185 lines
7.2 KiB
185 lines
7.2 KiB
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404
from health_view.models import License, FolderInfo, Permission, FolderPart
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.views import generic
from datetime import datetime
from health_view.crypto_functions import *
from health_view.forms import CreateLicenseForm
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
def index(request):
"""View function for home page of site."""
num_licenses = License.objects.all().count()
num_user = User.objects.all().count()
context = {
'num_licenses': num_licenses,
'num_user': num_user,
return render(request, 'index.html', context=context)
class FolderInfoID(generic.ListView):
model = FolderInfo
def get_queryset(self):
return FolderInfo.objects.get(patient=self.request.user)
class LicenseViewGiven(generic.ListView):
model = License
def get_queryset(self):
return License.objects.filter(patient=self.request.user).order_by('patient')
class LicenseViewOwn(generic.ListView):
model = License
def get_queryset(self):
return License.objects.filter(justified=self.request.user).order_by('patient')
def get_license_details(request, pk):
model = License
if "own" in request.get_full_path():
if not License.objects.filter(pk=pk, justified=request.user).exists():
return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
license = get_object_or_404(License, pk=pk, justified=request.user)
if "given" in request.get_full_path():
if not License.objects.filter(pk=pk, patient=request.user).exists():
return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
license = get_object_or_404(License, pk=pk, patient=request.user)
exp_date = license.exp_date
permission = license.permissions.all().values_list()
permission_string = ""
for perm in permission:
permission_string += perm[2]
permission_string += ", "
folderparts_string = ""
folderparts = license.folder_parts.all().values_list()
for e in folderparts:
folderparts_string += e[2]
folderparts_string += ", "
key = license.patient.folderinfo.content_key
sig = license.signature
key_split = (key[0:64], key[64:128], key[128:192], key[192:256])
sig_split = (sig[0:64], sig[64:128], sig[128:192], sig[192:256])
license_creator = license.license_creator
patient = license.patient
justified = license.justified
if "own" in request.get_full_path():
license_string = str(patient) + "&" + str(justified) + "&" + str(license_creator.username) + "&" + str(exp_date.replace(" ", ",") ) + "&" + get_string_byanser(permission) + "&" + get_string_byanser(folderparts) + "&" + sig + "&" + key
server_sign = sign(license_string, priv_key_own)
serversign_split = (server_sign[0:64], server_sign[64:128], server_sign[128:192])
context = {
'patient': patient,
'justified': justified,
'license_creator': license_creator,
'exp_date': exp_date,
'permission': permission_string[:-2],
'folderparts': folderparts_string[:-2],
'content_key': key,
'signature': sig_split,
'serversign': serversign_split,
'key_split': key_split}
return render(request, 'health_view/license_detail.html', context)
def get_string_byrequest(index_list, model_call):
objectstring = ""
for i in index_list:
objectstring += str(model_call.objects.get(id=i))
objectstring += ","
return objectstring[:-1]
def check_expiration_date(license):
exp_date = license.exp_date
datetime_object = ""
for fmt in ('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M', '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M', '%d/%m/%Y'):
datetime_object = datetime.strptime(exp_date, fmt)
except ValueError:
return datetime.now() < datetime_object
except Exception:
return False
def get_string_byanser(model_call):
objectstring = ""
for i in model_call:
objectstring += str(i[2])
objectstring += ","
return objectstring[:-1]
def create_license(request, fid):
model = License
user = get_object_or_404(User, id=fid)
if request.method == 'POST':
post = request.POST.copy() # to make it mutable
pubkey = request.user.folderinfo.pub_key
patient = User.objects.get(id=post['patient'])
justified = User.objects.get(id=post['justified'])
license_creator = request.user
exp_date = post['exp_date']
permission_ground = request.POST.getlist("permissions")
folderparts_ground = request.POST.getlist("folder_parts")
permission = get_string_byrequest(permission_ground, Permission)
folderparts = get_string_byrequest(folderparts_ground, FolderPart)
signature_string = str(patient) + "&" + str(justified) + "&" + str(license_creator.username) + "&" + str(exp_date.replace(" ", ",")) + "&" + permission + "&" + folderparts
signature = post['signature']
new_folder = False
if not verify(signature_string, signature, pubkey):
form = CreateLicenseForm(request.user)
context = {'form': form}
return render(request, 'health_view/create_license.html', context)
if request.user.folderinfo.content_key == "no_key":
request.user.folderinfo.content_key = make_encrypted_key_content_server()
new_folder = True
new_license = License(patient=patient, justified=justified, exp_date=exp_date, license_creator=license_creator, signature=signature)
for e in permission_ground:
for i in folderparts_ground:
request.POST = post
key = request.user.folderinfo.content_key
key_split = (key[0:64], key[64:128], key[128:192], key[192:256])
sig_split = (signature[0:64], signature[64:128], signature[128:192], signature[192:256])
license_string = signature_string + "&" + new_license.signature + "&" + key
serversign = sign(license_string, priv_key_own)
serversign_split = (serversign[0:64], serversign[64:128], serversign[128:192])
context = {
'patient': patient,
'justified': justified,
'license_creator': license_creator,
'exp_date': exp_date,
'permission': permission,
'folderparts': folderparts,
'content_key': key,
'signature': sig_split,
'key_split': key_split,
'serversign': serversign_split,
'new_folder': new_folder}
return render(request, 'health_view/license_detail.html', context)
form = CreateLicenseForm(request.user)
context = {'form': form}
return render(request, 'health_view/create_license.html', context)
def delete_license(request):