from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals from collections import OrderedDict from os.path import join, normpath from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders, storage from django.contrib.staticfiles.templatetags import staticfiles from import get_storage_class from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible from django.utils.functional import LazyObject from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, ungettext from debug_toolbar import panels from debug_toolbar.utils import ThreadCollector try: import threading except ImportError: threading = None @python_2_unicode_compatible class StaticFile(object): """ Representing the different properties of a static file. """ def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def __str__(self): return self.path def real_path(self): return finders.find(self.path) def url(self): return storage.staticfiles_storage.url(self.path) class FileCollector(ThreadCollector): def collect(self, path, thread=None): # handle the case of {% static "admin/" %} if path.endswith('/'): return super(FileCollector, self).collect(StaticFile(path), thread) collector = FileCollector() class DebugConfiguredStorage(LazyObject): """ A staticfiles storage class to be used for collecting which paths are resolved by using the {% static %} template tag (which uses the `url` method). """ def _setup(self): configured_storage_cls = get_storage_class(settings.STATICFILES_STORAGE) class DebugStaticFilesStorage(configured_storage_cls): def __init__(self, collector, *args, **kwargs): super(DebugStaticFilesStorage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.collector = collector def url(self, path): self.collector.collect(path) return super(DebugStaticFilesStorage, self).url(path) self._wrapped = DebugStaticFilesStorage(collector) _original_storage = storage.staticfiles_storage class StaticFilesPanel(panels.Panel): """ A panel to display the found staticfiles. """ name = 'Static files' template = 'debug_toolbar/panels/staticfiles.html' @property def title(self): return (_("Static files (%(num_found)s found, %(num_used)s used)") % {'num_found': self.num_found, 'num_used': self.num_used}) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(StaticFilesPanel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.num_found = 0 self._paths = {} def enable_instrumentation(self): storage.staticfiles_storage = staticfiles.staticfiles_storage = DebugConfiguredStorage() def disable_instrumentation(self): storage.staticfiles_storage = staticfiles.staticfiles_storage = _original_storage @property def num_used(self): return len(self._paths[threading.currentThread()]) nav_title = _('Static files') @property def nav_subtitle(self): num_used = self.num_used return ungettext("%(num_used)s file used", "%(num_used)s files used", num_used) % {'num_used': num_used} def process_request(self, request): collector.clear_collection() def generate_stats(self, request, response): used_paths = collector.get_collection() self._paths[threading.currentThread()] = used_paths self.record_stats({ 'num_found': self.num_found, 'num_used': self.num_used, 'staticfiles': used_paths, 'staticfiles_apps': self.get_staticfiles_apps(), 'staticfiles_dirs': self.get_staticfiles_dirs(), 'staticfiles_finders': self.get_staticfiles_finders(), }) def get_staticfiles_finders(self): """ Returns a sorted mapping between the finder path and the list of relative and file system paths which that finder was able to find. """ finders_mapping = OrderedDict() for finder in finders.get_finders(): for path, finder_storage in finder.list([]): if getattr(finder_storage, 'prefix', None): prefixed_path = join(finder_storage.prefix, path) else: prefixed_path = path finder_cls = finder.__class__ finder_path = '.'.join([finder_cls.__module__, finder_cls.__name__]) real_path = finder_storage.path(path) payload = (prefixed_path, real_path) finders_mapping.setdefault(finder_path, []).append(payload) self.num_found += 1 return finders_mapping def get_staticfiles_dirs(self): """ Returns a list of paths to inspect for additional static files """ dirs = [] for finder in finders.get_finders(): if isinstance(finder, finders.FileSystemFinder): dirs.extend(finder.locations) return [(prefix, normpath(dir)) for prefix, dir in dirs] def get_staticfiles_apps(self): """ Returns a list of app paths that have a static directory """ apps = [] for finder in finders.get_finders(): if isinstance(finder, finders.AppDirectoriesFinder): for app in finder.apps: if app not in apps: apps.append(app) return apps