""" kombu.abstract ============== Object utilities. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from copy import copy from .connection import maybe_channel from .exceptions import NotBoundError from .utils import ChannelPromise __all__ = ['Object', 'MaybeChannelBound'] def unpickle_dict(cls, kwargs): return cls(**kwargs) def _any(v): return v class Object(object): """Common base class supporting automatic kwargs->attributes handling, and cloning.""" attrs = () def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): for name, type_ in self.attrs: value = kwargs.get(name) if value is not None: setattr(self, name, (type_ or _any)(value)) else: try: getattr(self, name) except AttributeError: setattr(self, name, None) def as_dict(self, recurse=False): def f(obj, type): if recurse and isinstance(obj, Object): return obj.as_dict(recurse=True) return type(obj) if type else obj return dict( (attr, f(getattr(self, attr), type)) for attr, type in self.attrs ) def __reduce__(self): return unpickle_dict, (self.__class__, self.as_dict()) def __copy__(self): return self.__class__(**self.as_dict()) class MaybeChannelBound(Object): """Mixin for classes that can be bound to an AMQP channel.""" _channel = None _is_bound = False #: Defines whether maybe_declare can skip declaring this entity twice. can_cache_declaration = False def __call__(self, channel): """`self(channel) -> self.bind(channel)`""" return self.bind(channel) def bind(self, channel): """Create copy of the instance that is bound to a channel.""" return copy(self).maybe_bind(channel) def maybe_bind(self, channel): """Bind instance to channel if not already bound.""" if not self.is_bound and channel: self._channel = maybe_channel(channel) self.when_bound() self._is_bound = True return self def revive(self, channel): """Revive channel after the connection has been re-established. Used by :meth:`~kombu.Connection.ensure`. """ if self.is_bound: self._channel = channel self.when_bound() def when_bound(self): """Callback called when the class is bound.""" pass def __repr__(self, item=''): item = item or type(self).__name__ if self.is_bound: return '<{0} bound to chan:{1}>'.format( item or type(self).__name__, self.channel.channel_id) return ''.format(item) @property def is_bound(self): """Flag set if the channel is bound.""" return self._is_bound and self._channel is not None @property def channel(self): """Current channel if the object is bound.""" channel = self._channel if channel is None: raise NotBoundError( "Can't call method on {0} not bound to a channel".format( type(self).__name__)) if isinstance(channel, ChannelPromise): channel = self._channel = channel() return channel