123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 |
- /**
- * A class representation of a BSON Int32 type.
- *
- * @class
- * @param {number} value the number we want to represent as an int32.
- * @return {Int32}
- */
- var Int32 = function(value) {
- if (!(this instanceof Int32)) return new Int32(value);
- this._bsontype = 'Int32';
- this.value = value;
- };
- /**
- * Access the number value.
- *
- * @method
- * @return {number} returns the wrapped int32 number.
- */
- Int32.prototype.valueOf = function() {
- return this.value;
- };
- /**
- * @ignore
- */
- Int32.prototype.toJSON = function() {
- return this.value;
- };
- module.exports = Int32;
- module.exports.Int32 = Int32;