"""Test warnings about access to undefined variables for various Python 3 constructs. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, no-init, no-self-use # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position, invalid-metaclass class Undefined: """ test various annotation problems. """ def test(self)->Undefined: # [undefined-variable] """ used Undefined, which is Undefined in this scope. """ Undefined = True def test1(self)->Undefined: """ This Undefined exists at local scope. """ def test2(self): """ This should not emit. """ def func()->Undefined: """ empty """ return return func class Undefined1: """ Other annotation problems. """ Undef = 42 ABC = 42 class InnerScope: """ Test inner scope definition. """ def test_undefined(self)->Undef: # [undefined-variable] """ Looking at a higher scope is impossible. """ def test1(self)->ABC: # [undefined-variable] """ Triggers undefined-variable. """ class FalsePositive342(object): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ Fix some false positives found in https://bitbucket.org/logilab/pylint/issue/342/spurious-undefined-variable-for-class """ top = 42 def test_good(self, bac: top): """ top is defined at this moment. """ def test_bad(self, bac: trop): # [undefined-variable] """ trop is undefined at this moment. """ def test_bad1(self, *args: trop1): # [undefined-variable] """ trop1 is undefined at this moment. """ def test_bad2(self, **bac: trop2): # [undefined-variable] """ trop2 is undefined at this moment. """ from abc import ABCMeta class Bad(metaclass=ABCMet): # [undefined-variable] """ Notice the typo """ class SecondBad(metaclass=ab.ABCMeta): # [undefined-variable] """ Notice the `ab` module. """ class Good(metaclass=int): """ int is not a proper metaclass, but it is defined. """ class SecondGood(metaclass=Good): """ empty """ class ThirdGood(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ empty """ class FourthGood(ThirdGood): """ This should not trigger anything. """ # The following used to raise used-before-assignment # pylint: disable=missing-docstring, multiple-statements def used_before_assignment(*, arg): return arg + 1