from django.conf import settings from .. import Tags, Warning, register def add_session_cookie_message(message): return message + ( " Using a secure-only session cookie makes it more difficult for " "network traffic sniffers to hijack user sessions." ) W010 = Warning( add_session_cookie_message( "You have 'django.contrib.sessions' in your INSTALLED_APPS, " "but you have not set SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE to True." ), id='security.W010', ) W011 = Warning( add_session_cookie_message( "You have 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware' " "in your MIDDLEWARE, but you have not set " "SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE to True." ), id='security.W011', ) W012 = Warning( add_session_cookie_message("SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE is not set to True."), id='security.W012', ) def add_httponly_message(message): return message + ( " Using an HttpOnly session cookie makes it more difficult for " "cross-site scripting attacks to hijack user sessions." ) W013 = Warning( add_httponly_message( "You have 'django.contrib.sessions' in your INSTALLED_APPS, " "but you have not set SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY to True.", ), id='security.W013', ) W014 = Warning( add_httponly_message( "You have 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware' " "in your MIDDLEWARE, but you have not set " "SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY to True." ), id='security.W014', ) W015 = Warning( add_httponly_message("SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY is not set to True."), id='security.W015', ) @register(, deploy=True) def check_session_cookie_secure(app_configs, **kwargs): errors = [] if not settings.SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE: if _session_app(): errors.append(W010) if _session_middleware(): errors.append(W011) if len(errors) > 1: errors = [W012] return errors @register(, deploy=True) def check_session_cookie_httponly(app_configs, **kwargs): errors = [] if not settings.SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY: if _session_app(): errors.append(W013) if _session_middleware(): errors.append(W014) if len(errors) > 1: errors = [W015] return errors def _session_middleware(): return 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware' in settings.MIDDLEWARE def _session_app(): return "django.contrib.sessions" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS