Development of an internal social media platform with personalised dashboards for students
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 42KB

  1. import warnings
  2. from itertools import chain
  3. from django.apps import apps
  4. from django.conf import settings
  5. from django.contrib.admin.utils import (
  6. NotRelationField, flatten, get_fields_from_path,
  7. )
  8. from django.core import checks
  9. from django.core.exceptions import FieldDoesNotExist
  10. from django.db import models
  11. from django.db.models.constants import LOOKUP_SEP
  12. from django.db.models.expressions import Combinable, F, OrderBy
  13. from django.forms.models import (
  14. BaseModelForm, BaseModelFormSet, _get_foreign_key,
  15. )
  16. from django.template.engine import Engine
  17. from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango30Warning
  18. from django.utils.inspect import get_func_args
  19. def check_admin_app(app_configs, **kwargs):
  20. from django.contrib.admin.sites import all_sites
  21. errors = []
  22. for site in all_sites:
  23. errors.extend(site.check(app_configs))
  24. return errors
  25. def check_dependencies(**kwargs):
  26. """
  27. Check that the admin's dependencies are correctly installed.
  28. """
  29. errors = []
  30. # contrib.contenttypes must be installed.
  31. if not apps.is_installed('django.contrib.contenttypes'):
  32. missing_app = checks.Error(
  33. "'django.contrib.contenttypes' must be in INSTALLED_APPS in order "
  34. "to use the admin application.",
  35. id="admin.E401",
  36. )
  37. errors.append(missing_app)
  38. # The auth context processor must be installed if using the default
  39. # authentication backend.
  40. try:
  41. default_template_engine = Engine.get_default()
  42. except Exception:
  43. # Skip this non-critical check:
  44. # 1. if the user has a non-trivial TEMPLATES setting and Django
  45. # can't find a default template engine
  46. # 2. if anything goes wrong while loading template engines, in
  47. # order to avoid raising an exception from a confusing location
  48. # Catching ImproperlyConfigured suffices for 1. but 2. requires
  49. # catching all exceptions.
  50. pass
  51. else:
  52. if ('django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth'
  53. not in default_template_engine.context_processors and
  54. 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend' in settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS):
  55. missing_template = checks.Error(
  56. "'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth' must be in "
  57. "TEMPLATES in order to use the admin application.",
  58. id="admin.E402"
  59. )
  60. errors.append(missing_template)
  61. return errors
  62. class BaseModelAdminChecks:
  63. def check(self, admin_obj, **kwargs):
  64. return [
  65. *self._check_autocomplete_fields(admin_obj),
  66. *self._check_raw_id_fields(admin_obj),
  67. *self._check_fields(admin_obj),
  68. *self._check_fieldsets(admin_obj),
  69. *self._check_exclude(admin_obj),
  70. *self._check_form(admin_obj),
  71. *self._check_filter_vertical(admin_obj),
  72. *self._check_filter_horizontal(admin_obj),
  73. *self._check_radio_fields(admin_obj),
  74. *self._check_prepopulated_fields(admin_obj),
  75. *self._check_view_on_site_url(admin_obj),
  76. *self._check_ordering(admin_obj),
  77. *self._check_readonly_fields(admin_obj),
  78. ]
  79. def _check_autocomplete_fields(self, obj):
  80. """
  81. Check that `autocomplete_fields` is a list or tuple of model fields.
  82. """
  83. if not isinstance(obj.autocomplete_fields, (list, tuple)):
  84. return must_be('a list or tuple', option='autocomplete_fields', obj=obj, id='admin.E036')
  85. else:
  86. return list(chain.from_iterable([
  87. self._check_autocomplete_fields_item(obj, obj.model, field_name, 'autocomplete_fields[%d]' % index)
  88. for index, field_name in enumerate(obj.autocomplete_fields)
  89. ]))
  90. def _check_autocomplete_fields_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label):
  91. """
  92. Check that an item in `autocomplete_fields` is a ForeignKey or a
  93. ManyToManyField and that the item has a related ModelAdmin with
  94. search_fields defined.
  95. """
  96. try:
  97. field = model._meta.get_field(field_name)
  98. except FieldDoesNotExist:
  99. return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label, model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E037')
  100. else:
  101. if not field.many_to_many and not isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey):
  102. return must_be(
  103. 'a foreign key or a many-to-many field',
  104. option=label, obj=obj, id='admin.E038'
  105. )
  106. related_admin = obj.admin_site._registry.get(field.remote_field.model)
  107. if related_admin is None:
  108. return [
  109. checks.Error(
  110. 'An admin for model "%s" has to be registered '
  111. 'to be referenced by %s.autocomplete_fields.' % (
  112. field.remote_field.model.__name__,
  113. type(obj).__name__,
  114. ),
  115. obj=obj.__class__,
  116. id='admin.E039',
  117. )
  118. ]
  119. elif not related_admin.search_fields:
  120. return [
  121. checks.Error(
  122. '%s must define "search_fields", because it\'s '
  123. 'referenced by %s.autocomplete_fields.' % (
  124. related_admin.__class__.__name__,
  125. type(obj).__name__,
  126. ),
  127. obj=obj.__class__,
  128. id='admin.E040',
  129. )
  130. ]
  131. return []
  132. def _check_raw_id_fields(self, obj):
  133. """ Check that `raw_id_fields` only contains field names that are listed
  134. on the model. """
  135. if not isinstance(obj.raw_id_fields, (list, tuple)):
  136. return must_be('a list or tuple', option='raw_id_fields', obj=obj, id='admin.E001')
  137. else:
  138. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  139. self._check_raw_id_fields_item(obj, obj.model, field_name, 'raw_id_fields[%d]' % index)
  140. for index, field_name in enumerate(obj.raw_id_fields)
  141. ))
  142. def _check_raw_id_fields_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label):
  143. """ Check an item of `raw_id_fields`, i.e. check that field named
  144. `field_name` exists in model `model` and is a ForeignKey or a
  145. ManyToManyField. """
  146. try:
  147. field = model._meta.get_field(field_name)
  148. except FieldDoesNotExist:
  149. return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label,
  150. model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E002')
  151. else:
  152. if not field.many_to_many and not isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey):
  153. return must_be('a foreign key or a many-to-many field',
  154. option=label, obj=obj, id='admin.E003')
  155. else:
  156. return []
  157. def _check_fields(self, obj):
  158. """ Check that `fields` only refer to existing fields, doesn't contain
  159. duplicates. Check if at most one of `fields` and `fieldsets` is defined.
  160. """
  161. if obj.fields is None:
  162. return []
  163. elif not isinstance(obj.fields, (list, tuple)):
  164. return must_be('a list or tuple', option='fields', obj=obj, id='admin.E004')
  165. elif obj.fieldsets:
  166. return [
  167. checks.Error(
  168. "Both 'fieldsets' and 'fields' are specified.",
  169. obj=obj.__class__,
  170. id='admin.E005',
  171. )
  172. ]
  173. fields = flatten(obj.fields)
  174. if len(fields) != len(set(fields)):
  175. return [
  176. checks.Error(
  177. "The value of 'fields' contains duplicate field(s).",
  178. obj=obj.__class__,
  179. id='admin.E006',
  180. )
  181. ]
  182. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  183. self._check_field_spec(obj, obj.model, field_name, 'fields')
  184. for field_name in obj.fields
  185. ))
  186. def _check_fieldsets(self, obj):
  187. """ Check that fieldsets is properly formatted and doesn't contain
  188. duplicates. """
  189. if obj.fieldsets is None:
  190. return []
  191. elif not isinstance(obj.fieldsets, (list, tuple)):
  192. return must_be('a list or tuple', option='fieldsets', obj=obj, id='admin.E007')
  193. else:
  194. seen_fields = []
  195. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  196. self._check_fieldsets_item(obj, obj.model, fieldset, 'fieldsets[%d]' % index, seen_fields)
  197. for index, fieldset in enumerate(obj.fieldsets)
  198. ))
  199. def _check_fieldsets_item(self, obj, model, fieldset, label, seen_fields):
  200. """ Check an item of `fieldsets`, i.e. check that this is a pair of a
  201. set name and a dictionary containing "fields" key. """
  202. if not isinstance(fieldset, (list, tuple)):
  203. return must_be('a list or tuple', option=label, obj=obj, id='admin.E008')
  204. elif len(fieldset) != 2:
  205. return must_be('of length 2', option=label, obj=obj, id='admin.E009')
  206. elif not isinstance(fieldset[1], dict):
  207. return must_be('a dictionary', option='%s[1]' % label, obj=obj, id='admin.E010')
  208. elif 'fields' not in fieldset[1]:
  209. return [
  210. checks.Error(
  211. "The value of '%s[1]' must contain the key 'fields'." % label,
  212. obj=obj.__class__,
  213. id='admin.E011',
  214. )
  215. ]
  216. elif not isinstance(fieldset[1]['fields'], (list, tuple)):
  217. return must_be('a list or tuple', option="%s[1]['fields']" % label, obj=obj, id='admin.E008')
  218. seen_fields.extend(flatten(fieldset[1]['fields']))
  219. if len(seen_fields) != len(set(seen_fields)):
  220. return [
  221. checks.Error(
  222. "There are duplicate field(s) in '%s[1]'." % label,
  223. obj=obj.__class__,
  224. id='admin.E012',
  225. )
  226. ]
  227. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  228. self._check_field_spec(obj, model, fieldset_fields, '%s[1]["fields"]' % label)
  229. for fieldset_fields in fieldset[1]['fields']
  230. ))
  231. def _check_field_spec(self, obj, model, fields, label):
  232. """ `fields` should be an item of `fields` or an item of
  233. fieldset[1]['fields'] for any `fieldset` in `fieldsets`. It should be a
  234. field name or a tuple of field names. """
  235. if isinstance(fields, tuple):
  236. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  237. self._check_field_spec_item(obj, model, field_name, "%s[%d]" % (label, index))
  238. for index, field_name in enumerate(fields)
  239. ))
  240. else:
  241. return self._check_field_spec_item(obj, model, fields, label)
  242. def _check_field_spec_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label):
  243. if field_name in obj.readonly_fields:
  244. # Stuff can be put in fields that isn't actually a model field if
  245. # it's in readonly_fields, readonly_fields will handle the
  246. # validation of such things.
  247. return []
  248. else:
  249. try:
  250. field = model._meta.get_field(field_name)
  251. except FieldDoesNotExist:
  252. # If we can't find a field on the model that matches, it could
  253. # be an extra field on the form.
  254. return []
  255. else:
  256. if (isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField) and
  257. not field.remote_field.through._meta.auto_created):
  258. return [
  259. checks.Error(
  260. "The value of '%s' cannot include the ManyToManyField '%s', "
  261. "because that field manually specifies a relationship model."
  262. % (label, field_name),
  263. obj=obj.__class__,
  264. id='admin.E013',
  265. )
  266. ]
  267. else:
  268. return []
  269. def _check_exclude(self, obj):
  270. """ Check that exclude is a sequence without duplicates. """
  271. if obj.exclude is None: # default value is None
  272. return []
  273. elif not isinstance(obj.exclude, (list, tuple)):
  274. return must_be('a list or tuple', option='exclude', obj=obj, id='admin.E014')
  275. elif len(obj.exclude) > len(set(obj.exclude)):
  276. return [
  277. checks.Error(
  278. "The value of 'exclude' contains duplicate field(s).",
  279. obj=obj.__class__,
  280. id='admin.E015',
  281. )
  282. ]
  283. else:
  284. return []
  285. def _check_form(self, obj):
  286. """ Check that form subclasses BaseModelForm. """
  287. if not issubclass(obj.form, BaseModelForm):
  288. return must_inherit_from(parent='BaseModelForm', option='form',
  289. obj=obj, id='admin.E016')
  290. else:
  291. return []
  292. def _check_filter_vertical(self, obj):
  293. """ Check that filter_vertical is a sequence of field names. """
  294. if not isinstance(obj.filter_vertical, (list, tuple)):
  295. return must_be('a list or tuple', option='filter_vertical', obj=obj, id='admin.E017')
  296. else:
  297. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  298. self._check_filter_item(obj, obj.model, field_name, "filter_vertical[%d]" % index)
  299. for index, field_name in enumerate(obj.filter_vertical)
  300. ))
  301. def _check_filter_horizontal(self, obj):
  302. """ Check that filter_horizontal is a sequence of field names. """
  303. if not isinstance(obj.filter_horizontal, (list, tuple)):
  304. return must_be('a list or tuple', option='filter_horizontal', obj=obj, id='admin.E018')
  305. else:
  306. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  307. self._check_filter_item(obj, obj.model, field_name, "filter_horizontal[%d]" % index)
  308. for index, field_name in enumerate(obj.filter_horizontal)
  309. ))
  310. def _check_filter_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label):
  311. """ Check one item of `filter_vertical` or `filter_horizontal`, i.e.
  312. check that given field exists and is a ManyToManyField. """
  313. try:
  314. field = model._meta.get_field(field_name)
  315. except FieldDoesNotExist:
  316. return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label,
  317. model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E019')
  318. else:
  319. if not field.many_to_many:
  320. return must_be('a many-to-many field', option=label, obj=obj, id='admin.E020')
  321. else:
  322. return []
  323. def _check_radio_fields(self, obj):
  324. """ Check that `radio_fields` is a dictionary. """
  325. if not isinstance(obj.radio_fields, dict):
  326. return must_be('a dictionary', option='radio_fields', obj=obj, id='admin.E021')
  327. else:
  328. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  329. self._check_radio_fields_key(obj, obj.model, field_name, 'radio_fields') +
  330. self._check_radio_fields_value(obj, val, 'radio_fields["%s"]' % field_name)
  331. for field_name, val in obj.radio_fields.items()
  332. ))
  333. def _check_radio_fields_key(self, obj, model, field_name, label):
  334. """ Check that a key of `radio_fields` dictionary is name of existing
  335. field and that the field is a ForeignKey or has `choices` defined. """
  336. try:
  337. field = model._meta.get_field(field_name)
  338. except FieldDoesNotExist:
  339. return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label,
  340. model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E022')
  341. else:
  342. if not (isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey) or field.choices):
  343. return [
  344. checks.Error(
  345. "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which is not an "
  346. "instance of ForeignKey, and does not have a 'choices' definition." % (
  347. label, field_name
  348. ),
  349. obj=obj.__class__,
  350. id='admin.E023',
  351. )
  352. ]
  353. else:
  354. return []
  355. def _check_radio_fields_value(self, obj, val, label):
  356. """ Check type of a value of `radio_fields` dictionary. """
  357. from django.contrib.admin.options import HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL
  358. if val not in (HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL):
  359. return [
  360. checks.Error(
  361. "The value of '%s' must be either admin.HORIZONTAL or admin.VERTICAL." % label,
  362. obj=obj.__class__,
  363. id='admin.E024',
  364. )
  365. ]
  366. else:
  367. return []
  368. def _check_view_on_site_url(self, obj):
  369. if not callable(obj.view_on_site) and not isinstance(obj.view_on_site, bool):
  370. return [
  371. checks.Error(
  372. "The value of 'view_on_site' must be a callable or a boolean value.",
  373. obj=obj.__class__,
  374. id='admin.E025',
  375. )
  376. ]
  377. else:
  378. return []
  379. def _check_prepopulated_fields(self, obj):
  380. """ Check that `prepopulated_fields` is a dictionary containing allowed
  381. field types. """
  382. if not isinstance(obj.prepopulated_fields, dict):
  383. return must_be('a dictionary', option='prepopulated_fields', obj=obj, id='admin.E026')
  384. else:
  385. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  386. self._check_prepopulated_fields_key(obj, obj.model, field_name, 'prepopulated_fields') +
  387. self._check_prepopulated_fields_value(obj, obj.model, val, 'prepopulated_fields["%s"]' % field_name)
  388. for field_name, val in obj.prepopulated_fields.items()
  389. ))
  390. def _check_prepopulated_fields_key(self, obj, model, field_name, label):
  391. """ Check a key of `prepopulated_fields` dictionary, i.e. check that it
  392. is a name of existing field and the field is one of the allowed types.
  393. """
  394. try:
  395. field = model._meta.get_field(field_name)
  396. except FieldDoesNotExist:
  397. return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label,
  398. model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E027')
  399. else:
  400. if isinstance(field, (models.DateTimeField, models.ForeignKey, models.ManyToManyField)):
  401. return [
  402. checks.Error(
  403. "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which must not be a DateTimeField, "
  404. "a ForeignKey, a OneToOneField, or a ManyToManyField." % (label, field_name),
  405. obj=obj.__class__,
  406. id='admin.E028',
  407. )
  408. ]
  409. else:
  410. return []
  411. def _check_prepopulated_fields_value(self, obj, model, val, label):
  412. """ Check a value of `prepopulated_fields` dictionary, i.e. it's an
  413. iterable of existing fields. """
  414. if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
  415. return must_be('a list or tuple', option=label, obj=obj, id='admin.E029')
  416. else:
  417. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  418. self._check_prepopulated_fields_value_item(obj, model, subfield_name, "%s[%r]" % (label, index))
  419. for index, subfield_name in enumerate(val)
  420. ))
  421. def _check_prepopulated_fields_value_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label):
  422. """ For `prepopulated_fields` equal to {"slug": ("title",)},
  423. `field_name` is "title". """
  424. try:
  425. model._meta.get_field(field_name)
  426. except FieldDoesNotExist:
  427. return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label, model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E030')
  428. else:
  429. return []
  430. def _check_ordering(self, obj):
  431. """ Check that ordering refers to existing fields or is random. """
  432. # ordering = None
  433. if obj.ordering is None: # The default value is None
  434. return []
  435. elif not isinstance(obj.ordering, (list, tuple)):
  436. return must_be('a list or tuple', option='ordering', obj=obj, id='admin.E031')
  437. else:
  438. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  439. self._check_ordering_item(obj, obj.model, field_name, 'ordering[%d]' % index)
  440. for index, field_name in enumerate(obj.ordering)
  441. ))
  442. def _check_ordering_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label):
  443. """ Check that `ordering` refers to existing fields. """
  444. if isinstance(field_name, (Combinable, OrderBy)):
  445. if not isinstance(field_name, OrderBy):
  446. field_name = field_name.asc()
  447. if isinstance(field_name.expression, F):
  448. field_name =
  449. else:
  450. return []
  451. if field_name == '?' and len(obj.ordering) != 1:
  452. return [
  453. checks.Error(
  454. "The value of 'ordering' has the random ordering marker '?', "
  455. "but contains other fields as well.",
  456. hint='Either remove the "?", or remove the other fields.',
  457. obj=obj.__class__,
  458. id='admin.E032',
  459. )
  460. ]
  461. elif field_name == '?':
  462. return []
  463. elif LOOKUP_SEP in field_name:
  464. # Skip ordering in the format field1__field2 (FIXME: checking
  465. # this format would be nice, but it's a little fiddly).
  466. return []
  467. else:
  468. if field_name.startswith('-'):
  469. field_name = field_name[1:]
  470. if field_name == 'pk':
  471. return []
  472. try:
  473. model._meta.get_field(field_name)
  474. except FieldDoesNotExist:
  475. return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label, model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E033')
  476. else:
  477. return []
  478. def _check_readonly_fields(self, obj):
  479. """ Check that readonly_fields refers to proper attribute or field. """
  480. if obj.readonly_fields == ():
  481. return []
  482. elif not isinstance(obj.readonly_fields, (list, tuple)):
  483. return must_be('a list or tuple', option='readonly_fields', obj=obj, id='admin.E034')
  484. else:
  485. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  486. self._check_readonly_fields_item(obj, obj.model, field_name, "readonly_fields[%d]" % index)
  487. for index, field_name in enumerate(obj.readonly_fields)
  488. ))
  489. def _check_readonly_fields_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label):
  490. if callable(field_name):
  491. return []
  492. elif hasattr(obj, field_name):
  493. return []
  494. elif hasattr(model, field_name):
  495. return []
  496. else:
  497. try:
  498. model._meta.get_field(field_name)
  499. except FieldDoesNotExist:
  500. return [
  501. checks.Error(
  502. "The value of '%s' is not a callable, an attribute of '%s', or an attribute of '%s.%s'." % (
  503. label, obj.__class__.__name__, model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name
  504. ),
  505. obj=obj.__class__,
  506. id='admin.E035',
  507. )
  508. ]
  509. else:
  510. return []
  511. class ModelAdminChecks(BaseModelAdminChecks):
  512. def check(self, admin_obj, **kwargs):
  513. return [
  514. *super().check(admin_obj),
  515. *self._check_save_as(admin_obj),
  516. *self._check_save_on_top(admin_obj),
  517. *self._check_inlines(admin_obj),
  518. *self._check_list_display(admin_obj),
  519. *self._check_list_display_links(admin_obj),
  520. *self._check_list_filter(admin_obj),
  521. *self._check_list_select_related(admin_obj),
  522. *self._check_list_per_page(admin_obj),
  523. *self._check_list_max_show_all(admin_obj),
  524. *self._check_list_editable(admin_obj),
  525. *self._check_search_fields(admin_obj),
  526. *self._check_date_hierarchy(admin_obj),
  527. *self._check_action_permission_methods(admin_obj),
  528. ]
  529. def _check_save_as(self, obj):
  530. """ Check save_as is a boolean. """
  531. if not isinstance(obj.save_as, bool):
  532. return must_be('a boolean', option='save_as',
  533. obj=obj, id='admin.E101')
  534. else:
  535. return []
  536. def _check_save_on_top(self, obj):
  537. """ Check save_on_top is a boolean. """
  538. if not isinstance(obj.save_on_top, bool):
  539. return must_be('a boolean', option='save_on_top',
  540. obj=obj, id='admin.E102')
  541. else:
  542. return []
  543. def _check_inlines(self, obj):
  544. """ Check all inline model admin classes. """
  545. if not isinstance(obj.inlines, (list, tuple)):
  546. return must_be('a list or tuple', option='inlines', obj=obj, id='admin.E103')
  547. else:
  548. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  549. self._check_inlines_item(obj, obj.model, item, "inlines[%d]" % index)
  550. for index, item in enumerate(obj.inlines)
  551. ))
  552. def _check_inlines_item(self, obj, model, inline, label):
  553. """ Check one inline model admin. """
  554. inline_label = inline.__module__ + '.' + inline.__name__
  555. from django.contrib.admin.options import InlineModelAdmin
  556. if not issubclass(inline, InlineModelAdmin):
  557. return [
  558. checks.Error(
  559. "'%s' must inherit from 'InlineModelAdmin'." % inline_label,
  560. obj=obj.__class__,
  561. id='admin.E104',
  562. )
  563. ]
  564. elif not inline.model:
  565. return [
  566. checks.Error(
  567. "'%s' must have a 'model' attribute." % inline_label,
  568. obj=obj.__class__,
  569. id='admin.E105',
  570. )
  571. ]
  572. elif not issubclass(inline.model, models.Model):
  573. return must_be('a Model', option='%s.model' % inline_label, obj=obj, id='admin.E106')
  574. else:
  575. return inline(model, obj.admin_site).check()
  576. def _check_list_display(self, obj):
  577. """ Check that list_display only contains fields or usable attributes.
  578. """
  579. if not isinstance(obj.list_display, (list, tuple)):
  580. return must_be('a list or tuple', option='list_display', obj=obj, id='admin.E107')
  581. else:
  582. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  583. self._check_list_display_item(obj, obj.model, item, "list_display[%d]" % index)
  584. for index, item in enumerate(obj.list_display)
  585. ))
  586. def _check_list_display_item(self, obj, model, item, label):
  587. if callable(item):
  588. return []
  589. elif hasattr(obj, item):
  590. return []
  591. elif hasattr(model, item):
  592. try:
  593. field = model._meta.get_field(item)
  594. except FieldDoesNotExist:
  595. return []
  596. else:
  597. if isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField):
  598. return [
  599. checks.Error(
  600. "The value of '%s' must not be a ManyToManyField." % label,
  601. obj=obj.__class__,
  602. id='admin.E109',
  603. )
  604. ]
  605. return []
  606. else:
  607. return [
  608. checks.Error(
  609. "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which is not a callable, "
  610. "an attribute of '%s', or an attribute or method on '%s.%s'." % (
  611. label, item, obj.__class__.__name__,
  612. model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name,
  613. ),
  614. obj=obj.__class__,
  615. id='admin.E108',
  616. )
  617. ]
  618. def _check_list_display_links(self, obj):
  619. """ Check that list_display_links is a unique subset of list_display.
  620. """
  621. from django.contrib.admin.options import ModelAdmin
  622. if obj.list_display_links is None:
  623. return []
  624. elif not isinstance(obj.list_display_links, (list, tuple)):
  625. return must_be('a list, a tuple, or None', option='list_display_links', obj=obj, id='admin.E110')
  626. # Check only if ModelAdmin.get_list_display() isn't overridden.
  627. elif obj.get_list_display.__func__ is ModelAdmin.get_list_display:
  628. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  629. self._check_list_display_links_item(obj, field_name, "list_display_links[%d]" % index)
  630. for index, field_name in enumerate(obj.list_display_links)
  631. ))
  632. return []
  633. def _check_list_display_links_item(self, obj, field_name, label):
  634. if field_name not in obj.list_display:
  635. return [
  636. checks.Error(
  637. "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which is not defined in 'list_display'." % (
  638. label, field_name
  639. ),
  640. obj=obj.__class__,
  641. id='admin.E111',
  642. )
  643. ]
  644. else:
  645. return []
  646. def _check_list_filter(self, obj):
  647. if not isinstance(obj.list_filter, (list, tuple)):
  648. return must_be('a list or tuple', option='list_filter', obj=obj, id='admin.E112')
  649. else:
  650. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  651. self._check_list_filter_item(obj, obj.model, item, "list_filter[%d]" % index)
  652. for index, item in enumerate(obj.list_filter)
  653. ))
  654. def _check_list_filter_item(self, obj, model, item, label):
  655. """
  656. Check one item of `list_filter`, i.e. check if it is one of three options:
  657. 1. 'field' -- a basic field filter, possibly w/ relationships (e.g.
  658. 'field__rel')
  659. 2. ('field', SomeFieldListFilter) - a field-based list filter class
  660. 3. SomeListFilter - a non-field list filter class
  661. """
  662. from django.contrib.admin import ListFilter, FieldListFilter
  663. if callable(item) and not isinstance(item, models.Field):
  664. # If item is option 3, it should be a ListFilter...
  665. if not issubclass(item, ListFilter):
  666. return must_inherit_from(parent='ListFilter', option=label,
  667. obj=obj, id='admin.E113')
  668. # ... but not a FieldListFilter.
  669. elif issubclass(item, FieldListFilter):
  670. return [
  671. checks.Error(
  672. "The value of '%s' must not inherit from 'FieldListFilter'." % label,
  673. obj=obj.__class__,
  674. id='admin.E114',
  675. )
  676. ]
  677. else:
  678. return []
  679. elif isinstance(item, (tuple, list)):
  680. # item is option #2
  681. field, list_filter_class = item
  682. if not issubclass(list_filter_class, FieldListFilter):
  683. return must_inherit_from(parent='FieldListFilter', option='%s[1]' % label, obj=obj, id='admin.E115')
  684. else:
  685. return []
  686. else:
  687. # item is option #1
  688. field = item
  689. # Validate the field string
  690. try:
  691. get_fields_from_path(model, field)
  692. except (NotRelationField, FieldDoesNotExist):
  693. return [
  694. checks.Error(
  695. "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which does not refer to a Field." % (label, field),
  696. obj=obj.__class__,
  697. id='admin.E116',
  698. )
  699. ]
  700. else:
  701. return []
  702. def _check_list_select_related(self, obj):
  703. """ Check that list_select_related is a boolean, a list or a tuple. """
  704. if not isinstance(obj.list_select_related, (bool, list, tuple)):
  705. return must_be('a boolean, tuple or list', option='list_select_related', obj=obj, id='admin.E117')
  706. else:
  707. return []
  708. def _check_list_per_page(self, obj):
  709. """ Check that list_per_page is an integer. """
  710. if not isinstance(obj.list_per_page, int):
  711. return must_be('an integer', option='list_per_page', obj=obj, id='admin.E118')
  712. else:
  713. return []
  714. def _check_list_max_show_all(self, obj):
  715. """ Check that list_max_show_all is an integer. """
  716. if not isinstance(obj.list_max_show_all, int):
  717. return must_be('an integer', option='list_max_show_all', obj=obj, id='admin.E119')
  718. else:
  719. return []
  720. def _check_list_editable(self, obj):
  721. """ Check that list_editable is a sequence of editable fields from
  722. list_display without first element. """
  723. if not isinstance(obj.list_editable, (list, tuple)):
  724. return must_be('a list or tuple', option='list_editable', obj=obj, id='admin.E120')
  725. else:
  726. return list(chain.from_iterable(
  727. self._check_list_editable_item(obj, obj.model, item, "list_editable[%d]" % index)
  728. for index, item in enumerate(obj.list_editable)
  729. ))
  730. def _check_list_editable_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label):
  731. try:
  732. field = model._meta.get_field(field_name)
  733. except FieldDoesNotExist:
  734. return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label, model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E121')
  735. else:
  736. if field_name not in obj.list_display:
  737. return [
  738. checks.Error(
  739. "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which is not "
  740. "contained in 'list_display'." % (label, field_name),
  741. obj=obj.__class__,
  742. id='admin.E122',
  743. )
  744. ]
  745. elif obj.list_display_links and field_name in obj.list_display_links:
  746. return [
  747. checks.Error(
  748. "The value of '%s' cannot be in both 'list_editable' and 'list_display_links'." % field_name,
  749. obj=obj.__class__,
  750. id='admin.E123',
  751. )
  752. ]
  753. # If list_display[0] is in list_editable, check that
  754. # list_display_links is set. See #22792 and #26229 for use cases.
  755. elif (obj.list_display[0] == field_name and not obj.list_display_links and
  756. obj.list_display_links is not None):
  757. return [
  758. checks.Error(
  759. "The value of '%s' refers to the first field in 'list_display' ('%s'), "
  760. "which cannot be used unless 'list_display_links' is set." % (
  761. label, obj.list_display[0]
  762. ),
  763. obj=obj.__class__,
  764. id='admin.E124',
  765. )
  766. ]
  767. elif not field.editable:
  768. return [
  769. checks.Error(
  770. "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which is not editable through the admin." % (
  771. label, field_name
  772. ),
  773. obj=obj.__class__,
  774. id='admin.E125',
  775. )
  776. ]
  777. else:
  778. return []
  779. def _check_search_fields(self, obj):
  780. """ Check search_fields is a sequence. """
  781. if not isinstance(obj.search_fields, (list, tuple)):
  782. return must_be('a list or tuple', option='search_fields', obj=obj, id='admin.E126')
  783. else:
  784. return []
  785. def _check_date_hierarchy(self, obj):
  786. """ Check that date_hierarchy refers to DateField or DateTimeField. """
  787. if obj.date_hierarchy is None:
  788. return []
  789. else:
  790. try:
  791. field = get_fields_from_path(obj.model, obj.date_hierarchy)[-1]
  792. except (NotRelationField, FieldDoesNotExist):
  793. return [
  794. checks.Error(
  795. "The value of 'date_hierarchy' refers to '%s', which "
  796. "does not refer to a Field." % obj.date_hierarchy,
  797. obj=obj.__class__,
  798. id='admin.E127',
  799. )
  800. ]
  801. else:
  802. if not isinstance(field, (models.DateField, models.DateTimeField)):
  803. return must_be('a DateField or DateTimeField', option='date_hierarchy', obj=obj, id='admin.E128')
  804. else:
  805. return []
  806. def _check_action_permission_methods(self, obj):
  807. """
  808. Actions with an allowed_permission attribute require the ModelAdmin to
  809. implement a has_<perm>_permission() method for each permission.
  810. """
  811. actions = obj._get_base_actions()
  812. errors = []
  813. for func, name, _ in actions:
  814. if not hasattr(func, 'allowed_permissions'):
  815. continue
  816. for permission in func.allowed_permissions:
  817. method_name = 'has_%s_permission' % permission
  818. if not hasattr(obj, method_name):
  819. errors.append(
  820. checks.Error(
  821. '%s must define a %s() method for the %s action.' % (
  822. obj.__class__.__name__,
  823. method_name,
  824. func.__name__,
  825. ),
  826. obj=obj.__class__,
  827. id='admin.E129',
  828. )
  829. )
  830. return errors
  831. class InlineModelAdminChecks(BaseModelAdminChecks):
  832. def check(self, inline_obj, **kwargs):
  833. self._check_has_add_permission(inline_obj)
  834. parent_model = inline_obj.parent_model
  835. return [
  836. *super().check(inline_obj),
  837. *self._check_relation(inline_obj, parent_model),
  838. *self._check_exclude_of_parent_model(inline_obj, parent_model),
  839. *self._check_extra(inline_obj),
  840. *self._check_max_num(inline_obj),
  841. *self._check_min_num(inline_obj),
  842. *self._check_formset(inline_obj),
  843. ]
  844. def _check_exclude_of_parent_model(self, obj, parent_model):
  845. # Do not perform more specific checks if the base checks result in an
  846. # error.
  847. errors = super()._check_exclude(obj)
  848. if errors:
  849. return []
  850. # Skip if `fk_name` is invalid.
  851. if self._check_relation(obj, parent_model):
  852. return []
  853. if obj.exclude is None:
  854. return []
  855. fk = _get_foreign_key(parent_model, obj.model, fk_name=obj.fk_name)
  856. if in obj.exclude:
  857. return [
  858. checks.Error(
  859. "Cannot exclude the field '%s', because it is the foreign key "
  860. "to the parent model '%s.%s'." % (
  861., parent_model._meta.app_label, parent_model._meta.object_name
  862. ),
  863. obj=obj.__class__,
  864. id='admin.E201',
  865. )
  866. ]
  867. else:
  868. return []
  869. def _check_relation(self, obj, parent_model):
  870. try:
  871. _get_foreign_key(parent_model, obj.model, fk_name=obj.fk_name)
  872. except ValueError as e:
  873. return [checks.Error(e.args[0], obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E202')]
  874. else:
  875. return []
  876. def _check_extra(self, obj):
  877. """ Check that extra is an integer. """
  878. if not isinstance(obj.extra, int):
  879. return must_be('an integer', option='extra', obj=obj, id='admin.E203')
  880. else:
  881. return []
  882. def _check_max_num(self, obj):
  883. """ Check that max_num is an integer. """
  884. if obj.max_num is None:
  885. return []
  886. elif not isinstance(obj.max_num, int):
  887. return must_be('an integer', option='max_num', obj=obj, id='admin.E204')
  888. else:
  889. return []
  890. def _check_min_num(self, obj):
  891. """ Check that min_num is an integer. """
  892. if obj.min_num is None:
  893. return []
  894. elif not isinstance(obj.min_num, int):
  895. return must_be('an integer', option='min_num', obj=obj, id='admin.E205')
  896. else:
  897. return []
  898. def _check_formset(self, obj):
  899. """ Check formset is a subclass of BaseModelFormSet. """
  900. if not issubclass(obj.formset, BaseModelFormSet):
  901. return must_inherit_from(parent='BaseModelFormSet', option='formset', obj=obj, id='admin.E206')
  902. else:
  903. return []
  904. def _check_has_add_permission(self, obj):
  905. cls = obj.__class__
  906. try:
  907. func = cls.has_add_permission
  908. except AttributeError:
  909. pass
  910. else:
  911. args = get_func_args(func)
  912. if 'obj' not in args:
  913. warnings.warn(
  914. "Update %s.has_add_permission() to accept a positional "
  915. "`obj` argument." % cls.__name__, RemovedInDjango30Warning
  916. )
  917. def must_be(type, option, obj, id):
  918. return [
  919. checks.Error(
  920. "The value of '%s' must be %s." % (option, type),
  921. obj=obj.__class__,
  922. id=id,
  923. ),
  924. ]
  925. def must_inherit_from(parent, option, obj, id):
  926. return [
  927. checks.Error(
  928. "The value of '%s' must inherit from '%s'." % (option, parent),
  929. obj=obj.__class__,
  930. id=id,
  931. ),
  932. ]
  933. def refer_to_missing_field(field, option, model, obj, id):
  934. return [
  935. checks.Error(
  936. "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which is not an attribute of '%s.%s'." % (
  937. option, field, model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name
  938. ),
  939. obj=obj.__class__,
  940. id=id,
  941. ),
  942. ]