from django import forms from datetime import datetime from .models import Post, CustomUser from django.forms import ModelForm, ValidationError from taggit.forms import * from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm, UserChangeForm from datetime import datetime from croniter import croniter from django.forms import ModelForm, ValidationError from .models import ScheduledReport class PostForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Post fields = ('title', 'text', 'published_date','tags') class NewTagForm(forms.ModelForm): m_tags = TagField() class Meta: model = CustomUser fields = ['m_tags'] class ScheduledReportForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = ScheduledReport fields = ['subject', 'cron_expression'] fields = ['subject', 'cron_expression'] help_texts = {'cron_expression': 'Scheduled time is considered in UTC'} def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(ScheduledReportForm, self).clean() cron_expression = cleaned_data.get("cron_expression") try: iter = croniter(cron_expression, except: raise ValidationError("Incorrect cron expression:\ The information you must include is (in order of appearance):\ A number (or list of numbers, or range of numbers), m, representing the minute of the hour\ A number (or list of numbers, or range of numbers), h, representing the hour of the day\ A number (or list of numbers, or range of numbers), dom, representing the day of the month\ A number (or list, or range), or name (or list of names), mon, representing the month of the year\ A number (or list, or range), or name (or list of names), dow, representing the day of the week\ The asterisks (*) in our entry tell cron that for that unit of time, the job should be run every.\ Eg. */5 * * * * cron for executing every 5 mins") return cleaned_data