#pragma once | |||||
#include "ofApp.h" | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
void ofApp::setup(){ | |||||
for (int i = 0; i < particleSystems.size(); i++){ | |||||
} | |||||
// *** OSC Setup *** OSC Setup *** OSC Setup *** | |||||
receiver.setup(PORT); | |||||
} | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
void ofApp::update(){ | |||||
/* | |||||
Here the program will read and convert the information from the tracking, probably count & coordinates of people entering the ground. | |||||
We have to define, how this information will affect the particleSystems! | |||||
Check for every particleSystem, if the information is relevant for its "update". | |||||
*/ | |||||
// *** RFID Input *** RFID Input *** RFID Input *** | |||||
/* | |||||
Here we have to define, how the particleSystems react to RFID input. | |||||
Read ID of a visitor and let the particlesystems react to it. | |||||
!!! Here in ofApp.cpp there will only be the transfer of incoming information about IDs, playertypes, etc. into the update-methods of the particleSystems. !!! | |||||
For example: | |||||
- Tell all particleSystems about a new checkedIn-Visitor | |||||
- Set the playerType of one particular particleSystem to the checked in. | |||||
*/ | |||||
for (int p = 0; p < particleSystems.size();) | |||||
{ | |||||
// Update particle systems | |||||
// particleSystems.at(p)->update("xxx , xxx , xxx , .... "); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
void ofApp::draw(){ | |||||
//draw all ParticleSystems that are in the particleSystems vector | |||||
for(int p = 0; p < particleSystems.size(); p++) | |||||
{ | |||||
particleSystems.at(p)->draw(); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
void ofApp::keyPressed(int key){ | |||||
} | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
void ofApp::keyReleased(int key){ | |||||
} | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
void ofApp::mouseMoved(int x, int y){ | |||||
} | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
void ofApp::mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button){ | |||||
} | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
void ofApp::mousePressed(int x, int y, int button){ | |||||
} | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
void ofApp::mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button){ | |||||
} | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
void ofApp::mouseEntered(int x, int y){ | |||||
} | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
void ofApp::mouseExited(int x, int y){ | |||||
} | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
void ofApp::windowResized(int w, int h){ | |||||
} | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
void ofApp::gotMessage(ofMessage msg){ | |||||
} | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
void ofApp::dragEvent(ofDragInfo dragInfo){ | |||||
} | |||||
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
#pragma once | |||||
#include "ofMain.h" | |||||
#include "particleSystem.hpp" | |||||
#include "greatWhole.hpp" | |||||
#include "avatar.hpp" | |||||
//#include "ofxOsc.h" | |||||
int WINDOWSIZE_WIDTH = 1000; | |||||
int WINDOWSIZE_HEIGHT = 1000; | |||||
int PARTICLE_COUNT; | |||||
//+1 for every new Particle, -1 for every Particle that gets older than the defined maxLife | |||||
#define PORT 12345 | |||||
#define HOST "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" | |||||
class ofApp : public ofBaseApp{ | |||||
public: | |||||
void setup(); | |||||
void update(); | |||||
void draw(); | |||||
void keyPressed(int key); | |||||
void keyReleased(int key); | |||||
void mouseMoved(int x, int y); | |||||
void mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button); | |||||
void mousePressed(int x, int y, int button); | |||||
void mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button); | |||||
void mouseEntered(int x, int y); | |||||
void mouseExited(int x, int y); | |||||
void windowResized(int w, int h); | |||||
void dragEvent(ofDragInfo dragInfo); | |||||
void gotMessage(ofMessage msg); | |||||
private: | |||||
// *** OSC *** OSC *** OSC *** | |||||
string oscMsg; | |||||
// ofxOscReceiver receiver; | |||||
float timeSent, timeReceived; | |||||
//Information about what is going on in the scene | |||||
int nBlobs; //count of the tracked visitors | |||||
vector<ParticleSystem*> particleSystems; | |||||
GreatWhole dasGrosseGanze; | |||||
}; | |||||
// | |||||
// particle.cpp | |||||
// emptyExample | |||||
// | |||||
// Created by Sebastian Holzki on 16.04.19. | |||||
// | |||||
#pragma once | |||||
#include "particle.hpp" | |||||
#include "ofApp.h" | |||||
Particle::Particle() | |||||
{ | |||||
} | |||||
// ----------------------------------- | |||||
Particle::~Particle() | |||||
{ | |||||
} | |||||
// ----------------------------------- | |||||
void Particle::setup(ofVec2f _position){ | |||||
this->position = _position; | |||||
velocity.set(0,0); | |||||
age = 0.0; | |||||
maxLife = 12.0; | |||||
color.set(250,250,250); | |||||
size = 2.0; | |||||
mass = 100; | |||||
} | |||||
// ----------------------------------- | |||||
void Particle::update(float deltaT, Attractor attractor){ | |||||
} | |||||
// ----------------------------------- | |||||
void Particle::draw(){ | |||||
ofDrawCircle(position,size); | |||||
} | |||||
//----------------------------------- | |||||
float Particle::getMaxLife(){ | |||||
return maxLife; | |||||
} | |||||
//----------------------------------- | |||||
float Particle::getAge(){ | |||||
return age; | |||||
} | |||||
//----------------------------------- | |||||
void Particle::mapParticle(){ | |||||
/* | |||||
Put an if Statement before it: | |||||
if(borderCollission == true){mapParticle()} | |||||
The particle will be mapped to a new position, using information about: | |||||
- old position | |||||
- velocity (direction) | |||||
- defined borders in the projection --> globals like window size, angle between "stelen", width of stelen, etc. | |||||
if the particle hits a border | |||||
*/ | |||||
} | |||||
// | |||||
// particle.hpp | |||||
// emptyExample | |||||
// | |||||
// Created by Sebastian Holzki on 16.04.19. | |||||
// | |||||
#pragma once | |||||
#include <stdio.h> | |||||
#include "ofMain.h" | |||||
#include "attractor.hpp" | |||||
class Particle { | |||||
public: | |||||
Particle(); | |||||
~Particle(); | |||||
void setup(ofVec2f position); | |||||
void update(float deltaT, Attractor attractor); | |||||
void draw(); | |||||
float getMaxLife(); | |||||
float getAge(); | |||||
float getAgeNorm(); | |||||
void mapParticle(); | |||||
bool borderCollission(); | |||||
private: | |||||
ofVec2f velocity; | |||||
ofVec2f position; | |||||
float maxLife; | |||||
float age; | |||||
float size; | |||||
float mass; | |||||
ofColor color; | |||||
int stele; | |||||
//on which "stele" is the particle? --> will affect the movement (mapping), when it reaches borders of its "stele" ! | |||||
//if border 1/2/3/4 (<,>,v,^), then map particle | |||||
}; |
// | |||||
// particleSystem.hpp | |||||
// emptyExample | |||||
// | |||||
// Created by Sebastian Holzki on 16.04.19. | |||||
// | |||||
#pragma once | |||||
#include <stdio.h> | |||||
#include "attractor.hpp" | |||||
#include "particle.hpp" | |||||
#include "emitter.hpp" | |||||
class ParticleSystem { | |||||
ParticleSystem(); | |||||
~ParticleSystem(); | |||||
public: | |||||
void setup(); | |||||
void update(float deltaT, int playerType, bool attracted); | |||||
void draw(); | |||||
/* | |||||
Where do we make the quick setting-changes? | |||||
Like for exampe change direction of an emitter + its position? | |||||
--> XML? | |||||
*/ | |||||
private: | |||||
vector<Particle*> particles; | |||||
vector<Attractor*> attractors; | |||||
vector<Emitter*> emitters; | |||||
//Maybe the emitter does not have to be an own class, but is more like a Vector of Positions, so in the system.back it will setup particles for every position that is saved in this Vector | |||||
//like following: | |||||
//vector<Vec2f> positionsToEmitFrom; | |||||
float birthcount; | |||||
bool attracted; | |||||
int playerType; | |||||
}; | |||||
/* | |||||
class AttractedSystem : public ParticleSystem { | |||||
bool attracted = true; | |||||
}; | |||||
*/ | |||||