Development of an internal social media platform with personalised dashboards for students

user.json 2.9KB

6 years ago
6 years ago
  1. --- Development sqlite database ---
  2. --- Development stage ---
  3. [
  4. {
  5. "model": "auth.user",
  6. "pk": 1,
  7. "fields": {
  8. "password": "pbkdf2_sha256$100000$pu4yd74Yw8vd$cpecLMlMn0/X2vPqQb2U7QFyjq939RFiXHVECRFtaVU=",
  9. "last_login": "2018-07-01T13:56:56.740Z",
  10. "is_superuser": true,
  11. "username": "esthi",
  12. "first_name": "",
  13. "last_name": "",
  14. "email": "",
  15. "is_staff": true,
  16. "is_active": true,
  17. "date_joined": "2018-06-28T13:57:47.425Z",
  18. "groups": [],
  19. "user_permissions": []
  20. }
  21. },
  22. {
  23. "model": "auth.user",
  24. "pk": 2,
  25. "fields": {
  26. "password": "pbkdf2_sha256$100000$YJSGkUAoHugp$Avd1ki42aJJyZsOf8eZaai6WsnzXkvAPdgoq/zlxVZY=",
  27. "last_login": "2018-07-01T13:12:58.614Z",
  28. "is_superuser": false,
  29. "username": "lukas",
  30. "first_name": "",
  31. "last_name": "",
  32. "email": "",
  33. "is_staff": true,
  34. "is_active": true,
  35. "date_joined": "2018-07-01T13:11:13.561Z",
  36. "groups": [],
  37. "user_permissions": []
  38. }
  39. },
  40. {
  41. "model": "auth.user",
  42. "pk": 3,
  43. "fields": {
  44. "password": "pbkdf2_sha256$100000$TthrDFGOHn9P$4ZW9grEz+Zj/zszRTIFrwmmp1EQUQYGVftAnIeI3OXs=",
  45. "last_login": null,
  46. "is_superuser": true,
  47. "username": "foo",
  48. "first_name": "",
  49. "last_name": "",
  50. "email": "",
  51. "is_staff": true,
  52. "is_active": true,
  53. "date_joined": "2018-07-01T13:15:50.396Z",
  54. "groups": [],
  55. "user_permissions": []
  56. }
  57. },
  58. {
  59. "model": "auth.user",
  60. "pk": 4,
  61. "fields": {
  62. "password": "pbkdf2_sha256$100000$wEGOSs8E71GL$6KbihvE8ENSJ1lKQSAYsLb14BdwXY0hw3cKu7ImoR8Y=",
  63. "last_login": null,
  64. "is_superuser": false,
  65. "username": "stefan",
  66. "first_name": "",
  67. "last_name": "",
  68. "email": "",
  69. "is_staff": false,
  70. "is_active": true,
  71. "date_joined": "2018-07-01T13:16:39.839Z",
  72. "groups": [],
  73. "user_permissions": []
  74. }
  75. },
  76. {
  77. "model": "auth.user",
  78. "pk": 5,
  79. "fields": {
  80. "password": "pbkdf2_sha256$100000$JfhBNx94qFkw$b0Zefa6oyWN4P8NoZ0vxUlGJp4HkOKSDOR7mROjHuJQ=",
  81. "last_login": null,
  82. "is_superuser": false,
  83. "username": "willsmith",
  84. "first_name": "",
  85. "last_name": "",
  86. "email": "",
  87. "is_staff": false,
  88. "is_active": true,
  89. "date_joined": "2018-07-01T14:00:11Z",
  90. "groups": [
  91. 1
  92. ],
  93. "user_permissions": []
  94. }
  95. }
  96. ]