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  1. Metadata-Version: 2.0
  2. Name: zope.exceptions
  3. Version: 4.3
  4. Summary: Zope Exceptions
  5. Home-page:
  6. Author: Zope Foundation and Contributors
  7. Author-email:
  8. License: ZPL 2.1
  9. Keywords: zope exceptions
  10. Platform: UNKNOWN
  11. Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
  12. Classifier: Environment :: Web Environment
  13. Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
  14. Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Zope Public License
  15. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
  16. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
  17. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
  18. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
  19. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
  20. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
  21. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
  22. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
  23. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
  24. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
  25. Classifier: Natural Language :: English
  26. Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
  27. Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP
  28. Classifier: Framework :: Zope3
  29. Provides-Extra: test
  30. Provides-Extra: docs
  31. Requires-Dist: setuptools
  32. Requires-Dist: zope.interface
  33. Provides-Extra: docs
  34. Requires-Dist: Sphinx; extra == 'docs'
  35. Requires-Dist: repoze.sphinx.autointerface; extra == 'docs'
  36. Provides-Extra: test
  37. Requires-Dist: zope.testrunner; extra == 'test'
  38. =================
  39. zope.exceptions
  40. =================
  41. .. image::
  42. :target:
  43. :alt: Latest release
  44. .. image::
  45. :target:
  46. :alt: Supported Python versions
  47. .. image::
  48. :target:
  49. .. image::
  50. :target:
  51. .. image::
  52. :target:
  53. :alt: Documentation Status
  54. This package contains exception exceptions and implementations which are so
  55. general purpose that they don't belong in Zope application-specific packages.
  56. Please see for the documentation.
  57. ===========================
  58. zope.exceptions Changelog
  59. ===========================
  60. 4.3 (2018-10-04)
  61. ================
  62. - Add support for Python 3.7.
  63. 4.2.0 (2017-09-12)
  64. ==================
  65. - Add support for Python 3.6.
  66. - Drop support for Python 3.3.
  67. - Fix handling of unicode supplemental traceback information on
  68. Python 2. Now such values are always encoded to UTF-8; previously
  69. the results were undefined and depended on system encodings and the
  70. values themselves. See `issue 1 <>`_.
  71. 4.1.0 (2017-04-12)
  72. ==================
  73. - Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.
  74. - Make ``exceptionformatter.extract_stack`` signature comply with
  75. ``traceback.extract_stack``
  76. - Add support for Python 3.5.
  77. 4.0.8 (2015-08-13)
  78. ==================
  79. - Fixes around ``TextExceptionFormatter`` ``limit``: ``formatException``
  80. and ``extractStack`` was cutting the traceback at the bottom,
  81. at the most interesting point. Now it will cut from the middle.
  82. Some text about the missing entries will be inserted.
  83. - Maybe fix for ``extractStack``, it did not detect recursions in the frames.
  84. 4.0.7 (2014-03-19)
  85. ==================
  86. - Added explicit support for Python 3.4.
  87. - Updated ```` to version 2.2.
  88. 4.0.6 (2013-02-28)
  89. ==================
  90. - Make sure that ```` finds all tests. Now tox runs them all as well.
  91. - Fix failing test under Python 3.
  92. - Made buildout work under Python 3 and Buildout 2.
  93. 4.0.5 (2012-12-31)
  94. ==================
  95. - Fleshed out PyPI Trove classifiers.
  96. - Fixed a test failure under Python 2.6.
  97. 4.0.4 (2012-12-13)
  98. ==================
  99. - Release with a fixed (without ``docs/``)
  100. 4.0.3 (2012-12-10)
  101. ==================
  102. - Fixed format_exception(..., as_html=True) not to HTML-escape the '<br />'
  103. it adds to the exception value.
  104. 4.0.2 (2012-11-21)
  105. ==================
  106. - Test Python 3.3 support under tox.
  107. 4.0.1 (2012-08-20)
  108. ==================
  109. - Fixed optional dependency code for `'`` to work under Python 3.3.
  110. (2012-05-16)
  111. ====================
  112. - Fixed rendering of package docs on PyPI.
  113. 4.0.0 (2012-05-16)
  114. ==================
  115. - Automated build of Sphinx HTML docs and running doctest snippets via tox.
  116. - Added Sphinx documentation.
  117. - Added support for continuous integration using ``tox`` and ``jenkins``.
  118. - Removed use of '2to3' and associated fixers when installing under Py3k.
  119. The code is now in a "compatible subset" which supports Python 2.6, 2.7,
  120. and 3.2, including PyPy 1.8 (the version compatible with the 2.7 language
  121. spec).
  122. - 100% unit test coverage.
  123. - Dropped explicit support for Python 2.4 / 2.5 / 3.1.
  124. - Added ' dev' alias (runs `` develop`` plus installs
  125. ``nose`` and ``coverage``).
  126. - Added ' docs' alias (installs ``Sphinx`` and dependencies).
  127. 3.7.1 (2012-03-28)
  128. ==================
  129. - Fix: missed to reverse extractStack entries
  130. 3.7.0 (2012-03-28)
  131. ==================
  132. - Added TextExceptionFormatter.extractStack and extract_stack
  133. 3.6.2 (2012-03-28)
  134. ==================
  135. - Fallback to traceback.format_tb when the formatter is called recursively.
  136. i.e. Don't let errors in the formatter pass silently.
  137. - Fix deprecated unittest functions: ``assert_`` and ``assertEquals``.
  138. 3.6.1 (2010-07-06)
  139. ==================
  140. - Fixed tests to work under Python 2.7.
  141. - PEP8 cleanup and removed obsolete build infrastructure files.
  142. 3.6.0 (2010-05-02)
  143. ==================
  144. - Added support to bootstrap on Jython.
  145. - Added Python 3 support.
  146. - The dependency on zope.testing seemed spurious, possibly a rest of a real
  147. dependency that is gone now. I removed it.
  148. 3.5.2 (2008-04-30)
  149. ==================
  150. - Updated CHANGES.txt.
  151. 3.5.1 (2008-04-28)
  152. ==================
  153. - Reverted changes in 3.5.0.
  154. 3.5.0
  155. =====
  156. - Added the capability for exceptions to be formatted line-by-line.
  157. Unfortunately, also introduced a bug cause each line of the exception to be
  158. its own log message.
  159. 3.4.0 (2007-10-02)
  160. ==================
  161. - Updated package meta-data.
  162. 3.4.0b2 (2007-08-14)
  163. ====================
  164. - Removed superfluous dependency on ``zope.deprecation``.
  165. 3.4.0b1 (2007-07-09)
  166. ====================
  167. - Corresponds to the version of the ``zope.exceptions`` package shipped as
  168. part of the Zope 3.4.0b1 release.
  169. 3.2.0 (2006-01-05)
  170. ==================
  171. - Corresponds to the version of the ``zope.exceptions`` package shipped as part of
  172. the Zope 3.2.0 release.
  173. - Deprecated the ``INotFoundError`` interface and the corresponding
  174. ``NotFoundError`` exception class, in favor of "standard" exceptions
  175. ``AttributeError``, ``KeyError``). The deprecated items will be removed in
  176. Zope 3.3.
  177. 3.0.0 (2004-11-07)
  178. ==================
  179. - Corresponds to the version of the zope.exceptions package shipped as part of
  180. the Zope X3.0.0 release.