#!/usr/bin/env node var fs = require('fs'), connect = require('connect'), serveIndex = require('serve-index'), logger = require('morgan'), WebSocket = require('faye-websocket'), path = require('path'), url = require('url'), http = require('http'), send = require('send'), open = require('opn'), es = require("event-stream"), os = require('os'), chokidar = require('chokidar'); require('colors'); var INJECTED_CODE = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "injected.html"), "utf8"); var LiveServer = { server: null, watcher: null, logLevel: 2 }; function escape(html){ return String(html) .replace(/&(?!\w+;)/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"'); } // Based on connect.static(), but streamlined and with added code injecter function staticServer(root) { var isFile = false; try { // For supporting mounting files instead of just directories isFile = fs.statSync(root).isFile(); } catch (e) { if (e.code !== "ENOENT") throw e; } return function(req, res, next) { if (req.method !== "GET" && req.method !== "HEAD") return next(); var reqpath = isFile ? "" : url.parse(req.url).pathname; var hasNoOrigin = !req.headers.origin; var injectCandidates = [ new RegExp("", "i"), new RegExp(""), new RegExp("", "i")]; var injectTag = null; function directory() { var pathname = url.parse(req.originalUrl).pathname; res.statusCode = 301; res.setHeader('Location', pathname + '/'); res.end('Redirecting to ' + escape(pathname) + '/'); } function file(filepath /*, stat*/) { var x = path.extname(filepath).toLocaleLowerCase(), match, possibleExtensions = [ "", ".html", ".htm", ".xhtml", ".php", ".svg" ]; if (hasNoOrigin && (possibleExtensions.indexOf(x) > -1)) { // TODO: Sync file read here is not nice, but we need to determine if the html should be injected or not var contents = fs.readFileSync(filepath, "utf8"); for (var i = 0; i < injectCandidates.length; ++i) { match = injectCandidates[i].exec(contents); if (match) { injectTag = match[0]; break; } } if (injectTag === null && LiveServer.logLevel >= 3) { console.warn("Failed to inject refresh script!".yellow, "Couldn't find any of the tags ", injectCandidates, "from", filepath); } } } function error(err) { if (err.status === 404) return next(); next(err); } function inject(stream) { if (injectTag) { // We need to modify the length given to browser var len = INJECTED_CODE.length + res.getHeader('Content-Length'); res.setHeader('Content-Length', len); var originalPipe = stream.pipe; stream.pipe = function(resp) { originalPipe.call(stream, es.replace(new RegExp(injectTag, "i"), INJECTED_CODE + injectTag)).pipe(resp); }; } } send(req, reqpath, { root: root }) .on('error', error) .on('directory', directory) .on('file', file) .on('stream', inject) .pipe(res); }; } /** * Rewrite request URL and pass it back to the static handler. * @param staticHandler {function} Next handler * @param file {string} Path to the entry point file */ function entryPoint(staticHandler, file) { if (!file) return function(req, res, next) { next(); }; return function(req, res, next) { req.url = "/" + file; staticHandler(req, res, next); }; } /** * Start a live server with parameters given as an object * @param host {string} Address to bind to (default: * @param port {number} Port number (default: 8080) * @param root {string} Path to root directory (default: cwd) * @param watch {array} Paths to exclusively watch for changes * @param ignore {array} Paths to ignore when watching files for changes * @param ignorePattern {regexp} Ignore files by RegExp * @param noCssInject Don't inject CSS changes, just reload as with any other file change * @param open {(string|string[])} Subpath(s) to open in browser, use false to suppress launch (default: server root) * @param mount {array} Mount directories onto a route, e.g. [['/components', './node_modules']]. * @param logLevel {number} 0 = errors only, 1 = some, 2 = lots * @param file {string} Path to the entry point file * @param wait {number} Server will wait for all changes, before reloading * @param htpasswd {string} Path to htpasswd file to enable HTTP Basic authentication * @param middleware {array} Append middleware to stack, e.g. [function(req, res, next) { next(); }]. */ LiveServer.start = function(options) { options = options || {}; var host = options.host || ''; var port = options.port !== undefined ? options.port : 8080; // 0 means random var root = options.root || process.cwd(); var mount = options.mount || []; var watchPaths = options.watch || [root]; LiveServer.logLevel = options.logLevel === undefined ? 2 : options.logLevel; var openPath = (options.open === undefined || options.open === true) ? "" : ((options.open === null || options.open === false) ? null : options.open); if (options.noBrowser) openPath = null; // Backwards compatibility with 0.7.0 var file = options.file; var staticServerHandler = staticServer(root); var wait = options.wait === undefined ? 100 : options.wait; var browser = options.browser || null; var htpasswd = options.htpasswd || null; var cors = options.cors || false; var https = options.https || null; var proxy = options.proxy || []; var middleware = options.middleware || []; var noCssInject = options.noCssInject; var httpsModule = options.httpsModule; if (httpsModule) { try { require.resolve(httpsModule); } catch (e) { console.error(("HTTPS module \"" + httpsModule + "\" you've provided was not found.").red); console.error("Did you do", "\"npm install " + httpsModule + "\"?"); return; } } else { httpsModule = "https"; } // Setup a web server var app = connect(); // Add logger. Level 2 logs only errors if (LiveServer.logLevel === 2) { app.use(logger('dev', { skip: function (req, res) { return res.statusCode < 400; } })); // Level 2 or above logs all requests } else if (LiveServer.logLevel > 2) { app.use(logger('dev')); } if (options.spa) { middleware.push("spa"); } // Add middleware middleware.map(function(mw) { if (typeof mw === "string") { var ext = path.extname(mw).toLocaleLowerCase(); if (ext !== ".js") { mw = require(path.join(__dirname, "middleware", mw + ".js")); } else { mw = require(mw); } } app.use(mw); }); // Use http-auth if configured if (htpasswd !== null) { var auth = require('http-auth'); var basic = auth.basic({ realm: "Please authorize", file: htpasswd }); app.use(auth.connect(basic)); } if (cors) { app.use(require("cors")({ origin: true, // reflecting request origin credentials: true // allowing requests with credentials })); } mount.forEach(function(mountRule) { var mountPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), mountRule[1]); if (!options.watch) // Auto add mount paths to wathing but only if exclusive path option is not given watchPaths.push(mountPath); app.use(mountRule[0], staticServer(mountPath)); if (LiveServer.logLevel >= 1) console.log('Mapping %s to "%s"', mountRule[0], mountPath); }); proxy.forEach(function(proxyRule) { var proxyOpts = url.parse(proxyRule[1]); proxyOpts.via = true; proxyOpts.preserveHost = true; app.use(proxyRule[0], require('proxy-middleware')(proxyOpts)); if (LiveServer.logLevel >= 1) console.log('Mapping %s to "%s"', proxyRule[0], proxyRule[1]); }); app.use(staticServerHandler) // Custom static server .use(entryPoint(staticServerHandler, file)) .use(serveIndex(root, { icons: true })); var server, protocol; if (https !== null) { var httpsConfig = https; if (typeof https === "string") { httpsConfig = require(path.resolve(process.cwd(), https)); } server = require(httpsModule).createServer(httpsConfig, app); protocol = "https"; } else { server = http.createServer(app); protocol = "http"; } // Handle server startup errors server.addListener('error', function(e) { if (e.code === 'EADDRINUSE') { var serveURL = protocol + '://' + host + ':' + port; console.log('%s is already in use. Trying another port.'.yellow, serveURL); setTimeout(function() { server.listen(0, host); }, 1000); } else { console.error(e.toString().red); LiveServer.shutdown(); } }); // Handle successful server server.addListener('listening', function(/*e*/) { LiveServer.server = server; var address = server.address(); var serveHost = address.address === "" ? "" : address.address; var openHost = host === "" ? "" : host; var serveURL = protocol + '://' + serveHost + ':' + address.port; var openURL = protocol + '://' + openHost + ':' + address.port; var serveURLs = [ serveURL ]; if (LiveServer.logLevel > 2 && address.address === "") { var ifaces = os.networkInterfaces(); serveURLs = Object.keys(ifaces) .map(function(iface) { return ifaces[iface]; }) // flatten address data, use only IPv4 .reduce(function(data, addresses) { addresses.filter(function(addr) { return addr.family === "IPv4"; }).forEach(function(addr) { data.push(addr); }); return data; }, []) .map(function(addr) { return protocol + "://" + addr.address + ":" + address.port; }); } // Output if (LiveServer.logLevel >= 1) { if (serveURL === openURL) if (serveURLs.length === 1) { console.log(("Serving \"%s\" at %s").green, root, serveURLs[0]); } else { console.log(("Serving \"%s\" at\n\t%s").green, root, serveURLs.join("\n\t")); } else console.log(("Serving \"%s\" at %s (%s)").green, root, openURL, serveURL); } // Launch browser if (openPath !== null) if (typeof openPath === "object") { openPath.forEach(function(p) { open(openURL + p, {app: browser}); }); } else { open(openURL + openPath, {app: browser}); } }); // Setup server to listen at port server.listen(port, host); // WebSocket var clients = []; server.addListener('upgrade', function(request, socket, head) { var ws = new WebSocket(request, socket, head); ws.onopen = function() { ws.send('connected'); }; if (wait > 0) { (function() { var wssend = ws.send; var waitTimeout; ws.send = function() { var args = arguments; if (waitTimeout) clearTimeout(waitTimeout); waitTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ wssend.apply(ws, args); }, wait); }; })(); } ws.onclose = function() { clients = clients.filter(function (x) { return x !== ws; }); }; clients.push(ws); }); var ignored = [ function(testPath) { // Always ignore dotfiles (important e.g. because editor hidden temp files) return testPath !== "." && /(^[.#]|(?:__|~)$)/.test(path.basename(testPath)); } ]; if (options.ignore) { ignored = ignored.concat(options.ignore); } if (options.ignorePattern) { ignored.push(options.ignorePattern); } // Setup file watcher LiveServer.watcher = chokidar.watch(watchPaths, { ignored: ignored, ignoreInitial: true }); function handleChange(changePath) { var cssChange = path.extname(changePath) === ".css" && !noCssInject; if (LiveServer.logLevel >= 1) { if (cssChange) console.log("CSS change detected".magenta, changePath); else console.log("Change detected".cyan, changePath); } clients.forEach(function(ws) { if (ws) ws.send(cssChange ? 'refreshcss' : 'reload'); }); } LiveServer.watcher .on("change", handleChange) .on("add", handleChange) .on("unlink", handleChange) .on("addDir", handleChange) .on("unlinkDir", handleChange) .on("ready", function () { if (LiveServer.logLevel >= 1) console.log("Ready for changes".cyan); }) .on("error", function (err) { console.log("ERROR:".red, err); }); return server; }; LiveServer.shutdown = function() { var watcher = LiveServer.watcher; if (watcher) { watcher.close(); } var server = LiveServer.server; if (server) server.close(); }; module.exports = LiveServer;