""" functions.py - wraps functions of module _ldap See https://www.python-ldap.org/ for details. """ from ldap import __version__ __all__ = [ 'open','initialize','init', 'explode_dn','explode_rdn', 'get_option','set_option', 'escape_str', 'strf_secs','strp_secs', ] import sys,pprint,time,_ldap,ldap from calendar import timegm from ldap import LDAPError from ldap.dn import explode_dn,explode_rdn from ldap.ldapobject import LDAPObject if __debug__: # Tracing is only supported in debugging mode import traceback # See _raise_byteswarning in ldapobject.py _LDAP_WARN_SKIP_FRAME = True def _ldap_function_call(lock,func,*args,**kwargs): """ Wrapper function which locks and logs calls to function lock Instance of threading.Lock or compatible func Function to call with arguments passed in via *args and **kwargs """ if lock: lock.acquire() if __debug__: if ldap._trace_level>=1: ldap._trace_file.write('*** %s.%s %s\n' % ( '_ldap',func.__name__, pprint.pformat((args,kwargs)) )) if ldap._trace_level>=9: traceback.print_stack(limit=ldap._trace_stack_limit,file=ldap._trace_file) try: try: result = func(*args,**kwargs) finally: if lock: lock.release() except LDAPError as e: if __debug__ and ldap._trace_level>=2: ldap._trace_file.write('=> LDAPError: %s\n' % (str(e))) raise if __debug__ and ldap._trace_level>=2: ldap._trace_file.write('=> result:\n%s\n' % (pprint.pformat(result))) return result def initialize(uri,trace_level=0,trace_file=sys.stdout,trace_stack_limit=None, bytes_mode=None): """ Return LDAPObject instance by opening LDAP connection to LDAP host specified by LDAP URL Parameters: uri LDAP URL containing at least connection scheme and hostport, e.g. ldap://localhost:389 trace_level If non-zero a trace output of LDAP calls is generated. trace_file File object where to write the trace output to. Default is to use stdout. bytes_mode Whether to enable :ref:`bytes_mode` for backwards compatibility under Py2. """ return LDAPObject(uri,trace_level,trace_file,trace_stack_limit,bytes_mode) def get_option(option): """ get_option(name) -> value Get the value of an LDAP global option. """ return _ldap_function_call(None,_ldap.get_option,option) def set_option(option,invalue): """ set_option(name, value) Set the value of an LDAP global option. """ return _ldap_function_call(None,_ldap.set_option,option,invalue) def escape_str(escape_func,s,*args): """ Applies escape_func() to all items of `args' and returns a string based on format string `s'. """ return s % tuple(escape_func(v) for v in args) def strf_secs(secs): """ Convert seconds since epoch to a string compliant to LDAP syntax GeneralizedTime """ return time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ', time.gmtime(secs)) def strp_secs(dt_str): """ Convert LDAP syntax GeneralizedTime to seconds since epoch """ return timegm(time.strptime(dt_str, '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ'))