from operator import attrgetter from django.template import Node from classytags.blocks import BlockDefinition from classytags.compat import compat_basestring from classytags.parser import Parser from classytags.utils import StructuredOptions from classytags.utils import get_default_name class Options(object): """ Option class holding the arguments of a tag. """ def __init__(self, *options, **kwargs): self._options = options self._kwargs = kwargs self.options = {} self.raw_options = options self.breakpoints = [] self.combined_breakpoints = {} current_breakpoint = None last = None self.options[current_breakpoint] = [] self.all_argument_names = [] for value in options: if isinstance(value, compat_basestring): if isinstance(last, compat_basestring): self.combined_breakpoints[last] = value self.breakpoints.append(value) current_breakpoint = value self.options[current_breakpoint] = [] else: self.options[current_breakpoint].append(value) self.all_argument_names.append( last = value self.blocks = [] for block in kwargs.get('blocks', []): if isinstance(block, BlockDefinition): block_definition = block elif isinstance(block, compat_basestring): block_definition = BlockDefinition(block, block) else: block_definition = BlockDefinition(block[1], block[0]) block_definition.validate(self) self.blocks.append(block_definition) if 'parser_class' in kwargs: self.parser_class = kwargs['parser_class'] else: self.parser_class = Parser def __repr__(self): bits = list(map(repr, self.options[None])) for breakpoint in self.breakpoints: bits.append(breakpoint) for option in self.options[breakpoint]: bits.append(repr(option)) options = ','.join(bits) if self.blocks: blocks = ';%s' % ','.join(map(attrgetter('alias'), self.blocks)) else: # pragma: no cover blocks = '' return '' % (options, blocks) def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Options): raise TypeError("Cannot add Options to non-Options object") if self.blocks and other.blocks: raise ValueError( "Cannot add two Options objects if both objects define blocks" ) if self.parser_class is not other.parser_class: raise ValueError( "Cannot add two Options objects with different parser classes" ) full_options = self._options + other._options full_kwargs = { 'parser_class': self.parser_class } if self._kwargs.get('blocks', False): full_kwargs['blocks'] = self._kwargs['blocks'] elif other._kwargs.get('blocks', False): full_kwargs['blocks'] = other._kwargs['blocks'] return Options(*full_options, **full_kwargs) def get_parser_class(self): return self.parser_class def bootstrap(self): """ Bootstrap this options """ return StructuredOptions( self.options, self.breakpoints, self.blocks, self.combined_breakpoints ) def parse(self, parser, tokens): """ Parse template tokens into a dictionary """ argument_parser_class = self.get_parser_class() argument_parser = argument_parser_class(self) return argument_parser.parse(parser, tokens) class TagMeta(type): """ Metaclass for the Tag class that set's the name attribute onto the class and a _decorated_function pseudo-function which is used by Django's template system to get the tag name. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): parents = [base for base in bases if isinstance(base, TagMeta)] if not parents: return super(TagMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) tag_name = str(attrs.get('name', get_default_name(name))) def fake_func(): pass # pragma: no cover fake_func.__name__ = tag_name attrs['_decorated_function'] = fake_func attrs['name'] = str(tag_name) return super(TagMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) class Tag(TagMeta('TagMeta', (Node,), {})): """ Main Tag class. """ options = Options() name = None def __init__(self, parser, tokens): self.kwargs, self.blocks = self.options.parse(parser, tokens) self.child_nodelists = [] for key, value in self.blocks.items(): setattr(self, key, value) self.child_nodelists.append(key) def render(self, context): """ INTERNAL method to prepare rendering Usually you should not override this method, but rather use render_tag. """ items = self.kwargs.items() kwargs = dict([(key, value.resolve(context)) for key, value in items]) kwargs.update(self.blocks) return self.render_tag(context, **kwargs) def render_tag(self, context, **kwargs): """ The method you should override in your custom tags """ raise NotImplementedError def __repr__(self): return '' %