from multiprocessing import Pool from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.db import connection as db_connection from django.db.models import Q from django.template import Context, Template from django.utils.timezone import now from .connections import connections from .models import Email, EmailTemplate, Log, PRIORITY, STATUS from .settings import (get_available_backends, get_batch_size, get_log_level, get_sending_order, get_threads_per_process) from .utils import (get_email_template, parse_emails, parse_priority, split_emails, create_attachments) from .logutils import setup_loghandlers logger = setup_loghandlers("INFO") def create(sender, recipients=None, cc=None, bcc=None, subject='', message='', html_message='', context=None, scheduled_time=None, headers=None, template=None, priority=None, render_on_delivery=False, commit=True, backend=''): """ Creates an email from supplied keyword arguments. If template is specified, email subject and content will be rendered during delivery. """ priority = parse_priority(priority) status = None if priority == else STATUS.queued if recipients is None: recipients = [] if cc is None: cc = [] if bcc is None: bcc = [] if context is None: context = '' # If email is to be rendered during delivery, save all necessary # information if render_on_delivery: email = Email( from_email=sender, to=recipients, cc=cc, bcc=bcc, scheduled_time=scheduled_time, headers=headers, priority=priority, status=status, context=context, template=template, backend_alias=backend ) else: if template: subject = template.subject message = template.content html_message = template.html_content _context = Context(context or {}) subject = Template(subject).render(_context) message = Template(message).render(_context) html_message = Template(html_message).render(_context) email = Email( from_email=sender, to=recipients, cc=cc, bcc=bcc, subject=subject, message=message, html_message=html_message, scheduled_time=scheduled_time, headers=headers, priority=priority, status=status, backend_alias=backend ) if commit: return email def send(recipients=None, sender=None, template=None, context=None, subject='', message='', html_message='', scheduled_time=None, headers=None, priority=None, attachments=None, render_on_delivery=False, log_level=None, commit=True, cc=None, bcc=None, language='', backend=''): try: recipients = parse_emails(recipients) except ValidationError as e: raise ValidationError('recipients: %s' % e.message) try: cc = parse_emails(cc) except ValidationError as e: raise ValidationError('c: %s' % e.message) try: bcc = parse_emails(bcc) except ValidationError as e: raise ValidationError('bcc: %s' % e.message) if sender is None: sender = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL priority = parse_priority(priority) if log_level is None: log_level = get_log_level() if not commit: if priority == raise ValueError("send_many() can't be used with priority = 'now'") if attachments: raise ValueError("Can't add attachments with send_many()") if template: if subject: raise ValueError('You can\'t specify both "template" and "subject" arguments') if message: raise ValueError('You can\'t specify both "template" and "message" arguments') if html_message: raise ValueError('You can\'t specify both "template" and "html_message" arguments') # template can be an EmailTemplate instance or name if isinstance(template, EmailTemplate): template = template # If language is specified, ensure template uses the right language if language: if template.language != language: template = template.translated_templates.get(language=language) else: template = get_email_template(template, language) if backend and backend not in get_available_backends().keys(): raise ValueError('%s is not a valid backend alias' % backend) email = create(sender, recipients, cc, bcc, subject, message, html_message, context, scheduled_time, headers, template, priority, render_on_delivery, commit=commit, backend=backend) if attachments: attachments = create_attachments(attachments) email.attachments.add(*attachments) if priority == email.dispatch(log_level=log_level) return email def send_many(kwargs_list): """ Similar to mail.send(), but this function accepts a list of kwargs. Internally, it uses Django's bulk_create command for efficiency reasons. Currently send_many() can't be used to send emails with priority = 'now'. """ emails = [] for kwargs in kwargs_list: emails.append(send(commit=False, **kwargs)) Email.objects.bulk_create(emails) def get_queued(): """ Returns a list of emails that should be sent: - Status is queued - Has scheduled_time lower than the current time or None """ return Email.objects.filter(status=STATUS.queued) \ .select_related('template') \ .filter(Q(scheduled_time__lte=now()) | Q(scheduled_time=None)) \ .order_by(*get_sending_order()).prefetch_related('attachments')[:get_batch_size()] def send_queued(processes=1, log_level=None): """ Sends out all queued mails that has scheduled_time less than now or None """ queued_emails = get_queued() total_sent, total_failed = 0, 0 total_email = len(queued_emails)'Started sending %s emails with %s processes.' % (total_email, processes)) if log_level is None: log_level = get_log_level() if queued_emails: # Don't use more processes than number of emails if total_email < processes: processes = total_email if processes == 1: total_sent, total_failed = _send_bulk(queued_emails, uses_multiprocessing=False, log_level=log_level) else: email_lists = split_emails(queued_emails, processes) pool = Pool(processes) results =, email_lists) pool.terminate() total_sent = sum([result[0] for result in results]) total_failed = sum([result[1] for result in results]) message = '%s emails attempted, %s sent, %s failed' % ( total_email, total_sent, total_failed ) return (total_sent, total_failed) def _send_bulk(emails, uses_multiprocessing=True, log_level=None): # Multiprocessing does not play well with database connection # Fix: Close connections on forking process #!topic/django-users/eCAIY9DAfG0 if uses_multiprocessing: db_connection.close() if log_level is None: log_level = get_log_level() sent_emails = [] failed_emails = [] # This is a list of two tuples (email, exception) email_count = len(emails)'Process started, sending %s emails' % email_count) def send(email): try: email.dispatch(log_level=log_level, commit=False, disconnect_after_delivery=False) sent_emails.append(email) logger.debug('Successfully sent email #%d' % except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed to send email #%d' % failed_emails.append((email, e)) # Prepare emails before we send these to threads for sending # So we don't need to access the DB from within threads for email in emails: # Sometimes this can fail, for example when trying to render # email from a faulty Django template try: email.prepare_email_message() except Exception as e: failed_emails.append((email, e)) number_of_threads = min(get_threads_per_process(), email_count) pool = ThreadPool(number_of_threads), emails) pool.close() pool.join() connections.close() # Update statuses of sent and failed emails email_ids = [ for email in sent_emails] Email.objects.filter(id__in=email_ids).update(status=STATUS.sent) email_ids = [ for (email, e) in failed_emails] Email.objects.filter(id__in=email_ids).update(status=STATUS.failed) # If log level is 0, log nothing, 1 logs only sending failures # and 2 means log both successes and failures if log_level >= 1: logs = [] for (email, exception) in failed_emails: logs.append( Log(email=email, status=STATUS.failed, message=str(exception), exception_type=type(exception).__name__) ) if logs: Log.objects.bulk_create(logs) if log_level == 2: logs = [] for email in sent_emails: logs.append(Log(email=email, status=STATUS.sent)) if logs: Log.objects.bulk_create(logs) 'Process finished, %s attempted, %s sent, %s failed' % ( email_count, len(sent_emails), len(failed_emails) ) ) return len(sent_emails), len(failed_emails)