Development of an internal social media platform with personalised dashboards for students
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  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. """
  3. celery.contrib.batches
  4. ======================
  5. Experimental task class that buffers messages and processes them as a list.
  6. .. warning::
  7. For this to work you have to set
  8. :setting:`CELERYD_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER` to zero, or some value where
  9. the final multiplied value is higher than ``flush_every``.
  10. In the future we hope to add the ability to direct batching tasks
  11. to a channel with different QoS requirements than the task channel.
  12. **Simple Example**
  13. A click counter that flushes the buffer every 100 messages, and every
  14. 10 seconds. Does not do anything with the data, but can easily be modified
  15. to store it in a database.
  16. .. code-block:: python
  17. # Flush after 100 messages, or 10 seconds.
  18. @app.task(base=Batches, flush_every=100, flush_interval=10)
  19. def count_click(requests):
  20. from collections import Counter
  21. count = Counter(request.kwargs['url'] for request in requests)
  22. for url, count in count.items():
  23. print('>>> Clicks: {0} -> {1}'.format(url, count))
  24. Then you can ask for a click to be counted by doing::
  25. >>> count_click.delay(url='')
  26. **Example returning results**
  27. An interface to the Web of Trust API that flushes the buffer every 100
  28. messages, and every 10 seconds.
  29. .. code-block:: python
  30. import requests
  31. from urlparse import urlparse
  32. from celery.contrib.batches import Batches
  33. wot_api_target = ''
  34. @app.task(base=Batches, flush_every=100, flush_interval=10)
  35. def wot_api(requests):
  36. sig = lambda url: url
  37. reponses = wot_api_real(
  38. (sig(*request.args, **request.kwargs) for request in requests)
  39. )
  40. # use mark_as_done to manually return response data
  41. for response, request in zip(reponses, requests):
  42. app.backend.mark_as_done(, response)
  43. def wot_api_real(urls):
  44. domains = [urlparse(url).netloc for url in urls]
  45. response = requests.get(
  46. wot_api_target,
  47. params={'hosts': ('/').join(set(domains)) + '/'}
  48. )
  49. return [response.json()[domain] for domain in domains]
  50. Using the API is done as follows::
  51. >>> wot_api.delay('')
  52. .. note::
  53. If you don't have an ``app`` instance then use the current app proxy
  54. instead::
  55. from celery import current_app
  56. app.backend.mark_as_done(, response)
  57. """
  58. from __future__ import absolute_import
  59. from itertools import count
  60. from celery.task import Task
  61. from celery.five import Empty, Queue
  62. from celery.utils.log import get_logger
  63. from celery.worker.job import Request
  64. from celery.utils import noop
  65. __all__ = ['Batches']
  66. logger = get_logger(__name__)
  67. def consume_queue(queue):
  68. """Iterator yielding all immediately available items in a
  69. :class:`Queue.Queue`.
  70. The iterator stops as soon as the queue raises :exc:`Queue.Empty`.
  71. *Examples*
  72. >>> q = Queue()
  73. >>> map(q.put, range(4))
  74. >>> list(consume_queue(q))
  75. [0, 1, 2, 3]
  76. >>> list(consume_queue(q))
  77. []
  78. """
  79. get = queue.get_nowait
  80. while 1:
  81. try:
  82. yield get()
  83. except Empty:
  84. break
  85. def apply_batches_task(task, args, loglevel, logfile):
  86. task.push_request(loglevel=loglevel, logfile=logfile)
  87. try:
  88. result = task(*args)
  89. except Exception as exc:
  90. result = None
  91. logger.error('Error: %r', exc, exc_info=True)
  92. finally:
  93. task.pop_request()
  94. return result
  95. class SimpleRequest(object):
  96. """Pickleable request."""
  97. #: task id
  98. id = None
  99. #: task name
  100. name = None
  101. #: positional arguments
  102. args = ()
  103. #: keyword arguments
  104. kwargs = {}
  105. #: message delivery information.
  106. delivery_info = None
  107. #: worker node name
  108. hostname = None
  109. def __init__(self, id, name, args, kwargs, delivery_info, hostname):
  110. = id
  111. = name
  112. self.args = args
  113. self.kwargs = kwargs
  114. self.delivery_info = delivery_info
  115. self.hostname = hostname
  116. @classmethod
  117. def from_request(cls, request):
  118. return cls(,, request.args,
  119. request.kwargs, request.delivery_info, request.hostname)
  120. class Batches(Task):
  121. abstract = True
  122. #: Maximum number of message in buffer.
  123. flush_every = 10
  124. #: Timeout in seconds before buffer is flushed anyway.
  125. flush_interval = 30
  126. def __init__(self):
  127. self._buffer = Queue()
  128. self._count = count(1)
  129. self._tref = None
  130. self._pool = None
  131. def run(self, requests):
  132. raise NotImplementedError('must implement run(requests)')
  133. def Strategy(self, task, app, consumer):
  134. self._pool = consumer.pool
  135. hostname = consumer.hostname
  136. eventer = consumer.event_dispatcher
  137. Req = Request
  138. connection_errors = consumer.connection_errors
  139. timer = consumer.timer
  140. put_buffer = self._buffer.put
  141. flush_buffer = self._do_flush
  142. def task_message_handler(message, body, ack, reject, callbacks, **kw):
  143. request = Req(body, on_ack=ack, app=app, hostname=hostname,
  144. events=eventer, task=task,
  145. connection_errors=connection_errors,
  146. delivery_info=message.delivery_info)
  147. put_buffer(request)
  148. if self._tref is None: # first request starts flush timer.
  149. self._tref = timer.call_repeatedly(
  150. self.flush_interval, flush_buffer,
  151. )
  152. if not next(self._count) % self.flush_every:
  153. flush_buffer()
  154. return task_message_handler
  155. def flush(self, requests):
  156. return self.apply_buffer(requests, ([SimpleRequest.from_request(r)
  157. for r in requests], ))
  158. def _do_flush(self):
  159. logger.debug('Batches: Wake-up to flush buffer...')
  160. requests = None
  161. if self._buffer.qsize():
  162. requests = list(consume_queue(self._buffer))
  163. if requests:
  164. logger.debug('Batches: Buffer complete: %s', len(requests))
  165. self.flush(requests)
  166. if not requests:
  167. logger.debug('Batches: Canceling timer: Nothing in buffer.')
  168. if self._tref:
  169. self._tref.cancel() # cancel timer.
  170. self._tref = None
  171. def apply_buffer(self, requests, args=(), kwargs={}):
  172. acks_late = [], []
  173. [acks_late[r.task.acks_late].append(r) for r in requests]
  174. assert requests and (acks_late[True] or acks_late[False])
  175. def on_accepted(pid, time_accepted):
  176. [req.acknowledge() for req in acks_late[False]]
  177. def on_return(result):
  178. [req.acknowledge() for req in acks_late[True]]
  179. return self._pool.apply_async(
  180. apply_batches_task,
  181. (self, args, 0, None),
  182. accept_callback=on_accepted,
  183. callback=acks_late[True] and on_return or noop,
  184. )