Digital Rights Management für elektronische Patientenakten
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requirements.txt 1.6KB

  1. appdirs==1.4.4
  2. apturl==0.5.2
  3. asgiref==3.3.1
  4. bcrypt==3.1.7
  5. blinker==1.4
  6. Brlapi==0.7.0
  7. certifi==2019.11.28
  8. chardet==3.0.4
  9. Click==7.0
  10. colorama==0.4.3
  11. command-not-found==0.3
  12. crypto==1.4.1
  13. cryptography==2.8
  14. cupshelpers==1.0
  15. dbus-python==1.2.16
  16. defer==1.0.6
  17. distlib==0.3.1
  18. distro==1.4.0
  19. distro-info===0.23ubuntu1
  20. Django==3.1.4
  21. django-crontab==0.7.1
  22. duplicity==
  23. ecdsa==0.16.1
  24. entrypoints==0.3
  25. fasteners==0.14.1
  26. filelock==3.0.12
  27. future==0.18.2
  28. httplib2==0.14.0
  29. idna==2.8
  30. keyring==18.0.1
  31. language-selector==0.1
  32. launchpadlib==1.10.13
  33. lazr.restfulclient==0.14.2
  34. lazr.uri==1.0.3
  35. lockfile==0.12.2
  36. louis==3.12.0
  37. macaroonbakery==1.3.1
  38. Mako==1.1.0
  39. MarkupSafe==1.1.0
  40. monotonic==1.5
  41. Naked==0.1.31
  42. netifaces==0.10.4
  43. oauthlib==3.1.0
  44. olefile==0.46
  45. paramiko==2.6.0
  46. pexpect==4.6.0
  47. Pillow==7.0.0
  48. protobuf==3.6.1
  49. pycairo==1.16.2
  50. pycrypto==2.6.1
  51. pycryptodome==3.9.9
  52. pycups==1.9.73
  53. Pygments==2.3.1
  54. PyGObject==3.36.0
  55. PyJWT==1.7.1
  56. pymacaroons==0.13.0
  57. PyNaCl==1.3.0
  58. PyQt5==5.15.1
  59. PyQt5-sip==12.8.1
  60. pyqt5-tools==
  61. pyRFC3339==1.1
  62. python-apt==2.0.0+ubuntu0.20.4.3
  63. python-dateutil==2.7.3
  64. python-debian===0.1.36ubuntu1
  65. python-dotenv==0.14.0
  66. pytz==2019.3
  67. pyxdg==0.26
  68. PyYAML==5.3.1
  69. reportlab==3.5.34
  70. requests==2.22.0
  71. requests-unixsocket==0.2.0
  72. SecretStorage==2.3.1
  73. shellescape==3.8.1
  74. simplejson==3.16.0
  75. six==1.14.0
  76. sqlparse==0.4.1
  77. systemd-python==234
  78. ubuntu-advantage-tools==20.3
  79. ubuntu-drivers-common==0.0.0
  80. ufw==0.36
  81. unattended-upgrades==0.1
  82. urllib3==1.25.8
  83. usb-creator==0.3.7
  84. virtualenv==20.2.2
  85. wadllib==1.3.3
  86. xkit==0.0.0