Development of an internal social media platform with personalised dashboards for students
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 27KB

  1. """
  2. """
  3. # Created on 2013.06.02
  4. #
  5. # Author: Giovanni Cannata
  6. #
  7. # Copyright 2013 - 2018 Giovanni Cannata
  8. #
  9. # This file is part of ldap3.
  10. #
  11. # ldap3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  12. # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
  13. # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  14. # (at your option) any later version.
  15. #
  16. # ldap3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  17. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  19. # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
  20. #
  21. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
  22. # along with ldap3 in the COPYING and COPYING.LESSER files.
  23. # If not, see <>.
  24. from string import whitespace
  25. from os import linesep
  27. from ..core.exceptions import LDAPInvalidFilterError, LDAPAttributeError, LDAPInvalidScopeError, LDAPInvalidDereferenceAliasesError
  28. from ..utils.ciDict import CaseInsensitiveDict
  29. from ..protocol.rfc4511 import SearchRequest, LDAPDN, Scope, DerefAliases, Integer0ToMax, TypesOnly, \
  30. AttributeSelection, Selector, EqualityMatch, AttributeDescription, AssertionValue, Filter, \
  31. Not, And, Or, ApproxMatch, GreaterOrEqual, LessOrEqual, ExtensibleMatch, Present, SubstringFilter, \
  32. Substrings, Final, Initial, Any, ResultCode, Substring, MatchingRule, Type, MatchValue, DnAttributes
  33. from ..operation.bind import referrals_to_list
  34. from ..protocol.convert import ava_to_dict, attributes_to_list, search_refs_to_list, validate_assertion_value, prepare_filter_for_sending, search_refs_to_list_fast
  35. from ..protocol.formatters.standard import format_attribute_values
  36. from ..utils.conv import to_unicode, to_raw
  37. ROOT = 0
  38. AND = 1
  39. OR = 2
  40. NOT = 3
  41. MATCH_APPROX = 4
  47. MATCH_EQUAL = 10
  48. SEARCH_OPEN = 20
  52. class FilterNode(object):
  53. def __init__(self, tag=None, assertion=None):
  54. self.tag = tag
  55. self.parent = None
  56. self.assertion = assertion
  57. self.elements = []
  58. def append(self, filter_node):
  59. filter_node.parent = self
  60. self.elements.append(filter_node)
  61. return filter_node
  62. def __str__(self, pos=0):
  63. self.__repr__(pos)
  64. def __repr__(self, pos=0):
  66. representation = ' ' * pos + 'tag: ' + node_tags[self.tag] + ' - assertion: ' + str(self.assertion)
  67. if self.elements:
  68. representation += ' - elements: ' + str(len(self.elements))
  69. for element in self.elements:
  70. representation += linesep + ' ' * pos + element.__repr__(pos + 2)
  71. return representation
  72. def evaluate_match(match, schema, auto_escape, auto_encode, validator, check_names):
  73. left_part, equal_sign, right_part = match.strip().partition('=')
  74. if not equal_sign:
  75. raise LDAPInvalidFilterError('invalid matching assertion')
  76. if left_part.endswith('~'): # approximate match '~='
  77. tag = MATCH_APPROX
  78. left_part = left_part[:-1].strip()
  79. right_part = right_part.strip()
  80. assertion = {'attr': left_part, 'value': validate_assertion_value(schema, left_part, right_part, auto_escape, auto_encode, validator, check_names)}
  81. elif left_part.endswith('>'): # greater or equal match '>='
  83. left_part = left_part[:-1].strip()
  84. right_part = right_part.strip()
  85. assertion = {'attr': left_part, 'value': validate_assertion_value(schema, left_part, right_part, auto_escape, auto_encode, validator, check_names)}
  86. elif left_part.endswith('<'): # less or equal match '<='
  88. left_part = left_part[:-1].strip()
  89. right_part = right_part.strip()
  90. assertion = {'attr': left_part, 'value': validate_assertion_value(schema, left_part, right_part, auto_escape, auto_encode, validator, check_names)}
  91. elif left_part.endswith(':'): # extensible match ':='
  93. left_part = left_part[:-1].strip()
  94. right_part = right_part.strip()
  95. extended_filter_list = left_part.split(':')
  96. matching_rule = False
  97. dn_attributes = False
  98. attribute_name = False
  99. if extended_filter_list[0] == '': # extensible filter format [:dn]:matchingRule:=assertionValue
  100. if len(extended_filter_list) == 2 and extended_filter_list[1].lower().strip() != 'dn':
  101. matching_rule = extended_filter_list[1]
  102. elif len(extended_filter_list) == 3 and extended_filter_list[1].lower().strip() == 'dn':
  103. dn_attributes = True
  104. matching_rule = extended_filter_list[2]
  105. else:
  106. raise LDAPInvalidFilterError('invalid extensible filter')
  107. elif len(extended_filter_list) <= 3: # extensible filter format attr[:dn][:matchingRule]:=assertionValue
  108. if len(extended_filter_list) == 1:
  109. attribute_name = extended_filter_list[0]
  110. elif len(extended_filter_list) == 2:
  111. attribute_name = extended_filter_list[0]
  112. if extended_filter_list[1].lower().strip() == 'dn':
  113. dn_attributes = True
  114. else:
  115. matching_rule = extended_filter_list[1]
  116. elif len(extended_filter_list) == 3 and extended_filter_list[1].lower().strip() == 'dn':
  117. attribute_name = extended_filter_list[0]
  118. dn_attributes = True
  119. matching_rule = extended_filter_list[2]
  120. else:
  121. raise LDAPInvalidFilterError('invalid extensible filter')
  122. if not attribute_name and not matching_rule:
  123. raise LDAPInvalidFilterError('invalid extensible filter')
  124. attribute_name = attribute_name.strip() if attribute_name else False
  125. matching_rule = matching_rule.strip() if matching_rule else False
  126. assertion = {'attr': attribute_name, 'value': validate_assertion_value(schema, attribute_name, right_part, auto_escape, auto_encode, validator, check_names), 'matchingRule': matching_rule, 'dnAttributes': dn_attributes}
  127. elif right_part == '*': # attribute present match '=*'
  128. tag = MATCH_PRESENT
  129. left_part = left_part.strip()
  130. assertion = {'attr': left_part}
  131. elif '*' in right_part: # substring match '=initial*substring*substring*final'
  132. tag = MATCH_SUBSTRING
  133. left_part = left_part.strip()
  134. right_part = right_part.strip()
  135. substrings = right_part.split('*')
  136. initial = validate_assertion_value(schema, left_part, substrings[0], auto_escape, auto_encode, validator, check_names) if substrings[0] else None
  137. final = validate_assertion_value(schema, left_part, substrings[-1], auto_escape, auto_encode, validator, check_names) if substrings[-1] else None
  138. any_string = [validate_assertion_value(schema, left_part, substring, auto_escape, auto_encode, validator, check_names) for substring in substrings[1:-1] if substring]
  139. #assertion = {'attr': left_part, 'initial': initial, 'any': any_string, 'final': final}
  140. assertion = {'attr': left_part}
  141. if initial:
  142. assertion['initial'] = initial
  143. if any_string:
  144. assertion['any'] = any_string
  145. if final:
  146. assertion['final'] = final
  147. else: # equality match '='
  148. tag = MATCH_EQUAL
  149. left_part = left_part.strip()
  150. right_part = right_part.strip()
  151. assertion = {'attr': left_part, 'value': validate_assertion_value(schema, left_part, right_part, auto_escape, auto_encode, validator, check_names)}
  152. return FilterNode(tag, assertion)
  153. def parse_filter(search_filter, schema, auto_escape, auto_encode, validator, check_names):
  154. if str != bytes and isinstance(search_filter, bytes): # python 3 with byte filter
  155. search_filter = to_unicode(search_filter)
  156. search_filter = search_filter.strip()
  157. if search_filter and search_filter.count('(') == search_filter.count(')') and search_filter.startswith('(') and search_filter.endswith(')'):
  158. state = SEARCH_OPEN_OR_CLOSE
  159. root = FilterNode(ROOT)
  160. current_node = root
  161. start_pos = None
  162. skip_white_space = True
  163. just_closed = False
  164. for pos, c in enumerate(search_filter):
  165. if skip_white_space and c in whitespace:
  166. continue
  167. elif (state == SEARCH_OPEN or state == SEARCH_OPEN_OR_CLOSE) and c == '(':
  169. just_closed = False
  170. elif state == SEARCH_MATCH_OR_CONTROL and c in '&!|':
  171. if c == '&':
  172. current_node = current_node.append(FilterNode(AND))
  173. elif c == '|':
  174. current_node = current_node.append(FilterNode(OR))
  175. elif c == '!':
  176. current_node = current_node.append(FilterNode(NOT))
  177. state = SEARCH_OPEN
  178. elif (state == SEARCH_MATCH_OR_CLOSE or state == SEARCH_OPEN_OR_CLOSE) and c == ')':
  179. if just_closed:
  180. current_node = current_node.parent
  181. else:
  182. just_closed = True
  183. skip_white_space = True
  184. end_pos = pos
  185. if start_pos:
  186. if current_node.tag == NOT and len(current_node.elements) > 0:
  187. raise LDAPInvalidFilterError('NOT (!) clause in filter cannot be multiple')
  188. current_node.append(evaluate_match(search_filter[start_pos:end_pos], schema, auto_escape, auto_encode, validator, check_names))
  189. start_pos = None
  190. state = SEARCH_OPEN_OR_CLOSE
  191. elif (state == SEARCH_MATCH_OR_CLOSE or state == SEARCH_MATCH_OR_CONTROL) and c not in '()':
  192. skip_white_space = False
  193. if not start_pos:
  194. start_pos = pos
  195. state = SEARCH_MATCH_OR_CLOSE
  196. else:
  197. raise LDAPInvalidFilterError('malformed filter')
  198. if len(root.elements) != 1:
  199. raise LDAPInvalidFilterError('missing boolean operator in filter')
  200. return root
  201. else:
  202. raise LDAPInvalidFilterError('invalid filter')
  203. def compile_filter(filter_node):
  204. """Builds ASN1 structure for filter, converts from filter LDAP escaping to bytes"""
  205. compiled_filter = Filter()
  206. if filter_node.tag == AND:
  207. boolean_filter = And()
  208. pos = 0
  209. for element in filter_node.elements:
  210. boolean_filter[pos] = compile_filter(element)
  211. pos += 1
  212. compiled_filter['and'] = boolean_filter
  213. elif filter_node.tag == OR:
  214. boolean_filter = Or()
  215. pos = 0
  216. for element in filter_node.elements:
  217. boolean_filter[pos] = compile_filter(element)
  218. pos += 1
  219. compiled_filter['or'] = boolean_filter
  220. elif filter_node.tag == NOT:
  221. boolean_filter = Not()
  222. boolean_filter['innerNotFilter'] = compile_filter(filter_node.elements[0])
  223. compiled_filter.setComponentByName('notFilter', boolean_filter, verifyConstraints=False) # do not verify constraints because of hack for recursive filters in rfc4511
  224. elif filter_node.tag == MATCH_APPROX:
  225. matching_filter = ApproxMatch()
  226. matching_filter['attributeDesc'] = AttributeDescription(filter_node.assertion['attr'])
  227. matching_filter['assertionValue'] = AssertionValue(prepare_filter_for_sending(filter_node.assertion['value']))
  228. compiled_filter['approxMatch'] = matching_filter
  229. elif filter_node.tag == MATCH_GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
  230. matching_filter = GreaterOrEqual()
  231. matching_filter['attributeDesc'] = AttributeDescription(filter_node.assertion['attr'])
  232. matching_filter['assertionValue'] = AssertionValue(prepare_filter_for_sending(filter_node.assertion['value']))
  233. compiled_filter['greaterOrEqual'] = matching_filter
  234. elif filter_node.tag == MATCH_LESS_OR_EQUAL:
  235. matching_filter = LessOrEqual()
  236. matching_filter['attributeDesc'] = AttributeDescription(filter_node.assertion['attr'])
  237. matching_filter['assertionValue'] = AssertionValue(prepare_filter_for_sending(filter_node.assertion['value']))
  238. compiled_filter['lessOrEqual'] = matching_filter
  239. elif filter_node.tag == MATCH_EXTENSIBLE:
  240. matching_filter = ExtensibleMatch()
  241. if filter_node.assertion['matchingRule']:
  242. matching_filter['matchingRule'] = MatchingRule(filter_node.assertion['matchingRule'])
  243. if filter_node.assertion['attr']:
  244. matching_filter['type'] = Type(filter_node.assertion['attr'])
  245. matching_filter['matchValue'] = MatchValue(prepare_filter_for_sending(filter_node.assertion['value']))
  246. matching_filter['dnAttributes'] = DnAttributes(filter_node.assertion['dnAttributes'])
  247. compiled_filter['extensibleMatch'] = matching_filter
  248. elif filter_node.tag == MATCH_PRESENT:
  249. matching_filter = Present(AttributeDescription(filter_node.assertion['attr']))
  250. compiled_filter['present'] = matching_filter
  251. elif filter_node.tag == MATCH_SUBSTRING:
  252. matching_filter = SubstringFilter()
  253. matching_filter['type'] = AttributeDescription(filter_node.assertion['attr'])
  254. substrings = Substrings()
  255. pos = 0
  256. if 'initial' in filter_node.assertion and filter_node.assertion['initial']:
  257. substrings[pos] = Substring().setComponentByName('initial', Initial(prepare_filter_for_sending(filter_node.assertion['initial'])))
  258. pos += 1
  259. if 'any' in filter_node.assertion and filter_node.assertion['any']:
  260. for substring in filter_node.assertion['any']:
  261. substrings[pos] = Substring().setComponentByName('any', Any(prepare_filter_for_sending(substring)))
  262. pos += 1
  263. if 'final' in filter_node.assertion and filter_node.assertion['final']:
  264. substrings[pos] = Substring().setComponentByName('final', Final(prepare_filter_for_sending(filter_node.assertion['final'])))
  265. matching_filter['substrings'] = substrings
  266. compiled_filter['substringFilter'] = matching_filter
  267. elif filter_node.tag == MATCH_EQUAL:
  268. matching_filter = EqualityMatch()
  269. matching_filter['attributeDesc'] = AttributeDescription(filter_node.assertion['attr'])
  270. matching_filter['assertionValue'] = AssertionValue(prepare_filter_for_sending(filter_node.assertion['value']))
  271. compiled_filter.setComponentByName('equalityMatch', matching_filter)
  272. else:
  273. raise LDAPInvalidFilterError('unknown filter node tag')
  274. return compiled_filter
  275. def build_attribute_selection(attribute_list, schema):
  276. conf_attributes_excluded_from_check = [v.lower() for v in get_config_parameter('ATTRIBUTES_EXCLUDED_FROM_CHECK')]
  277. attribute_selection = AttributeSelection()
  278. for index, attribute in enumerate(attribute_list):
  279. if schema and schema.attribute_types:
  280. if ';' in attribute: # exclude tags from validation
  281. if not attribute[0:attribute.index(';')] in schema.attribute_types and attribute.lower() not in conf_attributes_excluded_from_check:
  282. raise LDAPAttributeError('invalid attribute type in attribute list: ' + attribute)
  283. else:
  284. if attribute not in schema.attribute_types and attribute.lower() not in conf_attributes_excluded_from_check:
  285. raise LDAPAttributeError('invalid attribute type in attribute list: ' + attribute)
  286. attribute_selection[index] = Selector(attribute)
  287. return attribute_selection
  288. def search_operation(search_base,
  289. search_filter,
  290. search_scope,
  291. dereference_aliases,
  292. attributes,
  293. size_limit,
  294. time_limit,
  295. types_only,
  296. auto_escape,
  297. auto_encode,
  298. schema=None,
  299. validator=None,
  300. check_names=False):
  301. # SearchRequest ::= [APPLICATION 3] SEQUENCE {
  302. # baseObject LDAPDN,
  303. # scope ENUMERATED {
  304. # baseObject (0),
  305. # singleLevel (1),
  306. # wholeSubtree (2),
  307. # ... },
  308. # derefAliases ENUMERATED {
  309. # neverDerefAliases (0),
  310. # derefInSearching (1),
  311. # derefFindingBaseObj (2),
  312. # derefAlways (3) },
  313. # sizeLimit INTEGER (0 .. maxInt),
  314. # timeLimit INTEGER (0 .. maxInt),
  315. # typesOnly BOOLEAN,
  316. # filter Filter,
  317. # attributes AttributeSelection }
  318. request = SearchRequest()
  319. request['baseObject'] = LDAPDN(search_base)
  320. if search_scope == BASE or search_scope == 0:
  321. request['scope'] = Scope('baseObject')
  322. elif search_scope == LEVEL or search_scope == 1:
  323. request['scope'] = Scope('singleLevel')
  324. elif search_scope == SUBTREE or search_scope == 2:
  325. request['scope'] = Scope('wholeSubtree')
  326. else:
  327. raise LDAPInvalidScopeError('invalid scope type')
  328. if dereference_aliases == DEREF_NEVER or dereference_aliases == 0:
  329. request['derefAliases'] = DerefAliases('neverDerefAliases')
  330. elif dereference_aliases == DEREF_SEARCH or dereference_aliases == 1:
  331. request['derefAliases'] = DerefAliases('derefInSearching')
  332. elif dereference_aliases == DEREF_BASE or dereference_aliases == 2:
  333. request['derefAliases'] = DerefAliases('derefFindingBaseObj')
  334. elif dereference_aliases == DEREF_ALWAYS or dereference_aliases == 3:
  335. request['derefAliases'] = DerefAliases('derefAlways')
  336. else:
  337. raise LDAPInvalidDereferenceAliasesError('invalid dereference aliases type')
  338. request['sizeLimit'] = Integer0ToMax(size_limit)
  339. request['timeLimit'] = Integer0ToMax(time_limit)
  340. request['typesOnly'] = TypesOnly(True) if types_only else TypesOnly(False)
  341. request['filter'] = compile_filter(parse_filter(search_filter, schema, auto_escape, auto_encode, validator, check_names).elements[0]) # parse the searchFilter string and compile it starting from the root node
  342. if not isinstance(attributes, SEQUENCE_TYPES):
  343. attributes = [NO_ATTRIBUTES]
  344. request['attributes'] = build_attribute_selection(attributes, schema)
  345. return request
  346. def decode_vals(vals):
  347. return [str(val) for val in vals if val] if vals else None
  348. def decode_vals_fast(vals):
  349. try:
  350. return [to_unicode(val[3], from_server=True) for val in vals if val] if vals else None
  351. except UnicodeDecodeError:
  352. return [val[3] for val in vals if val] if vals else None
  353. def attributes_to_dict(attribute_list):
  354. conf_case_insensitive_attributes = get_config_parameter('CASE_INSENSITIVE_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES')
  355. attributes = CaseInsensitiveDict() if conf_case_insensitive_attributes else dict()
  356. for attribute in attribute_list:
  357. attributes[str(attribute['type'])] = decode_vals(attribute['vals'])
  358. return attributes
  359. def attributes_to_dict_fast(attribute_list):
  360. conf_case_insensitive_attributes = get_config_parameter('CASE_INSENSITIVE_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES')
  361. attributes = CaseInsensitiveDict() if conf_case_insensitive_attributes else dict()
  362. for attribute in attribute_list:
  363. attributes[to_unicode(attribute[3][0][3], from_server=True)] = decode_vals_fast(attribute[3][1][3])
  364. return attributes
  365. def decode_raw_vals(vals):
  366. return [bytes(val) for val in vals] if vals else None
  367. def decode_raw_vals_fast(vals):
  368. return [bytes(val[3]) for val in vals] if vals else None
  369. def raw_attributes_to_dict(attribute_list):
  370. conf_case_insensitive_attributes = get_config_parameter('CASE_INSENSITIVE_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES')
  371. attributes = CaseInsensitiveDict() if conf_case_insensitive_attributes else dict()
  372. for attribute in attribute_list:
  373. attributes[str(attribute['type'])] = decode_raw_vals(attribute['vals'])
  374. return attributes
  375. def raw_attributes_to_dict_fast(attribute_list):
  376. conf_case_insensitive_attributes = get_config_parameter('CASE_INSENSITIVE_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES')
  377. attributes = CaseInsensitiveDict() if conf_case_insensitive_attributes else dict()
  378. for attribute in attribute_list:
  379. attributes[to_unicode(attribute[3][0][3], from_server=True)] = decode_raw_vals_fast(attribute[3][1][3])
  380. return attributes
  381. def checked_attributes_to_dict(attribute_list, schema=None, custom_formatter=None):
  382. conf_case_insensitive_attributes = get_config_parameter('CASE_INSENSITIVE_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES')
  383. checked_attributes = CaseInsensitiveDict() if conf_case_insensitive_attributes else dict()
  384. for attribute in attribute_list:
  385. name = str(attribute['type'])
  386. checked_attributes[name] = format_attribute_values(schema, name, decode_raw_vals(attribute['vals']) or [], custom_formatter)
  387. return checked_attributes
  388. def checked_attributes_to_dict_fast(attribute_list, schema=None, custom_formatter=None):
  389. conf_case_insensitive_attributes = get_config_parameter('CASE_INSENSITIVE_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES')
  390. checked_attributes = CaseInsensitiveDict() if conf_case_insensitive_attributes else dict()
  391. for attribute in attribute_list:
  392. name = to_unicode(attribute[3][0][3], from_server=True)
  393. checked_attributes[name] = format_attribute_values(schema, name, decode_raw_vals_fast(attribute[3][1][3]) or [], custom_formatter)
  394. return checked_attributes
  395. def matching_rule_assertion_to_string(matching_rule_assertion):
  396. return str(matching_rule_assertion)
  397. def filter_to_string(filter_object):
  398. filter_type = filter_object.getName()
  399. filter_string = '('
  400. if filter_type == 'and':
  401. filter_string += '&'
  402. for f in filter_object['and']:
  403. filter_string += filter_to_string(f)
  404. elif filter_type == 'or':
  405. filter_string += '|'
  406. for f in filter_object['or']:
  407. filter_string += filter_to_string(f)
  408. elif filter_type == 'notFilter':
  409. filter_string += '!' + filter_to_string(filter_object['notFilter']['innerNotFilter'])
  410. elif filter_type == 'equalityMatch':
  411. ava = ava_to_dict(filter_object['equalityMatch'])
  412. filter_string += ava['attribute'] + '=' + ava['value']
  413. elif filter_type == 'substringFilter':
  414. attribute = filter_object['substringFilter']['type']
  415. filter_string += str(attribute) + '='
  416. for substring in filter_object['substringFilter']['substrings']:
  417. component = substring.getName()
  418. if substring[component] is not None and substring[component].hasValue():
  419. if component == 'initial':
  420. filter_string += str(substring['initial']) + '*'
  421. elif component == 'any':
  422. filter_string += str(substring['any']) if filter_string.endswith('*') else '*' + str(substring['any'])
  423. filter_string += '*'
  424. elif component == 'final':
  425. filter_string += '*' + str(substring['final'])
  426. elif filter_type == 'greaterOrEqual':
  427. ava = ava_to_dict(filter_object['greaterOrEqual'])
  428. filter_string += ava['attribute'] + '>=' + ava['value']
  429. elif filter_type == 'lessOrEqual':
  430. ava = ava_to_dict(filter_object['lessOrEqual'])
  431. filter_string += ava['attribute'] + '<=' + ava['value']
  432. elif filter_type == 'present':
  433. filter_string += str(filter_object['present']) + '=*'
  434. elif filter_type == 'approxMatch':
  435. ava = ava_to_dict(filter_object['approxMatch'])
  436. filter_string += ava['attribute'] + '~=' + ava['value']
  437. elif filter_type == 'extensibleMatch':
  438. filter_string += matching_rule_assertion_to_string(filter_object['extensibleMatch'])
  439. else:
  440. raise LDAPInvalidFilterError('error converting filter to string')
  441. filter_string += ')'
  442. if str == bytes: # Python2, forces conversion to Unicode
  443. filter_string = to_unicode(filter_string)
  444. return filter_string
  445. def search_request_to_dict(request):
  446. return {'base': str(request['baseObject']),
  447. 'scope': int(request['scope']),
  448. 'dereferenceAlias': int(request['derefAliases']),
  449. 'sizeLimit': int(request['sizeLimit']),
  450. 'timeLimit': int(request['timeLimit']),
  451. 'typesOnly': bool(request['typesOnly']),
  452. 'filter': filter_to_string(request['filter']),
  453. 'attributes': attributes_to_list(request['attributes'])}
  454. def search_result_entry_response_to_dict(response, schema, custom_formatter, check_names):
  455. entry = dict()
  456. # entry['dn'] = str(response['object'])
  457. if response['object']:
  458. entry['raw_dn'] = to_raw(response['object'])
  459. if isinstance(response['object'], STRING_TYPES): # mock strategies return string not a PyAsn1 object
  460. entry['dn'] = to_unicode(response['object'])
  461. else:
  462. entry['dn'] = to_unicode(bytes(response['object']), from_server=True)
  463. else:
  464. entry['raw_dn'] = b''
  465. entry['dn'] = ''
  466. entry['raw_attributes'] = raw_attributes_to_dict(response['attributes'])
  467. if check_names:
  468. entry['attributes'] = checked_attributes_to_dict(response['attributes'], schema, custom_formatter)
  469. else:
  470. entry['attributes'] = attributes_to_dict(response['attributes'])
  471. return entry
  472. def search_result_done_response_to_dict(response):
  473. result = {'result': int(response['resultCode']),
  474. 'description': ResultCode().getNamedValues().getName(response['resultCode']),
  475. 'message': str(response['diagnosticMessage']),
  476. 'dn': str(response['matchedDN']),
  477. 'referrals': referrals_to_list(response['referral'])}
  478. if 'controls' in response: # used for returning controls in Mock strategies
  479. result['controls'] = dict()
  480. for control in response['controls']:
  481. result['controls'][control[0]] = control[1]
  482. return result
  483. def search_result_reference_response_to_dict(response):
  484. return {'uri': search_refs_to_list(response)}
  485. def search_result_entry_response_to_dict_fast(response, schema, custom_formatter, check_names):
  486. entry_dict = dict()
  487. entry_dict['raw_dn'] = response[0][3]
  488. entry_dict['dn'] = to_unicode(response[0][3], from_server=True)
  489. entry_dict['raw_attributes'] = raw_attributes_to_dict_fast(response[1][3]) # attributes
  490. if check_names:
  491. entry_dict['attributes'] = checked_attributes_to_dict_fast(response[1][3], schema, custom_formatter) # attributes
  492. else:
  493. entry_dict['attributes'] = attributes_to_dict_fast(response[1][3]) # attributes
  494. return entry_dict
  495. def search_result_reference_response_to_dict_fast(response):
  496. return {'uri': search_refs_to_list_fast([r[3] for r in response])}