from django.apps import apps from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.contrib.sites.requests import RequestSite from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.http import Http404, HttpResponseRedirect from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ def shortcut(request, content_type_id, object_id): """ Redirect to an object's page based on a content-type ID and an object ID. """ # Look up the object, making sure it's got a get_absolute_url() function. try: content_type = ContentType.objects.get(pk=content_type_id) if not content_type.model_class(): raise Http404( _("Content type %(ct_id)s object has no associated model") % {'ct_id': content_type_id} ) obj = content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=object_id) except (ObjectDoesNotExist, ValueError): raise Http404( _("Content type %(ct_id)s object %(obj_id)s doesn't exist") % {'ct_id': content_type_id, 'obj_id': object_id} ) try: get_absolute_url = obj.get_absolute_url except AttributeError: raise Http404( _("%(ct_name)s objects don't have a get_absolute_url() method") % {'ct_name':} ) absurl = get_absolute_url() # Try to figure out the object's domain, so we can do a cross-site redirect # if necessary. # If the object actually defines a domain, we're done. if absurl.startswith(('http://', 'https://', '//')): return HttpResponseRedirect(absurl) # Otherwise, we need to introspect the object's relationships for a # relation to the Site object object_domain = None if apps.is_installed('django.contrib.sites'): Site = apps.get_model('sites.Site') opts = obj._meta # First, look for a many-to-many relationship to Site. for field in opts.many_to_many: if field.remote_field.model is Site: try: # Caveat: In the case of multiple related Sites, this just # selects the *first* one, which is arbitrary. object_domain = getattr(obj,[0].domain except IndexError: pass if object_domain is not None: break # Next, look for a many-to-one relationship to Site. if object_domain is None: for field in obj._meta.fields: if field.remote_field and field.remote_field.model is Site: try: site = getattr(obj, except Site.DoesNotExist: continue if site is not None: object_domain = site.domain if object_domain is not None: break # Fall back to the current site (if possible). if object_domain is None: try: object_domain = Site.objects.get_current(request).domain except Site.DoesNotExist: pass else: # Fall back to the current request's site. object_domain = RequestSite(request).domain # If all that malarkey found an object domain, use it. Otherwise, fall back # to whatever get_absolute_url() returned. if object_domain is not None: protocol = request.scheme return HttpResponseRedirect('%s://%s%s' % (protocol, object_domain, absurl)) else: return HttpResponseRedirect(absurl)