Dieses Repository beinhaltet HTML- und Javascript Code zur einer NotizenWebApp auf Basis von Web Storage. Zudem sind Mocha/Chai Tests im Browser enthalten. https://meinenotizen.netlify.app/
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4 years ago
  1. 1.2.1 / 2019-11-08
  2. =================
  3. * [readme] remove testling URLs
  4. * [meta] add `funding` field
  5. * [meta] create FUNDING.yml
  6. * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `covert`, `replace`, `semver`, `tape`, `function.prototype.name`
  7. * [Tests] use shared travis-ci configs
  8. * [Tests] Add es5 tests for `symbol` types (#45)
  9. * [Tests] use `npx aud` instead of `nsp` or `npm audit` with hoops
  10. * [Tests] remove `jscs`
  11. 1.2.0 / 2018-09-27
  12. =================
  13. * [New] create ES2015 entry point/property, to replace ES6
  14. * [Fix] Ensure optional arguments are not part of the length (#29)
  15. * [Deps] update `is-callable`
  16. * [Dev Deps] update `tape`, `jscs`, `nsp`, `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `semver`, `object-inspect`, `replace`
  17. * [Tests] avoid util.inspect bug with `new Date(NaN)` on node v6.0 and v6.1.
  18. * [Tests] up to `node` `v10.11`, `v9.11`, `v8.12`, `v6.14`, `v4.9`
  19. 1.1.1 / 2016-01-03
  20. =================
  21. * [Fix: ES5] fix coercion logic: ES5’s ToPrimitive does not coerce any primitive value, regardless of hint (#2)
  22. 1.1.0 / 2015-12-27
  23. =================
  24. * [New] add `Symbol.toPrimitive` support
  25. * [Deps] update `is-callable`, `is-date-object`
  26. * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `tape`, `semver`, `jscs`, `covert`, `nsp`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`
  27. * [Dev Deps] remove unused deps
  28. * [Tests] up to `node` `v5.3`
  29. * [Tests] fix npm upgrades on older node versions
  30. * [Tests] fix testling
  31. * [Docs] Switch from vb.teelaun.ch to versionbadg.es for the npm version badge SVG
  32. 1.0.1 / 2016-01-03
  33. =================
  34. * [Fix: ES5] fix coercion logic: ES5’s ToPrimitive does not coerce any primitive value, regardless of hint (#2)
  35. * [Deps] update `is-callable`, `is-date-object`
  36. * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `tape`, `semver`, `jscs`, `covert`, `nsp`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`
  37. * [Dev Deps] remove unused deps
  38. * [Tests] up to `node` `v5.3`
  39. * [Tests] fix npm upgrades on older node versions
  40. * [Tests] fix testling
  41. * [Docs] Switch from vb.teelaun.ch to versionbadg.es for the npm version badge SVG
  42. 1.0.0 / 2015-03-19
  43. =================
  44. * Initial release.