"""test for Python 3 string formatting error """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, import-error, unused-argument, line-too-long, no-absolute-import import os from missing import Missing __revision__ = 1 class Custom(object): """ Has a __getattr__ """ def __getattr__(self, _): return self class Test(object): """ test format attribute access """ custom = Custom() ids = [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6]] class Getitem(object): """ test custom getitem for lookup access """ def __getitem__(self, index): return 42 class ReturnYes(object): """ can't be properly infered """ missing = Missing() def log(message, message_type="error"): """ Test """ return message def print_good(): """ Good format strings """ "{0} {1}".format(1, 2) "{0!r:20}".format("Hello") "{!r:20}".format("Hello") "{a!r:20}".format(a="Hello") "{pid}".format(pid=os.getpid()) str("{}").format(2) "{0.missing.length}".format(ReturnYes()) "{1.missing.length}".format(ReturnYes()) "{a.ids[3][1]}".format(a=Test()) "{a[0][0]}".format(a=[[1]]) "{[0][0]}".format({0: {0: 1}}) "{a.test}".format(a=Custom()) "{a.__len__}".format(a=[]) "{a.ids.__len__}".format(a=Test()) "{a[0]}".format(a=Getitem()) "{a[0][0]}".format(a=[Getitem()]) "{[0][0]}".format(["test"]) # these are skipped "{0} {1}".format(*[1, 2]) "{a} {b}".format(**{'a': 1, 'b': 2}) "{a}".format(a=Missing()) def pprint_bad(): """Test string format """ "{{}}".format(1) # [too-many-format-args] "{} {".format() # [bad-format-string] "{} }".format() # [bad-format-string] "{0} {}".format(1, 2) # [format-combined-specification] # +1: [missing-format-argument-key, unused-format-string-argument] "{a} {b}".format(a=1, c=2) "{} {a}".format(1, 2) # [missing-format-argument-key] "{} {}".format(1) # [too-few-format-args] "{} {}".format(1, 2, 3) # [too-many-format-args] # +1: [missing-format-argument-key,missing-format-argument-key,missing-format-argument-key] "{a} {b} {c}".format() "{} {}".format(a=1, b=2) # [too-few-format-args] # +1: [missing-format-argument-key, missing-format-argument-key] "{a} {b}".format(1, 2) "{0} {1} {a}".format(1, 2, 3) # [missing-format-argument-key] # +1: [missing-format-attribute] "{a.ids.__len__.length}".format(a=Test()) "{a.ids[3][400]}".format(a=Test()) # [invalid-format-index] "{a.ids[3]['string']}".format(a=Test()) # [invalid-format-index] "{[0][1]}".format(["a"]) # [invalid-format-index] "{[0][0]}".format(((1, ))) # [invalid-format-index] # +1: [missing-format-argument-key, unused-format-string-argument] "{b[0]}".format(a=23) "{a[0]}".format(a=object) # [invalid-format-index] log("{}".format(2, "info")) # [too-many-format-args] "{0.missing}".format(2) # [missing-format-attribute] "{0} {1} {2}".format(1, 2) # [too-few-format-args] "{0} {1}".format(1, 2, 3) # [too-many-format-args] "{0} {a}".format(a=4) # [too-few-format-args] "{[0]} {}".format([4]) # [too-few-format-args] "{[0]} {}".format([4], 5, 6) # [too-many-format-args] def good_issue288(*args, **kwargs): """ Test that using kwargs does not emit a false positive. """ 'Hello John Doe {0[0]}'.format(args) 'Hello {0[name]}'.format(kwargs) def good_issue287(): """ Test that the string format checker skips format nodes which don't have a string as a parent (but a subscript, name etc). """ name = 'qwerty' ret = {'comment': ''} ret['comment'] = 'MySQL grant {0} is set to be revoked' ret['comment'] = ret['comment'].format(name) return ret, name def nested_issue294(): """ Test nested format fields. """ '{0:>{1}}'.format(42, 24) '{0:{a[1]}} {a}'.format(1, a=[1, 2]) '{:>{}}'.format(42, 24) '{0:>{1}}'.format(42) # [too-few-format-args] '{0:>{1}}'.format(42, 24, 54) # [too-many-format-args] '{0:{a[1]}}'.format(1) # [missing-format-argument-key] '{0:{a.x}}'.format(1, a=2) # [missing-format-attribute] def issue310(): """ Test a regression using duplicate manual position arguments. """ '{0} {1} {0}'.format(1, 2) '{0} {1} {0}'.format(1) # [too-few-format-args] def issue322(): """ Test a regression using mixed manual position arguments and attribute access arguments. """ '{0}{1[FOO]}'.format(123, {'FOO': 456}) '{0}{1[FOO]}'.format(123, {'FOO': 456}, 321) # [too-many-format-args] '{0}{1[FOO]}'.format(123) # [too-few-format-args] def issue338(): """ Check that using a namedtuple subclass doesn't crash when trying to infer EmptyNodes (resulted after mocking the members of namedtuples). """ from collections import namedtuple class Crash(namedtuple("C", "foo bar")): """ Looking for attributes in __str__ will crash, because EmptyNodes can't be infered. """ def __str__(self): return "{0.foo}: {0.bar}".format(self) return Crash def issue351(): """ Check that the format method can be assigned to a variable, ie: """ fmt = 'test {} {}'.format fmt('arg1') # [too-few-format-args] fmt('arg1', 'arg2') fmt('arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3') # [too-many-format-args] def issue373(): """ Ignore any object coming from an argument. """ class SomeClass(object): """ empty docstring. """ def __init__(self, opts=None): self.opts = opts def dunc(self, arg): """Don't try to analyze this.""" return "A{0}{1}".format(arg, self.opts) def func(self): """Don't try to analyze the following string.""" return 'AAA{0[iface]}BBB{0[port]}'.format(self.opts) return SomeClass def issue_463(): """ Mix positional arguments, `{0}`, with positional arguments with attribute access, `{0.__x__}`. """ data = "{0.__class__.__name__}: {0}".format(42) data2 = "{0[0]}: {0}".format([1]) return (data, data2) def avoid_empty_attribute(): """The following string is invalid, avoid crashing.""" return "There are {.:2f} undiscovered errors.".format(1) # [bad-format-string]