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  1. Metadata-Version: 2.0
  2. Name: zope.component
  3. Version: 4.5
  4. Summary: Zope Component Architecture
  5. Home-page:
  6. Author: Zope Foundation and Contributors
  7. Author-email:
  8. License: ZPL 2.1
  9. Keywords: interface component coupling loose utility adapter
  10. Platform: UNKNOWN
  11. Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
  12. Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
  13. Classifier: License :: OSI Approved
  14. Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Zope Public License
  15. Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
  16. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
  17. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
  18. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
  19. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
  20. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
  21. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
  22. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
  23. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
  24. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
  25. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
  26. Classifier: Framework :: Zope3
  27. Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
  28. Provides-Extra: mintests
  29. Provides-Extra: persistentregistry
  30. Provides-Extra: docs
  31. Provides-Extra: hook
  32. Provides-Extra: zcml
  33. Provides-Extra: test
  34. Provides-Extra: security
  35. Requires-Dist: setuptools
  36. Requires-Dist: zope.deferredimport (>=4.2.1)
  37. Requires-Dist: zope.deprecation (>=4.3.0)
  38. Requires-Dist: zope.event
  39. Requires-Dist: zope.hookable (>=4.2.0)
  40. Requires-Dist: zope.interface (>=4.1.0)
  41. Provides-Extra: docs
  42. Requires-Dist: Sphinx; extra == 'docs'
  43. Requires-Dist: ZODB; extra == 'docs'
  44. Requires-Dist: repoze.sphinx.autointerface; extra == 'docs'
  45. Provides-Extra: hook
  46. Provides-Extra: mintests
  47. Requires-Dist: zope.configuration; extra == 'mintests'
  48. Requires-Dist: zope.i18nmessageid; extra == 'mintests'
  49. Requires-Dist: zope.testing; extra == 'mintests'
  50. Requires-Dist: zope.testrunner; extra == 'mintests'
  51. Provides-Extra: persistentregistry
  52. Requires-Dist: persistent; extra == 'persistentregistry'
  53. Provides-Extra: security
  54. Requires-Dist: zope.location; extra == 'security'
  55. Requires-Dist: zope.proxy; extra == 'security'
  56. Requires-Dist:; extra == 'security'
  57. Provides-Extra: test
  58. Requires-Dist: persistent; extra == 'test'
  59. Requires-Dist: zope.configuration; extra == 'test'
  60. Requires-Dist: zope.i18nmessageid; extra == 'test'
  61. Requires-Dist: zope.location; extra == 'test'
  62. Requires-Dist: zope.proxy; extra == 'test'
  63. Requires-Dist:; extra == 'test'
  64. Requires-Dist: zope.testing; extra == 'test'
  65. Requires-Dist: zope.testrunner; extra == 'test'
  66. Provides-Extra: zcml
  67. Requires-Dist: zope.configuration; extra == 'zcml'
  68. Requires-Dist: zope.i18nmessageid; extra == 'zcml'
  69. ``zope.component``
  70. ==================
  71. .. image::
  72. :target:
  73. :alt: Latest Version
  74. .. image::
  75. :target:
  76. :alt: Build Status
  77. .. image::
  78. :target:
  79. :alt: Documentation Status
  80. .. image::
  81. :target:
  82. :alt: Coverage Status
  83. .. note::
  84. This package is intended to be independently reusable in any Python
  85. project. It is maintained by the
  86. `Zope Toolkit project <>`_.
  87. This package represents the core of the Zope Component Architecture.
  88. Together with the zope.interface_ package, it provides facilities for
  89. defining, registering and looking up components.
  90. Please see for the
  91. documentation.
  92. .. _zope.interface:
  93. Changes
  94. =======
  95. 4.5 (2018-10-10)
  96. ----------------
  97. - Add support for Python 3.7.
  98. - Always install ``zope.hookable`` as a dependency (the ``hook``
  99. extra is now empty). ``zope.hookable`` respects the PURE_PYTHON
  100. environment variable, and has an optional C extension.
  101. - Make accessing names that have been moved to ``zope.interface``
  102. produce a ``DeprecationWarning``.
  103. 4.4.1 (2017-09-26)
  104. ------------------
  105. - Remove obsolete call of ``searchInterface`` from
  106. ``interfaceToName``. See
  107. 4.4.0 (2017-07-25)
  108. ------------------
  109. - Add support for Python 3.6.
  110. - Drop support for Python 3.3.
  111. - Drop support for " test".
  112. - Code coverage reports are now `produced and hosted by
  113. <>`_, and
  114. PRs must keep them at 100%.
  115. - Internal test code in ``zope.component.testfiles`` has been adjusted
  116. and in some cases removed.
  117. 4.3.0 (2016-08-26)
  118. ------------------
  119. - When testing ``PURE_PYTHON`` environments under ``tox``, avoid poisoning
  120. the user's global wheel cache.
  121. - Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.
  122. - Add support for Python 3.5.
  123. 4.2.2 (2015-06-04)
  124. ------------------
  125. - Fix test cases for PyPy and PyPy3.
  126. 4.2.1 (2014-03-19)
  127. ------------------
  128. - Add support for Python 3.4.
  129. 4.2.0 (2014-02-05)
  130. ------------------
  131. - Update ```` to version 2.2.
  132. - Reset the cached ``adapter_hooks`` at ``zope.testing.cleanup.cleanUp``
  133. time (LP1100501).
  134. - Implement ability to specify adapter and utility names in Python. Use
  135. the ``@zope.component.named(name)`` decorator to specify the name.
  136. 4.1.0 (2013-02-28)
  137. ------------------
  138. - Change "ZODB3" depdendency to "persistent".
  139. - ``tox`` now runs all tests for Python 3.2 and 3.3.
  140. - Enable buildout for Python 3.
  141. - Fix new failing tests.
  142. 4.0.2 (2012-12-31)
  143. ------------------
  144. - Flesh out PyPI Trove classifiers.
  145. 4.0.1 (2012-11-21)
  146. ------------------
  147. - Add support for Python 3.3.
  148. 4.0.0 (2012-07-02)
  149. ------------------
  150. - Add PyPy and Python 3.2 support:
  151. - Security support omitted until ```` ported.
  152. - Persistent registry support omitted until ``ZODB`` ported (or
  153. ``persistent`` factored out).
  154. - Bring unit test coverage to 100%.
  155. - Remove the long-deprecated ``layer`` argument to the
  156. ``zope.component.zcml.view`` and ``zope.component.zcml.resource``
  157. ZCML directives.
  158. - Add support for continuous integration using ``tox`` and ``jenkins``.
  159. - Got tests to run using `` test``.
  160. - Add ``Sphinx`` documentation.
  161. - Add `` docs`` alias (installs ``Sphinx`` and dependencies).
  162. - Add `` dev`` alias (runs `` develop`` plus installs
  163. ``nose`` and ``coverage``).
  164. 3.12.1 (2012-04-02)
  165. -------------------
  166. - Wrap ``with site(foo)`` in try/finally (LP768151).
  167. 3.12.0 (2011-11-16)
  168. -------------------
  169. - Add convenience function (a contextmanager),
  170. so one can write ``with site(foo): ...``.
  171. 3.11.0 (2011-09-22)
  172. -------------------
  173. - Move code from ``zope.component.registry`` which implements a basic
  174. nonperistent component registry to ``zope.interface.registry``. This code
  175. was moved from ``zope.component`` into ``zope.interface`` to make porting
  176. systems (such as Pyramid) that rely only on a basic component registry to
  177. Python 3 possible without needing to port the entirety of the
  178. ``zope.component`` package. Backwards compatibility import shims have been
  179. left behind in ``zope.component``, so this change will not break any
  180. existing code.
  181. - Move interfaces from ``zope.component.interfaces`` to
  182. ``zope.interface.interfaces``: ``ComponentLookupError``, ``Invalid``,
  183. ``IObjectEvent``, ``ObjectEvent``, ``IComponentLookup``, ``IRegistration``,
  184. ``IUtilityRegistration``, ``IAdapterRegistration``,
  185. ``ISubscriptionAdapterRegistration``, ``IHandlerRegistration``,
  186. ``IRegistrationEvent``, ``RegistrationEvent``, ``IRegistered``,
  187. ``Registered``, ``IUnregistered``, ``Unregistered``,
  188. ``IComponentRegistry``, and ``IComponents``. Backwards compatibility shims
  189. left in place.
  190. - Depend on ``zope.interface`` >= 3.8.0.
  191. 3.10.0 (2010-09-25)
  192. -------------------
  193. - Remove the ``docs`` extra and the ``sphinxdoc`` recipe.
  194. - Create a ``security`` extra to move security-related dependencies out of the
  195. ``test`` extra.
  196. - Use the new ``zope.testrunner`` package for tests.
  197. - Add a basic test for the ``configure.zcml`` file provided.
  198. 3.9.5 (2010-07-09)
  199. ------------------
  200. - Fix test requirements specification.
  201. 3.9.4 (2010-04-30)
  202. ------------------
  203. - Prefer the standard library ``doctest`` to the one from ``zope.testing``.
  204. 3.9.3 (2010-03-08)
  205. ------------------
  206. - The ZCML directives provided by ``zope.component`` now register the
  207. components in the registry returned by ``getSiteManager`` instead of the
  208. global registry. This change allows the hooking of the ``getSiteManager``
  209. method before the load of a ZCML file to register the components in a
  210. custom registry.
  211. 3.9.2 (2010-01-22)
  212. ------------------
  213. - Fix a bug introduced by recent refactoring, where passing
  214. ``CheckerPublic`` to ``securityAdapterFactory`` wrongly wrapped the factory
  215. into a ``LocatingUntrustedAdapterFactory``.
  216. 3.9.1 (2010-01-21)
  217. ------------------
  218. - Modify the tests to avoid allowing the tested testrunner to be influenced
  219. by options of the outer testrunner, such a the ``-v`` option.
  220. 3.9.0 (2010-01-21)
  221. ------------------
  222. - Add testlayer support. It is now possible to load a ZCML file within
  223. tests more easily. See ``src/zope/component/`` and
  224. ``src/zope/component/testlayer.txt``.
  225. 3.8.0 (2009-11-16)
  226. ------------------
  227. - Remove the dependencies on ``zope.proxy`` and ```` from the
  228. zcml extra: ``zope.component`` no longer has a hard dependency on them;
  229. the support for security proxied components ZCML registrations is enabled
  230. only if ```` and ``zope.proxy`` are available.
  231. - Move the ``IPossibleSite`` and ``ISite`` interfaces here from
  232. ``zope.location`` as they are dealing with ``zope.component``'s concept of
  233. a site, but not with location.
  234. - Move the ```` functionality to ``zope.component.hooks`` as it
  235. isn't actually dealing with ````'s concept of a site.
  236. 3.7.1 (2009-07-24)
  237. ------------------
  238. - Fix a problem, where ``queryNextUtility`` could fail if the context could
  239. not be adapted to a ``IComponentLookup``.
  240. - Fix 2 related bugs:
  241. When a utility is registered and there was previously a utility
  242. registered for the same interface and name, then the old utility is
  243. unregistered. The 2 bugs related to this:
  244. - There was no ``Unregistered`` for the implicit unregistration. Now
  245. there is.
  246. - The old utility was still held and returned by
  247. ``getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor``. In other words, it was still
  248. considered registered, eeven though it wasn't. A particularly
  249. negative consequence of this is that the utility is held in memory
  250. or in the database even though it isn't used.
  251. 3.7.0 (2009-05-21)
  252. ------------------
  253. - Ensure that ``HookableTests`` are run by the testrunner.
  254. - Add ``zope:view`` and ``zope:resource`` implementations into
  255. ``zope.component.zcml`` (dependency loaded with ``zope.component [zcml]``).
  256. 3.6.0 (2009-03-12)
  257. ------------------
  258. - IMPORTANT: the interfaces that were defined in the
  259. ``zope.component.bbb.interfaces`` and deprecated for years are
  260. now (re)moved. However, some packages, including part of zope
  261. framework were still using those interfaces. They will be adapted
  262. for this change. If you were using some of those interfaces, you
  263. need to adapt your code as well:
  264. - Move ``IView`` and ``IDefaultViewName`` to ``zope.publisher.interfaces``.
  265. - Move ``IResource`` to ````.
  266. - Remove ``IContextDependent``, ``IPresentation``, ``IPresentationRequest``,
  267. ``IResourceFactory``, and ``IViewFactory`` completely.
  268. If you used ``IViewFactory`` in context of ````, there's now
  269. ``IWidgetFactory`` in the ```` instead.
  270. - Move ``getNextUtility`` / ``queryNextUtility`` functions here from
  271. ```` (they were in ```` even earlier).
  272. - Add a pure-Python ``hookable`` implementation, for use when
  273. ``zope.hookable`` is not present.
  274. - Remove use of ``zope.deferredimport`` by breaking import cycles.
  275. - Cleanup package documentation and changelog a bit. Add sphinx-based
  276. documentation building command to the buildout.
  277. - Remove deprecated code.
  278. - Change package's mailing list address to zope-dev at, because
  279. zope3-dev at is now retired.
  280. 3.5.1 (2008-07-25)
  281. ------------------
  282. - Fix bug introduced in 3.5.0: ``<utility factory="...">`` no longer supported
  283. interfaces declared in Python and always wanted an explicit
  284. ``provides="..."`` attribute.
  285. 3.5.0 (2008-07-25)
  286. ------------------
  287. - Support registration of utilities via factories through the component
  288. registry and return factory information in the registration information.
  289. Fixes
  290. - Optimize ``un/registerUtility`` by storing an optimized data structure for
  291. efficient retrieval of already registered utilities. This avoids looping over
  292. all utilities when registering a new one.
  293. 3.4.0 (2007-09-29)
  294. ------------------
  295. No further changes since 3.4.0a1.
  296. 3.4.0a1 (2007-04-22)
  297. --------------------
  298. Corresponds to ``zope.component`` from Zope 3.4.0a1.
  299. - In the Zope 3.3.x series, ``zope.component`` was simplified yet once
  300. more. See
  301. for the proposal describing the changes.
  302. (2006-04-15)
  303. --------------------
  304. - Fix packaging bug: ``package_dir`` must be a *relative* path.
  305. (2006-04-14)
  306. --------------------
  307. - Packaging change: suppress inclusion of ``setup.cfg`` in ``sdist`` builds.
  308. 3.2.0 (2006-01-05)
  309. ------------------
  310. Corresponds to the verison of the ``zope.component`` package shipped as part
  311. of the Zope 3.2.0 release.
  312. - Deprecated services and related APIs. The adapter and utility registries
  313. are now available directly via the site manager's 'adapters' and 'utilities'
  314. attributes, respectively. Services are accessible, but deprecated, and
  315. will be removed in Zope 3.3.
  316. - Deprecated all presentation-related APIs, including all view-related
  317. API functions. Use the adapter API functions instead.
  318. See`
  319. - Deprecated ``contextdependent`` package: site managers are now looked up
  320. via a thread global, set during URL traversal. The ``context`` argument
  321. is now always optional, and should no longer be passed.
  322. 3.0.0 (2004-11-07)
  323. ------------------
  324. Corresponds to the verison of the ``zope.component`` package shipped as part of
  325. the Zope X3.0.0 release.