from copy import deepcopy from django import template from classytags.exceptions import ArgumentRequiredError from classytags.exceptions import BreakpointExpected from classytags.exceptions import TooManyArguments from classytags.exceptions import TrailingBreakpoint class Parser(object): """ Argument parsing class. A new instance of this gets created each time a tag get's parsed. """ def __init__(self, options): self.options = options.bootstrap() def parse(self, parser, tokens): """ Parse a token stream """ self.parser = parser self.bits = tokens.split_contents() self.tagname = self.bits.pop(0) self.kwargs = {} self.blocks = {} self.forced_next = None # Get the first chunk of arguments until the next breakpoint self.arguments = self.options.get_arguments() self.current_argument = None # get a copy of the bits (tokens) self.todo = list(self.bits) # parse the bits (tokens) breakpoint = False for bit in self.bits: breakpoint = self.handle_bit(bit) if breakpoint: raise TrailingBreakpoint(self.tagname, breakpoint) # finish the bits (tokens) self.finish() # parse block tags self.parse_blocks() return self.kwargs, self.blocks def handle_bit(self, bit): """ Handle the current bit """ breakpoint = False if self.forced_next is not None: if bit != self.forced_next: raise BreakpointExpected(self.tagname, [self.forced_next], bit) elif bit in self.options.reversed_combined_breakpoints: expected = self.options.reversed_combined_breakpoints[bit] raise BreakpointExpected(self.tagname, [expected], bit) # Check if the current bit is the next breakpoint if bit == self.options.next_breakpoint: self.handle_next_breakpoint(bit) breakpoint = bit # Check if the current bit is a future breakpoint elif bit in self.options.breakpoints: self.handle_breakpoints(bit) breakpoint = bit # Otherwise it's a 'normal' argument else: self.handle_argument(bit) if bit in self.options.combined_breakpoints: self.forced_next = self.options.combined_breakpoints[bit] else: self.forced_next = None # remove from todos del self.todo[0] return breakpoint def handle_next_breakpoint(self, bit): """ Handle a bit which is the next breakpoint by checking the current breakpoint scope is finished or can be finished and then shift to the next scope. """ # Check if any unhandled argument in the current breakpoint is required self.check_required() # Shift the breakpoint to the next one self.options.shift_breakpoint() # Get the next chunk of arguments self.arguments = self.options.get_arguments() if self.arguments: self.current_argument = self.arguments.pop(0) else: self.current_argument = None def handle_breakpoints(self, bit): """ Handle a bit which is a future breakpoint by trying to finish all intermediate breakpoint codes as well as the current scope and then shift. """ # While we're not at our target breakpoint while bit != self.options.current_breakpoint: # Check required arguments self.check_required() # Shift to the next breakpoint self.options.shift_breakpoint() self.arguments = self.options.get_arguments() self.current_argument = self.arguments.pop(0) def handle_argument(self, bit): """ Handle the current argument. """ # If we don't have an argument yet if self.current_argument is None: try: # try to get the next one self.current_argument = self.arguments.pop(0) except IndexError: # If we don't have any arguments, left, raise a # TooManyArguments error raise TooManyArguments(self.tagname, self.todo) # parse the current argument and check if this bit was handled by this # argument handled = self.current_argument.parse(self.parser, bit, self.tagname, self.kwargs) # While this bit is not handled by an argument while not handled: try: # Try to get the next argument self.current_argument = self.arguments.pop(0) except IndexError: # If there is no next argument but there are still breakpoints # Raise an exception that we expected a breakpoint if self.options.breakpoints: raise BreakpointExpected(self.tagname, self.options.breakpoints, bit) elif self.options.next_breakpoint: raise BreakpointExpected(self.tagname, [self.options.next_breakpoint], bit) else: # Otherwise raise a TooManyArguments excption raise TooManyArguments(self.tagname, self.todo) # Try next argument handled = self.current_argument.parse(self.parser, bit, self.tagname, self.kwargs) def finish(self): """ Finish up parsing by checking all remaining breakpoint scopes """ # Check if there are any required arguments left in the current # breakpoint self.check_required() # While there are still breakpoints left while self.options.next_breakpoint: # Shift to the next breakpoint self.options.shift_breakpoint() self.arguments = self.options.get_arguments() # And check this breakpoints arguments for required arguments. self.check_required() def parse_blocks(self): """ Parse template blocks for block tags. Example: {% a %} b {% c %} d {% e %} f {% g %} => pre_c: b pre_e: d pre_g: f {% a %} b {% f %} => pre_c: b pre_e: None pre_g: None """ # if no blocks are defined, bail out if not self.options.blocks: return # copy the blocks blocks = deepcopy(self.options.blocks) identifiers = {} for block in blocks: identifiers[block] = block.collect(self) while blocks: current_block = blocks.pop(0) current_identifiers = identifiers[current_block] block_identifiers = list(current_identifiers) for block in blocks: block_identifiers += identifiers[block] nodelist = self.parser.parse(block_identifiers) token = self.parser.next_token() while token.contents not in current_identifiers: empty_block = blocks.pop(0) current_identifiers = identifiers[empty_block] self.blocks[empty_block.alias] = template.NodeList() self.blocks[current_block.alias] = nodelist def check_required(self): """ Iterate over arguments, checking if they're required, otherwise populating the kwargs dictionary with their defaults. """ for argument in self.arguments: if argument.required: raise ArgumentRequiredError(argument, self.tagname) else: self.kwargs[] = argument.get_default()