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{"version":3,"sources":["../../src/directives/click-outside.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAYA,SAAS,gBAAT,GAAyB;AACvB,WAAO,KAAP;AACD;AAED,SAAS,SAAT,CAAoB,CAApB,EAAqC,EAArC,EAAsD,OAAtD,EAAoF;AAClF;AACA,YAAQ,IAAR,GAAe,QAAQ,IAAR,IAAgB,EAA/B;AAEA;AACA,QAAM,WAAY,QAAQ,IAAR,CAAa,gBAAb,IAAiC,gBAAnD;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA,QAAI,CAAC,CAAD,IAAM,SAAS,CAAT,MAAgB,KAA1B,EAAiC;AAEjC;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA,QAAK,eAAe,CAAf,IAAoB,CAAC,EAAE,SAAxB,IACD,iBAAiB,CAAjB,IAAsB,CAAC,EAAE,WAD5B,EAEE;AAEF;AACA;AACA,QAAM,WAAW,CAAC,QAAQ,IAAR,CAAa,OAAb,IAAyB;AAAA,eAAM,EAAN;AAAA,KAA1B,GAAjB;AACA;AACA,aAAS,IAAT,CAAc,EAAd;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA,KAAC,SAAS,IAAT,CAAc;AAAA,eAAM,GAAG,QAAH,CAAY,EAAE,MAAd,CAAN;AAAA,KAAd,CAAD,IAAuD,WAAW,YAAK;AACrE,iBAAS,CAAT,KAAe,QAAQ,KAAvB,IAAgC,QAAQ,KAAR,CAAc,CAAd,CAAhC;AACD,KAFsD,EAEpD,CAFoD,CAAvD;AAGD;AAED,eAAe;AACb;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA,YANa,oBAMH,EANG,EAMc,OANd,EAM4C;AACvD,YAAM,UAAU,SAAV,OAAU,CAAC,CAAD;AAAA,mBAAc,UAAU,CAAV,EAA6B,EAA7B,EAAiC,OAAjC,CAAd;AAAA,SAAhB;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA,YAAM,MAAM,SAAS,aAAT,CAAuB,YAAvB,KACV,SAAS,IADX,CALuD,CAMvC;AAChB,YAAI,gBAAJ,CAAqB,OAArB,EAA8B,OAA9B,EAAuC,IAAvC;AACA,WAAG,aAAH,GAAmB,OAAnB;AACD,KAfY;AAiBb,UAjBa,kBAiBL,EAjBK,EAiBU;AACrB,YAAI,CAAC,GAAG,aAAR,EAAuB;AAEvB,YAAM,MAAM,SAAS,aAAT,CAAuB,YAAvB,KACV,SAAS,IADX,CAHqB,CAIL;AAChB,eAAO,IAAI,mBAAJ,CAAwB,OAAxB,EAAiC,GAAG,aAApC,EAAmD,IAAnD,CAAP;AACA,eAAO,GAAG,aAAV;AACD;AAxBY,CAAf","sourcesContent":["import { VNodeDirective } from 'vue/types/vnode'\n\ninterface ClickOutsideBindingArgs {\n closeConditional?: (e: Event) => boolean\n include?: () => HTMLElement[]\n}\n\ninterface ClickOutsideDirective extends VNodeDirective {\n value?: (e: Event) => void\n args?: ClickOutsideBindingArgs\n}\n\nfunction closeConditional () {\n return false\n}\n\nfunction directive (e: PointerEvent, el: HTMLElement, binding: ClickOutsideDirective): void {\n // Args may not always be supplied\n binding.args = binding.args || {}\n\n // If no closeConditional was supplied assign a default\n const isActive = (binding.args.closeConditional || closeConditional)\n\n // The include element callbacks below can be expensive\n // so we should avoid calling them when we're not active.\n // Explicitly check for false to allow fallback compatibility\n // with non-toggleable components\n if (!e || isActive(e) === false) return\n\n // If click was triggered programmaticaly (domEl.click()) then\n // it shouldn't be treated as click-outside\n // Chrome/Firefox support isTrusted property\n // IE/Edge support pointerType property (empty if not triggered\n // by pointing device)\n if (('isTrusted' in e && !e.isTrusted) ||\n ('pointerType' in e && !e.pointerType)\n ) return\n\n // Check if additional elements were passed to be included in check\n // (click must be outside all included elements, if any)\n const elements = (binding.args.include || (() => []))()\n // Add the root element for the component this directive was defined on\n elements.push(el)\n\n // Check if it's a click outside our elements, and then if our callback returns true.\n // Non-toggleable components should take action in their callback and return falsy.\n // Toggleable can return true if it wants to deactivate.\n // Note that, because we're in the capture phase, this callback will occur before\n // the bubbling click event on any outside elements.\n !elements.some(el => el.contains(e.target as Node)) && setTimeout(() => {\n isActive(e) && binding.value && binding.value(e)\n }, 0)\n}\n\nexport default {\n // [data-app] may not be found\n // if using bind, inserted makes\n // sure that the root element is\n // available, iOS does not support\n // clicks on body\n inserted (el: HTMLElement, binding: ClickOutsideDirective) {\n const onClick = (e: Event) => directive(e as PointerEvent, el, binding)\n // iOS does not recognize click events on document\n // or body, this is the entire purpose of the v-app\n // component and [data-app], stop removing this\n const app = document.querySelector('[data-app]') ||\n document.body // This is only for unit tests\n app.addEventListener('click', onClick, true)\n el._clickOutside = onClick\n },\n\n unbind (el: HTMLElement) {\n if (!el._clickOutside) return\n\n const app = document.querySelector('[data-app]') ||\n document.body // This is only for unit tests\n app && app.removeEventListener('click', el._clickOutside, true)\n delete el._clickOutside\n }\n}\n"],"sourceRoot":""}