Development of an internal social media platform with personalised dashboards for students
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  1. # Copyright (c) 2006-2008, 2010-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE) <>
  2. # Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Google, Inc.
  3. # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Claudiu Popa <>
  4. # Licensed under the LGPL:
  5. # For details:
  6. import sys
  7. import unittest
  8. import textwrap
  9. import six
  10. from astroid import MANAGER, Instance, nodes
  11. from astroid.bases import BUILTINS
  12. from astroid.builder import AstroidBuilder, extract_node
  13. from astroid import exceptions
  14. from astroid.raw_building import build_module
  15. from astroid.manager import AstroidManager
  16. from astroid.test_utils import require_version
  17. from astroid.tests import resources
  18. from astroid import transforms
  19. class NonRegressionTests(resources.AstroidCacheSetupMixin,
  20. unittest.TestCase):
  21. def setUp(self):
  22. sys.path.insert(0, resources.find('data'))
  23. MANAGER.always_load_extensions = True
  24. MANAGER.astroid_cache[BUILTINS] = self._builtins
  25. def tearDown(self):
  26. # Since we may have created a brainless manager, leading
  27. # to a new cache builtin module and proxy classes in the constants,
  28. # clear out the global manager cache.
  29. MANAGER.clear_cache(self._builtins)
  30. MANAGER.always_load_extensions = False
  31. sys.path.pop(0)
  32. sys.path_importer_cache.pop(resources.find('data'), None)
  33. def brainless_manager(self):
  34. manager = AstroidManager()
  35. # avoid caching into the AstroidManager borg since we get problems
  36. # with other tests :
  37. manager.__dict__ = {}
  38. manager._failed_import_hooks = []
  39. manager.astroid_cache = {}
  40. manager._mod_file_cache = {}
  41. manager._transform = transforms.TransformVisitor()
  42. manager.clear_cache() # trigger proper bootstraping
  43. return manager
  44. def test_module_path(self):
  45. man = self.brainless_manager()
  46. mod = man.ast_from_module_name('package.import_package_subpackage_module')
  47. package = next(mod.igetattr('package'))
  48. self.assertEqual(, 'package')
  49. subpackage = next(package.igetattr('subpackage'))
  50. self.assertIsInstance(subpackage, nodes.Module)
  51. self.assertTrue(subpackage.package)
  52. self.assertEqual(, 'package.subpackage')
  53. module = next(subpackage.igetattr('module'))
  54. self.assertEqual(, 'package.subpackage.module')
  55. def test_package_sidepackage(self):
  56. manager = self.brainless_manager()
  57. assert 'package.sidepackage' not in MANAGER.astroid_cache
  58. package = manager.ast_from_module_name('absimp')
  59. self.assertIsInstance(package, nodes.Module)
  60. self.assertTrue(package.package)
  61. subpackage = next(package.getattr('sidepackage')[0].infer())
  62. self.assertIsInstance(subpackage, nodes.Module)
  63. self.assertTrue(subpackage.package)
  64. self.assertEqual(, 'absimp.sidepackage')
  65. def test_living_property(self):
  66. builder = AstroidBuilder()
  67. builder._done = {}
  68. builder._module = sys.modules[__name__]
  69. builder.object_build(build_module('module_name', ''), Whatever)
  70. def test_new_style_class_detection(self):
  71. try:
  72. import pygtk # pylint: disable=unused-variable
  73. except ImportError:
  74. self.skipTest('test skipped: pygtk is not available')
  75. # XXX may fail on some pygtk version, because objects in
  76. # gobject._gobject have __module__ set to gobject :(
  77. builder = AstroidBuilder()
  78. data = """
  79. import pygtk
  80. pygtk.require("2.6")
  81. import gobject
  82. class A(gobject.GObject):
  83. pass
  84. """
  85. astroid = builder.string_build(data, __name__, __file__)
  86. a = astroid['A']
  87. self.assertTrue(a.newstyle)
  88. def test_numpy_crash(self):
  89. """test don't crash on numpy"""
  90. #a crash occurred somewhere in the past, and an
  91. # InferenceError instead of a crash was better, but now we even infer!
  92. try:
  93. import numpy # pylint: disable=unused-variable
  94. except ImportError:
  95. self.skipTest('test skipped: numpy is not available')
  96. builder = AstroidBuilder()
  97. data = """
  98. from numpy import multiply
  99. multiply(1, 2, 3)
  100. """
  101. astroid = builder.string_build(data, __name__, __file__)
  102. callfunc = astroid.body[1].value.func
  103. inferred = callfunc.inferred()
  104. self.assertEqual(len(inferred), 1)
  105. @require_version('3.0')
  106. def test_nameconstant(self):
  107. # used to fail for Python 3.4
  108. builder = AstroidBuilder()
  109. astroid = builder.string_build("def test(x=True): pass")
  110. default = astroid.body[0].args.args[0]
  111. self.assertEqual(, 'x')
  112. self.assertEqual(next(default.infer()).value, True)
  113. @require_version('2.7')
  114. def test_with_infer_assignnames(self):
  115. builder = AstroidBuilder()
  116. data = """
  117. with open('a.txt') as stream, open('b.txt'):
  119. """
  120. astroid = builder.string_build(data, __name__, __file__)
  121. # Used to crash due to the fact that the second
  122. # context manager didn't use an assignment name.
  123. list(astroid.nodes_of_class(nodes.Call))[-1].inferred()
  124. def test_recursion_regression_issue25(self):
  125. builder = AstroidBuilder()
  126. data = """
  127. import recursion as base
  128. _real_Base = base.Base
  129. class Derived(_real_Base):
  130. pass
  131. def run():
  132. base.Base = Derived
  133. """
  134. astroid = builder.string_build(data, __name__, __file__)
  135. # Used to crash in _is_metaclass, due to wrong
  136. # ancestors chain
  137. classes = astroid.nodes_of_class(nodes.ClassDef)
  138. for klass in classes:
  139. # triggers the _is_metaclass call
  140. klass.type # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
  141. def test_decorator_callchain_issue42(self):
  142. builder = AstroidBuilder()
  143. data = """
  144. def test():
  145. def factory(func):
  146. def newfunc():
  147. func()
  148. return newfunc
  149. return factory
  150. @test()
  151. def crash():
  152. pass
  153. """
  154. astroid = builder.string_build(data, __name__, __file__)
  155. self.assertEqual(astroid['crash'].type, 'function')
  156. def test_filter_stmts_scoping(self):
  157. builder = AstroidBuilder()
  158. data = """
  159. def test():
  160. compiler = int()
  161. class B(compiler.__class__):
  162. pass
  163. compiler = B()
  164. return compiler
  165. """
  166. astroid = builder.string_build(data, __name__, __file__)
  167. test = astroid['test']
  168. result = next(test.infer_call_result(astroid))
  169. self.assertIsInstance(result, Instance)
  170. base = next(result._proxied.bases[0].infer())
  171. self.assertEqual(, 'int')
  172. def test_ancestors_patching_class_recursion(self):
  173. node = AstroidBuilder().string_build(textwrap.dedent("""
  174. import string
  175. Template = string.Template
  176. class A(Template):
  177. pass
  178. class B(A):
  179. pass
  180. def test(x=False):
  181. if x:
  182. string.Template = A
  183. else:
  184. string.Template = B
  185. """))
  186. klass = node['A']
  187. ancestors = list(klass.ancestors())
  188. self.assertEqual(ancestors[0].qname(), 'string.Template')
  189. def test_ancestors_yes_in_bases(self):
  190. # Test for issue
  191. # This used to crash astroid with a TypeError, because an Uninferable
  192. # node was present in the bases
  193. node = extract_node("""
  194. def with_metaclass(meta, *bases):
  195. class metaclass(meta):
  196. def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d):
  197. return meta(name, bases, d)
  198. return type.__new__(metaclass, 'temporary_class', (), {})
  199. import lala
  200. class A(with_metaclass(object, lala.lala)): #@
  201. pass
  202. """)
  203. ancestors = list(node.ancestors())
  204. if six.PY3:
  205. self.assertEqual(len(ancestors), 1)
  206. self.assertEqual(ancestors[0].qname(),
  207. "{}.object".format(BUILTINS))
  208. else:
  209. self.assertEqual(len(ancestors), 0)
  210. def test_ancestors_missing_from_function(self):
  211. # Test for
  212. node = extract_node('''
  213. def gen(): yield
  214. GEN = gen()
  215. next(GEN)
  216. ''')
  217. self.assertRaises(exceptions.InferenceError, next, node.infer())
  218. def test_unicode_in_docstring(self):
  219. # Crashed for astroid==1.4.1
  220. # Test for
  221. # In a regular file, "coding: utf-8" would have been used.
  222. node = extract_node(u'''
  223. from __future__ import unicode_literals
  224. class MyClass(object):
  225. def method(self):
  226. "With unicode : %s "
  227. instance = MyClass()
  228. ''' % u"\u2019")
  229. next(node.value.infer()).as_string()
  230. def test_binop_generates_nodes_with_parents(self):
  231. node = extract_node('''
  232. def no_op(*args):
  233. pass
  234. def foo(*args):
  235. def inner(*more_args):
  236. args + more_args #@
  237. return inner
  238. ''')
  239. inferred = next(node.infer())
  240. self.assertIsInstance(inferred, nodes.Tuple)
  241. self.assertIsNotNone(inferred.parent)
  242. self.assertIsInstance(inferred.parent, nodes.BinOp)
  243. def test_decorator_names_inference_error_leaking(self):
  244. node = extract_node('''
  245. class Parent(object):
  246. @property
  247. def foo(self):
  248. pass
  249. class Child(Parent):
  251. def foo(self): #@
  252. return super(Child, self).foo + ['oink']
  253. ''')
  254. inferred = next(node.infer())
  255. self.assertEqual(inferred.decoratornames(), set())
  256. def test_ssl_protocol(self):
  257. node = extract_node('''
  258. import ssl
  259. ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1
  260. ''')
  261. inferred = next(node.infer())
  262. self.assertIsInstance(inferred, nodes.Const)
  263. def test_recursive_property_method(self):
  264. node = extract_node('''
  265. class APropert():
  266. @property
  267. def property(self):
  268. return self
  269. APropert().property
  270. ''')
  271. next(node.infer())
  272. def test_uninferable_string_argument_of_namedtuple(self):
  273. node = extract_node('''
  274. import collections
  275. collections.namedtuple('{}'.format("a"), '')()
  276. ''')
  277. next(node.infer())
  278. @require_version(maxver='3.0')
  279. def test_reassignment_in_except_handler(self):
  280. node = extract_node('''
  281. import exceptions
  282. try:
  283. {}["a"]
  284. except KeyError, exceptions.IndexError:
  285. pass
  286. IndexError #@
  287. ''')
  288. self.assertEqual(len(node.inferred()), 1)
  289. class Whatever(object):
  290. a = property(lambda x: x, lambda x: x)
  291. if __name__ == '__main__':
  292. unittest.main()