from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import os import sys import warnings from importlib import import_module try: WindowsError = WindowsError # noqa except NameError: class WindowsError(Exception): pass def setup(): os.environ.update( # warn if config module not found C_WNOCONF='yes', KOMBU_DISABLE_LIMIT_PROTECTION='yes', ) if os.environ.get('COVER_ALL_MODULES') or '--with-coverage' in sys.argv: from warnings import catch_warnings with catch_warnings(record=True): import_all_modules() warnings.resetwarnings() from import Trap from celery._state import set_default_app set_default_app(Trap()) def teardown(): # Don't want SUBDEBUG log messages at finalization. try: from multiprocessing.util import get_logger except ImportError: pass else: get_logger().setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Make sure test database is removed. import os if os.path.exists('test.db'): try: os.remove('test.db') except WindowsError: pass # Make sure there are no remaining threads at shutdown. import threading remaining_threads = [thread for thread in threading.enumerate() if thread.getName() != 'MainThread'] if remaining_threads: sys.stderr.write( '\n\n**WARNING**: Remaining threads at teardown: %r...\n' % ( remaining_threads)) def find_distribution_modules(name=__name__, file=__file__): current_dist_depth = len(name.split('.')) - 1 current_dist = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), *([os.pardir] * current_dist_depth)) abs = os.path.abspath(current_dist) dist_name = os.path.basename(abs) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(abs): package = (dist_name + dirpath[len(abs):]).replace('/', '.') if '' in filenames: yield package for filename in filenames: if filename.endswith('.py') and filename != '': yield '.'.join([package, filename])[:-3] def import_all_modules(name=__name__, file=__file__, skip=('celery.decorators', 'celery.contrib.batches', 'celery.task')): for module in find_distribution_modules(name, file): if not module.startswith(skip): try: import_module(module) except ImportError: pass