
  23734. }
  23735. var colors = Object.keys(theme);
  23736. if (!colors.length) return '';
  23737. var variablesCss = '';
  23738. var css = '';
  23739. var aColor = cssVar ? genColorVariable('primary') : theme.primary.base;
  23740. css += "a { color: " + aColor + "; }";
  23741. for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i) {
  23742. var name = colors[i];
  23743. var value = theme[name];
  23744. if ((typeof value === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(value)) !== 'object') continue;
  23745. css += genBaseColor(name, cssVar ? genColorVariable(name) : value.base);
  23746. cssVar && (variablesCss += " " + genColorVariableName(name) + ": " + value.base + ";\n");
  23747. var variants = Object.keys(value);
  23748. for (var i_1 = 0; i_1 < variants.length; ++i_1) {
  23749. var variant = variants[i_1];
  23750. var variantValue = value[variant];
  23751. if (variant === 'base') continue;
  23752. css += genVariantColor(name, variant, cssVar ? genColorVariable(name, variant) : variantValue);
  23753. cssVar && (variablesCss += " " + genColorVariableName(name, variant) + ": " + variantValue + ";\n");
  23754. }
  23755. }
  23756. if (cssVar) {
  23757. variablesCss = ":root {\n" + variablesCss + "}\n\n";
  23758. }
  23759. return variablesCss + css;
  23760. }
  23761. function genVariations(name, value) {
  23762. var values = {
  23763. base: Object(_colorUtils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["intToHex"])(value)
  23764. };
  23765. for (var i = 5; i > 0; --i) {
  23766. values["lighten" + i] = Object(_colorUtils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["intToHex"])(lighten(value, i));
  23767. }
  23768. for (var i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) {
  23769. values["darken" + i] = Object(_colorUtils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["intToHex"])(darken(value, i));
  23770. }
  23771. return values;
  23772. }
  23773. function lighten(value, amount) {
  23774. var lab = _color_transformCIELAB__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["fromXYZ"](_color_transformSRGB__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["toXYZ"](value));
  23775. lab[0] = lab[0] + amount * 10;
  23776. return _color_transformSRGB__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["fromXYZ"](_color_transformCIELAB__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["toXYZ"](lab));
  23777. }
  23778. function darken(value, amount) {
  23779. var lab = _color_transformCIELAB__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["fromXYZ"](_color_transformSRGB__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["toXYZ"](value));
  23780. lab[0] = lab[0] - amount * 10;
  23781. return _color_transformSRGB__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["fromXYZ"](_color_transformCIELAB__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["toXYZ"](lab));
  23782. }
  23783. /***/ }),
  23784. /***/ "vue":
  23785. /*!******************************************************************************!*\
  23786. !*** external {"commonjs":"vue","commonjs2":"vue","amd":"vue","root":"Vue"} ***!
  23787. \******************************************************************************/
  23788. /*! no static exports found */
  23789. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  23790. module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_vue__;
  23791. /***/ })
  23792. /******/ })["default"];
  23793. });
  23794. //# sourceMappingURL=vuetify.js.map