# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2006-2007, 2009-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE) # Copyright (c) 2009 Mads Kiilerich # Copyright (c) 2010 Daniel Harding # Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Google, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2012 FELD Boris # Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Claudiu Popa # Copyright (c) 2014 Brett Cannon # Copyright (c) 2014 Ricardo Gemignani # Copyright (c) 2014 Arun Persaud # Copyright (c) 2015 Dmitry Pribysh # Copyright (c) 2015 Florian Bruhin # Copyright (c) 2015 Radu Ciorba # Copyright (c) 2015 Ionel Cristian Maries # Copyright (c) 2016, 2018 Ashley Whetter # Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Ɓukasz Rogalski # Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Moises Lopez # Copyright (c) 2016 Brian C. Lane # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 hippo91 # Copyright (c) 2017 ttenhoeve-aa # Copyright (c) 2018 Bryce Guinta # Copyright (c) 2018 Brian Shaginaw # Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/master/COPYING # pylint: disable=W0611 """some functions that may be useful for various checkers """ import collections import functools try: from functools import singledispatch as singledispatch except ImportError: # pylint: disable=import-error from singledispatch import singledispatch as singledispatch try: from functools import lru_cache except ImportError: from backports.functools_lru_cache import lru_cache import itertools import re import sys import string import warnings import six from six.moves import map, builtins # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin import astroid from astroid import bases as _bases from astroid import scoped_nodes BUILTINS_NAME = builtins.__name__ COMP_NODE_TYPES = (astroid.ListComp, astroid.SetComp, astroid.DictComp, astroid.GeneratorExp) PY3K = sys.version_info[0] == 3 if not PY3K: EXCEPTIONS_MODULE = "exceptions" else: EXCEPTIONS_MODULE = "builtins" ABC_METHODS = set(('abc.abstractproperty', 'abc.abstractmethod', 'abc.abstractclassmethod', 'abc.abstractstaticmethod')) ITER_METHOD = '__iter__' NEXT_METHOD = 'next' if six.PY2 else '__next__' GETITEM_METHOD = '__getitem__' SETITEM_METHOD = '__setitem__' DELITEM_METHOD = '__delitem__' CONTAINS_METHOD = '__contains__' KEYS_METHOD = 'keys' # Dictionary which maps the number of expected parameters a # special method can have to a set of special methods. # The following keys are used to denote the parameters restrictions: # # * None: variable number of parameters # * number: exactly that number of parameters # * tuple: this are the odd ones. Basically it means that the function # can work with any number of arguments from that tuple, # although it's best to implement it in order to accept # all of them. _SPECIAL_METHODS_PARAMS = { None: ('__new__', '__init__', '__call__'), 0: ('__del__', '__repr__', '__str__', '__bytes__', '__hash__', '__bool__', '__dir__', '__len__', '__length_hint__', '__iter__', '__reversed__', '__neg__', '__pos__', '__abs__', '__invert__', '__complex__', '__int__', '__float__', '__neg__', '__pos__', '__abs__', '__complex__', '__int__', '__float__', '__index__', '__enter__', '__aenter__', '__getnewargs_ex__', '__getnewargs__', '__getstate__', '__reduce__', '__copy__', '__unicode__', '__nonzero__', '__await__', '__aiter__', '__anext__', '__fspath__'), 1: ('__format__', '__lt__', '__le__', '__eq__', '__ne__', '__gt__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getattribute__', '__delattr__', '__delete__', '__instancecheck__', '__subclasscheck__', '__getitem__', '__missing__', '__delitem__', '__contains__', '__add__', '__sub__', '__mul__', '__truediv__', '__floordiv__', '__mod__', '__divmod__', '__lshift__', '__rshift__', '__and__', '__xor__', '__or__', '__radd__', '__rsub__', '__rmul__', '__rtruediv__', '__rmod__', '__rdivmod__', '__rpow__', '__rlshift__', '__rrshift__', '__rand__', '__rxor__', '__ror__', '__iadd__', '__isub__', '__imul__', '__itruediv__', '__ifloordiv__', '__imod__', '__ilshift__', '__irshift__', '__iand__', '__ixor__', '__ior__', '__ipow__', '__setstate__', '__reduce_ex__', '__deepcopy__', '__cmp__', '__matmul__', '__rmatmul__', '__div__'), 2: ('__setattr__', '__get__', '__set__', '__setitem__', '__set_name__'), 3: ('__exit__', '__aexit__'), (0, 1): ('__round__', ), } SPECIAL_METHODS_PARAMS = { name: params for params, methods in _SPECIAL_METHODS_PARAMS.items() for name in methods } PYMETHODS = set(SPECIAL_METHODS_PARAMS) class NoSuchArgumentError(Exception): pass def is_inside_except(node): """Returns true if node is inside the name of an except handler.""" current = node while current and not isinstance(current.parent, astroid.ExceptHandler): current = current.parent return current and current is current.parent.name def get_all_elements(node): """Recursively returns all atoms in nested lists and tuples.""" if isinstance(node, (astroid.Tuple, astroid.List)): for child in node.elts: for e in get_all_elements(child): yield e else: yield node def clobber_in_except(node): """Checks if an assignment node in an except handler clobbers an existing variable. Returns (True, args for W0623) if assignment clobbers an existing variable, (False, None) otherwise. """ if isinstance(node, astroid.AssignAttr): return (True, (node.attrname, 'object %r' % (node.expr.as_string(),))) elif isinstance(node, astroid.AssignName): name = node.name if is_builtin(name): return (True, (name, 'builtins')) else: stmts = node.lookup(name)[1] if (stmts and not isinstance(stmts[0].assign_type(), (astroid.Assign, astroid.AugAssign, astroid.ExceptHandler))): return (True, (name, 'outer scope (line %s)' % stmts[0].fromlineno)) return (False, None) def is_super(node): """return True if the node is referencing the "super" builtin function """ if getattr(node, 'name', None) == 'super' and \ node.root().name == BUILTINS_NAME: return True return False def is_error(node): """return true if the function does nothing but raising an exception""" for child_node in node.get_children(): if isinstance(child_node, astroid.Raise): return True return False def is_raising(body): """return true if the given statement node raise an exception""" for node in body: if isinstance(node, astroid.Raise): return True return False builtins = builtins.__dict__.copy() SPECIAL_BUILTINS = ('__builtins__',) # '__path__', '__file__') def is_builtin_object(node): """Returns True if the given node is an object from the __builtin__ module.""" return node and node.root().name == BUILTINS_NAME def is_builtin(name): """return true if could be considered as a builtin defined by python """ return name in builtins or name in SPECIAL_BUILTINS def is_defined_before(var_node): """return True if the variable node is defined by a parent node (list, set, dict, or generator comprehension, lambda) or in a previous sibling node on the same line (statement_defining ; statement_using) """ varname = var_node.name _node = var_node.parent while _node: if isinstance(_node, COMP_NODE_TYPES): for ass_node in _node.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName): if ass_node.name == varname: return True elif isinstance(_node, astroid.For): for ass_node in _node.target.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName): if ass_node.name == varname: return True elif isinstance(_node, astroid.With): for expr, ids in _node.items: if expr.parent_of(var_node): break if (ids and isinstance(ids, astroid.AssignName) and ids.name == varname): return True elif isinstance(_node, (astroid.Lambda, astroid.FunctionDef)): if _node.args.is_argument(varname): # If the name is found inside a default value # of a function, then let the search continue # in the parent's tree. if _node.args.parent_of(var_node): try: _node.args.default_value(varname) _node = _node.parent continue except astroid.NoDefault: pass return True if getattr(_node, 'name', None) == varname: return True break elif isinstance(_node, astroid.ExceptHandler): if isinstance(_node.name, astroid.AssignName): ass_node = _node.name if ass_node.name == varname: return True _node = _node.parent # possibly multiple statements on the same line using semi colon separator stmt = var_node.statement() _node = stmt.previous_sibling() lineno = stmt.fromlineno while _node and _node.fromlineno == lineno: for ass_node in _node.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName): if ass_node.name == varname: return True for imp_node in _node.nodes_of_class((astroid.ImportFrom, astroid.Import)): if varname in [name[1] or name[0] for name in imp_node.names]: return True _node = _node.previous_sibling() return False def is_func_default(node): """return true if the given Name node is used in function default argument's value """ parent = node.scope() if isinstance(parent, astroid.FunctionDef): for default_node in parent.args.defaults: for default_name_node in default_node.nodes_of_class(astroid.Name): if default_name_node is node: return True return False def is_func_decorator(node): """return true if the name is used in function decorator""" parent = node.parent while parent is not None: if isinstance(parent, astroid.Decorators): return True if (parent.is_statement or isinstance(parent, (astroid.Lambda, scoped_nodes.ComprehensionScope, scoped_nodes.ListComp))): break parent = parent.parent return False def is_ancestor_name(frame, node): """return True if `frame` is a astroid.Class node with `node` in the subtree of its bases attribute """ try: bases = frame.bases except AttributeError: return False for base in bases: if node in base.nodes_of_class(astroid.Name): return True return False def assign_parent(node): """return the higher parent which is not an AssignName, Tuple or List node """ while node and isinstance(node, (astroid.AssignName, astroid.Tuple, astroid.List)): node = node.parent return node def overrides_a_method(class_node, name): """return True if is a method overridden from an ancestor""" for ancestor in class_node.ancestors(): if name in ancestor and isinstance(ancestor[name], astroid.FunctionDef): return True return False def check_messages(*messages): """decorator to store messages that are handled by a checker method""" def store_messages(func): func.checks_msgs = messages return func return store_messages class IncompleteFormatString(Exception): """A format string ended in the middle of a format specifier.""" pass class UnsupportedFormatCharacter(Exception): """A format character in a format string is not one of the supported format characters.""" def __init__(self, index): Exception.__init__(self, index) self.index = index def parse_format_string(format_string): """Parses a format string, returning a tuple of (keys, num_args), where keys is the set of mapping keys in the format string, and num_args is the number of arguments required by the format string. Raises IncompleteFormatString or UnsupportedFormatCharacter if a parse error occurs.""" keys = set() num_args = 0 def next_char(i): i += 1 if i == len(format_string): raise IncompleteFormatString return (i, format_string[i]) i = 0 while i < len(format_string): char = format_string[i] if char == '%': i, char = next_char(i) # Parse the mapping key (optional). key = None if char == '(': depth = 1 i, char = next_char(i) key_start = i while depth != 0: if char == '(': depth += 1 elif char == ')': depth -= 1 i, char = next_char(i) key_end = i - 1 key = format_string[key_start:key_end] # Parse the conversion flags (optional). while char in '#0- +': i, char = next_char(i) # Parse the minimum field width (optional). if char == '*': num_args += 1 i, char = next_char(i) else: while char in string.digits: i, char = next_char(i) # Parse the precision (optional). if char == '.': i, char = next_char(i) if char == '*': num_args += 1 i, char = next_char(i) else: while char in string.digits: i, char = next_char(i) # Parse the length modifier (optional). if char in 'hlL': i, char = next_char(i) # Parse the conversion type (mandatory). if PY3K: flags = 'diouxXeEfFgGcrs%a' else: flags = 'diouxXeEfFgGcrs%' if char not in flags: raise UnsupportedFormatCharacter(i) if key: keys.add(key) elif char != '%': num_args += 1 i += 1 return keys, num_args def is_attr_protected(attrname): """return True if attribute name is protected (start with _ and some other details), False otherwise. """ return attrname[0] == '_' and attrname != '_' and not ( attrname.startswith('__') and attrname.endswith('__')) def node_frame_class(node): """return klass node for a method node (or a staticmethod or a classmethod), return null otherwise """ klass = node.frame() while klass is not None and not isinstance(klass, astroid.ClassDef): if klass.parent is None: klass = None else: klass = klass.parent.frame() return klass def is_attr_private(attrname): """Check that attribute name is private (at least two leading underscores, at most one trailing underscore) """ regex = re.compile('^_{2,}.*[^_]+_?$') return regex.match(attrname) def get_argument_from_call(call_node, position=None, keyword=None): """Returns the specified argument from a function call. :param astroid.Call call_node: Node representing a function call to check. :param int position: position of the argument. :param str keyword: the keyword of the argument. :returns: The node representing the argument, None if the argument is not found. :rtype: astroid.Name :raises ValueError: if both position and keyword are None. :raises NoSuchArgumentError: if no argument at the provided position or with the provided keyword. """ if position is None and keyword is None: raise ValueError('Must specify at least one of: position or keyword.') if position is not None: try: return call_node.args[position] except IndexError: pass if keyword and call_node.keywords: for arg in call_node.keywords: if arg.arg == keyword: return arg.value raise NoSuchArgumentError def inherit_from_std_ex(node): """ Return true if the given class node is subclass of exceptions.Exception. """ if node.name in ('Exception', 'BaseException') \ and node.root().name == EXCEPTIONS_MODULE: return True if not hasattr(node, 'ancestors'): return False return any(inherit_from_std_ex(parent) for parent in node.ancestors(recurs=True)) def error_of_type(handler, error_type): """ Check if the given exception handler catches the given error_type. The *handler* parameter is a node, representing an ExceptHandler node. The *error_type* can be an exception, such as AttributeError, the name of an exception, or it can be a tuple of errors. The function will return True if the handler catches any of the given errors. """ def stringify_error(error): if not isinstance(error, six.string_types): return error.__name__ return error if not isinstance(error_type, tuple): error_type = (error_type, ) expected_errors = {stringify_error(error) for error in error_type} if not handler.type: # bare except. While this indeed catches anything, if the desired errors # aren't specified directly, then we just ignore it. return False return handler.catch(expected_errors) def decorated_with_property(node): """ Detect if the given function node is decorated with a property. """ if not node.decorators: return False for decorator in node.decorators.nodes: if not isinstance(decorator, astroid.Name): continue try: if _is_property_decorator(decorator): return True except astroid.InferenceError: pass return False def _is_property_decorator(decorator): for infered in decorator.infer(): if isinstance(infered, astroid.ClassDef): if infered.root().name == BUILTINS_NAME and infered.name == 'property': return True for ancestor in infered.ancestors(): if ancestor.name == 'property' and ancestor.root().name == BUILTINS_NAME: return True return None def decorated_with(func, qnames): """Determine if the `func` node has a decorator with the qualified name `qname`.""" decorators = func.decorators.nodes if func.decorators else [] for decorator_node in decorators: try: if any(i is not None and i.qname() in qnames for i in decorator_node.infer()): return True except astroid.InferenceError: continue return False @lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def unimplemented_abstract_methods(node, is_abstract_cb=None): """ Get the unimplemented abstract methods for the given *node*. A method can be considered abstract if the callback *is_abstract_cb* returns a ``True`` value. The check defaults to verifying that a method is decorated with abstract methods. The function will work only for new-style classes. For old-style classes, it will simply return an empty dictionary. For the rest of them, it will return a dictionary of abstract method names and their inferred objects. """ if is_abstract_cb is None: is_abstract_cb = functools.partial( decorated_with, qnames=ABC_METHODS) visited = {} try: mro = reversed(node.mro()) except NotImplementedError: # Old style class, it will not have a mro. return {} except astroid.ResolveError: # Probably inconsistent hierarchy, don'try # to figure this out here. return {} for ancestor in mro: for obj in ancestor.values(): infered = obj if isinstance(obj, astroid.AssignName): infered = safe_infer(obj) if not infered: # Might be an abstract function, # but since we don't have enough information # in order to take this decision, we're taking # the *safe* decision instead. if obj.name in visited: del visited[obj.name] continue if not isinstance(infered, astroid.FunctionDef): if obj.name in visited: del visited[obj.name] if isinstance(infered, astroid.FunctionDef): # It's critical to use the original name, # since after inferring, an object can be something # else than expected, as in the case of the # following assignment. # # class A: # def keys(self): pass # __iter__ = keys abstract = is_abstract_cb(infered) if abstract: visited[obj.name] = infered elif not abstract and obj.name in visited: del visited[obj.name] return visited def _import_node_context(node): """Return the ExceptHandler or the TryExcept node in which the node is.""" current = node ignores = (astroid.ExceptHandler, astroid.TryExcept) while current and not isinstance(current.parent, ignores): current = current.parent if current and isinstance(current.parent, ignores): return current.parent return None def is_from_fallback_block(node): """Check if the given node is from a fallback import block.""" context = _import_node_context(node) if not context: return False if isinstance(context, astroid.ExceptHandler): other_body = context.parent.body handlers = context.parent.handlers else: other_body = itertools.chain.from_iterable( handler.body for handler in context.handlers) handlers = context.handlers has_fallback_imports = any(isinstance(import_node, (astroid.ImportFrom, astroid.Import)) for import_node in other_body) ignores_import_error = _except_handlers_ignores_exception(handlers, ImportError) return ignores_import_error or has_fallback_imports def _except_handlers_ignores_exception(handlers, exception): func = functools.partial(error_of_type, error_type=(exception, )) return any(map(func, handlers)) def get_exception_handlers(node, exception): """Return the collections of handlers handling the exception in arguments. Args: node (astroid.Raise): the node raising the exception. exception (builtin.Exception or str): exception or name of the exception. Returns: generator: the collection of handlers that are handling the exception or None. """ context = _import_node_context(node) if isinstance(context, astroid.TryExcept): return (_handler for _handler in context.handlers if error_of_type(_handler, exception)) return None def is_node_inside_try_except(node): """Check if the node is directly under a Try/Except statement. (but not under an ExceptHandler!) Args: node (astroid.Raise): the node raising the exception. Returns: bool: True if the node is inside a try/except statement, False otherwise. """ context = _import_node_context(node) return isinstance(context, astroid.TryExcept) def node_ignores_exception(node, exception): """Check if the node is in a TryExcept which handles the given exception.""" managing_handlers = get_exception_handlers(node, exception) if not managing_handlers: return False return any(managing_handlers) def class_is_abstract(node): """return true if the given class node should be considered as an abstract class """ for method in node.methods(): if method.parent.frame() is node: if method.is_abstract(pass_is_abstract=False): return True return False def _supports_protocol_method(value, attr): try: attributes = value.getattr(attr) except astroid.NotFoundError: return False first = attributes[0] if isinstance(first, astroid.AssignName): if isinstance(first.parent.value, astroid.Const): return False return True def is_comprehension(node): comprehensions = (astroid.ListComp, astroid.SetComp, astroid.DictComp, astroid.GeneratorExp) return isinstance(node, comprehensions) def _supports_mapping_protocol(value): return ( _supports_protocol_method(value, GETITEM_METHOD) and _supports_protocol_method(value, KEYS_METHOD) ) def _supports_membership_test_protocol(value): return _supports_protocol_method(value, CONTAINS_METHOD) def _supports_iteration_protocol(value): return ( _supports_protocol_method(value, ITER_METHOD) or _supports_protocol_method(value, GETITEM_METHOD) ) def _supports_getitem_protocol(value): return _supports_protocol_method(value, GETITEM_METHOD) def _supports_setitem_protocol(value): return _supports_protocol_method(value, SETITEM_METHOD) def _supports_delitem_protocol(value): return _supports_protocol_method(value, DELITEM_METHOD) def _is_abstract_class_name(name): lname = name.lower() is_mixin = lname.endswith('mixin') is_abstract = lname.startswith('abstract') is_base = lname.startswith('base') or lname.endswith('base') return is_mixin or is_abstract or is_base def is_inside_abstract_class(node): while node is not None: if isinstance(node, astroid.ClassDef): if class_is_abstract(node): return True name = getattr(node, 'name', None) if name is not None and _is_abstract_class_name(name): return True node = node.parent return False def _supports_protocol(value, protocol_callback): if isinstance(value, astroid.ClassDef): if not has_known_bases(value): return True # classobj can only be iterable if it has an iterable metaclass meta = value.metaclass() if meta is not None: if protocol_callback(meta): return True if isinstance(value, astroid.BaseInstance): if not has_known_bases(value): return True if value.has_dynamic_getattr(): return True if protocol_callback(value): return True # TODO: this is not needed in astroid 2.0, where we can # check the type using a virtual base class instead. if (isinstance(value, _bases.Proxy) and isinstance(value._proxied, astroid.BaseInstance) and has_known_bases(value._proxied)): value = value._proxied return protocol_callback(value) return False def is_iterable(value): return _supports_protocol(value, _supports_iteration_protocol) def is_mapping(value): return _supports_protocol(value, _supports_mapping_protocol) def supports_membership_test(value): supported = _supports_protocol(value, _supports_membership_test_protocol) return supported or is_iterable(value) def supports_getitem(value): return _supports_protocol(value, _supports_getitem_protocol) def supports_setitem(value): return _supports_protocol(value, _supports_setitem_protocol) def supports_delitem(value): return _supports_protocol(value, _supports_delitem_protocol) # TODO(cpopa): deprecate these or leave them as aliases? @lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def safe_infer(node, context=None): """Return the inferred value for the given node. Return None if inference failed or if there is some ambiguity (more than one node has been inferred). """ try: inferit = node.infer(context=context) value = next(inferit) except astroid.InferenceError: return None try: next(inferit) return None # None if there is ambiguity on the inferred node except astroid.InferenceError: return None # there is some kind of ambiguity except StopIteration: return value def has_known_bases(klass, context=None): """Return true if all base classes of a class could be inferred.""" try: return klass._all_bases_known except AttributeError: pass for base in klass.bases: result = safe_infer(base, context=context) # TODO: check for A->B->A->B pattern in class structure too? if (not isinstance(result, astroid.ClassDef) or result is klass or not has_known_bases(result, context=context)): klass._all_bases_known = False return False klass._all_bases_known = True return True def is_none(node): return (node is None or (isinstance(node, astroid.Const) and node.value is None) or (isinstance(node, astroid.Name) and node.name == 'None') ) def node_type(node): """Return the inferred type for `node` If there is more than one possible type, or if inferred type is YES or None, return None """ # check there is only one possible type for the assign node. Else we # don't handle it for now types = set() try: for var_type in node.infer(): if var_type == astroid.Uninferable or is_none(var_type): continue types.add(var_type) if len(types) > 1: return None except astroid.InferenceError: return None return types.pop() if types else None def is_registered_in_singledispatch_function(node): """Check if the given function node is a singledispatch function.""" singledispatch_qnames = ( 'functools.singledispatch', 'singledispatch.singledispatch' ) if not isinstance(node, astroid.FunctionDef): return False decorators = node.decorators.nodes if node.decorators else [] for decorator in decorators: # func.register are function calls if not isinstance(decorator, astroid.Call): continue func = decorator.func if not isinstance(func, astroid.Attribute) or func.attrname != 'register': continue try: func_def = next(func.expr.infer()) except astroid.InferenceError: continue if isinstance(func_def, astroid.FunctionDef): return decorated_with(func_def, singledispatch_qnames) return False def get_node_last_lineno(node): """ Get the last lineno of the given node. For a simple statement this will just be node.lineno, but for a node that has child statements (e.g. a method) this will be the lineno of the last child statement recursively. """ # 'finalbody' is always the last clause in a try statement, if present if getattr(node, 'finalbody', False): return get_node_last_lineno(node.finalbody[-1]) # For if, while, and for statements 'orelse' is always the last clause. # For try statements 'orelse' is the last in the absence of a 'finalbody' if getattr(node, 'orelse', False): return get_node_last_lineno(node.orelse[-1]) # try statements have the 'handlers' last if there is no 'orelse' or 'finalbody' if getattr(node, 'handlers', False): return get_node_last_lineno(node.handlers[-1]) # All compound statements have a 'body' if getattr(node, 'body', False): return get_node_last_lineno(node.body[-1]) # Not a compound statement return node.lineno def in_comprehension(node): """Return True if the given node is in a comprehension""" curnode = node while curnode.parent: curnode = curnode.parent if is_comprehension(curnode): return True return False def is_enum_class(node): """Check if a class definition defines an Enum class. :param node: The class node to check. :type node: astroid.ClassDef :returns: True if the given node represents an Enum class. False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ for base in node.bases: try: inferred_bases = base.inferred() except astroid.InferenceError: continue for ancestor in inferred_bases: if not isinstance(ancestor, astroid.ClassDef): continue if ancestor.name == 'Enum' and ancestor.root().name == 'enum': return True return False