Development of an internal social media platform with personalised dashboards for students
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 29KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. """
  3. The :program:`celery` umbrella command.
  4. .. program:: celery
  5. """
  6. from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
  7. import anyjson
  8. import numbers
  9. import os
  10. import sys
  11. from functools import partial
  12. from importlib import import_module
  13. from celery.five import string_t, values
  14. from celery.platforms import EX_OK, EX_FAILURE, EX_UNAVAILABLE, EX_USAGE
  15. from celery.utils import term
  16. from celery.utils import text
  17. from celery.utils.timeutils import maybe_iso8601
  18. # Cannot use relative imports here due to a Windows issue (#1111).
  19. from celery.bin.base import Command, Option, Extensions
  20. # Import commands from other modules
  21. from celery.bin.amqp import amqp
  22. from celery.bin.beat import beat
  23. from import events
  24. from celery.bin.graph import graph
  25. from celery.bin.worker import worker
  26. __all__ = ['CeleryCommand', 'main']
  27. HELP = """
  28. ---- -- - - ---- Commands- -------------- --- ------------
  29. {commands}
  30. ---- -- - - --------- -- - -------------- --- ------------
  31. Type '{prog_name} <command> --help' for help using a specific command.
  32. """
  34. Migrating task {state.count}/{state.strtotal}: \
  35. {body[task]}[{body[id]}]\
  36. """
  37. DEBUG = os.environ.get('C_DEBUG', False)
  38. command_classes = [
  39. ('Main', ['worker', 'events', 'beat', 'shell', 'multi', 'amqp'], 'green'),
  40. ('Remote Control', ['status', 'inspect', 'control'], 'blue'),
  41. ('Utils', ['purge', 'list', 'migrate', 'call', 'result', 'report'], None),
  42. ]
  43. if DEBUG: # pragma: no cover
  44. command_classes.append(
  45. ('Debug', ['graph'], 'red'),
  46. )
  47. def determine_exit_status(ret):
  48. if isinstance(ret, numbers.Integral):
  49. return ret
  50. return EX_OK if ret else EX_FAILURE
  51. def main(argv=None):
  52. # Fix for setuptools generated scripts, so that it will
  53. # work with multiprocessing fork emulation.
  54. # (see multiprocessing.forking.get_preparation_data())
  55. try:
  56. if __name__ != '__main__': # pragma: no cover
  57. sys.modules['__main__'] = sys.modules[__name__]
  58. cmd = CeleryCommand()
  59. cmd.maybe_patch_concurrency()
  60. from billiard import freeze_support
  61. freeze_support()
  62. cmd.execute_from_commandline(argv)
  63. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  64. pass
  65. class multi(Command):
  66. """Start multiple worker instances."""
  67. respects_app_option = False
  68. def get_options(self):
  69. return ()
  70. def run_from_argv(self, prog_name, argv, command=None):
  71. from celery.bin.multi import MultiTool
  72. multi = MultiTool(quiet=self.quiet, no_color=self.no_color)
  73. return multi.execute_from_commandline(
  74. [command] + argv, prog_name,
  75. )
  76. class list_(Command):
  77. """Get info from broker.
  78. Examples::
  79. celery list bindings
  80. NOTE: For RabbitMQ the management plugin is required.
  81. """
  82. args = '[bindings]'
  83. def list_bindings(self, management):
  84. try:
  85. bindings = management.get_bindings()
  86. except NotImplementedError:
  87. raise self.Error('Your transport cannot list bindings.')
  88. def fmt(q, e, r):
  89. return self.out('{0:<28} {1:<28} {2}'.format(q, e, r))
  90. fmt('Queue', 'Exchange', 'Routing Key')
  91. fmt('-' * 16, '-' * 16, '-' * 16)
  92. for b in bindings:
  93. fmt(b['destination'], b['source'], b['routing_key'])
  94. def run(self, what=None, *_, **kw):
  95. topics = {'bindings': self.list_bindings}
  96. available = ', '.join(topics)
  97. if not what:
  98. raise self.UsageError(
  99. 'You must specify one of {0}'.format(available))
  100. if what not in topics:
  101. raise self.UsageError(
  102. 'unknown topic {0!r} (choose one of: {1})'.format(
  103. what, available))
  104. with as conn:
  106. topics[what](conn.manager)
  107. class call(Command):
  108. """Call a task by name.
  109. Examples::
  110. celery call tasks.add --args='[2, 2]'
  111. celery call tasks.add --args='[2, 2]' --countdown=10
  112. """
  113. args = '<task_name>'
  114. option_list = Command.option_list + (
  115. Option('--args', '-a', help='positional arguments (json).'),
  116. Option('--kwargs', '-k', help='keyword arguments (json).'),
  117. Option('--eta', help='scheduled time (ISO-8601).'),
  118. Option('--countdown', type='float',
  119. help='eta in seconds from now (float/int).'),
  120. Option('--expires', help='expiry time (ISO-8601/float/int).'),
  121. Option('--serializer', default='json', help='defaults to json.'),
  122. Option('--queue', help='custom queue name.'),
  123. Option('--exchange', help='custom exchange name.'),
  124. Option('--routing-key', help='custom routing key.'),
  125. )
  126. def run(self, name, *_, **kw):
  127. # Positional args.
  128. args = kw.get('args') or ()
  129. if isinstance(args, string_t):
  130. args = anyjson.loads(args)
  131. # Keyword args.
  132. kwargs = kw.get('kwargs') or {}
  133. if isinstance(kwargs, string_t):
  134. kwargs = anyjson.loads(kwargs)
  135. # Expires can be int/float.
  136. expires = kw.get('expires') or None
  137. try:
  138. expires = float(expires)
  139. except (TypeError, ValueError):
  140. # or a string describing an ISO 8601 datetime.
  141. try:
  142. expires = maybe_iso8601(expires)
  143. except (TypeError, ValueError):
  144. raise
  145. res =, args=args, kwargs=kwargs,
  146. countdown=kw.get('countdown'),
  147. serializer=kw.get('serializer'),
  148. queue=kw.get('queue'),
  149. exchange=kw.get('exchange'),
  150. routing_key=kw.get('routing_key'),
  151. eta=maybe_iso8601(kw.get('eta')),
  152. expires=expires)
  153. self.out(
  154. class purge(Command):
  155. """Erase all messages from all known task queues.
  156. WARNING: There is no undo operation for this command.
  157. """
  158. warn_prelude = (
  159. '{warning}: This will remove all tasks from {queues}: {names}.\n'
  160. ' There is no undo for this operation!\n\n'
  161. '(to skip this prompt use the -f option)\n'
  162. )
  163. warn_prompt = 'Are you sure you want to delete all tasks'
  164. fmt_purged = 'Purged {mnum} {messages} from {qnum} known task {queues}.'
  165. fmt_empty = 'No messages purged from {qnum} {queues}'
  166. option_list = Command.option_list + (
  167. Option('--force', '-f', action='store_true',
  168. help='Do not prompt for verification'),
  169. )
  170. def run(self, force=False, **kwargs):
  171. names = list(sorted(
  172. qnum = len(names)
  173. if not force:
  174. self.out(self.warn_prelude.format(
  176. queues=text.pluralize(qnum, 'queue'), names=', '.join(names),
  177. ))
  178. if self.ask(self.warn_prompt, ('yes', 'no'), 'no') != 'yes':
  179. return
  180. messages =
  181. fmt = self.fmt_purged if messages else self.fmt_empty
  182. self.out(fmt.format(
  183. mnum=messages, qnum=qnum,
  184. messages=text.pluralize(messages, 'message'),
  185. queues=text.pluralize(qnum, 'queue')))
  186. class result(Command):
  187. """Gives the return value for a given task id.
  188. Examples::
  189. celery result 8f511516-e2f5-4da4-9d2f-0fb83a86e500
  190. celery result 8f511516-e2f5-4da4-9d2f-0fb83a86e500 -t tasks.add
  191. celery result 8f511516-e2f5-4da4-9d2f-0fb83a86e500 --traceback
  192. """
  193. args = '<task_id>'
  194. option_list = Command.option_list + (
  195. Option('--task', '-t', help='name of task (if custom backend)'),
  196. Option('--traceback', action='store_true',
  197. help='show traceback instead'),
  198. )
  199. def run(self, task_id, *args, **kwargs):
  200. result_cls =
  201. task = kwargs.get('task')
  202. traceback = kwargs.get('traceback', False)
  203. if task:
  204. result_cls =[task].AsyncResult
  205. result = result_cls(task_id)
  206. if traceback:
  207. value = result.traceback
  208. else:
  209. value = result.get()
  210. self.out(self.pretty(value)[1])
  211. class _RemoteControl(Command):
  212. name = None
  213. choices = None
  214. leaf = False
  215. option_list = Command.option_list + (
  216. Option('--timeout', '-t', type='float',
  217. help='Timeout in seconds (float) waiting for reply'),
  218. Option('--destination', '-d',
  219. help='Comma separated list of destination node names.'))
  220. def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
  221. self.show_body = kwargs.pop('show_body', True)
  222. self.show_reply = kwargs.pop('show_reply', True)
  223. super(_RemoteControl, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
  224. @classmethod
  225. def get_command_info(self, command,
  226. indent=0, prefix='', color=None, help=False):
  227. if help:
  228. help = '|' + text.indent(self.choices[command][1], indent + 4)
  229. else:
  230. help = None
  231. try:
  232. # see if it uses args.
  233. meth = getattr(self, command)
  234. return text.join([
  235. '|' + text.indent('{0}{1} {2}'.format(
  236. prefix, color(command), meth.__doc__), indent),
  237. help,
  238. ])
  239. except AttributeError:
  240. return text.join([
  241. '|' + text.indent(prefix + str(color(command)), indent), help,
  242. ])
  243. @classmethod
  244. def list_commands(self, indent=0, prefix='', color=None, help=False):
  245. color = color if color else lambda x: x
  246. prefix = prefix + ' ' if prefix else ''
  247. return '\n'.join(self.get_command_info(c, indent, prefix, color, help)
  248. for c in sorted(self.choices))
  249. @property
  250. def epilog(self):
  251. return '\n'.join([
  252. '[Commands]',
  253. self.list_commands(indent=4, help=True)
  254. ])
  255. def usage(self, command):
  256. return '%prog {0} [options] {1} <command> [arg1 .. argN]'.format(
  257. command, self.args)
  258. def call(self, *args, **kwargs):
  259. raise NotImplementedError('call')
  260. def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
  261. if not args:
  262. raise self.UsageError(
  263. 'Missing {} method. See --help'.format(self))
  264. return self.do_call_method(args, **kwargs)
  265. def do_call_method(self, args, **kwargs):
  266. method = args[0]
  267. if method == 'help':
  268. raise self.Error("Did you mean '{} --help'?".format(self))
  269. if method not in self.choices:
  270. raise self.UsageError(
  271. 'Unknown {} method {1}'.format(self, method))
  272. if == 'sql':
  273. raise self.Error('Broadcast not supported by SQL broker transport')
  274. destination = kwargs.get('destination')
  275. timeout = kwargs.get('timeout') or self.choices[method][0]
  276. if destination and isinstance(destination, string_t):
  277. destination = [dest.strip() for dest in destination.split(',')]
  278. handler = getattr(self, method,
  279. replies = handler(method, *args[1:], timeout=timeout,
  280. destination=destination,
  281. callback=self.say_remote_command_reply)
  282. if not replies:
  283. raise self.Error('No nodes replied within time constraint.',
  284. status=EX_UNAVAILABLE)
  285. return replies
  286. class inspect(_RemoteControl):
  287. """Inspect the worker at runtime.
  288. Availability: RabbitMQ (amqp), Redis, and MongoDB transports.
  289. Examples::
  290. celery inspect active --timeout=5
  291. celery inspect scheduled -d
  292. celery inspect revoked -d,
  293. """
  294. name = 'inspect'
  295. choices = {
  296. 'active': (1.0, 'dump active tasks (being processed)'),
  297. 'active_queues': (1.0, 'dump queues being consumed from'),
  298. 'scheduled': (1.0, 'dump scheduled tasks (eta/countdown/retry)'),
  299. 'reserved': (1.0, 'dump reserved tasks (waiting to be processed)'),
  300. 'stats': (1.0, 'dump worker statistics'),
  301. 'revoked': (1.0, 'dump of revoked task ids'),
  302. 'registered': (1.0, 'dump of registered tasks'),
  303. 'ping': (0.2, 'ping worker(s)'),
  304. 'clock': (1.0, 'get value of logical clock'),
  305. 'conf': (1.0, 'dump worker configuration'),
  306. 'report': (1.0, 'get bugreport info'),
  307. 'memsample': (1.0, 'sample memory (requires psutil)'),
  308. 'memdump': (1.0, 'dump memory samples (requires psutil)'),
  309. 'objgraph': (60.0, 'create object graph (requires objgraph)'),
  310. }
  311. def call(self, method, *args, **options):
  312. i =**options)
  313. return getattr(i, method)(*args)
  314. def objgraph(self, type_='Request', *args, **kwargs):
  315. return'objgraph', type_, **kwargs)
  316. def conf(self, with_defaults=False, *args, **kwargs):
  317. return'conf', with_defaults, **kwargs)
  318. class control(_RemoteControl):
  319. """Workers remote control.
  320. Availability: RabbitMQ (amqp), Redis, and MongoDB transports.
  321. Examples::
  322. celery control enable_events --timeout=5
  323. celery control -d enable_events
  324. celery control -d, enable_events
  325. celery control -d add_consumer queue_name
  326. celery control -d cancel_consumer queue_name
  327. celery control -d add_consumer queue exchange direct rkey
  328. """
  329. name = 'control'
  330. choices = {
  331. 'enable_events': (1.0, 'tell worker(s) to enable events'),
  332. 'disable_events': (1.0, 'tell worker(s) to disable events'),
  333. 'add_consumer': (1.0, 'tell worker(s) to start consuming a queue'),
  334. 'cancel_consumer': (1.0, 'tell worker(s) to stop consuming a queue'),
  335. 'rate_limit': (
  336. 1.0, 'tell worker(s) to modify the rate limit for a task type'),
  337. 'time_limit': (
  338. 1.0, 'tell worker(s) to modify the time limit for a task type.'),
  339. 'autoscale': (1.0, 'change autoscale settings'),
  340. 'pool_grow': (1.0, 'start more pool processes'),
  341. 'pool_shrink': (1.0, 'use less pool processes'),
  342. }
  343. def call(self, method, *args, **options):
  344. return getattr(, method)(*args, reply=True, **options)
  345. def pool_grow(self, method, n=1, **kwargs):
  346. """[N=1]"""
  347. return, int(n), **kwargs)
  348. def pool_shrink(self, method, n=1, **kwargs):
  349. """[N=1]"""
  350. return, int(n), **kwargs)
  351. def autoscale(self, method, max=None, min=None, **kwargs):
  352. """[max] [min]"""
  353. return, int(max), int(min), **kwargs)
  354. def rate_limit(self, method, task_name, rate_limit, **kwargs):
  355. """<task_name> <rate_limit> (e.g. 5/s | 5/m | 5/h)>"""
  356. return, task_name, rate_limit, **kwargs)
  357. def time_limit(self, method, task_name, soft, hard=None, **kwargs):
  358. """<task_name> <soft_secs> [hard_secs]"""
  359. return, task_name,
  360. float(soft), float(hard), **kwargs)
  361. def add_consumer(self, method, queue, exchange=None,
  362. exchange_type='direct', routing_key=None, **kwargs):
  363. """<queue> [exchange [type [routing_key]]]"""
  364. return, queue, exchange,
  365. exchange_type, routing_key, **kwargs)
  366. def cancel_consumer(self, method, queue, **kwargs):
  367. """<queue>"""
  368. return, queue, **kwargs)
  369. class status(Command):
  370. """Show list of workers that are online."""
  371. option_list = inspect.option_list
  372. def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
  373. I = inspect(
  375. no_color=kwargs.get('no_color', False),
  376. stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr,
  377. show_reply=False, show_body=False, quiet=True,
  378. )
  379. replies ='ping', **kwargs)
  380. if not replies:
  381. raise self.Error('No nodes replied within time constraint',
  382. status=EX_UNAVAILABLE)
  383. nodecount = len(replies)
  384. if not kwargs.get('quiet', False):
  385. self.out('\n{0} {1} online.'.format(
  386. nodecount, text.pluralize(nodecount, 'node')))
  387. class migrate(Command):
  388. """Migrate tasks from one broker to another.
  389. Examples::
  390. celery migrate redis://localhost amqp://guest@localhost//
  391. celery migrate django:// redis://localhost
  392. NOTE: This command is experimental, make sure you have
  393. a backup of the tasks before you continue.
  394. """
  395. args = '<source_url> <dest_url>'
  396. option_list = Command.option_list + (
  397. Option('--limit', '-n', type='int',
  398. help='Number of tasks to consume (int)'),
  399. Option('--timeout', '-t', type='float', default=1.0,
  400. help='Timeout in seconds (float) waiting for tasks'),
  401. Option('--ack-messages', '-a', action='store_true',
  402. help='Ack messages from source broker.'),
  403. Option('--tasks', '-T',
  404. help='List of task names to filter on.'),
  405. Option('--queues', '-Q',
  406. help='List of queues to migrate.'),
  407. Option('--forever', '-F', action='store_true',
  408. help='Continually migrate tasks until killed.'),
  409. )
  410. progress_fmt = MIGRATE_PROGRESS_FMT
  411. def on_migrate_task(self, state, body, message):
  412. self.out(self.progress_fmt.format(state=state, body=body))
  413. def run(self, source, destination, **kwargs):
  414. from kombu import Connection
  415. from celery.contrib.migrate import migrate_tasks
  416. migrate_tasks(Connection(source),
  417. Connection(destination),
  418. callback=self.on_migrate_task,
  419. **kwargs)
  420. class shell(Command): # pragma: no cover
  421. """Start shell session with convenient access to celery symbols.
  422. The following symbols will be added to the main globals:
  423. - celery: the current application.
  424. - chord, group, chain, chunks,
  425. xmap, xstarmap subtask, Task
  426. - all registered tasks.
  427. """
  428. option_list = Command.option_list + (
  429. Option('--ipython', '-I',
  430. action='store_true', dest='force_ipython',
  431. help='force iPython.'),
  432. Option('--bpython', '-B',
  433. action='store_true', dest='force_bpython',
  434. help='force bpython.'),
  435. Option('--python', '-P',
  436. action='store_true', dest='force_python',
  437. help='force default Python shell.'),
  438. Option('--without-tasks', '-T', action='store_true',
  439. help="don't add tasks to locals."),
  440. Option('--eventlet', action='store_true',
  441. help='use eventlet.'),
  442. Option('--gevent', action='store_true', help='use gevent.'),
  443. )
  444. def run(self, force_ipython=False, force_bpython=False,
  445. force_python=False, without_tasks=False, eventlet=False,
  446. gevent=False, **kwargs):
  447. sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
  448. if eventlet:
  449. import_module('celery.concurrency.eventlet')
  450. if gevent:
  451. import_module('celery.concurrency.gevent')
  452. import celery
  453. import celery.task.base
  455. self.locals = {'app':,
  456. 'celery':,
  457. 'Task': celery.Task,
  458. 'chord': celery.chord,
  459. 'group':,
  460. 'chain': celery.chain,
  461. 'chunks': celery.chunks,
  462. 'xmap': celery.xmap,
  463. 'xstarmap': celery.xstarmap,
  464. 'subtask': celery.subtask,
  465. 'signature': celery.signature}
  466. if not without_tasks:
  467. self.locals.update(dict(
  468. (task.__name__, task) for task in values(
  469. if not'celery.')),
  470. )
  471. if force_python:
  472. return self.invoke_fallback_shell()
  473. elif force_bpython:
  474. return self.invoke_bpython_shell()
  475. elif force_ipython:
  476. return self.invoke_ipython_shell()
  477. return self.invoke_default_shell()
  478. def invoke_default_shell(self):
  479. try:
  480. import IPython # noqa
  481. except ImportError:
  482. try:
  483. import bpython # noqa
  484. except ImportError:
  485. return self.invoke_fallback_shell()
  486. else:
  487. return self.invoke_bpython_shell()
  488. else:
  489. return self.invoke_ipython_shell()
  490. def invoke_fallback_shell(self):
  491. import code
  492. try:
  493. import readline
  494. except ImportError:
  495. pass
  496. else:
  497. import rlcompleter
  498. readline.set_completer(
  499. rlcompleter.Completer(self.locals).complete)
  500. readline.parse_and_bind('tab:complete')
  501. code.interact(local=self.locals)
  502. def invoke_ipython_shell(self):
  503. for ip in (self._ipython, self._ipython_pre_10,
  504. self._ipython_terminal, self._ipython_010,
  505. self._no_ipython):
  506. try:
  507. return ip()
  508. except ImportError:
  509. pass
  510. def _ipython(self):
  511. from IPython import start_ipython
  512. start_ipython(argv=[], user_ns=self.locals)
  513. def _ipython_pre_10(self): # pragma: no cover
  514. from IPython.frontend.terminal.ipapp import TerminalIPythonApp
  515. app = TerminalIPythonApp.instance()
  516. app.initialize(argv=[])
  518. app.start()
  519. def _ipython_terminal(self): # pragma: no cover
  520. from IPython.terminal import embed
  521. embed.TerminalInteractiveShell(user_ns=self.locals).mainloop()
  522. def _ipython_010(self): # pragma: no cover
  523. from IPython.Shell import IPShell
  524. IPShell(argv=[], user_ns=self.locals).mainloop()
  525. def _no_ipython(self): # pragma: no cover
  526. raise ImportError("no suitable ipython found")
  527. def invoke_bpython_shell(self):
  528. import bpython
  529. bpython.embed(self.locals)
  530. class help(Command):
  531. """Show help screen and exit."""
  532. def usage(self, command):
  533. return '%prog <command> [options] {0.args}'.format(self)
  534. def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
  535. self.parser.print_help()
  536. self.out(HELP.format(
  537. prog_name=self.prog_name,
  538. commands=CeleryCommand.list_commands(colored=self.colored),
  539. ))
  540. return EX_USAGE
  541. class report(Command):
  542. """Shows information useful to include in bugreports."""
  543. def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
  544. self.out(
  545. return EX_OK
  546. class CeleryCommand(Command):
  547. namespace = 'celery'
  548. ext_fmt = '{self.namespace}.commands'
  549. commands = {
  550. 'amqp': amqp,
  551. 'beat': beat,
  552. 'call': call,
  553. 'control': control,
  554. 'events': events,
  555. 'graph': graph,
  556. 'help': help,
  557. 'inspect': inspect,
  558. 'list': list_,
  559. 'migrate': migrate,
  560. 'multi': multi,
  561. 'purge': purge,
  562. 'report': report,
  563. 'result': result,
  564. 'shell': shell,
  565. 'status': status,
  566. 'worker': worker,
  567. }
  568. enable_config_from_cmdline = True
  569. prog_name = 'celery'
  570. @classmethod
  571. def register_command(cls, fun, name=None):
  572. cls.commands[name or fun.__name__] = fun
  573. return fun
  574. def execute(self, command, argv=None):
  575. try:
  576. cls = self.commands[command]
  577. except KeyError:
  578. cls, argv = self.commands['help'], ['help']
  579. cls = self.commands.get(command) or self.commands['help']
  580. try:
  581. return cls(
  582., on_error=self.on_error,
  583. no_color=self.no_color, quiet=self.quiet,
  584. on_usage_error=partial(self.on_usage_error, command=command),
  585. ).run_from_argv(self.prog_name, argv[1:], command=argv[0])
  586. except self.UsageError as exc:
  587. self.on_usage_error(exc)
  588. return exc.status
  589. except self.Error as exc:
  590. self.on_error(exc)
  591. return exc.status
  592. def on_usage_error(self, exc, command=None):
  593. if command:
  594. helps = '{self.prog_name} {command} --help'
  595. else:
  596. helps = '{self.prog_name} --help'
  597. self.error(self.colored.magenta('Error: {0}'.format(exc)))
  598. self.error("""Please try '{0}'""".format(helps.format(
  599. self=self, command=command,
  600. )))
  601. def _relocate_args_from_start(self, argv, index=0):
  602. if argv:
  603. rest = []
  604. while index < len(argv):
  605. value = argv[index]
  606. if value.startswith('--'):
  607. rest.append(value)
  608. elif value.startswith('-'):
  609. # we eat the next argument even though we don't know
  610. # if this option takes an argument or not.
  611. # instead we will assume what is the command name in the
  612. # return statements below.
  613. try:
  614. nxt = argv[index + 1]
  615. if nxt.startswith('-'):
  616. # is another option
  617. rest.append(value)
  618. else:
  619. # is (maybe) a value for this option
  620. rest.extend([value, nxt])
  621. index += 1
  622. except IndexError:
  623. rest.append(value)
  624. break
  625. else:
  626. break
  627. index += 1
  628. if argv[index:]:
  629. # if there are more arguments left then divide and swap
  630. # we assume the first argument in argv[i:] is the command
  631. # name.
  632. return argv[index:] + rest
  633. # if there are no more arguments then the last arg in rest'
  634. # must be the command.
  635. [rest.pop()] + rest
  636. return []
  637. def prepare_prog_name(self, name):
  638. if name == '':
  639. return sys.modules['__main__'].__file__
  640. return name
  641. def handle_argv(self, prog_name, argv):
  642. self.prog_name = self.prepare_prog_name(prog_name)
  643. argv = self._relocate_args_from_start(argv)
  644. _, argv = self.prepare_args(None, argv)
  645. try:
  646. command = argv[0]
  647. except IndexError:
  648. command, argv = 'help', ['help']
  649. return self.execute(command, argv)
  650. def execute_from_commandline(self, argv=None):
  651. argv = sys.argv if argv is None else argv
  652. if 'multi' in argv[1:3]: # Issue 1008
  653. self.respects_app_option = False
  654. try:
  655. sys.exit(determine_exit_status(
  656. super(CeleryCommand, self).execute_from_commandline(argv)))
  657. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  658. sys.exit(EX_FAILURE)
  659. @classmethod
  660. def get_command_info(self, command, indent=0, color=None, colored=None):
  661. colored = term.colored() if colored is None else colored
  662. colored = colored.names[color] if color else lambda x: x
  663. obj = self.commands[command]
  664. cmd = 'celery {0}'.format(colored(command))
  665. if obj.leaf:
  666. return '|' + text.indent(cmd, indent)
  667. return text.join([
  668. ' ',
  669. '|' + text.indent('{0} --help'.format(cmd), indent),
  670. obj.list_commands(indent, 'celery {0}'.format(command), colored),
  671. ])
  672. @classmethod
  673. def list_commands(self, indent=0, colored=None):
  674. colored = term.colored() if colored is None else colored
  675. white = colored.white
  676. ret = []
  677. for cls, commands, color in command_classes:
  678. ret.extend([
  679. text.indent('+ {0}: '.format(white(cls)), indent),
  680. '\n'.join(
  681. self.get_command_info(command, indent + 4, color, colored)
  682. for command in commands),
  683. ''
  684. ])
  685. return '\n'.join(ret).strip()
  686. def with_pool_option(self, argv):
  687. if len(argv) > 1 and 'worker' in argv[0:3]:
  688. # this command supports custom pools
  689. # that may have to be loaded as early as possible.
  690. return (['-P'], ['--pool'])
  691. def on_concurrency_setup(self):
  692. self.load_extension_commands()
  693. def load_extension_commands(self):
  694. names = Extensions(self.ext_fmt.format(self=self),
  695. self.register_command).load()
  696. if names:
  697. command_classes.append(('Extensions', names, 'magenta'))
  698. def command(*args, **kwargs):
  699. """Deprecated: Use classmethod :meth:`CeleryCommand.register_command`
  700. instead."""
  701. _register = CeleryCommand.register_command
  702. return _register(args[0]) if args else _register
  703. if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
  704. main()