""" Checks assigning attributes not found in class slots will trigger assigning-non-slot warning. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, no-init, missing-docstring, no-absolute-import, import-error from collections import deque from missing import Unknown class Empty(object): """ empty """ class Bad(object): """ missing not in slots. """ __slots__ = ['member'] def __init__(self): self.missing = 42 # [assigning-non-slot] class Bad2(object): """ missing not in slots """ __slots__ = [deque.__name__, 'member'] def __init__(self): self.deque = 42 self.missing = 42 # [assigning-non-slot] class Bad3(Bad): """ missing not found in slots """ __slots__ = ['component'] def __init__(self): self.component = 42 self.member = 24 self.missing = 42 # [assigning-non-slot] super(Bad3, self).__init__() class Good(Empty): """ missing not in slots, but Empty doesn't specify __slots__. """ __slots__ = ['a'] def __init__(self): self.missing = 42 class Good2(object): """ Using __dict__ in slots will be safe. """ __slots__ = ['__dict__', 'comp'] def __init__(self): self.comp = 4 self.missing = 5 class PropertyGood(object): """ Using properties is safe. """ __slots__ = ['tmp', '_value'] @property def test(self): return self._value @test.setter def test(self, value): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self._value = value def __init__(self): self.test = 42 class PropertyGood2(object): """ Using properties in the body of the class is safe. """ __slots__ = ['_value'] def _getter(self): return self._value def _setter(self, value): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self._value = value test = property(_getter, _setter) def __init__(self): self.test = 24 class UnicodeSlots(object): """Using unicode objects in __slots__ is okay. On Python 3.3 onward, u'' is equivalent to '', so this test should be safe for both versions. """ __slots__ = (u'first', u'second') def __init__(self): self.first = 42 self.second = 24 class DataDescriptor(object): def __init__(self, name, default=''): self.__name = name self.__default = default def __get__(self, inst, cls): return getattr(inst, self.__name, self.__default) def __set__(self, inst, value): setattr(inst, self.__name, value) class NonDataDescriptor(object): def __get__(self, inst, cls): return 42 class SlotsWithDescriptor(object): __slots__ = ['_err'] data_descriptor = DataDescriptor('_err') non_data_descriptor = NonDataDescriptor() missing_descriptor = Unknown() def dont_emit_for_descriptors(): inst = SlotsWithDescriptor() # This should not emit, because attr is # a data descriptor inst.data_descriptor = 'foo' inst.non_data_descriptor = 'lala' # [assigning-non-slot] return class ClassWithSlots(object): __slots__ = ['foobar'] class ClassReassigningDunderClass(object): __slots__ = ['foobar'] def release(self): self.__class__ = ClassWithSlots class ClassReassingingInvalidLayoutClass(object): __slots__ = [] def release(self): self.__class__ = ClassWithSlots # [assigning-non-slot]