# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ celery.beat ~~~~~~~~~~~ The periodic task scheduler. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import errno import os import time import shelve import sys import traceback from threading import Event, Thread from billiard import ensure_multiprocessing from billiard.process import Process from billiard.common import reset_signals from kombu.utils import cached_property, reprcall from kombu.utils.functional import maybe_evaluate from . import __version__ from . import platforms from . import signals from .five import items, reraise, values, monotonic from .schedules import maybe_schedule, crontab from .utils.imports import instantiate from .utils.timeutils import humanize_seconds from .utils.log import get_logger, iter_open_logger_fds __all__ = ['SchedulingError', 'ScheduleEntry', 'Scheduler', 'PersistentScheduler', 'Service', 'EmbeddedService'] logger = get_logger(__name__) debug, info, error, warning = (logger.debug, logger.info, logger.error, logger.warning) DEFAULT_MAX_INTERVAL = 300 # 5 minutes class SchedulingError(Exception): """An error occured while scheduling a task.""" class ScheduleEntry(object): """An entry in the scheduler. :keyword name: see :attr:`name`. :keyword schedule: see :attr:`schedule`. :keyword args: see :attr:`args`. :keyword kwargs: see :attr:`kwargs`. :keyword options: see :attr:`options`. :keyword last_run_at: see :attr:`last_run_at`. :keyword total_run_count: see :attr:`total_run_count`. :keyword relative: Is the time relative to when the server starts? """ #: The task name name = None #: The schedule (run_every/crontab) schedule = None #: Positional arguments to apply. args = None #: Keyword arguments to apply. kwargs = None #: Task execution options. options = None #: The time and date of when this task was last scheduled. last_run_at = None #: Total number of times this task has been scheduled. total_run_count = 0 def __init__(self, name=None, task=None, last_run_at=None, total_run_count=None, schedule=None, args=(), kwargs={}, options={}, relative=False, app=None): self.app = app self.name = name self.task = task self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.options = options self.schedule = maybe_schedule(schedule, relative, app=self.app) self.last_run_at = last_run_at or self._default_now() self.total_run_count = total_run_count or 0 def _default_now(self): return self.schedule.now() if self.schedule else self.app.now() def _next_instance(self, last_run_at=None): """Return a new instance of the same class, but with its date and count fields updated.""" return self.__class__(**dict( self, last_run_at=last_run_at or self._default_now(), total_run_count=self.total_run_count + 1, )) __next__ = next = _next_instance # for 2to3 def __reduce__(self): return self.__class__, ( self.name, self.task, self.last_run_at, self.total_run_count, self.schedule, self.args, self.kwargs, self.options, ) def update(self, other): """Update values from another entry. Does only update "editable" fields (task, schedule, args, kwargs, options). """ self.__dict__.update({'task': other.task, 'schedule': other.schedule, 'args': other.args, 'kwargs': other.kwargs, 'options': other.options}) def is_due(self): """See :meth:`~celery.schedule.schedule.is_due`.""" return self.schedule.is_due(self.last_run_at) def __iter__(self): return iter(items(vars(self))) def __repr__(self): return '%s', entry.task, result.id) return next_time_to_run def tick(self): """Run a tick, that is one iteration of the scheduler. Executes all due tasks. """ remaining_times = [] try: for entry in values(self.schedule): next_time_to_run = self.maybe_due(entry, self.publisher) if next_time_to_run: remaining_times.append(next_time_to_run) except RuntimeError: pass return min(remaining_times + [self.max_interval]) def should_sync(self): return ( (not self._last_sync or (monotonic() - self._last_sync) > self.sync_every) or (self.sync_every_tasks and self._tasks_since_sync >= self.sync_every_tasks) ) def reserve(self, entry): new_entry = self.schedule[entry.name] = next(entry) return new_entry def apply_async(self, entry, publisher=None, **kwargs): # Update timestamps and run counts before we actually execute, # so we have that done if an exception is raised (doesn't schedule # forever.) entry = self.reserve(entry) task = self.app.tasks.get(entry.task) try: if task: result = task.apply_async(entry.args, entry.kwargs, publisher=publisher, **entry.options) else: result = self.send_task(entry.task, entry.args, entry.kwargs, publisher=publisher, **entry.options) except Exception as exc: reraise(SchedulingError, SchedulingError( "Couldn't apply scheduled task {0.name}: {exc}".format( entry, exc=exc)), sys.exc_info()[2]) finally: self._tasks_since_sync += 1 if self.should_sync(): self._do_sync() return result def send_task(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.app.send_task(*args, **kwargs) def setup_schedule(self): self.install_default_entries(self.data) def _do_sync(self): try: debug('beat: Synchronizing schedule...') self.sync() finally: self._last_sync = monotonic() self._tasks_since_sync = 0 def sync(self): pass def close(self): self.sync() def add(self, **kwargs): entry = self.Entry(app=self.app, **kwargs) self.schedule[entry.name] = entry return entry def _maybe_entry(self, name, entry): if isinstance(entry, self.Entry): entry.app = self.app return entry return self.Entry(**dict(entry, name=name, app=self.app)) def update_from_dict(self, dict_): self.schedule.update(dict( (name, self._maybe_entry(name, entry)) for name, entry in items(dict_))) def merge_inplace(self, b): schedule = self.schedule A, B = set(schedule), set(b) # Remove items from disk not in the schedule anymore. for key in A ^ B: schedule.pop(key, None) # Update and add new items in the schedule for key in B: entry = self.Entry(**dict(b[key], name=key, app=self.app)) if schedule.get(key): schedule[key].update(entry) else: schedule[key] = entry def _ensure_connected(self): # callback called for each retry while the connection # can't be established. def _error_handler(exc, interval): error('beat: Connection error: %s. ' 'Trying again in %s seconds...', exc, interval) return self.connection.ensure_connection( _error_handler, self.app.conf.BROKER_CONNECTION_MAX_RETRIES ) def get_schedule(self): return self.data def set_schedule(self, schedule): self.data = schedule schedule = property(get_schedule, set_schedule) @cached_property def connection(self): return self.app.connection() @cached_property def publisher(self): return self.Publisher(self._ensure_connected()) @property def info(self): return '' class PersistentScheduler(Scheduler): persistence = shelve known_suffixes = ('', '.db', '.dat', '.bak', '.dir') _store = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.schedule_filename = kwargs.get('schedule_filename') Scheduler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def _remove_db(self): for suffix in self.known_suffixes: with platforms.ignore_errno(errno.ENOENT): os.remove(self.schedule_filename + suffix) def _open_schedule(self): return self.persistence.open(self.schedule_filename, writeback=True) def _destroy_open_corrupted_schedule(self, exc): error('Removing corrupted schedule file %r: %r', self.schedule_filename, exc, exc_info=True) self._remove_db() return self._open_schedule() def setup_schedule(self): try: self._store = self._open_schedule() # In some cases there may be different errors from a storage # backend for corrupted files. Example - DBPageNotFoundError # exception from bsddb. In such case the file will be # successfully opened but the error will be raised on first key # retrieving. self._store.keys() except Exception as exc: self._store = self._destroy_open_corrupted_schedule(exc) for _ in (1, 2): try: self._store['entries'] except KeyError: # new schedule db try: self._store['entries'] = {} except KeyError as exc: self._store = self._destroy_open_corrupted_schedule(exc) continue else: if '__version__' not in self._store: warning('DB Reset: Account for new __version__ field') self._store.clear() # remove schedule at 2.2.2 upgrade. elif 'tz' not in self._store: warning('DB Reset: Account for new tz field') self._store.clear() # remove schedule at 3.0.8 upgrade elif 'utc_enabled' not in self._store: warning('DB Reset: Account for new utc_enabled field') self._store.clear() # remove schedule at 3.0.9 upgrade break tz = self.app.conf.CELERY_TIMEZONE stored_tz = self._store.get('tz') if stored_tz is not None and stored_tz != tz: warning('Reset: Timezone changed from %r to %r', stored_tz, tz) self._store.clear() # Timezone changed, reset db! utc = self.app.conf.CELERY_ENABLE_UTC stored_utc = self._store.get('utc_enabled') if stored_utc is not None and stored_utc != utc: choices = {True: 'enabled', False: 'disabled'} warning('Reset: UTC changed from %s to %s', choices[stored_utc], choices[utc]) self._store.clear() # UTC setting changed, reset db! entries = self._store.setdefault('entries', {}) self.merge_inplace(self.app.conf.CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE) self.install_default_entries(self.schedule) self._store.update(__version__=__version__, tz=tz, utc_enabled=utc) self.sync() debug('Current schedule:\n' + '\n'.join( repr(entry) for entry in values(entries))) def get_schedule(self): return self._store['entries'] def set_schedule(self, schedule): self._store['entries'] = schedule schedule = property(get_schedule, set_schedule) def sync(self): if self._store is not None: self._store.sync() def close(self): self.sync() self._store.close() @property def info(self): return ' . db -> {self.schedule_filename}'.format(self=self) class Service(object): scheduler_cls = PersistentScheduler def __init__(self, app, max_interval=None, schedule_filename=None, scheduler_cls=None): self.app = app self.max_interval = (max_interval or app.conf.CELERYBEAT_MAX_LOOP_INTERVAL) self.scheduler_cls = scheduler_cls or self.scheduler_cls self.schedule_filename = ( schedule_filename or app.conf.CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE_FILENAME) self._is_shutdown = Event() self._is_stopped = Event() def __reduce__(self): return self.__class__, (self.max_interval, self.schedule_filename, self.scheduler_cls, self.app) def start(self, embedded_process=False, drift=-0.010): info('beat: Starting...') debug('beat: Ticking with max interval->%s', humanize_seconds(self.scheduler.max_interval)) signals.beat_init.send(sender=self) if embedded_process: signals.beat_embedded_init.send(sender=self) platforms.set_process_title('celery beat') try: while not self._is_shutdown.is_set(): interval = self.scheduler.tick() interval = interval + drift if interval else interval if interval and interval > 0: debug('beat: Waking up %s.', humanize_seconds(interval, prefix='in ')) time.sleep(interval) if self.scheduler.should_sync(): self.scheduler._do_sync() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): self._is_shutdown.set() finally: self.sync() def sync(self): self.scheduler.close() self._is_stopped.set() def stop(self, wait=False): info('beat: Shutting down...') self._is_shutdown.set() wait and self._is_stopped.wait() # block until shutdown done. def get_scheduler(self, lazy=False): filename = self.schedule_filename scheduler = instantiate(self.scheduler_cls, app=self.app, schedule_filename=filename, max_interval=self.max_interval, lazy=lazy) return scheduler @cached_property def scheduler(self): return self.get_scheduler() class _Threaded(Thread): """Embedded task scheduler using threading.""" def __init__(self, app, **kwargs): super(_Threaded, self).__init__() self.app = app self.service = Service(app, **kwargs) self.daemon = True self.name = 'Beat' def run(self): self.app.set_current() self.service.start() def stop(self): self.service.stop(wait=True) try: ensure_multiprocessing() except NotImplementedError: # pragma: no cover _Process = None else: class _Process(Process): # noqa def __init__(self, app, **kwargs): super(_Process, self).__init__() self.app = app self.service = Service(app, **kwargs) self.name = 'Beat' def run(self): reset_signals(full=False) platforms.close_open_fds([ sys.__stdin__, sys.__stdout__, sys.__stderr__, ] + list(iter_open_logger_fds())) self.app.set_default() self.app.set_current() self.service.start(embedded_process=True) def stop(self): self.service.stop() self.terminate() def EmbeddedService(app, max_interval=None, **kwargs): """Return embedded clock service. :keyword thread: Run threaded instead of as a separate process. Uses :mod:`multiprocessing` by default, if available. """ if kwargs.pop('thread', False) or _Process is None: # Need short max interval to be able to stop thread # in reasonable time. return _Threaded(app, max_interval=1, **kwargs) return _Process(app, max_interval=max_interval, **kwargs)